** Copyright 1991-1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. */ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fixed.h>
static GLfloat DefaultAmbient[4] = { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0 }; static GLfloat DefaultDiffuse[4] = { 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0 }; static GLfloat DefaultBlack[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; static GLfloat DefaultWhite[4] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
#ifdef NT
#define UB2F(ub) ((GLfloat) ((ub) / 255.0))
#define B2F(b) ((GLfloat) ((2 * (b) + 1) / 255.0))
GLfloat __glUByteToFloat[256] = { UB2F( 0), UB2F( 1), UB2F( 2), UB2F( 3), UB2F( 4), UB2F( 5), UB2F( 6), UB2F( 7), UB2F( 8), UB2F( 9), UB2F( 10), UB2F( 11), UB2F( 12), UB2F( 13), UB2F( 14), UB2F( 15), UB2F( 16), UB2F( 17), UB2F( 18), UB2F( 19), UB2F( 20), UB2F( 21), UB2F( 22), UB2F( 23), UB2F( 24), UB2F( 25), UB2F( 26), UB2F( 27), UB2F( 28), UB2F( 29), UB2F( 30), UB2F( 31), UB2F( 32), UB2F( 33), UB2F( 34), UB2F( 35), UB2F( 36), UB2F( 37), UB2F( 38), UB2F( 39), UB2F( 40), UB2F( 41), UB2F( 42), UB2F( 43), UB2F( 44), UB2F( 45), UB2F( 46), UB2F( 47), UB2F( 48), UB2F( 49), UB2F( 50), UB2F( 51), UB2F( 52), UB2F( 53), UB2F( 54), UB2F( 55), UB2F( 56), UB2F( 57), UB2F( 58), UB2F( 59), UB2F( 60), UB2F( 61), UB2F( 62), UB2F( 63), UB2F( 64), UB2F( 65), UB2F( 66), UB2F( 67), UB2F( 68), UB2F( 69), UB2F( 70), UB2F( 71), UB2F( 72), UB2F( 73), UB2F( 74), UB2F( 75), UB2F( 76), UB2F( 77), UB2F( 78), UB2F( 79), UB2F( 80), UB2F( 81), UB2F( 82), UB2F( 83), UB2F( 84), UB2F( 85), UB2F( 86), UB2F( 87), UB2F( 88), UB2F( 89), UB2F( 90), UB2F( 91), UB2F( 92), UB2F( 93), UB2F( 94), UB2F( 95), UB2F( 96), UB2F( 97), UB2F( 98), UB2F( 99), UB2F(100), UB2F(101), UB2F(102), UB2F(103), UB2F(104), UB2F(105), UB2F(106), UB2F(107), UB2F(108), UB2F(109), UB2F(110), UB2F(111), UB2F(112), UB2F(113), UB2F(114), UB2F(115), UB2F(116), UB2F(117), UB2F(118), UB2F(119), UB2F(120), UB2F(121), UB2F(122), UB2F(123), UB2F(124), UB2F(125), UB2F(126), UB2F(127), UB2F(128), UB2F(129), UB2F(130), UB2F(131), UB2F(132), UB2F(133), UB2F(134), UB2F(135), UB2F(136), UB2F(137), UB2F(138), UB2F(139), UB2F(140), UB2F(141), UB2F(142), UB2F(143), UB2F(144), UB2F(145), UB2F(146), UB2F(147), UB2F(148), UB2F(149), UB2F(150), UB2F(151), UB2F(152), UB2F(153), UB2F(154), UB2F(155), UB2F(156), UB2F(157), UB2F(158), UB2F(159), UB2F(160), UB2F(161), UB2F(162), UB2F(163), UB2F(164), UB2F(165), UB2F(166), UB2F(167), UB2F(168), UB2F(169), UB2F(170), UB2F(171), UB2F(172), UB2F(173), UB2F(174), UB2F(175), UB2F(176), UB2F(177), UB2F(178), UB2F(179), UB2F(180), UB2F(181), UB2F(182), UB2F(183), UB2F(184), UB2F(185), UB2F(186), UB2F(187), UB2F(188), UB2F(189), UB2F(190), UB2F(191), UB2F(192), UB2F(193), UB2F(194), UB2F(195), UB2F(196), UB2F(197), UB2F(198), UB2F(199), UB2F(200), UB2F(201), UB2F(202), UB2F(203), UB2F(204), UB2F(205), UB2F(206), UB2F(207), UB2F(208), UB2F(209), UB2F(210), UB2F(211), UB2F(212), UB2F(213), UB2F(214), UB2F(215), UB2F(216), UB2F(217), UB2F(218), UB2F(219), UB2F(220), UB2F(221), UB2F(222), UB2F(223), UB2F(224), UB2F(225), UB2F(226), UB2F(227), UB2F(228), UB2F(229), UB2F(230), UB2F(231), UB2F(232), UB2F(233), UB2F(234), UB2F(235), UB2F(236), UB2F(237), UB2F(238), UB2F(239), UB2F(240), UB2F(241), UB2F(242), UB2F(243), UB2F(244), UB2F(245), UB2F(246), UB2F(247), UB2F(248), UB2F(249), UB2F(250), UB2F(251), UB2F(252), UB2F(253), UB2F(254), UB2F(255), };
