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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: C M U T I L . C P P
// Contents: Connection manager.
// Notes:
// Author: omiller 1 Jun 2000
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "cmutil.h"
#include <objbase.h>
#include <ncmisc.h>
// Create an instance of CMUTIL so that we can be global
CCMUtil CCMUtil::s_instance; //ISSUE: Evil, evil, evil. This can throw and cause a crash.
CCMUtil::CCMUtil() throw(SE_Exception) { InitializeCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection ); }
CCMUtil::~CCMUtil() throw() { DeleteCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection ); }
// Function: GetIteratorFromGuid
// Purpose: Retrieve the guid, name and status of a Hidden connectiod
// Connection Manager has two stages: Dialup and VPN.
// For the Dialup it creates a hidden connectoid that the
// folder (netshell) does not see. However netman caches
// the name, guid and status of this connectedoid. Both
// the parent and child connectoid have the same name.
// Arguments:
// guid [in] GUID of the hidden connectiod to search for
// Returns: S_OK -- Found the hidden connectoid
// Author: omiller 1 Jun 2000
// Notes:
CCMUtil::CMEntryTable::iterator CCMUtil::GetIteratorFromGuid(const GUID & guid) { CMEntryTable::iterator iter;
// Search through the list of hidden connections
for (iter = m_Table.begin(); iter != m_Table.end(); iter++) { if( iter->m_guid == guid ) { // Found the hidden connection that maps to this guid
return iter; } }
return NULL; }
// Function: HrGetEntry
// Purpose: Retrive the guid, name and status of a Hidden connectiod
// Connection Manager has two stages: Dialup and VPN.
// For the Dialup it creates a hidden connectoid that the
// folder (netshell) does not see. However netman caches
// the name, guid and status of this connectedoid. Both
// the parent and child connectoid have the same name.
// Arguments:
// guid [in] GUID of the hidden connectiod to search for
// cm [out] A copy to the hidden entry
// Returns: TRUE -- Found the hidden connectoid
// Author: omiller 1 Jun 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT CCMUtil::HrGetEntry(const GUID & guid, CMEntry & cm) { CMEntryTable::iterator iter; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; CExceptionSafeLock esCritSec(&m_CriticalSection);
iter = GetIteratorFromGuid(guid);
if( iter ) { cm = *iter; hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }
// Function: HrGetEntry
// Purpose: Retrive the guid, name and status of a Hidden connectiod
// Connection Manager has two stages: Dialup and VPN.
// For the Dialup it creates a hidden connectoid that the
// folder (netshell) does not see. However netman caches
// the name, guid and status of this connectedoid. Both
// the parent and child connectoid have the same name.
// Arguments:
// szEntryName [in] Name of the connection to look for
// cm [out] A copy to the hidden entry
// Returns: S_OK -- Found the hidden connectoid
// Author: omiller 1 Jun 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT CCMUtil::HrGetEntry(const WCHAR * szEntryName, CMEntry & cm) { CMEntryTable::iterator iter; CExceptionSafeLock esCritSec(&m_CriticalSection);
for (iter = m_Table.begin(); iter != m_Table.end(); iter++) { if( lstrcmp(iter->m_szEntryName,szEntryName) == 0 ) { // Found the Hidden connectoid that maps to that name
cm = *iter; return S_OK; } }
return S_FALSE; }
// Function: SetEntry
// Purpose: Stores or Updates the guid, name and status of a Hidden connectiod
// Connection Manager has two stages: Dialup and VPN.
// For the Dialup it creates a hidden connectoid that the
// folder (netshell) does not see. However netman caches
// the name, guid and status of this connectedoid. Both
// the parent and child connectoid have the same name.
// Arguments:
// guid [in] Guid of the Hidden connectiod
// szEntryName [in] Name of the Hidden connectiod
// ncs [in] Status of the hidden connectiod
// Returns: nothing
// Author: omiller 1 Jun 2000
// Notes:
void CCMUtil::SetEntry(const GUID & guid, const WCHAR * szEntryName, const NETCON_STATUS ncs) throw (std::bad_alloc) { CMEntryTable::iterator iter; CExceptionSafeLock esCritSec(&m_CriticalSection);
iter = GetIteratorFromGuid(guid);
if( iter ) { iter->Set(guid,szEntryName,ncs); } else { m_Table.push_back( CMEntry(guid,szEntryName,ncs) ); // can throw
// Function: RemoveEntry
// Purpose: Removes a hidden connectiod from the list
// Connection Manager has two stages: Dialup and VPN.
// For the Dialup it creates a hidden connectoid that the
// folder (netshell) does not see. However netman caches
// the name, guid and status of this connectedoid. Both
// the parent and child connectoid have the same name.
// Arguments:
// guid [in] Guid of the Hidden connectiod
// Returns: S_OK -- Found the hidden connectoid
// Author: omiller 1 Jun 2000
// Notes:
void CCMUtil::RemoveEntry(const GUID & guid) throw() { /*
CMEntryTable::iterator iter;
iter = GetIteratorFromGuid(guid);
if( iter ) { m_Table.erase(iter); } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); */ }