// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: C H K L I S T . C P P
// Contents: Implements bindings checkbox related utility functions
// and classes.
// Notes:
// Created: tongl 20 Nov 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ncnetcfg.h"
#include "ncui.h"
#include "ncstl.h"
#include "lanuiobj.h"
#include "lanui.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "chklist.h"
#include "ncperms.h"
// Member: HrRebuildBindingPathObjCollection
// Purpose: Build or rebuild a list of BindingPathObjects,
// establish the links between sub-paths and super-paths,
// as well as between ComponentObjects in the list view
// and elements of the BindingPathObject collection
// Arguments:
// [IN] pnccAdapter
// [IN] hList
// [INOUT] pListObj
// Returns: TRUE
// Author: tongl 20 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRebuildBindingPathObjCollection(INetCfgComponent * pnccAdapter, ListBPObj * pListBPObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// now, add new BindingPathObjects to our list
CIterNetCfgUpperBindingPath ncbpIter(pnccAdapter); INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp;
TraceTag(ttidLanUi, "*** List of binding paths: begin ***");
// Go through all upper binding paths starting from the current LAN
// adapter, and add to our list of BindingPathObjects:
while(SUCCEEDED(hr) && (hr = ncbpIter.HrNext(&pncbp)) == S_OK) { PrintBindingPath(ttidLanUi, pncbp, NULL);
// create a new BindingPathObj
CBindingPathObj * pBPObj = new CBindingPathObj(pncbp);
// insert to our list, sorted by the length of the path
// and establish super/sub path lists with existing items in
// the list
hr = HrInsertBindingPathObj(pListBPObj, pBPObj); ReleaseObj(pncbp); }
TraceTag(ttidLanUi, "*** List of binding paths: end ***");
#if DBG
TraceTag(ttidLanUi, "%%% Begin dump the subpath list %%%");
for (ListBPObj_ITER iter = pListBPObj->begin(); iter != pListBPObj->end(); iter++) { (*iter)->DumpSubPathList(); }
TraceTag(ttidLanUi, "%%% End dump the subpath list %%%"); #endif
if (hr == S_FALSE) // We just got to the end of the loop
hr = S_OK;
TraceError("HrRebuildBindingPathObjCollection", hr); return hr; }
// Member: HrInsertBindingPathObj
// Purpose: Insert a BindingPathObj to a list of BindingPathObj's,
// keep the list sorted by the length of paths.
// Also establishs super/sub path lists with existing items
// in the list.
// Arguments:
// [INOUT] pListBPObj
// [IN] pBPObj
// Returns: S_OK if succeeded,
// otherwise return a failure code
// Author: tongl 20 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrInsertBindingPathObj(ListBPObj * pListBPObj, CBindingPathObj * pBPObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrTmp = S_OK;
ListBPObj_ITER iter;
// insert the new element
for (iter = pListBPObj->begin();iter != pListBPObj->end(); iter++) { if ((*iter)->GetDepth() > pBPObj->GetDepth()) break; }
// insert at the current position
ListBPObj_ITER iterNewItem = pListBPObj->insert(iter, pBPObj);
// set subpaths and superpaths
// Because of the change in the new binding engine for paths for DONT_EXPOSE_LOWER
// components, we have to compare with every item in the list because the length
// no longer garantees which one is the subpath..
for (iter = pListBPObj->begin(); iter != pListBPObj->end(); iter++) { // Is this a sub-path ?
hrTmp = ((*iter)->m_pncbp)->IsSubPathOf((*iterNewItem)->m_pncbp); if (S_OK == hrTmp) { hrTmp = (*iter)->HrInsertSuperPath(*iterNewItem); if SUCCEEDED(hr) hr = hrTmp;
hrTmp = (*iterNewItem)->HrInsertSubPath(*iter); if SUCCEEDED(hr) hr = hrTmp; }
// Is this a super-path ?
