// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// 4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify -GX
// We disable this because we use exceptions and do *not* specify -GX (USE_NATIVE_EH in
// sources).
// The one place we use exceptions is around construction of objects that call
// InitializeCriticalSection. We guarantee that it is safe to use in this case with
// the restriction given by not using -GX (automatic objects in the call chain between
// throw and handler are not destructed). Turning on -GX buys us nothing but +10% to code
// size because of the unwind code.
// Any other use of exceptions must follow these restrictions or -GX must be turned on.
// READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#pragma warning(disable:4530)
// TempoTrk.cpp : Implementation of CTempoTrack
#include "dmime.h"
#include "TempoTrk.h"
#include "dmusici.h"
#include "dmusicf.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "dmperf.h"
#include "..\shared\Validate.h"
#include "debug.h"
#define ASSERT assert
// CTempoTrack
void CTempoTrack::Construct() { InterlockedIncrement(&g_cComponent);
m_cRef = 1; m_dwValidate = 0; m_fCSInitialized = FALSE; InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); m_fCSInitialized = TRUE; }
CTempoTrack::CTempoTrack() { Construct(); m_fActive = TRUE; m_fStateSetBySetParam = FALSE; }
CTempoTrack::CTempoTrack( const CTempoTrack& rTrack, MUSIC_TIME mtStart, MUSIC_TIME mtEnd) { Construct(); m_fActive = rTrack.m_fActive; m_fStateSetBySetParam = rTrack.m_fStateSetBySetParam; TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pScan = rTrack.m_TempoEventList.GetHead(); //1////////////////////////////////////////
TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pPrevious = NULL; //1////////////////////////////////////////
for(; pScan; pScan = pScan->GetNext()) { DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM& rScan = pScan->GetItemValue(); //2////////////////////////////////////////
if (rScan.lTime < mtStart) { pPrevious = pScan; } //2////////////////////////////////////////
else if (rScan.lTime < mtEnd) { //3////////////////////////////////////////
if (rScan.lTime == mtStart) { pPrevious = NULL; } //3////////////////////////////////////////
TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pNew = new TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>; if (pNew) { DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM& rNew = pNew->GetItemValue(); memcpy( &rNew, &rScan, sizeof(DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM) ); rNew.lTime = rScan.lTime - mtStart; m_TempoEventList.AddHead(pNew); // instead of AddTail, which is n^2. We reverse below.
} } else break; } m_TempoEventList.Reverse(); // for above AddHead.
if (pPrevious) { DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM& rPrevious = pPrevious->GetItemValue(); TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pNew = new TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>; if (pNew) { DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM& rNew = pNew->GetItemValue(); memcpy( &rNew, &rPrevious, sizeof(DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM) ); rNew.lTime = 0; m_TempoEventList.AddHead(pNew); } } //4////////////////////////////////////////
CTempoTrack::~CTempoTrack() { if (m_fCSInitialized) { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); } InterlockedDecrement(&g_cComponent); }
// @method:(INTERNAL) HRESULT | IDirectMusicTempoTrack | QueryInterface | Standard QueryInterface implementation for <i IDirectMusicTempoTrack>
// @parm const IID & | iid | Interface to query for
// @parm void ** | ppv | The requested interface will be returned here
// @rdesc Returns one of the following:
// @flag S_OK | If the interface is supported and was returned
// @flag E_NOINTERFACE | If the object does not support the given interface.
// @mfunc:(INTERNAL)
STDMETHODIMP CTempoTrack::QueryInterface( const IID &iid, // @parm Interface to query for
void **ppv) // @parm The requested interface will be returned here
{ V_INAME(CTempoTrack::QueryInterface); V_PTRPTR_WRITE(ppv); V_REFGUID(iid);
if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == IID_IDirectMusicTrack || iid == IID_IDirectMusicTrack8) { *ppv = static_cast<IDirectMusicTrack8*>(this); } else if (iid == IID_IPersistStream) { *ppv = static_cast<IPersistStream*>(this); } else { *ppv = NULL; Trace(4,"Warning: Request to query unknown interface on Tempo Track\n"); return E_NOINTERFACE; }
reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(this)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// @method:(INTERNAL) HRESULT | IDirectMusicTempoTrack | AddRef | Standard AddRef implementation for <i IDirectMusicTempoTrack>
// @rdesc Returns the new reference count for this object.
