#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "modset.h"
#include "modtree.h"
#include "ncstl.h"
struct GMBCONTEXT { // The tree to reference for generating the set.
IN const CModuleTree* pTree;
// The module to start with when generating the set.
IN const CModule* pSourceMod;
// INS_FLAGS to use when adding DepChain to the set.
IN DWORD dwFlags;
// The module list set to generate based on pSourceMod.
IN OUT CModuleListSet* pSet;
// The result of the operation.
// This module list is built up via recursion. It is
// temporary. It represents a depenedency chain sourced
// at pSourceMod. It is added to the set when the depth
// of the chain (or a circular reference) is detected.
CModuleList DepChain; };
VOID GetModuleBindings ( IN const CModule* pMod, IN OUT GMBCONTEXT* pCtx) { BOOL fFoundOne = FALSE; const CModuleTreeEntry* pScan;
Assert (pCtx); Assert (pCtx->pSourceMod); Assert (pCtx->pSet); Assert (pCtx->pTree);
// Append this module to te end of the context's working
// dependency chain.
pCtx->hr = pCtx->DepChain.HrInsertModule (pMod, INS_ASSERT_IF_DUP | INS_APPEND); if (S_OK != pCtx->hr) { return; }
// For all rows in the tree where the module is the one passed in...
for (pScan = pCtx->pTree->PFindFirstEntryWithModule (pMod); (pScan != pCtx->pTree->end()) && (pScan->m_pModule == pMod); pScan++) { fFoundOne = TRUE;
// Detect circular import chains.
if (pCtx->DepChain.FLinearFindModuleByPointer (pScan->m_pImportModule)) { pCtx->DepChain.m_fCircular = TRUE; continue; }
GetModuleBindings (pScan->m_pImportModule, pCtx); if (S_OK != pCtx->hr) { return; } }
// If we didnt find any rows with pMod as a module, it means we
// hit the depth of the dependency chain. Time to add it to the set
// unless this is the original module we were asked to find the
// set for.
if (!fFoundOne && (pMod != pCtx->pSourceMod)) {
CHAR pszBuf [4096]; ULONG cch = celems(pszBuf); pCtx->DepChain.FDumpToString (pszBuf, &cch); strcat(pszBuf, "\n"); printf(pszBuf);
pCtx->hr = pCtx->pSet->HrAddModuleList (&pCtx->DepChain, INS_APPEND | pCtx->dwFlags); }
const CModule* pRemoved;
pRemoved = pCtx->DepChain.RemoveLastModule();
// This should be the component we appened above.
Assert (pRemoved == pMod); }
CModuleTree::~CModuleTree () { FreeCollectionAndItem (Modules); }
HRESULT CModuleTree::HrAddEntry ( IN CModule* pMod, IN CModule* pImport, IN DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; iterator InsertPosition = NULL; CModuleTreeEntry* pEntry;
Assert (pMod); Assert (pImport);
if (size() == capacity()) { //fprintf(stderr, "growing module tree buffer\n");
__try { reserve (size() + 16384); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
hr = S_OK; //pEntry = PFindFirstEntryAfterModuleGroup (pMod);
pEntry = PBinarySearchEntryByModule (pMod, &InsertPosition);
if (pEntry != end()) { Assert (pEntry);
CModuleTreeEntry* pScan;
// Found an entry with a matching module. Need to scan backwards
// in the module group looking for a duplicate. If not found,
// Scan to the end looking for a duplicate and if we reach the
// end of the group, we can insert this entry there.
pScan = pEntry;
while (pScan != begin()) { pScan--;
if (pScan->m_pModule != pMod) { // Left the group without finding a dupliate.
break; }
if (pScan->m_pImportModule == pImport) { // Don't insert duplicate entries.
return S_OK; } }
Assert (pMod == pEntry->m_pModule); while (pEntry != end() && pEntry->m_pModule == pMod) { // Don't insert duplicate entries.
if (pEntry->m_pImportModule == pImport) { return S_OK; } pEntry++; }
// Looks like we'll be inserting it.
InsertPosition = pEntry; } else { // InsertPosition is the correct insertion point.
Assert (InsertPosition); }
__try { CModuleTreeEntry Entry;
Entry.m_pModule = pMod; Entry.m_pImportModule = pImport; Entry.m_dwFlags = dwFlags;
Assert (InsertPosition); insert (InsertPosition, Entry); Assert (S_OK == hr);
DbgVerifySorted(); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CModuleTree::HrGetModuleBindings ( IN const CModule* pMod, IN DWORD dwFlags /* GMB_FLAGS */, OUT CModuleListSet* pSet) const { GMBCONTEXT Ctx;
Assert (pMod); Assert (dwFlags); Assert (pSet);
// Initialize the output parameter.
if (!(dwFlags & GMBF_ADD_TO_MLSET)) { pSet->clear(); }
// Initialize members of the context structure for recursion.
