* * Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: DNLReg.cpp * Content: DirectPlay Lobby Registry Functions *@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 02/21/00 mjn Created * 04/25/00 rmt Bug #s 33138, 33145, 33150 * 05/03/00 rmt UnRegister was not implemented! Implementing! * 08/05/00 RichGr IA64: Use %p format specifier in DPFs for 32/64-bit pointers and handles. * 06/16/2001 rodtoll WINBUG #416983 - RC1: World has full control to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications on Personal * Implementing mirror of keys into HKCU. Algorithm is now: * - Read of entries tries HKCU first, then HKLM * - Enum of entires is combination of HKCU and HKLM entries with duplicates removed. HKCU takes priority. * - Write of entries is HKLM and HKCU. (HKLM may fail, but is ignored). *@@END_MSINTERNAL * ***************************************************************************/
#include "dnlobbyi.h"
// Constant definitions
// Macro definitions
// Structure definitions
// Variable definitions
// Function prototypes
// Function definitions
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPLDeleteProgramDesc"
HRESULT DPLDeleteProgramDesc( const GUID * const pGuidApplication ) { HRESULT hResultCode = DPN_OK; CRegistry RegistryEntry; CRegistry SubEntry; DWORD dwLastError; HKEY hkCurrentHive; BOOL fFound = FALSE; BOOL fRemoved = FALSE; DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Removing program desc" );
for( DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < 2; dwIndex++ ) { if( dwIndex == 0 ) { hkCurrentHive = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } else { hkCurrentHive = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; }
if( !RegistryEntry.Open( hkCurrentHive,DPL_REG_LOCAL_APPL_SUBKEY,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,DPN_KEY_ALL_ACCESS ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Failed to open key for remove in pass %i", dwIndex ); continue; }
// This should be down below the next if block, but 8.0 shipped with a bug
// which resulted in this function returning DPNERR_NOTALLOWED in cases where
// the next if block failed. Need to remain compatible
fFound = TRUE;
if( !SubEntry.Open( RegistryEntry, pGuidApplication, FALSE, FALSE,TRUE,DPN_KEY_ALL_ACCESS ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Failed to open subkey for remove in pass %i", dwIndex ); continue; }
if( !RegistryEntry.DeleteSubKey( pGuidApplication ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Failed to delete subkey for remove in pass %i", dwIndex ); continue; }
fRemoved = TRUE;
RegistryEntry.Close(); } if( !fFound ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Could not find entry" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_DOESNOTEXIST; } else if( !fRemoved ) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error deleting registry sub-key lastError [0x%lx]", dwLastError ); hResultCode = DPNERR_NOTALLOWED; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Removing program desc [0x%x]", hResultCode );
return hResultCode; }
// ------------------------------
// DPLWriteProgramDesc
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: DPN_OK
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPLWriteProgramDesc"
HRESULT DPLWriteProgramDesc(DPL_PROGRAM_DESC *const pdplProgramDesc) { HRESULT hResultCode; CRegistry RegistryEntry; CRegistry SubEntry; WCHAR *pwsz; WCHAR pwszDefault[] = L"\0"; HKEY hkCurrentHive = NULL; BOOL fWritten = FALSE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Parameters: pdplProgramDesc [0x%p]",pdplProgramDesc);
for( DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < 2; dwIndex++ ) { if( dwIndex == 0 ) { hkCurrentHive = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; } else { hkCurrentHive = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; }
if (!RegistryEntry.Open(hkCurrentHive,DPL_REG_LOCAL_APPL_SUBKEY,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,DPN_KEY_ALL_ACCESS)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Entry not found in user hive on pass %i", dwIndex ); continue; }
// Get Application name and GUID from each sub key
if (!SubEntry.Open(RegistryEntry,&pdplProgramDesc->guidApplication,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,DPN_KEY_ALL_ACCESS)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Entry not found in user hive on pass %i", dwIndex ); continue; }
if (!SubEntry.WriteString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_APPLICATIONNAME,pdplProgramDesc->pwszApplicationName)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Could not write ApplicationName on pass %i", dwIndex); goto LOOP_END; }
if (pdplProgramDesc->pwszCommandLine != NULL) { pwsz = pdplProgramDesc->pwszCommandLine; } else { pwsz = pwszDefault; } if (!SubEntry.WriteString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_COMMANDLINE,pwsz)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Could not write CommandLine on pass %i", dwIndex); goto LOOP_END; }
if (pdplProgramDesc->pwszCurrentDirectory != NULL) { pwsz = pdplProgramDesc->pwszCurrentDirectory; } else { pwsz = pwszDefault; } if (!SubEntry.WriteString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_CURRENTDIRECTORY,pwsz)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Could not write CurrentDirectory on pass %i", dwIndex); goto LOOP_END; }
