/// ************************************************************************
/// Microsoft UDDI version 2.0
/// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
/// All rights reserved
/// ** Microsoft Confidential **
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ************************************************************************
using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Data; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ServiceProcess; using System.DirectoryServices; using System.Configuration.Install; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Resources; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Globalization;
using UDDI; using UDDI.Diagnostics; using UDDI.API; using UDDI.API.Business; using UDDI.API.Service; using UDDI.API.Binding; using UDDI.API.ServiceType; using UDDI.ActiveDirectory;
namespace UDDI.WebCA { /// <summary>
/// Summary description for installer.
/// </summary>
[RunInstaller(true)] public class Installer : System.Configuration.Install.Installer { /// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null; private string serviceAccountPassword = null; private string targetDirectory = null; private string compileDirectory = null; private const int ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND = -2147463164; private const int ERROR_USER_ALREADY_IN_GROUP = -2147023518;
private const string busEntityKeyName = "Site.Key"; // we use this name to save the key in the Config
private const string defaultHelpDir = "default";
// These values are set in the MSI
private const string addServicesKeyName = "UDDI_ADDSVC"; // "Add Services" context flag name
private const string updateADKeyName = "UDDI_UPDATEAD"; // "Update Active Dir" context flag name
private const string sslRequiredKey = "Security.HTTPS"; private const string cultureID = "CultureID";
private const string clustNodeTypeParam = "CNTYPE"; // cluster node type
private const string clustNodeActive = "A"; // Denotes an "active" node
private const string clustNodePassive = "P"; // Denotes a "passive" aka non-owning node
private const string tmodelWinAuthMode = "uuid:0C61E2C3-73C5-4743-8163-6647AF5B4B9E"; private const string tmodelUDDIAuthMode = "uuid:F358808C-E939-4813-A407-8873BFDC3D57"; private const string tmodelAnonAuthMode = "uuid:E4A56494-4946-4805-ACA5-546B8D08EEFD";
private const string tmodelUddiOrgPub = "uuid:64C756D1-3374-4E00-AE83-EE12E38FAE63"; private const string tmodelUddiOrgPubV2 = "uuid:A2F36B65-2D66-4088-ABC7-914D0E05EB9E"; private const string tmodelUddiOrgHttp = "uuid:68DE9E80-AD09-469D-8A37-088422BFBC36"; private const string tmodelUddiOrgHomepage = "uuid:4CEC1CEF-1F68-4B23-8CB7-8BAA763AEB89"; private const string tmodelUddiOrgInquiry = "uuid:4CD7E4BC-648B-426D-9936-443EAAC8AE23"; private const string tmodelUddiOrgInquiryV2 = "uuid:AC104DCC-D623-452F-88A7-F8ACD94D9B2B"; private const string tmodelMSComAddWebRef = "uuid:CE653789-F6D4-41B7-B7F4-31501831897D"; private const string tmodelMSComUddiExtV2 = "uuid:B3C0835E-7206-41E0-9311-C8AD8FB19F73";
// ActiveDirectory Class Names and reserved Keywords
private const string pubInqClassName = "UddiInquireUrl"; private const string pubPubClassName = "UddiPublishUrl"; private const string pubWebClassName = "UddiWebSiteUrl"; private const string pubDiscoClassName = "UddiDiscoveryUrl"; private const string pubAddRefClassName = "UddiAddWebReferenceUrl";
private const string kwdWinAuthMode = "WindowsAuthentication"; private const string kwdUDDIAuthMode = "UDDIAuthentication"; private const string kwdAnonAuthMode = "AnonymousAuthentication";
private const string kwdWinAuthModeUuid = "0C61E2C3-73C5-4743-8163-6647AF5B4B9E"; private const string kwdUDDIAuthModeUuid = "F358808C-E939-4813-A407-8873BFDC3D57"; private const string kwdAnonAuthModeUuid = "E4A56494-4946-4805-ACA5-546B8D08EEFD";
private const string kwdDiscoveryUrlID = "1276768A-1488-4C6F-A8D8-19556C6BE583"; private const string kwdPublishServiceID = "64C756D1-3374-4E00-AE83-EE12E38FAE63"; private const string kwdInquiryServiceID = "4CD7E4BC-648B-426D-9936-443EAAC8AE23"; private const string kwdAddWebRefServiceID = "CE653789-F6D4-41B7-B7F4-31501831897D"; private const string kwdWebSiteServiceID = "4CEC1CEF-1F68-4B23-8CB7-8BAA763AEB89";
private const string kwdDiscoveryUrl = "Discovery Url"; private const string kwdPublishService = "Publish API"; private const string kwdInquiryService = "Inquire API"; private const string kwdAddWebRefService= "Add Web Reference"; private const string kwdWebSiteService = "Web Site";
private const string addXPAccessSQL = @"
USE master IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sysusers where name = '{0}' ) BEGIN EXEC sp_revokedbaccess '{0}' END EXEC sp_grantdbaccess '{0}'
GRANT EXEC ON xp_recalculate_statistics TO public GRANT EXEC ON xp_reset_key TO public";
public Installer() { Enter();
// This call is required by the Designer.
