Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
Module Name: AddPolicyWizardPage2.cpp
Abstract: Implementation file for the CNewRAPWiz_Condition class. We implement the class needed to handle the first property page for a Policy node.
Revision History: mmaguire 12/15/97 - created byao 1/22/98 Modified for Network Access Policy
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "Precompiled.h"
#include "rapwz_cond.h"
#include "NapUtil.h"
#include "PolicyNode.h"
#include "PoliciesNode.h"
#include "Condition.h"
#include "EnumCondition.h"
#include "MatchCondition.h"
#include "TodCondition.h"
#include "NtGCond.h"
#include "rasprof.h"
#include "ChangeNotification.h"
// Function: CNewRAPWiz_Condition
// Class: CNewRAPWiz_Condition
// Synopsis: class constructor
// Arguments: CPolicyNode *pPolicyNode - policy node for this property page
// CIASAttrList *pAttrList -- attribute list
// TCHAR* pTitle = NULL -
// Returns: Nothing
// History: Created Header byao 2/16/98 4:31:52 PM
CNewRAPWiz_Condition::CNewRAPWiz_Condition( CRapWizardData* pWizData, LONG_PTR hNotificationHandle, CIASAttrList *pIASAttrList, TCHAR* pTitle, BOOL bOwnsNotificationHandle ) : CIASWizard97Page<CNewRAPWiz_Condition, IDS_NEWRAPWIZ_CONDITION_TITLE, IDS_NEWRAPWIZ_CONDITION_SUBTITLE> ( hNotificationHandle, pTitle, bOwnsNotificationHandle ), m_spWizData(pWizData) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::CNewRAPWiz_Condition");
m_pIASAttrList = pIASAttrList; }
// Function: CNewRAPWiz_Condition
// Class: CNewRAPWiz_Condition
// Synopsis: class destructor
// Returns: Nothing
// History: Created Header byao 2/16/98 4:31:52 PM
CNewRAPWiz_Condition::~CNewRAPWiz_Condition() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::~CNewRAPWiz_Condition");
CCondition* pCondition;
// delete all the conditions in the list
for (int iIndex=0; iIndex<m_ConditionList.GetSize(); iIndex++) { pCondition = m_ConditionList[iIndex]; if ( pCondition ) { delete pCondition; } } m_ConditionList.RemoveAll();
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
LRESULT CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnInitDialog");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fRet; CComPtr<IUnknown> spUnknown; CComPtr<IEnumVARIANT> spEnumVariant; long ulCount; ULONG ulCountReceived;
fRet = GetSdoPointers(); if (!fRet) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "GetSdoPointers() failed, err = %x", GetLastError()); return fRet; }
// initialize the condition attribute list
hr = m_pIASAttrList->Init(m_spWizData->m_spDictionarySdo); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { // Inside Init() there're already error reporting
ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "m_pIASAttrList->Init() failed, err = %x", hr); return FALSE; }
if (m_ConditionList.GetSize() == 0) { //get the condition collection for this SDO
m_spConditionCollectionSdo = NULL; hr = ::GetSdoInterfaceProperty( m_spWizData->m_spPolicySdo, PROPERTY_POLICY_CONDITIONS_COLLECTION, IID_ISdoCollection, (void **)&m_spConditionCollectionSdo); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "Can't get condition collection Sdo, err = %x", hr); return FALSE; }
// how many conditions do we have for this policy right now?
m_spConditionCollectionSdo->get_Count( & ulCount ); DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "Number of conditions %d", ulCount); CComVariant varCond; CCondition *pCondition;
if( ulCount > 0 ) { //
// Get the enumerator for the conditions collection.
hr = m_spConditionCollectionSdo->get__NewEnum( (IUnknown **) & spUnknown ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "get__NewEnum() failed, err = %x", hr); ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_SDO_ERROR_ENUMCOND, NULL, hr); return FALSE; }
hr = spUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IEnumVARIANT, (void **) &spEnumVariant ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "QueryInterface(IEnumVARIANT) failed, err = %x", hr); ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_SDO_ERROR_QUERYINTERFACE, NULL, hr); return FALSE; }
_ASSERTE( spEnumVariant != NULL ); spUnknown.Release();
// Get the first item.
hr = spEnumVariant->Next( 1, &varCond, &ulCountReceived );
while( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && ulCountReceived == 1 ) { // Get an sdo pointer from the variant we received.
