#include "precomp.hxx"
static const BYTE bTopMask[8] = {0x00, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xFE}; static const BYTE bBottomMask[8] = {0xFF, 0x7F, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01}; static const BYTE bSelectMask[8] = {0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01};
void Blt01to01_NoTrans_Hcopy_SRCCOPY_Vcopy( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcBitOffset, int iSrcScanStride, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstBitOffset, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows) { BYTE *pbSrc, *pbDst, *pbEndDst; int iDstStartPixels, iDstFullBytes, iDstEndPixels, iRelBitOffset, iCompRelBitOffset;
// compute how many pixels in the dst scanline are hanging off into a
// byte that's not completely on the dst scanline, how many full bytes
// are on the dst scanline, and how many pixels hang off the other end
if (iDstBitOffset == 0) { iDstStartPixels = 0; iDstFullBytes = iNumDstCols / 8; iDstEndPixels = iNumDstCols % 8; } else { iDstStartPixels = 8 - iDstBitOffset; iDstFullBytes = (iNumDstCols - iDstStartPixels) / 8; iDstEndPixels = (iNumDstCols - iDstStartPixels) % 8; }
iRelBitOffset = abs(iSrcBitOffset - iDstBitOffset); iCompRelBitOffset = 8 - iRelBitOffset;
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set pointers to first bytes on src and dst scanlines
pbSrc = pbSrcScanLine; pbDst = pbDstScanLine; // take care of first few dst pixels that are hanging off in a byte
// that's not completely on the scanline
if (iDstStartPixels) { if (iNumDstCols >= iDstStartPixels) { if (iSrcBitOffset > iDstBitOffset) { *pbDst++ = (((*pbSrc << iRelBitOffset) | (*(pbSrc + 1) >> iCompRelBitOffset)) & bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset]) | (*pbDst & ~bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset]); pbSrc++; } else { *pbDst++ = ((*pbSrc >> iRelBitOffset) & bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset]) | (*pbDst & ~bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset]); } } else { if (iSrcBitOffset > iDstBitOffset) { *pbDst++ = (((*pbSrc << iRelBitOffset) | (*(pbSrc + 1) >> iCompRelBitOffset)) & bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset] & bTopMask[iSrcBitOffset + iNumDstCols]) | (*pbDst & ~(bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset] & bTopMask[iSrcBitOffset + iNumDstCols])); pbSrc++; } else { *pbDst++ = ((*pbSrc >> iRelBitOffset) & bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset] & bTopMask[iSrcBitOffset + iNumDstCols]) | (*pbDst & ~(bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset] & bTopMask[iSrcBitOffset + iNumDstCols])); } } }
// take care of pixels that fall on bytes that are entirely
// within the dst scanline
pbEndDst = pbDst + iDstFullBytes; for (; pbDst != pbEndDst; pbDst++) { *pbDst = (*pbSrc << iRelBitOffset) | (*(pbSrc + 1) >> iCompRelBitOffset); pbSrc++; }
// take care of pixels hanging off the end into a byte not
// entirely in the scanline
*pbDst = ((*pbSrc << iRelBitOffset) & bTopMask[iDstEndPixels]) | (*pbDst & ~bTopMask[iDstEndPixels]);
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride; } }
void Blt01to01_NoTrans_Hcopy_SRCCOPY_NoVcopy( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcBitOffset, int iSrcScanStride, int iNumSrcRows, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstBitOffset, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows) { BYTE *pbSrc, *pbDst, *pbEndDst; int iDstStartPixels, iDstFullBytes, iDstEndPixels, iRelBitOffset, iCompRelBitOffset, iVertError = 0, iVertAdvanceError, iSrcScanAdvance; // compute advance and error terms for stepping
// vertically through the src bitmap
if (iNumSrcRows < iNumDstRows) { iSrcScanAdvance = 0; iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows; } else { iSrcScanAdvance = iSrcScanStride * (iNumSrcRows / iNumDstRows); iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows % iNumDstRows; }
// compute how many pixels in the dst scanline are hanging off into a
// byte that's not completely on the dst scanline, how many full bytes
// are on the dst scanline, and how many pixels hang off the other end
