Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Stubs functions that manipulate NT registry.
Madan Appiah (madana) 7-Dec-1993.
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "dhcpglobal.h"
#include <dhcploc.h>
#include <dhcppro.h>
#include <dhcpcapi.h>
#include <dnsapi.h>
#include <align.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <ntddndis.h>
#define DEFAULT_METRIC (1)
extern ULONG FixupDhcpClassId( IN LPWSTR AdapterName, IN BOOL SkipClassEnum );
// Local function prototypes
DWORD DhcpRegQueryInfoKey( HKEY KeyHandle, LPDHCP_KEY_QUERY_INFO QueryInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function retrieves information about given key.
KeyHandle - handle to a registry key whose info will be retrieved.
QueryInfo - pointer to a info structure where the key info will be returned.
Return Value:
Registry Errors.
--*/ { DWORD Error;
QueryInfo->ClassSize = DHCP_CLASS_SIZE; Error = RegQueryInfoKey( KeyHandle, QueryInfo->Class, &QueryInfo->ClassSize, NULL, &QueryInfo->NumSubKeys, &QueryInfo->MaxSubKeyLen, &QueryInfo->MaxClassLen, &QueryInfo->NumValues, &QueryInfo->MaxValueNameLen, &QueryInfo->MaxValueLen, &QueryInfo->SecurityDescriptorLen, &QueryInfo->LastWriteTime );
DhcpAssert( Error != ERROR_MORE_DATA );
if( Error == ERROR_MORE_DATA ){ Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return( Error ); }
DWORD GetRegistryString( HKEY Key, LPWSTR ValueStringName, LPWSTR *String, LPDWORD StringSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function retrieves the specified string value from the registry. It allocates local memory for the returned string.
Key : registry handle to the key where the value is.
ValueStringName : name of the value string.
String : pointer to a location where the string pointer is returned.
StringSize : size of the string data returned. Optional
Return Value:
The status of the operation.
--*/ { DWORD Error; DWORD LocalValueType; DWORD ValueSize; LPWSTR LocalString;
DhcpAssert( *String == NULL );
// Query DataType and BufferSize.
Error = RegQueryValueEx( Key, ValueStringName, 0, &LocalValueType, NULL, &ValueSize );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return(Error); }
DhcpAssert( (LocalValueType == REG_SZ) || (LocalValueType == REG_MULTI_SZ) );
if( ValueSize == 0 ) {
if( StringSize != NULL ) { *StringSize = 0; }
*String = NULL; return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
// now allocate memory for string data.
LocalString = DhcpAllocateMemory( ValueSize );
if(LocalString == NULL) { return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
// Now query the string data.
Error = RegQueryValueEx( Key, ValueStringName, 0, &LocalValueType, (LPBYTE)(LocalString), &ValueSize );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DhcpFreeMemory(LocalString); return(Error); }
*String = LocalString;
if( StringSize != NULL ) { *StringSize = ValueSize; }
return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
DWORD ParseIpString( WCHAR *AddressString, DHCP_IP_ADDRESS *IpAddress ) /*++
Routine Description
This function converts an Internet standard 4-octet dotted decimal IP address string into a numeric IP address. Unlike inet_addr(), this routine does not support address strings of less than 4 octets nor does it support octal and hexadecimal octets.
Lifted from tcpip\driver\ipv4\ntip.c
AddressString - IP address in dotted decimal notation IpAddress - Pointer to a variable to hold the resulting address
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the address string was converted.
--*/ { WCHAR *cp, *startPointer, *endPointer; ULONG digit, multiplier; int i;
*IpAddress = 0; startPointer = AddressString; endPointer = AddressString; i = 3;
while (i >= 0) { //
// Collect the characters up to a '.' or the end of the string.
while ((*endPointer != L'.') && (*endPointer != L'\0')) { endPointer++; }
if (startPointer == endPointer) { return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } //
// Convert the number.
for (cp = (endPointer - 1), multiplier = 1, digit = 0; cp >= startPointer; cp--, multiplier *= 10 ) {
if ((*cp < L'0') || (*cp > L'9') || (multiplier > 100)) { return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } digit += (multiplier * ((ULONG) (*cp - L'0'))); }
if (digit > 255) { return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } digit <<= ((3-i) * 8); (*IpAddress) |= digit;
// We are finished if we have found and converted 4 octets and have
// no other characters left in the string.
if ((i-- == 0) && ((*endPointer == L'\0') || (*endPointer == L' ')) ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (*endPointer == L'\0') { return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } startPointer = ++endPointer; }
DWORD RegGetIpAndSubnet( IN DHCP_CONTEXT *dhcpContext, OUT PIP_SUBNET *TcpConf, OUT int *Count ) /*++
Routine Description
This function read a list of <IP,SubnetMask> pairs from TCPIP registry parameters.
Lifted from tcpip\driver\ipv4\ntip.c
KeyHandle keyhandle NOT location TcpConf The pointer to the array of <IP,SubnetMask> Count The # of records.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if succeed, otherfise fail.
--*/ { DWORD Error; WCHAR *IpList, *SubnetList, *IpListTmp, *SubnetListTmp; int i, cnt; PIP_SUBNET IpSubnetArray;
*Count = 0; *TcpConf = NULL; IpList = NULL; SubnetList = NULL; IpSubnetArray = NULL;
Error = DhcpGetRegistryValueWithKey( dhcpContext->AdapterInfoKey, DHCP_STATIC_IP_ADDRESS_STRING, DHCP_STATIC_IP_ADDRESS_STRING_TYPE, &IpList); if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DhcpAssert(IpList == NULL); goto cleanup; } Error = DhcpGetRegistryValueWithKey( dhcpContext->AdapterInfoKey, DHCP_STATIC_SUBNET_MASK_STRING, DHCP_STATIC_SUBNET_MASK_STRING_TYPE, &SubnetList); if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DhcpAssert(SubnetList == NULL); goto cleanup; } DhcpAssert(IpList && SubnetList);
* Count the # of valid <IP,subnet_mask> */ cnt = 0; IpListTmp = IpList; SubnetListTmp = SubnetList; while(*IpListTmp && *SubnetListTmp) { DHCP_IP_ADDRESS SubnetMask; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS IpAddress; Error = ParseIpString(IpListTmp, &IpAddress); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS && IpAddress != 0xffffffff && IpAddress) { Error = ParseIpString(SubnetListTmp, &SubnetMask); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cnt++; } } SubnetListTmp += wcslen(SubnetListTmp) + 1; IpListTmp += wcslen(IpListTmp) + 1; } if (cnt == 0) { DhcpPrint(( DEBUG_ERRORS, "No valid IP/SubnetMask pair\n")); Error = ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; goto cleanup; }
IpSubnetArray = (PIP_SUBNET)DhcpAllocateMemory(cnt * sizeof(IP_SUBNET)); if (IpSubnetArray == NULL) { Error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
* copy the Ip and subnet mask */ *Count = cnt; *TcpConf = IpSubnetArray; cnt = 0; IpListTmp = IpList; SubnetListTmp = SubnetList; while(*IpListTmp && *SubnetListTmp) { DHCP_IP_ADDRESS SubnetMask; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS IpAddress; Error = ParseIpString(IpListTmp, &IpAddress); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS && IpAddress != 0xffffffff && IpAddress) { Error = ParseIpString(SubnetListTmp, &SubnetMask); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DhcpAssert(cnt < *Count); IpSubnetArray[cnt].IpAddress = IpAddress; IpSubnetArray[cnt].SubnetMask = SubnetMask; cnt++; } } SubnetListTmp += wcslen(SubnetListTmp) + 1; IpListTmp += wcslen(IpListTmp) + 1; } Error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
cleanup: if (IpList) DhcpFreeMemory(IpList); if (SubnetList) DhcpFreeMemory(SubnetList); return Error; }
DWORD RegSetIpAddress( HKEY KeyHandle, LPWSTR ValueName, DWORD ValueType, DHCP_IP_ADDRESS IpAddress ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function sets IpAddress Value in the registry.
KeyHandle - handle to the key.
ValueName - name of the value field.
ValueType - Type of the value field.
IpAddress - Ipaddress to be set.
Return Value:
Registry Error.