Leave(); }
public override void Install( System.Collections.IDictionary state ) { Enter(); try { base.Install( state );
Log( String.Format( "Running under the '{0}' user credentials", WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name ) );
targetDirectory = (string) Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\UDDI" ).GetValue( "InstallRoot" ); compileDirectory = targetDirectory + @"webroot\compile";
//foreach( System.Reflection.Assembly a in System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() )
// Log( "Name: " + a.FullName + "\tLocation: " + a.Location );
// Generate a random password
serviceAccountPassword = GenerateRandomString();
//System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( "UDDI Application Installer Stop", "UDDI.Debug" );
// obtain installation options
string szAddServiceFlag = Context.Parameters[ addServicesKeyName ]; string szUpdateADFlag = Context.Parameters[ updateADKeyName ]; if ( szAddServiceFlag == null ) throw new InstallException( string.Format( "Required context value is not set: '{0}'", addServicesKeyName ) );
if ( szUpdateADFlag == null ) throw new InstallException( string.Format( "Required context value is not set: '{0}'", szUpdateADFlag ) ); bool bAddServices = szAddServiceFlag.Equals( "1" ); bool bUpdateActiveDir = szUpdateADFlag.Equals( "1" );
// First, are we on a cluster node ?
bool bActiveNode = false; string sClusterNodeType = Context.Parameters[ clustNodeTypeParam ];
if ( sClusterNodeType == null || sClusterNodeType == "" ) bActiveNode = true; // we are not on a node, assume "active" mode
else if ( String.Compare( sClusterNodeType, clustNodeActive, true ) == 0 ) bActiveNode = true; else bActiveNode = false;
if ( bActiveNode ) { CreateLogin(); }
RegisterWebServer(); ImportCertificate(); InitializeCounters(); AddUserToIIS_WPG(); RenameHelp( targetDirectory, true );
if ( bActiveNode ) { UpdateDiscoveryUrl( bAddServices ); if ( bAddServices ) { AddDefaultServices(); }
if ( bUpdateActiveDir ) { PublishToActiveDirectory( true ); } }
try { StartService( "RemoteRegistry", 30 ); } catch ( Exception e ) { LogException( string.Format( "Exception occured during database install: '{0}'", "RemoteRegistry Start" ) , e ); } } catch( Exception e ) { LogException( "Exception thrown in Install()", e ); throw e; } finally { Leave(); } }
public override void Uninstall( System.Collections.IDictionary state ) { Enter();
try { base.Uninstall( state );
UnRegisterWebServer(); DeleteCounters();
// Uninstall is called first during install; make sure our registry is laid down before
// trying to move files.
RegistryKey uddiKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\UDDI" ); if( null != uddiKey ) { RenameHelp( ( string ) uddiKey.GetValue( "InstallRoot" ), false ); } } catch { // do nothing
} finally { Leave(); } }
public override void Rollback( System.Collections.IDictionary state ) { Enter(); base.Rollback( state ); Uninstall( state ); Leave(); }
public void ImportData() { //
// TODO: Import the initial data set
// we need to get this from ckurt
public void ImportCertificate() { //
// TODO: Get the specified certificate name from the registry
// and import it into the certificate store using certmgr.exe
private void AddUserToIIS_WPG() { Enter(); string userName = null;
try { userName = Context.Parameters[ "WAM_USER_NAME" ]; if( 0 == userName.Length ) { throw new InstallException( "User name was not specified for the CreateLogin() function" ); }
// replace any "\" with "/"
userName = userName.Replace( '\\', '/' );
Log( "Attempting to add " + userName + " to the IIS_WPG group..." ); string rootName = "WinNT://" + SystemInformation.ComputerName; DirectoryEntry computer = new DirectoryEntry( rootName ); DirectoryEntry group = computer.Children.Find( "IIS_WPG", "group" ); group.Invoke( "Add", new object[] { rootName + "/" + userName } ); group.CommitChanges(); // actual store of entry
} catch( Exception e ) { //
// check to see if the exception is because this user
// is already in the group
COMException ce = ( COMException ) e.InnerException; if( ERROR_USER_ALREADY_IN_GROUP == ce.ErrorCode ) { Log( "This user is already in the group" ); } else { LogError( "Error adding " + userName + " to the IIS_WPG group: " + e.InnerException.Message ); } } finally { Leave(); } }
private string GenerateRandomString() { byte[] begin = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray(); byte[] end = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray(); string str = Convert.ToBase64String( begin ) + "29.?" + Convert.ToBase64String( end ); return str; }
protected void AddDefaultServices() { Enter();
try { //
// set up the connection and other environment settings
ConnectionManager.Open( true, true ); UDDI.Context.User.SetRole( new WindowsPrincipal( WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() ) ); UDDI.Context.User.ID = UDDI.Utility.GetDefaultPublisher();
// now retrieve the config options (site key etc.)