if (iDstBitOffset == 0) { iDstStartPixels = 0; iDstFullBytes = iNumDstCols / 8; iDstEndPixels = iNumDstCols % 8; } else { iDstStartPixels = 8 - iDstBitOffset; iDstFullBytes = (iNumDstCols - iDstStartPixels) / 8; iDstEndPixels = (iNumDstCols - iDstStartPixels) % 8; }
iRelBitOffset = abs(iSrcBitOffset - iDstBitOffset); iCompRelBitOffset = 8 - iRelBitOffset;
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
pbSrc = pbSrcScanLine; pbDst = pbDstScanLine; // take care of first few dst pixels that are hanging off in a byte
// that's not completely on the scanline
if (iDstStartPixels) { if (iNumDstCols >= iDstStartPixels) { if (iSrcBitOffset > iDstBitOffset) { *pbDst++ = (((*pbSrc << iRelBitOffset) | (*(pbSrc + 1) >> iCompRelBitOffset)) & bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset]) | (*pbDst & ~bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset]); pbSrc++; } else { *pbDst++ = ((*pbSrc >> iRelBitOffset) & bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset]) | (*pbDst & ~bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset]); } } else { if (iSrcBitOffset > iDstBitOffset) { *pbDst++ = (((*pbSrc << iRelBitOffset) | (*(pbSrc + 1) >> iCompRelBitOffset)) & bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset] & bTopMask[iSrcBitOffset + iNumDstCols]) | (*pbDst & ~(bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset] & bTopMask[iSrcBitOffset + iNumDstCols])); pbSrc++; } else { *pbDst++ = ((*pbSrc >> iRelBitOffset) & bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset] & bTopMask[iSrcBitOffset + iNumDstCols]) | (*pbDst & ~(bBottomMask[iDstBitOffset] & bTopMask[iSrcBitOffset + iNumDstCols])); } } }
// take care of pixels that fall on bytes that are entirely
// within the dst scanline
pbEndDst = pbDst + iDstFullBytes; for (; pbDst != pbEndDst; pbDst++) { *pbDst = (*pbSrc << iRelBitOffset) | (*(pbSrc + 1) >> iCompRelBitOffset); pbSrc++; }
// take care of pixels hanging off the end into a byte not
// entirely in the scanline
*pbDst = ((*pbSrc << iRelBitOffset) & bTopMask[iDstEndPixels]) | (*pbDst & ~bTopMask[iDstEndPixels]);
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanAdvance; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride;
// update and check vertical stepping error,
// adjust src scanline pointer if necessary
iVertError += iVertAdvanceError; if (iVertError >= iNumDstRows) { pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; iVertError -= iNumDstRows; } } }
void Blt01to01_NoTrans_NoHcopy_SRCCOPY( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcBitOffset, int iSrcScanStride, int iNumSrcCols, int iNumSrcRows, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstBitOffset, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, int iHorizMirror) { BYTE *pbSrc, *pbDst, bDstVal; int iSrcPixel, iDstPixel, iVertError = 0, iVertAdvanceError, iSrcScanAdvance, iHorizError, iHorizAdvanceError, iSrcByteAdvance, iSrcBitAdvance; // compute advance and error terms for stepping
// vertically through the src bitmap
if (iNumSrcRows < iNumDstRows) { iSrcScanAdvance = 0; iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows; } else { iSrcScanAdvance = iSrcScanStride * (iNumSrcRows / iNumDstRows); iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows % iNumDstRows; }
// compute advance and error terms for stepping
// horizontally through src bitmap
if (iNumSrcCols < iNumDstCols) { iSrcByteAdvance = 0; iSrcBitAdvance = 0; iHorizAdvanceError = iNumSrcCols; } else { iSrcByteAdvance = (iNumSrcCols / iNumDstCols) / 8; iSrcBitAdvance = (iNumSrcCols / iNumDstCols) % 8; iHorizAdvanceError = iNumSrcCols % iNumDstCols; }
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set pointers to the beginning of src and dst scanlines,
// clear horizontal stepping error accumulator
pbSrc = pbSrcScanLine; iSrcPixel = iSrcBitOffset; pbDst = pbDstScanLine; iDstPixel = iDstBitOffset; iHorizError = 0; bDstVal = *pbDst;
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) {
// get value of src pixel, put it in dst byte
