Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Coporation
Module Name:
main module --*/
#include <precomp.h>
#include <dhcpexim.h>
BOOL GlobalIsNT4, GlobalIsNT5; WCHAR CurrentDir[MAX_PATH*2];
CRITICAL_SECTION DhcpGlobalMemoryCritSect; CRITICAL_SECTION DhcpGlobalInProgressCritSect; CHAR DhcpEximOemDatabaseName[2048]; CHAR DhcpEximOemDatabasePath[2048]; HANDLE hLog;
BOOL IsNT4( VOID ) { return GlobalIsNT4; }
BOOL IsNT5( VOID ) { return GlobalIsNT5; }
#define MAX_PRINTF_LEN 4096
char OutputBuf[MAX_PRINTF_LEN];
VOID StartDebugLog( VOID ) { CHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH*2];
if( NULL != hLog ) return; if( 0 == GetWindowsDirectoryA( Buffer, MAX_PATH )) { ZeroMemory(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)); }
if( Buffer[strlen(Buffer)-1] != '\\' ) { strcat(Buffer, "\\"); } strcat(Buffer, "dhcpexim.log"); hLog = CreateFileA( Buffer, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL );
if( hLog == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hLog = NULL; }
if(GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { //
// Appending to existing file
SetFilePointer(hLog,0,NULL,FILE_END); } }
VOID CloseDebugLog( VOID ) { if( hLog ) { CloseHandle( hLog ); hLog = NULL; } }
DWORD Tr( IN LPSTR Format, ... ) { va_list ArgList; ULONG Length;
strcpy(OutputBuf, "[DHCP] "); Length = strlen(OutputBuf);
va_start(ArgList, Format); Length = vsprintf(&OutputBuf[Length], Format, ArgList ); va_end(ArgList);
#if DBG
DbgPrint( (PCH)OutputBuf ); #endif
if( hLog ) { DWORD Size = strlen(OutputBuf); WriteFile( hLog, OutputBuf, Size, &Size, NULL ); }
return NO_ERROR; }
BOOL IsPostW2k( VOID ) { HKEY hKey; DWORD Error, Type, Value, Size;
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\DHCPServer\\Parameters"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
if( NO_ERROR != Error ) return FALSE;
Type = REG_DWORD; Value = 0; Size = sizeof(Value); Error = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Version"), NULL, &Type, (PVOID)&Value, &Size );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
// if this value is not present, then upgrade is needed
return (Error == NO_ERROR ); }
DWORD ReconcileLocalService( IN PULONG Subnets, IN DWORD nSubnets OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine reconciles the specified scopes. This is needed after importing as the import doesnt actually get the bitmask, but only the database entries.
--*/ { DWORD Error, FinalError, nRead, nTotal, i; DHCP_RESUME_HANDLE Resume = 0; LPDHCP_IP_ARRAY IpArray; if( 0 == nSubnets ) { IpArray = NULL; Error = DhcpEnumSubnets( L"", &Resume, (ULONG)(-1), &IpArray, &nRead, &nTotal ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DhcpEnumSubnets: %ld\n", Error); return Error; }
if( 0 == nRead || 0 == nTotal || IpArray->NumElements == 0 ) { Tr("DhcpEnumSubnets returned none." ); return NO_ERROR; }
Error = ReconcileLocalService( IpArray->Elements, IpArray->NumElements );
DhcpRpcFreeMemory( IpArray );
return Error; }
// Reconcile each of the specified scopes
FinalError = NO_ERROR; for( i = 0; i < nSubnets ; i ++ ) { LPDHCP_SCAN_LIST ScanList = NULL; Error = DhcpScanDatabase( L"", Subnets[i], TRUE, &ScanList);
if( NULL != ScanList ) DhcpRpcFreeMemory( ScanList );
if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DhcpScanDatabase(0x%lx): %ld\n", Subnets[i], Error); FinalError = Error; } }