string key = UDDI.Config.GetString( busEntityKeyName, "*" ); if ( key.Equals( "*" ) ) // there is no business entity key in the config
throw new InstallException( string.Format( "Required configuration parameter is missing: '{0}'", busEntityKeyName ) );
// now as we know the site key, we can populate the Services data
// First, generate the URL stubs
IPHostEntry hostInfo = Dns.GetHostByName( Dns.GetHostName() );
string szUDDIPrivatePath = "http://" + hostInfo.HostName + "/uddi"; string szUDDIPublicPath = "http://" + hostInfo.HostName + "/uddipublic"; string szPublishPublicPath; string szPublishPrivatePath;
string szRequireSSL = Config.GetString( sslRequiredKey, "0" ); if ( szRequireSSL.Equals( "1" ) ) { szPublishPrivatePath = "https://" + hostInfo.HostName + "/uddi"; szPublishPublicPath = "https://" + hostInfo.HostName + "/uddipublic"; } else { szPublishPrivatePath = "http://" + hostInfo.HostName + "/uddi"; szPublishPublicPath = "http://" + hostInfo.HostName + "/uddipublic"; }
string szServiceName = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_SERVICE_NAME" ); string szServiceDesc = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_SERVICE" ); string szPublishAPIDesc = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_PUBGENERIC" ); string szPublishAPIDesc_V1 = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_PUBVER1" ); string szPublishAPIDesc_V2 = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_PUBVER2" ); string szInquiryAPIDesc = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_INQUIRYGENERIC" ); string szInquiryAPIDesc_V1 = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_INQUIRYV1" ); string szInquiryAPIDesc_V2 = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_INQUIRYV2" ); string szOrgHttpDesc = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_HTTP" ); string szOrgHomepageDesc = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_HOMEPAGE" ); string szWinAuthDesc = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_WINAUTH" ); string szAnonAuthDesc = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_ANONAUTH" ); string szUDDIAuthDesc = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_UDDIAUTH" ); string szAddRefDesc = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_ADDREF" ); string szExtensionsDesc = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_MSCOM_EXT" ); string szExtensionsDesc_V2 = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_UDDI_DESC_MSCOM_EXTV2" );
// Now let's update the services
int itemPos = 0; UDDI.API.Service.BusinessService defService = new UDDI.API.Service.BusinessService(); defService.BusinessKey = key; defService.Names.Add( szServiceName ); defService.Descriptions.Add( szServiceDesc ); //
// publish API, Windows authentication
BindingTemplate bindPublish = new BindingTemplate(); bindPublish.AccessPoint.Value = szPublishPrivatePath + "/publish.asmx"; bindPublish.Descriptions.Add( szPublishAPIDesc );
itemPos = bindPublish.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgPub, "", "" ); bindPublish.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szPublishAPIDesc_V1 );
itemPos = bindPublish.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgPubV2, "", "" ); bindPublish.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szPublishAPIDesc_V2 );
itemPos = bindPublish.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHttp, "", "" ); bindPublish.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHttpDesc );
itemPos = bindPublish.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelWinAuthMode, "", "" ); bindPublish.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szWinAuthDesc );
defService.BindingTemplates.Add( bindPublish );
// AddWebRef API, Windows authentication
BindingTemplate bindAddWebRef = new BindingTemplate(); bindAddWebRef.Descriptions.Add( szAddRefDesc ); bindAddWebRef.AccessPoint.Value = szUDDIPrivatePath + "/addwebreference"; itemPos = bindAddWebRef.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHttp, "", "" ); bindAddWebRef.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHttpDesc );
itemPos = bindAddWebRef.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelWinAuthMode, "", "" ); bindAddWebRef.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szWinAuthDesc );
itemPos = bindAddWebRef.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelMSComAddWebRef, "", "" ); bindAddWebRef.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szAddRefDesc );
defService.BindingTemplates.Add( bindAddWebRef );
// UI public (R/O) API, Anonymous authentication
BindingTemplate bindUIRO = new BindingTemplate(); bindUIRO.AccessPoint.Value = szUDDIPublicPath; bindUIRO.Descriptions.Add( szOrgHomepageDesc );
itemPos = bindUIRO.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHttp, "", "" ); bindUIRO.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHttpDesc );
itemPos = bindUIRO.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHomepage, "", "" ); bindUIRO.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHomepageDesc );
itemPos = bindUIRO.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelAnonAuthMode, "", "" ); bindUIRO.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szAnonAuthDesc );
defService.BindingTemplates.Add( bindUIRO );
// UI private API, Windows authentication
BindingTemplate bindUI = new BindingTemplate(); bindUI.AccessPoint.Value = szUDDIPrivatePath; bindUI.Descriptions.Add( szOrgHomepageDesc );
itemPos = bindUI.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHttp, "", "" ); bindUI.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHttpDesc );
itemPos = bindUI.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHomepage, "", "" ); bindUI.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHomepageDesc );
itemPos = bindUI.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelWinAuthMode, "", "" ); bindUI.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szWinAuthDesc );
