/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
summary.cpp IPX summary node implementation. FILE HISTORY: */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "nbview.h"
#include "reg.h"
#include "ipxadmin.h"
#include "rtrutil.h" // smart MPR handle pointers
#include "ipxstrm.h" // IPXAdminConfigStream
#include "strmap.h" // XXXtoCString functions
#include "service.h" // TFS service APIs
#include "format.h" // FormatNumber function
#include "coldlg.h" // columndlg
#include "column.h" // ComponentConfigStream
#include "rtrui.h"
#include "nbprop.h" // NetBIOS broadcast property pages
#include "ipxutil.h" // IPX formatting helper functions
#include "routprot.h"
#include "ipxrtdef.h"
Keep this in sync with the column ids in nbview.h ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern const ContainerColumnInfo s_rgNBViewColumnInfo[];
IpxNBHandler implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
IpxNBHandler::IpxNBHandler(ITFSComponentData *pCompData) : BaseContainerHandler(pCompData, COLUMNS_NBBROADCASTS, s_rgNBViewColumnInfo), m_ulConnId(0), m_ulRefreshConnId(0) { // Setup the verb states
STDMETHODIMP IpxNBHandler::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) { // Is the pointer bad?
if (ppv == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Place NULL in *ppv in case of failure
*ppv = NULL;
// This is the non-delegating IUnknown implementation
if (riid == IID_IUnknown) *ppv = (LPVOID) this; else if (riid == IID_IRtrAdviseSink) *ppv = &m_IRtrAdviseSink; else return BaseContainerHandler::QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
// If we're going to return an interface, AddRef it first
if (*ppv) { ((LPUNKNOWN) *ppv)->AddRef(); return hrOK; } else return E_NOINTERFACE; }
IpxNBHandler::DestroyHandler Implementation of ITFSNodeHandler::DestroyHandler Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBHandler::DestroyHandler(ITFSNode *pNode) { IPXConnection * pIpxConn;
pIpxConn = GET_IPXNB_NODEDATA(pNode); pIpxConn->Release();
if (m_ulRefreshConnId) { SPIRouterRefresh spRefresh; if (m_spRouterInfo) m_spRouterInfo->GetRefreshObject(&spRefresh); if (spRefresh) spRefresh->UnadviseRefresh(m_ulRefreshConnId); } m_ulRefreshConnId = 0;
// if (m_ulStatsConnId)
// {
// SPIRouterRefresh spRefresh;
// if (m_spRouterInfo)
// m_spRouterInfo->GetRefreshObject(&spRefresh);
// if (spRefresh)
// spRefresh->UnadviseRefresh(m_ulStatsConnId);
// }
// m_ulStatsConnId = 0;
if (m_ulConnId) m_spRtrMgrInfo->RtrUnadvise(m_ulConnId); m_ulConnId = 0; m_spRtrMgrInfo.Release();
// WaitForStatisticsWindow(&m_IpxStats);
m_spRouterInfo.Release(); return hrOK; }
IpxNBHandler::HasPropertyPages Implementation of ITFSNodeHandler::HasPropertyPages NOTE: the root node handler has to over-ride this function to handle the snapin manager property page (wizard) case!!! Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBHandler::HasPropertyPages ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType ) { return hrFalse; }
IpxNBHandler::OnAddMenuItems Implementation of ITFSNodeHandler::OnAddMenuItems Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBHandler::OnAddMenuItems( ITFSNode *pNode, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType, long *pInsertionAllowed) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; COM_PROTECT_TRY { } COM_PROTECT_CATCH; return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP IpxNBHandler::OnCommand(ITFSNode *pNode, long nCommandId, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; SPITFSNode spParent; SPITFSNodeHandler spHandler;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { switch (nCommandId) { case IDS_MENU_SYNC: SynchronizeNodeData(pNode); break; } } COM_PROTECT_CATCH;
return hr; }
IpxNBHandler::OnExpand - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT IpxNBHandler::OnExpand(ITFSNode *pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIEnumInterfaceInfo spEnumIf; SPIInterfaceInfo spIf; SPIRtrMgrInterfaceInfo spRmIf; // Windows NT Bug: 288427
// This flag may also get set inside of the OnChange() call.