ZeroMemory (&Ctx, sizeof(Ctx)); Ctx.pTree = this; Ctx.pSourceMod = pMod; Ctx.dwFlags = (dwFlags & GMBF_ADD_TO_MLSET) ? INS_IGNORE_IF_DUP : INS_ASSERT_IF_DUP; Ctx.pSet = pSet;
GetModuleBindings (pMod, &Ctx);
return Ctx.hr; }
CModuleTreeEntry* CModuleTree::PBinarySearchEntryByModule ( IN const CModule* pMod, OUT CModuleTreeEntry** pInsertPosition OPTIONAL) const { Assert (pMod);
// Find the module using a binary search.
if (size()) { LONG Lo; LONG Hi; LONG Mid; INT Result; const CModuleTreeEntry* pScan; PCSTR pszFileName = pMod->m_pszFileName;
Lo = 0; Hi = size() - 1;
while (Hi >= Lo) { Mid = (Lo + Hi) / 2;
Assert ((UINT)Mid < size()); pScan = (begin() + Mid);
Result = strcmp (pszFileName, pScan->m_pModule->m_pszFileName);
if (Result < 0) { Hi = Mid - 1; } else if (Result > 0) { Lo = Mid + 1; } else { Assert (pMod == pScan->m_pModule); return const_cast<CModuleTreeEntry*>(pScan); } }
// If we make it to here, the module was not found.
if (pInsertPosition) { CModule* pGroupMod; const CModuleTreeEntry* pPrev;
// Seek to the beginning of this group. We need to insert
// before the entire group, not just the one item we last found.
pScan = begin() + Lo;
if (pScan != begin()) { pGroupMod = pScan->m_pModule;
do { pPrev = pScan - 1;
if (pPrev->m_pModule == pGroupMod) { pScan = pPrev; } else { break; }
} while (pPrev != begin()); }
*pInsertPosition = const_cast<CModuleTreeEntry*>(pScan); Assert (*pInsertPosition >= begin()); Assert (*pInsertPosition <= end()); } } else if (pInsertPosition) { // Empty collection. Insert position is at the beginning.
*pInsertPosition = const_cast<CModuleTreeEntry*>(begin()); }
return const_cast<CModuleTreeEntry*>(end()); }
CModuleTreeEntry* CModuleTree::PFindFirstEntryWithModule ( IN const CModule* pMod) const { CModuleTreeEntry* pEntry;
Assert (pMod);
pEntry = PBinarySearchEntryByModule (pMod, NULL);
if (pEntry != end()) { Assert (pEntry);
if (pEntry != begin()) { CModuleTreeEntry* pPrev;
Assert (pMod == pEntry->m_pModule);
while (1) { pPrev = pEntry - 1;
if (pPrev->m_pModule == pMod) { pEntry = pPrev; } else { break; }
if (pPrev == begin()) { break; } } } }
return pEntry; }
CModuleTreeEntry* CModuleTree::PFindFirstEntryAfterModuleGroup ( IN const CModule* pMod) const { CModuleTreeEntry* pEntry;
Assert (pMod);
pEntry = PBinarySearchEntryByModule (pMod, NULL);
if (pEntry != end()) { Assert (pEntry); Assert (pMod == pEntry->m_pModule);
while (pEntry != end() && pEntry->m_pModule == pMod) { pEntry++; } }
return pEntry; }
CModuleTreeEntry* CModuleTree::PBinarySearchEntry ( IN const CModule* pMod, IN const CModule* pImport, OUT CModuleTreeEntry** pInsertPosition OPTIONAL) const { CModuleTreeEntry* pEntry;
Assert (this); Assert (pMod); Assert (pImport);
pEntry = PBinarySearchEntryByModule (pMod, pInsertPosition);
if (pEntry != end()) { Assert (pEntry);
const CModuleTreeEntry* pScan;
// Found an entry with a matching module. Need to scan backwards
// in the module group looking for a match. If not found,
// Scan to the end looking for a match and if we reach the
// end of the group, that will be the insert position (if specified).
pScan = pEntry; while (pScan != begin()) { pScan--;
if (pScan->m_pModule != pMod) { // Left the group without finding a dupliate.
break; }
if (pScan->m_pImportModule == pImport) { Assert (pScan->m_pModule == pMod); return const_cast<CModuleTreeEntry*>(pScan); } }
pScan = pEntry; Assert (pMod == pScan->m_pModule); while (pScan != end() && pScan->m_pModule == pMod) { if (pScan->m_pImportModule == pImport) { Assert (pScan->m_pModule == pMod); return const_cast<CModuleTreeEntry*>(pScan); }
pScan++; }
if (pInsertPosition) { *pInsertPosition = const_cast<CModuleTreeEntry*>(pScan); }
// No match.
pEntry = const_cast<CModuleTreeEntry*>(end()); }
return pEntry; }
#if DBG
VOID CModuleTree::DbgVerifySorted () { CModuleTreeEntry* pScan; CModuleTreeEntry* pPrev = NULL;
if (size() > 1) { for (pPrev = begin(), pScan = begin() + 1; pScan != end(); pScan++) { Assert (strcmp(pPrev->m_pModule->m_pszFileName, pScan->m_pModule->m_pszFileName) <= 0);
pPrev = pScan; } } } #endif