#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "daedef.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "pib.h"
#include "fmp.h"
#include "page.h"
#include "ssib.h"
#include "fcb.h"
#include "fucb.h"
#include "stapi.h"
#include "nver.h"
#include "dirapi.h"
#include "fdb.h"
#include "idb.h"
#include "spaceapi.h"
#include "recapi.h"
#include "recint.h"
#include "logapi.h"
DeclAssertFile; /* Declare file name for assert macros */
/**************************** INTERNAL STUFF ***************************/ typedef struct ATIPB { /*** AddToIndexParameterBlock ***/ FUCB *pfucb; FUCB *pfucbIdx; // index's FUCB (can be pfucbNil)
LINE lineNewData; // data to extract key from
SRID srid; // srid of data record
BOOL fFreeFUCB; // free index FUCB?
/* define semaphore to guard dbk counter
/**/ SgSemDefine( semDBK );
typedef struct UIPB { /*** UpdateIndexParameterBlock ***/ FUCB *pfucb; FUCB *pfucbIdx; // index's FUCB (can be pfucbNil)
LINE lineOldData; // old data record
SRID srid; // SRID of record
LINE lineNewData; // new data record
BOOL fOpenFUCB; // open index FUCB?
BOOL fFreeFUCB; // free index FUCB?
INLINE LOCAL ERR ErrRECInsert( PIB *ppib, FUCB *pfucb, SRID *psrid ); INLINE LOCAL ERR ErrRECIAddToIndex( FCB *pfcbIdx, ATIPB *patipb ); INLINE LOCAL ERR ErrRECReplace( PIB *ppib, FUCB *pfucb ); INLINE LOCAL ERR ErrRECIUpdateIndex( FCB *pfcbIdx, UIPB *puipb );
ERR VTAPI ErrIsamUpdate( PIB *ppib, FUCB *pfucb, BYTE *pb, ULONG cbMax, ULONG *pcbActual ) { ERR err; SRID srid;
CheckPIB( ppib ); CheckTable( ppib, pfucb ); CheckNonClustered( pfucb );
if ( pcbActual != NULL ) *pcbActual = sizeof(srid);
if ( FFUCBReplacePrepared( pfucb ) ) { if ( cbMax > 0 ) { FUCBSetGetBookmark( pfucb ); CallR( ErrDIRGetBookmark( pfucb, &srid ) ); memcpy( pb, &srid, min( cbMax, sizeof(srid) ) ); } err = ErrRECReplace( ppib, pfucb ); } else if ( FFUCBInsertPrepared( pfucb ) ) { err = ErrRECInsert( ppib, pfucb, &srid ); if ( pb != NULL && cbMax > 0 && err >= 0 ) { FUCBSetGetBookmark( pfucb ); memcpy( pb, &srid, min( cbMax, sizeof(srid) ) ); } } else err = JET_errUpdateNotPrepared;
Assert( err != errDIRNotSynchronous ); return err; }
// ErrRECInsert
// ========================================================================
// ErrRECInsert( PIB *ppib, FUCB *pfucb, OUTLINE *plineBookmark )
// Adds a record to a data file. All indexes on the data file are
// updated to reflect the addition.
// PARAMETERS ppib PIB of user
// pfucb FUCB for file
// plineBookmark if this parameter is not NULL,
// then bookmark of record is returned
// RETURNS Error code, one of the following:
// JET_errSuccess Everything went OK.
// -KeyDuplicate The record being added causes
// an illegal duplicate entry in an index.
// -NullKeyDisallowed A key of the new record is NULL.
// -RecordNoCopy There is no working buffer to add from.
// -NullInvalid The record being added contains
// at least one null-valued field
// which is defined as NotNull.
// After addition, file currency is left on the new record.
// Index currency (if any) is left on the new index entry.
// On failure, the currencies are returned to their initial states.
// No currency is needed to add a record.
// Index entries are not made for entirely-null keys.
// A transaction is wrapped around this function. Thus, any
// work done will be undone if a failure occurs.
// Adding a record to a sequential file increments the
// file's highest Database Key (DBK) and uses that DBK as
// the key for the new record. However, if the PUT fails,
// the max DBK is not reset to its former value. This can
// create gaps in the DBK sequence.
// This routine is also the interface for adding record to a
// SORT process. The sort key is extracted and passed with
// the data record to SORTAdd.
// For temporary files, transaction logging is deactivated
// for the duration of the routine.
