-- Script: uddi.v2.update_rc1_to_rc2.sql
-- Description: Updates a UDDI Services RC1 database to RC2
-- Note: This file is best viewed and edited with a tab width of 2.
-- =============================================
-- Section: Stored Procedure fixes
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_serviceProjection_repl_save
-- Fix: uddi bug 2454
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_serviceProjection_repl_save' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_serviceProjection_repl_save GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_serviceProjection_repl_save @serviceKey uniqueidentifier, @businessKey uniqueidentifier, @businessKey2 uniqueidentifier, @lastChange bigint
WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @RC int, @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
SET @RC = 0
-- IMPORTANT: This sproc should only ever be called for replication. As per IN 60, we have to process service projection
-- change records even if they refer to business services that no longer exist. Both businesses referenced
-- by the service projection must exist.
-- businessKey validation must occur during save since its not always known at validate time
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDC_businessEntities] WHERE [businessKey] = @businessKey) BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = 'businessKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@businessKey) GOTO errorLabel END
-- Commenting out the following check to comply with IN60 as per UDDI bug 2454
-- Which states that service projections that refer to a deleted service must be successfully saved
-- From this we can imply that service projections that refer to a deleted business must also be successfully saved
--IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDC_businessEntities] WHERE [businessKey] = @businessKey2) --BEGIN --SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
--SET @context = 'businessKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@businessKey2) --GOTO errorLabel --END
-- Add service projection if it doesn't already exist
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDC_serviceProjections] WHERE ([businessKey] = @businessKey) AND ([serviceKey] = @serviceKey)) BEGIN INSERT [UDC_serviceProjections]( [businessKey], [serviceKey], [businessKey2], [lastChange]) VALUES( @businessKey, @serviceKey, @businessKey2, @lastChange) END
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_serviceProjection_repl_save
-- =============================================
-- Name: VS_AWR_businesses_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'VS_AWR_businesses_get' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE VS_AWR_businesses_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE VS_AWR_businesses_get @businessName nvarchar(450) WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @typesTModelKey uniqueidentifier, @wsdlKeyValue nvarchar(255), @services cursor, @serviceID bigint, @serviceKey uniqueidentifier, @businessID bigint, @businessName2 nvarchar(450), @businessKey uniqueidentifier, @serviceName nvarchar(450)
-- Get a list of tModel keys for tModels categorized as a wsdlSpec
SET @typesTModelKey = 'C1ACF26D-9672-4404-9D70-39B756E62AB4' SET @wsdlKeyValue = 'wsdlSpec'
DECLARE @wsdlTModelKeys TABLE ( [tModelKey] uniqueidentifier)
INSERT @wsdlTModelKeys SELECT DISTINCT TM.[tModelKey] FROM [UDC_tModels] TM JOIN [UDC_categoryBag_TM] CB ON TM.[tModelID] = CB.[tModelID] WHERE (CB.[tModelKey] = @typesTModelKey) AND (CB.[keyValue] = @wsdlKeyValue)
-- Setup temporary table for staging results
DECLARE @results TABLE( [businessName] nvarchar(450), [businessKey] uniqueidentifier, [serviceName] nvarchar(450), [serviceKey] uniqueidentifier)
-- Cursor through every service that:
-- 1. Has a tModelInstance that references a wsdlTModelKey
-- 2. Is owned by a business that meets the name search criteria
-- Build results from this list of services
SET @services = CURSOR LOCAL READ_ONLY FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT BS.[serviceID], BS.[serviceKey], BS.[businessID] FROM [UDC_businessServices] BS JOIN [UDC_bindingTemplates] BT ON BS.[serviceID] = BT.[serviceID] JOIN [UDC_tModelInstances] TMI ON BT.[bindingID] = TMI.[bindingID] WHERE (TMI.[tModelKey] IN (SELECT [tModelKey] FROM @wsdlTModelKeys)) AND (BS.[businessID] IN (SELECT DISTINCT BN.[businessID] FROM [UDC_names_BE] BN WHERE (BN.[name] LIKE @businessName + '%'))) OPEN @services
FETCH NEXT FROM @services INTO @serviceID, @serviceKey, @businessID
-- Retrieve the name of the business that owns the service
SET @businessName2 = (SELECT TOP 1 BN.[name] FROM [UDC_names_BE] BN WHERE (BN.[businessID] = @businessID)) --
-- Retrieve the key of the business that owns the service
SET @businessKey = dbo.businessKey(@businessID)
-- Retrieve the name of the service
SET @serviceName = (SELECT TOP 1 SN.[name] FROM [UDC_names_BS] SN WHERE (SN.[serviceID] = @serviceID))
-- Add results to results table
INSERT @results VALUES( @businessName2, @businessKey, @serviceName, @serviceKey) FETCH NEXT FROM @services INTO @serviceID, @serviceKey, @businessID END
