// FILE: VoiceParser.cpp
// Description: DirectPlay Service Provider Parser
// Modification History:
// Michael Milirud 08/Aug/2000 Created
// Standard headers //
#include <string>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <wsipx.h>
// DVoice.h, included by DVProt.h, will _define_ the Compression Type GUIDs.
#include <initguid.h>
// Proprietary headers //
// Prototypes
#include "VoiceParser.hpp"
// Voice protocol header
#include "DVoice.h"
#include "DVProt.h"
namespace { HPROTOCOL g_hVoiceProtocol;
// Message Type field //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LABELED_BYTE g_arr_MessageTypeByteLabels[] = { { DVMSGID_CONNECTREQUEST, "Establishing connection" }, { DVMSGID_CONNECTREFUSE, "Connection request rejected" }, { DVMSGID_CONNECTACCEPT, "Connection request granted" }, { DVMSGID_SETTINGSCONFIRM, "Confirming support for the connection settings" }, { DVMSGID_PLAYERLIST, "List of players in the session" }, { DVMSGID_SPEECH, "Audio data" }, { DVMSGID_SPEECHWITHTARGET, "Targeted audio data" }, { DVMSGID_SPEECHWITHFROM, "Proxied audio data" }, { DVMSGID_SETTARGETS, "Setting client's target" }, { DVMSGID_CREATEVOICEPLAYER, "New player joined the session" }, { DVMSGID_DELETEVOICEPLAYER, "Player left the session" }, { DVMSGID_SESSIONLOST, "Session is lost" }, { DVMSGID_DISCONNECTCONFIRM, "Disconnection notification acknowledged" }, { DVMSGID_DISCONNECT, "Disconnecting" }, { DVMSGID_PLAYERLIST, "Players list" } };
SET g_LabeledMessageTypeByteSet = { sizeof(g_arr_MessageTypeByteLabels) / sizeof(LABELED_BYTE), g_arr_MessageTypeByteLabels };
// Result Code field //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LABELED_DWORD g_arr_ResultCodeDWordLabels[] = { { DVERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL, "Buffer is too small" }, { DVERR_EXCEPTION, "Exception was thrown" }, { DVERR_GENERIC, "Generic error" }, { DVERR_INVALIDFLAGS, "Invalid flags" }, { DVERR_INVALIDOBJECT, "Invalid object" }, { DVERR_INVALIDPARAM, "Invalid parameter(s)" }, { DVERR_INVALIDPLAYER, "Invalid player" }, { DVERR_INVALIDGROUP, "Invalid group" }, { DVERR_INVALIDHANDLE, "Invalid handle" }, { DVERR_INVALIDPOINTER, "Invalid pointer" }, { DVERR_OUTOFMEMORY, "Out of memory" }, { DVERR_CONNECTABORTING, "Aborting connection" }, { DVERR_CONNECTIONLOST, "Connection lost" }, { DVERR_CONNECTABORTED, "Connection aborted" }, { DVERR_CONNECTED, "Connected" }, { DVERR_NOTCONNECTED, "Not connected" }, { DVERR_NOTINITIALIZED, "Not initialized" }, { DVERR_NOVOICESESSION, "No voice session" }, { DVERR_NOTALLOWED, "Not allowed" }, { DVERR_NOTHOSTING, "Not hosting" }, { DVERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Not supported" }, { DVERR_NOINTERFACE, "No interface" }, { DVERR_NOTBUFFERED, "Not buffered" }, { DVERR_NOTRANSPORT, "No transport" }, { DVERR_NOCALLBACK, "No callback" }, { DVERR_NO3DSOUND, "No 3D sound" }, { DVERR_NORECVOLAVAILABLE, "No recording volume available" }, { DVERR_SESSIONLOST, "Session lost" }, { DVERR_PENDING, "Pending" }, { DVERR_INVALIDTARGET, "Invalid target" }, { DVERR_TRANSPORTNOTHOST, "Transport is not hosting" }, { DVERR_COMPRESSIONNOTSUPPORTED, "Compression is not supported" }, { DVERR_ALREADYPENDING, "Already pending" }, { DVERR_SOUNDINITFAILURE, "Sound initialization failed" }, { DVERR_TIMEOUT, "Timeout" }, { DVERR_ALREADYBUFFERED, "Already buffered" }, { DVERR_HOSTING, "Hosting" }, { DVERR_INVALIDDEVICE, "Invalid device" }, { DVERR_RECORDSYSTEMERROR, "Record system error" }, { DVERR_PLAYBACKSYSTEMERROR, "Playback system error" }, { DVERR_SENDERROR, "Send error" }, { DVERR_USERCANCEL, "Cancelled by user" }, { DVERR_RUNSETUP, "Run setup" }, { DVERR_INCOMPATIBLEVERSION, "Incompatible version" }, { DVERR_INITIALIZED, "Initialized" }, { DVERR_TRANSPORTNOTINIT, "Transport not initialized" }, { DVERR_TRANSPORTNOSESSION, "Transport is not hosting or connecting" }, { DVERR_TRANSPORTNOPLAYER, "Legacy DirectPlay local player has not yet been created" }, { DVERR_USERBACK, "Back button was used improperly in the wizard" }, { DVERR_INVALIDBUFFER, "Invalid buffer" }, { DV_OK, "Success" } };
SET g_LabeledResultCodeDWordSet = { sizeof(g_arr_ResultCodeDWordLabels) / sizeof(LABELED_DWORD), g_arr_ResultCodeDWordLabels };
// Session Type field //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LABELED_DWORD g_arr_SessionTypeDWordLabels[] = { { DVSESSIONTYPE_PEER, "Peer to peer" }, { DVSESSIONTYPE_MIXING, "Mixing server" }, { DVSESSIONTYPE_FORWARDING, "Forwarding server" }, { DVSESSIONTYPE_ECHO, "Loopback" } };
