#include "precomp.hxx"
extern "C" { #include <dpf.h>
#if 0
// This slightly faster bitblt code does it the hard way. I'm not
// entirely sure about the going backwards and up case, but I'm
// confident otherwise. We decided not to turn this on since it is a
// small performance gain in an obscure case and didn't justify the
// risk we would introduce at this late date. The origional, slower
// implementation is below. -mdm 04/18/96
void Blt24Pto24P_NoBlend_NoTrans_Hcopy_SRCCOPY_NoVcopy( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, int iNumSrcRows, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows) { DWORD *pdSrcData, *pdDstData,*pdEndOfData; int iVertError=0,iVertAdvanceError,iSrcScanAdvance; int iAlign, iAlignSrc, iAlignDst,iAlignDstEnd; int iLeftSrcShift,iRightSrcShift; DWORD dLeftDstMask, dLeftSrcMask, dAlignMask,dRightDstMask;
// compute advance and error terms for stepping
// vertically through the src bitmap
if (iNumSrcRows < iNumDstRows) { iSrcScanAdvance = 0; iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows; } else { iSrcScanAdvance = iSrcScanStride * (iNumSrcRows / iNumDstRows); iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows % iNumDstRows; }
// Calculate relative alignment ofthe data. We'll have to shift
// the data to the right by (dst-src) bits to do DWORD-aligned
// stores. In the general unaligned case, we'll be using data
// from 2 src dwords to fill in the data for the dst.
iAlignSrc = (((DWORD)pbSrcScanLine) & 0x03) * 8; iAlignDst = (((DWORD)pbDstScanLine) & 0x03) * 8; iAlignDstEnd = ((((DWORD)pbDstScanLine) + iNumDstCols * 3) & 0x03) * 8; iAlign = iAlignDst - iAlignSrc;
// Calculate the masks in advance. Yes, this gives me a headache,
// too. The idea is that we're going to break up the blt into a
// left column, a center part, and a right column. Since the left
// and right columns will have DWORDS with data we won't be
// touching, we'll need some masks to make sure we keep the data.
dLeftDstMask = ((1 << (32 - iAlignDst)) - 1) << iAlignDst; // mask of bits we'll be replacing in leftmost dst dword
dLeftSrcMask = ((1 << (32 - iAlignSrc)) - 1) << iAlignSrc; // mask of bits we'll be using form the leftmost src dword.
if(iAlign < 0) { dAlignMask = ((1 << (-iAlign)) - 1); // mask of bits we'll be using from the second src dword
} else { dAlignMask = (1 << (32 - iAlign)) - 1; // mask of bits we'll be using from the second src dword
} dRightDstMask = (1 << iAlignDstEnd) - 1; // mask of bits we'll be replacing in the rightmost dst dword
// calculate shift necessary to properly align data
if(iAlign > 0) { pdSrcData--; // back up because we want our data in the right src dword (for consistency)
iLeftSrcShift = 32 - iAlign; iRightSrcShift = iAlign; } else if(iAlign < 0) { iLeftSrcShift = -iAlign; iRightSrcShift = 32 - (-iAlign); } else // iAlign == 0
{ iLeftSrcShift = 0; iRightSrcShift = 31; }
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) { // set up pointers to the first DWORDS on src and dst
// scanlines, and last DWORD on dst scanline
pdSrcData = (DWORD*)(((DWORD)pbSrcScanLine) & ~0x03); pdDstData = (DWORD*)(((DWORD)pbDstScanLine) & ~0x03); pdEndOfData = (DWORD*)(((DWORD)pbDstScanLine + iNumDstCols * 3) & ~0x03);
// Do the left column
if(iAlignSrc || iAlignDst) { if(iAlign) { *pdDstData = ( (*pdDstData & ~dLeftDstMask) | // old data
(((pdSrcData[0] & dLeftSrcMask) >> iLeftSrcShift) | // data from first src dword
(((pdSrcData[1] & dAlignMask) << iRightSrcShift )) & dLeftDstMask) ); } else // iAlign == 0
{ // No shift needed here, just watch out for the old data
*pdDstData = (*pdDstData & ~dLeftDstMask) | (*pdSrcData & dLeftSrcMask); }
pdSrcData++; pdDstData++; }
// Now do the center section
if(iAlign) { while(pdDstData < pdEndOfData) { *pdDstData = (((pdSrcData[0] & ~dAlignMask) >> iLeftSrcShift) | // data from first src dword
((pdSrcData[1] & dAlignMask) << iRightSrcShift)); pdSrcData++; pdDstData++; } } else // iAlign == 0
{ while(pdDstData < pdEndOfData) { *pdDstData++ = *pdSrcData++; } }
// Do the right column
if(dRightDstMask) { if(iAlign) { *pdDstData = ( (*pdDstData & ~dRightDstMask) | // old data
( (((pdSrcData[0] & ~dAlignMask) >> iLeftSrcShift) | // data from first src dword
((pdSrcData[1] & dAlignMask) << iRightSrcShift)) & dRightDstMask) ); } else // iAlign == 0
{ *pdDstData =(*pdDstData & ~dRightDstMask) | (*pdSrcData & dRightDstMask); } }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanAdvance; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride; // update and check vertical stepping error,
// adjust src scanline pointer if necessary
iVertError += iVertAdvanceError; if (iVertError >= iNumDstRows) { pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; iVertError -= iNumDstRows; } } } #endif // 0
void Blt24Pto24P_NoBlend_NoTrans_Hcopy_SRCCOPY_NoVcopy( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, int iNumSrcRows, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel, *ptEndDstPixel; int iVertError = 0, iVertAdvanceError, iSrcScanAdvance;
// compute advance and error terms for stepping
// vertically through the src bitmap
if (iNumSrcRows < iNumDstRows) { iSrcScanAdvance = 0; iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows; } else { iSrcScanAdvance = iSrcScanStride * (iNumSrcRows / iNumDstRows); iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows % iNumDstRows; }