return FinalError; } DWORD InitializeAndGetServiceConfig( OUT PM_SERVER *pServer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes all the modules and obtains the configuration for the service
--*/ { DWORD Error; OSVERSIONINFO Ver; extern DWORD ClassIdRunningCount; // defined in mm\classdefl.c
// Initialize globals
GlobalIsNT4 = FALSE; GlobalIsNT5 = FALSE; try { InitializeCriticalSection( &DhcpGlobalMemoryCritSect ); InitializeCriticalSection( &DhcpGlobalInProgressCritSect ); }except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { Error = GetLastError( ); return Error; }
ClassIdRunningCount = 0x1000; //
// Other initialization
Error = NO_ERROR; Ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Ver); if( FALSE == GetVersionEx(&Ver) ) return GetLastError(); if( Ver.dwMajorVersion == 4 ) GlobalIsNT4 = TRUE; else if( Ver.dwMajorVersion == 5 ) GlobalIsNT5 = TRUE; else if( Ver.dwMajorVersion < 4 ) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
if( GlobalIsNT5 && IsPostW2k() ) GlobalIsNT5 = FALSE;
#if DBG
DbgPrint("Is NT4: %s, Is NT5: %s\n", GlobalIsNT4 ? "yes" : "no", GlobalIsNT5 ? "yes" : "no" ); StartDebugLog(); #endif
SaveBufSize = 0; SaveBuf = LocalAlloc( LPTR, SAVE_BUF_SIZE ); if( NULL == SaveBuf ) { return GetLastError(); } Error = GetCurrentDirectoryW( sizeof(CurrentDir)/sizeof(WCHAR), CurrentDir ); if( 0 != Error ) { Error = NO_ERROR; } else { Error = GetLastError(); Tr("GetCurrentDirectoryW: %ld\n", Error ); return Error; }
// Set right permissions on the db directory etc..
Error = InitializeDatabaseParameters(); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("InitializeDatabaseParameters: %ld\n", Error ); return Error; } //
// Now obtain the configuration
if( !GlobalIsNT4 && !GlobalIsNT5 ) { //
// Whistler configuration should be read from the
// database..
Error = DhcpeximReadDatabaseConfiguration(pServer); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DhcpeximReadDatabaseConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); } } else {
// NT4 or W2K configuration should be read from registry..
Error = DhcpeximReadRegistryConfiguration(pServer); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DhcpeximReadRegistryConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); } }
return Error; }
DWORD CleanupServiceConfig( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server ) { DWORD Error;
if( NULL != SaveBuf ) LocalFree(SaveBuf); SaveBuf = NULL; SaveBufSize = 0; if( NULL != Server ) MemServerFree(Server); Error = CleanupDatabaseParameters(); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("CleanupServiceConfig: %ld\n", Error ); }
if( FALSE == SetCurrentDirectoryW(CurrentDir) ) { if( NO_ERROR == Error ) Error = GetLastError(); Tr("SetCurrentDirectoryW: %ld\n", GetLastError()); }
DeleteCriticalSection( &DhcpGlobalMemoryCritSect ); DeleteCriticalSection( &DhcpGlobalInProgressCritSect );
return Error; }
DWORD ExportConfiguration( IN OUT PM_SERVER SvcConfig, IN ULONG *Subnets, IN ULONG nSubnets, IN HANDLE hFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine attempts to save the service configuration to a file after selecting the required subnets.
--*/ { DWORD Error;
// First select the required subnets and get this
// configuration alone.