// @mfunc:(INTERNAL)
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTempoTrack::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); }
// @method:(INTERNAL) HRESULT | IDirectMusicTempoTrack | Release | Standard Release implementation for <i IDirectMusicTempoTrack>
// @rdesc Returns the new reference count for this object.
// @mfunc:(INTERNAL)
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTempoTrack::Release() { if (!InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef)) { delete this; return 0; }
return m_cRef; }
// IPersist
HRESULT CTempoTrack::GetClassID( CLSID* pClassID ) { V_INAME(CTempoTrack::GetClassID); V_PTR_WRITE(pClassID, CLSID); *pClassID = CLSID_DirectMusicTempoTrack; return S_OK; }
// IPersistStream functions
HRESULT CTempoTrack::IsDirty() { return S_FALSE; }
@method HRESULT | ITempoTrack | Load | Call this with an IStream filled with DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM's, sorted in time order. @parm IStream* | pIStream | A stream of DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM's, sorted in time order. The seek pointer should be set to the first event. The stream should only contain Tempo events and nothing more. @rvalue E_INVALIDARG | If pIStream == NULL @rvalue S_OK @comm The <p pIStream> will be AddRef'd inside this function and held until the TempoTrack is released. */ HRESULT CTempoTrack::Load( IStream* pIStream ) { V_INAME(CTempoTrack::Load); V_INTERFACE(pIStream); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
EnterCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); m_dwValidate++; // used to validate state data that's out there
if( m_TempoEventList.GetHead() ) { TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pItem; while( pItem = m_TempoEventList.RemoveHead() ) { delete pItem; } }
// copy contents of the stream into the list.
LARGE_INTEGER li; DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM tempoEvent; // read in the chunk id
DWORD dwChunk, dwSubSize; long lSize; pIStream->Read( &dwChunk, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ); if( dwChunk != DMUS_FOURCC_TEMPO_TRACK ) { Trace(1,"Error: Invalid data in tempo track.\n"); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); return DMUS_E_CHUNKNOTFOUND; } // read in the overall size
pIStream->Read( &lSize, sizeof(long), NULL ); // read in the size of the data structures
if( FAILED( pIStream->Read( &dwSubSize, sizeof(DWORD), NULL ))) { // Check to make sure our reads are succeeding (we can safely
// assume the previous reads worked if we got this far.)
Trace(1,"Error: Unable to read tempo track.\n"); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); return DMUS_E_CANNOTREAD; } lSize -= sizeof(DWORD);
DWORD dwRead, dwSeek; if( dwSubSize > sizeof(DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM) ) { dwRead = sizeof(DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM); dwSeek = dwSubSize - dwRead; li.HighPart = 0; li.LowPart = dwSeek; } else { dwRead = dwSubSize; dwSeek = 0; } if( dwRead ) { while( lSize > 0 ) { if( FAILED( pIStream->Read( &tempoEvent, dwRead, NULL ))) { Trace(1,"Error: Failure reading tempo track.\n"); hr = DMUS_E_CANNOTREAD; break; } lSize -= dwRead; if( dwSeek ) { if( FAILED( pIStream->Seek( li, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, NULL ))) { Trace(1,"Error: Failure reading tempo track.\n"); hr = DMUS_E_CANNOTSEEK; break; } lSize -= dwSeek; } TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pNew = new TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>(tempoEvent); if (pNew) { m_TempoEventList.AddHead(pNew); // instead of AddTail, which is n^2. We reverse below.
