using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using UDDI.API; using UDDI.API.ServiceType; using UDDI.API.Business; using UDDI.API.Service; using UDDI.API.Binding; using UDDI.API.Extensions;
namespace UDDI.Tools { class Migrate { enum MigrationStage { DisplayUsage, SetReaderConnection, ResetWriter, MigratePublishers, MigrateBareTModels, BootstrapResources, MigrateCategorizationSchemes, MigrateFullTModels, MigrateHiddenTModels, MigrateBareBusinessEntities, MigrateBusinessEntities, MigratePublisherAssertions, RestoreReaderConnection }
enum LogType { ConsoleAndLog, ConsoleOnly, LogOnly }
// Registry Constants
private const string DatabaseRoot = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\UDDI\Database"; private const string DatabaseSetupRoot = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\UDDI\Setup\DBServer"; private const string ReaderValueName = "ReaderConnectionString"; private const string WriterValueName = "WriterConnectionString"; private const string OldReaderValueName = "OldNewReaderConnectionString";
// Version Constants
private const string V2RC0SITESTR = "5.2.3626.0"; private const string V2RC1SITESTR = "5.2.3663.0"; private const string V2RC0STR = ""; private const string V2RC1STR = ""; private const string V2RC2STR = ""; private const string V2RTMSTR = "";
// Upgrade contstants
private const string UpgradeRc0ToRc1Script = "uddi.v2.update_rc0_to_rc1.sql"; private const string UpgradeRc1ToRc2Script = "uddi.v2.update_rc1_to_rc2.sql";
// Other Constants
private const string LogFileName = "migrate.log.txt"; private const string ExceptionFileName = "migrate.exceptions.txt"; private const string ExceptionDirName = "exceptions"; private const string EmptyAccessPoint = "undefined"; // String to use when both accessPoint and hostingRedirector are null
private const string EmptyPersonName = "unspecified"; // String to use when personName does not meet minumum length requriements
// Command Line Parameters
static MigrationStage Stage = MigrationStage.DisplayUsage; static string NewReaderConnectionString; static bool Verbose = false;
// Global Variables
static FileStream LogFile = new FileStream( LogFileName, FileMode.Append ); static StreamWriter Stream = new StreamWriter( LogFile );
static string ReaderConnectionString; static string WriterConnectionString; static string Separator="".PadLeft( 80, '-' ); static int Exceptions = 0;
static Version V2RC0SITE = new Version( V2RC0SITESTR ); static Version V2RC1SITE = new Version( V2RC1SITESTR ); static Version V2RC0 = new Version( V2RC0STR ); static Version V2RC1 = new Version( V2RC1STR ); static Version V2RC2 = new Version( V2RC2STR ); static Version V2RTM = new Version( V2RTMSTR );
[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential ) ] internal class SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { public int nLength; public object lpSecurityDescriptor; public bool bInheritHandle; public SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES() { nLength = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ) ); lpSecurityDescriptor = null; bInheritHandle = false; } }
internal enum SystemErrorCodes { ERROR_SUCCESS = 0, ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 183 }
// TODO add more values as we need them
internal enum FileHandleValues { INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 }
// TODO add more values as we need them
internal enum SharedFileProtection : byte { PAGE_READONLY = 0x02 }
internal class SharedMemory { int hSharedMemory; const int INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1; public bool Create( string name ) { hSharedMemory = -1; bool success = false;
try { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(); hSharedMemory = CreateFileMapping( ( int )FileHandleValues.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, securityAttributes, ( int )SharedFileProtection.PAGE_READONLY, 0, 1, name );
if( ( int )SystemErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS == GetLastError() ) { success = true; } } catch { if( -1 != hSharedMemory ) { CloseHandle( hSharedMemory ); } } return success; }
public void Release() { if( -1 != hSharedMemory ) { CloseHandle( hSharedMemory ); } }
[DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto )] private static extern int MessageBox(int hWnd, String text, String caption, uint type);
[DllImport( "kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true )] private static extern int CreateFileMapping( int hFile, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpAttributes, int flProtect, int dwMaximumSizeHigh, int dwMaximumSizeLow, string lpName );
[DllImport( "kernel32.dll" )] private static extern bool CloseHandle( int hObject );
[DllImport( "kernel32.dll" )] private static extern int GetLastError(); } static int Main( string[] args ) { int retcode = 0;
// Use shared memory to make sure that only 1 instance of this process is running. sharedMemory.Release() MUST
// be called when this process exits in order to free up the shared memory.
SharedMemory sharedMemory = new SharedMemory();
try {
Log( "Microsoft (R) UDDI Migrate Utility", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 2002. All rights reserved.\n", LogType.ConsoleOnly );
if( false == sharedMemory.Create( "UDDI_migration_process" ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "Only 1 instance of this process can be running." ); System.Environment.Exit( 1 ); }
// parse command line
retcode = ProcessCommandLine( args );
if( Stage == MigrationStage.DisplayUsage ) { DisplayUsage(); } else {
Log( "Starting execution of migrate.exe", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); //
// Get connection strings from registry
// Refresh the config settings
switch( Stage ) { case MigrationStage.SetReaderConnection: SetReaderConnection(); break;
case MigrationStage.ResetWriter: CheckDatabaseVersions(); ResetWriter(); break; case MigrationStage.MigratePublishers: CheckDatabaseVersions(); MigratePublishers(); break;
case MigrationStage.MigrateBareTModels: CheckDatabaseVersions(); MigrateBareTModels(); break;
case MigrationStage.BootstrapResources: CheckDatabaseVersions(); BootstrapResources(); break;
case MigrationStage.MigrateCategorizationSchemes: CheckDatabaseVersions(); MigrateCategorizationSchemes(); break;
case MigrationStage.MigrateFullTModels: CheckDatabaseVersions(); MigrateFullTModels(); break;
case MigrationStage.MigrateHiddenTModels: CheckDatabaseVersions(); MigrateHiddenTModels(); break;
case MigrationStage.MigrateBareBusinessEntities: CheckDatabaseVersions(); MigrateBareBusinessEntities(); break;
case MigrationStage.MigrateBusinessEntities: CheckDatabaseVersions(); MigrateBusinessEntities(); break;
case MigrationStage.MigratePublisherAssertions: CheckDatabaseVersions(); MigratePublisherAssertions(); break; case MigrationStage.RestoreReaderConnection: RestoreReaderConnection(); break; } } } catch ( Exception e ) { retcode = 1; Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); } finally { sharedMemory.Release(); }
if( retcode == 0 ) Log( "Migrate.exe terminating normally", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); else Log( "Migrate.exe terminating abnormally", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
Stream.Close(); LogFile.Close();
return retcode; }
private static int ProcessCommandLine( string [] args ) { int retcode = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < args.Length; i ++ ) { if( '-' == args[i][0] || '/' == args[i][0] ) { string option = args[i].Substring( 1 );
if( "help" == option.ToLower() || "?" == option ) { Stage = MigrationStage.DisplayUsage; return 0; } else if( "s" == option.ToLower() ) { i++; // move to the next arg
try { Stage = (MigrationStage)Enum.Parse( Stage.GetType(), args[i], true ); } catch( Exception e ) { Log ( "ERROR: Invalid migrationstage value: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleOnly ); return 1; }
} else if( "c" == option.ToLower() ) { i++; // move to the next arg
NewReaderConnectionString = args[i]; } else if( "v" == option.ToLower() ) { Verbose = true; } else if( "i" == option.ToLower() ) { Stream.Close(); LogFile.Close(); LogFile = new FileStream( LogFileName, FileMode.Create ); Stream = new StreamWriter( LogFile ); } else { Stage = MigrationStage.DisplayUsage; return 1; } } }
// Check argument dependencies
switch( Stage ) { case MigrationStage.SetReaderConnection: retcode = ( null == NewReaderConnectionString ? 1 : 0 ); break;
default: retcode = 0; break; }
return retcode; }
private static void CheckDatabaseVersions() { //
// Process Reader Version
Version readerversion = GetDbVersion( ReaderConnectionString ); Version writerversion = GetDbVersion( WriterConnectionString );
if( !writerversion.Equals( readerversion ) ) { Log( "Different database versions detected.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); Log( "Writer Database Version: " + writerversion.ToString(), LogType.LogOnly ); switch( writerversion.ToString() ) { case V2RC1STR: if( readerversion.Equals( V2RC0 ) ) { Log( "Upgrading reader to UDDI Database version " + V2RC1.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); ExecuteScript( ReaderConnectionString, UpgradeRc0ToRc1Script ); } else { throw new ApplicationException( "Migrations from a UDDI database version " + readerversion.ToString() + " to a UDDI database version " + writerversion.ToString() + " are not supported by this tool." ); }
case V2RC2STR: if( readerversion.Equals( V2RC1 ) ) { Log( "Upgrading reader to UDDI Database version " + V2RC2.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); ExecuteScript( ReaderConnectionString, UpgradeRc1ToRc2Script ); } else { throw new ApplicationException( "Migrations from a UDDI database version " + readerversion.ToString() + " to a UDDI database version " + writerversion.ToString() + " are not supported by this tool." ); } break;
case V2RTMSTR: throw new ApplicationException( "Migrations from a UDDI database version " + readerversion.ToString() + " to a UDDI database version " + writerversion.ToString() + " are not yet supported by this tool." );
default: throw new ApplicationException( "Unknown UDDI Database version encountered: " + writerversion.ToString() ); } } }
private static void SetReaderConnection() { Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing Stage: SetReaderConnection", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
try { RegistryKey root = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( DatabaseRoot, true );