hrTmp = ((*iterNewItem)->m_pncbp)->IsSubPathOf((*iter)->m_pncbp); if (S_OK == hrTmp) { hrTmp = (*iter)->HrInsertSubPath(*iterNewItem); if SUCCEEDED(hr) hr = hrTmp;
hrTmp = (*iterNewItem)->HrInsertSuperPath(*iter); if SUCCEEDED(hr) hr = hrTmp; } }
TraceError("HrInsertBindingPathObj", hr); return hr; }
// Member: HrRefreshBindingPathObjCollectionState
// Purpose: Refresh the binding state of all items in the collection
// of BindingPathObjects
// Arguments:
// [INOUT] pListBPObj
// Returns: S_OK if succeeded,
// otherwise return a failure code
// Author: tongl 20 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRefreshBindingPathObjCollectionState(ListBPObj * plistBPObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ListBPObj_ITER iter;
// first, clearup any existing state
for (iter = plistBPObj->begin();iter != plistBPObj->end(); iter++) { (*iter)->SetBindingState(BPOBJ_UNSET); }
// now set the new states
TraceTag(ttidLanUi, "*** List of binding paths: begin ***");
for (iter = plistBPObj->begin();iter != plistBPObj->end(); iter++) { Assert((*iter)->GetBindingState() != BPOBJ_ENABLED);
#if DBG
PrintBindingPath (ttidLanUi, (*iter)->m_pncbp, NULL); #endif
if (BPOBJ_UNSET != (*iter)->GetBindingState()) { continue; }
// if it's not disabled yet, i.e. all of its sub paths
// are enabled.
hr = ((*iter)->m_pncbp)->IsEnabled(); if (S_OK == hr) // enabled
{ (*iter)->SetBindingState(BPOBJ_ENABLED); continue; } else if (S_FALSE == hr) // disabled
{ // normal disabled case
// special cases:
// if the check state of the corresponding component is intent_check or mixed or checked
if ((*iter)->m_pCompObj != NULL) { // if user is not intentionally unchecking this component
if ((*iter)->m_pCompObj->m_ExpCheckState != UNCHECKED) { // if the component should be checked or if it's hidden
if ((((*iter)->m_pCompObj)->m_CheckState == INTENT_CHECKED) || (((*iter)->m_pCompObj)->m_CheckState == MIXED) || (((*iter)->m_pCompObj)->m_CheckState == CHECKED)) { // (#297772) We should only do this if one of the subpaths has just
// been re-enabled by user
BOOL fSubPathEnabled = FALSE;
ListBPObj_ITER iterSub; for (iterSub = (*iter)->m_listSubPaths.begin(); iterSub != (*iter)->m_listSubPaths.end(); iterSub++) { // is the top component just enabled ?
INetCfgComponent * pncc; hr = (*iterSub)->m_pncbp->GetOwner(&pncc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (((*iterSub)->m_pCompObj != NULL) && (CHECKED == (*iterSub)->m_pCompObj->m_ExpCheckState)) { fSubPathEnabled = TRUE; } ReleaseObj(pncc);
if (fSubPathEnabled) break; } }
if (fSubPathEnabled) { // Special case: enable the following binding path because
// 1) it's check state is intent or mixed, and
// 2) one of it's sub-paths is newly enabled
#if DBG
TraceTag(ttidLanUi, "Special case, enable the following path:"); PrintBindingPath(ttidLanUi, (*iter)->m_pncbp, "\n"); #endif
hr = HrEnableBindingPath((*iter)->m_pncbp, TRUE); if (S_OK == hr) { (*iter)->SetBindingState(BPOBJ_ENABLED); continue; } } } } } } } TraceTag(ttidLanUi, "*** List of binding paths: end ***");
TraceError("HrRefreshBindingPathObjCollectionState", hr); return hr; }
// Member: HrRefreshCheckListState
// Purpose: Refresh the check state of all components in the list view
// Arguments:
// hwndList[in]: Handle of the list view
// pChangedCompObj[in]: Component object which state has
// changed and has induced this refresh call.
// This is used to keep a corresponding "undo" flag
// for the changed component in case other components
// are dependend on this component and the user decides
// not to go through with the change.
// Set to NULL if not applicable.