defService.BindingTemplates.Add( bindUI );
// publish API, UDDI authentication
BindingTemplate bindPublishUDDI = new BindingTemplate(); bindPublishUDDI.AccessPoint.Value = szPublishPublicPath + "/publish.asmx"; bindPublishUDDI.Descriptions.Add( szPublishAPIDesc );
itemPos = bindPublishUDDI.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgPub, "", "" ); bindPublishUDDI.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szPublishAPIDesc_V1 );
itemPos = bindPublishUDDI.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgPubV2, "", "" ); bindPublishUDDI.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szPublishAPIDesc_V2 );
itemPos = bindPublishUDDI.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHttp, "", "" ); bindPublishUDDI.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHttpDesc );
itemPos = bindPublishUDDI.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUDDIAuthMode, "", "" ); bindPublishUDDI.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szUDDIAuthDesc );
defService.BindingTemplates.Add( bindPublishUDDI );
// inquiry API, Windows authentication
BindingTemplate bindInq = new BindingTemplate(); bindInq.AccessPoint.Value = szUDDIPrivatePath + "/inquire.asmx"; bindInq.Descriptions.Add( szInquiryAPIDesc );
itemPos = bindInq.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelWinAuthMode, "", "" ); bindInq.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szWinAuthDesc );
itemPos = bindInq.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHttp, "", "" ); bindInq.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHttpDesc );
itemPos = bindInq.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgInquiry, "", "" ); bindInq.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szInquiryAPIDesc_V1 );
itemPos = bindInq.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgInquiryV2, "", "" ); bindInq.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szInquiryAPIDesc_V2 );
defService.BindingTemplates.Add( bindInq );
// inquiry API, Anonymous authentication
BindingTemplate bindInqPub = new BindingTemplate(); bindInqPub.AccessPoint.Value = szUDDIPublicPath + "/inquire.asmx"; bindInqPub.Descriptions.Add( szInquiryAPIDesc );
itemPos = bindInqPub.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelAnonAuthMode, "", "" ); bindInqPub.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szAnonAuthDesc );
itemPos = bindInqPub.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHttp, "", "" ); bindInqPub.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHttpDesc );
itemPos = bindInqPub.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgInquiry, "", "" ); bindInqPub.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szInquiryAPIDesc_V1 );
itemPos = bindInqPub.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgInquiryV2, "", "" ); bindInqPub.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szInquiryAPIDesc_V2 );
defService.BindingTemplates.Add( bindInqPub );
// categorization API (V2 Ext), UDDI authentication
BindingTemplate categoryPub = new BindingTemplate(); categoryPub.AccessPoint.Value = szUDDIPublicPath + "/extension.asmx"; // #1509 - rename category.asmx to extension.asmx
categoryPub.Descriptions.Add( szExtensionsDesc );
itemPos = categoryPub.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHttp, "", "" ); categoryPub.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHttpDesc );
itemPos = categoryPub.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUDDIAuthMode, "", "" ); categoryPub.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szUDDIAuthDesc );
itemPos = categoryPub.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelMSComUddiExtV2, "", "" ); categoryPub.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szUDDIAuthDesc );
defService.BindingTemplates.Add( categoryPub );
// categorization API (V2 Ext), Windows authentication
BindingTemplate categoryWin = new BindingTemplate(); categoryWin.AccessPoint.Value = szUDDIPrivatePath + "/extension.asmx"; // #1509 - rename category.asmx to extension.asmx
categoryWin.Descriptions.Add( szExtensionsDesc );
itemPos = categoryWin.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelUddiOrgHttp, "", "" ); categoryWin.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szOrgHttpDesc );
itemPos = categoryWin.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelWinAuthMode, "", "" ); categoryWin.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szWinAuthDesc );
itemPos = categoryWin.TModelInstanceInfos.Add( tmodelMSComUddiExtV2, "", "" ); categoryWin.TModelInstanceInfos[ itemPos ].Descriptions.Add( szExtensionsDesc_V2 );
defService.BindingTemplates.Add( categoryWin );
// now save the service
// Commit pending DB changes
ConnectionManager.Commit(); } catch ( Exception e ) { ConnectionManager.Abort(); LogException( "AddDefaultServices", e ); Log( string.Format( "Failed to create the default service bindings. Reason: {0}", e.Message ) ); throw e; } finally { ConnectionManager.Close(); Leave(); } }
protected void PublishToActiveDirectory( bool bOverwrite ) { Enter(); try { ConnectionManager.Open( false, false );
UDDI.Context.User.SetRole( new WindowsPrincipal( WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() ) ); UDDI.Context.User.ID = UDDI.Utility.GetDefaultPublisher();
// now retrieve the config options (site key etc.)
string key = UDDI.Config.GetString( busEntityKeyName, "*" ); if ( key.Equals( "*" ) ) // there is no business entity key in the config
throw new Exception( "Missing value: " + busEntityKeyName );
// grab the business entity and all the related parts
BusinessEntity busEntity = new BusinessEntity( key ); busEntity.Get();
// now get the entity name
string entityName = key; // in case we can't retrieve the name
try { entityName = busEntity.Names[ 0 ].Value; } catch (Exception) { }
// now load the strings we need to have handy while creating the service
// entries.