Error = SelectConfiguration( SvcConfig, Subnets, nSubnets ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) return Error;
// Save the configuration to the specified file handle
hTextFile = hFile; Error = SaveConfigurationToFile(SvcConfig); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) return Error;
// Now try to save the database entries to file
Error = SaveDatabaseEntriesToFile(Subnets, nSubnets); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) return Error;
Tr("ExportConfiguration succeeded\n"); return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD ImportConfiguration( IN OUT PM_SERVER SvcConfig, IN ULONG *Subnets, IN ULONG nSubnets, IN LPBYTE Mem, // import file : shared mem
IN ULONG MemSize // shared mem size
) { DWORD Error; PM_SERVER Server; //
// First obtain the configuration from the file
Error = ReadDbEntries( &Mem, &MemSize, &Server ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("ReadDbEntries: %ld\n", Error ); return Error; }
// Select the configuration required
Error = SelectConfiguration( Server, Subnets, nSubnets ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) return Error;
// Merge the configuration along with the svc configuration
Error = MergeConfigurations( SvcConfig, Server ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("MergeConfigurations: %ld\n", Error ); }
MemServerFree( Server );
if( NO_ERROR != Error ) return Error;
// Now save the new configuration to registry/disk
if( !GlobalIsNT5 && !GlobalIsNT4 ) { //
// Whistler has config in database
Error = DhcpeximWriteDatabaseConfiguration(SvcConfig); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DhcpeximWriteDatabaseConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); } } else { Error = DhcpeximWriteRegistryConfiguration(SvcConfig); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DhcpeximWriteRegistryConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); } }
if( NO_ERROR != Error ) return Error;
// Now read the database entries from file and stash them
// into the db.
Error = SaveFileEntriesToDatabase( Mem, MemSize, Subnets, nSubnets ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("SaveFileEntriesToDatabase: %ld\n", Error ); }
return Error; }
VOID IpAddressToStringW( IN DWORD IpAddress, IN LPWSTR String // must have enough space preallocated
) { PUCHAR pAddress; ULONG Size;
pAddress = (PUCHAR)&IpAddress; wsprintf(String, L"%ld.%ld.%ld.%ld", pAddress[3], pAddress[2], pAddress[1], pAddress[0] ); }
DWORD StringToIpAddressW( LPWSTR pwszString ) { DWORD dwStrlen = 0; DWORD dwLen = 0; DWORD dwRes = 0; LPSTR pszString = NULL; if( pwszString == NULL ) return dwRes;
pszString = DhcpUnicodeToOem(pwszString, NULL); if( pszString ) { dwRes = DhcpDottedStringToIpAddress(pszString); }
return dwRes; } DWORD CmdLineDoImport( IN LPWSTR *Args, IN ULONG nArgs ) { //
// Syntax: Import <filename> <ALL/subnets>
LPWSTR FileName; ULONG Subnets[1024],*pSubnets, nSubnets, MemSize, Error; HANDLE hFile; LPBYTE Mem; PM_SERVER SvcConfig, FileConfig; if( nArgs == 1 ) return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
FileName = Args[0]; Args ++ ; nArgs --;
// First open the file
Error = OpenTextFile( FileName, TRUE, &hFile, &Mem, &MemSize ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("OpenTextFileForRead: %ld\n", Error ); return Error; }
// Now try to parse the rest of the arguments to see if they
// are all ok