string oldconnectionstring = root.GetValue( ReaderValueName ).ToString(); root.SetValue( ReaderValueName, NewReaderConnectionString ); Log( "Registry setting changed: " + DatabaseRoot + "\\" + ReaderValueName + " = \"" + NewReaderConnectionString + "\"", LogType.LogOnly ); root.SetValue( OldReaderValueName, oldconnectionstring ); Log( "Registry setting changed: " + DatabaseRoot + "\\" + OldReaderValueName + " = \"" + oldconnectionstring + "\"", LogType.LogOnly );
root.Close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: unable to modify registry: " + e.ToString(), LogType.LogOnly ); throw new ApplicationException( "SetReaderConnection failed." ); } }
private static void ResetWriter() { Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing Stage: ResetWriter", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
// Setup connection to writer
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( WriterConnectionString ); connection.Open(); SqlTransaction transaction; transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();
try { //
// Setup command for delete operation
string cmdbatch = ""; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_categoryBag_TM] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_identifierBag_TM] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_tModelDesc] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_tModels] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_instanceDesc] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_tModelInstances] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_bindingDesc] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_bindingTemplates] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_names_BS] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_categoryBag_BS] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_serviceDesc] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_businessServices] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_addressLines] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_addresses] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_phones] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_emails] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_contactDesc] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_contacts] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_businessDesc] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_categoryBag_BE] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_identifierBag_BE] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_discoveryURLs] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_names_BE] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_assertions_BE] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDC_serviceProjections] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDT_taxonomyValues] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDT_taxonomies] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDO_changeLog] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDO_queryLog] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE [UDO_operatorLog] \n"; cmdbatch += "DELETE \n"; cmdbatch += " [UDO_publishers] \n"; cmdbatch += "WHERE \n"; cmdbatch += " ([PUID] <> '"+ UDDI.Utility.GetDefaultPublisher() + "') \n"; Log( cmdbatch, LogType.LogOnly );
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( cmdbatch ); command.Connection = connection; command.Transaction = transaction;
// Execute command
command.ExecuteNonQuery(); transaction.Commit(); Log( "Write database has been reset.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); } catch( Exception e ) { transaction.Rollback(); Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "ResetWriter failed." ); } finally { connection.Close(); } } private static void MigratePublishers() { int count = 0;
Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing Stage: MigratePublishers", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
// Get a list of publishers
SqlConnection readerconnection = new SqlConnection( ReaderConnectionString ); readerconnection.Open();
SqlConnection writerconnection = new SqlConnection( WriterConnectionString ); writerconnection.Open();
SqlTransaction transaction; transaction = writerconnection.BeginTransaction();
try { //
// Setup writer publisher insert statement
string writercommandbatch = ""; writercommandbatch += "INSERT [UDO_publishers] ( \n"; writercommandbatch += " [publisherStatusID], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [PUID], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [email], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [name], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [phone], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [isoLangCode], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [tModelLimit], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [businessLimit], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [serviceLimit], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [bindingLimit], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [assertionLimit], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [companyName], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [addressLine1], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [addressLine2], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [mailstop], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [city], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [stateProvince], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [extraProvince], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [country], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [postalCode], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [companyURL], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [companyPhone], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [altPhone], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [backupContact], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [backupEmail], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [description], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [securityToken], \n"; writercommandbatch += " [flag] )\n"; writercommandbatch += "VALUES ( \n"; writercommandbatch += " @publisherStatusID, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @PUID, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @email, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @name, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @phone, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @isoLangCode, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @tModelLimit, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @businessLimit, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @serviceLimit, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @bindingLimit, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @assertionLimit, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @companyName, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @addressLine1, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @addressLine2, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @mailstop, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @city, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @stateProvince, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @extraProvince, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @country, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @postalCode, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @companyURL, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @companyPhone, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @altPhone, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @backupContact, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @backupEmail, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @description, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @securityToken, \n"; writercommandbatch += " @flag )\n";
SqlCommand writercommand = new SqlCommand( writercommandbatch ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@publisherStatusID", SqlDbType.TinyInt ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 450 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@email", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 450 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@phone", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@isoLangCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 17 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@tModelLimit", SqlDbType.Int ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@businessLimit", SqlDbType.Int ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@serviceLimit", SqlDbType.Int ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@bindingLimit", SqlDbType.Int ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@assertionLimit", SqlDbType.Int ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@companyName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@addressLine1", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@addressLine2", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@mailstop", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@city", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@stateProvince", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@extraProvince", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@country", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@postalCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@companyURL", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 512 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@companyPhone", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@altPhone", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@backupContact", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@backupEmail", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 450 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@description", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000 ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@securityToken", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); writercommand.Parameters.Add( "@flag", SqlDbType.Int );
writercommand.Connection = writerconnection; writercommand.Transaction = transaction;
// Execute query against reader and process results
SqlDataReader reader; reader = GetPublisherList( readerconnection );
while( reader.Read() ) { count++;
// Set writer insert parameters using reader result values.