} } m_TempoEventList.Reverse(); } else { Trace(1,"Error: Failure reading tempo track.\n"); hr = DMUS_E_CANNOTREAD; } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); return hr; }
HRESULT CTempoTrack::Save( IStream* pIStream, BOOL fClearDirty ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CTempoTrack::GetSizeMax( ULARGE_INTEGER FAR* pcbSize ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// IDirectMusicTrack
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTempoTrack::IsParamSupported( /* [in] */ REFGUID rguid) { V_INAME(IDirectMusicTrack::IsParamSupported); V_REFGUID(rguid);
if (m_fStateSetBySetParam) { if( m_fActive ) { if( rguid == GUID_DisableTempo ) return S_OK; if( rguid == GUID_TempoParam ) return S_OK; if( rguid == GUID_PrivateTempoParam ) return S_OK; if( rguid == GUID_EnableTempo ) return DMUS_E_TYPE_DISABLED; } else { if( rguid == GUID_EnableTempo ) return S_OK; if( rguid == GUID_DisableTempo ) return DMUS_E_TYPE_DISABLED; if( rguid == GUID_PrivateTempoParam ) return DMUS_E_TYPE_DISABLED; if( rguid == GUID_TempoParam ) return DMUS_E_TYPE_DISABLED; } } else { if(( rguid == GUID_DisableTempo ) || ( rguid == GUID_TempoParam ) || ( rguid == GUID_PrivateTempoParam ) || ( rguid == GUID_EnableTempo )) return S_OK; }
// IDirectMusicTrack::Init
HRESULT CTempoTrack::Init( /* [in] */ IDirectMusicSegment *pSegment) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT CTempoTrack::InitPlay( /* [in] */ IDirectMusicSegmentState *pSegmentState, /* [in] */ IDirectMusicPerformance *pPerformance, /* [out] */ void **ppStateData, /* [in] */ DWORD dwTrackID, /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags) { V_INAME(IDirectMusicTrack::InitPlay); V_PTRPTR_WRITE(ppStateData); V_INTERFACE(pSegmentState); V_INTERFACE(pPerformance);
TempoStateData* pStateData; pStateData = new TempoStateData; if( NULL == pStateData ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; *ppStateData = pStateData; if (m_fStateSetBySetParam) { pStateData->fActive = m_fActive; } else { pStateData->fActive = ((dwFlags & DMUS_SEGF_CONTROL) || !(dwFlags & DMUS_SEGF_SECONDARY)); } pStateData->dwVirtualTrackID = dwTrackID; pStateData->pPerformance = pPerformance; // weak reference, no addref.
pStateData->pSegState = pSegmentState; // weak reference, no addref.
pStateData->pCurrentTempo = m_TempoEventList.GetHead(); pStateData->dwValidate = m_dwValidate; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CTempoTrack::EndPlay( /* [in] */ void *pStateData) { ASSERT( pStateData ); if( pStateData ) { V_INAME(IDirectMusicTrack::EndPlay); V_BUFPTR_WRITE(pStateData, sizeof(TempoStateData)); TempoStateData* pSD = (TempoStateData*)pStateData; delete pSD; } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTempoTrack::PlayEx(void* pStateData,REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, REFERENCE_TIME rtEnd,REFERENCE_TIME rtOffset, DWORD dwFlags,IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf, IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegSt,DWORD dwVirtualID) { V_INAME(IDirectMusicTrack::PlayEx); V_BUFPTR_WRITE( pStateData, sizeof(TempoStateData)); V_INTERFACE(pPerf); V_INTERFACE(pSegSt);
HRESULT hr; EnterCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); if (dwFlags & DMUS_TRACKF_CLOCK) { // Convert all reference times to millisecond times. Then, just use same MUSIC_TIME
// variables.
hr = Play(pStateData,(MUSIC_TIME)(rtStart / REF_PER_MIL),(MUSIC_TIME)(rtEnd / REF_PER_MIL), (MUSIC_TIME)(rtOffset / REF_PER_MIL),rtOffset,dwFlags,pPerf,pSegSt,dwVirtualID,TRUE); } else { hr = Play(pStateData,(MUSIC_TIME)rtStart,(MUSIC_TIME)rtEnd, (MUSIC_TIME)rtOffset,0,dwFlags,pPerf,pSegSt,dwVirtualID,FALSE); } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CTempoTrack::Play( void *pStateData, MUSIC_TIME mtStart, MUSIC_TIME mtEnd, MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, DWORD dwFlags, IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf, IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegSt, DWORD dwVirtualID) { V_INAME(IDirectMusicTrack::Play); V_BUFPTR_WRITE( pStateData, sizeof(TempoStateData)); V_INTERFACE(pPerf); V_INTERFACE(pSegSt);
EnterCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); HRESULT hr = Play(pStateData,mtStart,mtEnd,mtOffset,0,dwFlags,pPerf,pSegSt,dwVirtualID,FALSE); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); return hr; }
HRESULT CTempoTrack::Play( void *pStateData, MUSIC_TIME mtStart, MUSIC_TIME mtEnd, MUSIC_TIME mtOffset, REFERENCE_TIME rtOffset, DWORD dwFlags, IDirectMusicPerformance* pPerf, IDirectMusicSegmentState* pSegSt, DWORD dwVirtualID, BOOL fClockTime) { if (dwFlags & DMUS_TRACKF_PLAY_OFF) { return S_OK; } HRESULT hr = DMUS_S_END; IDirectMusicGraph* pGraph = NULL; TempoStateData* pSD = (TempoStateData*)pStateData; BOOL fSeek = (dwFlags & DMUS_TRACKF_SEEK) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// if mtStart is 0 and dwFlags contains DMUS_TRACKF_START, we want to be sure to
// send out any negative time events. So, we'll set mtStart to -768.
