// dmtwrite.cpp
// File / code creation functionality
// Functions:
// dmtwriteBrowse
// dmtwriteWriteFileHeader
// dmtwriteReadMappingFile
// dmtwriteWriteDIHeader
// dmtwriteWriteDeviceHeader
// dmtwriteWriteObjectSection
// dmtwriteWriteAllObjectSections
// dmtwriteWriteGenreSection
// dmtwriteWriteAllGenreSections
// dmtwriteCreateDeviceShorthand
// dmtwriteDisplaySaveDialog
// History:
// 08/20/1999 - davidkl - created
#include "dimaptst.h"
#include "commdlg.h"
#include "cderr.h"
#include "dmtinput.h"
#include "dmtwrite.h"
// dmtwriteWriteFileHeader
// Writes the semantic mapping file for the provided device
// Parameters:
// Returns: HRESULT
// History:
// 10/11/1999 - davidkl - stubbed
// 10/14/1999 - davidkl - renamed and tweaked
// 11/04/1999 - davidkl - reduced parameter list
// 12/01/1999 - davidkl - now registers file HERE
HRESULT dmtwriteWriteFileHeader(HWND hwnd, DMTDEVICE_NODE *pDevice) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; DWORD dwGenres = 0; HANDLE hDoesFileExist = NULL;
// validate pDevice
if(IsBadReadPtr((void*)pDevice, sizeof(DMTDEVICE_NODE))) { return E_POINTER; }
__try { // prompt the user for where to save
// if we are handed a non-empty filename
// (not == ""), skip this step
// if(!lstrcmpA("", pDevice->szFilename))
{ // display the save dialog
hRes = dmtwriteDisplaySaveDialog(hwnd, pDevice);
if(FAILED(hRes)) { __leave; } if(S_FALSE == hRes) { //user canceled
__leave; }
// generate the device shorthand string
lstrcpyA(pDevice->szShorthandName, pDevice->szName); /*
//02/21/2000 - taking this out for now
hRes = dmtwriteCreateDeviceShorthand(pDevice->szName, pDevice->szShorthandName); if(FAILED(hRes)) { __leave; } */ //JT - Fix for 38829 added create to check if file exists prior to writing all the header info back to the file.
hDoesFileExist = CreateFile(pDevice->szFilename,GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDoesFileExist) { DPF(0,"This file doesn't exist so we will write the header"); // write the DirectInput header
hRes = dmtwriteWriteDIHeader(pDevice->szFilename, pDevice->szShorthandName, dwGenres); if(FAILED(hRes)) { __leave; }
// write the device header
hRes = dmtwriteWriteDeviceHeader(pDevice); if(FAILED(hRes)) { __leave; }
// write the device object sections
hRes = dmtwriteWriteAllObjectSections(pDevice->szFilename, pDevice->szShorthandName, pDevice->pObjectList); if(FAILED(hRes)) { __leave; }
} else { //Otherwise the file does exist and we have to close the handle
CloseHandle(hDoesFileExist); }
// update the registry
// this is needed so that dinput can find our new file
hRes = dmtinputRegisterMapFile(hwnd, pDevice); if(FAILED(hRes)) { __leave; } } __finally { // general cleanup
// nothing to do... yet
// done
return hRes;
} //*** end dmtwriteWriteFileHeader()
// dmtwriteWriteDIHeader
// Writes the DirectInput section of the device mapping ini file.
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// History:
// 10/12/1999 - davidkl - created
// 10/15/1999 - davidkl - tweaked section entries
HRESULT dmtwriteWriteDIHeader(PSTR szFilename, PSTR szDeviceShorthand, DWORD dwGenres) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK;
__try { // * di version
if(!WritePrivateProfileStringA("DirectInput", "DirectXVersion", DMT_DI_STRING_VER, szFilename)) { hRes = DMT_E_FILE_WRITE_FAILED; __leave; }
// * device
// ISSUE-2001/03/29-timgill Need to read original value and support multiple devices
if(!WritePrivateProfileStringA("DirectInput", "Devices", szDeviceShorthand, szFilename)) { hRes = DMT_E_FILE_WRITE_FAILED; __leave; }
} __finally { // cleanup
// nothing to do... yet
// done
return hRes;
} //*** end dmtwriteWriteDIHeader()
// dmtwriteWriteDeviceHeader
// Writes the device summary section of the device mapping ini file.