// Note: Assumes reader select and writer insert have identical column lists
for( int i = 0; i < writercommand.Parameters.Count; i++ ) { writercommand.Parameters[ i ].Value = DBNull.Value;
if( !reader.IsDBNull( i ) ) writercommand.Parameters[ i ].Value = reader.GetSqlValue( i ); }
// Execute writer insert
writercommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
reader.Close(); transaction.Commit(); } catch ( Exception e ) { transaction.Rollback(); count = 0; Log( "ERROR: database error: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "MigratePublishers failed." ); } finally { readerconnection.Close(); writerconnection.Close(); Log( count.ToString() + " publishers migrated.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); } }
private static void MigrateBareTModels() { int count = 0;
Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing Stage: MigrateBareTModels", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
// Open a separate connection to reader
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( ReaderConnectionString ); connection.Open();
try { //
// Get a list of tModels hosted by Microsoft on reader
SqlDataReader reader = GetCompleteTModelList( connection );
// Loop through each tModel in the result set
//string operatorkey = "";
while( reader.Read() ) { TModel tmodel = new TModel();
// Set identity
Context.User.ID = reader.IsDBNull( 1 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 1 ); Context.User.SetPublisherRole( Context.User.ID );
// Get tModel from reader
tmodel.TModelKey = "uuid:" + ( reader.IsDBNull( 0 ) ? "" : reader.GetGuid( 0 ).ToString() ); ConnectionManager.Open( false, false ); tmodel.Get(); ConnectionManager.Close();
// Remove identifier and categoryBags
if( tmodel.IdentifierBag.Count > 0 ) { tmodel.IdentifierBag.Clear(); Log( "Cleared identifierBag for tModelKey = " + tmodel.TModelKey, LogType.LogOnly ); }
if( tmodel.CategoryBag.Count > 0 ) { tmodel.CategoryBag.Clear(); Log( "Cleared categoryBag for tModelKey = " + tmodel.TModelKey, LogType.LogOnly ); }
// Set authorizedName to null
tmodel.AuthorizedName = null;
// Open writer connection
ConnectionManager.Open( true, true );
if( Context.User.ID != UDDI.Utility.GetDefaultPublisher() ) Context.User.SetAllowPreassignedKeys( true );
// Save the bare tModel to the writer
Log( "save_tModel: tModelKey = " + tmodel.TModelKey + "; name = " + tmodel.Name + "; puid = " + Context.User.ID, LogType.LogOnly ); tmodel.Save(); count++; //
// Note that transaction only spans single save_tModel and operator insert/delete due to connecton manager limitations
ConnectionManager.Commit(); ConnectionManager.Close(); }
reader.Close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "MigrateBareTModels failed." ); } finally { connection.Close(); ConnectionManager.Close(); Log( count.ToString() + " bare tModels migrated.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); } }
private static void BootstrapResources() { int count=0;
Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing Stage: BootstrapResources", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
try { //
// load all the bootstrap files found in the \uddi\bootstrap folder
string targetDir = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\UDDI" ).GetValue( "InstallRoot" ).ToString(); string bootstrapdir = CheckForSlash(targetDir) + "bootstrap"; string bootstrapexe = CheckForSlash(targetDir) + @"bin\bootstrap.exe";
Log( "Getting list of bootstrap files from directory '" + bootstrapdir + "'", LogType.LogOnly );
string[] filepaths = Directory.GetFiles( bootstrapdir, "*.xml" ); Log( "Writing " + filepaths.Length + " baseline resources to database.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); foreach( string filepath in filepaths ) { Log( "Importing bootstrap data from: " + filepath, LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo( bootstrapexe, "/f \""+ filepath + "\"");
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
Process p = new Process(); p = Process.Start( startInfo );
// grab the stdout string
string bootstrapOutput = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
// wait for bootstrap.exe to complete
// write the stdout string to the log
Log( bootstrapOutput, LogType.LogOnly );
if( p.ExitCode != 0 ) { throw new ApplicationException( "BootstrapResources failed." ); } count++; } } catch( Exception e ) { DispositionReport.Throw( e ); Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "BootstrapResources failed." ); } finally { Log( count.ToString() + " resource files bootstrapped.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); } }
private static void MigrateCategorizationSchemes() { int count = 0;
Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing Stage: MigrateCategorizationSchemes", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
// Check database version compatibility
Version writerversion = GetDbVersion( WriterConnectionString );
if ( writerversion.CompareTo( V2RC2 ) < 0 ) { throw new ApplicationException( "The MigrateCategorizationSchemes migration stage is only supported for UDDI Services database versions " + V2RC2.ToString() + " or later. Your current database version is: " + writerversion.ToString() ); } //
// Open a separate connection to reader
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( ReaderConnectionString ); connection.Open();
try { //
// Get a list of taxonomies
SqlDataReader reader = GetTaxonomyList( connection );
// Loop through each taxonomy in the result set
while( reader.Read() ) { //
// Check to see if taxonomy is a user-defined taxonomy
// Note: a user-defined taxonomy is any taxonomy that does not exist in a newly bootstrapped uddi database
if( !CategorizationSchemeExists( reader.IsDBNull( 0 ) ? null : reader.GetGuid( 0 ).ToString() ) ) { CategorizationScheme scheme = new CategorizationScheme(); //
// Set identity to system since categorization schemes are not publications
Context.User.ID = UDDI.Utility.GetDefaultPublisher(); Context.User.SetPublisherRole( Context.User.ID );
// Get categorization scheme from reader
scheme.TModelKey = "uuid:" + ( reader.IsDBNull( 0 ) ? "" : reader.GetGuid( 0 ).ToString() ); ConnectionManager.Open( false, false ); scheme.Get(); ConnectionManager.Close();
// Save the categorization scheme to writer
ConnectionManager.Open( true, true ); Log( "CategorizationScheme.Save(): tModelKey = " + scheme.TModelKey + "; puid = " + Context.User.ID + "; value count = " + scheme.CategoryValues.Count.ToString(), LogType.LogOnly ); scheme.Save(); count++; //
// Note that transaction only spans single tmodel due to connecton manager limitations
ConnectionManager.Commit(); ConnectionManager.Close();
scheme = new CategorizationScheme(); } } reader.Close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "MigrateCategorizationSchemes failed." ); } finally { connection.Close(); ConnectionManager.Close(); Log( count.ToString() + " categorization schemes migrated.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); } }
private static void MigrateFullTModels() { int count = 0;
Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing Stage: MigrateFullTModels", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