if( (mtStart == 0) && ( dwFlags & DMUS_TRACKF_START )) { mtStart = -768; }
// if pSD->pCurrentTempo is NULL, and we're in a normal Play call (dwFlags is 0)
// this means that we either have no events, or we got to the end of the event
// list previously. So, it's safe to just return.
if( (pSD->pCurrentTempo == NULL) && (dwFlags == 0) ) { return S_FALSE; }
if( pSD->dwValidate != m_dwValidate ) { pSD->dwValidate = m_dwValidate; pSD->pCurrentTempo = NULL; } if (!pSD->pCurrentTempo) { pSD->pCurrentTempo = m_TempoEventList.GetHead(); } if (!pSD->pCurrentTempo) { return DMUS_S_END; } // if the previous end time isn't the same as the current start time,
// we need to seek to the right position.
if( fSeek || ( pSD->mtPrevEnd != mtStart )) { TempoStateData tempData; BOOL fFlag = TRUE; tempData = *pSD; // put this in so we can use Seek in other functions such as GetParam
if( !fSeek && (dwFlags & DMUS_TRACKF_DIRTY )) { fFlag = FALSE; } Seek( &tempData, mtStart, fFlag ); *pSD = tempData; } pSD->mtPrevEnd = mtEnd;
if( FAILED( pSD->pSegState->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectMusicGraph, (void**)&pGraph ))) { pGraph = NULL; }
for (; pSD->pCurrentTempo; pSD->pCurrentTempo = pSD->pCurrentTempo->GetNext()) { DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM& rTempoEvent = pSD->pCurrentTempo->GetItemValue(); if( rTempoEvent.lTime >= mtEnd ) { // this time is in the future. Return now to retain the same
// seek pointers for next time.
hr = S_OK; break; } if( rTempoEvent.lTime < mtStart ) { if( dwFlags & DMUS_TRACKF_FLUSH ) { // this time is in the past, and this call to Play is in response to an
// invalidate. We don't want to replay stuff before the start time.
continue; } else if( !( dwFlags & DMUS_TRACKF_START) && !(dwFlags & DMUS_TRACKF_SEEK) ) { // we really only want to play events earlier than mtStart on account
// of a START or SEEK (that isn't a FLUSH.)
continue; } } if( pSD->fActive ) { DMUS_TEMPO_PMSG* pTempo; if( SUCCEEDED( pSD->pPerformance->AllocPMsg( sizeof(DMUS_TEMPO_PMSG), (DMUS_PMSG**)&pTempo ))) { if( rTempoEvent.lTime < mtStart ) { // this only happens in the case where we've puposefully seeked
// and need to time stamp this event with the start time
if (fClockTime) { pTempo->rtTime = (mtStart * REF_PER_MIL) + rtOffset; pTempo->dwFlags = DMUS_PMSGF_REFTIME | DMUS_PMSGF_LOCKTOREFTIME; } else { pTempo->mtTime = mtStart + mtOffset; pTempo->dwFlags = DMUS_PMSGF_MUSICTIME; } } else { if (fClockTime) { pTempo->rtTime = (rTempoEvent.lTime * REF_PER_MIL) + rtOffset; pTempo->dwFlags = DMUS_PMSGF_REFTIME | DMUS_PMSGF_LOCKTOREFTIME; } else { pTempo->mtTime = rTempoEvent.lTime + mtOffset; pTempo->dwFlags = DMUS_PMSGF_MUSICTIME; } } pTempo->dblTempo = rTempoEvent.dblTempo; pTempo->dwVirtualTrackID = pSD->dwVirtualTrackID; pTempo->dwType = DMUS_PMSGT_TEMPO; pTempo->dwGroupID = 0xffffffff; if( pGraph ) { pGraph->StampPMsg( (DMUS_PMSG*)pTempo ); } if(FAILED(pSD->pPerformance->SendPMsg( (DMUS_PMSG*)pTempo ))) { pSD->pPerformance->FreePMsg( (DMUS_PMSG*)pTempo ); } } } } if( pGraph ) { pGraph->Release(); } return hr; }
// if fGetPrevious is TRUE, seek to the event prior to mtTime. Otherwise, seek to
// the event on or after mtTime
