// msadpcm.c
// Copyright (c) 1992-1994 Microsoft Corporation
// Description:
// History:
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <mmreg.h>
#include <msacm.h>
#include <msacmdrv.h>
#include "codec.h"
#include "msadpcm.h"
#include "debug.h"
// these are in dec386.asm for Win 16
// _gaiCoef1 dw 256, 512, 0, 192, 240, 460, 392
// _gaiCoef2 dw 0, -256, 0, 64, 0, -208, -232
// _gaiP4 dw 230, 230, 230, 230, 307, 409, 512, 614
// dw 768, 614, 512, 409, 307, 230, 230, 230
#ifdef WIN32
const int gaiCoef1[]= {256, 512, 0, 192, 240, 460, 392}; const int gaiCoef2[]= { 0, -256, 0, 64, 0, -208, -232};
const int gaiP4[] = {230, 230, 230, 230, 307, 409, 512, 614, 768, 614, 512, 409, 307, 230, 230, 230}; #endif
#ifndef INLINE
#define INLINE __inline
// DWORD pcmM08BytesToSamples
// DWORD pcmM16BytesToSamples
// DWORD pcmS08BytesToSamples
// DWORD pcmS16BytesToSamples
// Description:
// These functions return the number of samples in a buffer of PCM
// of the specified format. For efficiency, it is declared INLINE.
// Note that, depending on the optimization flags, it may not
// actually be implemented as INLINE. Optimizing for speed (-Oxwt)
// will generally obey the INLINE specification.
// Arguments:
// DWORD cb: The length of the buffer, in bytes.
// Return (DWORD): The length of the buffer in samples.
INLINE DWORD pcmM08BytesToSamples( DWORD cb ) { return cb; }
INLINE DWORD pcmM16BytesToSamples( DWORD cb ) { return cb / ((DWORD)2); }
INLINE DWORD pcmS08BytesToSamples( DWORD cb ) { return cb / ((DWORD)2); }
INLINE DWORD pcmS16BytesToSamples( DWORD cb ) { return cb / ((DWORD)4); }
// int pcmRead08
// int pcmRead16
// int pcmRead16Unaligned
// Description:
// These functions read an 8 or 16 bit PCM value from the specified
// buffer. Note that the buffers are either HUGE or UNALIGNED in all
// cases. However, if a single 16-bit value crosses a segment boundary
// in Win16, then pcmRead16 will wrap around; use pcmRead16Unaligned
// instead.
// Arguments:
// HPBYTE pb: Pointer to the input buffer.
// Return (int): The PCM value converted to 16-bit format.
INLINE int pcmRead08( HPBYTE pb ) { return ( (int)*pb - 128 ) << 8; }
INLINE int pcmRead16( HPBYTE pb ) { return (int)*(short HUGE_T *)pb; }
#ifdef WIN32
#define pcmRead16Unaligned pcmRead16
INLINE int pcmRead16Unaligned( HPBYTE pb ) { return (int)(short)( ((WORD)*pb) | (((WORD)*(pb+1))<<8) ); }
// void pcmWrite08
// void pcmWrite16
// void pcmWrite16Unaligned
// Description:
// These functions write a PCM sample (a 16-bit integer) into the
// specified buffer in the appropriate format. Note that the buffers
// are either HUGE or UNALIGNED. However, if a single 16-bit value is
// written across a segment boundary, then pcmWrite16 will not handle
// it correctly; us pcmWrite16Unaligned instead.
// Arguments:
// HPBYTE pb: Pointer to the output buffer.
// int iSamp: The sample.
// Return (int): The PCM value converted to 16-bit format.
INLINE void pcmWrite08( HPBYTE pb, int iSamp ) { *pb = (BYTE)((iSamp >> 8) + 128); }
INLINE void pcmWrite16( HPBYTE pb, int iSamp ) { *(short HUGE_T *)pb = (short)iSamp; }
#ifdef WIN32
#define pcmWrite16Unaligned pcmWrite16
INLINE void pcmWrite16Unaligned( HPBYTE pb, int iSamp ) { *pb = (BYTE)( iSamp&0x00FF ); *(pb+1) = (BYTE)( iSamp>>8 ); }
// int adpcmCalcDelta
// Description:
// This function computes the next Adaptive Scale Factor (ASF) value
// based on the the current ASF and the current encoded sample.
// Arguments:
// int iEnc: The current encoded sample (as a signed integer).
// int iDelta: The current ASF.
// Return (int): The next ASF.
INLINE int adpcmCalcDelta ( int iEnc, int iDelta ) { int iNewDelta;
iNewDelta = (int)((gaiP4[iEnc&OUTPUT4MASK] * (long)iDelta) >> PSCALE); if( iNewDelta < DELTA4MIN ) iNewDelta = DELTA4MIN;
return iNewDelta; }
// long adpcmCalcPrediction
// Description:
// This function calculates the predicted sample value based on the
// previous two samples and the current coefficients.
// Arguments:
// int iSamp1: The previous decoded sample.
// int iCoef1: The coefficient for iSamp1.
// int iSamp2: The decoded sample before iSamp1.
// int iCoef2: The coefficient for iSamp2.
// Return (long): The predicted sample.
INLINE long adpcmCalcPrediction ( int iSamp1, int iCoef1, int iSamp2, int iCoef2 ) { return ((long)iSamp1 * iCoef1 + (long)iSamp2 * iCoef2) >> CSCALE; }
// int adpcmDecodeSample
// Description:
// This function decodes a single 4-bit encoded ADPCM sample. There
// are three steps:
// 1. Sign-extend the 4-bit iInput.
// 2. predict the next sample using the previous two
// samples and the predictor coefficients:
// Prediction = (iSamp1 * aiCoef1 + iSamp2 * iCoef2) / 256;
// 3. reconstruct the original PCM sample using the encoded
// sample (iInput), the Adaptive Scale Factor (aiDelta)
// and the prediction value computed in step 1 above.
// Sample = (iInput * iDelta) + Prediction;
// Arguments:
// int iSamp1: The previous decoded sample.
// int iCoef1: The coefficient for iSamp1.
// int iSamp2: The decoded sample before iSamp1.
// int iCoef2: The coefficient for iSamp2.
// int iInput: The current encoded sample (lower 4 bits).
// int iDelta: The current ASF.
// Return (int): The decoded sample.
INLINE int adpcmDecodeSample ( int iSamp1, int iCoef1, int iSamp2, int iCoef2, int iInput, int iDelta ) { long lSamp;
iInput = (int)( ((signed char)(iInput<<4)) >> 4 );
lSamp = ((long)iInput * iDelta) + adpcmCalcPrediction(iSamp1,iCoef1,iSamp2,iCoef2);
if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
return (int)lSamp; }
// int adpcmEncode4Bit_FirstDelta
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return (short FNLOCAL):
// History:
// 1/27/93 cjp [curtisp]
INLINE int FNLOCAL adpcmEncode4Bit_FirstDelta ( int iCoef1, int iCoef2, int iP5, int iP4, int iP3, int iP2, int iP1 ) { long lTotal; int iRtn; long lTemp;
// use average of 3 predictions
lTemp = (((long)iP5 * iCoef2) + ((long)iP4 * iCoef1)) >> CSCALE; lTotal = (lTemp > iP3) ? (lTemp - iP3) : (iP3 - lTemp);
lTemp = (((long)iP4 * iCoef2) + ((long)iP3 * iCoef1)) >> CSCALE; lTotal += (lTemp > iP2) ? (lTemp - iP2) : (iP2 - lTemp);
lTemp = (((long)iP3 * iCoef2) + ((long)iP2 * iCoef1)) >> CSCALE; lTotal += (lTemp > iP1) ? (lTemp - iP1) : (iP1 - lTemp); //
// optimal iDelta is 1/4 of prediction error
iRtn = (int)(lTotal / 12); if (iRtn < DELTA4MIN) iRtn = DELTA4MIN;
return (iRtn); } // adpcmEncode4Bit_FirstDelta()
// DWORD adpcmEncode4Bit_M08_FullPass
// DWORD adpcmEncode4Bit_M16_FullPass
// DWORD adpcmEncode4Bit_S08_FullPass
// DWORD adpcmEncode4Bit_S16_FullPass
// Description:
// These functions encode a buffer of data from PCM to MS ADPCM in the
// specified format. These functions use a fullpass algorithm which
// tries each set of coefficients in order to determine which set
// produces the smallest coding error. The appropriate function is
// called once for each ACMDM_STREAM_CONVERT message received.