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine; ptEndDstPixel = ptDstPixel + iNumDstCols;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
while (ptDstPixel != ptEndDstPixel) { ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[0] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[0]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[1] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[1]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[2] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[2]; ptDstPixel++; ptSrcPixel++; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanAdvance; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride;
// update and check vertical stepping error,
// adjust src scanline pointer if necessary
iVertError += iVertAdvanceError; if (iVertError >= iNumDstRows) { pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; iVertError -= iNumDstRows; }
} }
void Blt24Pto24P_NoBlend_NoTrans_NoHcopy_SRCCOPY( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, int iNumSrcCols, int iNumSrcRows, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, int iHorizMirror) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel; int iVertError = 0, iVertAdvanceError, iSrcScanAdvance, iHorizError, iHorizAdvanceError, iSrcPixelAdvance;
// compute advance and error terms for stepping
// vertically through the src bitmap
if (iNumSrcRows < iNumDstRows) { iSrcScanAdvance = 0; iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows; } else { iSrcScanAdvance = iSrcScanStride * (iNumSrcRows / iNumDstRows); iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows % iNumDstRows; }
// compute advance and error terms for stepping
// horizontally through src bitmap
if (iNumSrcCols < iNumDstCols) { iSrcPixelAdvance = 0; iHorizAdvanceError = iNumSrcCols; } else { iSrcPixelAdvance = iNumSrcCols / iNumDstCols; iHorizAdvanceError = iNumSrcCols % iNumDstCols; }
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) { // set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine; iHorizError = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) { // copy a pixel
((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[0] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[0]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[1] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[1]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[2] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[2]; // advance to next pixel
ptSrcPixel += iSrcPixelAdvance; ptDstPixel += iHorizMirror; // update and check horizontal stepping error,
// adjust src pixel pointer if necessary
iHorizError += iHorizAdvanceError; if (iHorizError >= iNumDstCols) { ptSrcPixel++; iHorizError -= iNumDstCols; } } // advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanAdvance; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride; // update and check vertical stepping error,
// adjust src scanline pointer if necessary
iVertError += iVertAdvanceError; if (iVertError >= iNumDstRows) { pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; iVertError -= iNumDstRows; } } }
void Blt24Pto24P_NoBlend_Trans_Hcopy_SRCCOPY( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, int iNumSrcRows, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, COLORREF crTransparent) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel; DWORD dwPixel; int iVertError = 0, iVertAdvanceError, iSrcScanAdvance;
// compute advance and error terms for stepping
// vertically through the src bitmap
if (iNumSrcRows < iNumDstRows) { iSrcScanAdvance = 0; iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows; } else { iSrcScanAdvance = iSrcScanStride * (iNumSrcRows / iNumDstRows); iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows % iNumDstRows; }
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) {
dwPixel = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue);
// only copy pixel if it's not transparent
if ((dwPixel ^ (DWORD) crTransparent) & UNUSED_MASK) { ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[0] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[0]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[1] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[1]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[2] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[2]; } ptDstPixel++; ptSrcPixel++; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanAdvance; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride;
// update and check vertical stepping error,
// adjust src scanline pointer if necessary
iVertError += iVertAdvanceError; if (iVertError >= iNumDstRows) { pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; iVertError -= iNumDstRows; }
} }
void Blt24Pto24P_NoBlend_Trans_NoHcopy_SRCCOPY( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, int iNumSrcCols, int iNumSrcRows, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, int iHorizMirror, COLORREF crTransparent) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel; DWORD dwPixel; int iVertError = 0, iVertAdvanceError, iSrcScanAdvance, iHorizError, iHorizAdvanceError, iSrcPixelAdvance;
// compute advance and error terms for stepping
// vertically through the src bitmap
if (iNumSrcRows < iNumDstRows) { iSrcScanAdvance = 0; iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows; } else { iSrcScanAdvance = iSrcScanStride * (iNumSrcRows / iNumDstRows); iVertAdvanceError = iNumSrcRows % iNumDstRows; }