INLINE LOCAL ERR ErrRECInsert( PIB *ppib, FUCB *pfucb, SRID *psrid ) { ERR err = JET_errSuccess; // error code of various utility
KEY keyToAdd; // key of new data record
BYTE rgbKeyBuf[ JET_cbKeyMost ]; // key buffer
FCB *pfcbFile; // file's FCB
FDB *pfdb; // field descriptor info
FCB *pfcbIdx; // loop variable for each index on file
ATIPB atipb; // parm block to ErrRECIAddToIndex
FUCB *pfucbT; LINE *plineData; DBK dbk; LINE line; ULONG ulRecordAutoIncrement; ULONG ulTableAutoIncrement; BOOL fPrepareInsertIndex = fFalse; BOOL fCommit = fFalse;
CheckPIB( ppib ); CheckTable( ppib, pfucb ); CheckNonClustered( pfucb );
/* should have been checked in PrepareUpdate
/**/ Assert( FFUCBUpdatable( pfucb ) ); Assert( FFUCBInsertPrepared( pfucb ) );
/* assert reset rglineDiff delta logging
/**/ Assert( pfucb->clineDiff == 0 ); Assert( pfucb->fCmprsLg == fFalse );
/* efficiency variables
/**/ pfcbFile = pfucb->u.pfcb; Assert( pfcbFile != pfcbNil ); pfdb = (FDB *)pfcbFile->pfdb; Assert( pfdb != pfdbNil );
/* record to use for put
/**/ plineData = &pfucb->lineWorkBuf; Assert( !( FLineNull( plineData ) ) ); if ( FRECIIllegalNulls( pfdb, plineData ) ) return JET_errNullInvalid;
/* if necessary, start a transaction in case anything fails
/**/ if ( ppib->level == 0 || !FPIBAggregateTransaction( ppib ) ) { CallR( ErrDIRBeginTransaction( ppib ) ); fCommit = fTrue; }
/* open temp FUCB on data file
/**/ CallJ( ErrDIROpen( ppib, pfcbFile, 0, &pfucbT ), Abort ); Assert(pfucbT != pfucbNil); FUCBSetIndex( pfucbT );
/* abort if index is being built on file
/**/ if ( FFCBDenyDDL( pfcbFile, ppib ) ) { err = JET_errWriteConflict; goto HandleError; }
/* set version and autoinc fields
/**/ Assert( pfcbFile != pfcbNil ); if ( pfdb->fidVersion != 0 && ! ( FFUCBColumnSet( pfucb, pfdb->fidVersion - fidFixedLeast ) ) ) { LINE lineField; ULONG ul = 0; /* set field to zero
/**/ lineField.pb = (BYTE *)&ul; lineField.cb = sizeof(ul); Call( ErrRECIModifyField( pfucb, pfdb->fidVersion, 0, &lineField ) ); }
if ( pfdb->fidAutoInc != 0 ) { Assert( FFUCBColumnSet( pfucb, pfdb->fidAutoInc - fidFixedLeast ) ); // get the value of autoinc that the user sets to
Call( ErrRECIRetrieve( pfucb, &pfdb->fidAutoInc, 0, &line, JET_bitRetrieveCopy ) ); Assert( line.cb == sizeof(ulRecordAutoIncrement) ); ulRecordAutoIncrement = *(UNALIGNED ULONG *)line.pb;
/* move to FDP root and seek to autoincrement
/**/ DIRGotoFDPRoot( pfucbT ); err = ErrDIRSeekPath( pfucbT, 1, pkeyAutoInc, fDIRPurgeParent ); if ( err != JET_errSuccess ) { if ( err > 0 ) err = JET_errDatabaseCorrupted; goto HandleError; } Call( ErrDIRGet( pfucbT ) ); Assert( pfucbT->lineData.cb == sizeof(ulTableAutoIncrement) ); ulTableAutoIncrement = *(UNALIGNED ULONG *)pfucbT->lineData.pb; Assert( ulTableAutoIncrement != 0 );
/* update FDP autoinc to be one greater than set value.
