** Copyright 1991, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** ** $Revision: 1.16 $ ** $Date: 1993/09/23 16:33:23 $ */ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <fixed.h>
** Clip an input polygon against a clipping plane outputing the new ** vertex pointers in ov and return the number of them. See the line ** clipping code for an in depth discussion of how "t" is computed. ** ** NOTE: In order to handle non-convex polygons here without dying, ** we count the number of verticies generated by clipping. If the ** count ever gets to 3, then it must be a non-convex polygon (because ** it means the polygon crossed the clipping plane three times, which is ** impossible for a convex polygon). */ static GLint clipToPlane(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex **iv, GLint niv, __GLvertex **ov, GLuint offs, GLboolean negate) { GLint i, nout, generated; __GLvertex *s, *p, *newVertex, *temp; __GLfloat pDist, sDist, t; PFN_VERTEX_CLIP_PROC clip; #ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
GLboolean doNormalize = (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE); #endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
nout = 0; generated = 0; temp = gc->transform.nextClipTemp; clip = gc->procs.polyClipParam;
s = iv[niv-1]; if (negate) { sDist = s->clip.w - *(__GLfloat *)((GLubyte *)s + offs); } else { sDist = *(__GLfloat *)((GLubyte *)s + offs) + s->clip.w; }
for (i = 0; i < niv; i++) { p = iv[i]; if (negate) { pDist = p->clip.w - *(__GLfloat *)((GLubyte *)p + offs); } else { pDist = *(__GLfloat *)((GLubyte *)p + offs) + p->clip.w; }
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(pDist)) { /* p is inside the clipping plane half space */ if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(sDist)) { /* s is inside the clipping plane half space */ *ov++ = p; nout++; } else { /* s is outside the clipping plane half space */ t = pDist / (pDist - sDist); newVertex = temp++; (*clip)(newVertex, s, p, t); #ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
if (doNormalize) __glNormalize(&newVertex->normal.x, &newVertex->normal.x); #endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
#ifndef NT
// edgeflag is now part of has field.
newVertex->boundaryEdge = s->boundaryEdge; #endif
newVertex->has = s->has; newVertex->clipCode = s->clipCode; ASSERTOPENGL(newVertex->color == &newVertex->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE], "Vertex color pointer wrong\n"); *ov++ = newVertex; *ov++ = p; nout += 2; if (++generated >= 3) { /* Toss the non-convex polygon */ return 0; } } } else { /* p is outside the clipping plane half space */ if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(sDist)) { /*
** s is inside the clipping plane half space ** ** NOTE: To avoid cracking in polygons with shared ** clipped edges we always compute "t" from the out ** vertex to the in vertex. The above clipping code gets ** this for free (p is in and s is out). In this code p ** is out and s is in, so we reverse the t computation ** and the argument order to __glDoClip. */ t = sDist / (sDist - pDist); newVertex = temp++; (*clip)(newVertex, p, s, t); #ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
if (doNormalize) __glNormalize(&newVertex->normal.x, &newVertex->normal.x); #endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
#ifdef NT
// edgeflag is now part of has field.
newVertex->has = s->has | __GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; newVertex->clipCode = p->clipCode; #else
newVertex->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE; newVertex->has = s->has; #endif
ASSERTOPENGL(newVertex->color == &newVertex->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE], "Vertex color pointer wrong\n"); *ov++ = newVertex; nout++; if (++generated >= 3) { /* Toss the non-convex polygon */ return 0; } } else { /* both points are outside */ } } s = p; sDist = pDist; } gc->transform.nextClipTemp = temp; return nout; }
** Identical to clipToPlane(), except that the clipping is done in eye ** space. */ static GLint clipToPlaneEye(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex **iv, GLint niv, __GLvertex **ov, __GLcoord *plane) { GLint i, nout, generated; __GLvertex *s, *p, *newVertex, *temp; __GLfloat pDist, sDist, t; PFN_VERTEX_CLIP_PROC clip; #ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
GLboolean doNormalize = (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE); #endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
nout = 0; generated = 0; temp = gc->transform.nextClipTemp; clip = gc->procs.polyClipParam;
s = iv[niv-1]; sDist = (((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.x * plane->x) + (((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.y * plane->y) + (((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.z * plane->z) + (((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.w * plane->w); for (i = 0; i < niv; i++) { p = iv[i]; pDist = (((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.x * plane->x) + (((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.y * plane->y) + (((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.z * plane->z) + (((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.w * plane->w); if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(pDist)) { /* p is inside the clipping plane half space */ if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(sDist)) { /* s is inside the clipping plane half space */ *ov++ = p; nout++; } else { /* s is outside the clipping plane half space */ t = pDist / (pDist - sDist); newVertex = temp++; (*clip)(newVertex, s, p, t); #ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
if (doNormalize) __glNormalize(&newVertex->normal.x, &newVertex->normal.x); #endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
((POLYDATA *)newVertex)->eye.x = t*(((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.x - ((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.x) + ((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.x; ((POLYDATA *)newVertex)->eye.y = t*(((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.y - ((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.y) + ((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.y; ((POLYDATA *)newVertex)->eye.z = t*(((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.z - ((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.z) + ((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.z; ((POLYDATA *)newVertex)->eye.w = t*(((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.w - ((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.w) + ((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.w; #ifndef NT
// edgeflag is now part of has field.
