#ifndef __MIPMAP_HPP__
#define __MIPMAP_HPP__
* * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: mipmap.hpp * Content: Class header the mip-map class. This class acts a * container for the (planar) Surfaces that are used as textures. * * ***************************************************************************/
// Includes
#include "texture.hpp"
#include "pixel.hpp"
// Forward decls
class CMipSurface;
// The mip-map class holds a collection of CMipSurfaces. The MipTexture class
// implements the IDirect3DTexture8 interface; each MipSurface implements the
// IDirect3DSurface8 interface. To reduce overhead per level, we have
// put most of the "real" guts of each surface into the MipMap container
// class; i.e. most of the methods of the MipSurface really just end up
// calling something in the MipMap object.
// The base class implementation assumes a sys-mem allocation.
class CMipMap : public CBaseTexture, public IDirect3DTexture8 { public: // Creation method to allow creation of MipMaps no matter
// their actual underlying type.
static HRESULT Create(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpWidth, DWORD cpHeight, DWORD cLevels, DWORD dwUsage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, IDirect3DTexture8 **ppMipMap);
// Destructor
virtual ~CMipMap();
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppvObj); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) ();
// IDirect3DResource methods
STDMETHOD(GetDevice) (IDirect3DDevice8 ** ppvObj);
STDMETHOD(SetPrivateData)(REFGUID riid, CONST VOID* pvData, DWORD cbData, DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHOD(GetPrivateData)(REFGUID riid, LPVOID pvData, LPDWORD pcbData);
STDMETHOD(FreePrivateData)(REFGUID riid);
STDMETHOD_(DWORD, GetPriority)(); STDMETHOD_(DWORD, SetPriority)(DWORD dwPriority); STDMETHOD_(void, PreLoad)(); STDMETHOD_(D3DRESOURCETYPE, GetType)();
// IDirect3DMipTexture methods
// IDirect3DMipMap methods
STDMETHOD(GetLevelDesc)(UINT iLevel, D3DSURFACE_DESC *pDesc); STDMETHOD(GetSurfaceLevel)(UINT iLevel, IDirect3DSurface8 **ppSurfaceLevel);
STDMETHOD(LockRect)(UINT iLevel, D3DLOCKED_RECT *pLockedRectData, CONST RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags); STDMETHOD(UnlockRect)(UINT iLevel);
// Direct accessor for surface descriptor
const D3DSURFACE_DESC *Desc() const { return &m_desc; } // Desc;
// Helper for Lock
void ComputeMipMapOffset(UINT iLevel, CONST RECT *pRect, D3DLOCKED_RECT *pLockedRectData) const { CPixel::ComputeMipMapOffset(Desc(), iLevel, m_rgbPixels, pRect, pLockedRectData); } // ComputeMipMapOffset
// Notification when a mip-level is locked for writing
void OnSurfaceLock(DWORD iLevel, CONST RECT *pRect, DWORD Flags);
// Methods for CResource
// Specifies a creation of a resource that
// looks just like the current one; in a new POOL
// with a new LOD.
virtual HRESULT Clone(D3DPOOL Pool, CResource **ppResource) const;
// Provides a method to access basic structure of the
// pieces of the resource.
virtual const D3DBUFFER_DESC* GetBufferDesc() const;
// Updates destination with source dirty rects
virtual HRESULT UpdateDirtyPortion(CResource *pResourceTarget);
// Allows the Resource Manager to mark the texture
// as needing to be completely updated on next
// call to UpdateDirtyPortion
virtual void MarkAllDirty(); // Methods for CBaseTexture
// Method for UpdateTexture to call; does type-specific
// parameter checking before calling UpdateDirtyPortion
virtual HRESULT UpdateTexture(CBaseTexture *pTextureTarget);
// Parameter validation method to make sure that no part of
// the texture is locked.
#ifdef DEBUG
virtual BOOL IsTextureLocked(); #endif // DEBUG
private: // Constructor returns an error code
// if the object could not be fully
// constructed
CMipMap(CBaseDevice *pDevice, DWORD cpWidth, DWORD cpHeight, DWORD cLevels, DWORD dwUsage, D3DFORMAT UserFormat, D3DFORMAT RealFormat, D3DPOOL Pool, REF_TYPE refType, HRESULT *phr );
// Internally keep track of current
// set of dirty rects
void InternalAddDirtyRect(CONST RECT *pRect);
// Each mipmap has an array of CMipSurfaces
CMipSurface **m_prgMipSurfaces; // Each mipmap has a memory block that holds
// all the pixel data in a contiguous chunk
BYTE *m_rgbPixels;
// Keep track of description
// In DX7 we kept track of upto 6 RECTs per mip-chain.
// These rects indicate which portion of the top-most level of
// a mip-chain were modified. (We continue to ignore modifications
// to lower levels of the mip-chain. This is by-design.)
// If m_cRectUsed is greater than MIPMAP_MAXDIRTYRECT
// then it means that everything is dirty
UINT m_cRectUsed;
}; // class CMipMap
#endif // __MIPMAP_HPP__