/**/ if ( ulRecordAutoIncrement >= ulTableAutoIncrement) { ulTableAutoIncrement = ulRecordAutoIncrement + 1; line.pb = (BYTE *)&ulTableAutoIncrement; line.cb = sizeof(ulTableAutoIncrement); Call( ErrDIRReplace( pfucbT, &line, fDIRNoVersion ) ); } }
/* get key to add with new record
/**/ keyToAdd.pb = rgbKeyBuf; if ( pfcbFile->pidb == pidbNil ) { /* file is sequential
/**/ SgSemRequest( semDBK ); dbk = ++pfcbFile->dbkMost; SgSemRelease( semDBK ); keyToAdd.cb = sizeof(DBK); keyToAdd.pb[0] = (BYTE)((dbk >> 24) & 0xff); keyToAdd.pb[1] = (BYTE)((dbk >> 16) & 0xff); keyToAdd.pb[2] = (BYTE)((dbk >> 8) & 0xff); keyToAdd.pb[3] = (BYTE)(dbk & 0xff); } else { /* file is clustered
/**/ Call( ErrRECExtractKey( pfucbT, pfdb, pfcbFile->pidb, plineData, &keyToAdd, 1 ) ); Assert( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == JET_errSuccess );
if ( ( pfcbFile->pidb->fidb & fidbNoNullSeg ) && ( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDNullSeg ) ) Error( JET_errNullKeyDisallowed, HandleError ) }
/* insert record. Move to DATA root.
/**/ DIRGotoDataRoot( pfucbT );
if ( pfcbFile->pidb == pidbNil ) { /* file is sequential
/**/ Call( ErrDIRInsert( pfucbT, plineData, &keyToAdd, fDIRVersion | fDIRPurgeParent ) ); } else { Call( ErrDIRInsert( pfucbT, plineData, &keyToAdd, fDIRVersion | fDIRPurgeParent | ( pfcbFile->pidb->fidb&fidbUnique ? 0 : fDIRDuplicate ) ) ); }
/* return bookmark of inserted record
/**/ DIRGetBookmark( pfucbT, psrid );
/* insert item in non-clustered indexes
/**/ for ( pfcbIdx = pfcbFile->pfcbNextIndex; pfcbIdx != pfcbNil; pfcbIdx = pfcbIdx->pfcbNextIndex ) { if ( !fPrepareInsertIndex ) { /* get SRID of inserted record
/**/ DIRGetBookmark( pfucbT, &atipb.srid );
/* set atipb for index insertion.
/**/ atipb.pfucb = pfucbT; atipb.lineNewData = *plineData; // atipb.pfucbIdx = pfucbNil;
atipb.fFreeFUCB = fFalse; fPrepareInsertIndex = fTrue; } atipb.fFreeFUCB = pfcbIdx->pfcbNextIndex == pfcbNil; Call( ErrRECIAddToIndex( pfcbIdx, &atipb ) ); }
/* commit transaction
/**/ if ( fCommit ) { Call( ErrDIRCommitTransaction( ppib ) ); } FUCBResetUpdateSeparateLV( pfucb ); FUCBResetCbstat( pfucb );
/* discard temp FUCB
/**/ DIRClose( pfucbT ); return err;
HandleError: Assert( err < 0 ); DIRClose( pfucbT );
Abort: if ( fCommit ) CallS( ErrDIRRollback( ppib ) );
return err; }
// ErrRECIAddToIndex
// ========================================================================
// ERR ErrRECIAddToIndex( FCB *pfcbIdx, ATIPB patipb )
// Extracts key from data record, opens the index, adds that key with
// the given SRID to the index, and closes the index.
// PARAMETERS pfcbIdx FCB of index to insert into
// patipb->ppib who is calling this routine
// patipb->pfucbIdx pointer to index's FUCB. If pfucbNil,
// an FUCB will be allocated by DIROpen.
// patipb->lineNewData.cb length of data record
// patipb->lineNewData.pb data to extract key from
// patipb->srid SRID of data record
// patipb->fFreeFUCB free index FUCB?
// RETURNS JET_errSuccess, or error code from failing routine
// SIDE EFFECTS if patipb->pfucbIdx==pfucbNil, ErrDIROpen will allocate
// an FUCB and it will be pointed at it.
// If fFreeFUCB is fFalse, patipb->pfucbIdx should
// be used in a subsequent ErrDIROpen.