CLOSE @services
-- Return results
SELECT * FROM @results
-- =============================================
-- Section: New Stored Procedures
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_taxonomyValues_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_taxonomyValues_get' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_taxonomyValues_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_taxonomyValues_get @tModelKey uniqueidentifier AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @taxonomyID bigint
SET @taxonomyID = dbo.taxonomyID(@tModelKey)
IF @taxonomyID IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60210 SET @context = 'uuid:' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
SELECT [keyValue], [parentKeyValue], [keyName], [valid] FROM [UDT_taxonomyValues] WHERE ([taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID) ORDER BY [parentKeyValue], [keyValue]
RETURN 0 errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END GO
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_bindingTemplate_get_batch
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_bindingTemplate_get_batch' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_bindingTemplate_get_batch GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_bindingTemplate_get_batch @bindingKey uniqueidentifier, @serviceKey uniqueidentifier OUTPUT, @URLTypeID tinyint OUTPUT, @accessPoint nvarchar(4000) OUTPUT, @hostingRedirector uniqueidentifier OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
SELECT @serviceKey = dbo.serviceKey([serviceID]), @URLTypeID = [URLTypeID], @accessPoint = [accessPoint], @hostingRedirector = [hostingRedirector] FROM [UDC_bindingTemplates] WHERE ([bindingID] = dbo.bindingID(@bindingKey))
IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = 'bindingKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@bindingKey) GOTO errorLabel END
-- Retrieve the contained objects
EXEC net_bindingTemplate_descriptions_get @bindingKey EXEC net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfos_get @bindingKey
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_bindingTemplate_get_batch
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_get_batch
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_get_batch' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_get_batch GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_get_batch @instanceID bigint
WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN EXEC net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_descriptions_get @instanceID EXEC net_bindingTemplate_instanceDetails_descriptions_get @instanceID EXEC net_bindingTemplate_instanceDetails_overviewDoc_descriptions_get @instanceID RETURN 0 END -- net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_get_batch
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_businessEntity_get_batch
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_businessEntity_get_batch' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_businessEntity_get_batch GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_businessEntity_get_batch @businessKey uniqueidentifier, @operatorName nvarchar(450) OUTPUT, @authorizedName nvarchar(4000) OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
SELECT @operatorName = dbo.publisherOperatorName([publisherID]), @authorizedName = ISNULL([authorizedName],dbo.publisherName([publisherID])) FROM [UDC_businessEntities] WHERE [businessKey] = @businessKey IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SET @error = 60210 SET @context = 'businessKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@businessKey) GOTO errorLabel END
-- Retrieve the contained objects
EXEC net_businessEntity_descriptions_get @businessKey EXEC net_businessEntity_names_get @businessKey EXEC net_businessEntity_discoveryURLs_get @businessKey EXEC net_businessEntity_contacts_get @businessKey EXEC net_businessEntity_IdentifierBag_get @businessKey EXEC net_businessEntity_CategoryBag_get @businessKey EXEC net_businessEntity_BusinessServices_get @businessKey
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_businessEntity_get_batch
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_businessInfo_get_batch
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_businessInfo_get_batch' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_businessInfo_get_batch GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_businessInfo_get_batch @businessKey uniqueidentifier, @getServiceInfos bit
WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN -- Retrieve the contained objects needed for a BusinessInfo
EXEC net_businessEntity_descriptions_get @businessKey EXEC net_businessEntity_names_get @businessKey IF @getServiceInfos = 1 BEGIN EXEC net_businessEntity_BusinessServices_get @businessKey END
END -- net_businessEntity_get_batch
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_businessEntity_contact_get_batch