// Arguments:
// Return (DWORD): The number of bytes used in the destination buffer.
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_M08_FullPass ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; HPBYTE pbSrcThisBlock; DWORD cSrcSamples; UINT cBlockSamples;
int iCoef1; int iCoef2; int iSamp1; int iSamp2; int iDelta; int iOutput1; int iOutput2; int iBestPredictor;
int iSample; long lSamp; long lError; long lPrediction; DWORD dw; UINT i,n;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cSrcSamples = pcmM08BytesToSamples(cbSrcLength);
// step through each block of PCM data and encode it to 4 bit ADPCM
while( 0 != cSrcSamples ) { //
// determine how much data we should encode for this block--this
// will be cSamplesPerBlock until we hit the last chunk of PCM
// data that will not fill a complete block. so on the last block
// we only encode that amount of data remaining...
cBlockSamples = (UINT)min(cSrcSamples, cSamplesPerBlock); cSrcSamples -= cBlockSamples;
// We need the first ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD samples in order to
// calculate the first iDelta value. Therefore we put these samples
// into a more accessible array: aiSamples[]. Note: if we don't
// have ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD samples, we pretend that the samples
// that we don't have are actually zeros. This is important not
// only for the iDelta calculation, but also for the case where
// there is only 1 sample to encode ... in this case, there is not
// really enough data to complete the ADPCM block header, but since
// the two delay samples for the block header will be taken from
// the aiSamples[] array, iSamp1 [the second sample] will be taken
// as zero and there will no problem.
pbSrcThisBlock = pbSrc; for (n = 0; n < ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD; n++) { if( n < cBlockSamples ) aiSamples[n] = pcmRead08(pbSrcThisBlock++); else aiSamples[n] = 0; }
// find the optimal predictor for each channel: to do this, we
// must step through and encode using each coefficient set (one
// at a time) and determine which one has the least error from
// the original data. the one with the least error is then used
// for the final encode (the 8th pass done below).
// NOTE: keeping the encoded data of the one that has the least
// error at all times is an obvious optimization that should be
// done. in this way, we only need to do 7 passes instead of 8.
for (i = 0; i < MSADPCM_MAX_COEFFICIENTS; i++) { //
// Reset source pointer to the beginning of the block.
pbSrcThisBlock = pbSrc;
// Reset variables for this pass.
adwTotalError[i] = 0L; iCoef1 = lpCoefSet[i].iCoef1; iCoef2 = lpCoefSet[i].iCoef2;
// We need to choose the first iDelta--to do this, we need
// to look at the first few samples.
iDelta = adpcmEncode4Bit_FirstDelta(iCoef1, iCoef2, aiSamples[0], aiSamples[1], aiSamples[2], aiSamples[3], aiSamples[4]); aiFirstDelta[i] = iDelta;
// Set up first two samples - these have already been converted
// to 16-bit values in aiSamples[], but make sure to increment
// pbSrcThisBlock so that it keeps in sync.
iSamp1 = aiSamples[1]; iSamp2 = aiSamples[0]; pbSrcThisBlock += 2*sizeof(BYTE);
// now encode the rest of the PCM data in this block--note
// we start 2 samples ahead because the first two samples are
// simply copied into the ADPCM block header...
for (n = 2; n < cBlockSamples; n++) { //
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two
// samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction( iSamp1, iCoef1, iSamp2, iCoef2 );
// Grab the next sample to encode.
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrcThisBlock++);
// encode it
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutput1 = (int)(lError / iDelta); if (iOutput1 > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutput1 < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDelta * iOutput1); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768; //
// compute the next iDelta
iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutput1,iDelta); //
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = (int)lSamp;
// keep a running status on the error for the current
// coefficient pair for this channel
lError = lSamp - iSample; adwTotalError[i] += (lError * lError) >> 7; } }
// WHEW! we have now made 7 passes over the data and calculated
// the error for each--so it's time to find the one that produced
// the lowest error and use that predictor.
iBestPredictor = 0; dw = adwTotalError[0]; for (i = 1; i < MSADPCM_MAX_COEFFICIENTS; i++) { if (adwTotalError[i] < dw) { iBestPredictor = i; dw = adwTotalError[i]; } } iCoef1 = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictor].iCoef1; iCoef2 = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictor].iCoef2; //
// grab first iDelta from our precomputed first deltas that we
// calculated above
iDelta = aiFirstDelta[iBestPredictor];
// Set up first two samples - these have already been converted
// to 16-bit values in aiSamples[], but make sure to increment
// pbSrc so that it keeps in sync.
iSamp1 = aiSamples[1]; iSamp2 = aiSamples[0]; pbSrc += 2*sizeof(BYTE);
ASSERT( cBlockSamples != 1 ); cBlockSamples -= 2;
// write the block header for the encoded data
// the block header is composed of the following data:
// 1 byte predictor per channel
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first delayed sample per channel
// 2 byte second delayed sample per channel
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)iBestPredictor;
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iDelta); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2); pbDst += sizeof(short);
// We have written the header for this block--now write the data
// chunk (which consists of a bunch of encoded nibbles).
while( cBlockSamples>0 ) { //
// Sample 1.
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrc++); cBlockSamples--;
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction(iSamp1,iCoef1,iSamp2,iCoef2);
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutput1 = (int)(lError / iDelta); if (iOutput1 > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutput1 < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDelta * iOutput1); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutput1,iDelta);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = (int)lSamp;
// Sample 2.
if( cBlockSamples>0 ) {
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrc++); cBlockSamples--;
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction(iSamp1,iCoef1,iSamp2,iCoef2);
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutput2 = (int)(lError / iDelta); if (iOutput2 > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutput2 = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutput2 < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutput2 = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDelta * iOutput2); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutput2,iDelta);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = (int)lSamp; } else { iOutput2 = 0; }
// Write out the encoded byte.
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)( ((iOutput1&OUTPUT4MASK)<<4) | (iOutput2&OUTPUT4MASK) ); } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmEncode4Bit_M08_FullPass()
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_M16_FullPass ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; HPBYTE pbSrcThisBlock; DWORD cSrcSamples; UINT cBlockSamples;
int iCoef1; int iCoef2; int iSamp1; int iSamp2; int iDelta; int iOutput1; int iOutput2; int iBestPredictor;
int iSample; long lSamp; long lError; long lPrediction; DWORD dw; UINT i,n;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cSrcSamples = pcmM16BytesToSamples(cbSrcLength);
// step through each block of PCM data and encode it to 4 bit ADPCM
while( 0 != cSrcSamples ) { //
// determine how much data we should encode for this block--this
// will be cSamplesPerBlock until we hit the last chunk of PCM
// data that will not fill a complete block. so on the last block
// we only encode that amount of data remaining...
cBlockSamples = (UINT)min(cSrcSamples, cSamplesPerBlock); cSrcSamples -= cBlockSamples;
// We need the first ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD samples in order to
// calculate the first iDelta value. Therefore we put these samples
// into a more accessible array: aiSamples[]. Note: if we don't
// have ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD samples, we pretend that the samples
// that we don't have are actually zeros. This is important not
// only for the iDelta calculation, but also for the case where
// there is only 1 sample to encode ... in this case, there is not
// really enough data to complete the ADPCM block header, but since
// the two delay samples for the block header will be taken from
// the aiSamples[] array, iSamp1 [the second sample] will be taken
// as zero and there will no problem.
pbSrcThisBlock = pbSrc; for (n = 0; n < ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD; n++) { if( n < cBlockSamples ) { aiSamples[n] = pcmRead16(pbSrcThisBlock); pbSrcThisBlock += sizeof(short); } else aiSamples[n] = 0; }
// find the optimal predictor for each channel: to do this, we
// must step through and encode using each coefficient set (one
// at a time) and determine which one has the least error from
// the original data. the one with the least error is then used
// for the final encode (the 8th pass done below).