--*/ { DWORD Error;
LPSTR AnsiAddressString; WCHAR UnicodeAddressBuf[DOT_IP_ADDR_SIZE]; LPWSTR UnicodeAddressString;
LPWSTR MultiIpAddressString = NULL; LPWSTR NewMultiIpAddressString = NULL; DWORD MultiIpAddressStringSize; DWORD NewMultiIpAddressStringSize; DWORD FirstOldIpAddressSize;
AnsiAddressString = inet_ntoa( *(struct in_addr *)&IpAddress );
UnicodeAddressString = DhcpOemToUnicode( AnsiAddressString, UnicodeAddressBuf );
DhcpAssert( UnicodeAddressString != NULL );
if( ValueType == REG_SZ ) { Error = RegSetValueEx( KeyHandle, ValueName, 0, ValueType, (LPBYTE)UnicodeAddressString, (wcslen(UnicodeAddressString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
goto Cleanup; }
DhcpAssert( ValueType == REG_MULTI_SZ );
// replace the first IpAddress.
// query current multi-IpAddress string.
Error = GetRegistryString( KeyHandle, ValueName, &MultiIpAddressString, &MultiIpAddressStringSize );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
// allocate new address string.
DhcpAssert(MultiIpAddressString != NULL);
FirstOldIpAddressSize = (wcslen(MultiIpAddressString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
NewMultiIpAddressStringSize = MultiIpAddressStringSize - FirstOldIpAddressSize + (wcslen(UnicodeAddressString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
NewMultiIpAddressString = DhcpAllocateMemory( NewMultiIpAddressStringSize );
if( NewMultiIpAddressString == NULL ) { Error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// make new address string first.
wcscpy( NewMultiIpAddressString, UnicodeAddressString );
// copy rest of the old addresses
RtlCopyMemory( (LPBYTE)NewMultiIpAddressString + (wcslen(UnicodeAddressString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), (LPBYTE)MultiIpAddressString + FirstOldIpAddressSize, MultiIpAddressStringSize - FirstOldIpAddressSize );
Error = RegSetValueEx( KeyHandle, ValueName, 0, ValueType, (LPBYTE)NewMultiIpAddressString, NewMultiIpAddressStringSize );
if( MultiIpAddressString != NULL) { DhcpFreeMemory( MultiIpAddressString ); }
if( NewMultiIpAddressString != NULL) { DhcpFreeMemory( NewMultiIpAddressString ); }
return( Error ); }
#if DBG
DWORD RegSetTimeField( HKEY KeyHandle, LPWSTR ValueName, DWORD ValueType, time_t Time ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function sets time Value in string form in the registry.
KeyHandle - handle to the key.
ValueName - name of the value field.
ValueType - Type of the value field.
Time - time value to be set.
Return Value:
Registry Error.
--*/ { DWORD Error; WCHAR UnicodeTimeBuf[TIME_STRING_LEN]; LPWSTR UnicodeTimeString;
UnicodeTimeString = DhcpOemToUnicode( ctime( &Time ), UnicodeTimeBuf ) ;
DhcpAssert( UnicodeTimeString != NULL ); DhcpAssert( ValueType == REG_SZ );
Error = RegSetValueEx( KeyHandle, ValueName, 0, ValueType, (LPBYTE)UnicodeTimeString, (wcslen(UnicodeTimeString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
return( Error ); }
DWORD // status
DhcpGetRegistryValueWithKey( // see defn of GetRegistryValue
IN HKEY KeyHandle, // keyhandle NOT location
IN LPWSTR ValueName, // value to read from registry
IN DWORD ValueType, // type of value
OUT LPVOID *Data // this will be filled in
) { DWORD Error; DWORD LocalValueType; DWORD ValueSize; LPWSTR LocalString;
// Query DataType and BufferSize.
Error = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, ValueName, 0, &LocalValueType, NULL, &ValueSize );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto Cleanup;
if( LocalValueType != ValueType ) { Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; }
switch( LocalValueType ) { case REG_DWORD:
DhcpAssert( ValueSize == sizeof(DWORD) );
Error = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, ValueName, 0, &LocalValueType, (LPBYTE)Data, &ValueSize );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto Cleanup;
DhcpAssert( LocalValueType == REG_DWORD ); DhcpAssert( ValueSize == sizeof(DWORD) );
case REG_SZ : case REG_MULTI_SZ: DhcpAssert(*Data == NULL);
if( ValueSize == 0 ) { Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; }
// now allocate memory for string data.
LocalString = DhcpAllocateMemory( ValueSize );
if(LocalString == NULL) { Error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Now query the string data.
Error = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, ValueName, 0, &LocalValueType, (LPBYTE)(LocalString), &ValueSize );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DhcpFreeMemory(LocalString); goto Cleanup; }
DhcpAssert( (LocalValueType == REG_SZ) || (LocalValueType == REG_MULTI_SZ) );
*Data = (LPBYTE)LocalString; Error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
default: Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
Cleanup: return( Error ); }
DWORD DhcpGetRegistryValue( LPWSTR RegKey, LPWSTR ValueName, DWORD ValueType, PVOID *Data ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function retrieves the option information from registry.
RegKey - pointer to registry location. like system\currentcontrolset\services\..
ValueName - name of the value to read.
ValueType - type of reg value, REG_DWORD, REG_SZ ..
Data - pointer to a location where the data will be returned. For string data and binary data, the function allocates memory, the caller is responsible to free it.
Return Value:
Registry Errors.
--*/ { DWORD Error; HKEY KeyHandle = NULL; DWORD LocalValueType; DWORD ValueSize; LPWSTR LocalString;
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegKey, 0 /* Reserved */, DHCP_CLIENT_KEY_ACCESS, &KeyHandle );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return Error;
Error = DhcpGetRegistryValueWithKey( KeyHandle, ValueName, ValueType, Data );
RegCloseKey(KeyHandle); return Error; }
DWORD // win32
DhcpRegRecurseDeleteSub( // delete the key's subkeys, recursing downwards
IN HKEY Key, IN LPWSTR KeyName ) { HKEY SubKey; DWORD Error; DWORD Index; WCHAR NameBuf[512]; FILETIME Unused;
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( // open this key to get its sub keys
Key, KeyName, 0 /* Reserved */, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &SubKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) return Error;
Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; Index = 0; while( ERROR_SUCCESS == Error ) { // scan looking for sub keys
memset(NameBuf, 0, sizeof(NameBuf)); sizeof(NameBuf); Size = sizeof(NameBuf)/sizeof(NameBuf[0]); Error = RegEnumKeyEx( SubKey, Index, NameBuf, &Size, // In # of characters
NULL /* Reserved */, NULL /* Class */, NULL /* Class size */, &Unused ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) break;
Error = DhcpRegRecurseDelete(SubKey, NameBuf); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) break;
memset(NameBuf, 0, sizeof(NameBuf)); sizeof(NameBuf); Size = sizeof(NameBuf)/sizeof(NameBuf[0]); Error = RegEnumKeyEx( SubKey, Index, NameBuf, &Size, NULL /* Reserved */, NULL /* Class */, NULL /* Class size */, &Unused ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) break;
Error = RegDeleteKey(SubKey, NameBuf); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) break;
Index ++; }
RegCloseKey(SubKey); if( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != Error ) return Error;
DWORD // win32 status
DhcpRegRecurseDelete( // delete the specified key AND its sub keys
IN HKEY Key, // root key
IN LPWSTR KeyName // the key to delete along with subkeys
) { DWORD Error; DWORD Error2;
Error = DhcpRegRecurseDeleteSub(Key,KeyName); Error2 = RegDeleteKey(Key,KeyName);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { return Error; }
return Error2; }
BOOL SetOverRideDefaultGateway( LPWSTR AdapterName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function reads the override default gateway parameter from registry and if this parameter is non-null, it sets the gateway value in the TCP/IP stack and return TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE.
AdapterName - name of the adapter we are working on.
Return Value:
TRUE: If the override gateway parameter is specified in the registry and it is succssfully set in the TCP/IP router table.