SET g_LabeledSessionTypeDWordSet = { sizeof(g_arr_SessionTypeDWordLabels) / sizeof(LABELED_DWORD), g_arr_SessionTypeDWordLabels };
// Session Flags field //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LABELED_BIT g_arr_SessionFlagsBitLabels[] = { { 1, "Host Migration enabled", "No Host Migration" }, // DVSESSION_NOHOSTMIGRATION
{ 2, "No Server Control Target mode", "Server Control Target mode" } }; // DVSESSION_SERVERCONTROLTARGET
SET g_LabeledSessionFlagsBitSet = { sizeof(g_arr_SessionFlagsBitLabels) / sizeof(LABELED_BIT), g_arr_SessionFlagsBitLabels };
// Player Flags field //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LABELED_BIT g_arr_PlayerFlagsBitLabels[] = { { 1, "Player supports full-duplex connection", "Player only supports half-duplex connection" } }; // DVPLAYERCAPS_HALFDUPLEX
SET g_LabeledPlayerFlagsBitSet = { sizeof(g_arr_PlayerFlagsBitLabels) / sizeof(LABELED_BIT), g_arr_PlayerFlagsBitLabels };
// Host Order ID field //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LABELED_DWORD g_arr_HostOrderDWordLabels[] = { { -1, "Hasn't been assigned by the host yet" } };
SET g_LabeledHostOrderIDDWordSet = { sizeof(g_arr_HostOrderDWordLabels) / sizeof(LABELED_DWORD), g_arr_HostOrderDWordLabels };
// Custom Property Formatters //=====================================================================================
// DESCRIPTION: Custom description formatter for the Voice packet summary
// ARGUMENTS: io_pProperyInstance - Data of the property's instance
VOID WINAPIV FormatPropertyInstance_VoiceSummary( LPPROPERTYINST io_pProperyInstance ) { std::string strSummary; char arr_cBuffer[10];
DVPROTOCOLMSG_FULLMESSAGE& rVoiceFrame = *reinterpret_cast<DVPROTOCOLMSG_FULLMESSAGE*>(io_pProperyInstance->lpData);
DWORD dwType = rVoiceFrame.dvGeneric.dwType;
// Message classification
default: { strSummary = "INVALID"; break; } }
// Message title
switch ( dwType ) { case DVMSGID_CREATEVOICEPLAYER: { strSummary += "Player "; strSummary += _itoa(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dvidID, arr_cBuffer, 16); strSummary += " joined the session"; break; }
default: { for ( int n = 0; n < sizeof(g_arr_MessageTypeByteLabels) / sizeof(LABELED_BYTE); ++n ) { if ( g_arr_MessageTypeByteLabels[n].Value == dwType ) { strSummary += g_arr_MessageTypeByteLabels[n].Label; break; } }
break; } }
// Message highlights
switch ( dwType ) { case DVMSGID_PLAYERLIST: { strSummary += " ("; strSummary += _itoa(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerList.dwNumEntries, arr_cBuffer, 10); strSummary += " players)"; break; }
case DVMSGID_CONNECTACCEPT: { strSummary += " ("; for ( int n = 0; n < sizeof(g_arr_SessionTypeDWordLabels)/sizeof(LABELED_DWORD); ++n ) { if ( g_arr_SessionTypeDWordLabels[n].Value == rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.dwSessionType ) { strSummary += g_arr_SessionTypeDWordLabels[n].Label; break; } } strSummary += ")"; break; }
case DVMSGID_SPEECH: case DVMSGID_SPEECHWITHTARGET: case DVMSGID_SPEECHWITHFROM: { strSummary += " ["; strSummary += _itoa(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeech.bMsgNum, arr_cBuffer, 10); strSummary += "."; strSummary += _itoa(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeech.bSeqNum, arr_cBuffer, 10); strSummary += "]"; break; } }
strcpy(io_pProperyInstance->szPropertyText, strSummary.c_str());
} // FormatPropertyInstance_VoiceSummary
// DESCRIPTION: Custom description formatter for the Compression Type field
// ARGUMENTS: io_pProperyInstance - Data of the property's instance
VOID WINAPIV FormatPropertyInstance_CompressionType( LPPROPERTYINST io_pProperyInstance ) {
std::string strSummary = "Compression Type = ";
// Check what Voice frame we are dealing with
REFGUID rguidCompressionType = *reinterpret_cast<GUID*>(io_pProperyInstance->lpData);
if ( IsEqualGUID(rguidCompressionType, DPVCTGUID_TRUESPEECH) ) { strSummary += "TrueSpeech(TM) (8.6kbps) "; } else if ( IsEqualGUID(rguidCompressionType, DPVCTGUID_GSM) ) { strSummary += "Microsoft GSM 6.10 (13kbps) "; } else if ( IsEqualGUID(rguidCompressionType, DPVCTGUID_NONE) ) { strSummary += "None "; } else if ( IsEqualGUID(rguidCompressionType, DPVCTGUID_ADPCM) ) { strSummary += "Microsoft ADPCM (32.8kbps) "; } else if ( IsEqualGUID(rguidCompressionType, DPVCTGUID_SC03) ) { strSummary += "Voxware SC03 (3.2kbps) "; } else if ( IsEqualGUID(rguidCompressionType, DPVCTGUID_SC06) ) { strSummary += "Voxware SC06 (6.4kbps) "; } else if ( IsEqualGUID(rguidCompressionType, DPVCTGUID_VR12) ) { strSummary += "Voxware VR12 (1.4kbps) "; } else { strSummary += "Uknown"; }
