// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: N C R E G 2 . C P P
// Contents: Common routines for dealing with the registry.
// Notes:
// Author: CWill 27 Mar 1997
#include <pch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ncerror.h"
#include "ncipaddr.h"
#include "ncmem.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "ncstring.h"
#include <regstr.h>
static const WCHAR c_szSubkeyServices[] = REGSTR_PATH_SERVICES;
const struct REG_TYPE_MAP { DWORD dwPsuedoType; DWORD dwType; };
REG_TYPE_MAP c_rgrtmTypes[] = { {REG_BOOL, REG_DWORD}, {REG_IP, REG_SZ}, };
DWORD DwRealTypeFromPsuedoType(const DWORD dwPsuedoType) { for (UINT cLoop = 0; cLoop < celems(c_rgrtmTypes); cLoop++) { if (dwPsuedoType == c_rgrtmTypes[cLoop].dwPsuedoType) { return c_rgrtmTypes[cLoop].dwType; } }
return dwPsuedoType; }
struct SPECIAL_KEY_MAP { HKEY hkeyPseudo; HKEY hkeyRoot; PCWSTR pszSubKey; };
static const SPECIAL_KEY_MAP c_rgskmSpec[] = { HKLM_SVCS, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szSubkeyServices, };
// Member: HkeyTrueParent
// Purpose: To get a real handle to a key from a pseudo handle
// Arguments:
// hkeyIn The pseudo key name
// samDesired The access requested of the key
// rghkeySpec An array of the special keys.
// Returns: The handle to the opened key or NULL
// Author: CWill Apr 30 1997
// Notes:
HKEY HkeyTrueParent(const HKEY hkeyIn, const REGSAM samDesired, HKEY rghkeySpec[]) { HKEY hkeyRet = hkeyIn;
for (UINT cKey = 0; cKey < celems(c_rgskmSpec); cKey++) { // Check arb->hkey for one of "our" well known keys.
if (c_rgskmSpec[cKey].hkeyPseudo == hkeyIn) { if (!rghkeySpec[cKey]) { // First time a special key was used. We need to cache it.
#ifdef DBG
HRESULT hr = #endif // DBG
HrRegOpenKeyEx( c_rgskmSpec[cKey].hkeyRoot, c_rgskmSpec[cKey].pszSubKey, samDesired, &rghkeySpec[cKey]);
// If we fail to open the key, make sure the output
// parameter was nulled. This will allow us to proceed
// without really handling the error as hkeyParent
// will be set to null below and the following
// HrRegOpenKey will fail. We will then handle the failure
// of that.
AssertSz(FImplies(FAILED(hr), !rghkeySpec[cKey]), "Key not NULL"); }
hkeyRet = rghkeySpec[cKey]; break; } }
return hkeyRet; }
VOID RegSafeCloseKeyArray(HKEY rghkey[], UINT cElems) { for (UINT cKey = 0; cKey < cElems; cKey++) { RegSafeCloseKey(rghkey[cKey]); }
return; }
// Member: TranslateFromRegToData
// Purpose: Translates the data retrieved from the registry to a the user
// data's storage format
// Arguments:
// dwType The registry pseudo type that is being translated
// pbData Where the data gets stored
// pbBuf A buffer that stores the registry data
// Returns: Nothing.
// Author: CWill Apr 30 1997
// Notes:
VOID TranslateFromRegToData(DWORD dwType, BYTE* pbData, BYTE* pbBuf) { // Take the data from the registry and happily convert it into
// usable data
switch (dwType) {
#ifdef DBG
default: { AssertSz(FALSE, "Unknown registry type"); break; } #endif // DBG
case REG_IP: { // Convert the stringized form of the ip address
// into a DWORD. (The actual 32-bit IP address.)
DWORD dwIpAddr = IpPszToHostAddr((WCHAR*)pbBuf); *((DWORD*)pbData) = dwIpAddr; break; }
case REG_BOOL: { // Form the boolean as 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' based on
// whether the data is non-zero or zero respectively.