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// History:
// 10/12/1999 - davidkl - created
// 11/01/1999 - davidkl - file size reduction changes
// 11/04/1999 - davidkl - reduced parameter list
HRESULT dmtwriteWriteDeviceHeader(DMTDEVICE_NODE *pDevice) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; DMTDEVICEOBJECT_NODE *pObjNode = NULL; UINT uAxes = 0; UINT uBtns = 0; UINT uPovs = 0; char szBuf[MAX_PATH];
// validate pDevice
if(IsBadReadPtr((void*)pDevice, sizeof(DMTDEVICE_NODE))) { return E_POINTER; }
__try { // vendor id
// only write this if the vid is non-zero
if(0 != pDevice->wVendorId) { wsprintfA(szBuf, "%d", pDevice->wVendorId); if(!WritePrivateProfileStringA(pDevice->szShorthandName, "VID", szBuf, pDevice->szFilename)) { hRes = DMT_E_FILE_WRITE_FAILED; __leave; } }
// product id
// only write this if the pid is non-zero
if(0 != pDevice->wProductId) { wsprintfA(szBuf, "%d", pDevice->wProductId); if(!WritePrivateProfileStringA(pDevice->szShorthandName, "PID", szBuf, pDevice->szFilename)) { hRes = DMT_E_FILE_WRITE_FAILED; __leave; } }
// name
if(!WritePrivateProfileStringA(pDevice->szShorthandName, "Name", pDevice->szName, pDevice->szFilename)) { hRes = DMT_E_FILE_WRITE_FAILED; __leave; } // control list
lstrcpyA(szBuf, ""); pObjNode = pDevice->pObjectList; while(pObjNode) { DPF(0, "dmtwriteWriteDeviceHeader - pObjNode == %016Xh", pObjNode); DPF(0, "dmtwriteWriteDeviceHeader - pObjNode->szName == %s", pObjNode->szName); wsprintfA(szBuf, "%s%s,", szBuf, pObjNode->szName); DPF(0, "dmtwriteWriteDeviceHeader - szBuf == %s", szBuf);
// next object
pObjNode = pObjNode->pNext; } if(!WritePrivateProfileStringA(pDevice->szShorthandName, "Controls", szBuf, pDevice->szFilename)) { DPF(0, "dmtwriteWriteDeviceHeader - writing controls == %s", szBuf); hRes = DMT_E_FILE_WRITE_FAILED; __leave; }
} __finally { // cleanup
// nothing to do... yet
// done
return hRes;
} //*** end dmtwriteWriteDeviceHeader()
// dmtwriteWriteObjectSection
// Writes an individual object section of the device mapping ini file.
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// History:
// 10/12/1999 - davidkl - stubbed
// 10/13/1999 - davidkl - initial implementation
// 10/15/1999 - davidkl - added name to section
// 11/01/1999 - davidkl - file size reduction changes
HRESULT dmtwriteWriteObjectSection(PSTR szFilename, PSTR szDeviceShorthand, PSTR szObjectName, WORD wUsagePage, WORD wUsage) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; char szBuf[MAX_PATH]; char szSection[MAX_PATH];
// construct section name
wsprintfA(szSection, "%s.%s", szDeviceShorthand, */ wsprintfA(szSection, "%s", szObjectName);
// usage page
// only write this if it is non-zero
if(0 != wUsagePage) { wsprintfA(szBuf, "%d", wUsagePage); if(!WritePrivateProfileStringA(szSection, "UsagePage", szBuf, szFilename)) { return DMT_E_FILE_WRITE_FAILED; } }
// usage
// only write this if it is non-zero
if(0 != wUsage) { wsprintfA(szBuf, "%d", wUsage); if(!WritePrivateProfileStringA(szSection, "Usage", szBuf, szFilename)) { return DMT_E_FILE_WRITE_FAILED; } }
// name
// only write this if >both< wUsagePage and wUsage are zero
if((0 == wUsagePage) && (0 == wUsage)) { if(!WritePrivateProfileStringA(szSection, "Name", szObjectName, szFilename)) { return DMT_E_FILE_WRITE_FAILED; } }
// done
return S_OK;
} //*** end dmtwriteWriteObjectSection()
// dmtwriteWriteAllObjectSections
// Writes all object sections of the device mapping ini file.