if (pdplProgramDesc->pwszDescription != NULL) { pwsz = pdplProgramDesc->pwszDescription; } else { pwsz = pwszDefault; } if (!SubEntry.WriteString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_DESCRIPTION,pwsz)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Could not write Description on pass %i", dwIndex ); goto LOOP_END; }
if (pdplProgramDesc->pwszExecutableFilename != NULL) { pwsz = pdplProgramDesc->pwszExecutableFilename; } else { pwsz = pwszDefault; } if (!SubEntry.WriteString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_EXECUTABLEFILENAME,pwsz)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Could not write ExecutableFilename on pass %i", dwIndex ); goto LOOP_END; }
if (pdplProgramDesc->pwszExecutablePath != NULL) { pwsz = pdplProgramDesc->pwszExecutablePath; } else { pwsz = pwszDefault; } if (!SubEntry.WriteString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_EXECUTABLEPATH,pwsz)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Could not write ExecutablePath on pass %i", dwIndex); goto LOOP_END; }
if (pdplProgramDesc->pwszLauncherFilename != NULL) { pwsz = pdplProgramDesc->pwszLauncherFilename; } else { pwsz = pwszDefault; } if (!SubEntry.WriteString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_LAUNCHERFILENAME,pwsz)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Could not write LauncherFilename on pass %i", dwIndex); goto LOOP_END; }
if (pdplProgramDesc->pwszLauncherPath != NULL) { pwsz = pdplProgramDesc->pwszLauncherPath; } else { pwsz = pwszDefault; } if (!SubEntry.WriteString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_LAUNCHERPATH,pwsz)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Could not write LauncherPath on pass %i", dwIndex); goto LOOP_END; }
if (!SubEntry.WriteGUID(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_GUID,pdplProgramDesc->guidApplication)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Could not write GUID on pass %i", dwIndex); goto LOOP_END; }
fWritten = TRUE;
SubEntry.Close(); RegistryEntry.Close(); }
if( !fWritten ) { DPFERR("Entry could not be written"); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; } else { hResultCode = DPN_OK; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode); }
// ------------------------------
// DPLGetProgramDesc
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: DPN_OK
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "DPLGetProgramDesc"
HRESULT DPLGetProgramDesc(GUID *const pGuidApplication, BYTE *const pBuffer, DWORD *const pdwBufferSize) { HRESULT hResultCode; CRegistry RegistryEntry; CRegistry SubEntry; CPackedBuffer PackedBuffer; DWORD dwEntrySize; DWORD dwRegValueLengths; DPL_PROGRAM_DESC *pdnProgramDesc; DWORD dwValueSize; HKEY hkCurrentHive = NULL; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Parameters: pGuidApplication [0x%p], pBuffer [0x%p], pdwBufferSize [0x%p]", pGuidApplication,pBuffer,pdwBufferSize); for( DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < 2; dwIndex++ ) { if( dwIndex == 0 ) { hkCurrentHive = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } else { hkCurrentHive = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; }
if (!RegistryEntry.Open(hkCurrentHive,DPL_REG_LOCAL_APPL_SUBKEY,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,DPL_REGISTRY_READ_ACCESS)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Entry not found in user hive on pass %i", dwIndex ); continue; }
// Get Application name and GUID from each sub key
if (!SubEntry.Open(RegistryEntry,pGuidApplication,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,DPL_REGISTRY_READ_ACCESS)) { DPFX( DPFPREP, 1, "Entry not found in user hive on pass %i", dwIndex ); continue; }
fFound = TRUE; break;
if( !fFound ) { DPFERR("Entry not found"); hResultCode = DPNERR_DOESNOTEXIST; goto EXIT_DPLGetProgramDesc; }
// Calculate total entry size (structure + data)
dwEntrySize = sizeof(DPL_PROGRAM_DESC); dwRegValueLengths = 0; if (SubEntry.GetValueLength(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_APPLICATIONNAME,&dwValueSize)) { dwRegValueLengths += dwValueSize; } if (SubEntry.GetValueLength(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_COMMANDLINE,&dwValueSize)) { dwRegValueLengths += dwValueSize; } if (SubEntry.GetValueLength(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_CURRENTDIRECTORY,&dwValueSize)) { dwRegValueLengths += dwValueSize; } if (SubEntry.GetValueLength(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_DESCRIPTION,&dwValueSize)) { dwRegValueLengths += dwValueSize; } if (SubEntry.GetValueLength(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_EXECUTABLEFILENAME,&dwValueSize)) { dwRegValueLengths += dwValueSize; } if (SubEntry.GetValueLength(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_EXECUTABLEPATH,&dwValueSize)) { dwRegValueLengths += dwValueSize; } if (SubEntry.GetValueLength(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_LAUNCHERFILENAME,&dwValueSize)) { dwRegValueLengths += dwValueSize; } if (SubEntry.GetValueLength(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_LAUNCHERPATH,&dwValueSize)) { dwRegValueLengths += dwValueSize; } dwEntrySize += dwRegValueLengths * sizeof( WCHAR ); DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"dwEntrySize [%ld]",dwEntrySize);
// If supplied buffer sufficient, use it
if (dwEntrySize <= *pdwBufferSize) { PackedBuffer.Initialize(pBuffer,*pdwBufferSize);