if( _wcsicmp(Args[0],L"ALL") == 0 ) { nSubnets = 0; pSubnets = NULL; } else { pSubnets = Subnets; nSubnets = 0; while( nArgs -- ) { pSubnets[nSubnets++] = StringToIpAddressW(*Args++); if( pSubnets[nSubnets-1] == INADDR_ANY || pSubnets[nSubnets-1] == INADDR_NONE ) { Error = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; goto Cleanup; } } }
// Initialize parameters
Error = InitializeAndGetServiceConfig( &SvcConfig ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("InitializeAndGetServiceConfig: %ld\n", Error ); goto Cleanup; }
Error = ImportConfiguration( SvcConfig, pSubnets, nSubnets, Mem, MemSize ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("ImportConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); } //
// Finally cleanup
// Also reconcile local server
ReconcileLocalService(pSubnets, nSubnets); Cleanup:
CloseTextFile( hFile, Mem ); return Error; }
DWORD CmdLineDoExport( IN LPWSTR *Args, IN ULONG nArgs ) { //
// Syntax: Import <filename> <ALL/subnets>
LPWSTR FileName; ULONG Subnets[1024],*pSubnets, nSubnets, MemSize, Error; HANDLE hFile; LPBYTE Mem; PM_SERVER SvcConfig, FileConfig; if( nArgs == 1 ) return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
FileName = Args[0]; Args ++ ; nArgs --;
// First open the file
Error = OpenTextFile( FileName, FALSE, &hFile, &Mem, &MemSize ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("OpenTextFileForRead: %ld\n", Error ); return Error; }
// Now try to parse the rest of the arguments to see if they
// are all ok
if( _wcsicmp(Args[0],L"ALL") == 0 ) { nSubnets = 0; pSubnets = NULL; } else { pSubnets = Subnets; nSubnets = 0; while( nArgs -- ) { pSubnets[nSubnets++] = StringToIpAddressW(*Args++); if( pSubnets[nSubnets-1] == INADDR_ANY || pSubnets[nSubnets-1] == INADDR_NONE ) { Error = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; goto Cleanup; } } }
// Initialize parameters
Error = InitializeAndGetServiceConfig( &SvcConfig ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("InitializeAndGetServiceConfig: %ld\n", Error ); goto Cleanup; }
// Export configuration
Error = ExportConfiguration( SvcConfig, pSubnets, nSubnets, hFile ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("ExportConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); } //
// Finally cleanup
CleanupServiceConfig(SvcConfig); Cleanup:
CloseTextFile( hFile, Mem ); return Error; }
PM_SERVER DhcpGetCurrentServer( VOID ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); //
// This is there only to let teh compiler compile without
// having to include dhcpssvc.lib. This routine should never
// be called at all
return NULL; }
BOOL SubnetMatches( IN DWORD IpAddress, IN ULONG *Subnets, IN ULONG nSubnets ) { if( 0 == nSubnets || NULL == Subnets ) return TRUE; while( nSubnets -- ) { if( IpAddress == *Subnets ++) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } VOID DisableLocalScopes( IN ULONG *Subnets, IN ULONG nSubnets ) { DWORD Error; PM_SERVER SvcConfig; ARRAY_LOCATION Loc; PM_SUBNET Subnet; Error = InitializeAndGetServiceConfig(&SvcConfig); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DisableLocalScopes: Init: %ld\n", Error ); return; }
Error = MemArrayInitLoc(&SvcConfig->Subnets, &Loc); while( NO_ERROR == Error ) { Error = MemArrayGetElement( &SvcConfig->Subnets, &Loc, &Subnet); ASSERT( NO_ERROR == Error && NULL != Subnet );
// Disable the subnet
if( SubnetMatches(Subnet->Address, Subnets, nSubnets ) ) { Subnet->State = DISABLED(Subnet->State); }
Error = MemArrayNextLoc( &SvcConfig->Subnets, &Loc); }
// Now save the new configuration to registry/disk
if( !GlobalIsNT5 && !GlobalIsNT4 ) { //
// Whistler has config in database