// Returns: S_OK if succeeded,
// otherwise return a failure code
// Author: tongl 20 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRefreshCheckListState(HWND hListView, CComponentObj *pChangedCompObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceTag(ttidLanUi, "<<<<<Entering HrRefreshCheckListState");
// for each item in the list view
int nlvCount = ListView_GetItemCount(hListView);
LV_ITEM lvItem;
for (int i=0; i< nlvCount; i++) { lvItem.iItem = i; lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
lvItem.mask = LVIF_PARAM; if (ListView_GetItem(hListView, &lvItem)) { NET_ITEM_DATA * pnid;
pnid = reinterpret_cast<NET_ITEM_DATA *>(lvItem.lParam);
if (pnid) { // get the component object associated with this item
CComponentObj * pCompObj = pnid->pCompObj;
// assume the current component is not dependend on the
// supplied changed component
BOOL fDependedOnChangedComponent = FALSE;
// get counts for enabled & disabled paths
int iEnabled = 0; int iDisabled =0;
// for each ComponentObject on the list
ListBPObj_ITER iter; for (iter = (pCompObj->m_listBPObj).begin(); iter != (pCompObj->m_listBPObj).end(); iter++) { // the state should not be unset
Assert((*iter)->m_BindingState != BPOBJ_UNSET);
// if enabled
switch ((*iter)->m_BindingState) { case BPOBJ_ENABLED:
PrintBindingPath(ttidLanUi, (*iter)->m_pncbp, "is enabled");
iEnabled++; break;
PrintBindingPath(ttidLanUi, (*iter)->m_pncbp, "is disabled");
// $REVIEW(tongl 1/19/98): According to SteveFal,
// for paths with length>1, we only count "disabled" if
// the sub paths are all enabled but the main path is disabled.
// Bug #304606, can't use length any more with IPX special case
{ // Is all the subpaths enabled ?
BOOL fAllSubPathsEnabled = TRUE; ListBPObj_ITER iterSubPath; for (iterSubPath = ((*iter)->m_listSubPaths).begin(); iterSubPath != ((*iter)->m_listSubPaths).end(); iterSubPath++) {
if ((*iterSubPath)->m_BindingState == BPOBJ_DISABLED) { fAllSubPathsEnabled = FALSE;
// Is the changed component part of this
// component's sub paths?
if (pChangedCompObj) { ListBPObj_ITER changedIter; for (changedIter = (pChangedCompObj->m_listBPObj).begin(); changedIter != (pChangedCompObj->m_listBPObj).end(); changedIter++) { // Don't need to compare sub path to itself
if (pCompObj != pChangedCompObj) { hr = (*changedIter)->m_pncbp->IsSubPathOf((*iterSubPath)->m_pncbp); if (S_OK == hr) { fDependedOnChangedComponent = TRUE; break; } } } } break; } }
if (fAllSubPathsEnabled) { // Is the binding path itself enabled ?
hr = ((*iter)->m_pncbp)->IsEnabled(); if (S_FALSE == hr) { iDisabled++; hr = S_OK; } } } break;
default: PrintBindingPath(ttidLanUi, (*iter)->m_pncbp, "*** has an invalid binding state ***"); break; } }
UINT iChkIndex = 0; BOOL fHasPermission = FHasPermission(NCPERM_ChangeBindState);
if (pnid->dwFlags & NCF_FIXED_BINDING) { // Don't change the checked state, we just want to prevent
// the user from changing it.
iChkIndex = SELS_FIXEDBINDING_ENABLED; } else if ((iEnabled >0) && (iDisabled == 0)) { if (!fHasPermission) { iChkIndex = SELS_FIXEDBINDING_ENABLED; } else { // if we enabled the changed component,
// it should not have any dependable
// components anymore to "undo"
if (pCompObj == pChangedCompObj) { pCompObj->m_DepStateChanged = FALSE; }
// current state is "checked"
pCompObj->m_CheckState = CHECKED; iChkIndex = SELS_CHECKED; } } else if ((iEnabled >0) && (iDisabled > 0)) { if (!fHasPermission) { iChkIndex = SELS_FIXEDBINDING_ENABLED; } else { // current state is "mixed"
pCompObj->m_CheckState = MIXED; iChkIndex = SELS_INTERMEDIATE; } } else //iEnabled ==0
{ if (!fHasPermission) { iChkIndex = SELS_FIXEDBINDING_DISABLED; } else { if (pCompObj->m_ExpCheckState == CHECKED) { // mark the component who caused this state
// in order to be able to "undo" it later
if ((pChangedCompObj) && (fDependedOnChangedComponent)) { pChangedCompObj->m_DepStateChanged = TRUE; } // change current state to "intent checked"
pCompObj->m_CheckState = INTENT_CHECKED;
// $REVIEW(tongl 1/19/98): SteveFal wants to show the
// intent state as checked in the display
iChkIndex = SELS_CHECKED; } else if (pCompObj->m_ExpCheckState == UNSET) { // we are not changing this component