// NOTE: keeping the encoded data of the one that has the least
// error at all times is an obvious optimization that should be
// done. in this way, we only need to do 7 passes instead of 8.
for (i = 0; i < MSADPCM_MAX_COEFFICIENTS; i++) { //
// Reset source pointer to the beginning of the block.
pbSrcThisBlock = pbSrc;
// Reset variables for this pass.
adwTotalError[i] = 0L; iCoef1 = lpCoefSet[i].iCoef1; iCoef2 = lpCoefSet[i].iCoef2;
// We need to choose the first iDelta--to do this, we need
// to look at the first few samples.
iDelta = adpcmEncode4Bit_FirstDelta(iCoef1, iCoef2, aiSamples[0], aiSamples[1], aiSamples[2], aiSamples[3], aiSamples[4]); aiFirstDelta[i] = iDelta;
// Set up first two samples - these have already been converted
// to 16-bit values in aiSamples[], but make sure to increment
// pbSrcThisBlock so that it keeps in sync.
iSamp1 = aiSamples[1]; iSamp2 = aiSamples[0]; pbSrcThisBlock += 2*sizeof(short);
// now encode the rest of the PCM data in this block--note
// we start 2 samples ahead because the first two samples are
// simply copied into the ADPCM block header...
for (n = 2; n < cBlockSamples; n++) { //
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two
// samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction( iSamp1, iCoef1, iSamp2, iCoef2 );
// Grab the next sample to encode.
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrcThisBlock); pbSrcThisBlock += sizeof(short);
// encode it
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutput1 = (int)(lError / iDelta); if (iOutput1 > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutput1 < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDelta * iOutput1); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768; //
// compute the next iDelta
iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutput1,iDelta); //
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = (int)lSamp;
// keep a running status on the error for the current
// coefficient pair for this channel
lError = lSamp - iSample; adwTotalError[i] += (lError * lError) >> 7; } }
// WHEW! we have now made 7 passes over the data and calculated
// the error for each--so it's time to find the one that produced
// the lowest error and use that predictor.
iBestPredictor = 0; dw = adwTotalError[0]; for (i = 1; i < MSADPCM_MAX_COEFFICIENTS; i++) { if (adwTotalError[i] < dw) { iBestPredictor = i; dw = adwTotalError[i]; } } iCoef1 = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictor].iCoef1; iCoef2 = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictor].iCoef2; //
// grab first iDelta from our precomputed first deltas that we
// calculated above
iDelta = aiFirstDelta[iBestPredictor];
// Set up first two samples - these have already been converted
// to 16-bit values in aiSamples[], but make sure to increment
// pbSrc so that it keeps in sync.
iSamp1 = aiSamples[1]; iSamp2 = aiSamples[0]; pbSrc += 2*sizeof(short);
ASSERT( cBlockSamples != 1 ); cBlockSamples -= 2;
// write the block header for the encoded data
// the block header is composed of the following data:
// 1 byte predictor per channel
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first delayed sample per channel
// 2 byte second delayed sample per channel
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)iBestPredictor;
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iDelta); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2); pbDst += sizeof(short);
// We have written the header for this block--now write the data
// chunk (which consists of a bunch of encoded nibbles).
while( cBlockSamples>0 ) { //
// Sample 1.
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); cBlockSamples--;
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction(iSamp1,iCoef1,iSamp2,iCoef2);
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutput1 = (int)(lError / iDelta); if (iOutput1 > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutput1 < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDelta * iOutput1); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutput1,iDelta);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = (int)lSamp;
// Sample 2.
if( cBlockSamples>0 ) {
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); cBlockSamples--;
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction(iSamp1,iCoef1,iSamp2,iCoef2);
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutput2 = (int)(lError / iDelta); if (iOutput2 > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutput2 = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutput2 < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutput2 = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDelta * iOutput2); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutput2,iDelta);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = (int)lSamp; } else { iOutput2 = 0; }
// Write out the encoded byte.
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)( ((iOutput1&OUTPUT4MASK)<<4) | (iOutput2&OUTPUT4MASK) ); } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmEncode4Bit_M16_FullPass()
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_S08_FullPass ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; HPBYTE pbSrcThisBlock; DWORD cSrcSamples; UINT cBlockSamples;
int iCoef1L; int iCoef2L; int iSamp1L; int iSamp2L; int iDeltaL; int iOutputL; int iBestPredictorL;
int iCoef1R; int iCoef2R; int iSamp1R; int iSamp2R; int iDeltaR; int iOutputR; int iBestPredictorR;
int iSample; long lSamp; long lError; long lPrediction; DWORD dwL, dwR; UINT i,n;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cSrcSamples = pcmS08BytesToSamples(cbSrcLength);
// step through each block of PCM data and encode it to 4 bit ADPCM
while( 0 != cSrcSamples ) { //
// determine how much data we should encode for this block--this
// will be cSamplesPerBlock until we hit the last chunk of PCM
// data that will not fill a complete block. so on the last block
// we only encode that amount of data remaining...
cBlockSamples = (UINT)min(cSrcSamples, cSamplesPerBlock); cSrcSamples -= cBlockSamples;
// We need the first ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD samples in order to
// calculate the first iDelta value. Therefore we put these samples
// into a more accessible array: aiSamples[]. Note: if we don't
// have ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD samples, we pretend that the samples
// that we don't have are actually zeros. This is important not
// only for the iDelta calculation, but also for the case where
// there is only 1 sample to encode ... in this case, there is not
// really enough data to complete the ADPCM block header, but since
// the two delay samples for the block header will be taken from
// the aiSamples[] array, iSamp1 [the second sample] will be taken
// as zero and there will no problem.
pbSrcThisBlock = pbSrc; for (n = 0; n < ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD; n++) { if( n < cBlockSamples ) { aiSamplesL[n] = pcmRead08(pbSrcThisBlock++); aiSamplesR[n] = pcmRead08(pbSrcThisBlock++); } else { aiSamplesL[n] = 0; aiSamplesR[n] = 0; } }
// find the optimal predictor for each channel: to do this, we
// must step through and encode using each coefficient set (one
// at a time) and determine which one has the least error from
// the original data. the one with the least error is then used
// for the final encode (the 8th pass done below).
// NOTE: keeping the encoded data of the one that has the least
// error at all times is an obvious optimization that should be
// done. in this way, we only need to do 7 passes instead of 8.
for (i = 0; i < MSADPCM_MAX_COEFFICIENTS; i++) { //
// Reset source pointer to the beginning of the block.
pbSrcThisBlock = pbSrc;
// Reset variables for this pass (coefs are the same for L, R).
adwTotalErrorL[i] = 0L; adwTotalErrorR[i] = 0L; iCoef1 = lpCoefSet[i].iCoef1; iCoef2 = lpCoefSet[i].iCoef2;
// We need to choose the first iDelta--to do this, we need
// to look at the first few samples.
iDeltaL = adpcmEncode4Bit_FirstDelta(iCoef1, iCoef2, aiSamplesL[0], aiSamplesL[1], aiSamplesL[2], aiSamplesL[3], aiSamplesL[4]); iDeltaR = adpcmEncode4Bit_FirstDelta(iCoef1, iCoef2, aiSamplesR[0], aiSamplesR[1], aiSamplesR[2], aiSamplesR[3], aiSamplesR[4]); aiFirstDeltaL[i] = iDeltaL; aiFirstDeltaR[i] = iDeltaR;
// Set up first two samples - these have already been converted
// to 16-bit values in aiSamples[], but make sure to increment
// pbSrcThisBlock so that it keeps in sync.
iSamp1L = aiSamplesL[1]; iSamp1R = aiSamplesR[1]; iSamp2L = aiSamplesL[0]; iSamp2R = aiSamplesR[0]; pbSrcThisBlock += 2*sizeof(BYTE) * 2; // Last 2 = # of channels.
