// TreeWindow.cpp: implementation of the CTreeWindow class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TreeWin.h"
#include "NP_CommonPage.h"
#include "misccell.h"
// Construction/Destruction
CTreeWin::CTreeWin( CNP_CommonPage* pParent ) { m_pCommonPage = pParent; }
CTreeWin::~CTreeWin() { CleanMapList (); }
void CTreeWin::CleanMapList () { //first make sure we free the existing list
TREE_MAP::iterator treeIt = m_treeMap.begin (); while (treeIt != m_treeMap.end ()) { if ((*treeIt).first) (*treeIt).first->Release (); if ((*treeIt).second) (*treeIt).second->Release (); m_treeMap.erase (treeIt); treeIt = m_treeMap.begin (); } }
HRESULT CTreeWin::RefreshTree ( IScanningTuner* pTuner ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; USES_CONVERSION;
if (!m_hWnd) return NULL;
//first make sure we free the existing list
CleanMapList (); //delete all previous items
TreeView_DeleteAllItems (m_hWnd); //insert the default TuningSpace
ITuningSpace* pTunningSpace; CComPtr <ITuneRequest> pTuneRequest; hr = pTuner->get_TuneRequest (&pTuneRequest); if (pTuneRequest) { pTuneRequest->get_TuningSpace (&pTunningSpace); HTREEITEM hLocatorParent = InsertTuningSpace ( pTunningSpace, _T ("Current TuneRequest") ); TreeView_SelectItem (m_hWnd, hLocatorParent);
if (hLocatorParent == NULL) { pTunningSpace->Release (); pTunningSpace = NULL; } //now let's fill with the ILocator info
//add to the list
ILocator* pLocator = NULL; hr = pTuneRequest->get_Locator (&pLocator); InsertLocator (hLocatorParent, pLocator); //add to the maplist
m_treeMap.insert (TREE_MAP::value_type (pTunningSpace, pLocator)); }
//fill the tree with all TunningSpaces this NP knows about them
CComPtr <IEnumTuningSpaces> pEnumTunningSpaces; hr = pTuner->EnumTuningSpaces (&pEnumTunningSpaces); if (FAILED (hr) || (!pEnumTunningSpaces)) return hr; while (pEnumTunningSpaces->Next (1, &pTunningSpace, 0) == S_OK) { HTREEITEM hLocatorParent = InsertTuningSpace (pTunningSpace); if (hLocatorParent == NULL) { pTunningSpace->Release (); pTunningSpace = NULL; continue; }
//now let's fill with the ILocator info
//add to the list
ILocator* pLocator = NULL; hr = pTunningSpace->get_DefaultLocator (&pLocator); if (FAILED (hr) || (!pLocator)) { pTunningSpace->Release (); pTunningSpace = NULL; continue; } InsertLocator (hLocatorParent, pLocator);
//add to the maplist
m_treeMap.insert (TREE_MAP::value_type (pTunningSpace, pLocator)); }
return hr; }
HTREEITEM CTreeWin::InsertTuningSpace ( ITuningSpace* pTunSpace, TCHAR* szCaption ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; USES_CONVERSION; TCHAR szText[MAX_PATH];
CComBSTR friendlyName; hr = pTunSpace->get_FriendlyName (&friendlyName); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ITuningSpace::get_FriendlyName"), hr); return NULL; } bool bBold = false; //make sure we write the caption if there is one
if (_tcslen (szCaption) > 0) { wsprintf (szText, _T("%s-%s"), szCaption, W2T (friendlyName)); bBold = true; } else { _tcscpy (szText, W2T (friendlyName)); } HTREEITEM hParentItem = InsertTreeItem ( NULL, reinterpret_cast <DWORD_PTR> (pTunSpace), szText, bBold ); //for all the outers add the TreeParams params
CComBSTR uniqueName; hr = pTunSpace->get_UniqueName (&uniqueName); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ITuningSpace::get_UniqueName"), hr); return NULL; } wsprintf (szText, _T("Unique Name - %s"), W2T(uniqueName)); HTREEITEM hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, UniqueName, szText ); //frequencyMapping
CComBSTR frequencyMapping; hr = pTunSpace->get_FrequencyMapping (&frequencyMapping); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ITuningSpace::get_FrequencyMapping"), hr); return NULL; } wsprintf (szText, _T("Frequency Mapping - %s"), W2T(frequencyMapping)); hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, FrequencyMapping, szText ); //TunCLSID
CComBSTR TunCLSID; hr = pTunSpace->get_CLSID (&TunCLSID); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ITuningSpace::get_CLSID"), hr); return NULL; } wsprintf (szText, _T("CLSID - %s"), W2T(TunCLSID)); hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, TunSpace_CLSID, szText );
//finally insert the locator parent
ILocator* pLocator = NULL; hr = pTunSpace->get_DefaultLocator (&pLocator); if (FAILED (hr) || (!pLocator)) { //first delete the tunning space item
TreeView_DeleteItem (m_hWnd, hParentItem); m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ITuningSpace::get_DefaultLocator"), hr); return NULL; }
hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, reinterpret_cast <DWORD_PTR> (pLocator), _T("Locator") );