GLfloat __glByteToFloat[256] = { B2F( 0), B2F( 1), B2F( 2), B2F( 3), B2F( 4), B2F( 5), B2F( 6), B2F( 7), B2F( 8), B2F( 9), B2F( 10), B2F( 11), B2F( 12), B2F( 13), B2F( 14), B2F( 15), B2F( 16), B2F( 17), B2F( 18), B2F( 19), B2F( 20), B2F( 21), B2F( 22), B2F( 23), B2F( 24), B2F( 25), B2F( 26), B2F( 27), B2F( 28), B2F( 29), B2F( 30), B2F( 31), B2F( 32), B2F( 33), B2F( 34), B2F( 35), B2F( 36), B2F( 37), B2F( 38), B2F( 39), B2F( 40), B2F( 41), B2F( 42), B2F( 43), B2F( 44), B2F( 45), B2F( 46), B2F( 47), B2F( 48), B2F( 49), B2F( 50), B2F( 51), B2F( 52), B2F( 53), B2F( 54), B2F( 55), B2F( 56), B2F( 57), B2F( 58), B2F( 59), B2F( 60), B2F( 61), B2F( 62), B2F( 63), B2F( 64), B2F( 65), B2F( 66), B2F( 67), B2F( 68), B2F( 69), B2F( 70), B2F( 71), B2F( 72), B2F( 73), B2F( 74), B2F( 75), B2F( 76), B2F( 77), B2F( 78), B2F( 79), B2F( 80), B2F( 81), B2F( 82), B2F( 83), B2F( 84), B2F( 85), B2F( 86), B2F( 87), B2F( 88), B2F( 89), B2F( 90), B2F( 91), B2F( 92), B2F( 93), B2F( 94), B2F( 95), B2F( 96), B2F( 97), B2F( 98), B2F( 99), B2F( 100), B2F( 101), B2F( 102), B2F( 103), B2F( 104), B2F( 105), B2F( 106), B2F( 107), B2F( 108), B2F( 109), B2F( 110), B2F( 111), B2F( 112), B2F( 113), B2F( 114), B2F( 115), B2F( 116), B2F( 117), B2F( 118), B2F( 119), B2F( 120), B2F( 121), B2F( 122), B2F( 123), B2F( 124), B2F( 125), B2F( 126), B2F( 127), B2F(-128), B2F(-127), B2F(-126), B2F(-125), B2F(-124), B2F(-123), B2F(-122), B2F(-121), B2F(-120), B2F(-119), B2F(-118), B2F(-117), B2F(-116), B2F(-115), B2F(-114), B2F(-113), B2F(-112), B2F(-111), B2F(-110), B2F(-109), B2F(-108), B2F(-107), B2F(-106), B2F(-105), B2F(-104), B2F(-103), B2F(-102), B2F(-101), B2F(-100), B2F( -99), B2F( -98), B2F( -97), B2F( -96), B2F( -95), B2F( -94), B2F( -93), B2F( -92), B2F( -91), B2F( -90), B2F( -89), B2F( -88), B2F( -87), B2F( -86), B2F( -85), B2F( -84), B2F( -83), B2F( -82), B2F( -81), B2F( -80), B2F( -79), B2F( -78), B2F( -77), B2F( -76), B2F( -75), B2F( -74), B2F( -73), B2F( -72), B2F( -71), B2F( -70), B2F( -69), B2F( -68), B2F( -67), B2F( -66), B2F( -65), B2F( -64), B2F( -63), B2F( -62), B2F( -61), B2F( -60), B2F( -59), B2F( -58), B2F( -57), B2F( -56), B2F( -55), B2F( -54), B2F( -53), B2F( -52), B2F( -51), B2F( -50), B2F( -49), B2F( -48), B2F( -47), B2F( -46), B2F( -45), B2F( -44), B2F( -43), B2F( -42), B2F( -41), B2F( -40), B2F( -39), B2F( -38), B2F( -37), B2F( -36), B2F( -35), B2F( -34), B2F( -33), B2F( -32), B2F( -31), B2F( -30), B2F( -29), B2F( -28), B2F( -27), B2F( -26), B2F( -25), B2F( -24), B2F( -23), B2F( -22), B2F( -21), B2F( -20), B2F( -19), B2F( -18), B2F( -17), B2F( -16), B2F( -15), B2F( -14), B2F( -13), B2F( -12), B2F( -11), B2F( -10), B2F( -9), B2F( -8), B2F( -7), B2F( -6), B2F( -5), B2F( -4), B2F( -3), B2F( -2), B2F( -1), }; #endif // NT
** Early initialization of context. Very little is done here, just enough ** to make a context viable. */
void FASTCALL __glEarlyInitContext(__GLcontext *gc) { GLint numLights, attribDepth; GLint i;
gc->constants.fviewportXAdjust = (__GLfloat) gc->constants.viewportXAdjust; gc->constants.fviewportYAdjust = (__GLfloat) gc->constants.viewportYAdjust; gc->procs.pickColorMaterialProcs = __glNopGC; gc->procs.applyColor = __glNopGC;
/* Allocate memory to hold variable sized things */ numLights = gc->constants.numberOfLights; gc->state.light.source = (__GLlightSourceState*) GCALLOCZ(gc, numLights*sizeof(__GLlightSourceState)); gc->light.lutCache = NULL; gc->light.source = (__GLlightSourceMachine*) GCALLOCZ(gc, numLights*sizeof(__GLlightSourceMachine)); attribDepth = gc->constants.maxAttribStackDepth; gc->attributes.stack = (__GLattribute**) GCALLOCZ(gc, attribDepth*sizeof(__GLattribute*)); attribDepth = gc->constants.maxClientAttribStackDepth; gc->clientAttributes.stack = (__GLclientAttribute**) GCALLOCZ(gc, attribDepth*sizeof(__GLclientAttribute*)); // now lazy allocate in RenderMode
gc->select.stack = (GLuint*) NULL;
#ifdef NT
// Allocate (n-1) vertices. The last one is reserved by polyarray code.