// now encode the rest of the PCM data in this block--note
// we start 2 samples ahead because the first two samples are
// simply copied into the ADPCM block header...
for (n = 2; n < cBlockSamples; n++) { //
// LEFT channel.
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two
// samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction( iSamp1L, iCoef1, iSamp2L, iCoef2 );
// Grab the next sample to encode.
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrcThisBlock++);
// encode it
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputL = (int)(lError / iDeltaL); if (iOutputL > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputL < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaL * iOutputL); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768; //
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaL = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputL,iDeltaL); //
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2L = iSamp1L; iSamp1L = (int)lSamp;
// keep a running status on the error for the current
// coefficient pair for this channel
lError = lSamp - iSample; adwTotalErrorL[i] += (lError * lError) >> 7;
// RIGHT channel.
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two
// samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction( iSamp1R, iCoef1, iSamp2R, iCoef2 );
// Grab the next sample to encode.
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrcThisBlock++);
// encode it
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputR = (int)(lError / iDeltaR); if (iOutputR > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputR < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaR * iOutputR); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768; //
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaR = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputR,iDeltaR); //
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2R = iSamp1R; iSamp1R = (int)lSamp;
// keep a running status on the error for the current
// coefficient pair for this channel
lError = lSamp - iSample; adwTotalErrorR[i] += (lError * lError) >> 7; } }
// WHEW! we have now made 7 passes over the data and calculated
// the error for each--so it's time to find the one that produced
// the lowest error and use that predictor.
iBestPredictorL = 0; iBestPredictorR = 0; dwL = adwTotalErrorL[0]; dwR = adwTotalErrorR[0]; for (i = 1; i < MSADPCM_MAX_COEFFICIENTS; i++) { if (adwTotalErrorL[i] < dwL) { iBestPredictorL = i; dwL = adwTotalErrorL[i]; }
if (adwTotalErrorR[i] < dwR) { iBestPredictorR = i; dwR = adwTotalErrorR[i]; } } iCoef1L = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictorL].iCoef1; iCoef1R = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictorR].iCoef1; iCoef2L = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictorL].iCoef2; iCoef2R = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictorR].iCoef2; //
// grab first iDelta from our precomputed first deltas that we
// calculated above
iDeltaL = aiFirstDeltaL[iBestPredictorL]; iDeltaR = aiFirstDeltaR[iBestPredictorR];
// Set up first two samples - these have already been converted
// to 16-bit values in aiSamples[], but make sure to increment
// pbSrc so that it keeps in sync.
iSamp1L = aiSamplesL[1]; iSamp1R = aiSamplesR[1]; iSamp2L = aiSamplesL[0]; iSamp2R = aiSamplesR[0]; pbSrc += 2*sizeof(BYTE) * 2; // Last 2 = # of channels.
ASSERT( cBlockSamples != 1 ); cBlockSamples -= 2;
// write the block header for the encoded data
// the block header is composed of the following data:
// 1 byte predictor per channel
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first delayed sample per channel
// 2 byte second delayed sample per channel
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)iBestPredictorL; *pbDst++ = (BYTE)iBestPredictorR;
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iDeltaL); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iDeltaR); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1L); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1R); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2L); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2R); pbDst += sizeof(short);
// We have written the header for this block--now write the data
// chunk (which consists of a bunch of encoded nibbles).
while( cBlockSamples-- ) { //
// LEFT channel.
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrc++);
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction(iSamp1L,iCoef1L,iSamp2L,iCoef2L);
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputL = (int)(lError / iDeltaL); if (iOutputL > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputL < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaL * iOutputL); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaL = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputL,iDeltaL);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2L = iSamp1L; iSamp1L = (int)lSamp;
// RIGHT channel.
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrc++);
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction(iSamp1R,iCoef1R,iSamp2R,iCoef2R);
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputR = (int)(lError / iDeltaR); if (iOutputR > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputR < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaR * iOutputR); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaR = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputR,iDeltaR);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2R = iSamp1R; iSamp1R = (int)lSamp;
// Write out the encoded byte.
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)( ((iOutputL&OUTPUT4MASK)<<4) | (iOutputR&OUTPUT4MASK) ); } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmEncode4Bit_S08_FullPass()
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_S16_FullPass ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; HPBYTE pbSrcThisBlock; DWORD cSrcSamples; UINT cBlockSamples;
int iCoef1L; int iCoef2L; int iSamp1L; int iSamp2L; int iDeltaL; int iOutputL; int iBestPredictorL;
int iCoef1R; int iCoef2R; int iSamp1R; int iSamp2R; int iDeltaR; int iOutputR; int iBestPredictorR;
int iSample; long lSamp; long lError; long lPrediction; DWORD dwL, dwR; UINT i,n;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cSrcSamples = pcmS16BytesToSamples(cbSrcLength);
// step through each block of PCM data and encode it to 4 bit ADPCM
while( 0 != cSrcSamples ) { //
// determine how much data we should encode for this block--this
// will be cSamplesPerBlock until we hit the last chunk of PCM
// data that will not fill a complete block. so on the last block
// we only encode that amount of data remaining...
cBlockSamples = (UINT)min(cSrcSamples, cSamplesPerBlock); cSrcSamples -= cBlockSamples;
// We need the first ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD samples in order to
// calculate the first iDelta value. Therefore we put these samples
// into a more accessible array: aiSamples[]. Note: if we don't
// have ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD samples, we pretend that the samples
// that we don't have are actually zeros. This is important not
// only for the iDelta calculation, but also for the case where
// there is only 1 sample to encode ... in this case, there is not
// really enough data to complete the ADPCM block header, but since
// the two delay samples for the block header will be taken from
// the aiSamples[] array, iSamp1 [the second sample] will be taken
// as zero and there will no problem.
pbSrcThisBlock = pbSrc; for (n = 0; n < ENCODE_DELTA_LOOKAHEAD; n++) { if( n < cBlockSamples ) { aiSamplesL[n] = pcmRead16(pbSrcThisBlock); pbSrcThisBlock += sizeof(short); aiSamplesR[n] = pcmRead16(pbSrcThisBlock); pbSrcThisBlock += sizeof(short); } else { aiSamplesL[n] = 0; aiSamplesR[n] = 0; } }
// find the optimal predictor for each channel: to do this, we
// must step through and encode using each coefficient set (one
// at a time) and determine which one has the least error from
// the original data. the one with the least error is then used
// for the final encode (the 8th pass done below).