if (*pbSrc & bSelectMask[iSrcPixel]) { bDstVal |= bSelectMask[iDstPixel]; } else { bDstVal &= ~bSelectMask[iDstPixel]; }
// advance to next src pixel
pbSrc += iSrcByteAdvance; iSrcPixel += iSrcBitAdvance; if (iSrcPixel > 7) { pbSrc++; iSrcPixel -= 8; }
// advance to next dst pixel
// if we hit byte boundary, write
// full one and get new one
iDstPixel += iHorizMirror; if (iDstPixel < 0) { *pbDst-- = bDstVal; bDstVal = *pbDst; iDstPixel = 7; } else if (iDstPixel > 7) { *pbDst++ = bDstVal; bDstVal = *pbDst; iDstPixel = 0; }
// update and check horizontal stepping error,
// adjust src pixel pointer if necessary
iHorizError += iHorizAdvanceError; if (iHorizError >= iNumDstCols) { if (++iSrcPixel > 7) { pbSrc++; iSrcPixel = 0; } iHorizError -= iNumDstCols; } }
// write last byte to dst scanline
*pbDst = bDstVal;
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanAdvance; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride;
// update and check vertical stepping error,
// adjust src scanline pointer if necessary
iVertError += iVertAdvanceError; if (iVertError >= iNumDstRows) { pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; iVertError -= iNumDstRows; } } }
void Blt01to01_Trans_NoHcopy_SRCCOPY( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcBitOffset, int iSrcScanStride, int iNumSrcCols, int iNumSrcRows, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstBitOffset, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, int iHorizMirror, BYTE bTransparentIndex) { BYTE *pbSrc, *pbDst, bDstVal, bTransparentTest; int iSrcPixel, iDstPixel, iVertError = 0, iVertAdvanceError, iSrcScanAdvance, iHorizError, iHorizAdvanceError, iSrcByteAdvance, iSrcBitAdvance; // compute advance and error terms for stepping
// vertically through the src bitmap
if (iNumSrcRows < iNumDstRows) { iSrcScanAdvance = 0; iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows; } else { iSrcScanAdvance = iSrcScanStride * (iNumSrcRows / iNumDstRows); iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows % iNumDstRows; }
// compute advance and error terms for stepping
// horizontally through src bitmap
if (iNumSrcCols < iNumDstCols) { iSrcByteAdvance = 0; iSrcBitAdvance = 0; iHorizAdvanceError = iNumSrcCols; } else { iSrcByteAdvance = (iNumSrcCols / iNumDstCols) / 8; iSrcBitAdvance = (iNumSrcCols / iNumDstCols) % 8; iHorizAdvanceError = iNumSrcCols % iNumDstCols; }
// create transparent color testing mask
if (bTransparentIndex) { bTransparentTest = 0xFF; } else { bTransparentTest = 0; }
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set pointers to the beginning of src and dst scanlines,
// clear horizontal stepping error accumulator
pbSrc = pbSrcScanLine; iSrcPixel = iSrcBitOffset; pbDst = pbDstScanLine; iDstPixel = iDstBitOffset; iHorizError = 0; bDstVal = *pbDst;
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) {
// get value of src pixel, put it in dst byte
if ((*pbSrc ^ bTransparentTest) & bSelectMask[iSrcPixel]) { if (*pbSrc & bSelectMask[iSrcPixel]) { bDstVal |= bSelectMask[iDstPixel]; } else { bDstVal &= ~bSelectMask[iDstPixel]; } }
// advance to next src pixel
pbSrc += iSrcByteAdvance; iSrcPixel += iSrcBitAdvance; if (iSrcPixel > 7) { pbSrc++; iSrcPixel -= 8; }
// advance to next dst pixel
// if we hit byte boundary, write
// full one and get new one
iDstPixel += iHorizMirror; if (iDstPixel < 0) { *pbDst-- = bDstVal; bDstVal = *pbDst; iDstPixel = 7; } else if (iDstPixel > 7) { *pbDst++ = bDstVal; bDstVal = *pbDst; iDstPixel = 0; }
// update and check horizontal stepping error,
// adjust src pixel pointer if necessary
iHorizError += iHorizAdvanceError; if (iHorizError >= iNumDstCols) { if (++iSrcPixel > 7) { pbSrc++; iSrcPixel = 0; } iHorizError -= iNumDstCols; } }
// write last byte to dst scanline
*pbDst = bDstVal;
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanAdvance; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride;
// update and check vertical stepping error,
// adjust src scanline pointer if necessary
iVertError += iVertAdvanceError; if (iVertError >= iNumDstRows) { pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; iVertError -= iNumDstRows; } } }