// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: S H U T I L . H
// Contents: Various shell utilities to be used by the connections folder
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 21 Oct 1997
#pragma once
#ifndef _SHUTIL_H_
#define _SHUTIL_H_
#include <ndispnp.h>
#include <ntddndis.h>
#include <ncshell.h>
HRESULT HrDupeShellStringLength( IN PCWSTR pszInput, IN ULONG cchInput, OUT PWSTR * ppszOutput);
inline HRESULT HrDupeShellString( IN PCWSTR pszInput, OUT PWSTR * ppszOutput) { return HrDupeShellStringLength(pszInput, wcslen(pszInput), ppszOutput); }
HRESULT HrGetConnectionPidlWithRefresh(IN const GUID& guidId, OUT PCONFOLDPIDL& ppidlCon);
//---[ Various refresh functions ]--------------------------------------------
// Notify the shell that an object is going away, and remove it from our list
HRESULT HrDeleteFromCclAndNotifyShell( IN const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder, IN const PCONFOLDPIDL& pidlConnection, IN const CONFOLDENTRY& ccfe);
VOID ForceRefresh(IN HWND hwnd) throw();
// Update the folder, but don't flush the items. Update them as needed.
// pidlFolder is optional -- if not passed in, we'll generate it.
HRESULT HrForceRefreshNoFlush(IN const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder);
// Update the connection data based on the pidl. Notify the shell as
// appropriate
HRESULT HrOnNotifyUpdateConnection( IN const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder, IN const GUID * pguid, IN NETCON_MEDIATYPE ncm, IN NETCON_SUBMEDIATYPE ncsm, IN NETCON_STATUS ncs, IN DWORD dwCharacteristics, IN PCWSTR pszwName, IN PCWSTR pszwDeviceName, IN PCWSTR pszwPhoneNumberOrHostAddress);
// Update the connection status, including sending the correct shell
// notifications for icon updates and such.
HRESULT HrOnNotifyUpdateStatus( IN const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder, IN const PCONFOLDPIDL& pidlCached, IN NETCON_STATUS ncsNew);
// update the shell/connection list with the new connection status
HRESULT HrUpdateConnectionStatus( IN const PCONFOLDPIDL& pcfp, IN NETCON_STATUS ncs, IN const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder, IN BOOL fUseCharacter, IN DWORD dwCharacter);
//---[ Menu merging functions ]-----------------------------------------------
VOID MergeMenu( IN HINSTANCE hinst, IN UINT idMainMerge, IN UINT idPopupMerge, IN OUT LPQCMINFO pqcm);
INT IMergePopupMenus( IN OUT HMENU hmMain, IN HMENU hmMerge, IN int idCmdFirst, IN int idCmdLast);
HRESULT HrGetMenuFromID( IN HMENU hmenuMain, IN UINT uID, OUT HMENU * phmenu);
HRESULT HrLoadPopupMenu( IN HINSTANCE hinst, IN UINT id, OUT HMENU * phmenu);
HRESULT HrShellView_GetSelectedObjects( IN HWND hwnd, OUT PCONFOLDPIDLVEC& apidlSelection);
HRESULT HrRenameConnectionInternal( IN const PCONFOLDPIDL& pidlCon, IN const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder, IN LPCWSTR pszNewName, IN BOOL fRaiseError, IN HWND hwndOwner, OUT PCONFOLDPIDL& ppidlOut);
#endif // _SHUTIL_H_