Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains all of the code to initialize the variables for the IPSecSPD Service.
abhisheV 30-September-1999
User Level: Win32
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#ifdef TRACE_ON
#include "init.tmh"
#define SZAPPNAME L"ipsecsvc.dll"
DWORD InitSPDThruRegistry( ) { DWORD dwError = 0; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwtype = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwsize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwBackwardSoftSA = 0;
dwError = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gpszLocPolicyAgent, &hKey ); if (dwError) { dwBackwardSoftSA = 0; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; BAIL_ON_WIN32_SUCCESS(dwError); }
dwError = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"OldFallBackToClear", 0, &dwtype, (unsigned char *) &dwBackwardSoftSA, &dwsize ); if (dwError) { dwBackwardSoftSA = 0; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; BAIL_ON_WIN32_SUCCESS(dwError); } success: gbBackwardSoftSA = dwBackwardSoftSA ? TRUE : FALSE; if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return (dwError); }
DWORD InitAuditing( ) { DWORD dwError = 0;
InitializeCriticalSection(&gcSPDAuditSection); gbSPDAuditSection = TRUE;
ghIpsecServerModule = GetModuleHandle(SZAPPNAME);
if (!ghIpsecServerModule) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); }
gbAuditingInitialized = TRUE; return dwError; error: TRACE(TRC_ERROR, (L"Failed to initialize auditing %!winerr!", dwError)); return dwError; }
DWORD InitSPDGlobals( ) { DWORD dwError = 0; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes;
dwError = InitializeSPDSecurity(&gpSPDSD); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError);
memset(&SecurityAttributes, 0, sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES));
SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SecurityAttributes); SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
ghNewDSPolicyEvent = CreateEvent( &SecurityAttributes, TRUE, FALSE, IPSEC_NEW_DS_POLICY_EVENT ); if (!ghNewDSPolicyEvent) { dwError = GetLastError(); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); }
ghNewLocalPolicyEvent = CreateEvent( &SecurityAttributes, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if (!ghNewLocalPolicyEvent) { dwError = GetLastError(); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); }
ghForcedPolicyReloadEvent = CreateEvent( &SecurityAttributes, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if (!ghForcedPolicyReloadEvent) { dwError = GetLastError(); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); }
// IPSEC_POLICY_CHANGE_NOTIFY is defined in ipsec.h.
ghPolicyChangeNotifyEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, IPSEC_POLICY_CHANGE_NOTIFY ); if (!ghPolicyChangeNotifyEvent) { dwError = GetLastError(); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); }
ghServiceStopEvent = CreateEvent( &SecurityAttributes, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if (!ghServiceStopEvent) { dwError = GetLastError(); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); }
ghGpupdateRefreshEvent = CreateEvent( &SecurityAttributes, TRUE, FALSE, IPSEC_GP_REFRESH_EVENT ); if (!ghGpupdateRefreshEvent) { dwError = GetLastError(); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError); }
gbServerListenSection = TRUE;
gdwServersListening = 0;
gbSPDSection = TRUE;
dwError = InitializeInterfaceChangeEvent(); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError);
dwError = ResetInterfaceChangeEvent(); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwError);
InitializePolicyStateBlock( gpIpsecPolicyState ); return (dwError); error:
TRACE(TRC_ERROR, (L"Failed to initialize SPD globals %!winerr!", dwError)); return (dwError); }