// compute advance and error terms for stepping
// horizontally through src bitmap
if (iNumSrcCols < iNumDstCols) { iSrcPixelAdvance = 0; iHorizAdvanceError = iNumSrcCols; } else { iSrcPixelAdvance = iNumSrcCols / iNumDstCols; iHorizAdvanceError = iNumSrcCols % iNumDstCols; }
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine; iHorizError = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) {
dwPixel = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue);
// only copy pixel if it's not transparent
if ((dwPixel ^ (DWORD) crTransparent) & UNUSED_MASK) { ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[0] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[0]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[1] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[1]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[2] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[2]; }
// advance to next pixel
ptSrcPixel += iSrcPixelAdvance; ptDstPixel += iHorizMirror;
// update and check horizontal stepping error,
// adjust src pixel pointer if necessary
iHorizError += iHorizAdvanceError; if (iHorizError >= iNumDstCols) { ptSrcPixel++; iHorizError -= iNumDstCols; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanAdvance; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride;
// update and check vertical stepping error,
// adjust src scanline pointer if necessary
iVertError += iVertAdvanceError; if (iVertError >= iNumDstRows) { pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; iVertError -= iNumDstRows; }
} }
void Blt24Pto24P_NoBlend_Trans_Hcopy_SRCCOPY_VCopy( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, COLORREF crTransparent) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel; RGBTRIPLE *ptDstPixel; RGBTRIPLE *ptEndDstPixel; BYTE *pbEndDstScanLine; DWORD dwPixel;
// set up pointer to next dst scanline beyond last
pbEndDstScanLine = pbDstScanLine + iNumDstRows * iDstScanStride;
while (pbDstScanLine != pbEndDstScanLine) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine; ptEndDstPixel = ptDstPixel + iNumDstCols;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
while (ptDstPixel != ptEndDstPixel) {
dwPixel = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue);
// only copy pixel if it's not transparent
if ((dwPixel ^ (DWORD) crTransparent) & UNUSED_MASK) { ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[0] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[0]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[1] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[1]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[2] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[2]; } ptDstPixel++; ptSrcPixel++; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride; } }
#ifndef DDRAW
void Blt24Pto24P_Blend_NoTrans_Hcopy_SRCCOPY_VCopy( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, ALPHAREF arAlpha) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel, *ptEndDstPixel; BYTE *pbEndDstScanLine; UINT uiAlpha = (UINT)ALPHAFROMDWORD(arAlpha), uiAlphaComp = 256 - uiAlpha; DWORD dwSrcColor;
// set up pointer to next dst scanline beyond last
pbEndDstScanLine = pbDstScanLine + iNumDstRows * iDstScanStride;
while (pbDstScanLine != pbEndDstScanLine) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine; ptEndDstPixel = ptDstPixel + iNumDstCols;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
while (ptDstPixel != ptEndDstPixel) { dwSrcColor = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue);
BlitLib_BLIT_BLEND24(dwSrcColor, ptDstPixel++, uiAlpha, uiAlphaComp); ptSrcPixel++; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride; } }
void Blt24Pto24P_Blend_Trans_Hcopy_SRCCOPY_VCopy( BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, COLORREF crTransparent, ALPHAREF arAlpha) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel, *ptEndDstPixel; BYTE *pbEndDstScanLine; DWORD dwPixel; UINT uiAlpha = (UINT)ALPHAFROMDWORD(arAlpha), uiAlphaComp = 256 - uiAlpha;
// set up pointer to next dst scanline beyond last
pbEndDstScanLine = pbDstScanLine + iNumDstRows * iDstScanStride;
while (pbDstScanLine != pbEndDstScanLine) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine; ptEndDstPixel = ptDstPixel + iNumDstCols;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
while (ptDstPixel != ptEndDstPixel) {
dwPixel = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue);
// only copy pixel if it's not transparent
if ((dwPixel ^ (DWORD) crTransparent) & UNUSED_MASK) BlitLib_BLIT_BLEND24(dwPixel, ptDstPixel, uiAlpha, uiAlphaComp); ptDstPixel++; ptSrcPixel++; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride; } } #endif
// Private Blt24Pto24P_LeftToRight_BottomToTop_Trans_SRCCOPY -
// BitBlit using a transparent color index from source bitmap to
// destination bitmap (where these bitmaps overlap) by walking
// both the source and destination from left to right and bottom
// to top
// Parameters:
// pSrcScanLine Pointer to the first Source scan line
// iSrcScanStride The Source scan stride
// pDstScanLine Pointer to the first Destination scan line
// iDstScanStride The Destination scan stride
// iNumDstCols Number of destination columns
// iNumDstRows Number of destination rows
// crTransparent Transparent color colorref
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR or E_* value as specified in the .H file.
