/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1997 **/ /**********************************************************************/
SscpStat.h The superscope statistics dialog FILE HISTORY: */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sscpstat.h"
#include "server.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
CSuperscopeStats implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const ContainerColumnInfo s_rgSuperscopeStatsColumnInfo[] = { { IDS_STATS_TOTAL_SCOPES, 0, TRUE }, { IDS_STATS_TOTAL_ADDRESSES, 0, TRUE }, { IDS_STATS_IN_USE, 0, TRUE }, { IDS_STATS_AVAILABLE, 0, TRUE }, };
CSuperscopeStats::CSuperscopeStats() : StatsDialog(STATSDLG_VERTICAL) { SetColumnInfo(s_rgSuperscopeStatsColumnInfo, DimensionOf(s_rgSuperscopeStatsColumnInfo)); }
CSuperscopeStats::~CSuperscopeStats() { }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSuperscopeStats, StatsDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSuperscopeStats)
HRESULT CSuperscopeStats::RefreshData(BOOL fGrabNewData) { if (fGrabNewData) { DWORD dwError = 0; LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo = NULL; LPDHCP_SUPER_SCOPE_TABLE pSuperscopeTable = NULL; LPDHCP_SUPER_SCOPE_TABLE_ENTRY pSuperscopeTableEntry = NULL;
// build up a list of scopes to get info from
BEGIN_WAIT_CURSOR; dwError = ::DhcpGetSuperScopeInfoV4(m_strServerAddress, &pSuperscopeTable); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ::DhcpMessageBox(dwError); return dwError; }
// walk the list returned by the server
pSuperscopeTableEntry = pSuperscopeTable->pEntries; if (pSuperscopeTableEntry == NULL && pSuperscopeTable->cEntries != 0) { ASSERT(FALSE); return dwError; // Just in case
// clear the array out
// find any scope addresses that belong to this superscope and build our
// array for later
for (int iSuperscopeEntry = pSuperscopeTable->cEntries; iSuperscopeEntry > 0; iSuperscopeEntry--, pSuperscopeTableEntry++) { if (pSuperscopeTableEntry->SuperScopeName && m_strSuperscopeName.Compare(pSuperscopeTableEntry->SuperScopeName) == 0) { m_dwScopeArray.Add(pSuperscopeTableEntry->SubnetAddress); } }
dwError = ::DhcpGetMibInfo(m_strServerAddress, &pMibInfo); END_WAIT_CURSOR; if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ::DhcpMessageBox(dwError); return dwError; } UpdateWindow(pMibInfo);
if (pMibInfo) ::DhcpRpcFreeMemory(pMibInfo); }
return hrOK; }
BOOL CSuperscopeStats::OnInitDialog() { CString st, strScopeAddress; BOOL bRet;
AfxFormatString1(st, IDS_SUPERSCOPE_STATS_TITLE, m_strSuperscopeName);
SetWindowText((LPCTSTR) st); bRet = StatsDialog::OnInitDialog();
// Set the default column widths to the width of the widest column
SetColumnWidths(2 /* Number of Columns */);
return bRet; }
void CSuperscopeStats::Sort(UINT nColumnId) { // we don't sort any of our stats
afx_msg long CSuperscopeStats::OnNewStatsAvailable(UINT wParam, LONG lParam) { CDhcpSuperscope * pSuperscope; CDhcpServer * pServer;
pSuperscope = GETHANDLER(CDhcpSuperscope, m_spNode); pServer = pSuperscope->GetServerObject();
LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo = pServer->DuplicateMibInfo();
Assert(pMibInfo); if (!pMibInfo) return 0;
return 0; }
void CSuperscopeStats::UpdateWindow(LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo) { Assert (pMibInfo);
UINT i, j; int nTotalAddresses = 0, nTotalInUse = 0, nTotalAvailable = 0;
if (pMibInfo) { LPSCOPE_MIB_INFO pScopeMibInfo = pMibInfo->ScopeInfo;
// walk the list of scopes and total the scopes that are in the superscope
for (i = 0; i < pMibInfo->Scopes; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (UINT) m_dwScopeArray.GetSize(); j++) { if (pScopeMibInfo[i].Subnet == m_dwScopeArray[j]) { nTotalAddresses += (pScopeMibInfo[i].NumAddressesInuse + pScopeMibInfo[i].NumAddressesFree); nTotalInUse += pScopeMibInfo[i].NumAddressesInuse; nTotalAvailable += pScopeMibInfo[i].NumAddressesFree;
break; } } } }
int nPercent; CString st; TCHAR szFormat[] = _T("%d"); TCHAR szPercentFormat[] = _T("%d (%d%%)");
for (i = 0; i < SUPERSCOPE_STAT_MAX; i++) { if (!pMibInfo) st = _T("---"); else { switch (i) { case SUPERSCOPE_STAT_TOTAL_SCOPES: st.Format(szFormat, m_dwScopeArray.GetSize()); break;
case SUPERSCOPE_STAT_TOTAL_ADDRESSES: st.Format(szFormat, nTotalAddresses); break;
case SUPERSCOPE_STAT_IN_USE: if (nTotalAddresses > 0) nPercent = (nTotalInUse * 100) / nTotalAddresses; else nPercent = 0;
st.Format(szPercentFormat, nTotalInUse, nPercent); break;
case SUPERSCOPE_STAT_AVAILABLE: if (nTotalAddresses > 0) nPercent = (nTotalAvailable * 100) / nTotalAddresses; else nPercent = 0;
st.Format(szPercentFormat, nTotalAvailable, nPercent); break; default: Panic1("Unknown scope stat id : %d", i); break; } }
m_listCtrl.SetItemText(i, 1, (LPCTSTR) st); }