(void) PolyArrayAllocBuffer(gc, POLYDATA_BUFFER_SIZE + 1); #ifndef NEW_PARTIAL_PRIM
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(gc->vertex.pdSaved)/sizeof(gc->vertex.pdSaved[0]); i++) gc->vertex.pdSaved[i].color = &gc->vertex.pdSaved[i].colors[__GL_FRONTFACE]; #endif // NEW_PARTIAL_PRIM
#ifdef _X86_
initClipCodesTable(); initInvSqrtTable();
#endif // _X86_
** Allocate any aux color buffer records ** Note: Does not allocate the actual buffer memory, this is done elsewhere. */ if (gc->modes.maxAuxBuffers > 0) { gc->auxBuffer = (__GLcolorBuffer *) GCALLOCZ(gc, gc->modes.maxAuxBuffers*sizeof(__GLcolorBuffer)); } #endif
__glInitDlistState(gc); }
void FASTCALL __glContextSetColorScales(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLfloat one = __glOne; __GLattribute **spp; __GLattribute *sp; GLuint mask; GLint i;
gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale = one / gc->frontBuffer.redScale; gc->frontBuffer.oneOverGreenScale = one / gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; gc->frontBuffer.oneOverBlueScale = one / gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale = one / gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale;
gc->vertexToBufferIdentity = GL_TRUE; if (__GL_FLOAT_NEZ(gc->redVertexScale)) { gc->oneOverRedVertexScale = one / gc->redVertexScale; } else { gc->oneOverRedVertexScale = __glZero; } if (__GL_FLOAT_NE(gc->redVertexScale, gc->frontBuffer.redScale)) { gc->redVertexToBufferScale = gc->frontBuffer.redScale * gc->oneOverRedVertexScale; gc->vertexToBufferIdentity = GL_FALSE; } else { gc->redVertexToBufferScale = __glOne; }
if (__GL_FLOAT_NEZ(gc->greenVertexScale)) { gc->oneOverGreenVertexScale = one / gc->greenVertexScale; } else { gc->oneOverGreenVertexScale = __glZero; }
if (__GL_FLOAT_NE(gc->greenVertexScale, gc->frontBuffer.greenScale)) { gc->greenVertexToBufferScale = gc->frontBuffer.greenScale * gc->oneOverGreenVertexScale; gc->vertexToBufferIdentity = GL_FALSE; } else { gc->greenVertexToBufferScale = __glOne; }
if (__GL_FLOAT_NEZ(gc->blueVertexScale)) { gc->oneOverBlueVertexScale = one / gc->blueVertexScale; } else { gc->oneOverBlueVertexScale = __glZero; } if (__GL_FLOAT_NE(gc->blueVertexScale, gc->frontBuffer.blueScale)) { gc->blueVertexToBufferScale = gc->frontBuffer.blueScale * gc->oneOverBlueVertexScale; gc->vertexToBufferIdentity = GL_FALSE; } else { gc->blueVertexToBufferScale = __glOne; }
if (__GL_FLOAT_NEZ(gc->alphaVertexScale)) { gc->oneOverAlphaVertexScale = one / gc->alphaVertexScale; } else { gc->oneOverAlphaVertexScale = __glZero; } if (__GL_FLOAT_NE(gc->alphaVertexScale, gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale)) { gc->alphaVertexToBufferScale = gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale * gc->oneOverAlphaVertexScale; gc->vertexToBufferIdentity = GL_FALSE; } else { gc->alphaVertexToBufferScale = __glOne; }
for (spp = &gc->attributes.stack[0]; spp < gc->attributes.stackPointer; spp++) { sp = *spp; mask = sp->mask;
if (mask & GL_CURRENT_BIT) { if (gc->modes.rgbMode) { __glScaleColorf(gc, &sp->current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE], &sp->current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r); } } if (mask & GL_LIGHTING_BIT) { __glScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.model.ambient, &sp->light.model.ambient.r); for (i=0; i<gc->constants.numberOfLights; i++) { __glScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.source[i].ambient, &sp->light.source[i].ambient.r); __glScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.source[i].diffuse, &sp->light.source[i].diffuse.r); __glScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.source[i].specular, &sp->light.source[i].specular.r); } __glScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.front.emissive, &sp->light.front.emissive.r); __glScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.back.emissive, &sp->light.back.emissive.r); } #ifdef NT