newVertex->boundaryEdge = s->boundaryEdge; #endif
newVertex->has = s->has; newVertex->clipCode = s->clipCode; ASSERTOPENGL(newVertex->color == &newVertex->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE], "Vertex color pointer wrong\n"); *ov++ = newVertex; *ov++ = p; nout += 2; if (++generated >= 3) { /* Toss the non-convex polygon */ return 0; } } } else { /* p is outside the clipping plane half space */ if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(sDist)) { /*
** s is inside the clipping plane half space ** ** NOTE: To avoid cracking in polygons with shared ** clipped edges we always compute "t" from the out ** vertex to the in vertex. The above clipping code gets ** this for free (p is in and s is out). In this code p ** is out and s is in, so we reverse the t computation ** and the argument order to __glDoClip. */ t = sDist / (sDist - pDist); newVertex = temp++; (*clip)(newVertex, p, s, t); #ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
if (doNormalize) __glNormalize(&newVertex->normal.x, &newVertex->normal.x); #endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
((POLYDATA *)newVertex)->eye.x = t*(((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.x - ((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.x) + ((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.x; ((POLYDATA *)newVertex)->eye.y = t*(((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.y - ((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.y) + ((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.y; ((POLYDATA *)newVertex)->eye.z = t*(((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.z - ((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.z) + ((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.z; ((POLYDATA *)newVertex)->eye.w = t*(((POLYDATA *)p)->eye.w - ((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.w) + ((POLYDATA *)s)->eye.w; #ifdef NT
// edgeflag is now part of has field.
newVertex->has = s->has | __GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; newVertex->clipCode = p->clipCode; #else
newVertex->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE; newVertex->has = s->has; #endif
ASSERTOPENGL(newVertex->color == &newVertex->colors[__GL_FRONTFACE], "Vertex color pointer wrong\n"); *ov++ = newVertex; nout++; if (++generated >= 3) { /* Toss the non-convex polygon */ return 0; } } else { /* both points are outside */ } } s = p; sDist = pDist; } gc->transform.nextClipTemp = temp; return nout; }
** Each clipping plane can add at most one vertex to a convex polygon (it may ** remove up to all of the verticies). The clipping will leave a polygon ** convex. Because of this the maximum number of verticies output from ** the clipToPlane procedure will be total number of clip planes (assuming ** each plane adds one new vertex) plus the original number of verticies ** (3 since this if for triangles). */
#ifndef __CLIP_FIX
#define __GL_TOTAL_CLIP_PLANES 20 /*XXX*/
#ifdef NT
void __glDoPolygonClip(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex **iv, GLint nout, GLuint allClipCodes) { #ifndef __CLIP_FIX
__GLvertex *ov[__GL_TOTAL_CLIP_PLANES][__GL_MAX_CLIP_VERTEX]; #endif
__GLvertex **ivp; __GLvertex **ovp; __GLvertex *p0, *p1, *p2; __GLcoord *plane; GLint i; __GLviewport *vp; __GLfloat one, vpXScale, vpYScale, vpZScale; __GLfloat vpXCenter, vpYCenter, vpZCenter; PFN_RENDER_TRIANGLE rt; __GLfloat llx, lly, urx, ury; __GLfloat winx, winy; GLuint clipCodes;
// We have to turn rounding on. Otherwise, the fast FP-comparison
// routines below can fail:
** Reset nextClipTemp pointer for any new verticies that are generated ** during the clipping. */ gc->transform.nextClipTemp = gc->transform.clipTemp;
ivp = &iv[0];