enum { nMAX_GUID_STRING = 50 // more than enough characters for a symbolic representation of a GUID
OLECHAR arr_wcGUID[nMAX_GUID_STRING]; StringFromGUID2(rguidCompressionType, arr_wcGUID, sizeof(arr_wcGUID)/sizeof(TCHAR));
char arr_cGUID[nMAX_GUID_STRING]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, arr_wcGUID, -1, arr_cGUID, sizeof(arr_cGUID), NULL, NULL); strSummary += arr_cGUID;
strcpy(io_pProperyInstance->szPropertyText, strSummary.c_str());
} // FormatPropertyInstance_CompressionType
// DESCRIPTION: Custom description formatter for the Players List summary
// ARGUMENTS: io_pProperyInstance - Data of the property's instance
VOID WINAPIV FormatPropertyInstance_PlayersListSummary( LPPROPERTYINST io_pProperyInstance ) {
sprintf(io_pProperyInstance->szPropertyText, "List of %d players in the session", io_pProperyInstance->lpPropertyInstEx->Dword[0]);
} // FormatPropertyInstance_PlayersListSummary
// DESCRIPTION: Custom description formatter for the Player's Entry summary
// ARGUMENTS: io_pProperyInstance - Data of the property's instance
VOID WINAPIV FormatPropertyInstance_PlayerEntrySummary( LPPROPERTYINST io_pProperyInstance ) {
DWORD* pdwData = io_pProperyInstance->lpPropertyInstEx->Dword; sprintf(io_pProperyInstance->szPropertyText, "Player %d out of %d", pdwData[0], pdwData[1]);
} // FormatPropertyInstance_PlayerEntrySummary
// DESCRIPTION: Custom description formatter for the Session Flags summary
// ARGUMENTS: io_pProperyInstance - Data of the property's instance
VOID WINAPIV FormatPropertyInstance_SessionFlagsSummary( LPPROPERTYINST io_pProperyInstance ) {
std::string strSummary;
if ( (*io_pProperyInstance->lpDword & DVSESSION_NOHOSTMIGRATION) == DVSESSION_NOHOSTMIGRATION ) { strSummary = g_arr_SessionFlagsBitLabels[0].LabelOn; } else { strSummary = g_arr_SessionFlagsBitLabels[0].LabelOff; }
strSummary += ", ";
if ( (*io_pProperyInstance->lpDword & DVSESSION_SERVERCONTROLTARGET) == DVSESSION_SERVERCONTROLTARGET ) { strSummary += g_arr_SessionFlagsBitLabels[1].LabelOn; } else { strSummary += g_arr_SessionFlagsBitLabels[1].LabelOff; }
strcpy(io_pProperyInstance->szPropertyText, strSummary.c_str());
} // FormatPropertyInstance_SessionFlagsSummary
// DESCRIPTION: Custom description formatter for the Player's Entry summary
// ARGUMENTS: io_pProperyInstance - Data of the property's instance
VOID WINAPIV FormatPropertyInstance_PlayerFlagsSummary( LPPROPERTYINST io_pProperyInstance ) {
std::string strSummary;
if ( (*io_pProperyInstance->lpDword & DVSESSION_NOHOSTMIGRATION) == DVSESSION_NOHOSTMIGRATION ) { strSummary = g_arr_PlayerFlagsBitLabels[0].LabelOn; } else { strSummary = g_arr_PlayerFlagsBitLabels[0].LabelOff; }
strcpy(io_pProperyInstance->szPropertyText, strSummary.c_str());
} // FormatPropertyInstance_PlayerFlagsSummary
// Properties table //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROPERTYINFO g_arr_VoiceProperties[] = {
// VOICE packet summary property (VOICE_SUMMARY)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"", // label
"DPlay Voice packet", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_SUMMARY, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier
NULL, // labeled bit set
512, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance_VoiceSummary // generic formatter
// Message Type property (VOICE_UNPARSABLEFRAGMENT)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"This is a non-initial part of the fragmented Transport layer message and can not be parsed", // label
"Unparsable fragment summary", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_SUMMARY, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
128, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
}, // Message Type property ((VOICE_INCOMPLETEMESSAGE)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"The rest of the data needed to parse this message has been sent in a separate fragment and can not be parsed", // label
"Incomplete message summary", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_SUMMARY, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
128, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
}, // Message Type property (VOICE_MESSAGETYPE)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Message Type", // label
"Message Type field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_BYTE, // data type
PROP_QUAL_LABELED_SET, // data type qualifier.
