// dmtinput.h
// History:
// 08/30/1999 - davidkl - created
#ifndef _DMTINPUT_H
#define _DMTINPUT_H
#include <dinputd.h>
// if we ever decide to include dinputp.h
// these will get skipped. for now, we need
// to be sure we update these macros as they
// change
#define DISEM_PRI_GET(x) (( (x) & 0x00004000 ) >>14 )
#define DISEM_TYPE_GET(x) (( (x) & 0x00000600 ) >>9 )
// prototypes
HRESULT dmtinputCreateDeviceList(HWND hwnd, BOOL fEnumSuitable, DMTSUBGENRE_NODE *pdmtsg, DMTDEVICE_NODE **ppdmtdList); HRESULT dmtinputFreeDeviceList(DMTDEVICE_NODE **ppdmtdList); HRESULT dmtinputCreateObjectList(IDirectInputDevice8A *pdid, GUID guidInstance, DMTDEVICEOBJECT_NODE **ppdmtoList); HRESULT dmtinputFreeObjectList(DMTDEVICEOBJECT_NODE **ppdmtoList); BOOL CALLBACK dmtinputEnumDevicesCallback(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCEA pddi, IDirectInputDevice8A *pdid, DWORD, DWORD, void *pvData); BOOL CALLBACK dmtinputEnumDeviceObjectsCallback(LPCDIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEA pddoi, void *pvData); HRESULT dmtinputPopulateActionArray(DIACTIONA *pdia, UINT uElements, DMTACTION_NODE *pdmtaList); HRESULT dmtinputXlatDIDFTtoInternalType(DWORD dwType, DWORD *pdwInternalType); HRESULT dmtinputPrepDevice(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwGenreId, DMTDEVICE_NODE *pDevice, DWORD dwActions, DIACTION *pdia); DWORD dmtinputGetActionPri(DWORD dwSemantic); DWORD dmtinputGetActionObjectType(DWORD dwSemantic); HRESULT dmtinputCreateDirectInput(HINSTANCE hinst, IDirectInput8A **ppdi); BOOL dmtinputDeviceHasObject(DMTDEVICEOBJECT_NODE *pObjectList, DWORD dwType); HRESULT dmtinputRegisterMapFile(HWND hwnd, DMTDEVICE_NODE *pDevice); HRESULT dmtinputGetRegisteredMapFile(HWND hwnd, DMTDEVICE_NODE *pDevice, PSTR pszFilename, DWORD cbFilename);
HRESULT dmtOpenTypeKey( LPCWSTR wszType, DWORD hKey, PHKEY phKey );
#endif // _DMTINPUT_H