* * Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: dlld3d.cpp * Content: Direct3D startup *@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL * * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 05/11/95 stevela Initial rev with this header. * 21/11/95 colinmc Added Direct3D interface ID. * 07/12/95 stevela Merged Colin's changes. * 10/12/95 stevela Removed AGGREGATE_D3D. * 02/03/96 colinmc Minor build fix. *@@END_MSINTERNAL * ***************************************************************************/
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
* Define the Direct3D IIDs. */
#define DPF_MODNAME "Direct3D Startup"
#ifdef WIN95
LPVOID lpWin16Lock; #endif
DWORD dwD3DTriBatchSize, dwTriBatchSize, dwLineBatchSize; DWORD dwHWBufferSize, dwHWMaxTris, dwHWFewVertices; HINSTANCE hGeometryDLL; LPD3DFE_CONTEXTCREATE pfnFEContextCreate; char szCPUString[13];
DWORD dwCPUFamily, dwCPUFeatures;
#ifdef _X86_
extern BOOL isX3Dprocessor(void); #endif
void SetMostRecentApp(void);
#ifndef WIN95 // and Win98, WinME
BOOL bVBSwapEnabled = TRUE, bVBSwapWorkaround = FALSE;
void SetVBSwapStatus(void) { OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(osvi)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); if (!GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO)&osvi)) { D3D_INFO(1,"GetVersionEx failed - turning off VB swapping"); bVBSwapEnabled = FALSE; return; }
if ( VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == osvi.dwPlatformId ) { if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0) // Check if Win2K Gold (2195)
{ if (osvi.wServicePackMajor == 0) // No service pack
{ D3D_INFO(1, "Win2K Gold detected - turning off VB swapping"); bVBSwapEnabled = FALSE; } else { D3D_INFO(1, "Win2K SP1 or above detected - enabling VB swap workaround"); bVBSwapEnabled = FALSE; bVBSwapWorkaround = TRUE; } } else // Whistler and above
{ /* ASSUMPTION: NO WORKAROUND NEEDED */ } } else { // Should never get here
DPF_ERR("OS Detection failed - turning off VB swapping"); bVBSwapEnabled = FALSE; return; } } #endif // WIN95
#ifdef _X86_
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here's a routine helps us determine if we should try MMX or not
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL _asm_isMMX() { DWORD retval; _asm { xor eax,eax ; Clear out eax for return value pushad ; CPUID trashes lots - save everything mov eax,1 ; Check for MMX support
;;; We need to upgrade our compiler ;;; CPUID == 0f,a2 _emit 0x0f _emit 0xa2
test edx,00800000h ; Set flags before restoring registers
popad ; Restore everything
setnz al ; Set return value mov retval, eax }; return retval; } #endif
static int isMMX = -1;
BOOL isMMXprocessor(void) { HKEY hKey; if ( RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RESPATH_D3D, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwSize = 4; if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "DisableMMX", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD && dwValue != 0) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); isMMX = 0; return FALSE; } RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
if (isMMX < 0) { isMMX = FALSE; #ifdef _X86_
D3D_WARN(0, "Executing processor detection code (benign first-chance exception possible)" ); #ifndef WIN95
{ // GetSystemInfo is not broken on WinNT.
GetSystemInfo(&si); if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL && si.wProcessorLevel >= 5) { #endif
__try { if( _asm_isMMX() ) {
// Emit an emms instruction.
// This file needs to compile for non-Pentium
// processors
// so we can't use use inline asm since we're in the
// wrong
// processor mode.
