using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Security.Principal;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using UDDI; using UDDI.API; using UDDI.API.Business; using UDDI.Replication;
namespace UDDI.Tools { class FixDefaultURL { //
// Enumerated Types
enum LogType { ConsoleAndLog, ConsoleOnly, LogOnly }
// Constants
const string LogFileName = "fixdefaulturl.log.txt"; const string ExceptionFileName = "fixdefaulturl.exceptions.txt";
// Globals
static StreamWriter logFile; static StreamWriter exceptionsFile;
static void FixDefaultURLs() { //
// Get a list of business keys that have non-default discovery URLs.
ArrayList businessEntities = GetBusinessEntities(); int total = businessEntities.Count; int current = 1; int numberFixed = 0;
foreach( BusinessEntity businessEntity in businessEntities ) { //
// Get values for this business.
businessEntity.Get(); //
// BusinessEntity.Get() may add the default one, we don't want it.
DiscoveryUrlCollection originalList = new DiscoveryUrlCollection(); originalList.Get( businessEntity.BusinessKey ); businessEntity.DiscoveryUrls = originalList;
Log( "*** Processing " + current++ + "/" + total + " *** " ); LogStartBusinessEntity( businessEntity );
DiscoveryUrlCollection filteredList = GetFilterList( businessEntity );
if( filteredList.Count < businessEntity.DiscoveryUrls.Count ) { try { numberFixed++;
LogFixStart( filteredList );
// Remove duplicate discovery URLs
businessEntity.DiscoveryUrls = filteredList; //
// Fix change records
FixChangeRecords( businessEntity );
// Fix data. Saving the BusinessEntity will also create a ChangeRecordNew data in our replication stream.
// Other operators will consume this change record, which will update their databases.
FixData( businessEntity ); #if never
ChangeRecordNewData changeRecordNewData = new ChangeRecordNewData( businessEntity ); ChangeRecord fixData = new ChangeRecord( changeRecordNewData ); fixData.Process(); #endif
LogFixEnd( businessEntity ); } catch( Exception e) { WriteException( e ); ConnectionManager.Abort(); } } LogDoneBusinessEntity( businessEntity ); } Log( "BusinessEntities fixed: " + numberFixed ); }
static void FixData( BusinessEntity businessEntity ) { Log( "\t\tSTART Fixing Data" );
// Save the current user ID
string currentUserID = Context.User.ID;
try { //
// Set the current user to this user to the PUID for this business entity.
Context.User.ID = GetPUIDForBusinessEntity( businessEntity.BusinessKey ); //
// Save our business
Log( "\t\tDONE Fixing Data" ); } finally { //
// Restore the ID
Context.User.ID = currentUserID; } }
static string GetPUIDForBusinessEntity( string businessKey ) { SqlStoredProcedureAccessor puidSP = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor(); puidSP.ProcedureName = "net_getPUIDForBusinessEntity";
puidSP.Parameters.Add( "@businessKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); puidSP.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@businessKey", businessKey ); SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = puidSP.ExecuteReader(); string puid = "";
try { reader.Read(); puid = reader.GetString( 0 ); } finally { reader.Close(); }
return puid; }
static void FixChangeRecords( BusinessEntity businessEntity ) { //
// Get all related change records
ArrayList newDataChangeRecords = GetChangeRecordsForEntity( businessEntity ); //
// Create and process a correction for each change record.
Log( "\t\tSTART Processing Corrections" ); foreach( ChangeRecord changeRecord in newDataChangeRecords ) { ChangeRecord changeRecordCorrection = CreateCorrection( changeRecord, businessEntity ); changeRecordCorrection.Process();
LogChangeRecordCorrection( changeRecord, changeRecordCorrection ); } Log( "\t\tDONE Processing Corrections" ); }
static ChangeRecord CreateCorrection( ChangeRecord originalChangeRecord, BusinessEntity businessEntity ) { ChangeRecordNewData changeRecordNewData = originalChangeRecord.Payload as ChangeRecordNewData; changeRecordNewData.Entity = businessEntity;
ChangeRecordCorrection changeRecordCorrection = new ChangeRecordCorrection(); changeRecordCorrection.ChangeRecord = originalChangeRecord; return new ChangeRecord( changeRecordCorrection ); }
static ArrayList GetChangeRecordsForEntity( BusinessEntity businessEntity ) { string contextID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string operatorKey = Config.GetString( "OperatorKey" ); ArrayList changeRecords = new ArrayList(); SqlDataReaderAccessor resultsReader = null;
try { //
// Get all the ChangeRecordNewData change records associated with this entity.
