// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: A L A N E O B J . C P P
// Contents: Implementation of the CALaneCfg notify object model
// Notes:
// Author: v-lcleet 01 Aug 97
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "alaneobj.h"
#include "alanepsh.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "netconp.h"
#include "ncpnp.h"
#include "alanehlp.h"
static const WCHAR c_szAtmLane[] = L"AtmLane"; static const WCHAR c_szElanList[] = L"ElanList"; static const WCHAR c_szElanDevice[] = L"Device"; static const WCHAR c_szElanName[] = L"ElanName";
extern const WCHAR c_szDevice[];
extern const WCHAR c_szInfId_MS_AtmElan[];
const WCHAR c_szAtmAdapterPnpId[] = L"AtmAdapterPnpId";
// CALaneCfg
// Constructor/Destructor methods
CALaneCfg::CALaneCfg(VOID) : m_pncc(NULL), m_pnc(NULL), m_ppsp(NULL), m_pAdapterSecondary(NULL), m_pUnkContext(NULL) { m_fDirty = FALSE; m_fValid = FALSE; m_fUpgrade = FALSE; m_fNoElanInstalled = TRUE;
return; }
CALaneCfg::~CALaneCfg(VOID) { ClearAdapterList(&m_lstAdaptersPrimary); ClearAdapterInfo(m_pAdapterSecondary);
ReleaseObj(m_pncc); ReleaseObj(m_pnc);
delete m_ppsp;
// Just a safty check to make sure the context is released.
AssertSz((m_pUnkContext == NULL), "Why is context not released ?"); ReleaseObj(m_pUnkContext) ;
return; }
// CALaneCfg
// INetCfgComponentControl interface methods
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::Initialize (INetCfgComponent* pncc, INetCfg* pnc, BOOL fInstalling) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Validate_INetCfgNotify_Initialize(pncc, pnc, fInstalling);
// reference and save away the component and interface.
AddRefObj(m_pncc = pncc); AddRefObj(m_pnc = pnc);
// if not installing then load the current config from registry
if (!fInstalling) { hr = HrLoadConfiguration(); }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::Initialize", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::Validate () { return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::CancelChanges () { return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::ApplyRegistryChanges () { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_fValid && m_fDirty) { UpdateElanDisplayNames();
// flush out the registry and send reconfig notifications
hr = HrFlushConfiguration(); } else { // no change
hr = S_FALSE; }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::ApplyRegistryChanges", (hr == S_FALSE) ? S_OK : hr); return hr; }
// INetCfgComponentSetup interface methods
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::Install (DWORD dwSetupFlags) { // mark configuration as valid (but empty)
m_fValid = TRUE;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::Upgrade( DWORD dwSetupFlags, DWORD dwUpgradeFomBuildNo ) { // mark configuration as valid (but empty)
m_fValid = TRUE; m_fUpgrade = TRUE;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::ReadAnswerFile (PCWSTR pszAnswerFile, PCWSTR pszAnswerSection) { return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::Removing () { // mark everything for deletion
(VOID) HrMarkAllDeleted();
return S_OK; }
// CALaneCfg
// INetCfgProperties interface methods
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::QueryPropertyUi(IUnknown* pUnk) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
if (pUnk) { // Is this a lan connection ?
INetLanConnectionUiInfo * pLanConnUiInfo; hr = pUnk->QueryInterface( IID_INetLanConnectionUiInfo, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pLanConnUiInfo));
if(FAILED(hr)) { // don't show UI
hr = S_FALSE; } }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::QueryPropertyUi", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::SetContext(IUnknown * pUnk) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// release previous context, if any
if (m_pUnkContext) ReleaseObj(m_pUnkContext); m_pUnkContext = NULL;
if (pUnk) // set the new context
{ m_pUnkContext = pUnk; m_pUnkContext->AddRef(); }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::SetContext", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::MergePropPages ( IN OUT DWORD* pdwDefPages, OUT LPBYTE* pahpspPrivate, OUT UINT* pcPages, IN HWND hwndParent, OUT PCWSTR* pszStartPage) { Validate_INetCfgProperties_MergePropPages(pdwDefPages, pahpspPrivate, pcPages, hwndParent, pszStartPage);
// Don't show any default pages
*pdwDefPages = 0; *pcPages = 0; *pahpspPrivate = NULL;
HPROPSHEETPAGE* ahpsp = NULL; HRESULT hr = HrALaneSetupPsh(&ahpsp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *pahpspPrivate = (LPBYTE)ahpsp; *pcPages = c_cALanePages; }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::MergePropPages", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::ValidateProperties (HWND hwndSheet) { return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::CancelProperties () { // throw away the secondary adapter list
ClearAdapterInfo(m_pAdapterSecondary); m_pAdapterSecondary = NULL;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::ApplyProperties () { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstAdapters; ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans; CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfo; INetCfgComponent * pnccAtmElan = NULL; tstring strAtmElan;
// go thru the secondary adapter info and
// add miniports for elans that were added and
// remove miniports for elans that were deleted.