&g_LabeledMessageTypeByteSet, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Major Version property (VOICE_MAJORVERSION)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Major Version", // label
"Major Version field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_BYTE, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Minor Version property (VOICE_MINORVERSION)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Minor Version", // label
"Minor Version field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_BYTE, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Build Version property (VOICE_BUILDVERSION)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Build Version", // label
"Build Version field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_DWORD, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Result Code property (VOICE_RESULTCODE)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Result Code", // label
"Result Code field", // status-bar comment
PROP_QUAL_LABELED_SET, // data type qualifier.
&g_LabeledResultCodeDWordSet, // labeled byte set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Session Type property (VOICE_SESSIONTYPE)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Session Type", // label
"Session Type field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_DWORD, // data type
PROP_QUAL_LABELED_SET, // data type qualifier.
&g_LabeledSessionTypeDWordSet, // labeled byte set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Session Flags property (VOICE_SESSIONFLAGS_SUMMARY)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"", // label
"Session Flags summary", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_SUMMARY, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled byte set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance_SessionFlagsSummary // generic formatter
// Session Flags property (VOICE_SESSIONFLAGS)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Session Flags", // label
"Session Flags field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_DWORD, // data type
PROP_QUAL_FLAGS, // data type qualifier.
&g_LabeledSessionFlagsBitSet, // labeled byte set
512, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Session Flags property (VOICE_PLAYERFLAGS_SUMMARY)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"", // label
"Player Flags summary", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_SUMMARY, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled byte set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance_PlayerFlagsSummary // generic formatter
// Session Flags property (VOICE_PLAYERFLAGS)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Player Flags", // label
"Player Flags field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_DWORD, // data type
PROP_QUAL_FLAGS, // data type qualifier.
&g_LabeledPlayerFlagsBitSet, // labeled byte set
512, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Number of Targets property (VOICE_NUMBEROFTARGETS)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Number of Targets", // label
"Number of Targets field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_DWORD, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Compression Type property (VOICE_COMPRESSIONTYPE)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Compression Type", // label
"Compression Type field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_RAW_DATA, // data type (GUID)
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance_CompressionType // generic formatter
// Host Migration Sequence Number property (VOICE_HOSTORDERID)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Host Migration Sequence Number", // label
"Host Migration Sequence Number field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_DWORD, // data type
PROP_QUAL_LABELED_SET, // data type qualifier.
&g_LabeledHostOrderIDDWordSet, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Number of Players property (VOICE_NUMBEROFPLAYERS)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Number of Players", // label
"Number of Players field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_DWORD, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Player's summary property (VOICE_PLAYERLISTSUMMARY)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"", // label
"Player's list summary", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_SUMMARY, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance_PlayersListSummary // generic formatter
// Player's summary property (VOICE_PLAYERSUMMARY)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"", // label
"Player's summary", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_SUMMARY, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance_PlayerEntrySummary // generic formatter
// Player's ID property (VOICE_PLAYERID)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Player ID", // label
"Player ID field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_DWORD, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Player's ID property (VOICE_TARGETID)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Target ID", // label
"Target ID field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_DWORD, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Message Number property (VOICE_MESSAGENUMBER)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Message #", // label
"Message Number field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_BYTE, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
// Fragment Number property (VOICE_FRAGMENTNUMBER)
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Fragment #", // label
"Fragment Number field", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_BYTE, // data type
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
{ 0, // handle placeholder (MBZ)
0, // reserved (MBZ)
"Audio Data", // label
"Audio Data", // status-bar comment
PROP_TYPE_RAW_DATA, // data type (GUID)
PROP_QUAL_NONE, // data type qualifier.
