<!-- ############################################################################ --> <!-- ## UDDI Services ## --> <!-- ## Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ## --> <!-- ############################################################################ -->
<%@ Page Language='C#' Inherits='UDDI.Web.UddiPage' %> <%@ Register TagPrefix='uddi' Namespace='UDDI.Web' Assembly='uddi.web' %> <%@ Register Tagprefix='uddi' Tagname='Footer' Src='../controls/footer.ascx' %> <%@ Register Tagprefix='uddi' Tagname='Header' Src='../controls/header.ascx' %> <%@ Register Tagprefix='uddi' Tagname='BreadCrumb' Src='../controls/breadcrumb.ascx' %> <%@ Register Tagprefix='uddi' Tagname='Descriptions' Src='../controls/descriptions.ascx' %> <%@ Register TagPrefix='uddi' Tagname='InstanceInfos' Src='../controls/instanceinfos.ascx' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.API' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.API.Business' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.API.Binding' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.API.ServiceType' %> <%@ Import Namespace='System.Data' %>
<script language='C#' runat='server'> protected BindingTemplate binding = new BindingTemplate(); protected TModelInstanceInfoCollection bindingInstanceInfos = new TModelInstanceInfoCollection(); protected bool frames = false; protected string key; protected string mode; protected void Page_Init( object sender, EventArgs e ) { frames = ( "true" == Request[ "frames" ] ); key = Request[ "key" ]; mode = Request[ "mode" ]; if( null == key ) { #if never throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_fatalError, "Missing required parameter 'key'." ); #endif throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_fatalError, "UDDI_ERROR_MISSING_REQUIRED_KEY_PARAMETER" );
} switch( mode ) { case "add": binding.AccessPoint.Value = "http://"; binding.AccessPoint.URLType = URLType.Http; binding.ServiceKey = key; binding.Save(); if( frames ) { // // Reload explorer and view panes. // Response.Write( ClientScripts.ReloadExplorerAndViewPanes( "editbinding.aspx?key=" + binding.BindingKey + ( frames ? "&frames=true" : "" ), binding.BindingKey ) ); Response.End(); } else { Response.Redirect( "editbinding.aspx?key=" + binding.BindingKey + ( frames ? "&frames=true" : "" ) ); Response.End(); } break; case "delete": binding.BindingKey = key; binding.Get();
if( null == Request[ "confirm" ] ) { // // The user has not yet confirmed the delete operation, so display // a confirmation dialog. // string message = String.Format( Localization.GetString( "TEXT_DELETE_CONFIRMATION" ), UDDI.Utility.StringEmpty( binding.AccessPoint.Value ) ? Localization.GetString( "HEADING_BINDING" ) : binding.AccessPoint.Value ); Page.RegisterStartupScript( "Confirm", ClientScripts.Confirm( message, "editbinding.aspx?key=" + key + ( frames ? "&frames=true" : "" ) + "&mode=delete&confirm=true", "editbinding.aspx?key=" + key + ( frames ? "&frames=true" : "" ) ) ); break; } // // The user has confirmed the delete, so go ahead and delete // the entity. Then reload the tree view. // if( !frames ) { binding.Delete(); Response.Redirect( "editservice.aspx?frames=false&key=" + binding.ServiceKey + ( null != Request[ "tab" ] ? "&tab=" + Request[ "tab" ] : "" ) ); } else { Response.Write( ClientScripts.ReloadExplorerAndViewPanes( "editservice.aspx?frames=true&key=" + binding.ServiceKey + ( null != Request[ "tab" ] ? "&tab=" + Request[ "tab" ] : "" ), binding.ServiceKey ) ); binding.Delete(); } Response.End(); break; default: binding.BindingKey = key; binding.Get(); bindingInstanceInfos.Get( key ); bindingKey.Text = key; break; } } protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if( !Page.IsPostBack ) { Label link = (Label)bindDetail.ActiveControl.FindControl( "displayAccessPoint" ); link.