// loop thru the elan list on this adapter
BOOL bCommitNow = FALSE;
for (iterLstElans = m_pAdapterSecondary->m_lstElans.begin(); iterLstElans != m_pAdapterSecondary->m_lstElans.end(); iterLstElans++) { pElanInfo = *iterLstElans;
if (pElanInfo->m_fCreateMiniportOnPropertyApply) { bCommitNow = TRUE;
// create associated miniport
hr = HrAddOrRemoveAdapter(m_pnc, c_szInfId_MS_AtmElan, ARA_ADD, NULL, 1, &pnccAtmElan);
if (S_OK == hr) { // This is a new Elan
pElanInfo->m_fNewElan = TRUE;
// BindName
PWSTR pszTmpBindName; hr = pnccAtmElan->GetBindName(&pszTmpBindName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pElanInfo->SetElanBindName(pszTmpBindName); CoTaskMemFree(pszTmpBindName);
// Device param
strAtmElan = c_szDevice; strAtmElan.append(pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName());
pElanInfo->SetElanDeviceName(strAtmElan.c_str()); }
ReleaseObj(pnccAtmElan); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceError("CALaneCfg::ApplyProperties, failed creating an Elan", hr); hr = S_OK; } } if (pElanInfo->m_fRemoveMiniportOnPropertyApply) { bCommitNow = TRUE;
pElanInfo = *iterLstElans;
hr = HrRemoveMiniportInstance(pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName());
if (FAILED(hr)) { pElanInfo->m_fDeleted = FALSE;
TraceError("CALaneCfg::ApplyProperties, failed removing an Elan", hr); hr = S_OK; } } }
// all is well
// copy secondary list to primary
CopyAdapterInfoSecondaryToPrimary(); m_fDirty = TRUE;
ClearAdapterInfo(m_pAdapterSecondary); m_pAdapterSecondary = NULL;
if(bCommitNow && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = NETCFG_S_COMMIT_NOW; }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::ApplyProperties", hr); return hr; }
// CALaneCfg
// INetCfgBindNotify interface methods
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::QueryBindingPath (DWORD dwChangeFlag, INetCfgBindingPath* pncbp) { return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CALaneCfg::NotifyBindingPath (DWORD dwChangeFlag, INetCfgBindingPath* pncbp) { Assert(!(dwChangeFlag & NCN_ADD && dwChangeFlag & NCN_REMOVE)); Assert(!(dwChangeFlag & NCN_ENABLE && dwChangeFlag & NCN_DISABLE));
// If we are told to add a card, we must be told at the same time whether the
// binding is enabled or disabled
Assert(FImplies((dwChangeFlag & NCN_ADD), ((dwChangeFlag & NCN_ENABLE)||(dwChangeFlag & NCN_DISABLE))));
INetCfgComponent * pnccLastComponent; HRESULT hr = HrGetLastComponentAndInterface(pncbp, &pnccLastComponent, NULL);
if (S_OK == hr) { PWSTR pszBindName; hr = pnccLastComponent->GetBindName(&pszBindName); if (S_OK == hr) { if (dwChangeFlag & NCN_ADD) { hr = HrNotifyBindingAdd(pnccLastComponent, pszBindName); } else if (dwChangeFlag & NCN_REMOVE) { hr = HrNotifyBindingRemove(pnccLastComponent, pszBindName); } else { // simply mark the adapter as binding changed so we don't
// send Elan add\remove notifications (Raid #255910)
// Get the adapter component's instance name
CALaneCfgAdapterInfo * pAdapterInfo;
// search the in-memory list for this adapter
BOOL fFound; ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstAdapters; for (iterLstAdapters = m_lstAdaptersPrimary.begin(), fFound = FALSE; iterLstAdapters != m_lstAdaptersPrimary.end(); iterLstAdapters++) { pAdapterInfo = *iterLstAdapters;
if (!lstrcmpiW(pszBindName, pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterBindName())) { fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (fFound) { // mark it as changed
pAdapterInfo->m_fBindingChanged = TRUE; } }
CoTaskMemFree (pszBindName); }
ReleaseObj (pnccLastComponent); }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::NotifyBindingPath", hr); return hr; }
// CALaneCfg
// Private methods
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrNotifyBindingAdd ( INetCfgComponent* pnccAdapter, PCWSTR pszBindName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// $REVIEW(tongl 1/25/98): Added this: we should see if this adapter is
// is already in our list but marked as for deletion. If so, simply unmark
// the adapter and all of it's Elans. The Binding Add could be a fake one
// when it is in uprade process.