NULL, // labeled bit set
64, // description's maximum length
FormatPropertyInstance // generic formatter
} };
enum { nNUM_OF_VOICE_PROPS = sizeof(g_arr_VoiceProperties) / sizeof(PROPERTYINFO) };
// Properties' indices
} // anonymous namespace
// DESCRIPTION: Creates and fills-in a properties database for the protocol.
// Network Monitor uses this database to determine which properties the protocol supports.
// ARGUMENTS: i_hVoiceProtocol - The handle of the protocol provided by the Network Monitor.
DPLAYPARSER_API VOID BHAPI VoiceRegister( HPROTOCOL i_hVoiceProtocol ) {
CreatePropertyDatabase(i_hVoiceProtocol, nNUM_OF_VOICE_PROPS);
// Add the properties to the database
for( int nProp=0; nProp < nNUM_OF_VOICE_PROPS; ++nProp ) { AddProperty(i_hVoiceProtocol, &g_arr_VoiceProperties[nProp]); }
} // VoiceRegister
// DESCRIPTION: Frees the resources used to create the protocol property database.
// ARGUMENTS: i_hVoiceProtocol - The handle of the protocol provided by the Network Monitor.
} // VoiceDeregister
namespace {
// DESCRIPTION: Parses the Voice frame to find its size (in bytes) NOT including the user data
// ARGUMENTS: i_pbVoiceFrame - Pointer to the start of the unclaimed data. Typically, the unclaimed data is located
// in the middle of a frame because a previous parser has claimed data before this parser.
// RETURNS: Size of the Voiceecified Voice frame (in bytes)
int VoiceHeaderSize( LPBYTE i_pbVoiceFrame ) {
// Check what Voice frame we are dealing with
const DVPROTOCOLMSG_FULLMESSAGE& rVoiceFrame = *reinterpret_cast<DVPROTOCOLMSG_FULLMESSAGE*>(i_pbVoiceFrame);
switch ( rVoiceFrame.dvGeneric.dwType ) { case DVMSGID_CONNECTREQUEST: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRequest); }
case DVMSGID_CONNECTREFUSE: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRefuse); }
case DVMSGID_CONNECTACCEPT: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept); }
case DVMSGID_SETTINGSCONFIRM: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSettingsConfirm); }
case DVMSGID_PLAYERLIST: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerList); }
case DVMSGID_SPEECH: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeech); }
case DVMSGID_SPEECHWITHTARGET: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget); }
case DVMSGID_SPEECHWITHFROM: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithFrom); }
case DVMSGID_SETTARGETS: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSetTarget); }
case DVMSGID_CREATEVOICEPLAYER: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin); }
case DVMSGID_DELETEVOICEPLAYER: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerQuit); }
case DVMSGID_SESSIONLOST: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSessionLost); }
case DVMSGID_DISCONNECTCONFIRM: case DVMSGID_DISCONNECT: { return sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvDisconnect); }
default: { return -1; // TODO: DPF(0, "Unknown voice frame!");
} }
} // VoiceHeaderSize
} // Anonymous namespace
// DESCRIPTION: Indicates whether a piece of data is recognized as the protocol that the parser detects.
// ARGUMENTS: i_hFrame - The handle to the frame that contains the data.
// i_pbMacFrame - The pointer to the first byte of the frame; the pointer provides a way to view
// the data that the other parsers recognize.
// i_pbVoiceFrame - Pointer to the start of the unclaimed data. Typically, the unclaimed data is located
// in the middle of a frame because a previous parser has claimed data before this parser.
// i_dwMacType - MAC value of the first protocol in a frame. Typically, the i_dwMacType value is used
// when the parser must identify the first protocol in the frame. Can be one of the following:
// i_dwBytesLeft - The remaining number of bytes from a location in the frame to the end of the frame.
// i_hPrevProtocol - Handle of the previous protocol.
// i_dwPrevProtOffset - Offset of the previous protocol (from the beginning of the frame).
// o_pdwProtocolStatus - Protocol status indicator. Must be one of the following: PROTOCOL_STATUS_RECOGNIZED,
// o_phNextProtocol - Placeholder for the handle of the next protocol. This parameter is set when the parser identifies
// the protocol that follows its own protocol.
// io_pdwptrInstData - On input, a pointer to the instance data from the previous protocol.
// On output, a pointer to the instance data for the current protocol.
// RETURNS: If the function is successful, the return value is a pointer to the first byte after the recognized parser data.
// If the parser claims all the remaining data, the return value is NULL. If the function is unsuccessful, the return
// value is the initial value of the i_pbVoiceFrame parameter.