_ASSERTE( V_VT(&varCond) == VT_DISPATCH ); _ASSERTE( V_DISPATCH(&varCond) != NULL );
CComPtr<ISdo> spConditionSdo; hr = varCond.pdispVal->QueryInterface( IID_ISdo, (void **) &spConditionSdo ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
// get condition text
CComVariant varCondProp; ATL::CString strCondText, strExternCondText, strCondAttr; ATTRIBUTEID AttrId; CONDITIONTYPE CondType;
// get condition text -- with AttributeMatch, TimeOfDay, NTMembership
// prefix strings
hr = spConditionSdo->GetProperty(PROPERTY_CONDITION_TEXT, &varCondProp);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "Can't get condition text, err = %x", hr); ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_SDO_ERROR_GET_CONDTEXT, NULL, hr ); return FALSE; }
_ASSERTE( V_VT(&varCondProp) == VT_BSTR); strExternCondText = V_BSTR(&varCondProp); DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "ConditionText: %ws",strExternCondText);
// we are done with this condition sdo
spConditionSdo.Release(); varCondProp.Clear();
// now we need to strip off the unnecessary prefix string in
// the condition text
hr = StripCondTextPrefix( strExternCondText, strCondText, strCondAttr, &CondType );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1,"StripCondTextPrefix() failed, err = %x", hr); ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_INVALID_COND_SYNTAX, m_spWizData->m_pPolicyNode->m_bstrDisplayName ); // go to the next condition
varCond.Clear(); hr = spEnumVariant->Next( 1, &varCond, &ulCountReceived ); continue; } DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "ConditionText: %ws, CondAttr: %ws, CondType: %d", strCondText, strCondAttr, (int)CondType ); switch(CondType) { case IAS_TIMEOFDAY_CONDITION: AttrId = IAS_ATTRIBUTE_NP_TIME_OF_DAY; break; case IAS_NTGROUPS_CONDITION: AttrId = IAS_ATTRIBUTE_NTGROUPS; break; case IAS_MATCH_CONDITION: { BSTR bstrName = SysAllocString(strCondAttr); if ( bstrName == NULL ) { ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_CONDATTR, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)strCondAttr, hr ); return FALSE; }
hr = m_spWizData->m_spDictionarySdo->GetAttributeID(bstrName, &AttrId); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "GetAttributeID() failed, err = %x", hr); ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_SDO_ERROR_GETATTROD, bstrName, hr ); SysFreeString(bstrName); return FALSE; } SysFreeString(bstrName); } break; }
// GetAt can throw exceptions.
try {
// find the condition attribute ID in the attribute list
int nAttrIndex = m_pIASAttrList->Find(AttrId);
if (nAttrIndex == -1) { //
// the attribute is not even found in the attribute list
ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, " Can't find this condattr in the list"); ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_CANT_FIND_ATTR); return FALSE; }
switch( AttrId ) { case IAS_ATTRIBUTE_NP_TIME_OF_DAY: // time of day condition
pCondition = (CCondition*) new CTodCondition(m_pIASAttrList->GetAt(nAttrIndex), strCondText ); break;
case IAS_ATTRIBUTE_NTGROUPS: // nt group condition
pCondition = (CCondition*) new CNTGroupsCondition(m_pIASAttrList->GetAt(nAttrIndex), strCondText, m_hWnd, m_spWizData->m_pPolicyNode->m_pszServerAddress ); break;
default: { CComPtr<IIASAttributeInfo> spAttributeInfo = m_pIASAttrList->GetAt(nAttrIndex); _ASSERTE(spAttributeInfo);
ATTRIBUTESYNTAX as; hr = spAttributeInfo->get_AttributeSyntax( &as ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
if( as == IAS_SYNTAX_ENUMERATOR ) { // enum-type condition
CEnumCondition *pEnumCondition = new CEnumCondition(m_pIASAttrList->GetAt(nAttrIndex), strCondText ); pCondition = pEnumCondition;
} else { // match condition
pCondition = (CCondition*) new CMatchCondition(m_pIASAttrList->GetAt(nAttrIndex), strCondText ); } } break; } // switch
// Add the newly created node to the list of Policys.