// SEE ALSO Insert
INLINE LOCAL ERR ErrRECIAddToIndex( FCB *pfcbIdx, ATIPB *patipb ) { ERR err = JET_errSuccess; // error code of various utility
CSR **ppcsrIdx; // index's currency
KEY keyToAdd; // key to add to secondary index
BYTE rgbKeyBuf[ JET_cbKeyMost ]; // key extracted from data
LINE lineSRID; // SRID to add to index
ULONG itagSequence; // used to extract keys
ULONG ulAddFlags; // flags to DIRAdd
BOOL fNullKey = fFalse; // extracted NullTaggedKey -- so no more keys to extract
Assert( pfcbIdx != pfcbNil ); Assert( pfcbIdx->pfdb != pfdbNil ); Assert( pfcbIdx->pidb != pidbNil ); Assert( patipb != NULL ); Assert( !FLineNull( &patipb->lineNewData ) ); Assert( patipb->pfucb != pfucbNil ); Assert( patipb->pfucb->ppib != ppibNil ); Assert( patipb->pfucb->ppib->level < levelMax );
/* open FUCB on this index
/**/ CallR( ErrDIROpen( patipb->pfucb->ppib, pfcbIdx, 0, &patipb->pfucbIdx ) ) Assert( patipb->pfucbIdx != pfucbNil );
/* cursor on non-clustering index
/**/ FUCBSetIndex( patipb->pfucbIdx ); FUCBSetNonClustered( patipb->pfucbIdx );
ppcsrIdx = &PcsrCurrent( patipb->pfucbIdx ); Assert( *ppcsrIdx != pcsrNil ); lineSRID.cb = sizeof(SRID); lineSRID.pb = (BYTE *) &patipb->srid; ulAddFlags = ( pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb&fidbUnique ? 0 : fDIRDuplicate ) | fDIRPurgeParent;
/* add all keys for this index from new data record
/**/ keyToAdd.pb = rgbKeyBuf; for ( itagSequence = 1; ; itagSequence++ ) { Call( ErrDIRGet( patipb->pfucb ) ); patipb->lineNewData = patipb->pfucb->lineData; Call( ErrRECExtractKey( patipb->pfucb, (FDB *)pfcbIdx->pfdb, pfcbIdx->pidb, &patipb->lineNewData, &keyToAdd, itagSequence ) ); Assert( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys || err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == JET_errSuccess ); if ( err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys ) { Assert( itagSequence > 1 ); break; }
if ( ( pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbNoNullSeg ) && ( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDNullSeg ) ) { err = JET_errNullKeyDisallowed; goto HandleError; }
if ( err == wrnFLDNullKey ) { if ( pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbAllowAllNulls ) { ulAddFlags |= fDIRDuplicate; fNullKey = fTrue; } else break; } else { if ( err == wrnFLDNullSeg && !( pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbAllowSomeNulls ) ) break; }
/* move to DATA root and insert index node
/**/ DIRGotoDataRoot( patipb->pfucbIdx ); Call( ErrDIRInsert( patipb->pfucbIdx, &lineSRID, &keyToAdd, fDIRVersion | ulAddFlags ) )
/* dont keep extracting for keys with no tagged segments
/**/ if ( !( pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbHasMultivalue ) || fNullKey ) break; }
/* supress warnings
/**/ Assert( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys || err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == JET_errSuccess ); err = JET_errSuccess;
HandleError: /* close the FUCB
/**/ DIRClose( patipb->pfucbIdx ); patipb->pfucbIdx = pfucbNil;
Assert( err < 0 || err == JET_errSuccess ); return err; }
// ErrRECReplace
// ========================================================================
// ErrRECReplace( PIB *ppib, FUCB *pfucb )
// Updates a record in a data file. All indexes on the data file are
// updated to reflect the updated data record.
// PARAMETERS ppib PIB of this user
// pfucb FUCB for file
// RETURNS Error code, one of the following:
// JET_errSuccess Everything went OK.
// -NoCurrentRecord There is no current record
// to update.
// -RecordNoCopy There is no working buffer
// to update from.
// -KeyDuplicate The new record data causes an
// illegal duplicate index entry
// to be generated.
// -RecordClusteredChanged The new data causes the clustered
// key to change.
// After update, file currency is left on the updated record.
// Similar for index currency.
// The effect of a GetNext or GetPrevious operation will be
// the same in either case. On failure, the currencies are
// returned to their initial states.
// If there is a working buffer for SetField commands,
// it is discarded.
// If currency is not ON a record, the update will fail.
// A transaction is wrapped around this function. Thus, any
// work done will be undone if a failure occurs.
// For temporary files, transaction logging is deactivated
// for the duration of the routine.
// Index entries are not made for entirely-null keys.
INLINE LOCAL ERR ErrRECReplace( PIB *ppib, FUCB *pfucb ) { ERR err = JET_errSuccess; // error code of various utility
FCB *pfcbFile; // file's FCB
FCB *pfcbIdx; // loop variable for each index on file
FCB *pfcbCurIdx; // FCB of current index (if any)
IDB *pidbFile; // IDB of table (if any)
UIPB uipb; // parameter block to ErrRECIUpdateIndex
BOOL fTaggedChanged; // SetField done on any tagged field?