DWORD dwData = *((DWORD*)pbBuf); *((BOOL*)pbData) = (!!dwData); break; }
case REG_DWORD: { // DWORDs are direct assignments
*((DWORD*)pbData) = *((DWORD*)pbBuf); break; }
case REG_SZ: { // Make a copy of the string
*((PWSTR*) pbData) = SzDupSz((PWSTR)pbBuf); break; } }
return; }
inline VOID UseDefaultRegValue(DWORD dwType, BYTE* pbData, BYTE* pbDefault) { AssertSz((pbData && pbDefault), "UseDefaultRegValue : Invalid params"); AssertSz(pbDefault, "There is no default registry value");
TranslateFromRegToData(dwType, pbData, pbDefault);
return; }
// Member: CbSizeOfDataToReg
// Purpose: To determine the size of buffer needed to store the data
// Arguments:
// dwType The registry pseudo type that is being translated
// pbData The data that has to be translated
// Returns: The size of buffer need to store the data
// Author: CWill Apr 30 1997
// Notes:
DWORD CbSizeOfDataToReg(DWORD dwType, const BYTE* pbData) { DWORD cbData = 0;
switch (dwType) { #ifdef DBG
default: { AssertSz(FALSE, "Unknown registry type"); break; } #endif // DBG
case REG_IP: { // Convert the 32-bit IP address to a stringized form.
DWORD dwIpAddr = *((DWORD*)pbData);
WCHAR pszIpAddr [32]; IpHostAddrToPsz(dwIpAddr, pszIpAddr);
cbData = CbOfSzAndTerm(pszIpAddr); break; }
// Boolean values are stored as DWORDs
case REG_BOOL: case REG_DWORD: { cbData = sizeof(DWORD); break; }
case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: { cbData = CbOfSzAndTerm(*((PCWSTR*)pbData)); break; } }
AssertSz(cbData, "We should have a size");
return cbData; }
// Member: TranslateFromDataToReg
// Purpose: Translates user data to a format the can be stored in the
// registry
// Arguments:
// dwType The registry pseudo type that is being translated
// pbData The data that has to be translated
// pbBuf A buffer that stores the registry data
// Returns: Nothing.
// Author: CWill Apr 30 1997
// Notes:
VOID TranslateFromDataToReg( IN DWORD dwType, IN const BYTE* pbData, OUT const BYTE* pbBuf) { switch (dwType) { #ifdef DBG
default: { AssertSz(FALSE, "Unknown registry type"); break; } #endif // DBG
case REG_IP: { // Convert the 32-bit IP address to a stringized form.
DWORD dwIpAddr = *((DWORD*)pbData);
WCHAR pszIpAddr [32]; IpHostAddrToPsz (dwIpAddr, pszIpAddr);
// Copy the string
lstrcpyW((PWSTR)pbBuf, pszIpAddr); break; }
case REG_BOOL: { // Form the boolean as 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' based on
// whether the data is non-zero or zero respectively.
DWORD dwData = *((DWORD*)pbData); *((BOOL*)pbBuf) = (!!dwData); break; }
case REG_DWORD: { // DWORDs are direct assignments
*((DWORD*)pbBuf) = *((DWORD*)pbData); break; }
case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: { // Make a copy of the string
lstrcpyW((PWSTR)pbBuf, *((PCWSTR*)pbData));
AssertSz(CbOfSzAndTerm(*((PCWSTR*)pbData)), "Zero length string"); break; } }
return; }
// Member: RegReadValues
// Purpose: To read a table of information from the registry into a user
// defined data structure.
// Arguments:
// crb The count of entries in the REGBATCH structure
// arb The pointer to the REGBATCH structure
// pbUserData The pointer to the source structure that is to retrieve
// the data from the registry
// samDesired The requested key access mask
// Returns: Nothing.