// Open a separate connection to reader
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( ReaderConnectionString ); connection.Open();
try { //
// Get a list of tModels hosted by Micrsoft
SqlDataReader reader = GetCompleteTModelList( connection );
// Loop through each tModel in the result set
TModel tmodel = new TModel();
while( reader.Read() ) { count++;
// Set identity
Context.User.ID = reader.IsDBNull( 1 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 1 ); Context.User.SetPublisherRole( Context.User.ID ); string email = reader.IsDBNull( 2 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 2 );
// Get tModel from reader
string tmodelkey = reader.IsDBNull( 0 ) ? null : reader.GetGuid( 0 ).ToString(); tmodel.TModelKey = "uuid:" + tmodelkey; ConnectionManager.Open( false, false ); tmodel.Get(); ConnectionManager.Close();
// Fix 1.0 bugs if any
FixTModel( tmodel, email );
// Set authorizedName to null
tmodel.AuthorizedName = null;
// Save tModel on writer
ConnectionManager.Open( true, true ); Log( "save_tModel: tModelKey = " + tmodel.TModelKey + "; name = " + tmodel.Name + "; puid = " + Context.User.ID, LogType.LogOnly ); tmodel.Save(); //
// Note that transaction only spans single tmodel due to connecton manager limitations
ConnectionManager.Commit(); ConnectionManager.Close();
tmodel = new TModel(); } reader.Close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "MigrateFullTModels failed." ); } finally { connection.Close(); ConnectionManager.Close(); Log( count.ToString() + " full tModels migrated.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); } }
private static void MigrateHiddenTModels() { int count = 0;
Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing stage: MigrateHiddenTModels", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
// Open a separate connection to reader
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( ReaderConnectionString ); connection.Open();
// Open writer connection
ConnectionManager.Open( true, true );
try { //
// Get a list of hidden tModels hosted by Microsoft from reader
SqlDataReader reader = GetHiddenTModelList( connection );
// Loop through each tModel in the result set
while( reader.Read() ) { TModel tmodel = new TModel(); count++;
// Set identity
Context.User.ID = reader.IsDBNull( 1 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 1 ); Context.User.SetPublisherRole( Context.User.ID );
// Delete the tModel on the writer connection
tmodel.TModelKey = "uuid:" + ( reader.IsDBNull( 0 ) ? "" : reader.GetGuid( 0 ).ToString() ); Log( "delete_tModel: tModelKey = " + tmodel.TModelKey + "; puid = " + Context.User.ID, LogType.LogOnly ); tmodel.Delete(); }
reader.Close(); ConnectionManager.Commit(); } catch ( Exception e ) { ConnectionManager.Abort(); count = 0; Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "MigrateHiddenTModels failed." ); } finally { connection.Close(); ConnectionManager.Close(); Log( count.ToString() + " hidden tModels migrated.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); } }
private static void MigrateBareBusinessEntities() { int count = 0;
Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing stage: MigrateBareBusinessEntities", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
// Open a separate connection to reader
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( ReaderConnectionString ); connection.Open();
try { //
// Get a list of businessEntities hosted by Microsoft on reader
SqlDataReader reader = GetBusinessEntityList( connection );
// Loop through each businessEntity in the result set
while( reader.Read() ) { BusinessEntity businessentity = new BusinessEntity(); count++;
// Set identity
Context.User.ID = reader.IsDBNull( 1 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 1 ); Context.User.SetPublisherRole( Context.User.ID ); string email = reader.IsDBNull( 2 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 2 );
// Get businessEntity from reader
businessentity.BusinessKey = reader.IsDBNull( 0 ) ? null : reader.GetGuid( 0 ).ToString(); ConnectionManager.Open( false, false ); businessentity.Get(); ConnectionManager.Close();
// Remove all keyedReferences from businessEntity
if( 0 < businessentity.CategoryBag.Count ) { businessentity.CategoryBag.Clear(); Log( "Cleared categoryBag for businessEntity. businessKey = " + businessentity.BusinessKey, LogType.LogOnly ); }
if( 0 < businessentity.IdentifierBag.Count ) { businessentity.IdentifierBag.Clear(); Log( "Cleared identifierBag for businessEntity. businessKey = " + businessentity.BusinessKey, LogType.LogOnly ); }
foreach( BusinessService bs in businessentity.BusinessServices ) { //
// Remove all keyedReferences from businessService
if( 0 < bs.CategoryBag.Count ) { bs.CategoryBag.Clear(); Log( "Cleared categoryBag for businessService. serviceKey = " + bs.ServiceKey, LogType.LogOnly ); }
foreach( BindingTemplate bt in bs.BindingTemplates ) { //
// Clear hostingRedirector from bindingTemplate. Save key in accessPoint
if( null != bt.HostingRedirector.BindingKey ) { bt.AccessPoint.Value = bt.HostingRedirector.BindingKey; bt.HostingRedirector.BindingKey = null; Log( "Cleared hostingRedirector for bindingTemplate. bindingKey = " + bt.BindingKey, LogType.LogOnly ); } } } //
// Correct v1.0 bugs if any
FixBusiness( businessentity, email, false );
// Set authorizedName to null
businessentity.AuthorizedName = null;
// Open writer connection
ConnectionManager.Open( true, true );
if( Context.User.ID != UDDI.Utility.GetDefaultPublisher() ) Context.User.SetAllowPreassignedKeys( true );
// Save the businessEntity on the writer
Log( "save_business: businessKey = " + businessentity.BusinessKey + "; name = " + businessentity.Names[ 0 ].Value + "; puid = " + Context.User.ID, LogType.LogOnly ); businessentity.Save(); //
// Note that transaction only spans single save_tModel and operator insert/delete due to connecton manager limitations
ConnectionManager.Commit(); ConnectionManager.Close(); } reader.Close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "MigrateBareBusinessEntities failed." ); } finally { connection.Close(); ConnectionManager.Close(); Log( count.ToString() + " bare businessEntities migrated.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); }
private static void MigrateBusinessEntities() { int count = 0;
Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing stage: MigrateBusinessEntities", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
// Open a separate connection to reader
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( ReaderConnectionString ); connection.Open();
try { //
// Get a list of businessEntities hosted by Microsoft on reader
SqlDataReader reader = GetBusinessEntityList( connection );
// Loop through each businessEntity in the result set
while( reader.Read() ) { BusinessEntity businessentity = new BusinessEntity(); count++;
// Set identity
Context.User.ID = reader.IsDBNull( 1 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 1 ); Context.User.SetPublisherRole( Context.User.ID ); string email = reader.IsDBNull( 2 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 2 ); //
// Get businessEntity from reader