BF *pbf = pbfNil; LINE *plineNewData; FID fidFixedLast; FID fidVarLast; FID fid; BOOL fUpdateIndex; BOOL fCommit = fFalse; INT fFlags;
CheckPIB( ppib ); CheckTable( ppib, pfucb ); CheckNonClustered( pfucb );
/* should have been checked in PrepareUpdate
/**/ Assert( FFUCBUpdatable( pfucb ) ); Assert( FFUCBReplacePrepared( pfucb ) );
/* efficiency variables
/**/ fTaggedChanged = FFUCBTaggedSet( pfucb ); pfcbFile = pfucb->u.pfcb; Assert( pfcbFile != pfcbNil ); fidFixedLast = pfcbFile->pfdb->fidFixedLast; fidVarLast = pfcbFile->pfdb->fidVarLast;
/* must initialize pfucb for error handling.
/**/ uipb.pfucbIdx = pfucbNil;
/* record to use for update
/**/ plineNewData = &pfucb->lineWorkBuf; Assert( !( FLineNull( plineNewData ) ) );
/* start a transaction in case anything fails
/**/ if ( ppib->level == 0 || !FPIBAggregateTransaction( ppib ) ) { CallR( ErrDIRBeginTransaction( ppib ) ); fCommit = fTrue; }
/* optimistic locking -- ensure that record has not changed since PrepareUpdate
/**/ if ( FFUCBReplaceNoLockPrepared( pfucb ) ) { Call( ErrDIRGet( pfucb ) ); if ( !FChecksum( pfucb ) ) Call( JET_errWriteConflict ); } /* abort if index is being built on file
/**/ if ( FFCBDenyDDL( pfcbFile, ppib ) ) { Call( JET_errWriteConflict ); }
/* if need to update indexes, then cache old record.
/**/ fUpdateIndex = ( pfcbFile->fAllIndexTagged && fTaggedChanged ) || FIndexedFixVarChanged( pfcbFile->rgbitAllIndex, pfucb->rgbitSet, fidFixedLast, fidVarLast );
if ( fUpdateIndex ) { /* get a temp buffer to hold old data.
/**/ Call( ErrBFAllocTempBuffer( &pbf ) ); Assert( pbf->ppage != 0 ); uipb.lineOldData.pb = (BYTE*)pbf->ppage;
/* refresh currency.
/**/ Call( ErrDIRGet( pfucb ) );
/* copy old data for index update.
/**/ LineCopy( &uipb.lineOldData, &pfucb->lineData );
/* make sure clustered key did not change.
/**/ pidbFile = pfcbFile->pidb; if ( pidbFile != pidbNil ) { /*
* Quick check for unchanged key: if no fixed or var index segment * has changed, and either (1) there are no tagged index segments, * or (2) there is a tagged segment, but no tagged field (indexed * or not) has changed, then the key has not changed. */ if ( ( ( pidbFile->fidb & fidbHasTagged ) && fTaggedChanged ) || FIndexedFixVarChanged( pidbFile->rgbitIdx, pfucb->rgbitSet, fidFixedLast, fidVarLast ) ) { KEY keyOld; KEY keyNew; BYTE rgbOldKeyBuf[ JET_cbKeyMost ]; BYTE rgbNewKeyBuf[ JET_cbKeyMost ];
Assert( fUpdateIndex );
/* get new key from copy buffer
/**/ keyNew.pb = rgbNewKeyBuf; Call( ErrRECExtractKey( pfucb, (FDB *)pfcbFile->pfdb, pidbFile, plineNewData, &keyNew, 1 ) ); Assert( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == JET_errSuccess );
/* get the old key from the node
/**/ keyOld.pb = rgbOldKeyBuf; Call( ErrRECExtractKey( pfucb, (FDB *)pfcbFile->pfdb, pidbFile, &uipb.lineOldData, &keyOld, 1 ) ); Assert( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == JET_errSuccess );
/* record must honor index no NULL segment requirements
/**/ Assert( !( pidbFile->fidb & fidbNoNullSeg ) || ( err != wrnFLDNullSeg && err != wrnFLDNullKey ) );
if ( keyOld.cb != keyNew.cb || memcmp( keyOld.pb, keyNew.pb, keyOld.cb ) != 0 ) { Error( JET_errRecordClusteredChanged, HandleError ) } } } }
/* set autoinc and version fields if they are present
/**/ Assert( FFUCBIndex( pfucb ) ); fid = pfcbFile->pfdb->fidVersion; if ( fid != 0 ) { LINE lineField; ULONG ul;
/* increment field from value in current record
/**/ Call( ErrRECIRetrieve( pfucb, &fid, 0, &lineField, 0 ) );
/* handle case where field is NULL when column added
/* to table with records present
/**/ if ( lineField.cb == 0 ) { ul = 1; lineField.cb = sizeof(ul); lineField.pb = (BYTE *)&ul; } else { Assert( lineField.cb == sizeof(ULONG) ); ++*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)lineField.pb; }
Call( ErrRECIModifyField( pfucb, fid, 0, &lineField ) ); }
/* replace data.