// get the next condition
varCond.Clear(); hr = spEnumVariant->Next( 1, &varCond, &ulCountReceived );
} catch(...) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "Exception thrown while populating condition list"); continue; }
} // while
} // if
hr = PopulateConditions(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "PopulateConditions() returns %x", hr); return FALSE; }
SetModified(FALSE); return TRUE; // ISSUE: what do we need to be returning here?
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
LRESULT CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnConditionAdd(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, HWND hWnd, BOOL& bHandled) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnConditionAdd");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CCondition *pCondition;
// create the dialog box to select a condition attribute
CSelCondAttrDlg * pSelCondAttrDlg = new CSelCondAttrDlg(m_pIASAttrList); if (NULL == pSelCondAttrDlg) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "Can't create the CSelCondAttrDlg, err = %x", hr); ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_OBJECT, NULL, hr); return hr; }
// Put up the dialog.
int iResult = pSelCondAttrDlg -> DoModal();
// The pSelCondAttrDlg->DoModal call returns TRUE if the user selected something.
if( iResult && pSelCondAttrDlg->m_nSelectedCondAttr != -1) { //
// The user selected something and chose OK -- create the condition object
IIASAttributeInfo* pSelectedAttr = m_pIASAttrList->GetAt(pSelCondAttrDlg->m_nSelectedCondAttr);
ATTRIBUTEID id; pSelectedAttr->get_AttributeID( &id ); switch( id ) { case IAS_ATTRIBUTE_NP_TIME_OF_DAY: // time of day condition
pCondition = (CCondition*) new CTodCondition(pSelectedAttr); break;
case IAS_ATTRIBUTE_NTGROUPS : // nt group condition
pCondition = (CCondition*) new CNTGroupsCondition( pSelectedAttr, m_hWnd, m_spWizData->m_pPolicyNode->m_pszServerAddress ); break;
default: //
// is this attribute an enumerator?
ATTRIBUTESYNTAX as; pSelectedAttr->get_AttributeSyntax( &as ); if ( as == IAS_SYNTAX_ENUMERATOR ) {
// enum-type condition
CEnumCondition *pEnumCondition = new CEnumCondition(pSelectedAttr); pCondition = pEnumCondition; } else { // match condition
pCondition = (CCondition*) new CMatchCondition(pSelectedAttr); } break;
} // switch
if ( pCondition==NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_COND, NULL, hr); goto failure; } //
// now edit the condition
hr = pCondition->Edit(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "pCondition->Edit() returns %x", hr); return hr; }
// if the condition text is empty, then do nothing
if ( pCondition->m_strConditionText.GetLength() == 0) { delete pSelCondAttrDlg; delete pCondition; return S_OK; } //
// now, update the UI: add the new condition to the listbox
if (m_ConditionList.GetSize()) { // before we do that, add an "AND" to the current last condition
ATL::CString strDispCondText;
SendDlgItemMessage( IDC_LIST_POLICYPAGE1_CONDITIONS, LB_DELETESTRING, m_ConditionList.GetSize()-1, 0L); strDispCondText = m_ConditionList[m_ConditionList.GetSize()-1]->GetDisplayText() + _T(" AND");
// add this condition to the condition list
// set the dirty bit
SetModified(TRUE); } // if // iResult
delete pSelCondAttrDlg;
return TRUE; // ISSUE: what do we need to be returning here?
failure: if (pSelCondAttrDlg) { delete pSelCondAttrDlg; }
if (pCondition) { delete pCondition; } return hr; }
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnWizardNext() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnWizardNext");
CPoliciesNode* pPoliciesNode = (CPoliciesNode*)m_spWizData->m_pPolicyNode->m_pParentNode;
BOOL fRet = GetSdoPointers(); if (!fRet) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "GetSdoPointers() failed, err = %x", GetLastError()); return FALSE; }
// do we have any conditions for this policy?