void Blt24Pto24P_LeftToRight_BottomToTop_Trans_SRCCOPY(BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, COLORREF crTransparent) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel; DWORD dwPixel;
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) {
dwPixel = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue);
// only copy pixel if it's not transparent
if ((dwPixel ^ (DWORD) crTransparent) & UNUSED_MASK){ ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[0] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[0]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[1] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[1]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[2] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[2]; } ptDstPixel++; ptSrcPixel++; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine -= iSrcScanStride; pbDstScanLine -= iDstScanStride; }
// Private Blt24Pto24P_RightToLeft_TopToBottom_Trans_SRCCOPY -
// BitBlit using a transparent color index from source bitmap to
// destination bitmap (where these bitmaps overlap) by walking
// both the source and destination from right to left and top
// to bottom
// Parameters:
// pSrcScanLine Pointer to the first Source scan line
// iSrcScanStride The Source scan stride
// pDstScanLine Pointer to the first Destination scan line
// iDstScanStride The Destination scan stride
// iNumDstCols Number of destination columns
// iNumDstRows Number of destination rows
// crTransparent Transparent color colorref
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR or E_* value as specified in the .H file.
void Blt24Pto24P_RightToLeft_TopToBottom_Trans_SRCCOPY(BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, COLORREF crTransparent) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel; DWORD dwPixel;
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) {
dwPixel = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue);
// only copy pixel if it's not transparent
if ((dwPixel ^ (DWORD) crTransparent) & UNUSED_MASK){ ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[0] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[0]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[1] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[1]; ((BYTE*)ptDstPixel)[2] = ((BYTE*)ptSrcPixel)[2]; } ptDstPixel--; ptSrcPixel--; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride; } }
#ifndef DDRAW
// Private Blt24Pto24P_LeftToRight_BottomToTop_Alpha_SRCCOPY -
// BitBlit using a transparent color index from source bitmap to
// destination bitmap (where these bitmaps overlap) by walking
// both the source and destination from left to right and bottom
// to top
// Parameters:
// pSrcScanLine Pointer to the first Source scan line
// iSrcScanStride The Source scan stride
// pDstScanLine Pointer to the first Destination scan line
// iDstScanStride The Destination scan stride
// iNumDstCols Number of destination columns
// iNumDstRows Number of destination rows
// arAlpha Alpha value
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR or E_* value as specified in the .H file.
void Blt24Pto24P_LeftToRight_BottomToTop_Alpha_SRCCOPY(BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, ALPHAREF arAlpha) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel; UINT uiAlpha = (UINT)ALPHAFROMDWORD(arAlpha), uiAlphaComp = 256 - uiAlpha; DWORD dwSrcColor;
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) { dwSrcColor = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue);
BlitLib_BLIT_BLEND24(dwSrcColor, ptDstPixel++, uiAlpha, uiAlphaComp); ptSrcPixel++; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine -= iSrcScanStride; pbDstScanLine -= iDstScanStride; }
// Private Blt24Pto24P_RightToLeft_TopToBottom_Alpha_SRCCOPY -
// BitBlit using a transparent color index from source bitmap to
// destination bitmap (where these bitmaps overlap) by walking
// both the source and destination from right to left and top
// to bottom
// Parameters:
// pSrcScanLine Pointer to the first Source scan line
// iSrcScanStride The Source scan stride
// pDstScanLine Pointer to the first Destination scan line
// iDstScanStride The Destination scan stride
// iNumDstCols Number of destination columns
// iNumDstRows Number of destination rows
// arAlpha Alpha value
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR or E_* value as specified in the .H file.