// Author: CWill Apr 30 1997
// Notes:
VOID RegReadValues( IN INT crb, IN const REGBATCH* arb, OUT const BYTE* pbUserData, IN REGSAM samDesired) { AssertSz(FImplies(crb, arb), "Count without an array");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; const REGBATCH* prbLast = NULL; HKEY rghkeySpec[celems(c_rgskmSpec)] = {0}; HKEY hkey = NULL;
while (crb--) { BYTE* pbData = (BYTE*)(pbUserData + arb->cbOffset);
// Open the key if we need to.
// We don't need to if it was the same as the previous one used.
if ((!prbLast ) || (prbLast->hkey != arb->hkey) || (prbLast->pszSubkey != arb->pszSubkey)) { HKEY hkeyParent;
hkeyParent = HkeyTrueParent (arb->hkey, samDesired, rghkeySpec);
// Close the previous key we used.
RegSafeCloseKey (hkey);
// Open the new key.
#ifdef DBG
hr = #endif // DBG
HrRegOpenKeyEx (hkeyParent, arb->pszSubkey, samDesired, &hkey); AssertSz(FImplies(FAILED(hr), !hkey), "HrRegOpenKey not NULLing"); }
// Only continue if we have a key.
if (hkey) { DWORD dwType = arb->dwType;
// We can't read NULL registry values
if (REG_CREATE != dwType) { DWORD cbData = 0; BYTE* pbStack = NULL; DWORD dwRealType = DwRealTypeFromPsuedoType(dwType);
// Ensure that we fail the first time around so that we can see how
// big a buffer is needed
(VOID) HrRegQueryValueEx(hkey, arb->pszValueName, &dwRealType, NULL, &cbData);
// Allocate memory on the stack to serve as our temporary buffer.
pbStack = (BYTE*)MemAlloc (cbData); #else // !STACK_ALLOC_DOESNT_WORK
pbStack = (BYTE*)PvAllocOnStack(cbData); #endif // !STACK_ALLOC_DOESNT_WORK
if(pbStack) { hr = HrRegQueryValueEx(hkey, arb->pszValueName, &dwRealType, pbStack, &cbData); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Make sure its the type we were expecting.
AssertSz((dwRealType == DwRealTypeFromPsuedoType(dwType)), "Value types do no match");
TranslateFromRegToData(dwType, pbData, pbStack); } else { UseDefaultRegValue(dwType, pbData, arb->pbDefault);
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr, "RegReadValues: Could not open value %S", arb->pszValueName); } #ifndef STACK_ALLOC_DOESNT_WORK
MemFree (pbStack); #endif // STACK_ALLOC_DOESNT_WORK
} } else { TraceTag(ttidError, "RegReadValues: NULL key for %S", arb->pszSubkey); UseDefaultRegValue(arb->dwType, pbData, arb->pbDefault); }
// Advance prbLast or set it to the first one if this is the
// first time through.
if (prbLast) { prbLast++; } else { prbLast = arb; }
arb++; }
// Clean up
RegSafeCloseKey(hkey); RegSafeCloseKeyArray(rghkeySpec, celems(rghkeySpec));
return; }
// Member: HrRegWriteValues
// Purpose: To write a table of information to the registry from a user
// defined data structure.
// Arguments:
// crb The count of entries in the REGBATCH structure
// arb The pointer to the REGBATCH structure
// pbUserData The pointer to the source structure that provides
// the data that is to be written to the registry
// dwOptions Options to be used when creating the registry keys
// samDesired The requested key access mask
// Returns: S_OK or an HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 error code.
// Author: CWill Apr 30 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRegWriteValues( INT crb, const REGBATCH* arb, const BYTE* pbUserData, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired) { AssertSz(FImplies(crb, arb), "HrWriteValues : Count with no array");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; const REGBATCH* prbLast = NULL; HKEY hkey = NULL; HKEY rghkeySpec[celems(c_rgskmSpec)] = {0};
while (crb--) { BYTE* pbData = const_cast<BYTE*>(pbUserData + arb->cbOffset);
// Open the key if we need to.