// Note that we use the "main" resource from uddi.resources rather than
// the "local" project-level one
string szInqClassDispName = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_INQUIRE" ); string szPubClassDispName = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_PUBLISH" ); string szWebClassDispName = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_WEBSITE" ); string szDiscoClassDispName = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_DISCOVERY" ); string szAddRefClassDispName= Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_ADDWEBREF" );
string szInqClassDesc = String.Format( Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_INQUIREDESC" ), entityName ); string szPubClassDesc = String.Format( Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_PUBLISHDESC" ), entityName ); string szWebClassDesc = String.Format( Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_WEBSITEDESC" ), entityName ); string szDiscoClassDesc = String.Format( Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_DISCOVERYDESC" ), entityName ); string szAddRefClassDesc= String.Format( Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_ADDWEBREFDESC" ), entityName );
string szWinAuthDescMask = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_AUTHWIN_DESC" ); string szUDDIAuthDescMask = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_AUTHUDDI_DESC" ); string szAnonAuthDescMask = Localization.GetString( "WEBCA_ADTAG_UDDI_AUTHANON_DESC" );
// wipe out the existing entry if needed
if ( bOverwrite ) UDDIServiceConnPoint.ResetSiteEntry( key ); else UDDIServiceConnPoint.CreateSiteEntry( key ); //
// then take care of the DiscoveryURL's
foreach ( DiscoveryUrl url in busEntity.DiscoveryUrls ) { string tmpKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string tmpUrl = url.Value;
UDDIServiceConnPoint.CreateEntryPoint( key, tmpKey, tmpUrl, pubDiscoClassName, szDiscoClassDispName, szDiscoClassDesc, kwdDiscoveryUrl, kwdDiscoveryUrlID ); }
// now we can iterate through the list of services
// and publish them
BusinessService[] services = busEntity.BusinessServices.ToArray(); foreach (BusinessService svc in services) { string svcKey = svc.ServiceKey; BindingTemplate[] templates = svc.BindingTemplates.ToArray(); foreach (BindingTemplate busTemplate in templates) { string accPoint = busTemplate.AccessPoint.Value; string bindingKey = busTemplate.BindingKey; string svcClass = ""; string svcDispName = ""; string svcDesc = ""; string svcDescMask = "";
bool bWinAuth = false; bool bUDDIAuth = false; bool bAnonAuth = false; bool bInquiry = false; bool bPublish = false; bool bWebSite = false; bool bAddRef = false; ArrayList tmpKwds = new ArrayList();
// now let's go through the TModel list and figure out what
// service is this
foreach (TModelInstanceInfo tmdInfo in busTemplate.TModelInstanceInfos) { string szTemp = tmdInfo.TModelKey; //
// checking the authentication mode and service type
if ( String.Compare( szTemp, tmodelWinAuthMode, true ) == 0 ) { bWinAuth = true; tmpKwds.Add( kwdWinAuthMode ); tmpKwds.Add( kwdWinAuthModeUuid ); svcDescMask = szWinAuthDescMask; } else if ( String.Compare( szTemp, tmodelUDDIAuthMode, true ) == 0 ) { bUDDIAuth = true; tmpKwds.Add( kwdUDDIAuthMode ); tmpKwds.Add( kwdUDDIAuthModeUuid ); svcDescMask = szUDDIAuthDescMask; } else if ( String.Compare( szTemp, tmodelAnonAuthMode, true ) == 0 ) { bAnonAuth = true; tmpKwds.Add( kwdAnonAuthMode ); tmpKwds.Add( kwdAnonAuthModeUuid ); svcDescMask = szAnonAuthDescMask; } else if ( String.Compare( szTemp, tmodelUddiOrgPub, true ) == 0 || String.Compare( szTemp, tmodelUddiOrgPubV2, true ) == 0 ) { if ( !bPublish ) { bPublish = true; tmpKwds.Add( kwdPublishService ); tmpKwds.Add( kwdPublishServiceID );
svcClass = pubPubClassName; svcDispName = szPubClassDispName; svcDesc = szPubClassDesc; } } else if ( String.Compare( szTemp, tmodelUddiOrgInquiry, true ) == 0 || String.Compare( szTemp, tmodelUddiOrgInquiryV2, true ) == 0 ) { if ( !bInquiry ) { bInquiry = true; tmpKwds.Add( kwdInquiryService ); tmpKwds.Add( kwdInquiryServiceID );
svcClass = pubInqClassName; svcDispName = szInqClassDispName; svcDesc = szInqClassDesc; } } else if ( String.Compare( szTemp, tmodelMSComAddWebRef, true ) == 0 ) { bAddRef = true; tmpKwds.Add( kwdAddWebRefServiceID ); tmpKwds.Add( kwdAddWebRefService );