__asm __emit 0xf; __asm __emit 0x77; isMMX = TRUE; D3D_INFO(0, "MMX detected"); } } __except(GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { } #ifndef WIN95
} #endif
} return isMMX; }
#ifdef _X86_
// Detects Intel SSE processor
#pragma optimize("", off)
#define CPUID _asm _emit 0x0f _asm _emit 0xa2
#define SSE_PRESENT 0x02000000 // bit number 25
#define WNI_PRESENT 0x04000000 // bit number 26
DWORD IsIntelSSEProcessor(void) { DWORD retval = 0; DWORD RegisterEAX; DWORD RegisterEDX; char VendorId[12];
__try { _asm { xor eax,eax CPUID mov RegisterEAX, eax mov dword ptr VendorId, ebx mov dword ptr VendorId+4, edx mov dword ptr VendorId+8, ecx } } __except (1) { return retval; }
// make sure EAX is > 0 which means the chip
// supports a value >=1. 1 = chip info
if (RegisterEAX == 0) return retval;
// this CPUID can't fail if the above test passed
__asm { mov eax,1 CPUID mov RegisterEAX,eax mov RegisterEDX,edx }
if (RegisterEDX & SSE_PRESENT) { retval |= D3DCPU_SSE; }
if (RegisterEDX & WNI_PRESENT) { retval |= D3DCPU_WLMT; }
return retval; }
#pragma optimize("", on)
#ifdef WIN95 // and Win98...
BOOL IsWin95(void) { OSVERSIONINFO osvi; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(osvi)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); if (!GetVersionEx(&osvi)) { D3D_INFO(1,"GetVersionEx failed - assuming Win95"); return TRUE; }
if ( VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS == osvi.dwPlatformId ) {
if( ( osvi.dwMajorVersion > 4UL ) || ( ( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4UL ) && ( osvi.dwMinorVersion >= 10UL ) && ( LOWORD( osvi.dwBuildNumber ) >= 1373 ) ) ) { // is Win98
D3D_INFO(2,"Detected Win98"); return FALSE; } else { // is Win95
D3D_INFO(2,"Detected Win95"); return TRUE; } } else if ( VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == osvi.dwPlatformId ) { D3D_INFO(2,"Detected WinNT"); return FALSE; } D3D_INFO(2,"OS Detection failed"); return TRUE; } #endif // WIN95
// void GetProcessorFamily(LPDWORD lpdwFamily);
// Passes back 3, 4, 5, 6 for 386, 486, Pentium, PPro class machines
#pragma optimize("", off)
void GetProcessorFamily(LPDWORD lpdwFamily, LPDWORD lpdwCPUFeatures) { SYSTEM_INFO si; __int64 start, end, freq; int flags,family; int time; int clocks; DWORD oldclass; HANDLE hprocess;
// guilty until proven otherwise
if ( isMMXprocessor() ) { *lpdwCPUFeatures |= D3DCPU_MMX; }
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); GetSystemInfo(&si);
//Set the family. If wProcessorLevel is not specified, dig it out of dwProcessorType
//Because wProcessor level is not implemented on Win95
if (si.wProcessorLevel) { *lpdwFamily=si.wProcessorLevel; } else { //Ok, we're on Win95
switch (si.dwProcessorType) { case PROCESSOR_INTEL_386: *lpdwFamily=3; break;
case PROCESSOR_INTEL_486: *lpdwFamily=4; break; default: *lpdwFamily=0; break; } }
// make sure this is a INTEL Pentium (or clone) or higher.
if (si.wProcessorArchitecture != PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL) return;
if (si.dwProcessorType < PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM) return;
// see if this chip supports rdtsc before using it.
__try { _asm { xor eax,eax _emit 00fh ;; CPUID _emit 0a2h mov dword ptr szCPUString,ebx mov dword ptr szCPUString+8,ecx mov dword ptr szCPUString+4,edx mov byte ptr szCPUString+12,0 mov eax,1 _emit 00Fh ;; CPUID _emit 0A2h mov flags,edx mov family,eax } } __except(1) { flags = 0; }
//check for support of CPUID and fail
if (!(flags & 0x10)) return;
// fcomi and FPU features both set
if ( (flags&(1<<15)) && (flags & (1<<0)) ) { D3D_INFO(2, "Pentium Pro CPU features (fcomi, cmov) detected"); *lpdwCPUFeatures |= D3DCPU_FCOMICMOV; }
//If we don't have a family, set it now
//Family is bits 11:8 of eax from CPU, with eax=1
if (!(*lpdwFamily)) { *lpdwFamily=(family& 0x0F00) >> 8; } // not aware of any non-Intel processors w/non blocking reads