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// History:
// 10/12/1999 - davidkl - stubbed
// 10/13/1999 - davidkl - initial implementation
HRESULT dmtwriteWriteAllObjectSections(PSTR szFilename, PSTR szDeviceShorthand, DMTDEVICEOBJECT_NODE *pObjectList) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; DMTDEVICEOBJECT_NODE *pObject = NULL;
// validate pObjectList
if(IsBadReadPtr((void*)pObjectList, sizeof(DMTDEVICEOBJECT_NODE))) { return E_POINTER; } pObject = pObjectList; while(pObject) { hRes = dmtwriteWriteObjectSection(szFilename, szDeviceShorthand, pObject->szName, pObject->wUsagePage, pObject->wUsage); if(FAILED(hRes)) { break; }
// next object
pObject = pObject->pNext; }
// done
return hRes;
} //*** end dmtwriteWriteAllObjectSections()
// dmtwriteDisplaySaveDialog
// Displays Save (As) dialog box promting the user for the filename
// Parameters:
// HWND hwnd - handle to owner of save dialog
// PSTR szFilename - receives selected filename (incl. drive & path)
// int cchFilename - count of characters in szFilename buffer
// Returns: HRESULT
// History:
// 10/14/1999 - davidkl - created
HRESULT dmtwriteDisplaySaveDialog(HWND hwnd, DMTDEVICE_NODE *pDevice) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; USHORT nOffsetFilename = 0; USHORT nOffsetExt = 0; DWORD dw = 0; OPENFILENAMEA ofn; char szTitle[MAX_PATH];
// initialize Title Text
lstrcpyA(szTitle, "Select DirectInput(TM) Mapping File"); lstrcatA(szTitle, " for "); lstrcatA(szTitle, pDevice->szName);
// initialize the ofn struct
ZeroMemory((void*)&ofn, sizeof(OPENFILENAMEA)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAMEA); ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd; ofn.hInstance = (HINSTANCE)NULL; // not using dlg template
ofn.lpstrFilter = "DirectInput(TM) Mapping Files\0*.ini\0"; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = (LPSTR)NULL; // don't save custom
ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; // ignored based on above
ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; // display first filter
ofn.lpstrFile = pDevice->szFilename; // filename w/ path
ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = (LPSTR)NULL; // filename w/o path
ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = (LPSTR)NULL; // use default initial dir
ofn.lpstrTitle = szTitle; ofn.Flags = OFN_CREATEPROMPT | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN | OFN_NOTESTFILECREATE; ofn.nFileOffset = (WORD)nOffsetFilename; ofn.nFileExtension = (WORD)nOffsetExt; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "ini"; ofn.lCustData = NULL; ofn.lpfnHook = NULL; ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
// display the save dialog
if(!GetOpenFileNameA(&ofn)) { // either something failed, or the user canceled
// find out which
dw = CommDlgExtendedError(); if( 0 == dw ) { // user canceled
DPF(2, "dmtwriteDisplaySaveDialog - user canceled"); hRes = S_FALSE; } else { // failure
DPF(2, "dmtwriteDisplaySaveDialog - GetSaveFileNameA failed (%d)", dw); hRes = E_UNEXPECTED; } }
// done
return hRes;
} //*** end dmtwriteDisplaySaveDialog()
// dmtwriteSaveConfDlgProc
// Save confirmation dialog processing function
// Parameters: (see SDK help for parameter details)
// HWND hwnd
// UINT uMsg
// WPARAM wparam
// LPARAM lparam
// Returns: (see SDK help for return value details)
// History:
// 10/18/1999 - davidkl - created
INT_PTR WINAPI CALLBACK dmtwriteSaveConfDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return dmtwriteSaveConfOnInitDialog(hwnd, (HWND)wparam, lparam);
case WM_COMMAND: return dmtwriteSaveConfOnCommand(hwnd, LOWORD(wparam), (HWND)lparam, HIWORD(wparam)); }
return FALSE;
} //*** end dmtwriteSaveConfDlgProc()
// dmtwriteSaveConfOnInitDialog
// Handle WM_INITDIALOG processing for the save confirmation box
// Parameters:
// HWND hwnd - handle to property page
// HWND hwndFocus - handle of ctrl with focus
// LPARAM lparam - user data (in this case, PROPSHEETPAGE*)
// Returns: BOOL
// History:
// 10/18/1999 - davidkl - created
BOOL dmtwriteSaveConfOnInitDialog(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndFocus, LPARAM lparam) { char szBuf[MAX_PATH];
wsprintfA(szBuf, "Save genre group %s action map?", (PSTR)lparam); SetWindowTextA(hwnd, szBuf);
SetDlgItemTextA(hwnd, IDC_GENRE_GROUP, (PSTR)lparam);
// done
return TRUE;
} //*** end dmtwriteSaveConfOnInitDialog()
// dmtwriteSaveConfOnCommand
// Handle WM_COMMAND processing for the save confirmation box
// Parameters:
// HWND hwnd - handle to property page
// WORD wId - control identifier (LOWORD(wparam))
// HWND hwndCtrl - handle to control ((HWND)lparam)
// WORD wNotifyCode - notification code (HIWORD(wparam))
// Returns: BOOL
// History:
// 10/18/1999 - davidkl - created
BOOL dmtwriteSaveConfOnCommand(HWND hwnd, WORD wId, HWND hwndCtrl, WORD wNotifyCode) { int nRet = -1;
switch(wId) { case IDOK: EndDialog(hwnd, (int)IDYES); break;
case IDC_DONT_SAVE: EndDialog(hwnd, (int)IDNO); break;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwnd, (int)IDCANCEL); break; }
// done
return FALSE;
} //*** end dmtwriteSaveConfOnCommand()