#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "fileshar.h"
#define MAXTASKS 10
#ifdef WIN32
#define CurrentProcess() ((HANDLE) GetCurrentProcess())
#define CurrentProcess() ((HANDLE) GetCurrentPDB())
typedef struct { char szFile[256]; DWORD dwOpenFlags; MMIOINFO mmioinfo;
BOOL GetProperTask(PSHFILE psh) { HANDLE htask = CurrentProcess(); int i;
if (htask == psh->htask) return (psh->hmmio != 0) && (psh->hmmio != (HMMIO) -1);
for (i = 0; i < MAXTASKS; i++) { if (psh->ahtask[i] == htask) { Success: psh->hmmio = psh->ahmmio[i]; psh->htask = htask; psh->i = i; mmioSeek(psh->hmmio, psh->lOffset, SEEK_SET); return (psh->hmmio != 0) && (psh->hmmio != (HMMIO) -1); } }
for (i = 0; i < MAXTASKS; i++) { if (psh->ahtask[i] == 0) { DPF("Re-opening handle %lx in task %x\n", psh, htask); psh->ahmmio[i] = mmioOpen(psh->szFile, NULL, psh->dwOpenFlags); psh->ahtask[i] = htask; if (psh->ahmmio[i] == 0) { DPF("mmioOpen failed in GetProperTask!\n"); return FALSE; }
goto Success; } }
DPF("File handle open in too many tasks!\n");
return FALSE; }
HSHFILE WINAPI shfileOpen(LPSTR szFileName, MMIOINFO FAR* lpmmioinfo, DWORD dwOpenFlags) { PSHFILE psh = (PSHFILE) GlobalAllocPtr(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(SHFILE));
if (!psh) return NULL;
lstrcpy(psh->szFile, szFileName); psh->dwOpenFlags = dwOpenFlags;
psh->hmmio = mmioOpen(szFileName, lpmmioinfo, dwOpenFlags);
DPF("Opening handle %lx ('%s') in task %x, mode = %lx\n", psh, szFileName, CurrentProcess(), psh->dwOpenFlags); if (psh->hmmio == 0) { DPF("mmioOpen failed!\n"); GlobalFreePtr(psh); return NULL; }
psh->ahmmio[0] = psh->hmmio; psh->ahtask[0] = psh->htask = CurrentProcess(); psh->ulRef[0] = 1; // !!! 0?
return (HSHFILE) GlobalPtrHandle(psh); }
UINT WINAPI shfileClose(HSHFILE hsh, UINT uFlags) { PSHFILE psh = (PSHFILE) GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hsh); int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXTASKS; i++) { if (psh->ahtask[i] && psh->ahmmio[i]) { DPF("Handle %lx closed with ref count %ld in task %x\n", psh, psh->ulRef[i], psh->ahtask[i]); mmioClose(psh->ahmmio[i], 0); } } GlobalFreePtr(psh);
return 0; }
LONG WINAPI shfileRead(HSHFILE hsh, HPSTR pch, LONG cch) { PSHFILE psh = (PSHFILE) GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hsh);
if (!GetProperTask(psh)) return -1; return mmioRead(psh->hmmio, pch, cch); }
LONG WINAPI shfileWrite(HSHFILE hsh, const char _huge* pch, LONG cch) { PSHFILE psh = (PSHFILE) GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hsh);
if (!GetProperTask(psh)) return -1;
return mmioWrite(psh->hmmio, pch, cch); }
LONG WINAPI shfileSeek(HSHFILE hsh, LONG lOffset, int iOrigin) { PSHFILE psh = (PSHFILE) GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hsh);
if (!GetProperTask(psh)) return -1;
psh->lOffset = mmioSeek(psh->hmmio, lOffset, iOrigin);
return psh->lOffset; }
LONG WINAPI shfileFlush(HSHFILE hsh, UINT uFlags) { PSHFILE psh = (PSHFILE) GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hsh);
return 0; }
LONG WINAPI shfileAddRef(HSHFILE hsh) { PSHFILE psh = (PSHFILE) GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hsh);
if (!GetProperTask(psh)) return -1; ++psh->ulRef[psh->i];
// DPF("Handle %lx in task %x: ref++ == %ld\n", psh, psh->htask, psh->ulRef[psh->i]);
return 0; }
LONG WINAPI shfileRelease(HSHFILE hsh) { PSHFILE psh = (PSHFILE) GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hsh);
if (!GetProperTask(psh)) return -1;
if (--psh->ulRef[psh->i] <= 0) { DPF("Closing handle %lx in task %x\n", psh, psh->htask);
psh->ahmmio[psh->i] = 0; psh->ahtask[psh->i] = 0; psh->ulRef[psh->i] = 0;
mmioClose(psh->hmmio, 0); psh->hmmio = 0; psh->htask = 0; } else { // DPF("Handle %lx in task %x: ref-- == %ld\n", psh, psh->htask, psh->ulRef[psh->i]);
return 0; }
static BYTE bPad;