// NOTE: keeping the encoded data of the one that has the least
// error at all times is an obvious optimization that should be
// done. in this way, we only need to do 7 passes instead of 8.
for (i = 0; i < MSADPCM_MAX_COEFFICIENTS; i++) { //
// Reset source pointer to the beginning of the block.
pbSrcThisBlock = pbSrc;
// Reset variables for this pass (coefs are the same for L, R).
adwTotalErrorL[i] = 0L; adwTotalErrorR[i] = 0L; iCoef1 = lpCoefSet[i].iCoef1; iCoef2 = lpCoefSet[i].iCoef2;
// We need to choose the first iDelta--to do this, we need
// to look at the first few samples.
iDeltaL = adpcmEncode4Bit_FirstDelta(iCoef1, iCoef2, aiSamplesL[0], aiSamplesL[1], aiSamplesL[2], aiSamplesL[3], aiSamplesL[4]); iDeltaR = adpcmEncode4Bit_FirstDelta(iCoef1, iCoef2, aiSamplesR[0], aiSamplesR[1], aiSamplesR[2], aiSamplesR[3], aiSamplesR[4]); aiFirstDeltaL[i] = iDeltaL; aiFirstDeltaR[i] = iDeltaR;
// Set up first two samples - these have already been converted
// to 16-bit values in aiSamples[], but make sure to increment
// pbSrcThisBlock so that it keeps in sync.
iSamp1L = aiSamplesL[1]; iSamp1R = aiSamplesR[1]; iSamp2L = aiSamplesL[0]; iSamp2R = aiSamplesR[0]; pbSrcThisBlock += 2*sizeof(short) * 2; // Last 2 = # of channels.
// now encode the rest of the PCM data in this block--note
// we start 2 samples ahead because the first two samples are
// simply copied into the ADPCM block header...
for (n = 2; n < cBlockSamples; n++) { //
// LEFT channel.
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two
// samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction( iSamp1L, iCoef1, iSamp2L, iCoef2 );
// Grab the next sample to encode.
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrcThisBlock); pbSrcThisBlock += sizeof(short);
// encode it
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputL = (int)(lError / iDeltaL); if (iOutputL > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputL < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaL * iOutputL); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768; //
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaL = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputL,iDeltaL); //
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2L = iSamp1L; iSamp1L = (int)lSamp;
// keep a running status on the error for the current
// coefficient pair for this channel
lError = lSamp - iSample; adwTotalErrorL[i] += (lError * lError) >> 7;
// RIGHT channel.
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two
// samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction( iSamp1R, iCoef1, iSamp2R, iCoef2 );
// Grab the next sample to encode.
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrcThisBlock); pbSrcThisBlock += sizeof(short);
// encode it
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputR = (int)(lError / iDeltaR); if (iOutputR > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputR < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaR * iOutputR); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768; //
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaR = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputR,iDeltaR); //
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2R = iSamp1R; iSamp1R = (int)lSamp;
// keep a running status on the error for the current
// coefficient pair for this channel
lError = lSamp - iSample; adwTotalErrorR[i] += (lError * lError) >> 7; } }
// WHEW! we have now made 7 passes over the data and calculated
// the error for each--so it's time to find the one that produced
// the lowest error and use that predictor.
iBestPredictorL = 0; iBestPredictorR = 0; dwL = adwTotalErrorL[0]; dwR = adwTotalErrorR[0]; for (i = 1; i < MSADPCM_MAX_COEFFICIENTS; i++) { if (adwTotalErrorL[i] < dwL) { iBestPredictorL = i; dwL = adwTotalErrorL[i]; }
if (adwTotalErrorR[i] < dwR) { iBestPredictorR = i; dwR = adwTotalErrorR[i]; } } iCoef1L = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictorL].iCoef1; iCoef1R = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictorR].iCoef1; iCoef2L = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictorL].iCoef2; iCoef2R = lpCoefSet[iBestPredictorR].iCoef2; //
// grab first iDelta from our precomputed first deltas that we
// calculated above
iDeltaL = aiFirstDeltaL[iBestPredictorL]; iDeltaR = aiFirstDeltaR[iBestPredictorR];
// Set up first two samples - these have already been converted
// to 16-bit values in aiSamples[], but make sure to increment
// pbSrc so that it keeps in sync.
iSamp1L = aiSamplesL[1]; iSamp1R = aiSamplesR[1]; iSamp2L = aiSamplesL[0]; iSamp2R = aiSamplesR[0]; pbSrc += 2*sizeof(short) * 2; // Last 2 = # of channels.
ASSERT( cBlockSamples != 1 ); cBlockSamples -= 2;
// write the block header for the encoded data
// the block header is composed of the following data:
// 1 byte predictor per channel
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first delayed sample per channel
// 2 byte second delayed sample per channel
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)iBestPredictorL; *pbDst++ = (BYTE)iBestPredictorR;
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iDeltaL); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iDeltaR); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1L); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1R); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2L); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2R); pbDst += sizeof(short);
// We have written the header for this block--now write the data
// chunk (which consists of a bunch of encoded nibbles).
while( cBlockSamples-- ) { //
// LEFT channel.
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short);
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction(iSamp1L,iCoef1L,iSamp2L,iCoef2L);
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputL = (int)(lError / iDeltaL); if (iOutputL > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputL < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaL * iOutputL); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaL = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputL,iDeltaL);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2L = iSamp1L; iSamp1L = (int)lSamp;
// RIGHT channel.
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short);
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = adpcmCalcPrediction(iSamp1R,iCoef1R,iSamp2R,iCoef2R);
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputR = (int)(lError / iDeltaR); if (iOutputR > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputR < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaR * iOutputR); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaR = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputR,iDeltaR);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2R = iSamp1R; iSamp1R = (int)lSamp;
// Write out the encoded byte.
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)( ((iOutputL&OUTPUT4MASK)<<4) | (iOutputR&OUTPUT4MASK) ); } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmEncode4Bit_S16_FullPass()
// The code below this point is only compiled into WIN32 builds. Win16
// builds will call 386 assembler routines instead; see the routine
// acmdStreamOpen() in codec.c for more details.
#ifdef WIN32
// DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_M08_OnePass
// DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_M16_OnePass
// DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_S08_OnePass
// DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_S16_OnePass
// Description:
// Arguments:
// History:
// 1/27/93 cjp [curtisp]
// 3/03/94 rmh [bobhed]
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_M08_OnePass ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; DWORD cSrcSamples; UINT cBlockSamples;
int iSamp1; int iSamp2; int iDelta; int iOutput1; int iOutput2;
int iSample; long lSamp; long lError; long lPrediction;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cSrcSamples = pcmM08BytesToSamples(cbSrcLength);
// step through each block of PCM data and encode it to 4 bit ADPCM
while( 0 != cSrcSamples ) { //
// determine how much data we should encode for this block--this
// will be cSamplesPerBlock until we hit the last chunk of PCM
// data that will not fill a complete block. so on the last block
// we only encode that amount of data remaining...
cBlockSamples = (UINT)min(cSrcSamples, cSamplesPerBlock); cSrcSamples -= cBlockSamples;
// write the block header for the encoded data
// the block header is composed of the following data:
// 1 byte predictor per channel
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first delayed sample per channel
// 2 byte second delayed sample per channel
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)1;
iDelta = DELTA4START; pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,DELTA4START); // Same as iDelta.
pbDst += sizeof(short);
// Note that iSamp2 comes before iSamp1. If we only have one
// sample, then set iSamp1 to zero.
iSamp2 = pcmRead08(pbSrc++); if( --cBlockSamples > 0 ) { iSamp1 = pcmRead08(pbSrc++); cBlockSamples--; } else { iSamp1 = 0; }
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2); pbDst += sizeof(short);
// We have written the header for this block--now write the data
// chunk (which consists of a bunch of encoded nibbles).
while( cBlockSamples>0 ) { //
// Sample 1.
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrc++); cBlockSamples--;
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = ((long)iSamp1<<1) - iSamp2;
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutput1 = (int)(lError / iDelta); if (iOutput1 > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutput1 < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDelta * iOutput1); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutput1,iDelta);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = (int)lSamp;
// Sample 2.
if( cBlockSamples>0 ) {
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrc++); cBlockSamples--;
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = ((long)iSamp1<<1) - iSamp2;
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutput2 = (int)(lError / iDelta); if (iOutput2 > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutput2 = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutput2 < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutput2 = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDelta * iOutput2); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutput2,iDelta);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = (int)lSamp; } else { iOutput2 = 0; }
// Write out the encoded byte.
