Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Resources; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; namespace UDDI.Web { public delegate void MenuEventHandler( object sender, MenuEventArgs e );
[ParseChildren()] public class MenuControl : UddiControl, IPostBackEventHandler { public MenuControl() { this.SelectedIndexChanged += new MenuEventHandler( this.MenuControl_SelectedIndexChanged ); MenuItems = new MenuItemControlCollection(); } public event MenuEventHandler SelectedIndexChanged; protected string Roots { get { return HyperLinkManager.GetSecureHyperLink( "" ); } } protected MenuItemControlCollection MenuItems; public string CssClass { get{ return this.Name; } } private string name; public string Name { get{ return name; } set{ name=value; } } private MenuType type; public MenuType Type { get{ return type; } set{ type=(MenuType)value; } } private string width = "100%"; public string Width { get{ return width; } set{ width=value; } } private string borderwidth = "0"; public string BorderWidth { get{ return borderwidth; } set{ borderwidth=value; } } //private int selectedindex;
public int SelectedIndex { get { if( null==ViewState[ this.Name + "_Index" ] ) ViewState[ this.Name + "_Index" ] = 0; return (int)ViewState[ this.Name + "_Index" ]; } set{ ViewState[ this.Name + "_Index" ]=value; } } public MenuItemControl SelectedItem { get { return (MenuItemControl)this.Controls[ this.SelectedIndex ]; } }
private string height = "100%"; public string Height { get{ return height; } set{ height=value; } } private string topoffset; public string TopOffset { get{ return topoffset; } set{ topoffset=value; } } private string leftoffset; public string LeftOffset { get{ return leftoffset; } set{ leftoffset=value; } } private int staticindex=-1; public int StaticIndex { get{ return staticindex; } set{ staticindex=(int)value; } } private ArrayList items = new ArrayList(); protected override void OnLoad( EventArgs e ) { //
// This script code is now in client.js
//if( !Page.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered( "SideNav_ClientScript" ) )
//Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock( "SideNav_ClientScript",MenuControl.ClientScript );
if( !Page.IsPostBack ) { if( null!=Request[ this.Name + "_Index" ] ) this.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32( Request[ this.Name + "_Index" ] ); } base.OnLoad( e ); } protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output ) { output.Write( "<table "+ "width='" + this.Width + "' "+ "height='" + this.Height + "' " + "class='" + this.CssClass + "' "+ "border='" + this.BorderWidth + "' " + "cellpadding='4' "+ "cellspacing='0' >\r\n" ); if( MenuType.Horizontal==this.Type ) { output.Write( "<TR >\r\n\t" ); this.RenderChildren( output ); output.Write( "</TR>\r\n" ); } else//vertical
{ output.Write( " <TR height='4'>\r\n"+ " <TD height='4' colspan='2' class='"+this.Name+"_Item'> </TD>\r\n" + " </TR>\r\n" );
this.RenderChildren( output ); //render the tail of the menu
output.Write( "<TR height='100%'><TD width='100%' colspan='2' height='100%' class='"+this.Name+"_Item'><br><br></TD></TR>" ); } output.Write( "</table>" ); } protected override void RenderChildren( HtmlTextWriter output ) { this.EnsureChildControls(); for( int i=0;i<this.MenuItems.Count;i++ ) { MenuItemControl item = this.MenuItems[ i ]; if( StaticIndex>=0 ) { if( i==this.StaticIndex ) item.Selected=true; else item.Selected=false; } else { if( i==this.SelectedIndex ) item.Selected=true; else item.Selected=false; } if( null==item.NavigateUrl && MenuItemType.Item==item.Type ) { item.NavigateUrl="javascript:"+Page.GetPostBackEventReference( this, i.ToString() ); } } base.RenderChildren( output ); } protected override void AddParsedSubObject( object obj ) { if( obj is MenuItemControl ) this.AddItem( (MenuItemControl)obj ); base.AddParsedSubObject( obj ); } public int AddItem( MenuItemControl item ) { if( null==item.Name ) item.Name = this.Name;
item.MenuType = this.Type; item.LeftOffSet = this.LeftOffset;
return this.MenuItems.Add( item ); } public void RaisePostBackEvent( string eventArgument ) { int newIndex = Convert.ToInt32( eventArgument );
this.OnSelectedIndexChanged( new MenuEventArgs( newIndex ) ); } protected void OnSelectedIndexChanged( MenuEventArgs e ) { if( null!=SelectedIndexChanged ) this.SelectedIndexChanged( this,e ); } private void MenuControl_SelectedIndexChanged( object sender, MenuEventArgs e ) { this.SelectedIndex = e.Index; }
public const string ClientScript = @"
<script language='javascript'> <!-- function MenuItem_Action( sender, action, name ) { if( null!=sender ) { switch( action.toLowerCase() ) { case ""leave"": if( sender.className!=name+""_ItemSelected"" ) { sender.className=name+""_Item""; } break; case ""enter"": if( sender.className!=name+""_ItemSelected"" ) { sender.className=name+""_ItemHovor""; } break; default: alert( ""Unknown action: "" + action ); break;