FALSE : Otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD Error; LPWSTR RegKey = NULL; DWORD RegKeyLength; HKEY KeyHandle = NULL; LPWSTR DefaultGatewayString = NULL; DWORD DefaultGatewayStringSize; BOOL EmptyDefaultGatewayString = FALSE; LPWSTR DefaultGatewayMetricString = NULL; DWORD DefaultGatewayMetricStringSize; LPWSTR String; LPWSTR Metric; DWORD ValueSize,ValueType; DWORD DontAddGatewayFlag;
RegKeyLength = (DWORD)(sizeof(DHCP_SERVICES_KEY) + sizeof(REGISTRY_CONNECT_STRING) + wcslen(AdapterName) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DHCP_ADAPTER_PARAMETERS_KEY));
RegKey = DhcpAllocateMemory( RegKeyLength );
if( RegKey == NULL ) {
Error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
wcscpy( RegKey, DHCP_SERVICES_KEY ); wcscat( RegKey, DHCP_ADAPTER_PARAMETERS_KEY ); wcscat( RegKey, REGISTRY_CONNECT_STRING ); wcscat( RegKey, AdapterName);
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegKey, 0, // Reserved field
DhcpFreeMemory(RegKey); RegKey = NULL;
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
DhcpAssert( KeyHandle != NULL );
ValueSize = sizeof(DWORD); Error = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, DHCP_DONT_ADD_DEFAULT_GATEWAY_FLAG, 0, &ValueType, (LPBYTE)&DontAddGatewayFlag, &ValueSize );
if ( Error == ERROR_SUCCESS && DontAddGatewayFlag > 0 ) { RegCloseKey(KeyHandle); return TRUE; }
Error = GetRegistryString( KeyHandle, DHCP_DEFAULT_GATEWAY_PARAMETER, &DefaultGatewayString, &DefaultGatewayStringSize );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( (DefaultGatewayStringSize == 0) || (wcslen(DefaultGatewayString) == 0) ) {
EmptyDefaultGatewayString = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
Error = GetRegistryString( KeyHandle, DHCP_DEFAULT_GATEWAY_METRIC_PARAMETER, &DefaultGatewayMetricString, &DefaultGatewayMetricStringSize );
if( 0 == DefaultGatewayMetricStringSize ) { Metric = NULL; } else { Metric = DefaultGatewayMetricString; }
for( String = DefaultGatewayString; wcslen(String) != 0; String += (wcslen(String) + 1) ) {
CHAR OemIpAddressBuffer[DOT_IP_ADDR_SIZE]; LPSTR OemIpAddressString; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS GatewayAddress; DWORD GatewayMetric = 1;
OemIpAddressString = DhcpUnicodeToOem( String, OemIpAddressBuffer ); GatewayAddress = DhcpDottedStringToIpAddress( OemIpAddressString );
if( Metric && Metric[0] ) { LPWSTR MetricEnd; GatewayMetric = wcstoul(Metric, &MetricEnd, 0); if( GatewayMetric && GatewayMetric != MAXULONG ) { Metric += wcslen(Metric) + 1; } else { GatewayMetric = DEFAULT_METRIC; Metric = NULL; } }
Error = SetDefaultGateway( DEFAULT_GATEWAY_ADD, GatewayAddress, GatewayMetric );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; } }
if( RegKey != NULL ) { DhcpFreeMemory( RegKey ); }
if( KeyHandle != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( KeyHandle ); }
if( DefaultGatewayString != NULL ) { DhcpFreeMemory( DefaultGatewayString ); }
if( DefaultGatewayMetricString != NULL ) { DhcpFreeMemory( DefaultGatewayMetricString ); }
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "SetOverRideDefaultGateway failed, %ld.\n", Error ));
return( FALSE ); }
if( EmptyDefaultGatewayString ) {
return( FALSE ); }
return( TRUE ); }
DWORD SetDhcpOption( LPWSTR AdapterName, DHCP_OPTION_ID OptionId, LPBOOL DefaultGatewaysSet, BOOL LastKnownDefaultGateway ) { DhcpAssert(FALSE); return 0; }
DWORD DhcpMakeNICEntry( PDHCP_CONTEXT *ReturnDhcpContext, BYTE HardwareAddressType, LPBYTE HardwareAddress, DWORD HardwareAddressLength, DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER *pClientID, LPWSTR AdapterName, LPWSTR RegKey ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function allocates memory and fills in the fields that are passed as parameter. (Only the variable length fields must be here).
Parameter for new entry : HardwareAddressType, HardwareAddress, HardwareAddressLength, ClientId, AdapterName, RegKey
Return Value:
Windows Error.
History: 8/26/96 Frankbee Added Client ID (option 61) support
--*/ { PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext = NULL; ULONG DhcpContextSize; PLOCAL_CONTEXT_INFO LocalInfo; LPVOID Ptr; BYTE StateStringBuffer[200]; DWORD AdapterNameLen; DWORD DeviceNameLen; DWORD NetBTDeviceNameLen; DWORD RegKeyLen;
AdapterNameLen = ((wcslen(AdapterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); NetBTDeviceNameLen = ((wcslen(DHCP_ADAPTERS_DEVICE_STRING) + wcslen(DHCP_NETBT_DEVICE_STRING) + wcslen(AdapterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( pClientID->fSpecified ) { DhcpAssert( pClientID->cbID ); DhcpContextSize += ROUND_UP_COUNT( pClientID->cbID, ALIGN_WORST ); }
Ptr = DhcpAllocateMemory( DhcpContextSize ); if ( Ptr == NULL ) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; RtlZeroMemory(Ptr, DhcpContextSize);
DhcpContext = Ptr; Ptr = ROUND_UP_POINTER( (LPBYTE)Ptr + sizeof(DHCP_CONTEXT), ALIGN_WORST);
DhcpContext->HardwareAddress = Ptr; Ptr = ROUND_UP_POINTER( (LPBYTE)Ptr + HardwareAddressLength, ALIGN_WORST);
if ( pClientID->fSpecified ) { DhcpContext->ClientIdentifier.pbID = Ptr; Ptr = ROUND_UP_POINTER( (LPBYTE)Ptr + pClientID->cbID, ALIGN_WORST ); }
DhcpContext->LocalInformation = Ptr; LocalInfo = Ptr; Ptr = ROUND_UP_POINTER( (LPBYTE)Ptr + sizeof(LOCAL_CONTEXT_INFO), ALIGN_WORST);
LocalInfo->AdapterName= Ptr; Ptr = ROUND_UP_POINTER( (LPBYTE)Ptr + AdapterNameLen, ALIGN_WORST);
LocalInfo->NetBTDeviceName= Ptr; Ptr = ROUND_UP_POINTER( (LPBYTE)Ptr + NetBTDeviceNameLen, ALIGN_WORST);
LocalInfo->RegistryKey= Ptr; Ptr = ROUND_UP_POINTER( (LPBYTE)Ptr + RegKeyLen, ALIGN_WORST);
DhcpContext->MessageBuffer = Ptr;
// Fill in the fields
DhcpContext->HardwareAddressType = HardwareAddressType; DhcpContext->HardwareAddressLength = HardwareAddressLength; RtlCopyMemory(DhcpContext->HardwareAddress, HardwareAddress,HardwareAddressLength);
DhcpContext->ClientIdentifier.fSpecified = pClientID->fSpecified;
if ( pClientID->fSpecified ) { DhcpContext->ClientIdentifier.bType = pClientID->bType; DhcpContext->ClientIdentifier.cbID = pClientID->cbID;
RtlCopyMemory(DhcpContext->ClientIdentifier.pbID,pClientID->pbID,pClientID->cbID); }
RtlCopyMemory(LocalInfo->AdapterName, AdapterName, AdapterNameLen);
wcscpy( LocalInfo->NetBTDeviceName, DHCP_ADAPTERS_DEVICE_STRING ); wcscat( LocalInfo->NetBTDeviceName, DHCP_NETBT_DEVICE_STRING ); wcscat( LocalInfo->NetBTDeviceName, AdapterName );
RtlCopyMemory(LocalInfo->RegistryKey, RegKey, RegKeyLen);
if( ReturnDhcpContext != NULL ) *ReturnDhcpContext = DhcpContext;
return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
BOOL ReadClientID( HKEY hKey, BYTE *pbClientIDType, DWORD *pcbClientID, BYTE *ppbClientID[] ) /*++
Function: ReadClientID
Routine Description:
Reads and validates the optional Client-Identifier option
hKey - handle to a registry key whose info will be retrieved.
pbClientIDType - Recieves the client ID option type
pcbClientID - Receives the size of the client id option
ppbClientID - Receives a pointer to a buffer containing the client ID option
Return Value: TRUE - A valid client ID was read from the registry FALSE - Client ID could not be read
Comments: If ReadClientID returns false, pbClientIDType, pcbClientID and ppbClientID will be set to NULL.