// We don't need to if it was the same as the previous one used.
if ((!prbLast) || (prbLast->hkey != arb->hkey) || (prbLast->pszSubkey != arb->pszSubkey)) { HKEY hkeyParent;
hkeyParent = HkeyTrueParent(arb->hkey, samDesired, rghkeySpec);
// Close the previous key we used.
// Open the new key.
DWORD dwDisposition; hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx(hkeyParent, arb->pszSubkey, dwOptions, samDesired, NULL, &hkey, &dwDisposition);
AssertSz(FImplies(FAILED(hr), !hkey), "HrRegCreateKey not NULLing");
if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceError("HrRegWriteValues: failed to open parent key", hr); break; } }
// Should definately have hkey by now.
AssertSz(hkey, "Why no key?");
// Format the data to be put into the registry
DWORD dwType = arb->dwType;
// If all we want to do is create the key, then we are already done.
if (REG_CREATE != dwType) { DWORD dwRealType = DwRealTypeFromPsuedoType(dwType); DWORD cbReg = CbSizeOfDataToReg(dwType, pbData); BYTE* pbReg = NULL;
AssertSz(cbReg, "We must have some data");
pbReg = new BYTE[cbReg]; #else // !STACK_ALLOC_DOESNT_WORK
pbReg = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(PvAllocOnStack(cbReg)); #endif // !STACK_ALLOC_DOESNT_WORK
if(!pbReg) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
TranslateFromDataToReg(dwType, pbData, pbReg);
// Write the data to the registry.
hr = HrRegSetValueEx( hkey, arb->pszValueName, dwRealType, pbReg, cbReg);
// Must have this call before the break
delete [] pbReg; #endif // STACK_ALLOC_DOESNT_WORK
if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
// Advance prbLast or set it to the first one if this is the
// first time through.
if (prbLast) { prbLast++; } else { prbLast = arb; }
arb++; }
RegSafeCloseKey(hkey); RegSafeCloseKeyArray(rghkeySpec, celems(rghkeySpec));
TraceError("HrWriteValues", hr); return hr; }
// Member: HrRegWriteValueTable
// Purpose: To write a table of values to the registry from a user
// defined data structure.
// Arguments:
// hkeyRoot The key to which the values are written
// cvt The count of entries in the VALUETABLE structure
// avt The pointer to the VALUETABLE structure
// pbUserData The pointer to the source structure that provides
// the data that is to be written to the registry
// dwOptions Options to be used when creating the registry keys
// samDesired The requested key access mask
// Returns: S_OK or an HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 error code.
// Author: CWill 06/26/97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRegWriteValueTable( HKEY hkeyRoot, INT cvt, const VALUETABLE* avt, const BYTE* pbUserData, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
while (cvt--) { BYTE* pbData = NULL; DWORD dwType = REG_NONE;
// Format the data to be put into the registry
dwType = avt->dwType; pbData = const_cast<BYTE*>(pbUserData + avt->cbOffset);
// If all we want to do is create the key, then we are already done.
if (REG_CREATE != dwType) { DWORD dwRealType = DwRealTypeFromPsuedoType(dwType); DWORD cbReg = CbSizeOfDataToReg(dwType, pbData); BYTE* pbReg = NULL;
AssertSz(cbReg, "We must have some data");
pbReg = new BYTE[cbReg]; #else // !STACK_ALLOC_DOESNT_WORK
pbReg = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(PvAllocOnStack(cbReg)); #endif // !STACK_ALLOC_DOESNT_WORK
if(!pbReg) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
TranslateFromDataToReg(dwType, pbData, pbReg);
// Write the data to the registry.
hr = HrRegSetValueEx( hkeyRoot, avt->pszValueName, dwRealType, pbReg, cbReg);
// Must have this call before the break
delete [] pbReg; #endif // STACK_ALLOC_DOESNT_WORK
if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
avt++; }
TraceError("HrRegWriteValueTable", hr); return hr; }