businessentity.BusinessKey = reader.IsDBNull( 0 ) ? null : reader.GetGuid( 0 ).ToString(); ConnectionManager.Open( false, false ); businessentity.Get(); ConnectionManager.Close();
// Correct v1.0 bugs if any
FixBusiness( businessentity, email, true );
// Set authorizedName to null
businessentity.AuthorizedName = null;
// Open writer connection
ConnectionManager.Open( true, true );
if( Context.User.ID != UDDI.Utility.GetDefaultPublisher() ) Context.User.SetAllowPreassignedKeys( true );
// Save the businessEntity on the writer
Log( "save_business: businessKey = " + businessentity.BusinessKey + "; name = " + businessentity.Names[ 0 ].Value + "; puid = " + Context.User.ID, LogType.LogOnly ); businessentity.Save(); //
// Note that transaction only spans single save_tModel and operator insert/delete due to connecton manager limitations
ConnectionManager.Commit(); ConnectionManager.Close(); } reader.Close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "MigrateBusinessEntities failed." ); } finally { connection.Close(); ConnectionManager.Close(); Log( count.ToString() + " businessEntities migrated.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); }
private static void MigratePublisherAssertions() { int publishercount = 0; int assertioncount = 0;
Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing stage: MigratePublisherAssertions", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
// Open a separate connection to reader
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( ReaderConnectionString ); connection.Open();
try { //
// Get a list of publishers on the reader
SqlDataReader reader = GetPublisherList( connection );
// Loop through each publisher in the result set
while( reader.Read() ) { PublisherAssertionCollection assertions = new PublisherAssertionCollection();
// Set identity
Context.User.ID = reader.IsDBNull( 1 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 1 ); Context.User.SetPublisherRole( Context.User.ID );
// Get assertions
ConnectionManager.Open( false, false ); assertions.Get(); ConnectionManager.Close();
// Open writer connection
if( 0 < assertions.Count ) { ConnectionManager.Open( true, true );
// Save the assertions on the writer
Log( "set_publisherAssertions: puid = " + Context.User.ID + "; count = " + assertions.Count.ToString(), LogType.LogOnly ); assertions.Save(); publishercount++; assertioncount = assertioncount + assertions.Count;
// Note that transaction only spans single set_publisherAssertions due to connecton manager limitations
ConnectionManager.Commit(); ConnectionManager.Close(); } } reader.Close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "MigratePublisherAssertions failed." ); } finally { connection.Close(); ConnectionManager.Close(); Log( assertioncount.ToString() + " assertions migrated for " + publishercount.ToString() + " publishers.", LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); } }
private static void RestoreReaderConnection() { Log( Separator, LogType.LogOnly ); Log( "Executing stage: RestoreReaderConnection", LogType.ConsoleAndLog );
try { RegistryKey root = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( DatabaseRoot, true ); if( null != root.GetValue( OldReaderValueName ) ) { string oldreaderconnectionstring = root.GetValue( OldReaderValueName ).ToString(); root.SetValue( ReaderValueName, oldreaderconnectionstring ); Log( "Registry Setting Changed: " + DatabaseRoot + "\\" + ReaderValueName + " = \"" + oldreaderconnectionstring + "\"", LogType.LogOnly ); root.DeleteValue( OldReaderValueName, true ); Log( "Deleted Registry Value: " + DatabaseRoot + "\\" + OldReaderValueName, LogType.LogOnly );
root.Close(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR:" + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "RestoreReaderConnection failed." ); } }
private static void GetSettings() {
try { RegistryKey dbsetuproot = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( DatabaseSetupRoot );
if( null == dbsetuproot ) { throw new ApplicationException( "The UDDI Services Database Components are not installed on this machine." ); }
RegistryKey dbroot = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( DatabaseRoot, true ); if( null == dbroot ) { throw new ApplicationException( "Unable to open registry key: " + DatabaseRoot ); }
ReaderConnectionString = dbroot.GetValue( ReaderValueName ).ToString(); WriterConnectionString = dbroot.GetValue( WriterValueName ).ToString(); dbroot.Close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR:" + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "GetSettings failed." ); }
private static SqlDataReader GetPublisherList( SqlConnection connection ) { string cmdbatch = ""; cmdbatch += "SELECT \n"; cmdbatch += " [publisherStatusID], \n"; cmdbatch += " [PUID], \n"; cmdbatch += " [email], \n"; cmdbatch += " [name], \n"; cmdbatch += " [phone], \n"; cmdbatch += " [isoLangCode], \n"; cmdbatch += " [tModelLimit], \n"; cmdbatch += " [businessLimit], \n"; cmdbatch += " [serviceLimit], \n"; cmdbatch += " [bindingLimit], \n"; cmdbatch += " [assertionLimit], \n"; cmdbatch += " [companyName], \n"; cmdbatch += " [addressLine1], \n"; cmdbatch += " [addressLine2], \n"; cmdbatch += " [mailstop], \n"; cmdbatch += " [city], \n"; cmdbatch += " [stateProvince], \n"; cmdbatch += " [extraProvince], \n"; cmdbatch += " [country], \n"; cmdbatch += " [postalCode], \n"; cmdbatch += " [companyURL], \n"; cmdbatch += " [companyPhone], \n"; cmdbatch += " [altPhone], \n"; cmdbatch += " [backupContact], \n"; cmdbatch += " [backupEmail], \n"; cmdbatch += " [description], \n"; cmdbatch += " [securityToken], \n"; cmdbatch += " [flag] \n"; cmdbatch += "FROM \n"; cmdbatch += " [UDO_publishers] \n"; cmdbatch += "WHERE \n"; cmdbatch += " ([publisherID] NOT IN (SELECT [publisherID] FROM [UDO_operators])) \n"; cmdbatch += "ORDER BY \n"; cmdbatch += " [publisherID] ASC \n";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( cmdbatch ); command.Connection = connection;
SqlDataReader reader;
try { reader = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "GetPublisherList failed." ); }
return reader; }
private static SqlDataReader GetCompleteTModelList( SqlConnection connection ) { string cmdbatch = ""; cmdbatch += "SELECT \n"; cmdbatch += " TM.[tModelKey], \n"; cmdbatch += " PU.[PUID], \n"; cmdbatch += " PU.[email] \n"; cmdbatch += "FROM \n"; cmdbatch += " [UDC_tModels] TM \n"; cmdbatch += " JOIN [UDO_publishers] PU ON TM.[publisherID] = PU.[publisherID] \n"; cmdbatch += "ORDER BY \n"; cmdbatch += " [tModelID] ASC \n";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( cmdbatch ); command.Connection = connection;
SqlDataReader reader; try { reader = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "GetCompleteTModelList failed." ); }
return reader; }
private static SqlDataReader GetHiddenTModelList( SqlConnection connection ) { string cmdbatch = ""; cmdbatch += "SELECT \n"; cmdbatch += " TM.[tModelKey], \n"; cmdbatch += " PU.[PUID], \n"; cmdbatch += " PU.[email] \n"; cmdbatch += "FROM \n"; cmdbatch += " [UDC_tModels] TM \n"; cmdbatch += " JOIN [UDO_publishers] PU ON TM.[publisherID] = PU.[publisherID] \n"; cmdbatch += "WHERE \n"; cmdbatch += " ( TM.[flag] = 1 ) \n"; cmdbatch += "ORDER BY \n"; cmdbatch += " [tModelID] ASC \n";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( cmdbatch ); command.Connection = connection;