History 7/14/96 Frankbee Created
--*/ { DWORD dwResult, dwDataType, dwcb, dwClientIDType, dwClientID;
BYTE *pbClientID;
BOOL fClientIDSpecified = FALSE;
// read the client id and client id type, if present
dwcb = sizeof(dwClientIDType); dwResult = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER_FORMAT, 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE)&dwClientIDType, &dwcb ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwResult ) { DhcpPrint( (DEBUG_MISC, "Client-Indentifier type not present in registry.\n" )); //
// specify ID type 0 to indicate that the client ID is not a hardware
// address
dwClientIDType = 0; } else {
// the client id type is present, make sure it is the correct
// data type and within range
if ( DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER_FORMAT_TYPE != dwDataType || dwClientIDType > 0xFF ) { DhcpPrint( (DEBUG_MISC, "Invalid Client-Indentifier type: %d\n", dwClientIDType ));
goto done; } }
// Now try to read the client ID
// first try to read the size
dwcb = 0; dwResult = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER_VALUE, 0, 0, // don't care about the type
NULL, // specify null buffer to obtain size
&dwcb );
// make the the value is present
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwResult || !dwcb ) { DhcpPrint( (DEBUG_MISC, "Client-Identifier is not present or invalid.\n" )); goto done; }
// allocate the buffer and read the value
pbClientID = (BYTE*) DhcpAllocateMemory ( dwcb );
if ( !pbClientID ) { DhcpPrint( (DEBUG_ERRORS, "Unable to allocate memory for Client-Identifier "));
goto done; }
dwResult = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER_VALUE, 0, 0, // client id can be any type
pbClientID, &dwcb ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwResult ) { DhcpPrint( (DEBUG_ERRORS, "Unable to read Client-Identifier from registry: %d\n", dwResult ));
DhcpFreeMemory( pbClientID ); goto done; }
// we have a client id
fClientIDSpecified = TRUE;
if ( fClientIDSpecified ) { *pbClientIDType = (BYTE) dwClientIDType; *pcbClientID = dwcb; *ppbClientID = pbClientID; } else { *pbClientIDType = 0; *pcbClientID = 0; *ppbClientID = NULL; }
if ( fClientIDSpecified ) { int i;
// A valid client-identifier was obtained from the registry. dump out
// the contents
DhcpPrint( (DEBUG_MISC, "A Client Identifier was obtained from the registry:\n" ));
DhcpPrint( (DEBUG_MISC, "Client-Identifier Type == %#2x\n", (int) *pbClientIDType ));
DhcpPrint( (DEBUG_MISC, "Client-Indentifier length == %d\n", (int) *pcbClientID ));
DhcpPrint( (DEBUG_MISC, "Client-Identifier == " ));
for ( i = 0; i < (int) *pcbClientID; i++ ) DhcpPrint((DEBUG_MISC, "%#2x ", (int) ((*ppbClientID)[i]) ));
DhcpPrint( (DEBUG_MISC, "\n" )); }
return fClientIDSpecified; }
BOOL GuidToClientID( IN LPWSTR GuidString, BYTE *pbClientIDType, DWORD *pcbClientID, BYTE *ppbClientID[] ) { GUID guid; UNICODE_STRING unGuid; BYTE *pbClientID;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&unGuid, GuidString); if (RtlGUIDFromString(&unGuid, &guid) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } pbClientID = (BYTE*) DhcpAllocateMemory (sizeof(GUID)); if (pbClientID == NULL) { return FALSE; }
memcpy(pbClientID, &guid, sizeof(GUID)); *pbClientIDType = 0; // per RFC 2132, 0 should be used when the ID is not a hardware address
*pcbClientID = sizeof(GUID); *ppbClientID = pbClientID; return TRUE; }
DWORD // status
DhcpRegExpandString( // replace '?' with AdapterName
IN LPWSTR InString, // input string to expand
IN LPCWSTR AdapterName, // the adapter name
OUT LPWSTR *OutString, // the output ptr to store string
IN OUT LPWSTR Buffer // the buffer to use if non NULL
) { LPWSTR Mem; // the real mem to use
LPWSTR Tmp, Tmp2, MemTmp; DWORD MemSize; // the size of this memory
DWORD AdapterNameLen;// the amt of bytes for adapter name
*OutString = NULL;
AdapterNameLen = wcslen(AdapterName) * sizeof(WCHAR); if( NULL != Buffer ) { // Buffer already provided
Mem = Buffer; MemSize = 0; } else { // need to allocate buffer
MemSize = wcslen(InString)+1; // calculate memory size needed
MemSize *= sizeof(WCHAR);
Tmp = InString; while( Tmp = wcschr(Tmp, OPTION_REPLACE_CHAR ) ) { Tmp ++; MemSize += AdapterNameLen - sizeof(OPTION_REPLACE_CHAR); }
Mem = DhcpAllocateMemory(MemSize); // allocate the buffer
if( NULL == Mem ) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
Tmp = InString; MemTmp = Mem; while( Tmp2 = wcschr(Tmp, OPTION_REPLACE_CHAR) ) { memcpy(MemTmp, Tmp, (int)(Tmp2 - Tmp) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); MemTmp += (Tmp2-Tmp); memcpy(MemTmp, AdapterName, AdapterNameLen); MemTmp += AdapterNameLen/sizeof(WCHAR); Tmp = Tmp2+1; }
wcscpy(MemTmp, Tmp); *OutString = Mem;
DWORD // status
DhcpRegReadFromLocation( // read from one location
IN LPWSTR OneLocation, // value to read from
IN LPWSTR AdapterName, // replace '?' with adapternames
OUT LPBYTE *Value, // output value
OUT DWORD *ValueType, // data type of value
OUT DWORD *ValueSize // the size in bytes
) { DWORD Error; LPWSTR NewRegLocation; HKEY KeyHandle; LPWSTR ValueName;
Error = DhcpRegExpandString( // replace all occurences of '?'
OneLocation, AdapterName, &NewRegLocation, NULL ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) return Error;
ValueName = wcsrchr(NewRegLocation, REGISTRY_CONNECT); if( NULL != ValueName ) *ValueName++ = L'\0'; // split to reg loc and value name
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( // open the required key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // running in some process -- expect full path
NewRegLocation, // this is the new key
0 /* Reserved */, DHCP_CLIENT_KEY_ACCESS, &KeyHandle );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "RegOpenKeyEx(%ws):%ld\n", NewRegLocation, Error)); DhcpFreeMemory(NewRegLocation); return Error; }
*ValueSize = 0; *Value = NULL; Error = RegQueryValueEx( // first find out how much space reqd
KeyHandle, ValueName, 0 /* Reserved */, ValueType, NULL, ValueSize );
*Value = NULL; if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error || 0 == *ValueSize ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "RegQueryValueEx(%ws, %ws):%ld\n", NewRegLocation, ValueName, Error)); DhcpFreeMemory(NewRegLocation); RegCloseKey(KeyHandle); return Error; }
if( NULL == (*Value = DhcpAllocateMemory(*ValueSize))) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "RegReadFromLocation(%s):Allocate(%ld)failed\n", NewRegLocation, *ValueSize)); DhcpFreeMemory(NewRegLocation); RegCloseKey(KeyHandle); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