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_businessEntity_contact_get_batch' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_businessEntity_contact_get_batch GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_businessEntity_contact_get_batch @contactID bigint
WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN -- Get all contained objects in a contact
EXEC net_contact_descriptions_get @contactID EXEC net_contact_phones_get @contactID EXEC net_contact_emails_get @contactID EXEC net_contact_addresses_get @contactID
END -- net_businessEntity_contact_get_batch
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_businessService_get_batch
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_businessService_get_batch' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_businessService_get_batch GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_businessService_get_batch @serviceKey uniqueidentifier, @businessKey uniqueidentifier OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
SELECT @businessKey = dbo.businessKey([businessID]) FROM [UDC_businessServices] WHERE [serviceKey] = @serviceKey IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = 'serviceKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@serviceKey) GOTO errorLabel END
-- Retrieve the contained objects
EXEC net_businessService_descriptions_get @serviceKey EXEC net_businessService_names_get @serviceKey EXEC net_businessService_bindingTemplates_get @serviceKey EXEC net_businessService_categoryBag_get @serviceKey
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_businessService_get_batch
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_serviceInfo_get_batch
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_serviceInfo_get_batch' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_serviceInfo_get_batch GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_serviceInfo_get_batch @serviceKey uniqueidentifier, @businessKey uniqueidentifier OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
SELECT @businessKey = dbo.businessKey([businessID]) FROM [UDC_businessServices] WHERE [serviceKey] = @serviceKey IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = 'serviceKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@serviceKey) GOTO errorLabel END
-- Retrieve the contained objects
EXEC net_businessService_names_get @serviceKey
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_businessService_get_batch
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_get_batch
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_get_batch' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_get_batch GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_get_batch @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @operatorName nvarchar(450) OUTPUT, @authorizedName nvarchar(4000) OUTPUT, @name nvarchar(450) OUTPUT, @overviewURL nvarchar(4000) OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
SELECT @operatorName = dbo.publisherOperatorName([publisherID]), @authorizedName = ISNULL([authorizedName],dbo.publisherName([publisherID])), @name = [name], @overviewURL = [overviewURL] FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE ([tModelKey] = @tModelKey)
IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = 'tModelKey = ' + dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
-- Get contained objects
EXEC net_tModel_descriptions_get @tModelKey EXEC net_tModel_overviewDoc_descriptions_get @tModelKey EXEC net_tModel_identifierBag_get @tModelKey EXEC net_tModel_categoryBag_get @tModelKey
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_tModel_get_batch
-- =============================================
-- Section: Security
-- =============================================
GRANT EXEC ON net_taxonomyValues_get to UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GRANT EXEC ON net_bindingTemplate_get_batch TO UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GRANT EXEC ON net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_get_batch TO UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GRANT EXEC ON net_businessEntity_get_batch TO UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GRANT EXEC ON net_businessInfo_get_batch TO UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GRANT EXEC ON net_businessEntity_contact_get_batch TO UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GRANT EXEC ON net_businessService_get_batch TO UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GRANT EXEC ON net_serviceInfo_get_batch TO UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GRANT EXEC ON net_serviceProjection_repl_save TO UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GRANT EXEC ON net_tModel_get_batch TO UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GRANT EXEC ON VS_AWR_businesses_get TO UDDIAdmin, UDDIService GO
-- =============================================
-- Section: Update Version(s)
-- =============================================
EXEC net_config_save 'Site.Version', '5.2.3664.0' -- TODO: Update this to proper RC2 site.version
EXEC net_config_save 'Database.Version', '2.0.0001.2' GO