SqlDataReader reader; try { reader = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "GetCompleteTModelList failed." ); }
return reader; }
private static SqlDataReader GetBusinessEntityList( SqlConnection connection ) { string cmdbatch = ""; cmdbatch += "SELECT \n"; cmdbatch += " BE.[businessKey], \n"; cmdbatch += " PU.[PUID], \n"; cmdbatch += " PU.[email] \n"; cmdbatch += "FROM \n"; cmdbatch += " [UDC_businessEntities] BE \n"; cmdbatch += " JOIN [UDO_publishers] PU ON BE.[publisherID] = PU.[publisherID] \n"; cmdbatch += "ORDER BY \n"; cmdbatch += " [businessID] ASC \n";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( cmdbatch ); command.Connection = connection;
SqlDataReader reader;
try { reader = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "GetBusinessEntityList failed." ); }
return reader; }
private static SqlDataReader GetTaxonomyList( SqlConnection connection ) { string cmdbatch = ""; cmdbatch += "SELECT \n"; cmdbatch += " [tModelKey], \n"; cmdbatch += " [flag] \n"; cmdbatch += "FROM \n"; cmdbatch += " [UDT_taxonomies] \n"; cmdbatch += "ORDER BY \n"; cmdbatch += " [taxonomyID] ASC \n";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( cmdbatch ); command.Connection = connection;
SqlDataReader reader; try { reader = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch( Exception e ) { Log( "ERROR: " + e.ToString(), LogType.ConsoleAndLog ); throw new ApplicationException( "GetCompleteTModelList failed." ); }
return reader; }
private static bool CategorizationSchemeExists( string tmodelkey ) { bool bExists = false;
ConnectionManager.Open( true, false );
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_taxonomy_get" );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@flag", SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.InputOutput );
sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@tModelKey", tmodelkey ); sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@flag" );
try { sp.ExecuteNonQuery(); bExists = true; } catch( System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException se ) { switch ( se.Number - UDDI.Constants.ErrorTypeSQLOffset ) { case (int) ErrorType.E_invalidKeyPassed : // E_invalidKey: taxonomy does not exist on writer
bExists = false; break;
default: throw se; }
} catch( Exception e ) { throw e; } finally { ConnectionManager.Close(); } return bExists; }
private static void FixTModel( TModel tmodel, string email ) { bool changed = false; string change = "";
string oldtmodel = Deserialize( UDDI.EntityType.TModel, tmodel );
// Fix null tModelKey in identifierBags
for( int i=0; i < tmodel.IdentifierBag.Count; i++ ) if( null == tmodel.IdentifierBag[ i ].TModelKey ) { tmodel.IdentifierBag[ i ].TModelKey = Config.GetString( "TModelKey.GeneralKeywords" ); changed = true; change += "tModel/identifierBag/keyedReference/@tModelKey {" + (i + 1).ToString() + "};"; }
// Delete invalid references to checked taxonomies in identifierBags
for( int i=0; i < tmodel.IdentifierBag.Count; i++ ) { ConnectionManager.Open( true, false );
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor();
sp.ProcedureName = "net_identifierBag_validate";
sp.Parameters.Add( "@keyValue", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.KeyValue ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@keyValue", tmodel.IdentifierBag[ i ].KeyValue ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", tmodel.IdentifierBag[ i ].TModelKey );
try { sp.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch( System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException se ) { switch ( se.Number ) { case 70200 : // E_invalidValue: bad categorization detected, delete keyedReference
changed = true; change += "tModel/identifierBag/keyedReference {" + (i + 1).ToString() + "}; "; tmodel.IdentifierBag.Remove( tmodel.IdentifierBag[ i ] ); i--; break;
case 50009 : // E_subProcFailure
default: throw se; }
} catch( Exception e ) { throw e; } finally { ConnectionManager.Close(); } } if( changed ) WriteException( email, UDDI.EntityType.TModel, tmodel.TModelKey, oldtmodel, Deserialize( UDDI.EntityType.TModel, tmodel ), change );
return; }
private static void FixBusiness( BusinessEntity business, string email, bool logExceptions ) { bool changed = false; string change = "";
string oldbusiness = Deserialize( UDDI.EntityType.BusinessEntity, business );
// Fix businessEntities with no names
if( 0 == business.Names.Count ) { string name = "unspecified"; business.Names.Add( "en", name ); changed = true; change += "businessEntity/name {1); "; }
// Fix null tModelKey and / or keyValue in identifierBags
for( int i=0; i < business.IdentifierBag.Count; i++ ) { if( null == business.IdentifierBag[ i ].TModelKey ) { business.IdentifierBag[ i ].TModelKey = Config.GetString( "TModelKey.GeneralKeywords" ); changed = true; }
if( null == business.IdentifierBag[ i ].KeyValue ) { business.IdentifierBag[ i ].KeyValue = ""; changed = true; }
if( changed ) { change += "businessEntity/identifierBag/keyedReference/@tModelKey {" + (i + 1).ToString() + "}; "; } }
// Fix personName elements that do not meet minumum length requirements
for( int i=0; i < business.Contacts.Count; i++ ) { if( StringEmpty2( business.Contacts[ i ].PersonName ) ) { business.Contacts[ i ].PersonName = EmptyPersonName; changed = true; change += "businessEntity/contact/personName {" + (i + 1).ToString() + "};"; } }
// Fix bindingTemplates with null accessPoint and hostingRedirector
for( int i=0; i < business.BusinessServices.Count; i++ ) { for( int j=0; j < business.BusinessServices[ i ].BindingTemplates.Count; j++ ) { if( Utility.StringEmpty( business.BusinessServices[ i ].BindingTemplates[ j ].HostingRedirector.BindingKey ) && Utility.StringEmpty( business.BusinessServices[ i ].BindingTemplates[ j ].AccessPoint.Value ) ) { business.BusinessServices[ i ].BindingTemplates[ j ].AccessPoint.Value = EmptyAccessPoint; changed = true; change += "businessEntity/businessServices/businessService/bindingTemplates/bindingTemplate/accessPoint {" + (j + 1).ToString() + "};"; } } }
// Delete invalid references to checked taxonomies in categoryBags
for( int i=0; i < business.CategoryBag.Count; i++ ) { ConnectionManager.Open( true, false );
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor();
sp.ProcedureName = "net_categoryBag_validate";
sp.Parameters.Add( "@keyValue", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.KeyValue ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@keyValue", business.CategoryBag[ i ].KeyValue ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", business.CategoryBag[ i ].TModelKey );
try { sp.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch( System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException se ) { switch ( se.Number ) { case 70200 : // E_invalidValue: bad categorization detected, delete keyedReference
changed = true; change += "businessEntity/categoryBag/keyedReference {" + (i + 1).ToString() + "}; "; business.CategoryBag.Remove( business.CategoryBag[ i ] ); i--; break;
case 50009 : // E_subProcFailure
default: throw se; }