if (mask & GL_FOG_BIT) { __glScaleColorf(gc, &sp->fog.color, &sp->fog.color.r); if (sp->fog.color.r == sp->fog.color.g && sp->fog.color.r == sp->fog.color.b) sp->fog.flags |= __GL_FOG_GRAY_RGB; else sp->fog.flags &= ~__GL_FOG_GRAY_RGB; }
#ifdef _MCD_
MCD_STATE_DIRTY(gc, FOG); #endif
if (gc->modes.rgbMode) { __glScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE], &gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r); }
__glScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.model.ambient, &gc->state.light.model.ambient.r); for (i=0; i<gc->constants.numberOfLights; i++) { __glScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.source[i].ambient, &gc->state.light.source[i].ambient.r); __glScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.source[i].diffuse, &gc->state.light.source[i].diffuse.r); __glScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.source[i].specular, &gc->state.light.source[i].specular.r); } __glScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.front.emissive, &gc->state.light.front.emissive.r); __glScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.back.emissive, &gc->state.light.back.emissive.r); #ifdef NT
__glScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.fog.color, &gc->state.fog.color.r); if (gc->state.fog.color.r == gc->state.fog.color.g && gc->state.fog.color.r == gc->state.fog.color.b) gc->state.fog.flags |= __GL_FOG_GRAY_RGB; else gc->state.fog.flags &= ~__GL_FOG_GRAY_RGB;
#ifdef _MCD_
MCD_STATE_DIRTY(gc, FOG); #endif
__glPixelSetColorScales(gc); }
void FASTCALL __glContextUnsetColorScales(__GLcontext *gc) { GLint i; __GLattribute **spp; __GLattribute *sp; GLuint mask;
for (spp = &gc->attributes.stack[0]; spp < gc->attributes.stackPointer; spp++) { sp = *spp; mask = sp->mask;
if (mask & GL_CURRENT_BIT) { if (gc->modes.rgbMode) { __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &sp->current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r, &sp->current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE]); } } if (mask & GL_LIGHTING_BIT) { __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.model.ambient.r, &sp->light.model.ambient); for (i=0; i<gc->constants.numberOfLights; i++) { __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.source[i].ambient.r, &sp->light.source[i].ambient); __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.source[i].diffuse.r, &sp->light.source[i].diffuse); __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.source[i].specular.r, &sp->light.source[i].specular); } __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.front.emissive.r, &sp->light.front.emissive); __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &sp->light.back.emissive.r, &sp->light.back.emissive); } #ifdef NT
if (mask & GL_FOG_BIT) { __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &sp->fog.color.r, &sp->fog.color); #ifdef _MCD_
MCD_STATE_DIRTY(gc, FOG); #endif
} #endif
if (gc->modes.rgbMode) { __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r, &gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE]); } __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.model.ambient.r, &gc->state.light.model.ambient); for (i=0; i<gc->constants.numberOfLights; i++) { __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.source[i].ambient.r, &gc->state.light.source[i].ambient); __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.source[i].diffuse.r, &gc->state.light.source[i].diffuse); __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.source[i].specular.r, &gc->state.light.source[i].specular); } __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.front.emissive.r, &gc->state.light.front.emissive); __glUnScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.light.back.emissive.r, &gc->state.light.back.emissive); #ifdef NT