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( binding.AccessPoint.Value ); Label labelUrlType = (Label)bindDetail.ActiveControl.FindControl( "displayUrlType" ); labelUrlType.Text = binding.AccessPoint.URLType.ToString().ToLower(); } descriptions.Initialize( binding.Descriptions, binding ); instanceInfos.Initialize( bindingInstanceInfos, binding, true ); if( !Page.IsPostBack && null != Request[ "tab" ] ) tabs.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32( Request[ "tab" ] ); if( null!=Request[ "refreshExplorer" ] && frames ) { Response.Write( ClientScripts.ReloadExplorerPane( binding.BindingKey ) ); } } protected void Page_PreRender( object sender, EventArgs e ) { breadcrumb.Initialize( BreadCrumbType.Edit, EntityType.BindingTemplate, key ); } public void Edit_OnClick( object sender, CommandEventArgs e ) { bindDetail.SetEditMode(); TextBox textBox = (TextBox)bindDetail.ActiveControl.FindControl( "editAccessPoint" ); textBox.Text = binding.AccessPoint.Value;
DropDownList list = (DropDownList)bindDetail.ActiveControl.FindControl( "editUrlType" ); ListItem item = list.Items.FindByValue( ((int)binding.AccessPoint.URLType).ToString() ); item.Selected = true; RequiredFieldValidator requiredName = (RequiredFieldValidator)bindDetail.ActiveControl.FindControl( "requiredAccessPoint" ); requiredName.ErrorMessage = Localization.GetString( "ERROR_FIELD_REQUIRED" ); } protected void Update_OnClick( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Update_OnClick( sender, null ); }
public void Update_OnClick( object sender, CommandEventArgs e ) { Page.Validate(); if( Page.IsValid ) { TextBox textBox = (TextBox)bindDetail.ActiveControl.FindControl( "editAccessPoint" ); binding.AccessPoint.Value = textBox.Text; ListItem listItem = ((DropDownList)bindDetail.ActiveControl.FindControl( "editUrlType" )).SelectedItem; binding.AccessPoint.URLType = (URLType)Convert.ToInt32( listItem.Value ); binding.Save();
bindDetail.CancelEditMode(); Label link = (Label)bindDetail.ActiveControl.FindControl( "displayAccessPoint" ); link.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( binding.AccessPoint.Value ); Label labelUrlType = (Label)bindDetail.ActiveControl.FindControl( "displayUrlType" ); labelUrlType.Text = binding.AccessPoint.URLType.ToString().ToLower(); Page.RegisterStartupScript( "Reload", ClientScripts.ReloadExplorerPane( binding.BindingKey ) ); } } public void Cancel_OnClick( object sender, CommandEventArgs e ) { bindDetail.CancelEditMode(); }
protected DataView GetUrlTypes() { DataTable table = new DataTable(); DataRow row; table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Name", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Value", typeof( string ) ) ); Array names = Enum.GetNames( typeof( URLType ) ); Array values = Enum.GetValues( typeof( URLType ) ); for( int i = 0; i < names.Length; i ++ ) { row = table.NewRow(); row[ 0 ] = names.GetValue( i ).ToString().ToLower(); row[ 1 ] = ((int)values.GetValue( i )).ToString(); table.Rows.Add( row ); } return table.DefaultView; } </script>
<uddi:StyleSheetControl Runat='server' Default='../stylesheets/uddi.css' Downlevel='../stylesheets/uddidl.css' /> <uddi:PageStyleControl Runat='server' OnClientContextMenu='Document_OnContextMenu()' Title="TITLE" AltTitle="TITLE_ALT" /> <uddi:ClientScriptRegister Runat='server' Source='../client.js' Language='javascript' /> <uddi:SecurityControl PublisherRequired='true' Runat='server' /> <form runat='server'>