} } } // -->
</script> ";
} public class MenuEventArgs : EventArgs { public MenuEventArgs( int newindex ) { this.index = newindex; } private int index; public int Index { get{ return index; } } } public class MenuItemControlCollection : CollectionBase { public MenuItemControl this[ int index ] { get{ return (MenuItemControl)this.List[ index ]; } set{ this.List[ index ] = value; } } protected internal int Add( MenuItemControl item ) { return this.List.Add( item ); } protected internal void Remove( MenuItemControl item ) { this.List.Remove( item ); } protected internal void Remove( int index ) { this.List.RemoveAt( index ); } } [ParseChildren()] public class MenuItemControl : UserControl { private ArrayList items = new ArrayList(); protected string Root { get{ return ( "/" == Request.ApplicationPath ) ? "" : Request.ApplicationPath; } } protected string Roots { get { return HyperLinkManager.GetSecureHyperLink( "" ); } } private bool requirehttps; public bool RequireHttps { get{ return requirehttps; } set{ requirehttps=value; } } private bool requirehttp; public bool RequireHttp { get{ return requirehttp; } set{ requirehttp=value; } } private string cssclass; public string CssClass { get{ return cssclass; } set{ cssclass=value; } } protected string root { get{ return HyperLinkManager.GetHyperLink( "" ); } } private bool selected; public bool Selected { get{ return selected; } set{ selected=value; } } private string text; public string Text { get { if( null!=text ) { if( text.Length>65 ) text=text.Substring( 0,65 ) + "..."; } return text; } set{ text=value; } } private string navigateurl; public string NavigateUrl { get{ return navigateurl; } set{ navigateurl=value; } } private string navigatepage; public string NavigatePage { get{ return navigatepage; } set{ navigatepage=value; } } private string navigatetarget; public string NavigateTarget { get{ return navigatetarget; } set{ navigatetarget=value; } } private string name; public string Name { get{ return name; } set{ name=value; } } private MenuType menutype; public MenuType MenuType { get{ return menutype; } set{ menutype=(MenuType)value; } } private MenuItemType type; public MenuItemType Type { get{ return type; } set{ type=(MenuItemType)value;} } protected internal string LeftOffSet="0";
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output ) { if( MenuType.Vertical==this.MenuType ) { RenderVertical( output ); } else { RenderHorizontal( output ); } } protected void RenderVertical( HtmlTextWriter output ) { output.Write( "<TR>\r\n\t" ); RenderHorizontal( output ); output.Write( "</TR>\r\n" ); } protected void RenderHorizontal( HtmlTextWriter output ) { output.Write( "<TD ><IMG src='" + Root + "/images/pixel.gif" + "' border='0' width='" + LeftOffSet + "'></TD>" ); output.Write( "<TD "+ "id='" + this.ID +"' " ); if( MenuItemType.Item==this.Type ) { output.Write( "onmouseover='MenuItem_Action( this,\"enter\",\"" + this.Name + "\");' " + "onmouseout='MenuItem_Action( this,\"leave\",\"" + this.Name + "\");' " );
if( Selected ) { output.Write( "class='" + this.Name + "_ItemSelected' " ); } else { output.Write( "class='" + this.Name + "_Item' " ); } } else { if( MenuItemType.Separator==this.Type ) { output.Write( "class='" + this.Name + "_Separator' " ); } else if( MenuItemType.Title==this.Type ) { output.Write( "class='" + this.Name + "_Title' " ); } else { output.Write( "class='" + this.Name + "_Item' " ); } } output.Write( ">" );
RenderText( output );
output.Write( "</TD>\r\n" ); } protected void RenderText( HtmlTextWriter output ) { switch( this.Type ) { case MenuItemType.Item: HyperLink l = new HyperLink(); l.Text = this.Text; if( null!=this.NavigateTarget && ""!=this.NavigateTarget.Trim() ) l.Target = this.NavigateTarget; string classname = this.Name + "_Text"; if( this.Selected ) { classname += "Selected"; } else { if( null!=this.NavigatePage ) { if( RequireHttps ) { l.NavigateUrl = HyperLinkManager.GetSecureHyperLink( NavigatePage ); } else if( RequireHttp ) { l.NavigateUrl = HyperLinkManager.GetNonSecureHyperLink( NavigatePage ); } else { l.NavigateUrl = HyperLinkManager.GetHyperLink( NavigatePage ); } } else if( null!=this.NavigateUrl ) { l.NavigateUrl = this.NavigateUrl; } } l.CssClass=classname; l.Target = this.NavigateTarget; output.Write( "<nobr>" ); l.RenderControl( output ); output.Write( "</nobr>" ); break; case MenuItemType.Separator: Image i = new Image(); i.ImageUrl = Root + "/images/pixel.gif"; i.Height = new Unit( 1 ); i.Width = new Unit( 1 ); i.BorderWidth = new Unit( 0 ); i.RenderControl( output ); break; case MenuItemType.Title: Label label = new Label(); label.Text = this.Text; output.Write( "<nobr>" ); label.RenderControl( output ); output.Write( "</nobr>" ); break; } } public void RenderChildrenExt( HtmlTextWriter output ) { EnsureChildControls(); RenderChildren( output ); } } public enum MenuType { Horizontal, Vertical
} public enum MenuItemType { Title, Separator, Item }