// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// SeqTrack.h : Declaration of the CSeqTrack
#ifndef __SEQTRACK_H_
#define __SEQTRACK_H_
#include "dmusici.h"
#include "dmusicf.h"
#include "..\dmstyle\tlist.h"
#include "PChMap.h"
struct SeqStateData { DWORD dwPChannelsUsed; // number of PChannels
// the following two arrays are allocated to the size of dwNumPChannels, which
// must match the SeqTrack's m_dwPChannelsUsed. The arrays match one-for-one with
// the parts inside the SeqTrack.
TListItem<DMUS_IO_SEQ_ITEM>** apCurrentSeq; // array of size dwNumPChannels
TListItem<DMUS_IO_CURVE_ITEM>** apCurrentCurve; // array of size dwNumPChannels
DWORD dwValidate; MUSIC_TIME mtCurTimeSig; // time the current timesig started
MUSIC_TIME mtNextTimeSig; // time for the next timesig
DWORD dwMeasure; // starting measure # of the timesig
DWORD dwlnBeat; // length of a beat
DWORD dwlnMeasure; // length of a measure
DWORD dwlnGrid; // length of a grid
DWORD dwGroupBits; // the group bits of this track
SeqStateData() { mtCurTimeSig = 0; mtNextTimeSig = 0; dwMeasure = 0; dwlnBeat = DMUS_PPQ; dwlnMeasure = DMUS_PPQ * 4; dwlnGrid = DMUS_PPQ / 4; apCurrentSeq = NULL; apCurrentCurve = NULL; } ~SeqStateData() { if( apCurrentSeq ) { delete [] apCurrentSeq; } if( apCurrentCurve ) { delete [] apCurrentCurve; } } };
// SEQ_PART represents all of the DMUS_PMSG's inside the SeqTrack for one PChannel
struct SEQ_PART { SEQ_PART* pNext; DWORD dwPChannel; TList<DMUS_IO_SEQ_ITEM> seqList; TList<DMUS_IO_CURVE_ITEM> curveList;
SEQ_PART() : pNext(NULL) {}; // always initialize pNext to NULL
// CSeqTrack
class CSeqTrack : public IPersistStream, public IDirectMusicTrack8 { public: CSeqTrack(); CSeqTrack( const CSeqTrack& rTrack, MUSIC_TIME mtStart, MUSIC_TIME mtEnd); ~CSeqTrack();
public: // IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(const IID &iid, void **ppv); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release();
// IDirectMusicTrack methods
STDMETHODIMP IsParamSupported(REFGUID rguid); STDMETHODIMP Init(IDirectMusicSegment *pSegment); STDMETHODIMP InitPlay(IDirectMusicSegmentState *pSegmentState, IDirectMusicPerformance *pPerformance, void **ppStateData, DWORD dwTrackID, DWORD dwFlags); STDMETHODIMP EndPlay(void *pStateData); STDMETHODIMP Play(void *pStateData,MUSIC_TIME mtStart, MUSIC_TIME mtEnd,MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, DWORD dwFlags,IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf, IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegSt,DWORD dwVirtualID); STDMETHODIMP GetParam(REFGUID rguid,MUSIC_TIME mtTime,MUSIC_TIME* pmtNext,void *pData); STDMETHODIMP SetParam(REFGUID rguid,MUSIC_TIME mtTime,void *pData); STDMETHODIMP AddNotificationType(REFGUID rguidNotification); STDMETHODIMP RemoveNotificationType(REFGUID rguidNotification); STDMETHODIMP Clone(MUSIC_TIME mtStart,MUSIC_TIME mtEnd,IDirectMusicTrack** ppTrack); // IDirectMusicTrack8
STDMETHODIMP PlayEx(void* pStateData,REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, REFERENCE_TIME rtEnd,REFERENCE_TIME rtOffset, DWORD dwFlags,IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf, IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegSt,DWORD dwVirtualID) ; STDMETHODIMP GetParamEx(REFGUID rguidType,REFERENCE_TIME rtTime, REFERENCE_TIME* prtNext,void* pParam,void * pStateData, DWORD dwFlags) ; STDMETHODIMP SetParamEx(REFGUID rguidType,REFERENCE_TIME rtTime,void* pParam, void * pStateData, DWORD dwFlags) ; STDMETHODIMP Compose(IUnknown* pContext, DWORD dwTrackGroup, IDirectMusicTrack** ppResultTrack) ; STDMETHODIMP Join(IDirectMusicTrack* pNewTrack, MUSIC_TIME mtJoin, IUnknown* pContext, DWORD dwTrackGroup, IDirectMusicTrack** ppResultTrack) ; // IPersist functions
STDMETHODIMP GetClassID( CLSID* pClsId ); // IPersistStream functions
STDMETHODIMP IsDirty(); STDMETHODIMP Load( IStream* pIStream ); STDMETHODIMP Save( IStream* pIStream, BOOL fClearDirty ); STDMETHODIMP GetSizeMax( ULARGE_INTEGER FAR* pcbSize );
protected: HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Seek( IDirectMusicSegmentState*, IDirectMusicPerformance*, DWORD dwVirtualID, SeqStateData*, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, BOOL fGetPrevious, MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, REFERENCE_TIME rtOffset, BOOL fClockTime); void SendSeekItem( IDirectMusicPerformance*, IDirectMusicGraph*, IDirectMusicSegmentState*, SeqStateData* pSD, DWORD dwVirtualID, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, REFERENCE_TIME rtOffset, TListItem<DMUS_IO_SEQ_ITEM>*, TListItem<DMUS_IO_CURVE_ITEM>*, BOOL fClockTime); HRESULT Play( void *pStateData, MUSIC_TIME mtStart, MUSIC_TIME mtEnd, MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, REFERENCE_TIME rtOffset, DWORD dwFlags, IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf, IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegSt, DWORD dwVirtualID, BOOL fClockTime); void Construct(void); HRESULT LoadCurve( IStream* pIStream, long lSize ); HRESULT LoadSeq( IStream* pIStream, long lSize ); void UpdateTimeSig(IDirectMusicSegmentState*, SeqStateData* pSD, MUSIC_TIME mt); TListItem<SEQ_PART>* FindPart( DWORD dwPChannel ); void DeleteSeqPartList(void); void SetUpStateCurrentPointers(SeqStateData* pStateData);
// member variables
private: TList<SEQ_PART> m_SeqPartList; TListItem<SEQ_PART>* m_pSeqPartCache; // used to time-optimize FindPart()
DWORD m_dwPChannelsUsed; DWORD* m_aPChannels; long m_cRef; DWORD m_dwValidate; // used to validate state data
CRITICAL_SECTION m_CrSec; BOOL m_fCSInitialized; CPChMap m_PChMap; };
#endif //__SEQTRACK_H_