// We don't allow policy with no conditions
if ( ! m_ConditionList.GetSize() ) { ErrorTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "The policy has no condition"); ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd , IDS_ERROR_ZERO_CONDITION_POLICY , NULL ); return FALSE; }
// Save the conditions to the SDO
hr = WriteConditionListToSDO( m_ConditionList, m_spConditionCollectionSdo, m_hWnd ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { // We output an error message in the function.
return FALSE; }
// reset the dirty bit
SetModified(FALSE); return m_spWizData->GetNextPageId(((PROPSHEETPAGE*)(*this))->pszTemplate); }
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnQueryCancel() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnQueryCancel");
return TRUE; }
// Function: PopulateConditions
// Class: CNewRAPWiz_Condition
// Synopsis: populate the conditions for a particular policy
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT - S_OK: succeed
// S_FALSE : if failed
// History: Created byao 2/2/98 4:01:26 PM
HRESULT CNewRAPWiz_Condition::PopulateConditions() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::PopulateConditions");
SendDlgItemMessage( IDC_LIST_POLICYPAGE1_CONDITIONS, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L ); ATL::CString strDispCondText;
for (int iIndex=0; iIndex<m_ConditionList.GetSize(); iIndex++) { strDispCondText = m_ConditionList[iIndex]->GetDisplayText();
if ( iIndex != m_ConditionList.GetSize()-1 ) { // it's not the last condition, then we put an 'AND' at the
// end of the condition text
strDispCondText += " AND"; }
// display it
if ( m_ConditionList.GetSize() == 0) { // no condition, then disable "Remove" and "Edit"
return S_OK; }
// Function: OnConditionList
// Class: CConditionPage1
// Synopsis: message handler for the condition list box
// Arguments: UINT uNotifyCode - notification code
// UINT uID - ID of the control
// HWND hWnd - HANDLE of the window
// BOOL &bHandled - whether the handler has processed the msg
// Returns: LRESULT - S_OK: succeeded
// S_FALSE: otherwise
// History: Created byao 2/2/98 4:51:35 PM
LRESULT CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnConditionList(UINT uNotifyCode, UINT uID, HWND hWnd, BOOL &bHandled) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnConditionList");
if (uNotifyCode == LBN_DBLCLK) { // edit the condition
OnConditionEdit(uNotifyCode, uID, hWnd, bHandled); } return S_OK; }
// Function: OnConditionEdit
// Class: CConditionPage1
// Synopsis: message handler for the condition list box -- user pressed the Edit button
// we need to edit a particular condition
// Arguments: UINT uNotifyCode - notification code
// UINT uID - ID of the control
// HWND hWnd - HANDLE of the window
// BOOL &bHandled - whether the handler has processed the msg
// Returns: LRESULT - S_OK: succeeded
// S_FALSE: otherwise
// History: Created byao 2/21/98 4:51:35 PM
LRESULT CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnConditionEdit(UINT uNotifyCode, UINT uID, HWND hWnd, BOOL &bHandled) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnConditionEdit");
LRESULT lRes, lCurSel;
// Has the user selected someone from the condition list?
lCurSel = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_LIST_POLICYPAGE1_CONDITIONS, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L); if (lCurSel == LB_ERR) { // no selection -- do nothing
bHandled = TRUE; return S_OK; } //
// Edit the condition
CCondition *pCondition = m_ConditionList[lCurSel]; HRESULT hr = pCondition->Edit(); //
// change the displayed condition text
// is this the last condition?
