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#if !defined(__glslib_h_)
#define __glslib_h_
** Copyright 1995-2095, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. */
Constants ******************************************************************************/
#define __GLS_BOOLEAN 0x0001
#define __GLS_MAX_OUT_ARGS 4
#define __GLS_COMMAND_ALIGN_EVEN32_BIT 0x80000000
#define __GLS_COMMAND_ALIGN_ODD32_BIT 0x40000000
#define __GLS_COMMAND_0_PARAMS_BIT 0x20000000
Extensions ******************************************************************************/
// DrewB
#ifndef __GLS_PLATFORM_WIN32
#define __GL_EXT_abgr 1
#define __GL_EXT_blend_color 1
#define __GL_EXT_blend_logic_op 1
#define __GL_EXT_blend_minmax 1
#define __GL_EXT_blend_subtract 1
#define __GL_EXT_cmyka 1
#define __GL_EXT_convolution 1
#define __GL_EXT_copy_texture 1
#define __GL_EXT_histogram 1
#define __GL_EXT_packed_pixels 1
#define __GL_EXT_polygon_offset 1
#define __GL_EXT_rescale_normal 1
#define __GL_EXT_subtexture 1
#define __GL_EXT_texture 1
#define __GL_EXT_texture_object 1
#define __GL_EXT_texture3D 1
#define __GL_EXT_vertex_array 1
#define __GL_EXT_paletted_texture 1
#define __GL_EXT_bgra 1
#define __GL_WIN_draw_range_elements 1
#define __GL_SGI_color_matrix 1
#define __GL_SGI_color_table 1
#define __GL_SGI_texture_color_table 1
#define __GL_SGIS_component_select 1
#define __GL_SGIS_detail_texture 1
#define __GL_SGIS_multisample 1
#define __GL_SGIS_sharpen_texture 1
#define __GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp 1
#define __GL_SGIS_texture4D 1
#define __GL_SGIX_interlace 1
#define __GL_SGIX_multisample 1
#define __GL_SGIX_pixel_texture 1
#define __GL_SGIX_pixel_tiles 1
#define __GL_SGIX_texture_multi_buffer 1
#define __GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp 1
#define __GL_SGIS_texture_filter4 0
#define __GL_SGIS_texture_lod 1
#define __GL_SGIX_multipass 0
#define __GL_SGIX_sprite 0
#endif /* __GLS_PLATFORM_IRIX */
Macros ******************************************************************************/
#define __GL_ENUM_OFFSET(inEnum) (GLint)(inEnum % __GL_ENUMS_PER_PAGE)
#define __GL_ENUM_PAGE(inEnum) (GLint)(inEnum / __GL_ENUMS_PER_PAGE)
#define __GL_ENUM(inPage, inOffset) ( \
(inPage) * __GL_ENUMS_PER_PAGE + (inOffset) \ )
#define __GLS_ENUM_OFFSET(inEnum) (GLint)(inEnum % __GLS_ENUMS_PER_PAGE)
#define __GLS_ENUM_PAGE(inEnum) (GLint)(inEnum / __GLS_ENUMS_PER_PAGE)
#define __GLS_ENUM(inPage, inOffset) ( \
(inPage) * __GLS_ENUMS_PER_PAGE + (inOffset) \ )
#define __GLS_FORWARD
Includes ******************************************************************************/
#include <glmf.h>
#include "glsint.h"
#include "glsutil.h"
#include "encoding.h"
#include "opcode.h"
#include "pixel.h"
#include "read.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "ctx.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "write.h"
// DrewB
#include "glssize.h"
Global data ******************************************************************************/
extern const GLSenum __glsAllAPIs[__GLS_API_COUNT + 1]; extern const GLubyte *const __glAttribMaskString[__GL_ATTRIB_MASK_COUNT]; extern const GLbitfield __glAttribMaskVal[__GL_ATTRIB_MASK_COUNT]; extern __GLSdict *__glsContextDict; extern __GLScontextList __glsContextList; extern const GLubyte *const *const __glEnumString[__GL_ENUM_PAGE_COUNT]; extern const GLint __glEnumStringCount[__GL_ENUM_PAGE_COUNT]; extern const GLSfunc __glsDispatchCapture[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT]; extern __GLSdecodeBinFunc __glsDispatchDecode_bin_default[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT];
extern const __GLSdecodeBinFunc __glsDispatchDecode_bin_swap[ __GLS_OPCODE_COUNT ];
extern const __GLSdecodeTextFunc __glsDispatchDecode_text[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT]; extern GLSfunc __glsDispatchExec[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT]; extern const GLubyte *const *const __glsEnumString[__GLS_ENUM_PAGE_COUNT]; extern const GLint __glsEnumStringCount[__GLS_ENUM_PAGE_COUNT]; extern const GLubyte *const __glsExtensions; extern const GLubyte *const __glsImageFlagsString[__GLS_IMAGE_FLAGS_COUNT]; extern const GLbitfield __glsImageFlagsVal[__GLS_IMAGE_FLAGS_COUNT]; extern const GLbitfield __glsOpcodeAttrib[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT]; extern const GLubyte *const __glsOpcodeString[__GLS_OPCODE_COUNT]; extern const GLSopcode __glsOpcodesGL[]; extern const GLSopcode __glsOpcodesGLS[]; extern const GLint __glsOpcodesGLCount; extern const GLint __glsOpcodesGLSCount; extern __GLSparser *__glsParser;
extern const GLint __glsOpPageMap[__GLS_MAPPED_OPCODE_PAGE_COUNT]; #endif /* __GLS_MAPPED_OPCODE_PAGE_COUNT */
Global functions ******************************************************************************/
#define __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(inError) if (!__GLS_ERROR) __GLS_PUT_ERROR(inError)
#ifndef __GLS_PLATFORM_WIN32
// DrewB
extern void __glsCallError(GLSopcode inOpcode, GLSenum inError); #define __GLS_CALL_ERROR(ctx, inOpcode, inError) \
__glsCallError(inOpcode, inError) extern void __glsCallUnsupportedCommand(void); #define __GLS_CALL_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND(ctx) \
__glsCallUnsupportedCommand() #else
extern void __glsCallError(__GLScontext *ctx, GLSopcode inOpcode, GLSenum inError); #define __GLS_CALL_ERROR(ctx, inOpcode, inError) \
__glsCallError(ctx, inOpcode, inError) extern void __glsCallUnsupportedCommand(__GLScontext *ctx); #define __GLS_CALL_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND(ctx) \
__glsCallUnsupportedCommand(ctx) #endif
#endif /* __glslib_h_ */