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor findSP = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor(); findSP.ProcedureName = "net_find_changeRecordsByChangeType";
findSP.Parameters.Add( "@contextID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); findSP.Parameters.Add( "@operatorKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); findSP.Parameters.Add( "@entityKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); findSP.Parameters.Add( "@changeTypeID", SqlDbType.TinyInt ); findSP.Parameters.Add( "@rows", SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.Output );
findSP.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@contextID", contextID ); findSP.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@operatorKey", operatorKey ); findSP.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@entityKey", businessEntity.BusinessKey ); findSP.Parameters.SetShort( "@changeTypeID", ( short )ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordNewData );
// Retrieve results
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor resultsSP = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor();
resultsSP.ProcedureName = "net_find_changeRecords_commit";
resultsSP.Parameters.Add( "@contextID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); resultsSP.Parameters.Add( "@responseLimitCount", SqlDbType.Int );
resultsSP.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@contextID", contextID ); resultsSP.Parameters.SetInt( "@responseLimitCount", 0 );
// Read our results and create change records from them.
resultsReader = resultsSP.ExecuteReader();
while( resultsReader.Read() ) { ChangeRecord changeRecord = CreateChangeRecord( resultsReader ); if( null != changeRecord ) { changeRecords.Add( changeRecord ); } else { throw new Exception( "Could not create change record!" ); } } } catch { //
// Cleanup on failure.
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor cleanupSP = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor(); cleanupSP.ProcedureName = "net_find_changeRecords_cleanup"; cleanupSP.Parameters.Add( "@contextID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); cleanupSP.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@contextID", contextID );
cleanupSP.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { if( null != resultsReader ) { resultsReader.Close(); } }
return changeRecords; }
static ChangeRecord CreateChangeRecord( SqlDataReaderAccessor reader ) { ChangeRecord changeRecord = null; XmlSerializer serializer = null;
switch( (ChangeRecordPayloadType)reader.GetShort( "changeTypeID" ) ) { case ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordNull: serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( ChangeRecordNull ) ); break;
case ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordNewData: serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( ChangeRecordNewData ) ); break;
case ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordDelete: serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( ChangeRecordDelete ) ); break;
case ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion: serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion ) ); break;
case ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordHide: serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( ChangeRecordHide ) ); break;
case ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordDeleteAssertion: serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( ChangeRecordDeleteAssertion ) ); break;
case ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordAcknowledgement: serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( ChangeRecordAcknowledgement ) ); break;
case ChangeRecordPayloadType.ChangeRecordCorrection: serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( ChangeRecordCorrection ) ); break; }
StringReader stringReader = new StringReader( reader.GetString( "changeData" ) ); try { changeRecord = new ChangeRecord(); changeRecord.AcknowledgementRequested = ( reader.GetInt( "flag" ) & (int)ChangeRecordFlags.AcknowledgementRequested ) > 0; changeRecord.ChangeID.NodeID = reader.GetString( "OperatorKey" ); changeRecord.ChangeID.OriginatingUSN = reader.GetLong( "USN" ); ChangeRecordBase changeRecordBase = ( ChangeRecordBase ) serializer.Deserialize( stringReader ); if( changeRecordBase is ChangeRecordCorrection ) { //
// The query to find change records will do correction 'fixups'. That is, the changeData of this
// change record will be replaced with the changeData from the correction. The problem with this is
// that the original change data will now look like a correction. To distinguish these types of
// change records, we look to see if the OriginatingUSN's match. If the OriginatingUSN's match,
// we want they payload of the change record in this correction. This payload will contain the
// corrected data that we want.
ChangeRecordCorrection changeRecordCorrection = ( ChangeRecordCorrection ) changeRecordBase; if( changeRecordCorrection.ChangeRecord.ChangeID.OriginatingUSN == changeRecord.ChangeID.OriginatingUSN ) { changeRecordBase = changeRecordCorrection.ChangeRecord.Payload; } } changeRecord.Payload = changeRecordBase; } finally { stringReader.Close(); }
return changeRecord; }
static DiscoveryUrlCollection GetFilterList( BusinessEntity businessEntity ) { DiscoveryUrlCollection filterList = new DiscoveryUrlCollection(); //
// Get the default URL
string defaultDiscoveryUrl= Config.GetString( "DefaultDiscoveryURL" ) + businessEntity.BusinessKey; foreach( DiscoveryUrl discoveryUrl in businessEntity.DiscoveryUrls ) { //
// Do a case in-sensitive search
if( string.Compare( discoveryUrl.Value, defaultDiscoveryUrl, true ) != 0 ) { filterList.Add( discoveryUrl ); } }
return filterList; }
static ArrayList GetBusinessEntities() { ArrayList businessKeyList = new ArrayList();
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor(); sp.ProcedureName = "net_find_businessKeysWithDiscoveryURLs"; SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = sp.ExecuteReader(); ArrayList businessEntities = new ArrayList(); try { while( reader.Read() ) { BusinessEntity businessEntity = new BusinessEntity( reader.GetGuidString( 0 ) ); businessEntities.Add( businessEntity ); } } finally { reader.Close(); } return businessEntities; } [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { Log( "Microsoft (R) FixDefaultURL Migrate Utility", FixDefaultURL.LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 2002. All rights reserved.\n", FixDefaultURL.LogType.ConsoleOnly );
try { //
// Process command line arguments
ProcessCommandLineArgs( args ); //
// Init
// Fix our URLs
FixDefaultURLs(); } catch( Exception e ) { WriteException( "Uncaught exception: " + e.ToString() ); } finally { logFile.Close(); if( null != exceptionsFile ) { exceptionsFile.Close(); } } }
static void ProcessCommandLineArgs( string[] commandLineArgs ) { //
// No command line args.