} catch( Exception e ) { throw e; } finally { ConnectionManager.Close(); } }
// Delete invalid references to checked taxonomies in identifierBags
for( int i=0; i < business.IdentifierBag.Count; i++ ) { ConnectionManager.Open( true, false );
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor();
sp.ProcedureName = "net_identifierBag_validate";
sp.Parameters.Add( "@keyValue", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.KeyValue ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@keyValue", business.IdentifierBag[ i ].KeyValue ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", business.IdentifierBag[ i ].TModelKey );
try { sp.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch( System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException se ) { switch ( se.Number ) { case 70200 : // E_invalidValue: bad categorization detected, delete keyedReference
changed = true; change += "businessEntity/identifierBag/keyedReference {" + (i + 1).ToString() + "}; "; business.IdentifierBag.Remove( business.IdentifierBag[ i ] ); i--; break;
case 50009 : // E_subProcFailure
default: throw se; }
} catch( Exception e ) { throw e; } finally { ConnectionManager.Close(); } }
// Fix dangling @hostingRedirectors
for( int i=0; i < business.BusinessServices.Count; i++ ) { for( int j=0; j < business.BusinessServices[ i ].BindingTemplates.Count; j++ ) { BindingTemplate binding = business.BusinessServices[ i ].BindingTemplates[ j ];
if( null != binding.HostingRedirector.BindingKey ) { ConnectionManager.Open( true, false );
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp2 = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor();
sp2.ProcedureName = "net_key_validate";
sp2.Parameters.Add( "@entityTypeID", SqlDbType.TinyInt ); sp2.Parameters.Add( "@entityKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier );
sp2.Parameters.SetShort( "@entityTypeID", (short)EntityType.BindingTemplate ); sp2.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@entityKey", binding.HostingRedirector.BindingKey );
try { sp2.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch( System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException se ) { switch( se.Number - UDDI.Constants.ErrorTypeSQLOffset ) { case (int) ErrorType.E_invalidKeyPassed: //
// Bad hostingRedirector detected
changed = true; change += "businessEntity/businessServices/bindingTemplates/bindingTemplate/hostingRedirector/@bindingKey {" + (i + 1).ToString() + "}; "; binding.AccessPoint.Value = "unspecified (previously hostingRedirector/@bindingKey = " + binding.HostingRedirector.BindingKey.ToString() + ")"; binding.HostingRedirector.BindingKey = null; break;
default: throw se; } } catch( Exception e ) { throw e; } finally { ConnectionManager.Close(); } } } }
if( changed && logExceptions ) WriteException( email, UDDI.EntityType.BusinessEntity, business.BusinessKey, oldbusiness, Deserialize( UDDI.EntityType.BusinessEntity, business ) , change );
return; }
private static Version GetDbVersion( string connectionstring ) { Version siteversion; Version dbversion;
// Get Site.Version config item
if( connectionstring == WriterConnectionString ) { // Use standard config against writer
UDDI.Diagnostics.Debug.VerifySetting( "Site.Version" ); siteversion = new Version( Config.GetString( "Site.Version" ) ); } else // connectionstring == ReaderConnectionString
{ // Standard config routines only support writer
// We need to get the config setting from reader so use a different approach
siteversion = new Version( GetReaderConfigValue( "Site.Version" ) ); }
if( siteversion.CompareTo( V2RC0SITE ) < 0 ) { throw new ApplicationException( "Unsupported UDDI Services Site Version detected: " + siteversion.ToString() ); } //
// Get Database.Version config item
if( siteversion.CompareTo( V2RC0SITE ) == 0 ) { //
// Indicates an RC0 (Qwest) build of UDDI Services for Windows Server 2003
// Note: The Database.Verison config item did not exist in RC0 so we use Site.Version instead
// Note: This is the earliest version of UDDI Services supported by the migration tool
dbversion = V2RC0; } else if( siteversion.CompareTo( V2RC1SITE ) == 0 ) { //
// Indicates an RC1 build of UDDI Services for Windows Server 2003
// Note: The Database.Verison config item did not exist in RC1 so we use Site.Version instead
// Note: This is the earliest version of UDDI Services supported by the migration tool
dbversion = V2RC1; } else { //
// Indicates a post-RC1 build of UDDI Services for Windows Server 2003
if( connectionstring == WriterConnectionString ) { // Use standard config against writer
UDDI.Diagnostics.Debug.VerifySetting( "Database.Version" ); dbversion = new Version( Config.GetString( "Database.Version" ) ); } else // connectionstring == ReaderConnectionString
{ // Standard config routines only support writer
// We need to get the config setting from reader so use a different approach
dbversion = new Version( GetReaderConfigValue( "Database.Version" ) ); }
// Evalutate database version
switch( dbversion.ToString() ) { case V2RC0STR: case V2RC1STR: case V2RC2STR: break;
case V2RTMSTR: //
// TODO: this will change when we ship RTM
throw new ApplicationException( "UDDI Services Database Version " + dbversion.ToString() + " is not currently supported by this tool." );
default: throw new ApplicationException( "Unsupported UDDI Services Database Version detected: " + dbversion.ToString() ); }
Log( "UDDI Services Database Version detected: " + dbversion.ToString() + "; connection: " + connectionstring, LogType.LogOnly );
return dbversion; } private static string GetReaderConfigValue( string configname ) { string configvalue = null; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( ReaderConnectionString ); connection.Open();
try {
SqlCommand sp = new SqlCommand( "net_config_get", connection ); sp.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataReader reader = sp.ExecuteReader();
while( reader.Read() ) { if( configname.ToUpper() == ( reader.IsDBNull( 0 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 0 ).ToUpper() ) ) { configvalue = reader.IsDBNull( 1 ) ? null : reader.GetString( 1 ); break; } }
reader.Close(); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new ApplicationException( "Execute of net_config_get failed. Error: " + e.ToString() ); } finally { connection.Close(); }
if( null == configvalue ) { throw new ApplicationException( "Unknown configName requested: " + configname ); }
return configvalue; }
private static string GetResource( string name ) { try { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
// Read the resource.
Log( "Reading resource: " + name, LogType.LogOnly ); Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( name ); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( stream );
return reader.ReadToEnd(); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new ApplicationException( "Unable to get resource for: " + name + "; error: " + e.ToString() ); } }
private static void ExecuteScript( string connectionstring, string scriptname ) { string script = GetResource( scriptname ); Log( "Executing script " + scriptname + " on connection: " + connectionstring, LogType.LogOnly ); //
// Scripts are comprised of multiple batches separated by "GO".