ATL::CString strDispCondText = m_ConditionList[lCurSel]->GetDisplayText();
if ( lCurSel != m_ConditionList.GetSize()-1 ) { // put an extra 'AND' at the end
strDispCondText += _T(" AND"); }
// replace it with new
// delete the old text
// set the dirty bit
bHandled = TRUE;
return hr; }
// Function: OnConditionRemove
// Class: CConditionPage1
// Synopsis: message handler for the condition list box -- user pressed "Remove"
// we need to remove this condition
// Arguments: UINT uNotifyCode - notification code
// UINT uID - ID of the control
// HWND hWnd - HANDLE of the window
// BOOL &bHandled - whether the handler has processed the msg
// Returns: LRESULT - S_OK: succeeded
// S_FALSE: otherwise
// History: Created byao 2/22/98 4:51:35 PM
LRESULT CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnConditionRemove(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, HWND hWnd, BOOL& bHandled) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnConditionRemove");
// Has the user selected someone from the condition list?
lCurSel = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_LIST_POLICYPAGE1_CONDITIONS, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L); if (lCurSel == LB_ERR) { //
// no selection -- do nothing
bHandled = TRUE; return S_OK; }
// check whether this is the last one in the list.
// if it is, we also need to delete the " AND" operator from
// the next-to-last item
if ( lCurSel!=0 && lCurSel == m_ConditionList.GetSize()-1 ) { // delete the old one with an " AND"
// insert the one without 'AND"
hr = SendDlgItemMessage( IDC_LIST_POLICYPAGE1_CONDITIONS, LB_INSERTSTRING, lCurSel-1, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)m_ConditionList[lCurSel-1]->GetDisplayText()); }
// delete the condition
CCondition *pCondition = m_ConditionList[lCurSel]; m_ConditionList.Remove(pCondition); delete pCondition; // delete the old text
bHandled = TRUE;
// set the dirty bit
if ( m_ConditionList.GetSize() == 0) { // no condition, then disable "Remove" and "Edit"
::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_CONDITION_REMOVE), FALSE); ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_CONDITION_EDIT), FALSE); } else { // re-select another condition
if ( lCurSel > 0 ) { lCurSel--; }
// adjust the scroll bar
AdjustHoritontalScroll(); return hr; }
// Function: CNewRAPWiz_Condition::GetSdoPointers
// Synopsis: UnMarshall all passed in sdo pointers. These interface pointers
// have to be unmarshalled first, because MMC PropertyPages run in a
// separated thread
// Also get the condition collection sdo from the policy sdo
// Arguments: None
// Returns: TRUE; succeeded
// FALSE: otherwise
// History: Created Header byao 2/22/98 1:35:39 AM
BOOL CNewRAPWiz_Condition::GetSdoPointers() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::GetSdoPointers");
// Get the condition collection of this SDO.
if ( m_spWizData->m_spPolicySdo ) { if ( m_spConditionCollectionSdo ) { m_spConditionCollectionSdo.Release(); m_spConditionCollectionSdo = NULL; }
hr = ::GetSdoInterfaceProperty( m_spWizData->m_spPolicySdo, PROPERTY_POLICY_CONDITIONS_COLLECTION, IID_ISdoCollection, (void **) &m_spConditionCollectionSdo); if( FAILED( hr) || m_spConditionCollectionSdo == NULL ) { ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_UNMARSHALL, NULL, hr );
return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// Function: CNewRAPWiz_Condition::StripCondTextPrefix
// Synopsis: strip off the prefix such as "AttributeMatch", "TimeOfDay", NtMemberShip"
// from the condition text
// Arguments:
// [in]CString strExternCondText -- original condition text
// [out]CString strCondText -- stripped condition text
// [out]CString strCondAttr -- condition attribute name
// [out]CONDITIONTYPE* pCondType -- what type of condition?