** Check each of the clipping planes by examining the allClipCodes ** mask. Note that no bits will be set in allClipCodes for clip ** planes that are not enabled. */ if (allClipCodes) { /* Now clip against the clipping planes */ #ifndef __CLIP_FIX
ovp = &ov[0][0]; #else
ovp = &(((__GLGENcontext *)gc)->pwndLocked->buffers->clip_verts[0][0]); #endif
** Do user clip planes first, because we will maintain eye coordinates ** only while doing user clip planes. They are ignored for the ** frustum clipping planes. */ clipCodes = allClipCodes >> 6; if (clipCodes) { plane = &gc->state.transform.eyeClipPlanes[0]; do { if (clipCodes & 1) { nout = clipToPlaneEye(gc, ivp, nout, ovp, plane); ASSERTOPENGL(nout <= __GL_MAX_CLIP_VERTEX, "Too many clip vertices\n"); if (nout < 3) { FPU_RESTORE_MODE(); return; } ivp = ovp; ovp += __GL_MAX_CLIP_VERTEX; } clipCodes >>= 1; plane++; } while (clipCodes); }
allClipCodes &= __GL_FRUSTUM_CLIP_MASK; if (allClipCodes) { i = 0; do { if (allClipCodes & 1) { nout = clipToPlane(gc, ivp, nout, ovp, __glFrustumOffsets[i], (GLboolean)(i & 1)); ASSERTOPENGL(nout <= __GL_MAX_CLIP_VERTEX, "Too many clip vertices\n"); if (nout < 3) { FPU_RESTORE_MODE(); return; } ivp = ovp; ovp += __GL_MAX_CLIP_VERTEX; } allClipCodes >>= 1; i++; } while (allClipCodes); }
** Calculate final screen coordinates. Next phase of polygon ** processing assumes that window coordinates are already computed. */ vp = &gc->state.viewport; vpXCenter = vp->xCenter; vpYCenter = vp->yCenter; vpZCenter = vp->zCenter; vpXScale = vp->xScale; vpYScale = vp->yScale; vpZScale = vp->zScale; ovp = ivp; one = __glOne; llx = vpXCenter - vpXScale; urx = vpXCenter + vpXScale; if (vpYScale > 0) { lly = vpYCenter - vpYScale; ury = vpYCenter + vpYScale; } else { lly = vpYCenter + vpYScale; ury = vpYCenter - vpYScale; } for (i = nout; --i >= 0; ) { __GLfloat x, y, z, wInv;
p0 = *ovp++; // If the clipCode is zero then the window coordinates
// were computed at the time of clipCode determination
// Generated vertices' clipCodes are set to the out vertex
// to ensure that their window coords are computed
if (p0->clipCode != 0) { #ifdef NT
/* XXX (mf) prevent divide-by-zero */ if (__GL_FLOAT_EQZ(p0->clip.w)) wInv = __glZero; else wInv = one / p0->clip.w; #else
wInv = one / p0->clip.w; #endif
x = p0->clip.x; y = p0->clip.y; z = p0->clip.z; winx = x * vpXScale * wInv + vpXCenter; winy = y * vpYScale * wInv + vpYCenter; p0->window.z = z * vpZScale * wInv + vpZCenter; p0->window.w = wInv; /*
** Check if these window coordinates are legal. At this ** point, it is quite possible that they are not. Trivially ** pull them into the legal viewport region if necessary. */ if (winx < llx) winx = llx; else if (winx > urx) winx = urx; if (winy < lly) winy = lly; else if (winy > ury) winy = ury; p0->window.x = winx; p0->window.y = winy; } } }
// Restore mode before rendering
#if 0 //def GL_WIN_phong_shading
if (gc->state.light.shadingModel == GL_PHONG_EXT) { __GLvertex *minv; __GLvertex **cv; GLint j, index;
minv = *ivp; index=0; //Reorder the vertices so that p0 is the one with the least y and x
for (i=0, cv=ivp; i<nout; i++, cv++) { if (__GL_VERTEX_COMPARE((*cv)->window.y, <, minv->window.y)) { minv = *cv; index = i; } else if (__GL_VERTEX_COMPARE((*cv)->window.y, ==, minv->window.y)) { if (__GL_VERTEX_COMPARE((*cv)->window.x, <, minv->window.x)) { minv = *cv; index = i; } } }
DbgPrint ("MinIndex = %d\n", index); j = index; p0 = (__GLvertex *) ivp[j]; p1 = (__GLvertex *) ivp[(++j)%nout]; p2 = (__GLvertex *) ivp[(++j)%nout]; rt = gc->procs.renderTriangle; if (nout == 3) { (*rt)(gc, p0, p1, p2); } else { for (i = 0; i < nout - 2; i++) { GLuint t1, t2; if (i == 0) { /*