BOOL fFound; CALaneCfgAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = NULL;
// search the in-memory list for this adapter
ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstAdapters; for (iterLstAdapters = m_lstAdaptersPrimary.begin(), fFound = FALSE; iterLstAdapters != m_lstAdaptersPrimary.end(); iterLstAdapters++) { pAdapterInfo = *iterLstAdapters;
if (!lstrcmpiW(pszBindName, pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterBindName())) { fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (fFound) // Add an old adapter back
{ Assert(pAdapterInfo->m_fDeleted);
// mark it un-deleted
pAdapterInfo->m_fDeleted = FALSE;
if (m_fUpgrade) { // the Elans are not deleted, just mark them as un-deleted
ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans; for (iterLstElans = pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.begin(); iterLstElans!= pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.end(); iterLstElans++) { Assert((*iterLstElans)->m_fDeleted); (*iterLstElans)->m_fDeleted = FALSE; } } } else { // if this is a new atm adapter
// Create a new in-memory adapter object
pAdapterInfo = new CALaneCfgAdapterInfo;
if (pAdapterInfo) { GUID guidAdapter; hr = pnccAdapter->GetInstanceGuid(&guidAdapter); if (S_OK == hr) { pAdapterInfo->m_guidInstanceId = guidAdapter; }
// the adapter is newly added
pAdapterInfo->m_fBindingChanged = TRUE;
// Set the bind name of the adapter
// Set the PnpId of the adapter
PWSTR pszPnpDevNodeId; hr = pnccAdapter->GetPnpDevNodeId(&pszPnpDevNodeId); if (S_OK == hr) { Assert(pszPnpDevNodeId);
pAdapterInfo->SetAdapterPnpId(pszPnpDevNodeId); CoTaskMemFree(pszPnpDevNodeId); }
// Create a new in-memory elan object
CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfo; pElanInfo = new CALaneCfgElanInfo;
if (pElanInfo) { pElanInfo->m_fNewElan = TRUE;
// Install a virtual miniport for a default ELAN
INetCfgComponent* pnccAtmElan;
hr = HrAddOrRemoveAdapter(m_pnc, c_szInfId_MS_AtmElan, ARA_ADD, NULL, 1, &pnccAtmElan);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Assert(pnccAtmElan);
// Update the BindName
PWSTR pszElanBindName; hr = pnccAtmElan->GetBindName(&pszElanBindName); if (S_OK == hr) { pElanInfo->SetElanBindName(pszElanBindName); CoTaskMemFree(pszElanBindName); }
// Update the Device param
tstring strAtmElan; strAtmElan = c_szDevice; strAtmElan.append(pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName());
// Push the Elan onto the the adapter's list
// Push the Adapter onto the adapter list
// Mark the in-memory configuration dirty
m_fDirty = TRUE;
ReleaseObj(pnccAtmElan); } } } }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrNotifyBindingAdd", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrNotifyBindingRemove ( INetCfgComponent* pnccAdapter, PCWSTR pszBindName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CALaneCfgAdapterInfo * pAdapterInfo;
// search the in-memory list for this adapter
BOOL fFound; ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstAdapters; for (iterLstAdapters = m_lstAdaptersPrimary.begin(), fFound = FALSE; iterLstAdapters != m_lstAdaptersPrimary.end(); iterLstAdapters++) { pAdapterInfo = *iterLstAdapters;
if (!lstrcmpiW (pszBindName, pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterBindName())) { fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (fFound) { // mark it deleted
pAdapterInfo->m_fDeleted = TRUE;
// mark as binding changed
pAdapterInfo->m_fBindingChanged = TRUE;
// if this is upgrade, then mark all associated ELANs deleted
// otherwise, delete them now
HRESULT hrElan = S_OK;
for (ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans = pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.begin(); iterLstElans!= pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.end(); iterLstElans++) { if (!m_fUpgrade) { // Remove corresponding miniport.
hrElan = HrRemoveMiniportInstance((*iterLstElans)->SzGetElanBindName());
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { (*iterLstElans)->m_fDeleted = TRUE; } else { TraceError("HrRemoveMiniportInstance failed", hrElan); hrElan = S_OK; } } }
// mark the in-memory configuration dirty
m_fDirty = TRUE; }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrNotifyBindingRemove", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrLoadConfiguration() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// mark the memory version of the registy valid
m_fValid = TRUE;
// open adapter list subkey
HKEY hkeyAdapterList = NULL;
// Try to open an existing key first.
hr = HrRegOpenAdapterKey(c_szAtmLane, FALSE, &hkeyAdapterList); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Only on failure do we try to create it
hr = HrRegOpenAdapterKey(c_szAtmLane, TRUE, &hkeyAdapterList); } if (S_OK == hr) { WCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH+1]; FILETIME time; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwRegIndex = 0;
dwSize = celems(szBuf); while (S_OK == (hr = HrRegEnumKeyEx (hkeyAdapterList, dwRegIndex, szBuf, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, &time))) { Assert(szBuf);
// load this adapter's config
hr = HrLoadAdapterConfiguration (hkeyAdapterList, szBuf); if (S_OK != hr) { TraceTag (ttidAtmLane, "CALaneCfg::HrLoadConfiguration failed on adapter %S", szBuf); hr = S_OK; }
// increment index and reset size variable
dwRegIndex++; dwSize = celems (szBuf); }