svcClass = pubAddRefClassName; svcDispName = szAddRefClassDispName; svcDesc = szAddRefClassDesc; } else if ( String.Compare( szTemp, tmodelUddiOrgHomepage, true ) == 0 ) { bWebSite = true; tmpKwds.Add( kwdWebSiteService ); tmpKwds.Add( kwdWebSiteServiceID );
svcClass = pubWebClassName; svcDispName = szWebClassDispName; svcDesc = szWebClassDesc; } }
// first, a quick sanity check. If more than one authmode is set, or
// if there is no authmode at all, then we should skip the entry as invalid
if ( !( bWinAuth | bUDDIAuth | bAnonAuth ) || !( bWinAuth ^ bUDDIAuth ^ bAnonAuth ) ) continue;
// now same thing with the service types
if ( !( bPublish | bInquiry | bAddRef | bWebSite ) || !( bPublish ^ bInquiry ^ bAddRef ^ bWebSite ) ) continue; //
// now we are ready to create the AD entry
if ( svcDescMask.Length > 0 ) svcDesc = String.Format( svcDescMask, svcDesc );
UDDIServiceConnPoint.CreateEntryPoint( key, bindingKey, accPoint, svcClass, svcDispName, svcDesc, tmpKwds.ToArray() ); } } } catch (Exception e) { LogException( string.Format( "Exception occured during web install: {0}", e.Message ), e ); } finally { ConnectionManager.Close(); Leave(); } }
// Here we attempt to format the Discovery URL. If bForceUpdate is set to true
// then the URL gets updated unconditionally.
// Otherwise, we update the URL only and if only we are the first web site
// installation that connectes to that database (in which case the DiscoveryURL
// will point to localhost)
protected void UpdateDiscoveryUrl( bool bForceUpdate ) { Enter();
try { IPHostEntry hostInfo = Dns.GetHostByName( Dns.GetHostName() ); string defaultDiscoveryUrl = "http://" + hostInfo.HostName + "/uddipublic/discovery.ashx?businessKey=";
ConnectionManager.Open( true, true ); UDDI.Context.User.SetRole( new WindowsPrincipal( WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() ) );
bool bUpdate = bForceUpdate; if ( !bUpdate ) { //
// now retrieve the Default URL from config options
string url = UDDI.Config.GetString( "DefaultDiscoveryURL", "*" ); if ( url.Equals( "*" ) ) // there is no business entity key in the config
bUpdate = true; else { if ( url.ToLower().IndexOf( "localhost" ) > 0 ) bUpdate = true; } }
// Now we know whether the Discovery URL should be updated or not
if ( bUpdate ) { UDDI.Config.SetString( "DefaultDiscoveryURL", defaultDiscoveryUrl ); UDDI.Config.Refresh(); ConnectionManager.Commit(); } } catch( Exception e ) { //
// this method will throw if the database has not yet been created,
// so do not rethrow this error!
ConnectionManager.Abort(); LogException( "Error in DefaultDiscoveryURL() in web installer", e ); } finally { ConnectionManager.Close(); Leave(); } }
public void SetStartType( string svcName, ServiceStartMode startType ) { Enter();
try { //
// open the registry entry for the service
RegistryKey HKLM = Registry.LocalMachine; RegistryKey svcKey = HKLM.OpenSubKey( "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\" + svcName, true );
// now set the start type
switch( startType ) { case ServiceStartMode.Automatic: svcKey.SetValue ( "Start", 2 ); break;
case ServiceStartMode.Manual: svcKey.SetValue ( "Start", 3 ); break;
case ServiceStartMode.Disabled: svcKey.SetValue ( "Start", 4 ); break; }
svcKey.Close(); HKLM.Close(); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new InstallException( LogException( string.Format( "Unable to set the start type for the service: {0}", svcName ), e ) ); } finally { Leave(); } }
public void StartService ( string svcName, int timeoutSec ) { Enter(); try { ServiceController controller; ServiceControllerStatus srvStatus; TimeSpan timeout = new TimeSpan ( 0, 0, timeoutSec );
// first, connect to the SCM on the local box
// and attach to the service, then get its status
controller = new ServiceController ( svcName ); srvStatus = controller.Status; //
// what is the service state?
switch ( srvStatus) { //
// stopped ?
case ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped: controller.Start(); break;
// are we trying to start?
case ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending: case ServiceControllerStatus.ContinuePending: break;
// are we trying to stop?
case ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending: controller.WaitForStatus( ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, timeout ); controller.Start(); break;
// pausing ?