HRESULT CTempoTrack::Seek( /* [in] */ TempoStateData *pSD, /* [in] */ MUSIC_TIME mtTime, BOOL fGetPrevious) { TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pScan = pSD->pCurrentTempo; if (!pScan) { pScan = m_TempoEventList.GetHead(); } if (!pScan) { return S_FALSE; } // if the event's time is on or past mtTime, we need to go to the beginning
if (pScan->GetItemValue().lTime >= mtTime) { pScan = m_TempoEventList.GetHead(); } pSD->pCurrentTempo = pScan; for (; pScan; pScan = pScan->GetNext()) { if (pScan->GetItemValue().lTime >= mtTime) { if (!fGetPrevious) { pSD->pCurrentTempo = pScan; } break; } pSD->pCurrentTempo = pScan; } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTempoTrack::GetParamEx(REFGUID rguidType,REFERENCE_TIME rtTime, REFERENCE_TIME* prtNext,void* pParam,void * pStateData, DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; MUSIC_TIME mtNext; if (dwFlags & DMUS_TRACK_PARAMF_CLOCK) { hr = GetParam(rguidType,(MUSIC_TIME) (rtTime / REF_PER_MIL), &mtNext, pParam); if (prtNext) { *prtNext = mtNext * REF_PER_MIL; } } else { hr = GetParam(rguidType,(MUSIC_TIME) rtTime, &mtNext, pParam); if (prtNext) { *prtNext = mtNext; } } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CTempoTrack::SetParamEx(REFGUID rguidType,REFERENCE_TIME rtTime, void* pParam, void * pStateData, DWORD dwFlags) { if (dwFlags & DMUS_TRACK_PARAMF_CLOCK) { rtTime /= REF_PER_MIL; } return SetParam(rguidType, (MUSIC_TIME) rtTime , pParam); }
HRESULT CTempoTrack::GetParam( REFGUID rguid, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, MUSIC_TIME* pmtNext, void *pData) { V_INAME(IDirectMusicTrack::GetParam); V_PTR_WRITE_OPT(pmtNext,MUSIC_TIME); V_REFGUID(rguid);
HRESULT hr = DMUS_E_GET_UNSUPPORTED; if( NULL == pData ) { return E_POINTER; } if( rguid == GUID_PrivateTempoParam ) { DMUS_TEMPO_PARAM TempoData; PrivateTempo* pPrivateTempoData = (PrivateTempo*)pData; hr = GetParam(GUID_TempoParam, mtTime, pmtNext, (void*)&TempoData); if (hr == S_OK) { pPrivateTempoData->dblTempo = TempoData.dblTempo; pPrivateTempoData->mtTime = 0; // must be set by the caller
pPrivateTempoData->mtDelta = TempoData.mtTime; pPrivateTempoData->fLast = (pmtNext && !*pmtNext); } else if (hr == DMUS_E_NOT_FOUND) // the tempo track was empty
{ pPrivateTempoData->fLast = true; } } else if( rguid == GUID_TempoParam ) { if( !m_fActive ) { return DMUS_E_TYPE_DISABLED; } DMUS_TEMPO_PARAM* pTempoData = (DMUS_TEMPO_PARAM*)pData; TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pScan = m_TempoEventList.GetHead(); TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pPrevious = pScan; if (!pScan) { return DMUS_E_NOT_FOUND; } for (; pScan; pScan = pScan->GetNext()) { if (pScan->GetItemValue().lTime > mtTime) { break; } pPrevious = pScan; } DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM& rTempoEvent = pPrevious->GetItemValue(); pTempoData->dblTempo = rTempoEvent.dblTempo; pTempoData->mtTime = rTempoEvent.lTime - mtTime; if (pmtNext) { *pmtNext = 0; } if (pScan) { DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM& rNextTempoEvent = pScan->GetItemValue(); if (pmtNext) { *pmtNext = rNextTempoEvent.lTime - mtTime; } } hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
// Q: if all tracks are time-stamped, why do we need mtTime?