Error = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, ValueName, 0 /* Reserved */, ValueType, *Value, ValueSize );
DhcpFreeMemory(NewRegLocation); RegCloseKey(KeyHandle);
return Error; }
DWORD // status
DhcpRegReadFromAnyLocation( // read from one of many locations
IN LPWSTR MzRegLocation, // multiple locations thru REG_MULTI_MZ
IN LPWSTR AdapterName, // may have to replace '?' with AdapterName
OUT LPBYTE *Value, // data for the value read
OUT DWORD *ValueType, // type of the data
OUT DWORD *ValueSize // the size of data
) { DWORD StringSize; DWORD Error;
if( NULL == Value || NULL == ValueType || NULL == ValueSize ) { DhcpAssert( Value && ValueType && ValueSize && "DhcpRegReadFromAnyLocation" ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
while( StringSize = wcslen(MzRegLocation) ) { // read in sequence and see if anything hits
Error = DhcpRegReadFromLocation( MzRegLocation, AdapterName, Value, ValueType, ValueSize );
MzRegLocation += StringSize + 1; }
VOID DhcpRegReadClassId( // Read the class id stuff
IN PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext // Input context to read for
) { PLOCAL_CONTEXT_INFO LocalInfo; LPWSTR AdapterName; LPWSTR RegLocation; LPWSTR ValueName; LPBYTE Value; DWORD ValueSize; DWORD ValueType; DWORD Error;
DhcpContext->ClassId = NULL; DhcpContext->ClassIdLength = 0; RegLocation = NULL; LocalInfo = DhcpContext->LocalInformation; AdapterName = LocalInfo->AdapterName;
Error = GetRegistryString( DhcpGlobalParametersKey, DHCP_CLASS_LOCATION_VALUE, &RegLocation, NULL );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error || NULL == RegLocation ) { RegLocation = NULL; }
Error = DhcpRegReadFromAnyLocation( RegLocation?RegLocation:DEFAULT_USER_CLASS_LOC_FULL, AdapterName, &Value, &ValueType, &ValueSize );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error || NULL == Value ) { Error = FixupDhcpClassId(AdapterName, TRUE); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == Error) { Error = DhcpRegReadFromAnyLocation( RegLocation?RegLocation:DEFAULT_USER_CLASS_LOC_FULL, AdapterName, &Value, &ValueType, &ValueSize ); } }
if( NULL != RegLocation ) DhcpFreeMemory(RegLocation);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error || NULL == Value ) return;
DhcpContext->ClassId = DhcpAddClass(&DhcpGlobalClassesList,Value, ValueSize); if( NULL != DhcpContext->ClassId ) DhcpContext->ClassIdLength = ValueSize;
DhcpFreeMemory(Value); }
DWORD INLINE // win32 status
DhcpMakeContext( // allocate and create a context
IN LPWSTR AdapterName, // name of adapter
IN DWORD IpInterfaceContext, OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT *pDhcpContext // fill this with the ptr to allocated block
) { LPWSTR RegKey; HKEY KeyHandle; DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER ClientID; BYTE HardwareAddressType; LPBYTE HardwareAddress; DWORD HardwareAddressLength; DWORD Error, OldIpAddress, OldIpMask; DWORD IpInterfaceInstance; BOOL fInterfaceDown; PLOCAL_CONTEXT_INFO LocalInfo; DWORD IfIndex; ClientID.pbID = NULL; RegKey = NULL; KeyHandle = NULL; HardwareAddress = NULL;
RegKey = DhcpAllocateMemory( sizeof(WCHAR) * ( wcslen(DHCP_SERVICES_KEY) + wcslen(REGISTRY_CONNECT_STRING) + wcslen(AdapterName) + wcslen(DHCP_ADAPTER_PARAMETERS_KEY) + 1 ) );
if( RegKey == NULL ) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
wcscpy( RegKey, DHCP_SERVICES_KEY ); wcscat( RegKey, DHCP_ADAPTER_PARAMETERS_KEY ); wcscat( RegKey, REGISTRY_CONNECT_STRING ); wcscat( RegKey, AdapterName );
DhcpPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "Opening Adapter Key - %ws.\n", RegKey));
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegKey, 0, // Reserved field
DHCP_CLIENT_KEY_ACCESS, &KeyHandle ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "RegOpenKeyEx(%ws):0x%lx\n", AdapterName, Error)); DhcpFreeMemory(RegKey); return Error; }
ClientID.fSpecified = ReadClientID( KeyHandle, &ClientID.bType, &ClientID.cbID, &ClientID.pbID );
Error = DhcpQueryHWInfoEx( // query the stack for hw info
IpInterfaceContext, &IpInterfaceInstance, &OldIpAddress, &OldIpMask, &fInterfaceDown, &HardwareAddressType, &HardwareAddress, &HardwareAddressLength ); #else
Error = DhcpQueryHWInfo( // query the stack for hw info
IpInterfaceContext, &IpInterfaceInstance, &HardwareAddressType, &HardwareAddress, &HardwareAddressLength ); #endif BOOTPERF
if (HardwareAddressType == HARDWARE_1394 && !ClientID.fSpecified) { //
// Generate a client identifier for 1394 interface
ClientID.fSpecified = GuidToClientID( AdapterName, &ClientID.bType, &ClientID.cbID, &ClientID.pbID ); if (!ClientID.fSpecified) { Error = ERROR_BAD_DEVICE; } } if( ERROR_SUCCESS == Error ) { // now do the real allocate part and get the context
IfIndex = QueryIfIndex(IpInterfaceContext, IpInterfaceInstance); Error = DhcpMakeNICEntry( pDhcpContext, HardwareAddressType, HardwareAddress, HardwareAddressLength, &ClientID, AdapterName, RegKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == Error ) { // if everything went fine, store the KeyHandle
ULONG Caps; DhcpAssert((*pDhcpContext)); (*pDhcpContext)->AdapterInfoKey = KeyHandle; (*pDhcpContext)->RefCount = 1; KeyHandle = NULL; // null it so that it does not get closed below
LocalInfo = (PLOCAL_CONTEXT_INFO)((*pDhcpContext)->LocalInformation); LocalInfo->IpInterfaceContext = IpInterfaceContext; LocalInfo->IpInterfaceInstance = IpInterfaceInstance; LocalInfo->IfIndex = IfIndex; // IpInterfaceInstance is filled in make context
LocalInfo->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; // LocalInfo->AdapterName, RegistryKey, NetBtDeviceName ALREADY set in MakeNICEntry
LocalInfo->OldIpAddress = OldIpAddress; LocalInfo->OldIpMask = OldIpMask; LocalInfo->fInterfaceDown = fInterfaceDown; #endif BOOTPERF
(*pDhcpContext)->fTimersEnabled = FALSE; Error = IPGetWOLCapability(DhcpIpGetIfIndex(*pDhcpContext),&Caps); if( NO_ERROR == Error ) { if( Caps & NDIS_DEVICE_WAKE_UP_ENABLE ) { (*pDhcpContext)->fTimersEnabled = TRUE; } } Error = NO_ERROR; } } else { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "QueryHwInfo(0x%lx)=0x%lx\n", IpInterfaceContext, Error)); }
if( KeyHandle ) RegCloseKey(KeyHandle); if( ClientID.pbID ) DhcpFreeMemory(ClientID.pbID); if( RegKey ) DhcpFreeMemory(RegKey); if( HardwareAddress ) DhcpFreeMemory(HardwareAddress); if (Error == NO_ERROR) { (*pDhcpContext)->State.UniDirectional = (IsUnidirectionalAdapter(IpInterfaceContext))? 1: 0; }
return Error; }
DWORD // win32 status
DhcpRegFillParams( // re-read all the parameters for this adapter?
IN OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // read for this context
IN BOOL ReadAllInfo // read all information or just config stuff?