/* Do not version if before image already exists and record size
/* has not changed.
/**/ // UNDONE: reenable optimization on not versioning when already
// versioned for pessomistic locking but with indication
// to loggging recovery for rollback.
// if ( FFUCBReplaceNoLockPrepared( pfucb ) )
// {
fFlags = fDIRVersion; // }
// else
// {
// Assert( pfucb->cbRecord > 0 );
// if ( pfucb->cbRecord != plineNewData->cb )
// fFlags = fDIRVersion;
// else
// fFlags = 0;
// }
/* if updated separate long values then delete
/* removed long values.
/**/ if ( FFUCBUpdateSeparateLV( pfucb ) ) { Call( ErrRECAffectLongFields( pfucb, NULL, fDereferenceRemoved ) ); }
Call( ErrDIRReplace( pfucb, plineNewData, fFlags ) );
/* update indexes
/**/ if ( fUpdateIndex ) { uipb.pfucb = pfucb; uipb.lineNewData = *plineNewData; uipb.fOpenFUCB = fTrue; uipb.fFreeFUCB = fFalse;
/* get SRID of record
/**/ DIRGetBookmark( pfucb, &uipb.srid );
pfcbCurIdx = pfucb->pfucbCurIndex != pfucbNil ? pfucb->pfucbCurIndex->u.pfcb : pfcbNil;
for ( pfcbIdx = pfcbFile->pfcbNextIndex; pfcbIdx != pfcbNil; pfcbIdx = pfcbIdx->pfcbNextIndex ) { if ( ( pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbHasTagged && fTaggedChanged ) || FIndexedFixVarChanged( pfcbIdx->pidb->rgbitIdx, pfucb->rgbitSet, fidFixedLast, fidVarLast ) ) { Call( ErrRECIUpdateIndex( pfcbIdx, &uipb ) ); } } }
/* commit transaction
/**/ if ( fCommit ) { Call( ErrDIRCommitTransaction( ppib ) ); }
FUCBResetUpdateSeparateLV( pfucb ); FUCBResetCbstat( pfucb );
/* reset rglineDiff delta logging
/**/ pfucb->clineDiff = 0; pfucb->fCmprsLg = fFalse;
HandleError: if ( uipb.pfucbIdx != pfucbNil ) DIRClose( uipb.pfucbIdx );
if ( pbf != pbfNil ) BFSFree( pbf );
/* rollback if necessary
/**/ if ( err < 0 && fCommit ) { CallS( ErrDIRRollback( ppib ) ); }
return err; }
BOOL FIndexedFixVarChanged( BYTE *rgbitIdx, BYTE *rgbitSet, FID fidFixedLast, FID fidVarLast ) { LONG *plIdx; LONG *plIdxMax; LONG *plSet;
/* check fixed fields (only those defined)
/**/ plIdx = (LONG *)rgbitIdx; plSet = (LONG *)rgbitSet; plIdxMax = plIdx + ( fidFixedLast + 31 ) / 32; while ( plIdx < plIdxMax && !( *plIdx & *plSet ) ) plIdx++, plSet++;
/* indexed fixed field changed
/**/ if ( plIdx < plIdxMax ) return fTrue;
/* check variable fields (only those defined)
/**/ plIdx = (LONG *)rgbitIdx + 4; plSet = (LONG *)rgbitSet + 4; plIdxMax = plIdx + ( fidVarLast - ( fidVarLeast - 1 ) + 31 ) / 32; while ( plIdx < plIdxMax && !( *plIdx & *plSet ) ) plIdx++, plSet++;
return ( plIdx < plIdxMax ); }
// ErrRECIUpdateIndex
// ========================================================================
// ERR ErrRECIUpdateIndex(pfcbIdx, puipb)
// FCB *pfcbIdx; // IN FCB of index to insert into
// UIPB *puipb; // INOUT parameter block
// Extracts keys from old and new data records, and if they are different,
// opens the index, adds the new index entry, deletes the old index entry,
// and closes the index.