Error = DhcpeximWriteDatabaseConfiguration(SvcConfig); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DhcpeximWriteDatabaseConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); } } else { Error = DhcpeximWriteRegistryConfiguration(SvcConfig); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DhcpeximWriteRegistryConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); } }
CleanupServiceConfig(SvcConfig); }
LPWSTR MakeName( IN DWORD IpAddress, IN LPWSTR Name ) { static WCHAR Buffer[40]; PUCHAR pAddress; LPWSTR RetVal; ULONG Size; pAddress = (PUCHAR)&IpAddress; wsprintf(Buffer, L"[%d.%d.%d.%d] ", pAddress[3], pAddress[2], pAddress[1], pAddress[0] );
Size = wcslen(Buffer)+1; if( NULL != Name ) Size += wcslen(Name);
RetVal = LocalAlloc( LPTR, Size * sizeof(WCHAR)); if( NULL == RetVal ) return NULL;
wcscpy(RetVal, Buffer); if( NULL != Name ) wcscat(RetVal, Name ); return RetVal; } DWORD InitializeCtxt( IN OUT PDHCPEXIM_CONTEXT Ctxt, IN PM_SERVER Server ) { DWORD Error,i, Size; ARRAY_LOCATION Loc; PM_SUBNET Subnet; //
// First find the # of subnets and allocate array
Ctxt->nScopes = i = MemArraySize(&Server->Subnets); Ctxt->Scopes = LocalAlloc(LPTR, i * sizeof(Ctxt->Scopes[0]) ); if( NULL == Ctxt->Scopes ) { Ctxt->nScopes = 0; return GetLastError(); }
// Walk through the array and setup each element
i = 0; Error = MemArrayInitLoc( &Server->Subnets, &Loc ); while( NO_ERROR == Error ) { Error = MemArrayGetElement(&Server->Subnets, &Loc, &Subnet ); ASSERT(NO_ERROR == Error );
Ctxt->Scopes[i].SubnetAddress = Subnet->Address; Ctxt->Scopes[i].SubnetName = MakeName(Subnet->Address, Subnet->Name); if( NULL == Ctxt->Scopes[i].SubnetName ) return GetLastError();
i ++; Error = MemArrayNextLoc(&Server->Subnets, &Loc ); }
return NO_ERROR; } DWORD DhcpEximInitializeContext( IN OUT PDHCPEXIM_CONTEXT Ctxt, IN LPWSTR FileName, IN BOOL fExport ) { DWORD Error; LPVOID Mem; ZeroMemory(Ctxt, sizeof(*Ctxt));
// First set the FileName and fExport fields
Ctxt->FileName = FileName; Ctxt->fExport = fExport;
// Next open the file.
Error = OpenTextFile( FileName, !fExport, &Ctxt->hFile, &Ctxt->Mem, &Ctxt->MemSize ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("OpenTextFileForRead:%ld\n", Error ); return Error; }
// Initialize parameters and obtain config
Error = InitializeAndGetServiceConfig( (PM_SERVER*)&Ctxt->SvcConfig); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("InitializeAndGetServiceConfig: %ld\n", Error );
CloseTextFile(Ctxt->hFile, Ctxt->Mem); return Error; }
do { //
// If this is an import, the configuration from the file
// should also be read.
if( !fExport ) {
Error = ReadDbEntries( &Ctxt->Mem, &Ctxt->MemSize, (PM_SERVER*)&Ctxt->FileConfig ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("ReadDbEntries: %ld\n", Error );
break; } } //
// Allocate and initialize the Ctxt data structures with the
// service scopes info in case of EXPORT
Error = InitializeCtxt( Ctxt, fExport ? Ctxt->SvcConfig : Ctxt->FileConfig ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("InitializeCtxt: %ld\n", Error );
break; } } while( 0 );
if( NO_ERROR != Error ) {
CleanupServiceConfig( Ctxt->SvcConfig ); if( NULL != Ctxt->FileConfig ) { MemServerFree( (PM_SERVER)Ctxt->FileConfig ); } CloseTextFile( Ctxt->hFile, Ctxt->Mem ); }
return Error; }
DWORD CalculateSubnets( IN PDHCPEXIM_CONTEXT Ctxt, OUT PULONG *Subnets, OUT ULONG *nSubnets ) { DWORD Error, i; PULONG pSubnets; //
// First check if there is atleast one unselected subnet
(*nSubnets) = 0; for( i = 0; i < Ctxt->nScopes; i ++ ) { if( Ctxt->Scopes[i].fSelected ) (*nSubnets) ++; }