<table width='100%' border='0' height='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <asp:PlaceHolder Id='HeaderBag' Runat='server' > <tr height='95'> <td> <!-- Header Control Here --> <uddi:Header Runat='server' /> </td> </tr> </asp:PlaceHolder> <tr height='100%' valign='top'> <td> <uddi:BreadCrumb Id='breadcrumb' Runat='server' /> <table cellpadding='10' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'> <tr> <td> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='[[HELP_BLOCK_PUBLISH_BINDING]]' CssClass='helpBlock' Runat='server' /><br> <br> <uddi:TabControl ID='tabs' Runat='server'> <uddi:TabPage Name='TAB_DETAILS' Runat='server'> <uddi:ContextualHelpControl Runat='Server' Text='[[HELP_BLOCK_PUBLISH_BINDING_DETAILS]]' HelpFile='publish.context.publishbindingdetails' CssClass='tabHelpBlock' BorderWidth='0' /> <br> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='[[TAG_BINDING_KEY]]' CssClass='header' Runat='server' /><br> <asp:Label id='bindingKey' Runat='server' /><br> <br> <uddi:EditControl id='bindDetail' OnEditCommand='Edit_OnClick' OnUpdateCommand='Update_OnClick' OnCancelCommand='Cancel_OnClick' Runat='server' > <EditItemTemplate> <table width='100%' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' border='0'> <colgroup> <col width='0*'> <col width='154'> </colgroup> <tr> <td class='tableHeader'> <uddi:StringResource Name='HEADING_ACCESS_POINT' Runat='Server' /></td> <td class='tableHeader'> <uddi:StringResource Name='HEADING_ACTIONS' Runat='Server' /></td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td class='tableEditItem'> <uddi:LocalizedLabel Name='TAG_ACCESS_POINT' CssClass='lightHeader' Runat='Server' /><br> <uddi:UddiTextBox id='editAccessPoint' Width='200px' Columns='43' CssClass='textBox' MaxLength='255' Selected='true' OnEnterKeyPressed='Update_OnClick' Runat='server'/><br> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator id='requiredAccessPoint' ControlToValidate='editAccessPoint' Display='Dynamic' Runat='server'/> <br> <uddi:LocalizedLabel Name='TAG_URL_TYPE' CssClass='lightHeader' Runat='Server' /><br> <asp:DropDownList id='editUrlType' DataSource='<%# GetUrlTypes() %>' DataTextField='Name' DataValueField='Value' columns='43' CssClass='textBox' Runat='server' /> </td>
<td class='tableEditItem'> <uddi:UddiButton Text='<%# Localization.GetString( "BUTTON_UPDATE" )%>' CommandName='update' Width='70px' CssClass='button' Runat='server' /> <uddi:UddiButton Text='<%# Localization.GetString( "BUTTON_CANCEL" )%>' CommandName='cancel' Width='70px' CssClass='button' Runat='server' /></td> </tr> </table> </EditItemTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <table width='100%' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' border='0'> <colgroup> <col width='0*'> <col width='154'> </colgroup> <tr> <td class='tableHeader'> <uddi:StringResource Name='HEADING_ACCESS_POINT' Runat='Server' /></td> <td class='tableHeader'> <uddi:StringResource Name='HEADING_ACTIONS' Runat='Server' /></td> </tr> <tr valign='top'> <td class='tableItem'> <asp:Label ID='displayAccessPoint' width='255' Runat='server' /><br> (<asp:Label ID='displayUrlType' Runat='server' />)</td> <td class='tableItem'> <uddi:UddiButton Text='<%# Localization.GetString( "BUTTON_EDIT" )%>' CommandName='edit' Width='70px' CssClass='button' Runat='server' /></td> </tr> </table> </ItemTemplate> </uddi:EditControl><br> <br> <uddi:Descriptions ID='descriptions' Runat='server' /> </uddi:TabPage> <uddi:TabPage Name='TAB_INSTANCES' Runat='server'> <uddi:ContextualHelpControl Runat='Server' Text='[[HELP_BLOCK_PUBLISH_BINDING_INSTANCES]]' HelpFile='publish.context.bindinginstanceinfo' CssClass='tabHelpBlock' BorderWidth='0' /> <br> <uddi:InstanceInfos Id='instanceInfos' Runat='server' /> </uddi:TabPage> </uddi:TabControl> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <asp:PlaceHolder Id='FooterBag' Runat='server' > <tr height='95'> <td> <!-- Footer Control Here --> <uddi:Footer Runat='server' /> </td> </tr> </asp:PlaceHolder> </table> </form>