Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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125 lines
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  1. {\rtf1\ansi \deff0\deflang1024{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Times New Roman;}{\f1\froman Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss Arial;}{\f3\froman Times;}{\f4\fswiss Helvetica;}{\f5\fswiss Helvetica-Narrow;}{\f6\fswiss Helv;}{\f7\froman Tms Rmn;}}
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  10. \s9\li120\sb120\sa20\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext4 rt;}{\s10\li120\sb240\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 hb;}{\s11\fi-240\li360\sb60\sl-240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext11 nsb;}{\s12\li360\sb60\sl-240
  11. \f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext11 nsor;}{\s13\li360\sb40\sl-200 \f4\fs18\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext13 nsc;}{\s14\fi-1800\li1920\sb120\sa40\sl-240\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15 \tx1920 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext17 hmc;}{\s15\li120\sb40\sa40
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  16. {\creatim\yr1992\mo4\dy17\hr23\min21}{\printim\yr1992\mo7\dy27\hr14\min35}{\version1}{\edmins1684}{\nofpages7}{\nofwords66145}{\nofchars69437}{\vern16417}}\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1800\margr1800\margt1440\margb1440\gutter0 \widowctrl\ftnbj \sectd
  17. \linex0\endnhere \pard\plain \s3\li120\sa120\sl-280 \b\f4\lang1033 {\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 {\*\bkmkstart t0}{\*\bkmkend t0}#{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 #} File_Menu_Commands}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote
  18. \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 $} File Menu Commands}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 +} CMD:0005}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {
  19. \fs18\up6 K} File Menu}} File Menu Commands
  20. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4 The File Menu contains these commands:}{\f4
  21. \par }\pard\plain \s5\fi-240\li520\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \tab Open
  22. \par \tab Close
  23. \par \tab Exit
  24. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4
  25. \par }{\f4 Scroll down to see descriptions of each command. }{\f4
  26. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Open
  27. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4 Opens a multimedia data file or device to play with Media Player. In addition to loading the selected media file, media Player allocates, based on the filename extension, an appropriate device to play the file.}{\f4
  28. \par }\pard\plain \s9\li120\sb120\sa20\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Related Topics
  29. \par \pard\plain \s4\fi-240\li360\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\uldb Closing a Media Device}{\v\f5\cf4 Close_Media_Device}{\uldb
  30. \par }{\uldb O}{\uldb pening a File}{\v\f5\cf4 Open_File}{\f5
  31. \par }{\uldb Playing a Media Sequence}{\v\f5\cf4 Play_Sequence}{\f5
  32. \par }{\uldb Specifying a Media Device}{\v\f5\cf4 Specify_Media_Device}{\f5
  33. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Close
  34. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4 Releases the device allocated by Media Player and, for compound devices, closes the open media file.}{\f4
  35. \par }\pard\plain \s9\li120\sb120\sa20\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Related Topics
  36. \par \pard\plain \s4\fi-240\li360\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\uldb Closing a Media Device}{\v\f5\cf4 Close_Media_Device}{\uldb
  37. \par }{\uldb Opening a File}{\v\f5\cf4 Open_File}{\f5
  38. \par }{\uldb Playing a Media Sequence}{\v\f5\cf4 Play_Sequence}{\f5
  39. \par }{\uldb Specifying a Media Device}{\v\f5\cf4 Specify_Media_Device}{\f5
  40. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Exit
  41. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Closes the device and file allocated by Media Player.}{\f6
  42. \par }\pard\plain \s9\li120\sb120\sa20\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Related Topics
  43. \par \pard\plain \s4\fi-240\li360\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\uldb Closing a Media Device}{\v\f5\cf4 Close_Media_Device}{\uldb
  44. \par }\pard\plain \s3\li120\sa120\sl-280 \b\f4\lang1033 \page {\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 #} Edit_Menu_Commands}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {
  45. \fs18\up6 $} Edit Menu Commands}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 +} CMD:0010}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 K} Edit Menu}}
  46. Edit Menu Commands
  47. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4 The Edit Menu contains these commands:}{\f4
  48. \par }\pard\plain \s5\fi-240\li520\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \tab Copy Object
  49. \par \tab Options
  50. \par \tab Selection
  51. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4
  52. \par }{\f4 Scroll down to see descriptions of each command. }{\f4
  53. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Copy Object
  54. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4 Copies Media Player and its current media sequence to the Clipboard as an object that can be inserted in another application. }{\f4
  55. \par }\pard\plain \s9\li120\sb120\sa20\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Related Topics
  56. \par \pard\plain \s4\fi-240\li360\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\uldb Embedding a Media Sequence in Another Application}{\v\f5\cf4 Embed_Sequence}{\uldb
  57. \par }{\uldb Setting Media Player Options}{\v\f5\cf4 Set_Config_Options}{\uldb
  58. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Options
  59. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Descri}{\f6 bes how to handle end-of-media conditions of the current media sequence and describes the presentation options of a media clip object when it's copied to the Clipboard.}{\f6
  60. \par }\pard\plain \s9\li120\sb120\sa20\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Related Topics
  61. \par \pard\plain \s4\fi-240\li360\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\uldb Embedding a Media Sequence in Another Application}{\v\f5\cf4 Embed_Sequence}{\uldb