// The SQL managed provider does not recognize this convention,
// so this code must handle batching manually
string buffer = "";
for( int i=0; i <= ( script.Length - 1 ); i++ ) { buffer = buffer + script[ i ].ToString();
// Detect 'G' + 'O' + whitespace at beginning of script
if( ( 2 == i ) && ( 'G' == Char.ToUpper( script[ i - 2 ] ) ) && ( 'O' == Char.ToUpper( script[ i - 1 ] ) ) && ( Char.IsWhiteSpace( script[ i ] ) ) ) { //
// This case can be ignored since no commands exist in the batch
buffer = ""; continue; }
// Detect whitespace + 'G' + 'O' + whitespace inside script
// Note: case whitespace + 'G' + 'O' at end of script is handled automatically
if( ( 2 < i ) && ( Char.IsWhiteSpace( script[ i - 3 ] ) ) && ( 'G' == Char.ToUpper( script[ i - 2 ] ) ) && ( 'O' == Char.ToUpper( script[ i - 1 ] ) ) && ( Char.IsWhiteSpace( script[ i ] ) ) ) { RunBatch( connectionstring, buffer ); buffer = ""; } }
if( buffer.Length > 0 ) { RunBatch( connectionstring, buffer ); } }
private static void RunBatch( string connectionstring, string batch ) { batch = batch.Trim();
// Strip "GO" off end of batch if it exists
if( ( 3 < batch.Length ) && Char.IsWhiteSpace( batch[ batch.Length - 3 ] ) && ( batch.EndsWith( "GO" ) ) ) { batch = batch.Substring( 0, batch.Length - 2 ); }
batch = batch.Trim();
if( batch.Length == 0 ) return;
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( connectionstring ); connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( batch, connection );
try { command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new ApplicationException( "Attempt to execute batch failed: " + e.ToString() ); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
private static void WriteException( string email, EntityType entitytype, string entitykey, string oldxml, string newxml, string change ) { Exceptions++;
Log( "Logging exception number " + Exceptions.ToString( "0000" ) + " to exceptions file.", LogType.LogOnly );
if( !Directory.Exists( ExceptionDirName ) ) Directory.CreateDirectory( ExceptionDirName );
// Write a new record to exceptions file
string oldfilename = ExceptionDirName + "\\" + Exceptions.ToString( "0000" ) + "_old_" + entitykey + ".xml"; oldfilename = oldfilename.Replace( ':', '-' );
string newfilename = ExceptionDirName + "\\" + Exceptions.ToString( "0000" ) + "_new_" + entitykey + ".xml"; newfilename = newfilename.Replace( ':', '-' ); string exceptionRecord=""; exceptionRecord += Exceptions.ToString() + "\t"; exceptionRecord += email + "\t"; exceptionRecord += entitytype.ToString() + "\t"; exceptionRecord += entitykey + "\t"; exceptionRecord += oldfilename + "\t"; exceptionRecord += newfilename + "\t"; exceptionRecord += change;
FileStream exceptionfile = new FileStream( ExceptionFileName, FileMode.Append ); StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter( exceptionfile ); stream.WriteLine( exceptionRecord ); stream.Close(); exceptionfile.Close();
// Write old and new entities out to exception directory
Log( "Creating exception file: " + oldfilename, LogType.LogOnly ); FileStream oldfile = new FileStream( oldfilename, FileMode.CreateNew ); stream = new StreamWriter( oldfile ); stream.Write( oldxml ); stream.Close(); oldfile.Close();
Log( "Creating exception file: " + newfilename, LogType.LogOnly );
FileStream newfile = new FileStream( newfilename, FileMode.CreateNew ); stream = new StreamWriter( newfile ); stream.Write( newxml ); stream.Close(); newfile.Close();
return; }
private static string CheckForSlash( string str ) { if( !str.EndsWith( @"\" ) ) { return ( str + @"\" ); }
return str; }
private static string Deserialize( EntityType entitytype, object entity ) { XmlSerializer serializer; string payload;
switch( entitytype ) { case EntityType.BusinessEntity: serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( BusinessEntity ) ); break; case EntityType.TModel: serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( TModel ) ); break; default: throw new ApplicationException( "Invalid entitytype in WriteException()." ); } XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); UTF8EncodedStringWriter stringWriter = new UTF8EncodedStringWriter(); try { namespaces.Add( "", "urn:uddi-org:api_v2" );
serializer.Serialize( stringWriter, entity, namespaces ); payload = stringWriter.ToString(); } finally { stringWriter.Close(); }
return payload; }
private static void Log( string message, LogType logType ) { switch ( logType ) { case LogType.ConsoleAndLog: Console.WriteLine( message ); Stream.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), message ); break; case LogType.ConsoleOnly: Console.WriteLine( message ); break; case LogType.LogOnly: if( Verbose ) Console.WriteLine( message );
Stream.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), message ); break; } } private static void DisplayUsage() { Log( "Migrates data from UDDI V1.5 to UDDI V2.0", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( "Output is logged to " + LogFileName + "\n", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( "migrate [-?] [-s migrationstage] [-c readerconnectstring] [-v] [-i] \n", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " [?]: Display usage information ", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " [-s migrationstage]: Use one of the following values for migrationstage: ", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " SetReaderConnection: Sets ReaderConnectionString in registry", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " Note: Reference a V2.0 db loaded with V1.5 data", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " Note: Requires -c argument", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " ResetWriter: Resets publishers, tModels and businessEntities on write db", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " MigratePublishers: Migrates publisher accounts from read to write db", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " MigrateBareTModels: Migrates bare TModels from read to write db", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " BootstrapResources: Bootstraps all resources in \\uddi\\bootstrap", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " MigrateCategorizationSchemes: Migrates categorization schemes from read to write db", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " MigrateFullTModels: Migrates full TModels from read to write db", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " MigrateHiddenTModels: Migrates hidden TModels from read to write db", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " MigrateBusinessEntities: Migrates businessEntities from read to write db", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " MigratePublisherAssertions: Migrates publisher assertions from read to write db", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " RestoreReaderConnection: Restores original ReaderConnectionString", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " [-c readerconnectstring]: Used to specify a ReaderConnectionString", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " Note: use only with -s SetReaderConnection", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " Note: must use double-quotes around connection string", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " [-v]: Verbose output to console.", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " [-i]: Initialize log file.\n", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( "Examples:", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -?", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s SetReaderConnection ", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " -c \"Data Source=SRV;Initial Catalog=DB;Integrated Security=SSPI\" -i", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s ResetWriter", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s MigratePublishers", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s MigrateBareTModels", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s BootstrapResources", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s MigrateCategorizationSchemes", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s MigrateFullTModels", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s MigrateHiddenTModels", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s MigrateBareBusinessEntities", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s MigrateBusinessEntities", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s MigratePublisherAssertions", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); Log( " migrate -s RestoreReaderConnection", LogType.ConsoleOnly ); }
private static bool StringEmpty2( string str ) { if( null == str ) return true; #if never
if( 0 == str.Trim().Length ) return true; #endif
return false; } } }