if ((pCompObj->m_CheckState == CHECKED) || (pCompObj->m_CheckState == MIXED) || (pCompObj->m_CheckState == INTENT_CHECKED)) { // mark the component who caused this state
// in order to be able to "undo" it later
if ((pChangedCompObj) && (fDependedOnChangedComponent)) { pChangedCompObj->m_DepStateChanged = TRUE; } // set current state to "intent checked"
pCompObj->m_CheckState = INTENT_CHECKED;
// $REVIEW(tongl 1/19/98): SteveFal wants to show the
// intent state as checked in the display
iChkIndex = SELS_CHECKED; } else { // set current state to "unchecked"
pCompObj->m_CheckState = UNCHECKED; iChkIndex = SELS_UNCHECKED; } } else { // current state is "unchecked"
pCompObj->m_CheckState = UNCHECKED; iChkIndex = SELS_UNCHECKED; } } }
// clear up expected check state
pCompObj->m_ExpCheckState = UNSET;
// update the checkmark
AssertSz(iChkIndex, "What's the new check state ??");
lvItem.mask = LVIF_STATE; lvItem.stateMask = LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; lvItem.state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(iChkIndex); BOOL ret = ListView_SetItem(hListView, &lvItem); } } }
TraceError("HrRefreshCheckListState", hr);
TraceTag(ttidLanUi, ">>>>>Leaving HrRefreshCheckListState"); return hr; }
// Member: HrEnableBindingPath
// Purpose: Wraps the INetCfgBindingPath->Enable method with the following
// flags: if enabling, it applies to all hidden super paths, if
// disabling, it applies to all super paths.
// Arguments:
// [IN] pncbp : the binding path to enable or disable
// [IN] fEnable : Enable = TRUE; disable = FALSE
// Returns: S_OK if succeeded,
// otherwise return a failure code
// Author: tongl 5 Dec 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrEnableBindingPath(INetCfgBindingPath * pncbpThis, BOOL fEnable) { HRESULT hr;
hr = pncbpThis->Enable(fEnable);
return hr; }
// Member: CBindingPathObj implementation
// Author: tongl 20 Nov 1997
// Notes:
CBindingPathObj::CBindingPathObj(INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp) { Assert(pncbp); m_pncbp = pncbp; m_pncbp->AddRef();
// Initialize other members
m_pCompObj = NULL;
m_BindingState = BPOBJ_UNSET;
HRESULT hr = pncbp->GetDepth(&m_ulPathLen); TraceError("CBindingPathObj::CBindingPathObj failed on GetDepth", hr); }
CBindingPathObj::~CBindingPathObj() { ReleaseObj(m_pncbp);
m_listSubPaths.erase (m_listSubPaths.begin(), m_listSubPaths.end()); m_listSuperPaths.erase (m_listSuperPaths.begin(), m_listSuperPaths.end()); }
HRESULT CBindingPathObj::HrInsertSuperPath(CBindingPathObj * pbpobjSuperPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ListBPObj_ITER iter;
// insert the new super path into the list, in increasing order of length
for (iter = m_listSuperPaths.begin(); iter != m_listSuperPaths.end(); iter++) { if ((*iter)->GetDepth() > pbpobjSuperPath->GetDepth()) break; }
// insert at the current position
ListBPObj_ITER iterNewItem = m_listSuperPaths.insert(iter, pbpobjSuperPath);
TraceError("CBindingPathObj::HrInsertSuperPath", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindingPathObj::HrInsertSubPath(CBindingPathObj * pbpobjSubPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ListBPObj_ITER iter;
// insert the new sub path into the list, in decreasing order of length
for (iter = m_listSubPaths.begin(); iter != m_listSubPaths.end(); iter++) { if ((*iter)->GetDepth() < pbpobjSubPath->GetDepth()) break; }
// insert at the current position
ListBPObj_ITER iterNewItem = m_listSubPaths.insert(iter, pbpobjSubPath);
TraceError("CBindingPathObj::HrInsertSubPath", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindingPathObj::HrEnable(ListBPObj * plistBPObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
#if DBG
if (m_BindingState == BPOBJ_ENABLED) { TraceTag(ttidError, "Why trying to enable a path that is already enabled ?"); } #endif
AssertSz(m_ulPathLen > 1, "binding path length must be > 1");
if (m_ulPathLen == 2) { // enable the current path
hr = HrEnableBindingPath(m_pncbp, TRUE); } else { if (m_listSubPaths.size() <= 0) { PrintBindingPath(ttidLanUi, m_pncbp, "m_ulPathLen > 1, but no subpaths"); AssertSz(FALSE, "if pathLen>1, there must be subpaths"); } else { // check if the sub-path object is enabled, if not then we can't
// enable this path ..