__glUnScaleColorf(gc, &gc->state.fog.color.r, &gc->state.fog.color); #ifdef _MCD_
MCD_STATE_DIRTY(gc, FOG); #endif
** Initialize all user controllable state, plus any computed state that ** is only set by user commands. For example, light source position ** is converted immediately into eye coordinates. ** ** Any state that would be initialized to zero is not done here because ** the memory assigned to the context has already been block zeroed. ** ** NOTE: Since this function may need memory allocation, caller must ** check that gengc->errorcode is not set indicating memory allocation ** error. If error is set, context is in an unknown state and data ** structure integrity is not guaranteed. */ void FASTCALL __glSoftResetContext(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLlightSourceState *lss; __GLlightSourceMachine *lsm; __GLvertex *vx; GLint i, numLights; __GLfloat one = __glOne;
** Initialize constant values first so that they will ** be valid if needed by subsequent initialization steps. */
if (gc->constants.alphaTestSize == 0) { gc->constants.alphaTestSize = 256; /* A default */ } gc->constants.alphaTableConv = (gc->constants.alphaTestSize - 1) / gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale;
// viewportEpsilon is the smallest representable value in window
// coordinates. The number of fractional bits in a window
// coordinate is known and fixed, so compute epsilon directly
gc->constants.viewportEpsilon = 1.0f/(1 << __GL_VERTEX_FRAC_BITS); gc->constants.viewportAlmostHalf = __glHalf - gc->constants.viewportEpsilon;
/* Allocate memory to hold variable sized things */ numLights = gc->constants.numberOfLights;
/* Misc machine state */ gc->beginMode = __GL_NEED_VALIDATE; gc->dirtyMask = __GL_DIRTY_ALL; gc->validateMask = (GLuint) ~0; gc->attributes.stackPointer = &gc->attributes.stack[0]; gc->clientAttributes.stackPointer = &gc->clientAttributes.stack[0]; #ifndef NT
// NT vertex allocation is done in __glEarlyInitContext.
gc->vertex.v0 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
vx = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0]; for (i = 0; i < __GL_NVBUF; i++, vx++) { vx->color = &vx->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE]; } #endif
/* We need to initialize the matrix stuff early (before we handle */ /* lighting) since we cache the modelview matrix with the light */
__glInitTransformState(gc); #ifdef NT
/* __glInitTransformState does memory allocation (incl. modelView */ /* matrix which is needed later in this function. If error code */ /* is set, we must exit. */ if (((__GLGENcontext *) gc)->errorcode) return; #endif
/* GL_LIGHTING_BIT state */ gc->state.light.model.ambient.r = DefaultAmbient[0]; gc->state.light.model.ambient.g = DefaultAmbient[1]; gc->state.light.model.ambient.b = DefaultAmbient[2]; gc->state.light.model.ambient.a = DefaultAmbient[3]; gc->state.light.front.ambient.r = DefaultAmbient[0]; gc->state.light.front.ambient.g = DefaultAmbient[1]; gc->state.light.front.ambient.b = DefaultAmbient[2]; gc->state.light.front.ambient.a = DefaultAmbient[3]; gc->state.light.front.diffuse.r = DefaultDiffuse[0]; gc->state.light.front.diffuse.g = DefaultDiffuse[1]; gc->state.light.front.diffuse.b = DefaultDiffuse[2]; gc->state.light.front.diffuse.a = DefaultDiffuse[3]; gc->state.light.front.specular.r = DefaultBlack[0]; gc->state.light.front.specular.g = DefaultBlack[1]; gc->state.light.front.specular.b = DefaultBlack[2]; gc->state.light.front.specular.a = DefaultBlack[3]; gc->state.light.front.emissive.r = DefaultBlack[0]; gc->state.light.front.emissive.g = DefaultBlack[1]; gc->state.light.front.emissive.b = DefaultBlack[2]; gc->state.light.front.emissive.a = DefaultBlack[3]; gc->state.light.front.cmapa = 0; gc->state.light.front.cmapd = 1; gc->state.light.front.cmaps = 1; gc->state.light.back = gc->state.light.front;
gc->light.front.specularExponent = -1; gc->light.front.specTable = NULL; gc->light.front.cache = NULL; gc->light.back.specularExponent = -1; gc->light.back.specTable = NULL; gc->light.back.cache = NULL;
/* Initialize the individual lights */ gc->state.light.dirtyLights = (1 << gc->constants.numberOfLights)-1; lss = &gc->state.light.source[0]; lsm = &gc->light.source[0]; for (i = 0; i < numLights; i++, lss++, lsm++) { lss->ambient.r = DefaultBlack[0]; lss->ambient.g = DefaultBlack[1]; lss->ambient.b = DefaultBlack[2]; lss->ambient.a = DefaultBlack[3]; if (i == 0) { lss->diffuse.r = DefaultWhite[0]; lss->diffuse.g = DefaultWhite[1]; lss->diffuse.b = DefaultWhite[2]; lss->diffuse.a = DefaultWhite[3]; } else { lss->diffuse.r = DefaultBlack[0]; lss->diffuse.g = DefaultBlack[1]; lss->diffuse.b = DefaultBlack[2]; lss->diffuse.a = DefaultBlack[3]; } lss->lightMatrix = gc->transform.modelView->matrix; lss->specular = lss->diffuse; lss->position.z = __glOne; lss->positionEye.z = __glOne; lsm->position.z = __glOne; lss->direction.z = __glMinusOne; lss->directionEye.z = __glMinusOne; lss->directionEyeNorm.z = __glMinusOne; lsm->direction.z = __glMinusOne; lss->spotLightCutOffAngle = 180; lss->constantAttenuation = __glOne; lsm->spotTable = NULL; lsm->spotLightExponent = -1; lsm->cache = NULL; } gc->state.light.colorMaterialFace = GL_FRONT_AND_BACK; gc->state.light.colorMaterialParam = GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE; gc->state.light.shadingModel = GL_SMOOTH;
/* GL_HINT_BIT state */ gc->state.hints.perspectiveCorrection = GL_DONT_CARE; gc->state.hints.pointSmooth = GL_DONT_CARE; gc->state.hints.lineSmooth = GL_DONT_CARE; gc->state.hints.polygonSmooth = GL_DONT_CARE; gc->state.hints.fog = GL_DONT_CARE; #ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
gc->state.hints.phong = GL_DONT_CARE; #endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
/* GL_CURRENT_BIT state */ gc->state.current.rasterPos.window.x = gc->constants.fviewportXAdjust; gc->state.current.rasterPos.window.y = gc->constants.fviewportYAdjust; gc->state.current.rasterPos.clip.w = __glOne; gc->state.current.rasterPos.texture.w = __glOne; gc->state.current.rasterPos.color = &gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE]; if (gc->modes.rgbMode) { gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r = DefaultWhite[0]; gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].g = DefaultWhite[1]; gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].b = DefaultWhite[2]; gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].a = DefaultWhite[3]; } else { gc->state.current.rasterPos.colors[__GL_FRONTFACE].r = __glOne; } gc->state.current.validRasterPos = GL_TRUE; gc->state.current.edgeTag = GL_TRUE;
/* GL_FOG_BIT state */ gc->state.fog.mode = GL_EXP; gc->state.fog.density = __glOne; #ifdef NT
gc->state.fog.density2neg = -(__glOne); #endif
gc->state.fog.end = (__GLfloat) 1.0; gc->state.fog.flags = __GL_FOG_GRAY_RGB; // default fog color is 0,0,0,0
/* GL_POINT_BIT state */ gc->state.point.requestedSize = (__GLfloat) 1.0; gc->state.point.smoothSize = (__GLfloat) 1.0; gc->state.point.aliasedSize = 1;