) { // currently ReadAllInfo parameter is ignored
HKEY KeyHandle;
DWORD Error; DWORD DwordValue; DWORD ValueType; DWORD ValueSize; DWORD AddressType; DWORD i; DWORD EnableDhcp; DWORD dwIPAutoconfigurationEnabled; DWORD DontPingGatewayFlag; DWORD UseInformFlag; DWORD InformSeparationInterval; DWORD DwordValuesCount; DWORD IpAddrValuesCount; DWORD ReleaseOnShutdown; DWORD fQuickBootEnabled; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS Address; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS IpAddress; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS SubnetMask; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS DhcpServerAddress; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS DesiredIpAddress;
DWORD Lease; LONG LeaseObtainedTime; LONG T1Time; LONG T2Time; LONG LeaseTerminatedTime;
LPWSTR AdapterName; LPWSTR ValueName; LPWSTR IpAddressString; CHAR IpAddressStringBuffer[DOT_IP_ADDR_SIZE];
struct /* anonymous */ { LPDWORD Value; LPWSTR ValueName; } DwordValuesList[] = { &EnableDhcp, DHCP_ENABLE_STRING, &Lease, DHCP_LEASE, &LeaseObtainedTime, DHCP_LEASE_OBTAINED_TIME, &T1Time, DHCP_LEASE_T1_TIME, &T2Time, DHCP_LEASE_T2_TIME, &LeaseTerminatedTime, DHCP_LEASE_TERMINATED_TIME, &dwIPAutoconfigurationEnabled, DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_ENABLED, &IPAutoconfigContext.Seed, DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_SEED, &AddressType, DHCP_ADDRESS_TYPE_VALUE, &DontPingGatewayFlag, DHCP_DONT_PING_GATEWAY_FLAG, &UseInformFlag, DHCP_USE_INFORM_FLAG, #ifdef BOOTPERF
&fQuickBootEnabled, DHCP_QUICK_BOOT_FLAG, #endif BOOTPERF
struct /* anonymous */ { LPDHCP_IP_ADDRESS Address; LPWSTR ValueName; } IpAddressValuesList[] = { // The first element *HAS* to be Ip address -- see the function for why
// Initialize locals
KeyHandle = DhcpContext->AdapterInfoKey; EnableDhcp = FALSE; Lease = 0; LeaseObtainedTime = 0; T1Time = 0; T2Time = 0; LeaseTerminatedTime = 0; dwIPAutoconfigurationEnabled = (DhcpGlobalAutonetEnabled?TRUE:FALSE); AddressType = ADDRESS_TYPE_DHCP; DontPingGatewayFlag = DhcpGlobalDontPingGatewayFlag; UseInformFlag = DhcpGlobalUseInformFlag; #ifdef BOOTPERF
fQuickBootEnabled = DhcpGlobalQuickBootEnabledFlag; #endif BOOTPERF
IpAddress = 0; SubnetMask = 0; DhcpServerAddress = 0; IPAutoconfigContext.Address = 0; IPAutoconfigContext.Subnet = inet_addr(DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_SUBNET); IPAutoconfigContext.Mask = inet_addr(DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_MASK); IPAutoconfigContext.Seed = 0; InformSeparationInterval = DHCP_DEFAULT_INFORM_SEPARATION_INTERVAL; ReleaseOnShutdown = DEFAULT_RELEASE_ON_SHUTDOWN;
AdapterName = ((PLOCAL_CONTEXT_INFO)(DhcpContext->LocalInformation))->AdapterName;
DwordValuesCount = sizeof(DwordValuesList)/sizeof(DwordValuesList[0]); IpAddrValuesCount = sizeof(IpAddressValuesList)/sizeof(IpAddressValuesList[0]);
for( i = 0; i < DwordValuesCount ; i ++ ) { ValueSize = sizeof(DWORD); ValueName = DwordValuesList[i].ValueName; Error = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, ValueName, 0 /* Reserved */, &ValueType, (LPBYTE)&DwordValue, &ValueSize ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "RegValue %ws is not found? Error: %ld. Defaults used\n", ValueName, Error)); continue; } if( REG_DWORD != ValueType ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "RegValue %ws is not a DWORD. Defaults used\n", ValueName)); continue; }
DhcpAssert( sizeof(DWORD) == ValueSize); *DwordValuesList[i].Value = DwordValue; DhcpPrint((DEBUG_TRACE, "RegValue %ws is [%ld]\n", ValueName, DwordValue)); }
if (IS_UNIDIRECTIONAL(DhcpContext)) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_MEDIA, "Detect Unidirectional Adapter: %ws\n", AdapterName)); EnableDhcp = FALSE; dwIPAutoconfigurationEnabled = FALSE; }
//For this to work correctly, the first element of array has to be the IPADDRESS
// RAS folks still use the DhcpIpAddress value in the registry, so dont change for them
if( !EnableDhcp && !NdisWanAdapter(DhcpContext) ) IpAddressValuesList[0].ValueName = DHCP_IPADDRESS_VALUE;
for( i = 0; i < IpAddrValuesCount ; i ++ ) { ValueName = IpAddressValuesList[i].ValueName; IpAddressString = NULL; Error = GetRegistryString( KeyHandle, ValueName, &IpAddressString, NULL );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "RegValue %ws : %ld -- Default used\n", ValueName, Error)); if( IpAddressString ) DhcpFreeMemory(IpAddressString); continue; }
if( wcslen(IpAddressString) >= DOT_IP_ADDR_SIZE ) { // either the format is wrong or this is a ' ' separated string?
DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "String <%ws> is too long, will try to take first address\n", IpAddressString));
if( wcschr(IpAddressString, L' ') ) *wcschr(IpAddressString, L' ') = L'\0' ; if( wcschr(IpAddressString, L',') ) *wcschr(IpAddressString, L',') = L'\0' ; if( wcslen(IpAddressString) >= DOT_IP_ADDR_SIZE ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "Unable to split string <%ws> to DOT_IP_ADDR_SIZE -- ignoring string\n", IpAddressString)); if( IpAddressString ) DhcpFreeMemory(IpAddressString); continue; } }
Address = inet_addr(DhcpUnicodeToOem(IpAddressString, IpAddressStringBuffer)); *IpAddressValuesList[i].Address = Address; if( IpAddressString ) DhcpFreeMemory(IpAddressString); DhcpPrint((DEBUG_TRACE, "RegValue %ws is ip-address %s\n", ValueName, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&Address))); }
if( IpAddress == 0 ) DhcpServerAddress = 0;
// Sanity check read parameters
if( 0 == IPAutoconfigContext.Mask ) { IPAutoconfigContext.Mask = inet_addr( DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_MASK); IPAutoconfigContext.Subnet = inet_addr( DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_SUBNET); }
if( (IPAutoconfigContext.Subnet & IPAutoconfigContext.Mask) != IPAutoconfigContext.Subnet) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "Illegal (auto) Subnet address or mask\n")); IPAutoconfigContext.Mask = inet_addr( DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_MASK); IPAutoconfigContext.Subnet = inet_addr( DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_SUBNET); }
if( 0 != IPAutoconfigContext.Address && (IPAutoconfigContext.Address & IPAutoconfigContext.Mask) != IPAutoconfigContext.Subnet) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "Illegal (auto) IP address: %s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&IPAutoconfigContext.Address))); // cant use the specified address.. really.
IPAutoconfigContext.Address = 0; }
DesiredIpAddress = IpAddress;
if( EnableDhcp && (time( NULL ) > LeaseTerminatedTime) || 0 == IpAddress ) { IpAddress = 0; SubnetMask = htonl(DhcpDefaultSubnetMask( IpAddress ));
Lease = 0; LeaseObtainedTime = T1Time = T2Time = LeaseTerminatedTime = 0; }
// fill in the fields of the context
// DhcpContext->NicListEntry will be done at the end
// DhcpContext->Haredware* already done in MakeNICEntry
DhcpContext->IpAddress = IpAddress; DhcpContext->SubnetMask = SubnetMask; DhcpContext->DhcpServerAddress = DhcpServerAddress; if( ReadAllInfo ) DhcpContext->DesiredIpAddress = DesiredIpAddress; DhcpContext->IPAutoconfigurationContext = IPAutoconfigContext; // ClientID is filled in in MakeNICEntry
if( ReadAllInfo ) { DhcpContext->Lease = Lease; DhcpContext->LeaseObtained = LeaseObtainedTime; DhcpContext->T1Time = T1Time; DhcpContext->T2Time = T2Time; DhcpContext->LeaseExpires = LeaseTerminatedTime; } // renewal list entry, run time, seconds since boot, renewal function
// send list, recd list, option cache, renew handle, class id
// --- all the above are handled elsewhere
DhcpContext->DontPingGatewayFlag = (DontPingGatewayFlag)?TRUE:FALSE; DhcpContext->UseInformFlag = (UseInformFlag)?TRUE:FALSE; DhcpContext->InformSeparationInterval = InformSeparationInterval; DhcpContext->ReleaseOnShutdown = ReleaseOnShutdown; #ifdef BOOTPERF
DhcpContext->fQuickBootEnabled = (fQuickBootEnabled ? TRUE : FALSE); #endif BOOTPERF
// AdapterInfoKey is set in MakeContext
// RenewHandle is set in AddNICtoListEx
// DhcpContext->MessageBuffer set in MakeNICEntry
if( dwIPAutoconfigurationEnabled ) AUTONET_ENABLED(DhcpContext); else AUTONET_DISABLED(DhcpContext); if( ReadAllInfo ) { // DhcpContext->MessageBuffer set in MakeNICEntry
if( EnableDhcp ) ADDRESS_UNPLUMBED(DhcpContext); else ADDRESS_PLUMBED(DhcpContext); SERVER_UNREACHED(DhcpContext); if( dwIPAutoconfigurationEnabled ) AUTONET_ENABLED(DhcpContext); else AUTONET_DISABLED(DhcpContext); CTXT_WAS_NOT_LOOKED(DhcpContext); if( EnableDhcp ) DHCP_ENABLED(DhcpContext); else DHCP_DISABLED(DhcpContext); if( ADDRESS_TYPE_AUTO != AddressType ) ACQUIRED_DHCP_ADDRESS(DhcpContext); else ACQUIRED_AUTO_ADDRESS(DhcpContext); if( IS_ADDRESS_AUTO(DhcpContext) ) { DhcpContext->IpAddress = 0; // this is useless if it is an autonet address
} MEDIA_CONNECTED(DhcpContext); // local info is setup in make context
DWORD // win32 status
DhcpRegFillFallbackConfig( // get the fallback config for this adapter
IN OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext // adapter context to fill in
) { DWORD Error; // returned error code
HKEY KeyHandle; // registry key to the configurations location
LPWSTR FbConfigName = NULL; // fallback configuration name
DWORD FbConfigNameLen; // length of the fallback configuration name
DWORD FbConfigNameType; // reg type of the configuration name
// start assuming there is no fallback configuration set
// get the list of active configurations for this adapter.