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)( ((iOutput1&OUTPUT4MASK)<<4) | (iOutput2&OUTPUT4MASK) ); } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmEncode4Bit_M08_OnePass()
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_M16_OnePass ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; DWORD cSrcSamples; UINT cBlockSamples;
int iSamp1; int iSamp2; int iDelta; int iOutput1; int iOutput2;
int iSample; long lSamp; long lError; long lPrediction;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cSrcSamples = pcmM16BytesToSamples(cbSrcLength);
// step through each block of PCM data and encode it to 4 bit ADPCM
while( 0 != cSrcSamples ) { //
// determine how much data we should encode for this block--this
// will be cSamplesPerBlock until we hit the last chunk of PCM
// data that will not fill a complete block. so on the last block
// we only encode that amount of data remaining...
cBlockSamples = (UINT)min(cSrcSamples, cSamplesPerBlock); cSrcSamples -= cBlockSamples;
// write the block header for the encoded data
// the block header is composed of the following data:
// 1 byte predictor per channel
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first delayed sample per channel
// 2 byte second delayed sample per channel
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)1;
iDelta = DELTA4START; pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,DELTA4START); // Same as iDelta;
pbDst += sizeof(short);
// Note that iSamp2 comes before iSamp1. If we only have one
// sample, then set iSamp1 to zero.
iSamp2 = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); if( --cBlockSamples > 0 ) { iSamp1 = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); cBlockSamples--; } else { iSamp1 = 0; }
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2); pbDst += sizeof(short);
// We have written the header for this block--now write the data
// chunk (which consists of a bunch of encoded nibbles).
while( cBlockSamples>0 ) { //
// Sample 1.
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); cBlockSamples--;
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = ((long)iSamp1<<1) - iSamp2;
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutput1 = (int)(lError / iDelta); if (iOutput1 > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutput1 < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutput1 = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDelta * iOutput1); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutput1,iDelta);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = (int)lSamp;
// Sample 2.
if( cBlockSamples>0 ) {
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); cBlockSamples--;
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = ((long)iSamp1<<1) - iSamp2;
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutput2 = (int)(lError / iDelta); if (iOutput2 > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutput2 = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutput2 < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutput2 = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDelta * iOutput2); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutput2,iDelta);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = (int)lSamp; } else { iOutput2 = 0; }
// Write out the encoded byte.
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)( ((iOutput1&OUTPUT4MASK)<<4) | (iOutput2&OUTPUT4MASK) ); } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmEncode4Bit_M16_OnePass()
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_S08_OnePass ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; DWORD cSrcSamples; UINT cBlockSamples;
int iSamp1L; int iSamp2L; int iDeltaL; int iOutputL;
int iSamp1R; int iSamp2R; int iDeltaR; int iOutputR;
int iSample; long lSamp; long lError; long lPrediction;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cSrcSamples = pcmS08BytesToSamples(cbSrcLength);
// step through each block of PCM data and encode it to 4 bit ADPCM
while( 0 != cSrcSamples ) { //
// determine how much data we should encode for this block--this
// will be cSamplesPerBlock until we hit the last chunk of PCM
// data that will not fill a complete block. so on the last block
// we only encode that amount of data remaining...
cBlockSamples = (UINT)min(cSrcSamples, cSamplesPerBlock); cSrcSamples -= cBlockSamples;
// write the block header for the encoded data
// the block header is composed of the following data:
// 1 byte predictor per channel
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first delayed sample per channel
// 2 byte second delayed sample per channel
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)1; *pbDst++ = (BYTE)1;
iDeltaL = DELTA4START; iDeltaR = DELTA4START; pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,DELTA4START); // Same as iDeltaL.
pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,DELTA4START); // Same as iDeltaR.
pbDst += sizeof(short);
// Note that iSamp2 comes before iSamp1. If we only have one
// sample, then set iSamp1 to zero.
iSamp2L = pcmRead08(pbSrc++); iSamp2R = pcmRead08(pbSrc++); if( --cBlockSamples > 0 ) { iSamp1L = pcmRead08(pbSrc++); iSamp1R = pcmRead08(pbSrc++); cBlockSamples--; } else { iSamp1L = 0; iSamp1R = 0; }
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1L); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1R); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2L); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2R); pbDst += sizeof(short);
// We have written the header for this block--now write the data
// chunk (which consists of a bunch of encoded nibbles).
while( cBlockSamples-- ) { //
// LEFT channel.
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrc++);
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = ((long)iSamp1L<<1) - iSamp2L;
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputL = (int)(lError / iDeltaL); if (iOutputL > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputL < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaL * iOutputL); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaL = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputL,iDeltaL);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2L = iSamp1L; iSamp1L = (int)lSamp;
// RIGHT channel.
iSample = pcmRead08(pbSrc++);
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = ((long)iSamp1R<<1) - iSamp2R;
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputR = (int)(lError / iDeltaR); if (iOutputR > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputR < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaR * iOutputR); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaR = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputR,iDeltaR);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2R = iSamp1R; iSamp1R = (int)lSamp;
// Write out the encoded byte.
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)( ((iOutputL&OUTPUT4MASK)<<4) | (iOutputR&OUTPUT4MASK) ); } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmEncode4Bit_S08_OnePass()
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmEncode4Bit_S16_OnePass ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; DWORD cSrcSamples; UINT cBlockSamples;
int iSamp1L; int iSamp2L; int iDeltaL; int iOutputL;
int iSamp1R; int iSamp2R; int iDeltaR; int iOutputR;
int iSample; long lSamp; long lError; long lPrediction;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cSrcSamples = pcmS16BytesToSamples(cbSrcLength);
// step through each block of PCM data and encode it to 4 bit ADPCM
while( 0 != cSrcSamples ) { //
// determine how much data we should encode for this block--this
// will be cSamplesPerBlock until we hit the last chunk of PCM
// data that will not fill a complete block. so on the last block
// we only encode that amount of data remaining...
cBlockSamples = (UINT)min(cSrcSamples, cSamplesPerBlock); cSrcSamples -= cBlockSamples;
// write the block header for the encoded data
// the block header is composed of the following data:
// 1 byte predictor per channel
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first delayed sample per channel
// 2 byte second delayed sample per channel
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)1; *pbDst++ = (BYTE)1;
iDeltaL = DELTA4START; iDeltaR = DELTA4START; pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,DELTA4START); // Same as iDeltaL.
pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,DELTA4START); // Same as iDeltaR.
pbDst += sizeof(short);
// Note that iSamp2 comes before iSamp1. If we only have one
// sample, then set iSamp1 to zero.
iSamp2L = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); iSamp2R = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); if( --cBlockSamples > 0 ) { iSamp1L = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); iSamp1R = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); cBlockSamples--; } else { iSamp1L = 0; iSamp1R = 0; }
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1L); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp1R); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2L); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16Unaligned(pbDst,iSamp2R); pbDst += sizeof(short);
// We have written the header for this block--now write the data
// chunk (which consists of a bunch of encoded nibbles).
while( cBlockSamples-- ) { //
// LEFT channel.