void Blt24Pto24P_RightToLeft_TopToBottom_Alpha_SRCCOPY(BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, ALPHAREF arAlpha) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel; UINT uiAlpha = (UINT)ALPHAFROMDWORD(arAlpha), uiAlphaComp = 256 - uiAlpha; DWORD dwSrcColor;
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) { dwSrcColor = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue); BlitLib_BLIT_BLEND24(dwSrcColor, ptDstPixel--, uiAlpha, uiAlphaComp); ptSrcPixel--; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride; } }
// Private Blt24Pto24P_LeftToRight_BottomToTop_Trans_Alpha_SRCCOPY -
// BitBlit using a transparent color index from source bitmap to
// destination bitmap (where these bitmaps overlap) by walking
// both the source and destination from left to right and bottom
// to top
// Parameters:
// pSrcScanLine Pointer to the first Source scan line
// iSrcScanStride The Source scan stride
// pDstScanLine Pointer to the first Destination scan line
// iDstScanStride The Destination scan stride
// iNumDstCols Number of destination columns
// iNumDstRows Number of destination rows
// crTransparent Transparent color colorref
// arAlpha Alpha value
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR or E_* value as specified in the .H file.
void Blt24Pto24P_LeftToRight_BottomToTop_Trans_Alpha_SRCCOPY(BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, COLORREF crTransparent, ALPHAREF arAlpha) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel; DWORD dwPixel; UINT uiAlpha = (UINT)ALPHAFROMDWORD(arAlpha), uiAlphaComp = 256 - uiAlpha;
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) {
dwPixel = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue);
// only copy pixel if it's not transparent
if ((dwPixel ^ (DWORD) crTransparent) & UNUSED_MASK) BlitLib_BLIT_BLEND24(dwPixel, ptDstPixel, uiAlpha, uiAlphaComp); ptDstPixel++; ptSrcPixel++; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine -= iSrcScanStride; pbDstScanLine -= iDstScanStride; }
// Private Blt24Pto24P_RightToLeft_TopToBottom_Trans_Alpha_SRCCOPY -
// BitBlit using a transparent color index from source bitmap to
// destination bitmap (where these bitmaps overlap) by walking
// both the source and destination from right to left and top
// to bottom
// Parameters:
// pSrcScanLine Pointer to the first Source scan line
// iSrcScanStride The Source scan stride
// pDstScanLine Pointer to the first Destination scan line
// iDstScanStride The Destination scan stride
// iNumDstCols Number of destination columns
// iNumDstRows Number of destination rows
// crTransparent Transparent color colorref
// arAlpha Alpha value
// Return Value:
// NO_ERROR or E_* value as specified in the .H file.
void Blt24Pto24P_RightToLeft_TopToBottom_Trans_Alpha_SRCCOPY(BYTE* pbSrcScanLine, int iSrcScanStride, BYTE* pbDstScanLine, int iDstScanStride, int iNumDstCols, int iNumDstRows, COLORREF crTransparent, ALPHAREF arAlpha) { RGBTRIPLE *ptSrcPixel, *ptDstPixel; DWORD dwPixel; UINT uiAlpha = (UINT)ALPHAFROMDWORD(arAlpha), uiAlphaComp = 256 - uiAlpha;
for (int i = 0; i < iNumDstRows; i++) {
// set up pointers to the first pixels
// on src and dst scanlines, and next
// pixel after last on dst scanline
ptSrcPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbSrcScanLine; ptDstPixel = (RGBTRIPLE *)pbDstScanLine;
// copy scanline one pixel at a time
for (int j = 0; j < iNumDstCols; j++) {
dwPixel = (ptSrcPixel->rgbtRed << 16) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtGreen << 8) | (ptSrcPixel->rgbtBlue);
// only copy pixel if it's not transparent
if ((dwPixel ^ (DWORD) crTransparent) & UNUSED_MASK) BlitLib_BLIT_BLEND24(dwPixel, ptDstPixel, uiAlpha, uiAlphaComp); ptDstPixel--; ptSrcPixel--; }
// advance to next scanline
pbSrcScanLine += iSrcScanStride; pbDstScanLine += iDstScanStride; } }