static bool ValidatePublisher() { bool validPublisher = Context.User.IsRegistered; //
// Make sure the user is a UDDI publisher.
if( false == validPublisher ) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show( "You are not registered as a publisher on this UDDI Site? You must register before performing this operation. Would you like to register now?", "UDDI", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo ); if( DialogResult.Yes == dialogResult ) { try { Context.User.Register(); validPublisher = Context.User.IsRegistered; } catch( Exception registrationException ) { MessageBox.Show( "An exception occurred when trying to register:\r\n\r\n" + registrationException.ToString() ); } } }
return validPublisher; }
static void Initialize() { //
// Open a connection to our UDDI database.
ConnectionManager.Open( true, false );
// Create our log file.
logFile = new StreamWriter( File.Open( LogFileName, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read ) ); logFile.WriteLine( "--------------------- STARTING NEW LOG (" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ")--------------------- " );
// Get UDDI site configuration settings.
// Make sure the user is allowed to run this program.
WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); WindowsPrincipal principal = new WindowsPrincipal( identity ); Context.User.SetRole( principal ); if( !Context.User.IsAdministrator ) { MessageBox.Show( "Access denied.\r\n\r\nThis program must be executed by a member of the '" + Config.GetString( "GroupName.Administrators" ) + "'\r\ngroup. The current user '" + identity.Name + "' is not a member of this group." ); return; } //
// Make sure the user is a valid publisher.
if( false == ValidatePublisher() ) { Log( "You must be a UDDI publisher in order to run this program", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); System.Environment.Exit( 1 ); } }
static void WriteException( Exception e ) { WriteException( e.ToString() ); }
static void WriteException( string msg ) { if( null == exceptionsFile ) { //
// Create our exceptions file.
exceptionsFile = new StreamWriter( File.Open( ExceptionFileName, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read ) ); exceptionsFile.WriteLine( "--------------------- STARTING NEW LOG (" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ")--------------------- " ); }
Log( exceptionsFile, msg, LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); }
static void Log( string message ) { Log( message, LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); }
static void Log( string message, LogType logType ) { Log( logFile, message, logType ); }
static void Log( StreamWriter log, string message, LogType logType ) { switch ( logType ) { case LogType.ConsoleAndLog: { Console.WriteLine( message ); log.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), message ); break; } case LogType.ConsoleOnly: { Console.WriteLine( message ); break; } default: { log.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), message ); break; } } }
private static string Serialize( object obj ) { UTF8EncodedStringWriter stringWriter = new UTF8EncodedStringWriter(); try { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( obj.GetType() ); XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); namespaces.Add( "", "urn:uddi-org:api_v2" );
serializer.Serialize( stringWriter, obj, namespaces ); } finally { stringWriter.Close(); }
return stringWriter.ToString(); }
static void LogStartBusinessEntity( BusinessEntity businessEntity ) { Log( "START Examining: " + businessEntity.BusinessKey ); Log( "\tOriginal DiscoveryUrls:" );
foreach( DiscoveryUrl discoveryUrl in businessEntity.DiscoveryUrls ) { Log( "\t\t" + discoveryUrl.Value ); } }
static void LogDoneBusinessEntity( BusinessEntity businessEntity ) { Log( "DONE Examining: " + businessEntity.BusinessKey ); }
static void LogFixStart( DiscoveryUrlCollection filteredList ) { Log( "\tSTART Fixing duplicates; new DiscoveryUrl list will be:" ); if( filteredList.Count == 0 ) { Log( "\t\tNo Discovery Urls besides default." ); } else { foreach( DiscoveryUrl discoveryUrl in filteredList ) { Log( "\t\t" + discoveryUrl.Value ); } } } static void LogFixEnd( BusinessEntity businessEntity ) { Log( "\tDONE Fixing duplicates" ); }
static void LogChangeRecordCorrection( ChangeRecord changeRecord, ChangeRecord changeRecordCorrection ) { Log( "\t\t\tCorrecting USN: " + changeRecord.ChangeID.OriginatingUSN ); } } }