// For now we expect (and handle) only one, the fallback config.
// For the future, the MULTI_SZ might contain several config names
// that will be involved in autodetection.
// query the registry for the configuration's name size
// [HKLM\SYSTEM\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{Intf_GUID}]
// ActiveConfigurations = (REG_MULTI_SZ)
Error = RegQueryValueEx( DhcpContext->AdapterInfoKey, DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_CFG, NULL, &FbConfigNameType, NULL, &FbConfigNameLen);
// if something went wrong or the value has not the
// expected type, break out with an error
if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS || FbConfigNameType != DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_CFG_TYPE) { // if no error was signaled it means we found a key but
// its type is different from the one expected. Convert
// the success to an ERROR_BAD_FORMAT failure
// if we didn't find the pointer to the fallback config,
// it means we don't have one, hence is pure autonet.
// this is not a failure so return success
return Error; }
// allocate space for the registry path where the configuration is stored.
// [HKLM\SYSTEM\CCS\Services\Dhcp\Configurations\{configuration_name}]
FbConfigName = DhcpAllocateMemory( sizeof(DHCP_CLIENT_CONFIGURATIONS_KEY) + sizeof(REGISTRY_CONNECT_STRING) + FbConfigNameLen);
// if allocation failed, break out with error.
if (FbConfigName == NULL) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
// build up the prefix of the path: "SYSTEM\CCS\Services\Dhcp\Configurations\"
// now, since we know what to expect and we have the storage
// for it, get the config name from the same location as above
Error = RegQueryValueEx( DhcpContext->AdapterInfoKey, DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_CFG, NULL, &FbConfigNameType, (LPBYTE)(FbConfigName + wcslen(FbConfigName)), &FbConfigNameLen);
// the registry call above is expected to succeed and data
// to have the right type - we tested this before.
DhcpAssert(Error == ERROR_SUCCESS && FbConfigNameType == DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_CFG_TYPE); // open the registry key for this configuration
// [HKLM\SYSTEM\CCS\Services\Dhcp\Configurations\{Config_Name}]
Error = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, FbConfigName, &KeyHandle);
// in case of success...
if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // ...build up the FbOptionsList from that registry location
// from the "Options" value (REG_BINARY)
Error = DhcpRegReadOptionCache( &DhcpContext->FbOptionsList, KeyHandle, DHCP_IPAUTOCONFIGURATION_CFGOPT, TRUE // Add DhcpGlobalClassesList
if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // At this point we know for sure a fallback configuration
// is available. Set its flag accordingly
FALLBACK_ENABLED(DhcpContext); } // regardless success or failure, cleanup.
RegCloseKey(KeyHandle); }
// free up the memory previously allocated
// return the error code
return Error; }
DWORD // win32 status
DhcpAddNICtoListEx( // create a context and add it to renew list
IN LPWSTR AdapterName, // adapter to create context for
IN DWORD IpInterfaceContext, OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT *pDhcpContext // allocate a structure and fill this ptr
) { DWORD Error; HANDLE RenewHandle; PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext; CHAR StateStringBuffer[200]; PLOCAL_CONTEXT_INFO LocalInfo; RenewHandle = CreateSemaphore( NULL, // No security
1, // count = 1
1, // MaxCount = 1
NULL // No name
); if( NULL == RenewHandle ) { Error = GetLastError();
DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "CreateSemaphore: %ld\n", Error)); return Error; }
(*pDhcpContext) = NULL; Error = DhcpMakeContext(AdapterName, IpInterfaceContext, pDhcpContext);
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { CloseHandle(RenewHandle); return Error; }
DhcpContext = (*pDhcpContext); // initialize some simple params
DhcpContext->RenewHandle = RenewHandle; DhcpContext->NumberOfWaitingThreads = 0; DhcpContext->CancelEvent = WSACreateEvent(); if (DhcpContext->CancelEvent == WSA_INVALID_EVENT) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "WSAEvent 0x%lx could not be created: 0x%lx.\n", DhcpContext->CancelEvent, WSAGetLastError())); }
DhcpContext->RunTime = 0; DhcpContext->SecondsSinceBoot = 0; DhcpContext->RenewalFunction = NULL; InitializeListHead(&DhcpContext->RenewalListEntry); InitializeListHead(&DhcpContext->SendOptionsList); InitializeListHead(&DhcpContext->RecdOptionsList); InitializeListHead(&DhcpContext->FbOptionsList);
Error = DhcpRegFillParams( // read all the registry parameters
DhcpContext, TRUE // and yes, fill em up in the context
// read the fallback configuration (if any)
Error = DhcpRegFillFallbackConfig( DhcpContext );
DhcpPrint((DEBUG_TRACK,"Fallback: Loading returned %d.\n", Error));
LocalInfo = (PLOCAL_CONTEXT_INFO)DhcpContext->LocalInformation;
if( IS_DHCP_DISABLED(DhcpContext) ) { //
// Don't care about interface down info.
LocalInfo->fInterfaceDown = 0; LocalInfo->OldIpAddress = 0; LocalInfo->OldIpMask = 0; } else { //
// For DHCP enabled interfaces, if the interface is down,
// then bring it up with zero ip address. The protocol will
// take care of using the right IP address later on.
if( LocalInfo->fInterfaceDown ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "Interface already down\n")); LocalInfo->OldIpAddress = 0; LocalInfo->OldIpMask = 0; LocalInfo->fInterfaceDown = 0; IPResetIPAddress( LocalInfo->IpInterfaceContext, DhcpDefaultSubnetMask(0) ); Error = BringUpInterface(LocalInfo); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "Interface can't be brought up: 0x%lx\n", Error)); } } } #endif BOOTPERF
LOCK_OPTIONS_LIST(); DhcpRegReadClassId(DhcpContext); // fill in the class id first
Error = DhcpRegFillSendOptions( // figure the default list of options to send
&DhcpContext->SendOptionsList, AdapterName, DhcpContext->ClassId, DhcpContext->ClassIdLength ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DhcpRegFillSendOptions(%ws):%ld\n", Error)); }
if( IS_DHCP_ENABLED( DhcpContext ) ) { // read in the list of options we had before?
Error = DhcpRegReadOptionCache( &DhcpContext->RecdOptionsList, DhcpGlobalParametersKey, AdapterName, TRUE // Add DhcpGlobalClassesList
); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DhcpRegReadOptionCache(%ws): %ld\n", AdapterName, Error)); } } else { //
// ignore any option cache for static addresses because
// of bug # 413319. Instead for non-ndiswan stuff, clear
// the option cache.
if( !NdisWanAdapter(DhcpContext) ) { DhcpRegSaveOptions( &DhcpContext->RecdOptionsList, AdapterName, DhcpContext->ClassId, DhcpContext->ClassIdLength ); } } UNLOCK_OPTIONS_LIST();
if (NdisWanAdapter(DhcpContext)) InterlockedIncrement(&DhcpGlobalNdisWanAdaptersCount);
LOCK_RENEW_LIST(); // insert this into the renew list
InsertTailList( &DhcpGlobalNICList, &DhcpContext->NicListEntry ); UNLOCK_RENEW_LIST();
DhcpPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "DhcpMakeAndInsertNICEntryEx: DhcpContext %lx, Flags %s\n", DhcpContext, ConvertStateToString(DhcpContext, StateStringBuffer)));
VOID DhcpRegDeleteQuickBootValues( IN HKEY Key ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine deletes the values used for quickboot. (If the values are not presentt they are ignored).
The values deleted are: "TempIpAddress", "TempMask" and "TempLeaseExpirationTime"
Arguments: Key -- key under which these values are deleted.
--*/ { //
// ignore errors and silently delete values..
(void) RegDeleteValue(Key, DHCP_TEMP_IPADDRESS_VALUE ); (void) RegDeleteValue(Key, DHCP_TEMP_MASK_VALUE ); (void) RegDeleteValue(Key, DHCP_TEMP_LEASE_EXP_TIME_VALUE );
VOID DhcpRegSaveQuickBootValues( IN HKEY Key, IN ULONG IpAddress, IN ULONG Mask, IN ULONGLONG LeaseExpirationTime ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine saves the values needed to the registry. Values saved are: "TempIpAddress", "TempMask", "TempLeaseExpirationTime"
Arguments: Key -- key to save under IpAddress -- non-zero Ip address value Mask -- non-zero mask value LeaseExpirationTime -- lease expiration value.