return hItem; }
// Will insert in the tree all information for the passed ILocator
HTREEITEM CTreeWin::InsertLocator ( HTREEITEM hParentItem, ILocator* pLocator ) { USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR szText[MAX_PATH];
LONG lFrequency; hr = pLocator->get_CarrierFrequency (&lFrequency); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ILocator::get_CarrierFrequency"), hr); return NULL; } wsprintf (szText, _T("Frequency - %ld"), lFrequency); HTREEITEM hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, CarrierFrequency, szText );
FECMethod fecMethod; hr = pLocator->get_InnerFEC (&fecMethod); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ILocator::get_InnerFEC"), hr); return NULL; } CComBSTR bstrTemp = m_misc.ConvertFECMethodToString (fecMethod); wsprintf (szText, _T("InnerFEC - %s"), W2T (bstrTemp));
hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, InnerFEC, szText );
BinaryConvolutionCodeRate binaryConvolutionCodeRate; hr = pLocator->get_InnerFECRate (&binaryConvolutionCodeRate); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ILocator::get_InnerFECRate"), hr); return NULL; } bstrTemp = m_misc.ConvertInnerFECRateToString (binaryConvolutionCodeRate); wsprintf (szText, _T("InnerFECRate - %s"), W2T (bstrTemp)); hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, InnerFECRate, szText );
ModulationType modulationType; hr = pLocator->get_Modulation (&modulationType); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ILocator::get_Modulation"), hr); return NULL; } bstrTemp = m_misc.ConvertModulationToString (modulationType); wsprintf (szText, _T("Modulation - %s"), W2T (bstrTemp)); hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, Modulation, szText );
hr = pLocator->get_OuterFEC (&fecMethod); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ILocator::get_OuterFEC"), hr); return NULL; } bstrTemp = m_misc.ConvertFECMethodToString (fecMethod); wsprintf (szText, _T("OuterFEC - %s"), W2T (bstrTemp)); hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, OuterFEC, szText ); hr = pLocator->get_OuterFECRate (&binaryConvolutionCodeRate); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ILocator::get_OuterFECRate"), hr); return NULL; } bstrTemp = m_misc.ConvertInnerFECRateToString (binaryConvolutionCodeRate); wsprintf (szText, _T("OuterFECRate - %s"), W2T (bstrTemp)); hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, OuterFECRate, szText ); LONG lRate; hr = pLocator->get_SymbolRate (&lRate); if (FAILED (hr)) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling ILocator::get_SymbolRate"), hr); return NULL; } wsprintf (szText, _T("SymbolRate - %ld"), lRate); hItem = InsertTreeItem ( hParentItem, SymbolRate, szText );
return hItem; }
// Helper method to the tree helper macro...
// This will just insert an item in the tree
HTREEITEM CTreeWin::InsertTreeItem ( HTREEITEM hParentItem , LONG lParam, TCHAR* pszText, bool bBold /*= false*/ ) { if (!m_hWnd) return NULL; HTREEITEM hItem = NULL;
TVINSERTSTRUCT tviInsert; tviInsert.hParent = hParentItem; tviInsert.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST;
TVITEM tvItem; tvItem.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_TEXT; if (bBold) { tvItem.mask |= TVIF_STATE; tvItem.state = TVIS_BOLD | TVIS_EXPANDED; tvItem.stateMask = TVIS_BOLD; } tvItem.hItem = NULL; tvItem.lParam = lParam;
tvItem.pszText = pszText; tvItem.cchTextMax = _tcslen (pszText);
tviInsert.item = tvItem; hItem = TreeView_InsertItem (m_hWnd, &tviInsert); return hItem; }
HRESULT CTreeWin::SubmitCurrentLocator () { ASSERT (m_hWnd); HTREEITEM hItem = TreeView_GetSelection (m_hWnd); ASSERT (hItem); HRESULT hr = S_OK; //this state is merely impossible
if (hItem == NULL) return E_FAIL; HTREEITEM hRoot = hItem; HTREEITEM hParent = hRoot; TVITEM tvItem; tvItem.mask = TVIF_PARAM; tvItem.lParam = NULL; //just get the parent
while ( (hRoot = TreeView_GetParent (m_hWnd, hRoot)) != NULL) { //keep the last parent alive so we can query later
hParent = hRoot; }
tvItem.hItem = hParent; if (!TreeView_GetItem (m_hWnd, &tvItem)) { ASSERT (FALSE); return E_FAIL; } //normally this cast should not be done between different apartments
//It's ok with DShow apartment model
ITuningSpace* pTuneSpace = reinterpret_cast <ITuningSpace*> (tvItem.lParam); ASSERT (pTuneSpace); //TREE_MAP::iterator it = m_treeMap.find (pTuneSpace);
//ILocator* pLocator = (*it).second;
if (FAILED (hr = m_pCommonPage->PutTuningSpace (pTuneSpace))) { m_pCommonPage->SendError (_T("Calling IScaningTuner::put_TuningSpace"), hr); return hr; } return S_OK; }