DPLAYPARSER_API LPBYTE BHAPI VoiceRecognizeFrame( HFRAME i_hFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbMacFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbyVoiceFrame, DWORD i_dwMacType, DWORD i_dwBytesLeft, HPROTOCOL i_hPrevProtocol, DWORD i_dwPrevProtOffset, LPDWORD o_pdwProtocolStatus, LPHPROTOCOL o_phNextProtocol, PDWORD_PTR io_pdwptrInstData ) {
// Validate the amount of unclaimed data
nMIN_VoiceHeaderSize = sizeof(_DVPROTOCOLMSG_GENERIC), nNUMBER_OF_MSG_TYPES = sizeof(g_arr_MessageTypeByteLabels) / sizeof(LABELED_BYTE) };
for ( int nTypeIndex = 0; nTypeIndex < nNUMBER_OF_MSG_TYPES; ++nTypeIndex ) { if ( g_arr_MessageTypeByteLabels[nTypeIndex].Value == *i_upbyVoiceFrame ) { break; } }
// Validate the packet as DPlay Session type
if ( ((i_dwBytesLeft >= nMIN_VoiceHeaderSize) && (nTypeIndex < nNUMBER_OF_MSG_TYPES)) || (*io_pdwptrInstData == 0) ) { // Claim the remaining data
*o_pdwProtocolStatus = PROTOCOL_STATUS_CLAIMED; return NULL; }
// Assume the unclaimed data is not recognizable
*o_pdwProtocolStatus = PROTOCOL_STATUS_NOT_RECOGNIZED; return i_upbyVoiceFrame;
} // VoiceRecognizeFrame
// DESCRIPTION: Maps the properties that exist in a piece of recognized data to Voiceecific locations.
// ARGUMENTS: i_hFrame - Handle of the frame that is being parsed.
// i_pbMacFram - Pointer to the first byte in the frame.
// i_pbVoiceFrame - Pointer to the start of the recognized data.
// i_dwMacType - MAC value of the first protocol in a frame. Typically, the i_dwMacType value is used
// when the parser must identify the first protocol in the frame. Can be one of the following:
// i_dwBytesLeft - The remaining number of bytes in a frame (starting from the beginning of the recognized data).
// i_hPrevProtocol - Handle of the previous protocol.
// i_dwPrevProtOffset - Offset of the previous protocol (starting from the beginning of the frame).
// i_dwptrInstData - Pointer to the instance data that the previous protocol provides.
// RETURNS: Must return NULL
DPLAYPARSER_API LPBYTE BHAPI VoiceAttachProperties( HFRAME i_hFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbyMacFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbyVoiceFrame, DWORD i_dwMacType, DWORD i_dwBytesLeft, HPROTOCOL i_hPrevProtocol, DWORD i_dwPrevProtOffset, DWORD_PTR i_dwptrInstData ) { //===================//
// Attach Properties //
if ( i_dwptrInstData == 0 ) { AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_UNPARSABLEFRAGMENT].hProperty, i_dwBytesLeft, i_upbyVoiceFrame, 0, 0, 0); return NULL; } // Summary line
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_SUMMARY].hProperty, VoiceHeaderSize(i_upbyVoiceFrame), i_upbyVoiceFrame, 0, 0, 0);
// Check what Voice frame we are dealing with
DVPROTOCOLMSG_FULLMESSAGE& rVoiceFrame = *reinterpret_cast<DVPROTOCOLMSG_FULLMESSAGE*>(i_upbyVoiceFrame);
// Message type field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_MESSAGETYPE].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvGeneric.dwType), &rVoiceFrame.dvGeneric.dwType, 0, 1, 0);
__try {
switch ( rVoiceFrame.dvGeneric.dwType ) { case DVMSGID_CONNECTREQUEST: { // Major Version field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_MAJORVERSION].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRequest.ucVersionMajor), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRequest.ucVersionMajor, 0, 1, 0);
// Minor Version field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_MINORVERSION].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRequest.ucVersionMinor), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRequest.ucVersionMinor, 0, 1, 0);
// Build Version field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_BUILDVERSION].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRequest.dwVersionBuild), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRequest.dwVersionBuild, 0, 1, 0);
break; }
case DVMSGID_CONNECTREFUSE: { // Result Code field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_RESULTCODE].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRefuse.hresResult), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRefuse.hresResult, 0, 1, 0);
// Major Version field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_MAJORVERSION].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRefuse.ucVersionMajor), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRefuse.ucVersionMajor, 0, 1, 0);
// Minor Version field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_MINORVERSION].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRefuse.ucVersionMinor), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRefuse.ucVersionMinor, 0, 1, 0);
// Build Version field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_BUILDVERSION].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRefuse.dwVersionBuild), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectRefuse.dwVersionBuild, 0, 1, 0);
break; }
case DVMSGID_CONNECTACCEPT: { // Session Type field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_SESSIONTYPE].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.dwSessionType), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.dwSessionType, 0, 1, 0);
// Major Version field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_MAJORVERSION].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.ucVersionMajor), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.ucVersionMajor, 0, 1, 0);
// Minor Version field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_MINORVERSION].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.ucVersionMinor), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.ucVersionMinor, 0, 1, 0);
// Build Version field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_BUILDVERSION].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.dwVersionBuild), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.dwVersionBuild, 0, 1, 0);