RegCloseKey (hkeyAdapterList); }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrLoadConfiguration", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrLoadAdapterConfiguration(HKEY hkeyAdapterList, PWSTR pszAdapterName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// load this adapter
CALaneCfgAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo; pAdapterInfo = new CALaneCfgAdapterInfo;
if (pAdapterInfo) { pAdapterInfo->SetAdapterBindName(pszAdapterName); m_lstAdaptersPrimary.push_back(pAdapterInfo);
// open this adapter's subkey
HKEY hkeyAdapter = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition;
hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx( hkeyAdapterList, pszAdapterName, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyAdapter, &dwDisposition);
if (S_OK == hr) { // load the PnpId
INetCfgComponent* pnccAdapter = NULL; hr = HrFindNetCardInstance(pszAdapterName, &pnccAdapter); if (S_OK == hr) { PWSTR pszPnpDevNodeId; hr = pnccAdapter->GetPnpDevNodeId(&pszPnpDevNodeId); if (S_OK == hr) { Assert(pszPnpDevNodeId); pAdapterInfo->SetAdapterPnpId(pszPnpDevNodeId); CoTaskMemFree(pszPnpDevNodeId); }
GUID guidAdapter; hr = pnccAdapter->GetInstanceGuid(&guidAdapter); if (S_OK == hr) { pAdapterInfo->m_guidInstanceId = guidAdapter; }
// load the ElanList
hr = HrLoadElanListConfiguration(hkeyAdapter, pAdapterInfo);
ReleaseObj(pnccAdapter); } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { // nromalize return
hr = S_OK; }
RegCloseKey(hkeyAdapter); } }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrLoadAdapterConfiguration", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrLoadElanListConfiguration( HKEY hkeyAdapter, CALaneCfgAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo) { HRESULT hr;
// open the ElanList subkey
HKEY hkeyElanList = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition; hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx(hkeyAdapter, c_szElanList, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyElanList, &dwDisposition);
if (S_OK == hr) {
WCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH+1]; FILETIME time; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwRegIndex = 0;
dwSize = celems(szBuf); while(SUCCEEDED(hr = HrRegEnumKeyEx(hkeyElanList, dwRegIndex, szBuf, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, &time))) { Assert(szBuf);
// load this ELAN's config
hr = HrLoadElanConfiguration(hkeyElanList, szBuf, pAdapterInfo); if (S_OK != hr) { TraceTag(ttidAtmLane, "CALaneCfg::HrLoadConfiguration failed on Elan %S", szBuf); hr = S_OK; } else if (m_fNoElanInstalled) { m_fNoElanInstalled = FALSE; }
// increment index and reset size variable
dwRegIndex ++; dwSize = celems(szBuf); }
RegCloseKey(hkeyElanList); }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrLoadElanListConfiguration", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrLoadElanConfiguration( HKEY hkeyElanList, PWSTR pszElan, CALaneCfgAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
do { // load this ELAN info
CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfo = NULL; pElanInfo = new CALaneCfgElanInfo;
CALaneCfgElanInfo * pOldElanInfo = NULL; pOldElanInfo = new CALaneCfgElanInfo;
if ((pElanInfo == NULL) || (pOldElanInfo == NULL)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (pElanInfo) { delete pElanInfo; } if (pOldElanInfo) { delete pOldElanInfo; }
break; }
pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.push_back(pElanInfo); pElanInfo->SetElanBindName(pszElan);
pAdapterInfo->m_lstOldElans.push_back(pOldElanInfo); pOldElanInfo->SetElanBindName(pszElan);
// open the ELAN's key
HKEY hkeyElan = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition; hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx (hkeyElanList, pszElan, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyElan, &dwDisposition);
if (S_OK == hr) { // read the Device parameter
PWSTR pszElanDevice; hr = HrRegQuerySzWithAlloc (hkeyElan, c_szElanDevice, &pszElanDevice); if (S_OK == hr) { // load the Device name
pElanInfo->SetElanDeviceName(pszElanDevice); pOldElanInfo->SetElanDeviceName(pszElanDevice); MemFree (pszElanDevice);
// read the ELAN Name parameter
PWSTR pszElanName; hr = HrRegQuerySzWithAlloc (hkeyElan, c_szElanName, &pszElanName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // load the ELAN name
pElanInfo->SetElanName (pszElanName); pOldElanInfo->SetElanName (pszElanName); MemFree (pszElanName); } } RegCloseKey (hkeyElan); } } while (FALSE);
TraceError ("CALaneCfg::HrLoadElanConfiguration", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrFlushConfiguration() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HKEY hkeyAdapterList = NULL;
// Open the "Adapters" list key
hr = ::HrRegOpenAdapterKey(c_szAtmLane, TRUE, &hkeyAdapterList);
if (S_OK == hr) { ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstAdapters; CALaneCfgAdapterInfo * pAdapterInfo;
// Iterate thru the adapters
for (iterLstAdapters = m_lstAdaptersPrimary.begin(); iterLstAdapters != m_lstAdaptersPrimary.end(); iterLstAdapters++) { pAdapterInfo = *iterLstAdapters;
// Flush this adapter's configuration
hrTmp = HrFlushAdapterConfiguration(hkeyAdapterList, pAdapterInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { // Raid #255910: only send Elan change notification if the
// binding to the physical adapter has not changed
if (!pAdapterInfo->m_fBindingChanged) { // Compare Elan list and send notifications
hrTmp = HrReconfigLane(pAdapterInfo);
if (FAILED(hrTmp)) hrTmp = NETCFG_S_REBOOT; } } else { TraceTag(ttidAtmLane,"HrFlushAdapterConfiguration failed for adapter %S", pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterBindName()); hrTmp = S_OK; }