--*/ { ULONG Error;
if( NULL == Key ) return;
DhcpAssert( 0 != IpAddress || 0 != Mask ); Error = RegSetIpAddress( Key, DHCP_TEMP_IPADDRESS_VALUE, REG_SZ, IpAddress ); DhcpAssert( ERROR_SUCCESS == Error );
Error = RegSetIpAddress( Key, DHCP_TEMP_MASK_VALUE, REG_SZ, Mask ); DhcpAssert( ERROR_SUCCESS == Error );
Error = RegSetValueEx( Key, DHCP_TEMP_LEASE_EXP_TIME_VALUE, 0 /* Reserved */, REG_BINARY, (PVOID)&LeaseExpirationTime, sizeof(LeaseExpirationTime) ); DhcpAssert(ERROR_SUCCESS == Error); }
DHCP_IP_ADDRESS // the static ip address of the adapter
DhcpRegReadIpAddress( // get the first ip address
LPWSTR AdapterName, // the adaptor of interest
LPWSTR ValueName // the ip address value to read
) { DWORD Error; LPWSTR RegKey; HKEY KeyHandle; DWORD ValueType; DWORD ValueSize; LPWSTR IpAddressString; CHAR OemIpAddressString[DOT_IP_ADDR_SIZE]; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS RetVal;
RetVal = inet_addr(""); RegKey = NULL; KeyHandle = NULL; IpAddressString = NULL;
Error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; RegKey = DhcpAllocateMemory( (wcslen(DHCP_SERVICES_KEY) + wcslen(REGISTRY_CONNECT_STRING) + wcslen(AdapterName) + wcslen(DHCP_ADAPTER_PARAMETERS_KEY) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); // termination char.
if( RegKey == NULL ) goto Cleanup;
wcscpy( RegKey, DHCP_SERVICES_KEY ); wcscat( RegKey, DHCP_ADAPTER_PARAMETERS_KEY ); wcscat( RegKey, REGISTRY_CONNECT_STRING ); wcscat( RegKey, AdapterName );
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegKey, 0, // Reserved field
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto Cleanup;
Error = GetRegistryString( KeyHandle, ValueName, &IpAddressString, NULL );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) goto Cleanup;
DhcpPrint((DEBUG_MISC, "Static adapter <%ws> has ip address %ws\n", AdapterName, IpAddressString));
DhcpAssert(NULL != IpAddressString);
RetVal = inet_addr(DhcpUnicodeToOem(IpAddressString, OemIpAddressString));
if( RegKey) DhcpFreeMemory(RegKey); if( KeyHandle ) DhcpFreeMemory(KeyHandle); if( IpAddressString ) DhcpFreeMemory(IpAddressString);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DhcpRegReadIpAddress: %ld\n", Error)); }
return RetVal; }
BOOL // obtained a static address?
DhcpRegDomainName( // get the static domain name if any
IN PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // adapter to get static domain for..
IN OUT LPBYTE DomainNameBuf, // buffer to fill with static domain name
IN ULONG BufSize // size of above buffer in bytes..
) { WCHAR DomBuf[260]; DWORD Result; DWORD ValueType; DWORD Size;
#if 0 // this is not really needed.
if( NULL == DhcpGlobalTcpipParametersKey ) { // maybe running in RAS context?
return FALSE; // no domain name in this context..
Size = BufSize; Result = RegQueryValueExA( // first read the value from global
DhcpGlobalTcpipParametersKey, // Tcpip\Parameters\Domain key
0, &ValueType, DomainNameBuf, &BufSize ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS == Result && REG_SZ == ValueType && BufSize > 1 ) { return TRUE; // got a domain name! aha
} BufSize = Size; #endif
if( NULL == DhcpContext->AdapterInfoKey ) { // uh? dont know what this means..
return FALSE; // cant get global information in this case
Size = sizeof(DomBuf); Result = RegQueryValueExW( // now try to read the per-adapter stuff..
DhcpContext->AdapterInfoKey, // per-adapter key is already there for us
DHCP_DOMAINNAME_VALUE, // same value.. "Domain"
0, &ValueType, (LPBYTE)DomBuf, &Size );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == Result && REG_SZ == ValueType && Size > sizeof(WCHAR) ) { if( NULL == DhcpUnicodeToOem(DomBuf, DomainNameBuf) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; // did not find a static domain in either place..
STATIC struct /* anonymous */ { DHCPKEY *GlobalKey; LPWSTR KeyLocation; } GlobalKeyList[] = { // the list of keys that need to be opened
&DhcpGlobalParametersKey, DHCP_CLIENT_PARAMETER_KEY, &DhcpGlobalTcpipParametersKey, DHCP_TCPIP_PARAMETERS_KEY, &DhcpGlobalClientOptionKey, DHCP_CLIENT_OPTION_KEY, NULL, NULL, };
ULONG DwordDisplayPopup; STATIC struct /* anonymous */ { DWORD *DwordValue; LPWSTR ValueName; } GlobalTcpipDwordParameters[] = { // The global list of DWORDS
&DhcpGlobalQuickBootEnabledFlag,DHCP_QUICK_BOOT_FLAG, #endif BOOTPERF
NULL, NULL, }, GlobalDhcpDwordParameters[] = { // stored in Services\Dhcp\Params..
#if DBG
&DhcpGlobalDebugFlag, DHCP_DEBUG_FLAG_VALUE, &DhcpGlobalServerPort, DHCP_SERVER_PORT_VALUE, &DhcpGlobalClientPort, DHCP_CLIENT_PORT_VALUE, #endif DBG
DWORD // Win32 status
DhcpInitRegistry( // Initialize registry based globals
VOID ) { DWORD Error; DWORD i; DWORD Type; DWORD Size; DWORD DwordValue; LPWSTR ValueName;
DhcpGlobalAutonetEnabled = TRUE;
i = 0; while( NULL != GlobalKeyList[i].GlobalKey ) { Error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, GlobalKeyList[i].KeyLocation, 0 /* Reserved */, DHCP_CLIENT_KEY_ACCESS, GlobalKeyList[i].GlobalKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) return Error; i ++; }
i = 0; while( NULL != GlobalTcpipDwordParameters[i].DwordValue ) { ValueName = GlobalTcpipDwordParameters[i++].ValueName; Size = sizeof(DwordValue); Error = RegQueryValueEx( DhcpGlobalTcpipParametersKey, ValueName, 0 /* Reserved */, &Type, (LPBYTE)&DwordValue, &Size );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "Did not find value %ws in the registry\n", ValueName)); continue; }
if( REG_DWORD != Type ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "RegValue %ws is not DWORD type -- ignored\n", ValueName)); continue; }
DhcpAssert(sizeof(DWORD) == Size); *GlobalTcpipDwordParameters[i-1].DwordValue = DwordValue;
DhcpPrint((DEBUG_TRACE, "RegValue %ws = %ld = 0x%X\n", ValueName, DwordValue, DwordValue)); }
DwordDisplayPopup = 0; i = 0; while( NULL != GlobalDhcpDwordParameters[i].DwordValue ) { ValueName = GlobalDhcpDwordParameters[i++].ValueName; Size = sizeof(DwordValue); Error = RegQueryValueEx( DhcpGlobalParametersKey, ValueName, 0 /* Reserved */, &Type, (LPBYTE)&DwordValue, &Size );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "Did not find value %ws in the registry\n", ValueName)); continue; }
if( REG_DWORD != Type ) { DhcpPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "RegValue %ws is not DWORD type -- ignored\n", ValueName)); continue; }
DhcpAssert(sizeof(DWORD) == Size); *GlobalDhcpDwordParameters[i-1].DwordValue = DwordValue;
DhcpPrint((DEBUG_TRACE, "RegValue %ws = %ld = 0x%X\n", ValueName, DwordValue, DwordValue)); }
if( DwordDisplayPopup ) DhcpGlobalDisplayPopup = TRUE ; else DhcpGlobalDisplayPopup = FALSE; return DhcpRegReadOptionDefList(); }
VOID DhcpCleanupRegistry( // undo the effects of InitReg call
i = 0; while( NULL != GlobalKeyList[i].GlobalKey ) { if( *GlobalKeyList[i].GlobalKey ) RegCloseKey(*GlobalKeyList[i].GlobalKey); (*GlobalKeyList[i].GlobalKey) = NULL; i ++ ; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End of file