Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by wmdmapp.rc
  4. //
  5. #define IDI_ICON 101
  6. #define IDS_APP_TITLE 101
  7. #define IDR_MENU 139
  8. #define IDD_DEVICES 140
  9. #define IDD_DEVICEFILES 141
  10. #define IDI_DEVICE 143
  11. #define IDD_PROGRESS 144
  12. #define IDD_WORKING 145
  13. #define IDD_PROPERTIES_DEVICE 146
  14. #define IDD_PROPERTIES_STORAGE 147
  15. #define IDR_CONTEXT_MENU 148
  16. #define IDS_REG_ROOT 201
  17. #define IDS_REG_PATH_BASE 201
  18. #define IDS_REG_KEY_XPOS 251
  19. #define IDS_REG_KEY_YPOS 252
  20. #define IDS_REG_KEY_WIDTH 253
  21. #define IDS_REG_KEY_HEIGHT 254
  22. #define IDS_DEF_WIDTH 301
  23. #define IDS_DEF_HEIGHT 302
  24. #define IDS_COLSIZE_1 501
  25. #define IDS_COLSIZE_2 502
  26. #define IDS_COLSIZE_3 503
  27. #define IDS_COLNAME_1 551
  28. #define IDS_COLNAME_2 552
  29. #define IDS_COLNAME_3 553
  30. #define IDS_SB_DEVICE_ONE 701
  31. #define IDS_SB_DEVICE_MANY 702
  32. #define IDS_SB_DEVICEFILES_ONE 703
  33. #define IDS_SB_DEVICEFILES_MANY 704
  34. #define IDS_SB_DEVICEFILES_FREE 705
  35. #define IDS_SB_DEVICEFILES_USED 706
  36. #define IDS_STATUS_EMPTY 707
  37. #define IDS_PROGRESS_COUNT 708
  38. #define IDS_PROGRESS_BYTECOUNT 709
  39. #define IDS_BYTESSIZE_NOCOMMA 801
  40. #define IDS_KBSIZE_NOCOMMA 802
  41. #define IDS_KBSIZE_COMMA 803
  42. #define IDS_MBSIZE_NOCOMMA 804
  43. #define IDS_MBSIZE_COMMA 805
  44. #define IDS_MBSIZE_DECIMAL 806
  45. #define IDS_REVOKED_CAPTION 900
  46. #define IDS_APP_UPDATE_URL 901
  47. #define IDS_APP_REVOKED 902
  48. #define IDS_COMPONENT_REVOKED 903
  49. #define IDS_PROPERTIES_CAPTION 904
  50. #define IDC_LV_DEVICEFILES 1007
  51. #define IDC_LV_DEVICES 1008
  52. #define IDC_PB_PROGRESS 1009
  53. #define IDC_ST_OPERATION 1010
  54. #define IDC_ST_DETAILS 1011
  55. #define IDC_ST_COUNTER 1012
  56. #define IDC_ST_BYTECOUNTER 1013
  57. #define IDC_SERIALID 1014
  58. #define IDC_SERIALID_STRING 1015
  59. #define IDC_MANUFACTURER 1016
  60. #define IDC_DEVICE_TYPE 1017
  61. #define IDC_ATTRIBUTES 1018
  62. #define IDC_POWER_CAP 1018
  63. #define IDC_CAPABILITIES 1019
  64. #define IDC_POWER_IS 1019
  65. #define IDC_VERSION 1021
  66. #define IDC_DEVICE_STATUS 1022
  67. #define IDM_DELETE 32777
  68. #define IDM_DEVICE_RESET 32783
  69. #define IDM_CLOSE 32784
  70. #define IDM_REFRESH 32785
  72. #define IDM_PROPERTIES 32787
  73. #define IDC_STATIC -1
  74. #define Status 65535
  75. // Next default values for new objects
  76. //
  79. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 149
  80. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32788
  81. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1020
  82. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
  83. #endif
  84. #endif