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short);
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = ((long)iSamp1L<<1) - iSamp2L;
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputL = (int)(lError / iDeltaL); if (iOutputL > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputL < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputL = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaL * iOutputL); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaL = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputL,iDeltaL);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2L = iSamp1L; iSamp1L = (int)lSamp;
// RIGHT channel.
iSample = pcmRead16(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short);
// calculate the prediction based on the previous two samples
lPrediction = ((long)iSamp1R<<1) - iSamp2R;
// encode the sample
lError = (long)iSample - lPrediction; iOutputR = (int)(lError / iDeltaR); if (iOutputR > OUTPUT4MAX) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MAX; else if (iOutputR < OUTPUT4MIN) iOutputR = OUTPUT4MIN;
lSamp = lPrediction + ((long)iDeltaR * iOutputR); if (lSamp > 32767) lSamp = 32767; else if (lSamp < -32768) lSamp = -32768;
// compute the next iDelta
iDeltaR = adpcmCalcDelta(iOutputR,iDeltaR);
// Save updated delay samples.
iSamp2R = iSamp1R; iSamp1R = (int)lSamp;
// Write out the encoded byte.
*pbDst++ = (BYTE)( ((iOutputL&OUTPUT4MASK)<<4) | (iOutputR&OUTPUT4MASK) ); } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmEncode4Bit_S16_OnePass()
// DWORD adpcmDecode4Bit_M08
// DWORD adpcmDecode4Bit_M16
// DWORD adpcmDecode4Bit_S08
// DWORD adpcmDecode4Bit_S16
// Description:
// These functions decode a buffer of data from MS ADPCM to PCM in the
// specified format. The appropriate function is called once for each
// ACMDM_STREAM_CONVERT message received.
// Arguments:
// Return (DWORD): The number of bytes used in the destination buffer.
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmDecode4Bit_M08 ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; UINT cbHeader; UINT cbBlockLength;
UINT nPredictor; BYTE bSample; int iInput; int iSamp;
int iSamp1; int iSamp2; int iCoef1; int iCoef2; int iDelta;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cbHeader = MSADPCM_HEADER_LENGTH * 1; // 1 = number of channels.
while( cbSrcLength >= cbHeader ) { //
// We have at least enough data to read a full block header.
// the header looks like this:
// 1 byte predictor per channel (determines coefficients).
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first sample per channel
// 2 byte second sample per channel
// this gives us (7 * bChannels) bytes of header information. note
// that as long as there is _at least_ (7 * bChannels) of header
// info, we will grab the two samples from the header. We figure
// out how much data we have in the rest of the block, ie. whether
// we have a full block or not. That way we don't have to test
// each sample to see if we have run out of data.
cbBlockLength = (UINT)min(cbSrcLength,nBlockAlignment); cbSrcLength -= cbBlockLength; cbBlockLength -= cbHeader; //
// Process the block header.
nPredictor = (UINT)(BYTE)(*pbSrc++); if( nPredictor >= nNumCoef ) { //
// the predictor is out of range--this is considered a
// fatal error with the ADPCM data, so we fail by returning
// zero bytes decoded
return 0; } iCoef1 = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef1; iCoef2 = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef2; iDelta = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short);
iSamp1 = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); iSamp2 = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short);
// write out first 2 samples.
// NOTE: the samples are written to the destination PCM buffer
// in the _reverse_ order that they are in the header block:
// remember that iSamp2 is the _previous_ sample to iSamp1.
pcmWrite08(pbDst,iSamp2); pcmWrite08(pbDst,iSamp1);
// we now need to decode the 'data' section of the ADPCM block.
// this consists of packed 4 bit nibbles. The high-order nibble
// contains the first sample; the low-order nibble contains the
// second sample.
while( cbBlockLength-- ) { bSample = *pbSrc++;
// Sample 1.
iInput = (int)(((signed char)bSample) >> 4); //Sign-extend.
iSamp = adpcmDecodeSample( iSamp1,iCoef1, iSamp2,iCoef2, iInput,iDelta ); iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta( iInput,iDelta ); pcmWrite08(pbDst++,iSamp); //
// ripple our previous samples down making the new iSamp1
// equal to the sample we just decoded
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = iSamp;
// Sample 2.
iInput = (int)(((signed char)(bSample<<4)) >> 4); //Sign-extend.
iSamp = adpcmDecodeSample( iSamp1,iCoef1, iSamp2,iCoef2, iInput,iDelta ); iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta( iInput,iDelta ); pcmWrite08(pbDst++,iSamp); //
// ripple our previous samples down making the new iSamp1
// equal to the sample we just decoded
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = iSamp; } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmDecode4Bit_M08()
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmDecode4Bit_M16 ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; UINT cbHeader; UINT cbBlockLength;
UINT nPredictor; BYTE bSample; int iInput; int iSamp;
int iSamp1; int iSamp2; int iCoef1; int iCoef2; int iDelta;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cbHeader = MSADPCM_HEADER_LENGTH * 1; // 1 = number of channels.
while( cbSrcLength >= cbHeader ) { //
// We have at least enough data to read a full block header.
// the header looks like this:
// 1 byte predictor per channel (determines coefficients).
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first sample per channel
// 2 byte second sample per channel
// this gives us (7 * bChannels) bytes of header information. note
// that as long as there is _at least_ (7 * bChannels) of header
// info, we will grab the two samples from the header. We figure
// out how much data we have in the rest of the block, ie. whether
// we have a full block or not. That way we don't have to test
// each sample to see if we have run out of data.
cbBlockLength = (UINT)min(cbSrcLength,nBlockAlignment); cbSrcLength -= cbBlockLength; cbBlockLength -= cbHeader; //
// Process the block header.
nPredictor = (UINT)(BYTE)(*pbSrc++); if( nPredictor >= nNumCoef ) { //
// the predictor is out of range--this is considered a
// fatal error with the ADPCM data, so we fail by returning
// zero bytes decoded
return 0; } iCoef1 = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef1; iCoef2 = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef2; iDelta = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short);
iSamp1 = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short); iSamp2 = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); pbSrc += sizeof(short);
// write out first 2 samples.
// NOTE: the samples are written to the destination PCM buffer
// in the _reverse_ order that they are in the header block:
// remember that iSamp2 is the _previous_ sample to iSamp1.
pcmWrite16(pbDst,iSamp2); pbDst += sizeof(short);
pcmWrite16(pbDst,iSamp1); pbDst += sizeof(short);
// we now need to decode the 'data' section of the ADPCM block.
// this consists of packed 4 bit nibbles. The high-order nibble
// contains the first sample; the low-order nibble contains the
// second sample.
while( cbBlockLength-- ) { bSample = *pbSrc++;
// Sample 1.
iInput = (int)(((signed char)bSample) >> 4); //Sign-extend.
iSamp = adpcmDecodeSample( iSamp1,iCoef1, iSamp2,iCoef2, iInput,iDelta ); iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta( iInput,iDelta ); pcmWrite16(pbDst,iSamp); pbDst += sizeof(short); //
// ripple our previous samples down making the new iSamp1
// equal to the sample we just decoded
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = iSamp;
// Sample 2.
iInput = (int)(((signed char)(bSample<<4)) >> 4); //Sign-extend.
iSamp = adpcmDecodeSample( iSamp1,iCoef1, iSamp2,iCoef2, iInput,iDelta ); iDelta = adpcmCalcDelta( iInput,iDelta ); pcmWrite16(pbDst,iSamp); pbDst += sizeof(short); //
// ripple our previous samples down making the new iSamp1
// equal to the sample we just decoded
iSamp2 = iSamp1; iSamp1 = iSamp; } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmDecode4Bit_M16()
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmDecode4Bit_S08 ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; UINT cbHeader; UINT cbBlockLength;
UINT nPredictor; BYTE bSample; int iInput; int iSamp;
int iSamp1L; int iSamp2L; int iCoef1L; int iCoef2L; int iDeltaL;
int iSamp1R; int iSamp2R; int iCoef1R; int iCoef2R; int iDeltaR;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cbHeader = MSADPCM_HEADER_LENGTH * 2; // 2 = number of channels.
while( cbSrcLength >= cbHeader ) { //
// We have at least enough data to read a full block header.
// the header looks like this:
// 1 byte predictor per channel (determines coefficients).