case ServiceControllerStatus.PausePending: controller.WaitForStatus ( ServiceControllerStatus.Paused, timeout ); controller.Continue(); break; default: // the service is already running. Just leave it alone
break; }
// wait 'till the service wakes up
controller.WaitForStatus ( ServiceControllerStatus.Running, timeout ); } catch( Exception e ) { Log( e.Source ); throw new InstallException( LogException( string.Format( "Unable to start the service: {0}", svcName ), e ) ); } finally { Leave(); } }
protected void RegisterWebServer() { //
// Get the value for Site.WebServers
string webServerList = Config.GetString( "Site.WebServers" ); //
// Add ourselves to it
if( webServerList.Length > 0) { webServerList += "%"; } webServerList += System.Environment.MachineName;
// Store the setting
Config.SetString( "Site.WebServers", webServerList ); }
protected void UnRegisterWebServer() { //
// Get the value for Site.WebServers
string webServerList = Config.GetString( "Site.WebServers" ); //
// Remove ourselves to it
string machineName = System.Environment.MachineName; StringBuilder newWebServerList = new StringBuilder(); string[] webServers = webServerList.Split(new char[]{'%'}); for( int i = 0; i < webServers.Length; i++ ) { if( false == webServers[i].Equals( machineName ) ) { if( i > 0 && i < webServers.Length - 1 ) { newWebServerList.Append( '%' ); } newWebServerList.Append( webServers[i] ); } } //
// Store the setting
Config.SetString( "Site.WebServers", newWebServerList.ToString() ); }
protected SqlDataReader ExecuteSql( SqlCommand cmd, bool nonQuery ) { Enter();
string connectionString = ""; SqlDataReader reader = null;
try { //
// get the connection string and connect to the db
connectionString = ( string ) Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\UDDI\\Database" ).GetValue( "WriterConnectionString" ); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( connectionString ); try { conn.Open(); } catch( Exception e ) { Log( string.Format( "SQL Server raised an exception in {0}. Connection string used: '{1}'", "Createlogin()", connectionString ) ); LogException( "conn.Open() failed", e ); throw e; } try { if( true == nonQuery ) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); } } catch( Exception e ) { Log( string.Format( "SQL Server raised an exception in {0}. Connection string used: '{1}'", "Createlogin()", connectionString ) ); LogException( cmd.CommandText, e );
throw new InstallException( LogException( string.Format( "Error while executing the stored procedure '{0}': {1}", cmd.CommandText, e.Message ), e ) ); } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch( Exception e ) { Log( string.Format( "SQL Server raised an exception in {0}. Connection string used: '{1}'", "Createlogin()", connectionString ) );
throw new InstallException( LogException( string.Format( "Error while executing the stored procedure '{0}': {1}", cmd.CommandText, e.Message ), e ) ); } finally { Leave(); }
return reader; }
protected void CreateLogin() { Enter();
// Create the user login and add the login to the Admin role
string connectionString = "";
try { //
// get the user name from the properties passed to this Custom Action
string userName = Context.Parameters[ "LCL_USER_NAME" ]; if( 0 == userName.Length ) { throw new InstallException( "User name was not specified for the CreateLogin() function" ) ; }
Log( "Windows Identity = " + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name ); Log( "Thread Identity = " + System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name ); Log( "Creating db login for = " + userName );
// get the connection string and connect to the db
connectionString = ( string ) Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\UDDI\\Database" ).GetValue( "WriterConnectionString" ); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( connectionString ); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "ADM_addServiceAccount", conn ); try { conn.Open(); } catch( Exception e ) { Log( string.Format( "SQL Server raised an exception in {0}. Connection string used: '{1}'", "Createlogin()", connectionString ) ); LogException( "conn.Open() failed", e ); throw e; } try { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@accountName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 128 ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
Log( "Creating login for username=" + userName ); cmd.Parameters[ "@accountName" ].Value = userName; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
// We need to also give ourselves permission to access the extended stored procedures on the DB. Do this
// in a separate try-catch so we can preserve the actual exception that is occuring.
try { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = string.Format( addXPAccessSQL, userName ); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch( Exception innerException ) { Log( string.Format( "SQL Server raised an exception in {0}. Connection string used: '{1}'", "Createlogin()", connectionString ) ); LogException( "ADM_addServiceAccount", innerException );
throw new InstallException( LogException( string.Format( "Error while requesting execute permissions on UDDI Services extended stored procedures: {0}", innerException.Message ), innerException ) ); } } catch (InstallException installException ) { //
// If we got an inner exception, just re-throw it.