// The OnChange() will enumerate and all interfaces.
// They may have been added as the result of an OnChange()
// because they were added before the OnExpand() was called.
// WARNING! Be careful about adding anything to this function,
// since the m_bExpanded can be set in another function.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (m_bExpanded) return hrOK;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { CORg( m_spRouterInfo->EnumInterface(&spEnumIf) );
while (spEnumIf->Next(1, &spIf, NULL) == hrOK) { if (spIf->FindRtrMgrInterface(PID_IPX, &spRmIf) == hrOK) { // Now we create an interface node for this interface
AddInterfaceNode(pNode, spIf, FALSE); } spRmIf.Release(); spIf.Release(); }
//$CLIENT: Add the client interface (setup default data)
// the only thing that we can do in synchronize is to
// get the Administrative status
AddInterfaceNode(pNode, NULL, TRUE);
m_bExpanded = TRUE;
// Now that we have all of the nodes, update the data for
// all of the nodes
m_bExpanded = TRUE;
return hr; }
IpxNBHandler::GetString Implementation of ITFSNodeHandler::GetString We don't need to do anything, since our root node is an extension only and thus can't do anything to the node text. Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(LPCTSTR) IpxNBHandler::GetString(ITFSNode *pNode, int nCol) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = hrOK;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { if (m_stTitle.IsEmpty()) m_stTitle.LoadString(IDS_IPXNB_TITLE); } COM_PROTECT_CATCH;
return m_stTitle; }
IpxNBHandler::OnCreateDataObject - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBHandler::OnCreateDataObject(MMC_COOKIE cookie, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, IDataObject **ppDataObject) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; COM_PROTECT_TRY {
Assert(m_spRtrMgrInfo); CORg( CreateDataObjectFromRtrMgrInfo(m_spRtrMgrInfo, type, cookie, m_spTFSCompData, ppDataObject) );
IpxNBHandler::Init - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT IpxNBHandler::Init(IRtrMgrInfo *pRmInfo, IPXAdminConfigStream *pConfigStream) { m_spRtrMgrInfo.Set(pRmInfo); if (pRmInfo) pRmInfo->GetParentRouterInfo(&m_spRouterInfo); m_pConfigStream = pConfigStream; // Also need to register for change notifications
Assert(m_ulConnId == 0); m_spRtrMgrInfo->RtrAdvise(&m_IRtrAdviseSink, &m_ulConnId, 0);
// m_IpxStats.SetConfigInfo(pConfigStream, IPXSTRM_STATS_IPX);
return hrOK; }
HRESULT IpxNBHandler::OnResultRefresh(ITFSComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spNode, spParent; SPITFSResultHandler spParentRH;
m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode);
// forward this command to the parent to handle
CORg (spNode->GetParent(&spParent)); CORg (spParent->GetResultHandler(&spParentRH));
CORg (spParentRH->Notify(pComponent, spParent->GetData(TFS_DATA_COOKIE), pDataObject, MMCN_REFRESH, arg, lParam));
Error: return hrOK;
IpxNBHandler::ConstructNode Initializes the root node (sets it up). Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT IpxNBHandler::ConstructNode(ITFSNode *pNode, LPCTSTR pszName, IPXConnection *pIpxConn) { Assert(pIpxConn); HRESULT hr = hrOK; if (pNode == NULL) return hrOK;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { // Need to initialize the data for the root node
