// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: lcx.cpp
// History:
// 07/13/96 Abolade Gbadegesin Created, based on C code by Steve Cobb
// Implements an enhanced list-control.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "listctrl.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CListCtrlEx, CListCtrl) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CListCtrlEx)
// Function: CListCtrlEx::~CListCtrlEx
// Destructor. Deletes the image list, if any, and unloads row-information.
CListCtrlEx::~CListCtrlEx( ) {
delete m_pimlChecks; }
// Function: CListCtrlEx::GetColumnCount
// Called to retrieve the number of columns in any list-control.
INT CListCtrlEx::GetColumnCount( ) {
return Header_GetItemCount(ListView_GetHeader(m_hWnd)); }
// Function: CListCtrlEx::SetColumnText
// Sets the text in the header of the column in position 'iCol'.
BOOL CListCtrlEx::SetColumnText( INT iCol, LPCTSTR pszText, INT fmt ) {
lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT; lvc.pszText = (LPTSTR)pszText; lvc.fmt = fmt;
return SetColumn(iCol, &lvc); }
// Function: CListCtrlEx::InstallChecks
// Installs check-box handling for the list-control.
BOOL CListCtrlEx::InstallChecks( ) {
HICON hIcon;
// Make sure the list-control is in report-mode
if (!(GetStyle() & LVS_REPORT)) { return FALSE; }
// Allocate a new image-list.
m_pimlChecks = new CImageList;
if (!m_pimlChecks) { return FALSE; }
do { //
// Initialize the image-list
if (!m_pimlChecks->Create( ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), ILC_MASK, 2, 2 )) { break; } //
// Add the icons for the checked and unchecked images
hIcon = ::LoadIcon( AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_COMMON_UNCHECK) );
if (!hIcon) { break; }
m_pimlChecks->Add(hIcon); ::DeleteObject(hIcon);
hIcon = ::LoadIcon( AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_COMMON_CHECK) );
if (!hIcon) { break; }
m_pimlChecks->Add(hIcon); ::DeleteObject(hIcon);
// Replace the list-control's current image-list with the new one
m_pimlOldState = SetImageList(m_pimlChecks, LVSIL_STATE);
return TRUE; } while(FALSE);
// If we arrive here, an error occurred, so clean up and fail
delete m_pimlChecks; m_pimlChecks = NULL;
return FALSE; }
// Function: CListCtrlEx::UninstallChecks
// Uninstalls checkbox-handling for the list-control.
VOID CListCtrlEx::UninstallChecks( ) {
if (!m_pimlChecks) { return; }
if (m_pimlOldState) { SetImageList(m_pimlOldState, LVSIL_STATE); }
delete m_pimlChecks; m_pimlChecks = NULL; }
// Function: CListCtrlEx::GetCheck
// Returns TRUE if the specified item is checked, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL CListCtrlEx::GetCheck( INT iItem ) {
// Function: CListCtrlEx::SetCheck
// If 'fCheck' is non-zero, checks 'iItem', otherwise clears 'iItem'.
VOID CListCtrlEx::SetCheck( INT iItem, BOOL fCheck ) {
if (GetParent()) {
NMHDR nmh;
nmh.code = LVXN_SETCHECK; nmh.hwndFrom = m_hWnd;
::SendMessage( GetParent()->m_hWnd, WM_NOTIFY, GetDlgCtrlID(), (LPARAM)&nmh ); } }
// Function: CListCtrlEx::OnChar
// Handles the 'WM_CHAR' message for the list-control.
// This allows users to change items' checked-states using the keyboard.
VOID CListCtrlEx::OnChar( UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags ) {
BOOL fSet = FALSE; BOOL fClear = FALSE; BOOL fToggle = FALSE; INT iItem;
// Handle characters with special meaning for us
switch (nChar) {
case TEXT(' '): { fToggle = TRUE; break; }
case TEXT('+'): case TEXT('='): { fSet = TRUE; break; }
case TEXT('-'): { fClear = TRUE; break; } }
if (!fToggle && !fSet && !fClear) {
CListCtrl::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); } else {
// Change the state of all the selected items
for (iItem = GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED); iItem != -1; iItem = GetNextItem(iItem, LVNI_SELECTED)) {
if (fToggle) {
SetCheck(iItem, !GetCheck(iItem)); } else if (fSet) {
if (!GetCheck(iItem)) { SetCheck(iItem, TRUE); } } else {
if (GetCheck(iItem)) { SetCheck(iItem, FALSE); } } } } }
// Function: CListCtrlEx::OnKeyDown
// Handles the 'WM_KEYDOWN' message for the list-control.
// This allows users to change items' checked-states using the keyboard.
VOID CListCtrlEx::OnKeyDown( UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags ) {
// We want the left-arrow treated as an up-arrow
// and the right-arrow treated as a down-arrow.
if (nChar == VK_LEFT) {
CListCtrl::OnKeyDown(VK_UP, nRepCnt, nFlags); return; } else if (nChar == VK_RIGHT) {
CListCtrl::OnKeyDown(VK_DOWN, nRepCnt, nFlags); return; }
CListCtrl::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
// Function: CListCtrlEx::OnLButtonDown
// Handles the 'WM_LBUTTONDOWN' message, changing an item's checked state
// when the user clicks the item's check-image.
VOID CListCtrlEx::OnLButtonDown( UINT nFlags, CPoint pt ) {
INT iItem; UINT uiFlags;
// If the left-mouse button is over the check-box icon,
// we treat it as a toggle on the check-box.
uiFlags = 0;
iItem = HitTest(pt, &uiFlags);
if (iItem != -1 && (uiFlags & LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON)) {
SetCheck(iItem, !GetCheck(iItem));
// Redraw this item
RedrawItems(iItem, iItem); }
CListCtrl::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, pt); }
// Function: AdjustColumnWidth
// Called to adjust the width of column 'iCol' so that the string 'pszContent'
// can be displayed in the column without truncation.
// If 'NULL' is specified for 'pszContent', the function adjusts the column
// so that the first string in the column is displayed without truncation.
// Returns the new width of the column.
INT AdjustColumnWidth( IN CListCtrl& listCtrl, IN INT iCol, IN LPCTSTR pszContent ) {
INT iWidth, iOldWidth;
// Compute the minimum width the column needs to be
if (pszContent) {
iWidth = listCtrl.GetStringWidth(pszContent); } else {
iWidth = listCtrl.GetStringWidth(listCtrl.GetItemText(0, iCol)); }
// Adjust 'iWidth' to leave some breathing space
iWidth += ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON) + ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE) * 2;
// If the column is narrower than 'iWidth', enlarge it.
iOldWidth = listCtrl.GetColumnWidth(iCol);
if (iOldWidth < iWidth) {
listCtrl.SetColumnWidth(iCol, iWidth);
iOldWidth = iWidth; }
return iOldWidth; }
INT AdjustColumnWidth( IN CListCtrl& listCtrl, IN INT iCol, IN UINT idsContent ) {
// Needed for Loadstring
CString sCol;
return AdjustColumnWidth(listCtrl, iCol, sCol); }