throw installException; } catch( Exception e ) { Log( string.Format( "SQL Server raised an exception in {0}. Connection string used: '{1}'", "Createlogin()", connectionString ) ); LogException( "ADM_addServiceAccount", e ); throw new InstallException( LogException( string.Format( "Error while executing the stored procedure '{0}': {1}", "ADM_addServiceAccount", e.Message ), e ) ); } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch( Exception e ) { Log( string.Format( "SQL Server raised an exception in {0}. Connection string used: '{1}'", "Createlogin()", connectionString ) ); throw new InstallException( LogException( string.Format( "Error while executing the stored procedure '{0}': {1}", "ADM_addServiceAccount", e.Message ), e ) ); } finally { Leave(); } }
public void DeleteCounters() { Enter();
try { PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete( "UDDI.API.Times" ); PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete( "UDDI.API.Counts" ); } catch { // don't care if it fails
} finally { Leave(); } }
public void InitializeCounters() { Enter();
try { Performance.InitializeCounters(); } finally { Leave(); } }
private void Enter() { System.Diagnostics.StackTrace trace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace( 1, false ); System.Reflection.MethodBase method = trace.GetFrame( 0 ).GetMethod();
Log( "Entering " + method.ReflectedType.FullName + "." + method.Name + "..." ); }
private void Leave() { System.Diagnostics.StackTrace trace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace( 1, false ); System.Reflection.MethodBase method = trace.GetFrame( 0 ).GetMethod();
Log( "Leaving " + method.ReflectedType.FullName + "." + method.Name ); }
protected string CheckForSlash( string str ) { if( !str.EndsWith( @"\" ) ) { return ( str + @"\" ); }
return str; }
private string LogError( string errmsg ) { System.Diagnostics.StackTrace trace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace( 1, false ); System.Reflection.MethodBase method = trace.GetFrame( 0 ).GetMethod();
Log( "----------------------------------------------------------" ); Log( "An error occurred during installation. Details follow:" ); Log( "Method: " + method.ReflectedType.FullName + "." + method.Name ); Log( "Message: " + errmsg ); Log( "----------------------------------------------------------" );
return errmsg; }
private string LogException( string context, Exception e ) { System.Diagnostics.StackTrace trace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace( 1, false ); System.Reflection.MethodBase method = trace.GetFrame( 0 ).GetMethod();
Log( "----------------------------------------------------------" ); Log( "An exception occurred during installation. Details follow:" ); Log( "Method: " + method.ReflectedType.FullName + "." + method.Name ); Log( "Context: " + context ); Log( "Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace ); Log( "Source: " + e.Source ); Log( "Message: " + e.Message ); Log( "----------------------------------------------------------" );
return context + ": " + e.Message; }
private void Log( string str ) { try { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( str );
FileStream f = new FileStream( System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables( "%systemroot%" ) + @"\uddisetup.log", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write ); StreamWriter s = new StreamWriter( f, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode ); s.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToString(), str ); s.Close(); f.Close(); } catch( Exception e ) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Error in Log():" + e.Message ); } } private string GetPathToHelp( string installDir ) { //
// The value 'default' must match the value in the MSI.
return string.Format( "{0}webroot/default", installDir ); } private void RenameHelp( string installDir, bool install ) { int lcid = 0; string cultureIDValue = Context.Parameters[ cultureID ];
// 'cultureIDValue is expected to contain a neutral culture. ie,
// 'en', or 'ko', or 'de'. All but a few neutral cultures have
// a default specific culture. For example, the default specific
// culture of 'en' is 'en-US'.
// Traditional & simplified Chinese (zh-CHT and zh-CHS respectively)
// are examples of neutral cultures which have no default specific
// culture!
// So what happens below is this: First we try to lookup the default
// specific culture for the neutral culture that we were given. If that
// fails (ie, if CreateSpecificCulture throws), we just get the lcid
// of the neutral culture.
try { lcid = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture( cultureIDValue ).LCID; } catch { CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo( cultureIDValue ); lcid = ci.LCID; }
// Build default paths to the main and add web reference help directories.
string defaultMainHelpPath = string.Format( @"{0}webroot\help\{1}", installDir, defaultHelpDir ); string defaultAWRHelpPath = string.Format( @"{0}webroot\addwebreference\{1}", installDir, defaultHelpDir ); //
// Build lang-specific paths to the main and add web reference help directories.
string langMainHelpPath = string.Format( @"{0}webroot\help\{1}", installDir, lcid ); string langAWRHelpPath = string.Format( @"{0}webroot\addwebreference\{1}", installDir, lcid ); if( true == install ) { //
// If we are installing, then rename the default help directory to one that is language specific. Delete
// existing directories if we have to.
// FIX: UDDI#2443: catch any exceptions, don't pass error back if directories can't be deleted. added
// LogException call to watch when this ever happens.
try { if( true == Directory.Exists( langMainHelpPath ) ) { Directory.Delete( langMainHelpPath, true ); }
if( true == Directory.Exists( langAWRHelpPath ) ) { Directory.Delete( langAWRHelpPath, true ); } } catch( Exception e ) { LogException( "Caught exception deleting lang-specific help directories.", e ); }
try { Directory.Move( defaultMainHelpPath, langMainHelpPath ); Directory.Move( defaultAWRHelpPath, langAWRHelpPath ); } catch( Exception e ) { LogException( "Caught exception moving default help directories to lang-specific directories.", e ); } } else { //
// If we are uninstalling, then rename the language specific help directory back to the default; this
// will let MSI clean up these files. Catch any exceptions, it's not a big deal if this directory can't
// be moved.
// FIX: UDDI#2443: added LogException call to watch when this ever happens.
try { Directory.Move( langMainHelpPath, defaultMainHelpPath ); Directory.Move( langAWRHelpPath, defaultAWRHelpPath ); } catch( Exception e ) { LogException( "Caught exception moving lang-specific help directories to default.", e ); } } }
#region Component Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent() { components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); } #endregion
} }