** Third edge of first sub-triangle is always non-boundary */ // edgeflag is now part of has field.
t1 = p2->has & __GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; p2->has &= ~__GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; (*rt)(gc, p0, p1, p2); p2->has |= t1; } else if (i == nout - 3) { /*
** First edge of last sub-triangle is always ** non-boundary */ // edgeflag is now part of has field.
t1 = p0->has & __GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; p0->has &= ~__GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; (*rt)(gc, p0, p1, p2); p0->has |= t1; } else { /*
** Interior sub-triangles have the first and last edge ** marked non-boundary */ // edgeflag is now part of has field.
t1 = p0->has & __GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; t2 = p2->has & __GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; p0->has &= ~__GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; p2->has &= ~__GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; (*rt)(gc, p0, p1, p2); p0->has |= t1; p2->has |= t2; } p1 = p2; p2 = (__GLvertex *) ivp[(++j)%nout]; } } } else { #endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
** Subdivide the clipped polygon into triangles. Only convex polys ** are supported so this is okay to do. Non-convex polys will do ** something odd here, but thats the clients fault. */ p0 = *ivp++; p1 = *ivp++; p2 = *ivp++; rt = gc->procs.renderTriangle; if (nout == 3) { (*rt)(gc, p0, p1, p2); } else { for (i = 0; i < nout - 2; i++) { GLuint t1, t2; if (i == 0) { /*
** Third edge of first sub-triangle is always non-boundary */ // edgeflag is now part of has field.
t1 = p2->has & __GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; p2->has &= ~__GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; (*rt)(gc, p0, p1, p2); p2->has |= t1; } else if (i == nout - 3) { /*
** First edge of last sub-triangle is always ** non-boundary */ // edgeflag is now part of has field.
t1 = p0->has & __GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; p0->has &= ~__GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; (*rt)(gc, p0, p1, p2); p0->has |= t1; } else { /*
** Interior sub-triangles have the first and last edge ** marked non-boundary */ // edgeflag is now part of has field.
t1 = p0->has & __GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; t2 = p2->has & __GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; p0->has &= ~__GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; p2->has &= ~__GL_HAS_EDGEFLAG_BOUNDARY; (*rt)(gc, p0, p1, p2); p0->has |= t1; p2->has |= t2; } p1 = p2; p2 = (__GLvertex *) *ivp++; } } #if 0 //def GL_WIN_phong_shading
} #endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
void FASTCALL __glClipPolygon(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, GLint nv) { #ifdef NT
__GLvertex *iv[__GL_MAX_POLYGON_CLIP_SIZE]; #else
__GLvertex *iv[__GL_NVBUF]; #endif
__GLvertex **ivp; GLint i; GLuint andCodes, orCodes;
gc->vertex.provoking = v0;
** Generate array of addresses of the verticies. And all the ** clip codes together while we are at it. */ ivp = &iv[0]; andCodes = (GLuint)(-1); orCodes = 0; for (i = nv; --i >= 0; ) { andCodes &= v0->clipCode; orCodes |= v0->clipCode; *ivp++ = v0++; }
if (andCodes != 0) { /*
** Trivially reject the polygon. If andCodes is non-zero then ** every vertex in the polygon is outside of the same set of ** clipping planes (at least one). */ return; } __glDoPolygonClip(gc, &iv[0], nv, orCodes); }
void FASTCALL __glClipTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a, __GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c, GLuint orCodes) { __GLvertex *iv[3];
iv[0] = a; iv[1] = b; iv[2] = c;
__glDoPolygonClip(gc, &iv[0], 3, orCodes); }