Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: S R V R O B J . H
// Contents: Declaration of CSrvrcfg and helper functions.
// Notes:
// Author: danielwe 5 Mar 1997
#pragma once
#include <ncxbase.h>
#include <ncatlps.h>
#include <nceh.h>
#include <notifval.h>
#include "ncmisc.h"
#include "resource.h"
struct SERVER_DLG_DATA { DWORD dwSize; // corresponds to Size value in registry
BOOL fAnnounce; // corresponds to Lmannounce value
BOOL fLargeCache; // LargeSystemCache in Control\SessionManager
// \MemoryManagement
// Srvrcfg
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSrvrcfg : public CComObjectRoot, public CComCoClass<CSrvrcfg, &CLSID_CSrvrcfg>, public INetCfgComponentControl, public INetCfgComponentSetup, public INetCfgComponentPropertyUi { public: CSrvrcfg(); ~CSrvrcfg();
// Remove the comment from the line above if you don't want your object to
// support aggregation. The default is to support it
// INetCfgComponentControl
STDMETHOD (Initialize) ( IN INetCfgComponent* pIComp, IN INetCfg* pINetCfg, IN BOOL fInstalling); STDMETHOD (ApplyRegistryChanges) (); STDMETHOD (ApplyPnpChanges) ( IN INetCfgPnpReconfigCallback* pICallback) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD (CancelChanges) (); STDMETHOD (Validate) ();
// INetCfgComponentSetup
STDMETHOD (Install) (DWORD dwSetupFlags); STDMETHOD (Upgrade) (DWORD dwSetupFlags, DWORD dwUpgradeFomBuildNo); STDMETHOD (ReadAnswerFile) (PCWSTR pszAnswerFile, PCWSTR pszAnswerSection); STDMETHOD (Removing) ();
// INetCfgProperties
STDMETHOD (QueryPropertyUi) ( IN IUnknown* pUnk) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD (SetContext) ( IN IUnknown* pUnk) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD (MergePropPages) ( IN OUT DWORD* pdwDefPages, OUT LPBYTE* pahpspPrivate, OUT UINT* pcPrivate, IN HWND hwndParent, OUT PCWSTR* pszStartPage); STDMETHOD (ValidateProperties) ( HWND hwndSheet); STDMETHOD (CancelProperties) (); STDMETHOD (ApplyProperties) ();
// Accessors for Server dialog data
const SERVER_DLG_DATA *DlgData() const {return (const SERVER_DLG_DATA *)&m_sdd;}; SERVER_DLG_DATA *DlgDataRW() {return &m_sdd;}; VOID SetDirty() {m_fDirty = TRUE;};
private: HRESULT HrProcessAnswerFile(PCWSTR pszAnswerFile, PCWSTR pszAnswerSection); HRESULT HrOpenRegKeys(INetCfg *); HRESULT HrGetRegistryInfo(BOOL fInstalling); HRESULT HrSetRegistryInfo(VOID); HRESULT HrSetupPropSheets(HPROPSHEETPAGE **pahpsp, INT cPages); VOID CleanupPropPages(VOID); HRESULT HrRestoreRegistry(VOID);
INetCfgComponent *m_pncc; // Place to keep my component
// number of property sheet pages
enum PAGES { c_cPages = 1 };
// Generic dialog data
CPropSheetPage * m_apspObj[c_cPages];// pointer to each of the prop
// sheet page objects
BOOL m_fDirty;
HKEY m_hkeyMM; // Memory Management key
BOOL m_fOneTimeInstall; // TRUE if we're in install mode
BOOL m_fUpgrade; // TRUE if we are upgrading with
// an answer file
BOOL m_fUpgradeFromWks; // TRUE if we are upgrading from
// workstation product
BOOL m_fRestoredRegistry;// TRUE if registry has been
// restored on upgrade
tstring m_strAutoTunedRestoreFile; tstring m_strSharesRestoreFile; tstring m_strParamsRestoreFile; };