if ( (! strcmp(szCPUString, "GenuineIntel")) && *lpdwFamily > 5) { *lpdwCPUFeatures &= ~D3DCPU_BLOCKINGREAD; }
if ( isX3Dprocessor() ) { D3D_INFO(2, "X3D Processor detected for PSGP"); *lpdwCPUFeatures |= D3DCPU_X3D; }
DWORD retval = IsIntelSSEProcessor(); if (retval & D3DCPU_SSE) { D3D_INFO(2, "Streaming SIMD Extensions detected for PSGP"); *lpdwCPUFeatures |= D3DCPU_SSE; } if (retval & D3DCPU_WLMT) { D3D_INFO(2, "Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 detected for PSGP"); *lpdwCPUFeatures |= D3DCPU_WLMT; }
return; } #pragma optimize("", on)
#endif // _X86_
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) { HKEY hKey; LONG lRet; DWORD dwType, dwSize = sizeof(dwHWFewVertices); char filename[_MAX_PATH];
switch( ul_reason_for_call ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: DisableThreadLibraryCalls( hModule ); DPFINIT(); MemInit(); #ifdef WIN95
GetpWin16Lock(&lpWin16Lock); #endif
#ifdef _X86_
GetProcessorFamily(&dwCPUFamily, &dwCPUFeatures); D3D_INFO(3, "dwCPUFamily = %d, dwCPUFeatures = %d", dwCPUFamily, dwCPUFeatures); D3D_INFO(3, "szCPUString = %s", szCPUString); #endif
#ifdef WIN95 // and Win98...
// SSE (aka Katmai) does not work on Win95, so see if we are on Win95 and disable
{ BOOL bIsWin95 = IsWin95(); if (bIsWin95) { dwCPUFeatures &= ~(D3DCPU_SSE | D3DCPU_WLMT); } } // We need to workaround VB problems on Win2K
SetVBSwapStatus(); #endif
// Unfounded default value. 128*40 (vertex+D3DTRIANGLE struct)=5K
// The assumption is that the primary cache hasn't got much better
// to do than contain the vertex and index data.
dwD3DTriBatchSize = 80; // Work item: do something more intelligent here than assume that
// MMX-enabled processors have twice as much primary cache.
if ( isMMXprocessor() ) dwD3DTriBatchSize *= 2; dwTriBatchSize = (dwD3DTriBatchSize * 4) / 3; dwLineBatchSize = dwD3DTriBatchSize * 2; dwHWBufferSize = dwD3DTriBatchSize * (sizeof(D3DTLVERTEX) + sizeof(D3DTRIANGLE)); dwHWMaxTris = dwD3DTriBatchSize; lRet = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RESPATH_D3D, &hKey ); if ( lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "FewVertices", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwHWFewVertices, &dwSize); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_DWORD || dwHWFewVertices < 4 || dwHWFewVertices > 128)
dwHWFewVertices = 24;
#ifdef __D3D_PSGP_DLL__
dwSize = sizeof(filename); lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "GeometryDriver", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) filename, &dwSize); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_SZ) { hGeometryDLL = LoadLibrary(filename); if (hGeometryDLL) { pfnFEContextCreate = (LPD3DFE_CONTEXTCREATE) GetProcAddress(hGeometryDLL, "FEContextCreate"); } } #endif //__D3D_PSGP_DLL__
RegCloseKey( hKey ); } else { dwHWFewVertices = 24; } // Set the app name to reg.
SetMostRecentApp(); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: MemFini(); if (NULL != hGeometryDLL) FreeLibrary(hGeometryDLL); break; default: ; } return TRUE; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function is called at process attach time to put the name of current
// app to registry.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetMostRecentApp(void) { char fname[_MAX_PATH]; char name[_MAX_PATH]; int i; HKEY hKey; HANDLE hFile;
// Find out what process we are dealing with
hFile = GetModuleHandle( NULL ); GetModuleFileName( (HINSTANCE)hFile, fname, sizeof( fname ) ); DPF( 3, "full name = %s", fname ); i = strlen( fname )-1; while( i >=0 && fname[i] != '\\' ) { i--; } i++; strcpy( name, &fname[i] ); DPF( 3, "name = %s", name );
// Now write the name into some known place
if( !RegCreateKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RESPATH_D3D "\\" REGSTR_KEY_LASTAPP, &hKey ) ) { RegSetValueEx(hKey, REGSTR_VAL_DDRAW_NAME, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)name, strlen(name)+1); RegCloseKey(hKey); } }