if (S_OK ==hr) hr = hrTmp; } RegCloseKey(hkeyAdapterList); }
if (hr != NETCFG_S_REBOOT) { TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrFlushConfiguration", hr); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrFlushAdapterConfiguration(HKEY hkeyAdapterList, CALaneCfgAdapterInfo *pAdapterInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
HKEY hkeyAdapter = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition;
if (pAdapterInfo->m_fDeleted) { // Adapter is marked for deletion
// Delete this adapter's whole registry branch
hr = HrRegDeleteKeyTree(hkeyAdapterList, pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterBindName()); } else { // open this adapter's subkey
hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx( hkeyAdapterList, pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterBindName(), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyAdapter, &dwDisposition);
if (S_OK == hr) { // Flush the ELAN configuration
hr = HrFlushElanListConfiguration(hkeyAdapter, pAdapterInfo);
RegCloseKey(hkeyAdapter); } }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrFlushAdapterConfiguration", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrFlushElanListConfiguration(HKEY hkeyAdapter, CALaneCfgAdapterInfo *pAdapterInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
HKEY hkeyElanList = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition;
// Open the Elan list subkey
hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx( hkeyAdapter, c_szElanList, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyElanList, &dwDisposition);
if (S_OK == hr) { ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans; CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfo;
// iterate thru the Elans
for (iterLstElans = pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.begin(); iterLstElans != pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.end(); iterLstElans++) { pElanInfo = *iterLstElans;
hr = HrFlushElanConfiguration(hkeyElanList, pElanInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceError("HrFlushElanConfiguration failure", hr); hr = S_OK; }
// $REVIEW(tongl 9/9/98): write ATM adapter's pnp id to registry (#169025)
if ((!pElanInfo->m_fDeleted) && (pElanInfo->m_fNewElan)) { INetCfgComponent * pnccAtmElan; hr = HrFindNetCardInstance(pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName(), &pnccAtmElan); if (S_OK == hr) { HKEY hkeyElan = NULL;
hr = pnccAtmElan->OpenParamKey(&hkeyElan); if (S_OK == hr) { Assert(hkeyElan); HrRegSetSz(hkeyElan, c_szAtmAdapterPnpId, pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterPnpId()); } RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyElan); } ReleaseObj(pnccAtmElan); } }
RegCloseKey(hkeyElanList); }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrFlushElanListConfiguration", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrFlushElanConfiguration(HKEY hkeyElanList, CALaneCfgElanInfo *pElanInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (pElanInfo->m_fDeleted) { PCWSTR szBindName = pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName();
if (lstrlenW(szBindName)) // only if the bindname is not empty
{ // Elan is marked for deletion
// Delete this Elan's whole registry branch
hr = HrRegDeleteKeyTree(hkeyElanList, pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName()); } } else { HKEY hkeyElan = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition;
// open/create this Elan's key
hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx( hkeyElanList, pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName(), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyElan, &dwDisposition);
if (S_OK == hr) { // Write the Device parameter
hr = HrRegSetSz(hkeyElan, c_szElanDevice, pElanInfo->SzGetElanDeviceName());
if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceError("Failed save Elan device parameter", hr); hr = S_OK; }
// Write the ElanName parameter
hr = HrRegSetSz(hkeyElan, c_szElanName, pElanInfo->SzGetElanName());
if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceError("Failed save Elan name parameter", hr); hr = S_OK; } } RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyElan); }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrFlushElanConfiguration", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrRemoveMiniportInstance(PCWSTR pszBindNameToRemove) { // Enumerate adapters in the system.
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CIterNetCfgComponent nccIter (m_pnc, &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET); BOOL fFound = FALSE;
INetCfgComponent* pnccAdapter; while ((!fFound) && SUCCEEDED(hr) && S_OK == (hr = nccIter.HrNext (&pnccAdapter))) { if (FIsComponentId(c_szInfId_MS_AtmElan, pnccAdapter)) { // Get the bindname of the miniport
PWSTR pszBindName; hr = pnccAdapter->GetBindName(&pszBindName);
if (S_OK == hr) { // If the right one tell it to remove itself and end
BOOL fRemove = !lstrcmpiW (pszBindName, pszBindNameToRemove);
if (fRemove) { fFound = TRUE; hr = HrRemoveComponent( m_pnc, pnccAdapter, NULL, NULL); }
CoTaskMemFree (pszBindName); } } ReleaseObj (pnccAdapter); }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrRemoveMiniportInstance", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrFindNetCardInstance( PCWSTR pszBindNameToFind, INetCfgComponent** ppncc) { *ppncc = NULL;
// Enumerate adapters in the system.