/* GL_LINE_BIT state */ gc->state.line.requestedWidth = (__GLfloat) 1.0; gc->state.line.smoothWidth = (__GLfloat) 1.0; gc->state.line.aliasedWidth = 1; gc->state.line.stipple = 0xFFFF; gc->state.line.stippleRepeat = 1;
/* GL_POLYGON_BIT state */ gc->state.polygon.frontMode = GL_FILL; gc->state.polygon.backMode = GL_FILL; gc->state.polygon.cull = GL_BACK; gc->state.polygon.frontFaceDirection = GL_CCW;
/* GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT state */ for (i = 0; i < 4*32; i++) { gc->state.polygonStipple.stipple[i] = 0xFF; } for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { gc->polygon.stipple[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
/* GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT state */ gc->state.stencil.testFunc = GL_ALWAYS; gc->state.stencil.mask = __GL_MAX_STENCIL_VALUE; gc->state.stencil.fail = GL_KEEP; gc->state.stencil.depthFail = GL_KEEP; gc->state.stencil.depthPass = GL_KEEP; gc->state.stencil.writeMask = __GL_MAX_STENCIL_VALUE;
/* GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT state */ gc->state.depth.writeEnable = GL_TRUE; gc->state.depth.testFunc = GL_LESS; gc->state.depth.clear = __glOne;
/* GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT state */ gc->renderMode = GL_RENDER; gc->state.raster.alphaFunction = GL_ALWAYS; gc->state.raster.blendSrc = GL_ONE; gc->state.raster.blendDst = GL_ZERO; gc->state.raster.logicOp = GL_COPY; gc->state.raster.rMask = GL_TRUE; gc->state.raster.gMask = GL_TRUE; gc->state.raster.bMask = GL_TRUE; gc->state.raster.aMask = GL_TRUE; if (gc->modes.doubleBufferMode) { gc->state.raster.drawBuffer = GL_BACK; } else { gc->state.raster.drawBuffer = GL_FRONT; } gc->state.raster.drawBufferReturn = gc->state.raster.drawBuffer; gc->state.current.userColor.r = (__GLfloat) 1.0; gc->state.current.userColor.g = (__GLfloat) 1.0; gc->state.current.userColor.b = (__GLfloat) 1.0; gc->state.current.userColor.a = (__GLfloat) 1.0; gc->state.current.userColorIndex = (__GLfloat) 1.0; if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode) { gc->state.raster.writeMask = (gc)->frontBuffer.redMax; } gc->state.enables.general |= __GL_DITHER_ENABLE;
gc->select.hit = GL_FALSE; gc->select.sp = gc->select.stack;
** Initialize larger subsystems by calling their init codes. */ __glInitEvaluatorState(gc); __glInitTextureState(gc); __glInitPixelState(gc); __glInitLUTCache(gc); #ifdef NT
__glInitVertexArray(gc); #endif
#ifdef _MCD_
MCD_STATE_DIRTY(gc, ALL); #endif
** Free any attribute state left on the stack. Stop at the first ** zero in the array. */ void FASTCALL __glFreeAttributeState(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLattribute *sp, **spp;
for (spp = &gc->attributes.stack[0]; spp < &gc->attributes.stack[gc->constants.maxAttribStackDepth]; spp++) { if (sp = *spp) { GCFREE(gc, sp); } else break; } GCFREE(gc, gc->attributes.stack); }
void FASTCALL __glFreeClientAttributeState(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLclientAttribute *sp, **spp;
for (spp = &gc->clientAttributes.stack[0]; spp < &gc->clientAttributes.stack[gc->constants.maxClientAttribStackDepth]; spp++) { if (sp = *spp) { GCFREE(gc, sp); } else break; } GCFREE(gc, gc->clientAttributes.stack); }
** Destroy a context. If it's the current context then the ** current context is set to GL_NULL. */ void FASTCALL __glDestroyContext(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLcontext *oldgc;
oldgc = (__GLcontext *)GLTEB_SRVCONTEXT();
#ifndef NT
/* Set the global context to the one we are destroying. */ __gl_context = gc; #else
// Set paTeb to NULL for now. If we ever need to reference pa in this
// function, then set it up appropriately.