// This is a leaf node in the scope pane
m_cookie = reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(pNode); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_COOKIE, m_cookie);
// Setup the node data
pIpxConn->AddRef(); SET_IPXNB_NODEDATA(pNode, pIpxConn);
// m_IpxStats.SetConnectionData(pIpxConn);
if (!FHrSucceeded(hr)) { SET_IPXNB_NODEDATA(pNode, NULL); }
return hr; }
IpxNBHandler::AddInterfaceNode - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT IpxNBHandler::AddInterfaceNode(ITFSNode *pParent, IInterfaceInfo *pIf, BOOL fClient) { IpxNBInterfaceHandler * pHandler; SPITFSResultHandler spHandler; SPITFSNode spNode; HRESULT hr = hrOK; IPXConnection * pIPXConn; BaseIPXResultNodeData * pResultData = NULL; int cBlocks = 0; SPIInfoBase spInfoBase; SPIRtrMgrInterfaceInfo spRmIf;
// Create the handler for this node
pHandler = new IpxNBInterfaceHandler(m_spTFSCompData); spHandler = pHandler; CORg( pHandler->Init(m_spRtrMgrInfo, pIf, pParent) );
// Create a result item node (or a leaf node)
CORg( CreateLeafTFSNode(&spNode, NULL, static_cast<ITFSNodeHandler *>(pHandler), static_cast<ITFSResultHandler *>(pHandler), m_spNodeMgr) ); CORg( pHandler->ConstructNode(spNode, pIf, pIPXConn) );
pResultData->m_fClient = fClient;
// Make the node immediately visible
CORg( spNode->SetVisibilityState(TFS_VIS_SHOW) ); CORg( spNode->Show() ); CORg( pParent->AddChild(spNode) );
Error: return hr; }
IpxNBHandler::SynchronizeNodeData - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT IpxNBHandler::SynchronizeNodeData(ITFSNode *pThisNode) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); SPITFSNode spNode; SPITFSNodeEnum spEnumNode; SPIInterfaceInfo spIf; IpxNBArray ipxNBArray; IpxNBArrayEntry ipxNBEntry; IpxNBArrayEntry * pEntry; HRESULT hr = hrOK; int cEntries; BaseIPXResultNodeData * pData; int cArray, iArray;
// Get a list of interface ids
CORg( pThisNode->GetEnum(&spEnumNode) );
cEntries = 0; for (; spEnumNode->Next(1, &spNode, NULL) == hrOK; spNode.Release()) { pData = GET_BASEIPXRESULT_NODEDATA(spNode); Assert(pData); ASSERT_BASEIPXRESULT_NODEDATA(pData);
// Fill in the strings with a set of default values
if (pData->m_fClient) { pData->m_rgData[IPXNB_SI_NAME].m_stData.LoadString(IDS_IPX_DIAL_IN_CLIENTS); pData->m_rgData[IPXNB_SI_TYPE].m_stData = IpxTypeToCString(ROUTER_IF_TYPE_CLIENT); } else { pData->m_rgData[IPXNB_SI_NAME].m_stData = pData->m_spIf->GetTitle();
pData->m_rgData[IPXNB_SI_TYPE].m_dwData = pData->m_spIf->GetInterfaceType(); pData->m_rgData[IPXNB_SI_TYPE].m_stData = InterfaceTypeToCString(pData->m_spIf->GetInterfaceType()); }
// Setup some defaults
::ZeroMemory(&ipxNBEntry, sizeof(ipxNBEntry)); ipxNBEntry.m_dwAccept = 0xFFFFFFFF; ipxNBEntry.m_dwDeliver = 0xFFFFFFFF; ipxNBEntry.m_cSent = 0xFFFFFFFF; ipxNBEntry.m_cReceived = 0xFFFFFFFF; ipxNBEntry.m_fClient = pData->m_fClient;
// If this is not a client, then we should have an m_spIf
if (!pData->m_fClient) StrnCpyTFromOle(ipxNBEntry.m_szId, pData->m_spIf->GetId(), DimensionOf(ipxNBEntry.m_szId)); ipxNBArray.SetAtGrow(cEntries, ipxNBEntry); cEntries++; } // Gather the data for this set of interface ids, this part
// could go on a background thread (so that we don't block the
// main thread).
CORg( GetIpxNBData(pThisNode, &ipxNBArray) );
// Write the data back out to the nodes ( and also fill in
// some data).