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CIterNetCfgComponent nccIter (m_pnc, &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET); BOOL fFound = FALSE;
INetCfgComponent* pnccAdapter; while ((!fFound) && SUCCEEDED(hr) && S_OK == (hr = nccIter.HrNext (&pnccAdapter))) { // Get the bindname of the miniport
PWSTR pszBindName; hr = pnccAdapter->GetBindName(&pszBindName);
if (S_OK == hr) { // If the right one tell it to remove itself and end
fFound = !lstrcmpiW(pszBindName, pszBindNameToFind); CoTaskMemFree (pszBindName);
if (fFound) { *ppncc = pnccAdapter; } }
if (!fFound) { ReleaseObj (pnccAdapter); } }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, (S_FALSE == hr), "CALaneCfg::HrFindNetCardInstance", hr); return hr; }
VOID CALaneCfg::HrMarkAllDeleted() { ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstAdapters; ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans;
// loop thru the adapter list
for (iterLstAdapters = m_lstAdaptersPrimary.begin(); iterLstAdapters != m_lstAdaptersPrimary.end(); iterLstAdapters++) { (*iterLstAdapters)->m_fDeleted = TRUE;
// loop thru the ELAN list
for (iterLstElans = (*iterLstAdapters)->m_lstElans.begin(); iterLstElans != (*iterLstAdapters)->m_lstElans.end(); iterLstElans++) { (*iterLstElans)->m_fDeleted = TRUE; } }
return; }
VOID CALaneCfg::UpdateElanDisplayNames() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// loop thru the adapter list
ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstAdapters; for (iterLstAdapters = m_lstAdaptersPrimary.begin(); iterLstAdapters != m_lstAdaptersPrimary.end(); iterLstAdapters++) { // loop thru the ELAN list
ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans; CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfo;
for (iterLstElans = (*iterLstAdapters)->m_lstElans.begin(); iterLstElans != (*iterLstAdapters)->m_lstElans.end(); iterLstElans++) { pElanInfo = *iterLstElans;
// Update the miniport's display name with
// the ELAN name appended.
INetCfgComponent* pnccAtmElan = NULL; hr = HrFindNetCardInstance(pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName(), &pnccAtmElan); if (S_OK == hr) { PWSTR pszDisplayName; hr = pnccAtmElan->GetDisplayName(&pszDisplayName); if (S_OK == hr) { tstring strNewDisplayName; int pos;
strNewDisplayName = pszDisplayName; pos = strNewDisplayName.find_last_of(L"("); if (pos != strNewDisplayName.npos) strNewDisplayName.resize(pos); strNewDisplayName.append(L"(");
if (lstrlenW(pElanInfo->SzGetElanName()) > 0) { strNewDisplayName.append(pElanInfo->SzGetElanName()); } else { strNewDisplayName.append(SzLoadIds(IDS_ALANECFG_UNSPECIFIEDNAME)); }
(VOID)pnccAtmElan->SetDisplayName(strNewDisplayName.c_str()); CoTaskMemFree(pszDisplayName); }
ReleaseObj(pnccAtmElan); } } } }
AssertSz(pahpsp, "We must have a place to put prop sheets");
// set connections context
hr = HrSetConnectionContext(); if SUCCEEDED(hr) { // copy the primary adapter list to the secondary adapters list
*pahpsp = NULL;
// Allocate a buffer large enough to hold the handles to all of our
// property pages.
ahpsp = (HPROPSHEETPAGE*)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(HPROPSHEETPAGE)); if (ahpsp) { if (!m_ppsp) delete m_ppsp;
// Allocate each of the CPropSheetPage objects
m_ppsp = new CALanePsh(this, m_pAdapterSecondary, g_aHelpIDs_IDD_MAIN);
// Create the actual PROPSHEETPAGE for each object.
// This needs to be done regardless of whether the classes existed before.
ahpsp[0] = m_ppsp->CreatePage(IDD_MAIN, PSP_DEFAULT);
*pahpsp = ahpsp; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrALaneSetupPsh", hr); return hr; }
// Added by tongl at 12\11\97
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrSetConnectionContext() { AssertSz(m_pUnkContext, "Invalid IUnknown pointer passed to CALaneCfg::SetContext?");
if (!m_pUnkContext) return E_FAIL;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; GUID guidConn;
// Is this a lan connection ?
INetLanConnectionUiInfo * pLanConnUiInfo; hr = m_pUnkContext->QueryInterface( IID_INetLanConnectionUiInfo, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pLanConnUiInfo)); if (S_OK == hr) { // yes, lan connection
WCHAR szGuid[c_cchGuidWithTerm]; INT cch = StringFromGUID2(guidConn, szGuid, c_cchGuidWithTerm); Assert(cch); m_strGuidConn = szGuid; } ReleaseObj(pLanConnUiInfo);
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrSetConnectionContext", hr); return hr; }
VOID CALaneCfg::CopyAdapterInfoPrimaryToSecondary() { ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstAdapters; CALaneCfgAdapterInfo * pAdapterInfo;
ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans; CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfo; CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfoNew;
// free any existing secondary data
ClearAdapterInfo(m_pAdapterSecondary); m_pAdapterSecondary = NULL;
// loop thru the primary adapter list
for (iterLstAdapters = m_lstAdaptersPrimary.begin(); iterLstAdapters != m_lstAdaptersPrimary.end(); iterLstAdapters++) { pAdapterInfo = *iterLstAdapters;