// pfcbIdx FCB of index to insert into
// puipb->ppib who is calling this routine
// puipb->pfucbIdx pointer to index's FUCB. If pfucbNil,
// an FUCB will be allocated by DIROpen.
// puipb->lineOldData.cb length of old data record
// puipb->lineOldData.pb old data to extract old key from
// puipb->srid SRID of record
// puipb->lineNewData.cb length of new data record
// puipb->lineNewData.pb new data to extract new key from
// puipb->fFreeFUCB free index FUCB?
// RETURNS JET_errSuccess, or error code from failing routine
// SIDE EFFECTS if patipb->pfucbIdx==pfucbNil, ErrDIROpen will allocate
// an FUCB and it will be pointed at it.
// If fFreeFUCB is fFalse, patipb->pfucbIdx should
// be used in a subsequent ErrDIROpen.
// SEE ALSO Replace
INLINE LOCAL ERR ErrRECIUpdateIndex( FCB *pfcbIdx, UIPB *puipb ) { ERR err = JET_errSuccess; // error code of various utility
LINE lineSRID; // SRID to add to index
KEY keyOld; // key extracted from old record
BYTE rgbOldKeyBuf[ JET_cbKeyMost]; // buffer for old key
KEY keyNew; // key extracted from new record
BYTE rgbNewKeyBuf[ JET_cbKeyMost ]; // buffer for new key
ULONG itagSequenceOld; // used to extract keys
ULONG itagSequenceNew; // used to extract keys
BOOL fHasMultivalue; // index has tagged segment?
BOOL fMustDelete; // record no longer generates key?
BOOL fMustAdd; // record now generates this key?
BOOL fAllowNulls; // this index allows NULL keys?
BOOL fAllowSomeNulls; // this index allows keys with NULL segment(s)?
BOOL fNoNullSeg; // this index prohibits any NULL key segment?
BOOL fDoOldNullKey; BOOL fDoNewNullKey;
Assert( pfcbIdx != pfcbNil ); Assert( pfcbIdx->pfdb != pfdbNil ); Assert( pfcbIdx->pidb != pidbNil ); Assert( puipb != NULL ); Assert( puipb->pfucb != pfucbNil ); Assert( puipb->pfucb->ppib != ppibNil ); Assert( puipb->pfucb->ppib->level < levelMax ); Assert( !FLineNull( &puipb->lineOldData ) ); Assert( !FLineNull( &puipb->lineNewData ) );
/*** open FUCB on this index ***/ CallR( ErrDIROpen( puipb->pfucb->ppib, pfcbIdx, 0, &puipb->pfucbIdx ) ); Assert( puipb->pfucbIdx != pfucbNil ); FUCBSetIndex( puipb->pfucbIdx ); FUCBSetNonClustered( puipb->pfucbIdx );
fHasMultivalue = pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbHasMultivalue; fAllowNulls = pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbAllowAllNulls; fAllowSomeNulls = pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbAllowSomeNulls; fNoNullSeg = pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbNoNullSeg;
Assert( ( fAllowNulls || fAllowSomeNulls ) ^ fNoNullSeg ); // if fAllowNulls, then fAllowSomeNulls needs to be true
Assert( !fAllowNulls || fAllowSomeNulls ); #endif
keyOld.pb = rgbOldKeyBuf; keyNew.pb = rgbNewKeyBuf;
/* delete the old key from the index
/**/ fDoOldNullKey = fFalse; for ( itagSequenceOld = 1; ; itagSequenceOld++ ) { Call( ErrRECExtractKey( puipb->pfucb, (FDB *)pfcbIdx->pfdb, pfcbIdx->pidb, &puipb->lineOldData, &keyOld, itagSequenceOld ) ); Assert( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys || err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == JET_errSuccess );
if ( err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys ) { Assert( itagSequenceOld > 1 ); break; }
/* record must honor index no NULL segment requirements
/**/ Assert( !fNoNullSeg || ( err != wrnFLDNullSeg && err != wrnFLDNullKey ) );
if ( err == wrnFLDNullKey ) { if ( fAllowNulls ) fDoOldNullKey = fTrue; else break; } else { if ( err == wrnFLDNullSeg && !fAllowSomeNulls ) break; }
fMustDelete = fTrue; fDoNewNullKey = fFalse; for ( itagSequenceNew = 1; ; itagSequenceNew++ ) { /* extract key from new data in copy buffer
/**/ Call( ErrRECExtractKey( puipb->pfucb, (FDB *)pfcbIdx->pfdb, pfcbIdx->pidb, &puipb->lineNewData, &keyNew, itagSequenceNew ) ); Assert( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys || err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == JET_errSuccess ); if ( err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys ) { Assert( itagSequenceNew > 1 ); break; }
if ( err == wrnFLDNullKey ) { if ( fAllowNulls ) fDoNewNullKey = fTrue; else break; } else { if ( err == wrnFLDNullSeg && !fAllowSomeNulls ) break; }
if ( keyOld.cb == keyNew.cb && memcmp( keyOld.pb, keyNew.pb, keyOld.cb ) == 0 ) { fMustDelete = fFalse; break; }
if ( !fHasMultivalue || fDoNewNullKey ) break; }
if ( fMustDelete ) { /* move to DATA root. Seek to index entry.