spEnumNode->Reset(); for (; spEnumNode->Next(1, &spNode, NULL) == hrOK; spNode.Release()) { pData = GET_BASEIPXRESULT_NODEDATA(spNode); Assert(pData); ASSERT_BASEIPXRESULT_NODEDATA(pData);
cArray = (int) ipxNBArray.GetSize(); for (iArray = 0; iArray < cArray; iArray++) { pEntry = &ipxNBArray[iArray]; if ((pData->m_fClient && pEntry->m_fClient) || (pData->m_spIf && (StriCmp(pEntry->m_szId, pData->m_spIf->GetId()) == 0))) { pData->m_rgData[IPXNB_SI_ACCEPTED].m_stData = IpxAcceptBroadcastsToCString(pEntry->m_dwAccept); pData->m_rgData[IPXNB_SI_DELIVERED].m_stData = IpxDeliveredBroadcastsToCString(pEntry->m_dwDeliver); if (pEntry->m_cSent == 0xFFFFFFFF) pData->m_rgData[IPXNB_SI_SENT].m_stData.LoadString(IDS_STATS_NA); else FillInNumberData(pData, IPXNB_SI_SENT, pEntry->m_cSent); if (pEntry->m_cReceived == 0xFFFFFFFF) pData->m_rgData[IPXNB_SI_RECEIVED].m_stData.LoadString(IDS_STATS_NA); else FillInNumberData(pData, IPXNB_SI_RECEIVED, pEntry->m_cReceived); break; } } // Force MMC to redraw the nodes
Error: return hr; }
IpxNBHandler::GetClientInterfaceData - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT IpxNBHandler::GetClientInterfaceData(IpxNBArrayEntry *pClient, IRtrMgrInfo *pRm) { SPIInfoBase spInfoBase; InfoBlock * pIpxBlock; InfoBlock * pWanBlock; HRESULT hr = hrOK; BOOL fSave = FALSE; IPX_IF_INFO *pIpxInfo; pRm->GetInfoBase(NULL, NULL, NULL, &spInfoBase); if (spInfoBase == NULL) { CORg( CreateInfoBase(&spInfoBase) ); } if (spInfoBase->GetBlock(IPX_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE, &pIpxBlock, 0) != hrOK) { // We couldn't find the block, add it in
ipx.AdminState = ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED; ipx.NetbiosAccept = ADMIN_STATE_DISABLED; ipx.NetbiosDeliver = ADMIN_STATE_DISABLED;
CORg( spInfoBase->AddBlock(IPX_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE, sizeof(ipx), (PBYTE) &ipx, 1, 0) ); CORg( spInfoBase->GetBlock(IPX_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE, &pIpxBlock, 0) ); fSave = TRUE; } pIpxInfo = (PIPX_IF_INFO) pIpxBlock->pData;
pClient->m_dwAccept = pIpxInfo->NetbiosAccept; pClient->m_dwDeliver = pIpxInfo->NetbiosDeliver;
if (spInfoBase->GetBlock(IPXWAN_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE, &pWanBlock, 0) != hrOK) { // We couldn't find the block, add it in
CORg( spInfoBase->AddBlock(IPXWAN_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE, sizeof(wan), (PBYTE) &wan, 1, 0) ); CORg( spInfoBase->GetBlock(IPXWAN_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE, &pWanBlock, 0) ); fSave = TRUE; }
if (fSave) { pRm->Save(NULL, // pszMachine
NULL, // hMachine
NULL, // hTransport
NULL, // pGlobalInfo
spInfoBase, // pClientInfo
0); // dwDeleteProtocolId
Error: return hr; }
IpxNBHandler::GetIpxNBData - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT IpxNBHandler::GetIpxNBData(ITFSNode *pThisNode, IpxNBArray *pIpxNBArray) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; IPXConnection * pIPXConn; IPX_MIB_GET_INPUT_DATA MibGetInputData; PIPX_INTERFACE pIpxIf = NULL; DWORD cbIpxIf; SPMprMibBuffer spMib; IpxNBArrayEntry * pEntry = NULL; DWORD dwErr; int iArray, cArray; SPIRtrMgrInterfaceInfo spRmIf; SPIInfoBase spInfoBase; PIPX_IF_INFO pIfInfo; SPITFSNodeEnum spEnumNode; SPITFSNode spNode; BaseIPXResultNodeData * pData; USES_CONVERSION;
// Go through the array, filling in all of the interface indices
MibGetInputData.TableId = IPX_INTERFACE_TABLE; dwErr = ::MprAdminMIBEntryGetFirst(pIPXConn->GetMibHandle(), PID_IPX, IPX_PROTOCOL_BASE, &MibGetInputData, sizeof(MibGetInputData), (LPVOID *) &pIpxIf, &cbIpxIf); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); spMib = (PBYTE) pIpxIf; while (FHrSucceeded(hr)) { // Now match this up to a name in the array
cArray = (int) pIpxNBArray->GetSize(); for (iArray = 0; iArray<cArray; iArray++) { pEntry = &((*pIpxNBArray)[iArray]); if (StriCmp(pEntry->m_szId, A2CT((LPCSTR) pIpxIf->InterfaceName)) == 0) { // Ok, we found a match
pEntry->m_cSent = pIpxIf->IfStats.NetbiosSent; pEntry->m_cReceived = pIpxIf->IfStats.NetbiosReceived; break; } }
MibGetInputData.MibIndex.InterfaceTableIndex.InterfaceIndex = pIpxIf->InterfaceIndex;
// Get the next name
spMib.Free(); pIpxIf = NULL; dwErr = ::MprAdminMIBEntryGetNext(pIPXConn->GetMibHandle(), PID_IPX, IPX_PROTOCOL_BASE, &MibGetInputData, sizeof(MibGetInputData), (LPVOID *) &pIpxIf, &cbIpxIf); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); spMib = (PBYTE) pIpxIf;
// Now we need to grab the data from the infobase (these access
// could lead to a MIB access and thus a RPC). This is why we do
// it here also.