HRESULT CTempoTrack::SetParam( REFGUID rguid, MUSIC_TIME mtTime, void *pData) { V_INAME(IDirectMusicTrack::SetParam); V_REFGUID(rguid);
if( rguid == GUID_DisableTempo ) { if (m_fStateSetBySetParam && !m_fActive) { // Already been disabled.
hr = DMUS_E_TYPE_DISABLED; } else { m_fStateSetBySetParam = TRUE; m_fActive = FALSE; hr = S_OK; } } else if( rguid == GUID_EnableTempo ) { if (m_fStateSetBySetParam && m_fActive) { // Already been enabled.
hr = DMUS_E_TYPE_DISABLED; } else { m_fStateSetBySetParam = TRUE; m_fActive = TRUE; hr = S_OK; } } else if( rguid == GUID_TempoParam ) { if (!m_fActive) { // Oops, app intentionally disabled tempo.
hr = DMUS_E_TYPE_DISABLED; } else { if( NULL == pData ) { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); return E_POINTER; } DMUS_TEMPO_PARAM* pTempoData = (DMUS_TEMPO_PARAM*)pData; TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pScan = m_TempoEventList.GetHead(); TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pPrevious = NULL; for (; pScan; pScan = pScan->GetNext()) { if (pScan->GetItemValue().lTime >= mtTime) { break; } pPrevious = pScan; } // Make a new DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM and insert it after pPrevious
TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pNew = new TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>; if (!pNew) { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM& rTempoEvent = pNew->GetItemValue(); rTempoEvent.dblTempo = pTempoData->dblTempo; /*
// I believe the fix for 204160 was supposed to change this line to what
// follows the comment. RSW
rTempoEvent.lTime = pTempoData->mtTime; */ rTempoEvent.lTime = mtTime; if (pPrevious) { pNew->SetNext(pScan); pPrevious->SetNext(pNew); } else { m_TempoEventList.AddHead(pNew); } if (pScan && pScan->GetItemValue().lTime == mtTime) { // remove it
pNew->SetNext(pScan->GetNext()); pScan->SetNext(NULL); delete pScan; } m_dwValidate++; hr = S_OK; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTempoTrack::AddNotificationType( /* [in] */ REFGUID rguidNotification) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTempoTrack::RemoveNotificationType( /* [in] */ REFGUID rguidNotification) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTempoTrack::Clone( MUSIC_TIME mtStart, MUSIC_TIME mtEnd, IDirectMusicTrack** ppTrack) { V_INAME(IDirectMusicTrack::Clone); V_PTRPTR_WRITE(ppTrack);
if(mtStart < 0 ) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if(mtStart > mtEnd) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
CTempoTrack *pDM; try { pDM = new CTempoTrack(*this, mtStart, mtEnd); } catch( ... ) { pDM = NULL; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); if (pDM == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
hr = pDM->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectMusicTrack, (void**)ppTrack); pDM->Release();
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CTempoTrack::Compose( IUnknown* pContext, DWORD dwTrackGroup, IDirectMusicTrack** ppResultTrack) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CTempoTrack::Join( IDirectMusicTrack* pNewTrack, MUSIC_TIME mtJoin, IUnknown* pContext, DWORD dwTrackGroup, IDirectMusicTrack** ppResultTrack) { V_INAME(IDirectMusicTrack::Join); V_INTERFACE(pNewTrack); V_INTERFACE_OPT(pContext); V_PTRPTR_WRITE_OPT(ppResultTrack);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; EnterCriticalSection(&m_CrSec);
if (ppResultTrack) { hr = Clone(0, mtJoin, ppResultTrack); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ((CTempoTrack*)*ppResultTrack)->JoinInternal(pNewTrack, mtJoin, dwTrackGroup); } } else { hr = JoinInternal(pNewTrack, mtJoin, dwTrackGroup); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CrSec); return hr; }
HRESULT CTempoTrack::JoinInternal( IDirectMusicTrack* pNewTrack, MUSIC_TIME mtJoin, DWORD dwTrackGroup) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CTempoTrack* pOtherTrack = (CTempoTrack*)pNewTrack; TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pScan = pOtherTrack->m_TempoEventList.GetHead(); for (; pScan; pScan = pScan->GetNext()) { DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM& rScan = pScan->GetItemValue(); TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>* pNew = new TListItem<DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM>; if (pNew) { DMUS_IO_TEMPO_ITEM& rNew = pNew->GetItemValue(); rNew.lTime = rScan.lTime + mtJoin; rNew.dblTempo = rScan.dblTempo; m_TempoEventList.AddTail(pNew); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } } return hr; }