/**/ DIRGotoDataRoot( puipb->pfucbIdx ); Call( ErrDIRDownKeyBookmark( puipb->pfucbIdx, &keyOld, puipb->srid ) ); Call( ErrDIRDelete( puipb->pfucbIdx, fDIRVersion ) ); }
if ( !fHasMultivalue || fDoOldNullKey ) break; }
/* insert the new key into the index
/**/ lineSRID.cb = sizeof(SRID); lineSRID.pb = (BYTE *)&puipb->srid; fDoNewNullKey = fFalse; for ( itagSequenceNew = 1; ; itagSequenceNew++ ) { /* extract key from new data in copy buffer
/**/ Call( ErrRECExtractKey( puipb->pfucb, (FDB *)pfcbIdx->pfdb, pfcbIdx->pidb, &puipb->lineNewData, &keyNew, itagSequenceNew ) ); Assert( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys || err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == JET_errSuccess ); if ( err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys ) { Assert( itagSequenceNew > 1 ); break; }
if ( fNoNullSeg && ( err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == wrnFLDNullKey ) ) { err = JET_errNullKeyDisallowed; goto HandleError; }
if ( err == wrnFLDNullKey ) { if ( fAllowNulls ) fDoNewNullKey = fTrue; else break; } else { if ( err == wrnFLDNullSeg && !fAllowSomeNulls ) break; }
fMustAdd = fTrue; fDoOldNullKey = fFalse; for ( itagSequenceOld = 1; ; itagSequenceOld++ ) { Call( ErrRECExtractKey( puipb->pfucb, (FDB *)pfcbIdx->pfdb, pfcbIdx->pidb, &puipb->lineOldData, &keyOld, itagSequenceOld ) ); Assert( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys || err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == JET_errSuccess ); if ( err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys ) { Assert( itagSequenceOld > 1 ); break; }
/* record must honor index no NULL segment requirements
/**/ Assert( !( pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbNoNullSeg ) || ( err != wrnFLDNullSeg && err != wrnFLDNullKey ) );
if ( err == wrnFLDNullKey ) { if ( fAllowNulls ) fDoOldNullKey = fTrue; else break; } else { if ( err == wrnFLDNullSeg && !fAllowSomeNulls ) break; }
if ( keyOld.cb == keyNew.cb && memcmp( keyOld.pb, keyNew.pb, keyOld.cb ) ==0 ) { fMustAdd = fFalse; break; }
if ( !fHasMultivalue || fDoOldNullKey ) break; }
if ( fMustAdd ) { BOOL fAllowDupls = fDoNewNullKey || !(pfcbIdx->pidb->fidb & fidbUnique);
/* move to DATA root and insert new index entry.
/**/ DIRGotoDataRoot( puipb->pfucbIdx ); Call( ErrDIRInsert(puipb->pfucbIdx, &lineSRID, &keyNew, (fAllowDupls ? fDIRDuplicate : 0) | fDIRPurgeParent | fDIRVersion ) ); }
if ( !fHasMultivalue || fDoNewNullKey ) break; }
/* supress warnings
/**/ Assert( err == wrnFLDNullKey || err == wrnFLDOutOfKeys || err == wrnFLDNullSeg || err == JET_errSuccess ); err = JET_errSuccess;
HandleError: /* close the FUCB.
/**/ DIRClose( puipb->pfucbIdx ); puipb->pfucbIdx = pfucbNil;
Assert( err < 0 || err == JET_errSuccess ); return err; }