// Returns: HRESULT -
// History: Created Header byao 2/27/98 3:59:38 PM
HRESULT CNewRAPWiz_Condition::StripCondTextPrefix( ATL::CString& strExternCondText, ATL::CString& strCondText, ATL::CString& strCondAttr, CONDITIONTYPE* pCondType ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::StripCondTextPrefix");
// is it an empty string
if ( strExternCondText.GetLength() == 0 ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1,"Can't parse prefix: empty condition text"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// a temporary copy
ATL::CString strTempStr = (LPCTSTR)strExternCondText; WCHAR *pwzCondText = (WCHAR*)(LPCTSTR)strTempStr;
strCondAttr = _T(""); strCondText = _T(""); // condition text will look like : AttributeMatch("attr=<reg>")
// strip off the "AttributeMatch(" prefix
WCHAR *pwzBeginCond = wcschr(pwzCondText, _T('(')); WCHAR *pwzEndCond = wcsrchr(pwzCondText, _T(')'));
if ( ( pwzBeginCond == NULL ) || ( pwzEndCond == NULL ) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1,"Can't parse prefix: no ( or ) found"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// now we should decide what kind of condition this is:
*pwzBeginCond = _T('\0'); DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "ConditionType: %ws", pwzCondText);
if ( _wcsicmp(pwzCondText, TOD_PREFIX) == 0 ) { *pCondType = IAS_TIMEOFDAY_CONDITION; } else if ( _wcsicmp(pwzCondText, NTG_PREFIX) == 0 ) { *pCondType = IAS_NTGROUPS_CONDITION; } else if ( _wcsicmp(pwzCondText, MATCH_PREFIX ) == 0 ) { *pCondType = IAS_MATCH_CONDITION; } else { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// skip the '(' sign
pwzBeginCond += 2 ;
// skip the ')' sign
*(pwzEndCond-1) = _T('\0');
// So right now the string between pwzBeginCond and pwzEndCond is the
// real condition text
strCondText = pwzBeginCond;
if ( IAS_MATCH_CONDITION == *pCondType ) { // for match-type condition, we need to get the condition attribute name
WCHAR *pwzEqualSign = wcschr(pwzBeginCond, _T('='));
if ( pwzEqualSign == NULL ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "Can't parse : there's no = found"); return E_INVALIDARG; } *pwzEqualSign = _T('\0');
strCondAttr = pwzBeginCond; } else { strCondAttr = _T(""); }
DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "Condition Attr: %ws", strCondAttr); return S_OK; }
// Function: AdjustHoritontalScroll
// Class: CConditionPage1
// Synopsis: message handler for the condition list box
// History: Created byao 2/2/98 4:51:35 PM
void CNewRAPWiz_Condition::AdjustHoritontalScroll() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_Condition::AdjustHorizontalScroll()");
// According to the maximum length of all list box items,
// set the horizontal scrolling range
HDC hDC = ::GetDC(GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_POLICYPAGE1_CONDITIONS)); int iItemCount = m_ConditionList.GetSize(); int iMaxLength = 0;
for (int iIndex=0; iIndex<iItemCount; iIndex++) { ATL::CString strCondText; strCondText = m_ConditionList[iIndex]->GetDisplayText();
SIZE szText; if ( GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, (LPCTSTR)strCondText, strCondText.GetLength(), &szText) ) { DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "Condition: %ws, Length %d, PixelSize %d", (LPCTSTR)strCondText, strCondText.GetLength(), szText.cx ); if (iMaxLength < szText.cx ) { iMaxLength = szText.cx; } } DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "Maximum item length is %d", iMaxLength); }
Return values:
TRUE if the page can be made active FALSE if the page should be be skipped and the next page should be looked at.
If you want to change which pages are visited based on a user's choices in a previous page, return FALSE here as appropriate.
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnSetActive() { ATLTRACE(_T("# CNewRAPWiz_Condition::OnSetActive\n")); // MSDN docs say you need to use PostMessage here rather than SendMessage.
::PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(), PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT );
return TRUE;