** Need to pop all pushed attributes to free storage. ** Then it will be safe to delete stack entries. */ if (gc->attributes.stack) { while (gc->attributes.stackPointer > &gc->attributes.stack[0]) { (void) __glInternalPopAttrib(gc, GL_TRUE); } } if (gc->clientAttributes.stack) { while (gc->clientAttributes.stackPointer > &gc->clientAttributes.stack[0]) { (void) __glInternalPopClientAttrib(gc, GL_FALSE, GL_TRUE); } } #endif
GCFREE(gc, gc->state.light.source); GCFREE(gc, gc->light.source); #ifdef NT
// now lazy allocated
if (gc->select.stack) #endif
GCFREE(gc, gc->select.stack);
GCFREE(gc, gc->state.transform.eyeClipPlanes); GCFREE(gc, gc->transform.modelViewStack); GCFREE(gc, gc->transform.projectionStack); GCFREE(gc, gc->transform.textureStack); GCFREE(gc, gc->transform.clipTemp);
GCFREE(gc, gc->alphaTestFuncTable); #ifdef NT
// they are one memory allocation.
GCFREE(gc, gc->stencilBuffer.testFuncTable); #else
GCFREE(gc, gc->stencilBuffer.testFuncTable); GCFREE(gc, gc->stencilBuffer.failOpTable); GCFREE(gc, gc->stencilBuffer.depthFailOpTable); GCFREE(gc, gc->stencilBuffer.depthPassOpTable); #endif
** Free other malloc'd data associated with the context */ __glFreeEvaluatorState(gc); __glFreePixelState(gc); __glFreeDlistState(gc); if (gc->attributes.stack) __glFreeAttributeState(gc); if (gc->clientAttributes.stack) __glFreeClientAttributeState(gc); if (gc->texture.texture) __glFreeTextureState(gc); if (gc->light.lutCache) __glFreeLUTCache(gc);
#ifdef NT
// Free the vertex buffer.
PolyArrayFreeBuffer(gc); #endif
** Free any aux color buffer records ** Note: Does not free the actual buffer memory, this is done elsewhere. */ if (gc->auxBuffer) GCFREE(gc, gc->auxBuffer); #endif
** Note: We do not free the software buffers here. They are attached ** to the drawable, and is the glx extension's responsibility to free ** them when the drawable is destroyed. */
if (gc == oldgc) oldgc = NULL; #ifndef NT
__gl_context = oldgc; #else
#ifdef NT
// See also __glSetError
void FASTCALL __glSetErrorEarly(__GLcontext *gc, GLenum code) { if (gc == (__GLcontext *) NULL) return;
if (!gc->error) gc->error = code;
ASSERTOPENGL(gc->error == 0 || (gc->error >= GL_INVALID_ENUM && gc->error <= GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY), "Bad error code in gc\n");
DBGLEVEL2(LEVEL_INFO, "__glSetError error: %ld (0x%lX)\n", code, code);
#if 0
try { DebugBreak(); } finally { } #endif
} #endif // NT
void FASTCALL __glSetError(GLenum code) { __GL_SETUP();
__glSetErrorEarly(gc, code); }
GLint APIPRIVATE __glim_RenderMode(GLenum mode) { GLint rv; __GL_SETUP_NOT_IN_BEGIN2();
switch (mode) { case GL_RENDER: case GL_FEEDBACK: case GL_SELECT: break; default: __glSetError(GL_INVALID_ENUM); return 0; }
/* Switch out of old render mode. Get return value. */ switch (gc->renderMode) { case GL_RENDER: rv = 0; break; case GL_FEEDBACK: rv = gc->feedback.overFlowed ? -1 : (GLint)((ULONG_PTR)(gc->feedback.result - gc->feedback.resultBase)); break; case GL_SELECT: rv = gc->select.overFlowed ? -1 : gc->select.hits; break; }
switch (mode) { case GL_FEEDBACK: if (!gc->feedback.resultBase) { __glSetError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION); return rv; } gc->feedback.result = gc->feedback.resultBase; gc->feedback.overFlowed = GL_FALSE; break; case GL_SELECT: if (!gc->select.stack) { gc->select.stack = (GLuint*) GCALLOCZ (gc, gc->constants.maxNameStackDepth*sizeof(GLuint)); if (!gc->select.stack) { __glSetError(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return rv; } } if (!gc->select.resultBase) { __glSetError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION); return rv; } gc->select.result = gc->select.resultBase; gc->select.overFlowed = GL_FALSE; gc->select.sp = gc->select.stack; gc->select.hit = GL_FALSE; gc->select.hits = 0; gc->select.z = 0; break; } /* Switch to new render mode - do this last! */ if (gc->renderMode == mode) return rv; gc->renderMode = mode; __GL_DELAY_VALIDATE(gc); return rv; }