// Special case if all subnets are selected
if( *nSubnets == Ctxt->nScopes ) { *nSubnets = 0; *Subnets = NULL; return NO_ERROR; }
// Allocate memory
*Subnets = LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof(DWORD)* (*nSubnets)); if( NULL == *Subnets ) return GetLastError();
// Copy the subnets
(*nSubnets) = 0; for( i = 0; i < Ctxt->nScopes; i ++ ) { if( Ctxt->Scopes[i].fSelected ) { (*Subnets)[(*nSubnets)++] = Ctxt->Scopes[i].SubnetAddress; } }
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD DhcpEximCleanupContext( IN OUT PDHCPEXIM_CONTEXT Ctxt, IN BOOL fAbort ) { DWORD Error, i; DWORD *Subnets, nSubnets; Error = NO_ERROR; Subnets = NULL; nSubnets = 0; //
// If not aborting, attempt to execute the operation
if( !fAbort ) do { Error = CalculateSubnets( Ctxt, &Subnets, &nSubnets ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("CalculateSubnets: %ld\n", Error ); break; }
if( Ctxt->fExport ) { //
// Export the specified subnets out
Error = SelectConfiguration( Ctxt->SvcConfig, Subnets, nSubnets ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("SelectConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); break; } Error = SaveConfigurationToFile( Ctxt->SvcConfig); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("SaveConfigurationToFile: %ld\n", Error ); break; }
// Now try to save the database entries to file
Error = SaveDatabaseEntriesToFile(Subnets, nSubnets); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("SaveDatabaseEntriesToFile: %ld\n", Error ); }
break; }
// Import the specified subnets in
Error = SelectConfiguration( Ctxt->FileConfig, Subnets, nSubnets ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("SelectConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); break; } Error = MergeConfigurations( Ctxt->SvcConfig, Ctxt->FileConfig ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("MergeConfigurations: %ld\n", Error ); break; } //
// Now save the new configuration to registry/disk
if( !GlobalIsNT5 && !GlobalIsNT4 ) { //
// Whistler has config in database
Error = DhcpeximWriteDatabaseConfiguration(Ctxt->SvcConfig); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DhcpeximWriteDatabaseConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); } } else { Error = DhcpeximWriteRegistryConfiguration(Ctxt->SvcConfig); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("DhcpeximWriteRegistryConfiguration: %ld\n", Error ); } } if( NO_ERROR != Error ) break; //
// Now read the database entries from file and stash them
// into the db.
Error = SaveFileEntriesToDatabase( Ctxt->Mem, Ctxt->MemSize, Subnets, nSubnets ); if( NO_ERROR != Error ) { Tr("SaveFileEntriesToDatabase: %ld\n", Error ); } } while( 0 );
// Cleanup
if( NULL != Ctxt->SvcConfig ) { CleanupServiceConfig( Ctxt->SvcConfig ); }
if( NULL != Ctxt->FileConfig ) { MemServerFree( (PM_SERVER)Ctxt->FileConfig ); }
if( !fAbort && Ctxt->fExport == FALSE ) { //
// Also reconcile local server
ReconcileLocalService( Subnets, nSubnets ); }
CloseTextFile( Ctxt->hFile, Ctxt->Mem );
// Walk through the array and free up pointers
for( i = 0 ; i < Ctxt->nScopes ; i ++ ) { if( Ctxt->Scopes[i].SubnetName ) { LocalFree( Ctxt->Scopes[i].SubnetName ); } } if( Ctxt->Scopes ) LocalFree( Ctxt->Scopes ); Ctxt->Scopes = NULL; Ctxt->nScopes = 0;
if( !fAbort && Ctxt->fExport && Ctxt->fDisableExportedScopes ) { //
// Fix the local scopes to all be disabled
DisableLocalScopes(Subnets, nSubnets); }
if( NULL != Subnets && 0 != nSubnets ) { LocalFree( Subnets ); } return Error;