// Session Flags summary
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_SESSIONFLAGS_SUMMARY].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.dwSessionFlags), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.dwSessionFlags, 0, 1, 0);
// Session Flags field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_SESSIONFLAGS].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.dwSessionFlags), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.dwSessionFlags, 0, 2, 0);
// Compression Type field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_COMPRESSIONTYPE].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.guidCT), &rVoiceFrame.dvConnectAccept.guidCT, 0, 1, 0);
break; }
case DVMSGID_SETTINGSCONFIRM: { // Player's Flags summary
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERFLAGS_SUMMARY].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSettingsConfirm.dwFlags), &rVoiceFrame.dvSettingsConfirm.dwFlags, 0, 1, 0);
// Client Flags field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERFLAGS].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSettingsConfirm.dwFlags), &rVoiceFrame.dvSettingsConfirm.dwFlags, 0, 2, 0);
// Host Migration Sequence Number field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_HOSTORDERID].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSettingsConfirm.dwHostOrderID), &rVoiceFrame.dvSettingsConfirm.dwHostOrderID, 0, 1, 0);
break; }
case DVMSGID_PLAYERLIST: { // Host Order ID field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_HOSTORDERID].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerList.dwHostOrderID), &rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerList.dwHostOrderID, 0, 1, 0);
// Number of Players field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_NUMBEROFPLAYERS].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerList.dwNumEntries), &rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerList.dwNumEntries, 0, 1, 0);
// Player entries are following after the header
DVPROTOCOLMSG_PLAYERLIST_ENTRY* pPlayerEntry = reinterpret_cast<DVPROTOCOLMSG_PLAYERLIST_ENTRY*>(&rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerList + 1);
// Make sure the list doesn't overflow the boundaries of the frame
DWORD dwNumEntries = rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerList.dwNumEntries; if ( reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pPlayerEntry + dwNumEntries) - i_upbyVoiceFrame > static_cast<int>(i_dwBytesLeft) ) { break; }
// Player list summary
AttachPropertyInstanceEx(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERLIST_SUMMARY].hProperty, dwNumEntries * sizeof(*pPlayerEntry), pPlayerEntry, sizeof(DWORD), &dwNumEntries, 0, 1, 0);
// For every player entry in the list
for ( int nEntry = 1; nEntry <= dwNumEntries; ++nEntry, ++pPlayerEntry ) { // Player's summary
struct { DWORD dwPlayerNum; DWORD dwTotalPlayer; } PlayerEntryData = { nEntry, dwNumEntries };
AttachPropertyInstanceEx(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERSUMMARY].hProperty, sizeof(*pPlayerEntry), pPlayerEntry, sizeof(PlayerEntryData), &PlayerEntryData, 0, 2, 0);
// Player's ID field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERID].hProperty, sizeof(pPlayerEntry->dvidID), &pPlayerEntry->dvidID, 0, 3, 0);
// Player's Flags summary
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERFLAGS_SUMMARY].hProperty, sizeof(pPlayerEntry->dwPlayerFlags), &pPlayerEntry->dwPlayerFlags, 0, 3, 0);
// Player's Flags field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERFLAGS].hProperty, sizeof(pPlayerEntry->dwPlayerFlags), &pPlayerEntry->dwPlayerFlags, 0, 4, 0);
// Host Migration Sequence Number field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_HOSTORDERID].hProperty, sizeof(pPlayerEntry->dwHostOrderID), &pPlayerEntry->dwHostOrderID, 0, 3, 0); }
break; }
case DVMSGID_SPEECH: { // Message Number field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_MESSAGENUMBER].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeech.bMsgNum), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeech.bMsgNum, 0, 1, 0);
// Sequence Number field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_FRAGMENTNUMBER].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeech.bSeqNum), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeech.bSeqNum, 0, 1, 0);
// Audio Data
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_AUDIODATA].hProperty, i_dwBytesLeft-sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeech), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeech + 1, 0, 1, 0);
break; }
case DVMSGID_SPEECHWITHTARGET: { // Message Number field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_MESSAGENUMBER].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget.dvHeader.bMsgNum), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget.dvHeader.bMsgNum, 0, 1, 0);
// Sequence Number field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_FRAGMENTNUMBER].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget.dvHeader.bSeqNum), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget.dvHeader.bSeqNum, 0, 1, 0);
// Number of Targets field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_NUMBEROFTARGETS].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget.dwNumTargets), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget.dwNumTargets, 0, 1, 0);
// Target ID entries are following after the header
DVID* pTargetID = reinterpret_cast<DVID*>(&rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget + 1);
// Make sure the list doesn't overflow the boundaries of the frame
int nNumTargets = rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget.dwNumTargets; if ( reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pTargetID + nNumTargets) - i_upbyVoiceFrame > static_cast<int>(i_dwBytesLeft) ) { break; }
// For every target ID entry in the list...