pdnProgramDesc = static_cast<DPL_PROGRAM_DESC*>(PackedBuffer.GetHeadAddress()); PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,sizeof(DPL_PROGRAM_DESC));
dwValueSize = PackedBuffer.GetSpaceRemaining(); pdnProgramDesc->pwszApplicationName = static_cast<WCHAR*>(PackedBuffer.GetHeadAddress()); if (!SubEntry.ReadString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_APPLICATIONNAME, pdnProgramDesc->pwszApplicationName,&dwValueSize)) { DPFERR( "Unable to get application name for entry" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; goto EXIT_DPLGetProgramDesc; } if (dwValueSize > 1) { PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,dwValueSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { pdnProgramDesc->pwszApplicationName = NULL; } dwValueSize = PackedBuffer.GetSpaceRemaining(); pdnProgramDesc->pwszCommandLine = static_cast<WCHAR*>(PackedBuffer.GetHeadAddress()); if (!SubEntry.ReadString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_COMMANDLINE, pdnProgramDesc->pwszCommandLine,&dwValueSize)) { DPFERR( "Unable to get commandline for entry" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; goto EXIT_DPLGetProgramDesc; } if (dwValueSize > 1) { PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,dwValueSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { pdnProgramDesc->pwszCommandLine = NULL; }
dwValueSize = PackedBuffer.GetSpaceRemaining(); pdnProgramDesc->pwszCurrentDirectory = static_cast<WCHAR*>(PackedBuffer.GetHeadAddress()); if (!SubEntry.ReadString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_CURRENTDIRECTORY, pdnProgramDesc->pwszCurrentDirectory,&dwValueSize)) { DPFERR( "Unable to get current directory filename for entry" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; goto EXIT_DPLGetProgramDesc; } if (dwValueSize > 1) { PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,dwValueSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { pdnProgramDesc->pwszCurrentDirectory = NULL; }
dwValueSize = PackedBuffer.GetSpaceRemaining(); pdnProgramDesc->pwszDescription = static_cast<WCHAR*>(PackedBuffer.GetHeadAddress()); if (!SubEntry.ReadString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_DESCRIPTION, pdnProgramDesc->pwszDescription,&dwValueSize)) { DPFERR( "Unable to get description for entry" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; goto EXIT_DPLGetProgramDesc; } if (dwValueSize > 1) { PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,dwValueSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { pdnProgramDesc->pwszDescription = NULL; }
dwValueSize = PackedBuffer.GetSpaceRemaining(); pdnProgramDesc->pwszExecutableFilename = static_cast<WCHAR*>(PackedBuffer.GetHeadAddress()); if (!SubEntry.ReadString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_EXECUTABLEFILENAME, pdnProgramDesc->pwszExecutableFilename,&dwValueSize)) { DPFERR( "Unable to get executable filename for entry" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; goto EXIT_DPLGetProgramDesc; } if (dwValueSize > 1) { PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,dwValueSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { pdnProgramDesc->pwszExecutableFilename = NULL; }
dwValueSize = PackedBuffer.GetSpaceRemaining(); pdnProgramDesc->pwszExecutablePath = static_cast<WCHAR*>(PackedBuffer.GetHeadAddress()); if (!SubEntry.ReadString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_EXECUTABLEPATH, pdnProgramDesc->pwszExecutablePath,&dwValueSize)) { DPFERR( "Unable to get executable path for entry" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; goto EXIT_DPLGetProgramDesc; } if (dwValueSize > 1) { PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,dwValueSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { pdnProgramDesc->pwszExecutablePath = NULL; }
dwValueSize = PackedBuffer.GetSpaceRemaining(); pdnProgramDesc->pwszLauncherFilename = static_cast<WCHAR*>(PackedBuffer.GetHeadAddress()); if (!SubEntry.ReadString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_LAUNCHERFILENAME, pdnProgramDesc->pwszLauncherFilename,&dwValueSize)) { DPFERR( "Unable to get launcher filename for entry" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; goto EXIT_DPLGetProgramDesc; } if (dwValueSize > 1) { PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,dwValueSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { pdnProgramDesc->pwszLauncherFilename = NULL; }
dwValueSize = PackedBuffer.GetSpaceRemaining(); pdnProgramDesc->pwszLauncherPath = static_cast<WCHAR*>(PackedBuffer.GetHeadAddress()); if (!SubEntry.ReadString(DPL_REG_KEYNAME_LAUNCHERPATH, pdnProgramDesc->pwszLauncherPath,&dwValueSize)) { DPFERR( "Unable to get launcher path for entry" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; goto EXIT_DPLGetProgramDesc; } if (dwValueSize > 1) { PackedBuffer.AddToFront(NULL,dwValueSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { pdnProgramDesc->pwszLauncherPath = NULL; }
pdnProgramDesc->dwSize = sizeof(DPL_PROGRAM_DESC); pdnProgramDesc->dwFlags = 0; pdnProgramDesc->guidApplication = *pGuidApplication;
hResultCode = DPN_OK; } else { hResultCode = DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL; }
SubEntry.Close(); RegistryEntry.Close();
if (hResultCode == DPN_OK || hResultCode == DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL) { *pdwBufferSize = dwEntrySize; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode); }