// create new and copy from primary
if (FIsSubstr(m_strGuidConn.c_str(), pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterBindName())) { // we found a match
m_pAdapterSecondary = new CALaneCfgAdapterInfo;
m_pAdapterSecondary->m_guidInstanceId = pAdapterInfo-> m_guidInstanceId; m_pAdapterSecondary->m_fDeleted = pAdapterInfo->m_fDeleted; m_pAdapterSecondary->SetAdapterBindName(pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterBindName()); m_pAdapterSecondary->SetAdapterPnpId(pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterPnpId());
// loop thru the elan list on this adapter
for (iterLstElans = pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.begin(); iterLstElans != pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.end(); iterLstElans++) { pElanInfo = *iterLstElans;
// create new and copy from primary
pElanInfoNew = new CALaneCfgElanInfo;
pElanInfoNew->SetElanBindName(pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName()); pElanInfoNew->SetElanDeviceName(pElanInfo->SzGetElanDeviceName()); pElanInfoNew->SetElanName(pElanInfo->SzGetElanName()); pElanInfoNew->m_fDeleted = pElanInfo->m_fDeleted; pElanInfoNew->m_fNewElan = pElanInfo->m_fNewElan; pElanInfoNew->m_fRemoveMiniportOnPropertyApply = FALSE; pElanInfoNew->m_fCreateMiniportOnPropertyApply = FALSE;
// push onto new secondary adapter's elan list
m_pAdapterSecondary->m_lstElans.push_back(pElanInfoNew); } break; } }
Assert(m_pAdapterSecondary != NULL); return; }
VOID CALaneCfg::CopyAdapterInfoSecondaryToPrimary() { ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstAdapters; CALaneCfgAdapterInfo * pAdapterInfo; CALaneCfgAdapterInfo * pAdapterInfoNew; ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans; CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfo; CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfoNew;
// loop thru the primary adapter list
for (iterLstAdapters = m_lstAdaptersPrimary.begin(); iterLstAdapters != m_lstAdaptersPrimary.end(); iterLstAdapters++) { pAdapterInfo = *iterLstAdapters;
if (FIsSubstr(m_strGuidConn.c_str(), pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterBindName())) { pAdapterInfo->m_fDeleted = m_pAdapterSecondary->m_fDeleted; pAdapterInfo->SetAdapterBindName(m_pAdapterSecondary->SzGetAdapterBindName()); pAdapterInfo->SetAdapterPnpId(m_pAdapterSecondary->SzGetAdapterPnpId());
// rebuild Elan list
// loop thru the elan list on this adapter
for (iterLstElans = m_pAdapterSecondary->m_lstElans.begin(); iterLstElans != m_pAdapterSecondary->m_lstElans.end(); iterLstElans++) { pElanInfo = *iterLstElans;
// create new and copy from secondary
pElanInfoNew = new CALaneCfgElanInfo;
pElanInfoNew->SetElanBindName(pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName()); pElanInfoNew->SetElanDeviceName(pElanInfo->SzGetElanDeviceName()); pElanInfoNew->SetElanName(pElanInfo->SzGetElanName()); pElanInfoNew->m_fDeleted = pElanInfo->m_fDeleted; pElanInfoNew->m_fNewElan = pElanInfo->m_fNewElan; pElanInfoNew->m_fRemoveMiniportOnPropertyApply = FALSE; pElanInfoNew->m_fCreateMiniportOnPropertyApply = FALSE;
// add to adapter's elan list
pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.push_back(pElanInfoNew); } break; } } return; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrReconfigLane(CALaneCfgAdapterInfo * pAdapterInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Note: if atm physical adapter is deleted, no notification of removing elan
// is necessary. Lane protocol driver will know to delete all the elans
// (confirmed above with ArvindM 3/12).
// Raid #371343, don't send notification if ATM card not connected
if ((!pAdapterInfo->m_fDeleted) && FIsAdapterEnabled(&(pAdapterInfo->m_guidInstanceId))) { ElanChangeType elanChangeType;
// loop thru the elan list on this adapter
ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans;
for (iterLstElans = pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.begin(); iterLstElans != pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans.end(); iterLstElans++) { CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfo = *iterLstElans;
// if this Elan is marked as for delete
if (pElanInfo->m_fDeleted) { PCWSTR szBindName = pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName();
if (lstrlenW(szBindName)) // only if the bindname is not empty
{ // notify deletion
elanChangeType = DEL_ELAN; hr = HrNotifyElanChange(pAdapterInfo, pElanInfo, elanChangeType); } } else { BOOL fFound = FALSE;
ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstOldElans;
// loop through the old elan list, see if we can find a match
for (iterLstOldElans = pAdapterInfo->m_lstOldElans.begin(); iterLstOldElans != pAdapterInfo->m_lstOldElans.end(); iterLstOldElans++) { CALaneCfgElanInfo * pOldElanInfo = * iterLstOldElans;
if (0 == lstrcmpiW(pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName(), pOldElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName())) { // we found a match
fFound = TRUE;
// has the elan name changed ?