for ( ; nNumTargets; --nNumTargets, ++pTargetID ) { // Target's ID field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_TARGETID].hProperty, sizeof(*pTargetID), pTargetID, 0, 1, 0); }
// Audio Data
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_AUDIODATA].hProperty, i_dwBytesLeft-sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithTarget + 1, 0, 1, 0); break; }
case DVMSGID_SPEECHWITHFROM: { // Message Number field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_MESSAGENUMBER].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithFrom.dvHeader.bMsgNum), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithFrom.dvHeader.bMsgNum, 0, 1, 0);
// Sequence Number field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_FRAGMENTNUMBER].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithFrom.dvHeader.bSeqNum), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithFrom.dvHeader.bSeqNum, 0, 1, 0);
// Speaking Player's ID field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERID].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithFrom.dvidFrom), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithFrom.dvidFrom, 0, 1, 0);
// Audio Data
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_AUDIODATA].hProperty, i_dwBytesLeft-sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithFrom), &rVoiceFrame.dvSpeechWithFrom + 1, 0, 1, 0); break; }
case DVMSGID_SETTARGETS: { // Number of Targets field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_NUMBEROFTARGETS].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSetTarget.dwNumTargets), &rVoiceFrame.dvSetTarget.dwNumTargets, 0, 1, 0);
break; }
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERID].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dvidID), &rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dvidID, 0, 1, 0);
// Player's Flags summary
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERFLAGS_SUMMARY].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dwFlags), &rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dwFlags, 0, 1, 0);
// Player's Flags field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERFLAGS].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dwFlags), &rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dwFlags, 0, 2, 0);
// Host Order ID field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_HOSTORDERID].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dwHostOrderID), &rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dwHostOrderID, 0, 1, 0);
break; }
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_PLAYERID].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dvidID), &rVoiceFrame.dvPlayerJoin.dvidID, 0, 1, 0);
break; }
case DVMSGID_SESSIONLOST: { // Result Code field
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_RESULTCODE].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvSessionLost.hresReason), &rVoiceFrame.dvSessionLost.hresReason, 0, 1, 0);
break; }
AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_RESULTCODE].hProperty, sizeof(rVoiceFrame.dvDisconnect.hresDisconnect), &rVoiceFrame.dvDisconnect.hresDisconnect, 0, 1, 0);
break; }
default: { break; // TODO: DPF(0, "Unknown voice frame!");
} }
} __except ( GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ) { AttachPropertyInstance(i_hFrame, g_arr_VoiceProperties[VOICE_INCOMPLETEMESSAGE].hProperty, i_dwBytesLeft, i_upbyVoiceFrame, 0, 1, 0); }
return NULL;
} // VoiceAttachProperties
// DESCRIPTION: Formats the data that is diVoicelayed in the details pane of the Network Monitor UI.
// ARGUMENTS: i_hFrame - Handle of the frame that is being parsed.
// i_pbMacFrame - Pointer to the first byte of a frame.
// i_pbCoreFrame - Pointer to the beginning of the protocol data in a frame.
// i_dwPropertyInsts - Number of PROPERTYINST structures provided by lpPropInst.
// i_pPropInst - Pointer to an array of PROPERTYINST structures.
// RETURNS: If the function is successful, the return value is a pointer to the first byte after the recognized data in a frame,
// or NULL if the recognized data is the last piece of data in a frame. If the function is unsuccessful, the return value
// is the initial value of i_upbyVoiceFrame.
DPLAYPARSER_API DWORD BHAPI VoiceFormatProperties( HFRAME i_hFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbyMacFrame, ULPBYTE i_upbyVoiceFrame, DWORD i_dwPropertyInsts, LPPROPERTYINST i_pPropInst ) {
// Loop through the property instances...
while( i_dwPropertyInsts-- > 0) { // ...and call the formatter for each
reinterpret_cast<FORMAT>(i_pPropInst->lpPropertyInfo->InstanceData)(i_pPropInst); ++i_pPropInst; }
} // VoiceFormatProperties
// DESCRIPTION: Notifies Network Monitor that DNET protocol parser exists.
// RETURNS: TRUE - success, FALSE - failure
bool CreateVoiceProtocol( void ) {
// The entry points to the export functions that Network Monitor uses to operate the parser
ENTRYPOINTS VoiceEntryPoints = { // VoiceParser Entry Points
VoiceRegister, VoiceDeregister, VoiceRecognizeFrame, VoiceAttachProperties, VoiceFormatProperties };
// The first active instance of this parser needs to register with the kernel
g_hVoiceProtocol = CreateProtocol("DPLAYVOICE", &VoiceEntryPoints, ENTRYPOINTS_SIZE); return (g_hVoiceProtocol ? TRUE : FALSE);
} // CreateVoiceProtocol
// DESCRIPTION: Removes the DNET protocol parser from the Network Monitor's database of parsers
void DestroyVoiceProtocol( void ) {
} // DestroyVoiceProtocol