  62. \par }{\uldb Setting Media Player Options}{\v\f5\cf4 Set_Config_Options}{\uldb
  63. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Selection
  64. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Marks a portion of the current media sequence for playback.}{\f6
  65. \par }\pard\plain \s9\li120\sb120\sa20\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Related Topics
  66. \par \pard\plain \s4\fi-240\li360\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\uldb Changing the Scale}{\v\f5\cf4 Change_Scale}{\f5
  67. \par }{\uldb Selecting Part of a Media Sequence}{\v\f5\cf4 Mark_Selection}{\f5
  68. \par }\pard\plain \s3\li115\sa120\sl-274\pagebb \b\f4\lang1033 \page {\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 #} Device_Menu_Commands}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245
  69. \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 $} Device Menu Commands}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 +} CMD:0015}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 K}
  70. Device Menu}} Device Menu Commands
  71. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4 The Device Menu contains a list of the devices installed on your system and a Configure command that is unique for each device. Some device types that Media Player can recognize include the following:}{\f4
  72. \par }\pard\plain \s5\fi-240\li520\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \tab Animation
  73. \par \tab CD Audio
  74. \par \tab Microsoft AVI Video
  75. \par \tab MIDI Sequencer
  76. \par \tab Sound
  77. \par \tab Video Cassette Player
  78. \par \tab Videodisk
  79. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4
  80. \par }{\f4 Other devices, if properly installed with an MCI device driver, can be used with Media Player and will appear on the Device men}{\f4 u.}{\f4
  81. \par }{\f4
  82. \par }{\f4 Scroll down to see descriptions of each command. }{\f4
  83. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Animation
  84. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Specifies a device that plays animations converted to the Microsoft Multimedia Movie file format. }{\f6
  85. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 CD Audio
  86. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Specifies a device that plays digital audio from an audio CD. }{\f6
  87. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Microsoft AVI Video
  88. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Specifies a device that plays video sequence (.AVI) files. The Microsoft AVI Video device supports video sequences made from 8-bit, 16-bit, and 24-bit color images with or without an accompanying sound track. }{\f6
  89. \par }{\f6
  90. \par }{\f6 The }{\b\f4 Configure}{\f6 command for the Microsoft AVI Video device controls the video mode and some of the video playback options for the copy of Media Player that is running.}{\f6
  91. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 MIDI Sequencer
  92. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Specifies a device that plays MIDI (.MID or .RMI) files. The number of voices and the degree of polyphony depend on the characteristics physically supported by the sequencer.}{\f6
  93. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Sound
  94. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Specifies a device that plays digital audio (waveform or .WAV) files. The quality level of sound files supported by the Sound device ranges from a voice-grade }{\f6 recording to Redbook (audio CD) quality sound.}{\f6
  95. \par }{\f6
  96. \par }{\f6 The }{\b\f4 Configure}{\f6 command for the Sound provides a control to manage the amount of extended memory (RAM) used to buffer the contents of the sound files.}{\f6
  97. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Video Cassette Player
  98. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Specifies a device that plays video cassette cartrigdes.}{\f6
  99. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Videodisk
  100. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Specifies a device that plays videodisks. }{\f6
  101. \par }\pard\plain \s9\li120\sb120\sa20\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Related Topics
  102. \par \pard\plain \s4\fi-240\li360\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\uldb Setting Video Viewing Characteristics}{\v\f5\cf4 Set_MCIAVI_Options}{\f5
  103. \par }{\uldb Specifying a Media Device}{\v\f5\cf4 Specify_Media_Device}{\f5
  104. \par }\pard\plain \s3\li115\sa120\sl-274\pagebb \b\f4\lang1033 \page {\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 #} Scale_Menu_Commands}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033
  105. {\fs18\up6 $} Scale Menu Commands}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 +} CMD:0020}}{\plain \f4\fs18\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs18\up6 K} Scale Menu}} Scale Men
  106. u Commands
  107. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4 The Scale Menu identifies the following scales to use with different types of media:}{\f4
  108. \par }\pard\plain \s5\fi-240\li520\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \tab Time
  109. \par \tab Frames
  110. \par \tab Tracks
  111. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4
  112. \par }{\f4 Scroll down to see descriptions of each command. }{\f4
  113. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Time Scale
  114. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Displays the scale as elapsed time from beginning to end of the content.}{\f6
  115. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Frames Scale
  116. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Displays the scale as a sequence of frames from beginning to end of the currently-loaded video sequence.}{\f6
  117. \par }\pard\plain \s8\li120\sb120\sa40\sl-240 \b\f4\fs20\lang1033 Track Scale
  118. \par \pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f6 Displays the scale as one or more tracks from beginning to end of the content.}{\f6
  119. \par }\pard\plain \s9\li120\sb120\sa20\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Related Topics
  120. \par \pard\plain \s4\fi-240\li360\sl-240 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\uldb Changing the Scale}{\v\f5\cf4 Change_Scale}{\f5
  121. \par }{\uldb Selecting Part of a Media Sequence}{\v\f5\cf4 Mark_Selection}{\f5
  122. \par }\pard\plain \f3\fs20\lang1033 \page
  123. \par }