if (m_listSubPaths.back()->m_BindingState == BPOBJ_ENABLED) { hr = HrEnableBindingPath(m_pncbp, TRUE); } } }
// now refresh the BindingPathObjectList
TraceError("CBindingPathObj::HrEnable", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindingPathObj::HrDisable(ListBPObj * plistBPObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Disable the current path
hr = ::HrEnableBindingPath(m_pncbp, FALSE);
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = ::HrRefreshBindingPathObjCollectionState(plistBPObj); }
TraceError("CBindingPathObj::HrDisable", hr); return hr; }
#if DBG
VOID CBindingPathObj::DumpSubPathList() { TraceTag(ttidLanUi, " +++ Path: +++");
PrintBindingPath(ttidLanUi, m_pncbp, NULL);
if (m_listSubPaths.size()) { TraceTag(ttidLanUi, "=== Subpaths: ===");
for (ListBPObj_ITER iter = m_listSubPaths.begin(); iter != m_listSubPaths.end(); iter++) { (*iter)->DumpPath(); } } }
VOID CBindingPathObj::DumpPath() { PrintBindingPath(ttidLanUi, m_pncbp, NULL); } #endif
// Member: CComponentObj implementation
// Author: tongl 20 Nov 1997
// Notes:
CComponentObj::CComponentObj(INetCfgComponent * pncc) { Assert(pncc); m_pncc = pncc; m_pncc->AddRef();
// Initialize other members
m_CheckState = UNSET; m_ExpCheckState = UNSET; m_DepStateChanged = FALSE; }
CComponentObj::~CComponentObj() { ReleaseObj(m_pncc); m_listBPObj.erase (m_listBPObj.begin(), m_listBPObj.end()); }
HRESULT CComponentObj::HrInit(ListBPObj * plistBindingPaths) { PWSTR pszwThisId; HRESULT hr = m_pncc->GetId(&pszwThisId); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // builds the connection between a component object and a list of
// binding path objects
ListBPObj_ITER iter;
for (iter = plistBindingPaths->begin(); iter != plistBindingPaths->end(); iter ++) { INetCfgComponent * pncc; hr = (*iter)->m_pncbp->GetOwner(&pncc);
if SUCCEEDED(hr) { // check if the top component of the binding path is the
// same component by comparing INF id
PWSTR pszwId; hr = pncc->GetId (&pszwId); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (FEqualComponentId (pszwId, pszwThisId)) { // Add the BindingPathObj to the end of m_listBPObj
// Make m_pCompObj of the BindingPathObj point to this ComponentObj
Assert(NULL == (*iter)->m_pCompObj); (*iter)->m_pCompObj = this; }
CoTaskMemFree(pszwId); }
ReleaseObj(pncc); } }
CoTaskMemFree(pszwThisId); }
TraceError ("CComponentObj::HrInit", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CComponentObj::HrCheck(ListBPObj * plistBPObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrTmp = S_OK;
Assert(m_CheckState == UNCHECKED);
// remember that user wanted to check (enable) this component
m_ExpCheckState = CHECKED;
ListBPObj_ITER iter; for (iter = m_listBPObj.begin();iter != m_listBPObj.end(); iter++) { // enable each binding path with enabled subpath
hrTmp = (*iter)->HrEnable(plistBPObj);
if SUCCEEDED(hr) hr = hrTmp; }
TraceError("CComponentObj::HrCheck", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CComponentObj::HrUncheck(ListBPObj * plistBPObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrTmp = S_OK;
Assert(m_CheckState != UNCHECKED);
// remember that user wanted to uncheck (disable) this component
m_ExpCheckState = UNCHECKED;
if (INTENT_CHECKED == m_CheckState) { m_CheckState = UNCHECKED; } else { ListBPObj_ITER iter; for (iter = m_listBPObj.begin();iter != m_listBPObj.end(); iter++) { // disable each binding path with enabled subpath
hrTmp = (*iter)->HrDisable(plistBPObj);
if SUCCEEDED(hr) hr = hrTmp; } }
TraceError("CComponentObj::HrUnCheck", hr); return hr; }