MMRESULT WINAPI shfileDescend(HSHFILE hshfile, LPMMCKINFO lpck, const LPMMCKINFO lpckParent, UINT wFlags) { FOURCC ckidFind; // chunk ID to find (or NULL)
FOURCC fccTypeFind; // form/list type to find (or NULL)
/* figure out what chunk id and form/list type to search for */ if (wFlags & MMIO_FINDCHUNK) ckidFind = lpck->ckid, fccTypeFind = NULL; else if (wFlags & MMIO_FINDRIFF) ckidFind = FOURCC_RIFF, fccTypeFind = lpck->fccType; else if (wFlags & MMIO_FINDLIST) ckidFind = FOURCC_LIST, fccTypeFind = lpck->fccType; else ckidFind = fccTypeFind = NULL; lpck->dwFlags = 0L;
while (TRUE) { UINT w;
/* read the chunk header */ if (shfileRead(hshfile, (HPSTR) lpck, 2 * sizeof(DWORD)) != 2 * sizeof(DWORD)) return MMIOERR_CHUNKNOTFOUND;
/* store the offset of the data part of the chunk */ if ((lpck->dwDataOffset = shfileSeek(hshfile, 0L, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) return MMIOERR_CANNOTSEEK; /* check for unreasonable chunk size */ /* see if the chunk is within the parent chunk (if given) */ if ((lpckParent != NULL) && (( lpck->dwDataOffset - 8L) >= (lpckParent->dwDataOffset + lpckParent->cksize))) return MMIOERR_CHUNKNOTFOUND;
/* if the chunk if a 'RIFF' or 'LIST' chunk, read the
* form type or list type */ if ((lpck->ckid == FOURCC_RIFF) || (lpck->ckid == FOURCC_LIST)) { if (shfileRead(hshfile, (HPSTR) &lpck->fccType, sizeof(DWORD)) != sizeof(DWORD)) return MMIOERR_CHUNKNOTFOUND; } else lpck->fccType = NULL;
/* if this is the chunk we're looking for, stop looking */ if ( ((ckidFind == NULL) || (ckidFind == lpck->ckid)) && ((fccTypeFind == NULL) || (fccTypeFind == lpck->fccType)) ) break; /* ascend out of the chunk and try again */ if ((w = shfileAscend(hshfile, lpck, 0)) != 0) return w; }
return 0; }
MMRESULT WINAPI shfileAscend(HSHFILE hshfile, LPMMCKINFO lpck, UINT wFlags) { if (lpck->dwFlags & MMIO_DIRTY) { /* <lpck> refers to a chunk created by shfileCreateChunk();
* check that the chunk size that was written when * shfileCreateChunk() was called is the real chunk size; * if not, fix it */ LONG lOffset; // current offset in file
LONG lActualSize; // actual size of chunk data
if ((lOffset = shfileSeek(hshfile, 0L, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) return MMIOERR_CANNOTSEEK; if ((lActualSize = lOffset - lpck->dwDataOffset) < 0) return MMIOERR_CANNOTWRITE;
if (LOWORD(lActualSize) & 1) { /* chunk size is odd -- write a null pad byte */ if (shfileWrite(hshfile, (HPSTR) &bPad, sizeof(bPad)) != sizeof(bPad)) return MMIOERR_CANNOTWRITE; }
if (lpck->cksize == (DWORD)lActualSize) return 0;
/* fix the chunk header */ lpck->cksize = lActualSize; if (shfileSeek(hshfile, lpck->dwDataOffset - sizeof(DWORD), SEEK_SET) == -1) return MMIOERR_CANNOTSEEK; if (shfileWrite(hshfile, (HPSTR) &lpck->cksize, sizeof(DWORD)) != sizeof(DWORD)) return MMIOERR_CANNOTWRITE; }
/* seek to the end of the chunk, past the null pad byte
* (which is only there if chunk size is odd) */ if (shfileSeek(hshfile, lpck->dwDataOffset + lpck->cksize + (lpck->cksize & 1L), SEEK_SET) == -1) return MMIOERR_CANNOTSEEK;
return 0; }
MMRESULT WINAPI shfileCreateChunk(HSHFILE hshfile, LPMMCKINFO lpck, UINT wFlags) { int iBytes; // bytes to write
LONG lOffset; // current offset in file
/* store the offset of the data part of the chunk */ if ((lOffset = shfileSeek(hshfile, 0L, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) return MMIOERR_CANNOTSEEK; lpck->dwDataOffset = lOffset + 2 * sizeof(DWORD);
/* figure out if a form/list type needs to be written */ if (wFlags & MMIO_CREATERIFF) lpck->ckid = FOURCC_RIFF, iBytes = 3 * sizeof(DWORD); else if (wFlags & MMIO_CREATELIST) lpck->ckid = FOURCC_LIST, iBytes = 3 * sizeof(DWORD); else iBytes = 2 * sizeof(DWORD);
/* write the chunk header */ if (shfileWrite(hshfile, (HPSTR) lpck, (LONG) iBytes) != (LONG) iBytes) return MMIOERR_CANNOTWRITE;
lpck->dwFlags = MMIO_DIRTY;
return 0; }