if (lstrcmpiW(pElanInfo->SzGetElanName(), pOldElanInfo->SzGetElanName()) != 0) { elanChangeType = MOD_ELAN; hr = HrNotifyElanChange(pAdapterInfo, pElanInfo, elanChangeType); } } }
if (!fFound) { elanChangeType = ADD_ELAN; hr = HrNotifyElanChange(pAdapterInfo, pElanInfo, elanChangeType);
// Raid #384380: If no ELAN was installed, ignore the error
if ((S_OK != hr) &&(m_fNoElanInstalled)) { TraceError("Adding ELAN failed but error ignored since there was no ELAN installed so LANE driver is not started, reset hr to S_OK", hr); hr = S_OK; } } } } }
TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrReconfigLane", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CALaneCfg::HrNotifyElanChange(CALaneCfgAdapterInfo * pAdapterInfo, CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfo, ElanChangeType elanChangeType) { // ATMLANE_PNP_RECONFIG_REQUEST is defined in \nt\private\inc\laneinfo.h
const DWORD dwBytes = sizeof(ATMLANE_PNP_RECONFIG_REQUEST) + CbOfSzAndTerm (pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName());
HRESULT hr = HrMalloc (dwBytes, (PVOID*)&pLaneReconfig); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pLaneReconfig->Version =1; pLaneReconfig->OpType = elanChangeType; pLaneReconfig->ElanKeyLength = lstrlenW(pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName())+1; lstrcpyW(pLaneReconfig->ElanKey, pElanInfo->SzGetElanBindName());
hr = HrSendNdisPnpReconfig( NDIS, c_szAtmLane, pAdapterInfo->SzGetAdapterBindName(), pLaneReconfig, dwBytes); if ( S_OK != hr) { TraceError("Notifying LANE of ELAN change returns failure, prompt for reboot ...", hr); hr = NETCFG_S_REBOOT; }
MemFree (pLaneReconfig); } TraceError("CALaneCfg::HrNotifyElanChange", hr); return hr; }
BOOL CALaneCfg::FIsAdapterEnabled(const GUID* pguidId) { FARPROC pfnHrGetPnpDeviceStatus; HMODULE hNetman;
hr = HrLoadLibAndGetProc(L"netman.dll", "HrGetPnpDeviceStatus", &hNetman, &pfnHrGetPnpDeviceStatus);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = (*(PHRGETPNPDEVICESTATUS)pfnHrGetPnpDeviceStatus)( pguidId, &ncStatus);
FreeLibrary(hNetman); }
return (NCS_CONNECTED == ncStatus); }
// CALaneCfgAdapterInfo
CALaneCfgAdapterInfo::CALaneCfgAdapterInfo(VOID) { m_fDeleted = FALSE; m_fBindingChanged = FALSE;
return; }
CALaneCfgAdapterInfo::~CALaneCfgAdapterInfo(VOID) { ClearElanList(&m_lstElans); ClearElanList(&m_lstOldElans); return; }
VOID CALaneCfgAdapterInfo::SetAdapterBindName(PCWSTR pszAdapterBindName) { m_strAdapterBindName = pszAdapterBindName; return; }
PCWSTR CALaneCfgAdapterInfo::SzGetAdapterBindName(VOID) { return m_strAdapterBindName.c_str(); }
VOID CALaneCfgAdapterInfo::SetAdapterPnpId(PCWSTR pszAdapterPnpId) { m_strAdapterPnpId = pszAdapterPnpId; return; }
PCWSTR CALaneCfgAdapterInfo::SzGetAdapterPnpId(VOID) { return m_strAdapterPnpId.c_str(); }
// CALaneCfgElanInfo
CALaneCfgElanInfo::CALaneCfgElanInfo(VOID) { m_fDeleted = FALSE; m_fNewElan = FALSE;
m_fCreateMiniportOnPropertyApply = FALSE; m_fRemoveMiniportOnPropertyApply = FALSE; return; }
VOID CALaneCfgElanInfo::SetElanBindName(PCWSTR pszElanBindName) { m_strElanBindName = pszElanBindName; return; }
PCWSTR CALaneCfgElanInfo::SzGetElanBindName(VOID) { return m_strElanBindName.c_str(); }
VOID CALaneCfgElanInfo::SetElanDeviceName(PCWSTR pszElanDeviceName) { m_strElanDeviceName = pszElanDeviceName; return; }
PCWSTR CALaneCfgElanInfo::SzGetElanDeviceName(VOID) { return m_strElanDeviceName.c_str(); }
VOID CALaneCfgElanInfo::SetElanName(PCWSTR pszElanName) { m_strElanName = pszElanName; return; }
VOID CALaneCfgElanInfo::SetElanName(PWSTR pszElanName) { m_strElanName = pszElanName; return; }
PCWSTR CALaneCfgElanInfo::SzGetElanName(VOID) { return m_strElanName.c_str(); }
// utility functions
void ClearElanList(ELAN_INFO_LIST *plstElans) { ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans; CALaneCfgElanInfo * pElanInfo;
for (iterLstElans = plstElans->begin(); iterLstElans != plstElans->end(); iterLstElans++) { pElanInfo = *iterLstElans; delete pElanInfo; }
plstElans->clear(); return; }
void ClearAdapterList(ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST *plstAdapters) { ATMLANE_ADAPTER_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstAdapters; CALaneCfgAdapterInfo * pAdapterInfo; ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans;
for (iterLstAdapters = plstAdapters->begin(); iterLstAdapters != plstAdapters->end(); iterLstAdapters++) {
pAdapterInfo = *iterLstAdapters;
delete pAdapterInfo; }
return; }
void ClearAdapterInfo(CALaneCfgAdapterInfo * pAdapterInfo) { ELAN_INFO_LIST::iterator iterLstElans;
if (pAdapterInfo) { ClearElanList(&pAdapterInfo->m_lstElans); delete pAdapterInfo; }
return; }