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first sample per channel
// 2 byte second sample per channel
// this gives us (7 * bChannels) bytes of header information. note
// that as long as there is _at least_ (7 * bChannels) of header
// info, we will grab the two samples from the header. We figure
// out how much data we have in the rest of the block, ie. whether
// we have a full block or not. That way we don't have to test
// each sample to see if we have run out of data.
cbBlockLength = (UINT)min(cbSrcLength,nBlockAlignment); cbSrcLength -= cbBlockLength; cbBlockLength -= cbHeader; //
// Process the block header.
nPredictor = (UINT)(BYTE)(*pbSrc++); // Left.
if( nPredictor >= nNumCoef ) { //
// the predictor is out of range--this is considered a
// fatal error with the ADPCM data, so we fail by returning
// zero bytes decoded
return 0; } iCoef1L = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef1; iCoef2L = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef2; nPredictor = (UINT)(BYTE)(*pbSrc++); // Right.
if( nPredictor >= nNumCoef ) { //
// the predictor is out of range--this is considered a
// fatal error with the ADPCM data, so we fail by returning
// zero bytes decoded
return 0; } iCoef1R = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef1; iCoef2R = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef2; iDeltaL = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Left.
pbSrc += sizeof(short);
iDeltaR = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Right.
pbSrc += sizeof(short);
iSamp1L = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Left.
pbSrc += sizeof(short); iSamp1R = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Right.
pbSrc += sizeof(short); iSamp2L = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Left.
pbSrc += sizeof(short); iSamp2R = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Right.
pbSrc += sizeof(short);
// write out first 2 samples (per channel).
// NOTE: the samples are written to the destination PCM buffer
// in the _reverse_ order that they are in the header block:
// remember that iSamp2 is the _previous_ sample to iSamp1.
pcmWrite08(pbDst++,iSamp2L); pcmWrite08(pbDst++,iSamp2R); pcmWrite08(pbDst++,iSamp1L); pcmWrite08(pbDst++,iSamp1R);
// we now need to decode the 'data' section of the ADPCM block.
// this consists of packed 4 bit nibbles. The high-order nibble
// contains the left sample; the low-order nibble contains the
// right sample.
while( cbBlockLength-- ) { bSample = *pbSrc++;
// Left sample.
iInput = (int)(((signed char)bSample) >> 4); //Sign-extend.
iSamp = adpcmDecodeSample( iSamp1L,iCoef1L, iSamp2L,iCoef2L, iInput,iDeltaL ); iDeltaL = adpcmCalcDelta( iInput,iDeltaL ); pcmWrite08(pbDst++,iSamp); //
// ripple our previous samples down making the new iSamp1
// equal to the sample we just decoded
iSamp2L = iSamp1L; iSamp1L = iSamp;
// Right sample.
iInput = (int)(((signed char)(bSample<<4)) >> 4); //Sign-extend.
iSamp = adpcmDecodeSample( iSamp1R,iCoef1R, iSamp2R,iCoef2R, iInput,iDeltaR ); iDeltaR = adpcmCalcDelta( iInput,iDeltaR ); pcmWrite08(pbDst++,iSamp); //
// ripple our previous samples down making the new iSamp1
// equal to the sample we just decoded
iSamp2R = iSamp1R; iSamp1R = iSamp; } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmDecode4Bit_S08()
DWORD FNGLOBAL adpcmDecode4Bit_S16 ( HPBYTE pbSrc, DWORD cbSrcLength, HPBYTE pbDst, UINT nBlockAlignment, UINT cSamplesPerBlock, UINT nNumCoef, LPADPCMCOEFSET lpCoefSet ) { HPBYTE pbDstStart; UINT cbHeader; UINT cbBlockLength;
UINT nPredictor; BYTE bSample; int iInput; int iSamp;
int iSamp1L; int iSamp2L; int iCoef1L; int iCoef2L; int iDeltaL;
int iSamp1R; int iSamp2R; int iCoef1R; int iCoef2R; int iDeltaR;
pbDstStart = pbDst; cbHeader = MSADPCM_HEADER_LENGTH * 2; // 2 = number of channels.
while( cbSrcLength >= cbHeader ) { //
// We have at least enough data to read a full block header.
// the header looks like this:
// 1 byte predictor per channel (determines coefficients).
// 2 byte delta per channel
// 2 byte first sample per channel
// 2 byte second sample per channel
// this gives us (7 * bChannels) bytes of header information. note
// that as long as there is _at least_ (7 * bChannels) of header
// info, we will grab the two samples from the header. We figure
// out how much data we have in the rest of the block, ie. whether
// we have a full block or not. That way we don't have to test
// each sample to see if we have run out of data.
cbBlockLength = (UINT)min(cbSrcLength,nBlockAlignment); cbSrcLength -= cbBlockLength; cbBlockLength -= cbHeader; //
// Process the block header.
nPredictor = (UINT)(BYTE)(*pbSrc++); // Left.
if( nPredictor >= nNumCoef ) { //
// the predictor is out of range--this is considered a
// fatal error with the ADPCM data, so we fail by returning
// zero bytes decoded
return 0; } iCoef1L = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef1; iCoef2L = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef2; nPredictor = (UINT)(BYTE)(*pbSrc++); // Right.
if( nPredictor >= nNumCoef ) { //
// the predictor is out of range--this is considered a
// fatal error with the ADPCM data, so we fail by returning
// zero bytes decoded
return 0; } iCoef1R = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef1; iCoef2R = lpCoefSet[nPredictor].iCoef2; iDeltaL = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Left.
pbSrc += sizeof(short);
iDeltaR = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Right.
pbSrc += sizeof(short);
iSamp1L = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Left.
pbSrc += sizeof(short); iSamp1R = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Right.
pbSrc += sizeof(short); iSamp2L = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Left.
pbSrc += sizeof(short); iSamp2R = pcmRead16Unaligned(pbSrc); // Right.
pbSrc += sizeof(short);
// write out first 2 samples (per channel).
// NOTE: the samples are written to the destination PCM buffer
// in the _reverse_ order that they are in the header block:
// remember that iSamp2 is the _previous_ sample to iSamp1.
pcmWrite16(pbDst,iSamp2L); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16(pbDst,iSamp2R); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16(pbDst,iSamp1L); pbDst += sizeof(short); pcmWrite16(pbDst,iSamp1R); pbDst += sizeof(short);
// we now need to decode the 'data' section of the ADPCM block.
// this consists of packed 4 bit nibbles. The high-order nibble
// contains the left sample; the low-order nibble contains the
// right sample.
while( cbBlockLength-- ) { bSample = *pbSrc++;
// Left sample.
iInput = (int)(((signed char)bSample) >> 4); //Sign-extend.
iSamp = adpcmDecodeSample( iSamp1L,iCoef1L, iSamp2L,iCoef2L, iInput,iDeltaL ); iDeltaL = adpcmCalcDelta( iInput,iDeltaL ); pcmWrite16(pbDst,iSamp); pbDst += sizeof(short); //
// ripple our previous samples down making the new iSamp1
// equal to the sample we just decoded
iSamp2L = iSamp1L; iSamp1L = iSamp;
// Right sample.
iInput = (int)(((signed char)(bSample<<4)) >> 4); //Sign-extend.
iSamp = adpcmDecodeSample( iSamp1R,iCoef1R, iSamp2R,iCoef2R, iInput,iDeltaR ); iDeltaR = adpcmCalcDelta( iInput,iDeltaR ); pcmWrite16(pbDst,iSamp); pbDst += sizeof(short); //
// ripple our previous samples down making the new iSamp1
// equal to the sample we just decoded
iSamp2R = iSamp1R; iSamp1R = iSamp; } }
// We return the number of bytes used in the destination. This is
// simply the difference in bytes from where we started.
return (DWORD)(pbDst - pbDstStart);
} // adpcmDecode4Bit_S16()