// Instead of iterating through the MIBs, iterate through the
// interfaces that appear in the node.
for (; spEnumNode->Next(1, &spNode, NULL) == hrOK; spNode.Release()) { pData = GET_BASEIPXRESULT_NODEDATA(spNode); Assert(pData); ASSERT_BASEIPXRESULT_NODEDATA(pData);
// Now look for a match in the nodes
cArray = (int) pIpxNBArray->GetSize(); for (iArray=0; iArray < cArray; iArray++) { pEntry = &((*pIpxNBArray)[iArray]); if (pEntry->m_fClient && pData->m_fClient) { GetClientInterfaceData(pEntry, m_spRtrMgrInfo); break; } else if (pData->m_fClient) break;
// No match, continue on
if (StriCmp(pEntry->m_szId, pData->m_spIf->GetId())) continue;
// Get the data for this node and set it.
spRmIf.Release(); hr = pData->m_spIf->FindRtrMgrInterface(PID_IPX, &spRmIf); if (hr != hrOK) break;
spInfoBase.Release(); hr = spRmIf->GetInfoBase(NULL, NULL, NULL, &spInfoBase); if (hr != hrOK) break;
spInfoBase->GetData(IPX_INTERFACE_INFO_TYPE, 0, (LPBYTE *) &pIfInfo); if (pIfInfo) { pEntry->m_dwAccept = pIfInfo->NetbiosAccept; pEntry->m_dwDeliver = pIfInfo->NetbiosDeliver; } break; } }
if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) hr = hrOK; return hr; }
IpxNBHandler::AddMenuItems Implementation of ITFSResultHandler::AddMenuItems Use this to add commands to the context menu of the blank areas of the result pane. Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBHandler::AddMenuItems(ITFSComponent *pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pCallback, long *pInsertionAllowed) { return hrOK; }
IpxNBHandler::Command - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBHandler::Command(ITFSComponent *pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, int nCommandID, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject) { return hrOK; }
ImplementEmbeddedUnknown(IpxNBHandler, IRtrAdviseSink)
STDMETHODIMP IpxNBHandler::EIRtrAdviseSink::OnChange(LONG_PTR ulConn, DWORD dwChangeType, DWORD dwObjectType, LPARAM lUserParam, LPARAM lParam) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); InitPThis(IpxNBHandler, IRtrAdviseSink); SPITFSNode spThisNode; SPITFSNode spNode; SPITFSNodeEnum spEnumNode; SPIEnumInterfaceInfo spEnumIf; SPIInterfaceInfo spIf; BOOL fFound; BOOL fPleaseAdd; BaseIPXResultNodeData * pData; HRESULT hr = hrOK;
pThis->m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(pThis->m_cookie, &spThisNode); if (dwObjectType == ROUTER_OBJ_RmIf) { if (dwChangeType == ROUTER_CHILD_ADD) { // Enumerate through the list of interfaces looking for
// the interfaces that have this protocol. If we find
// one, look for this interface in our list of nodes.
CORg( pThis->m_spRouterInfo->EnumInterface(&spEnumIf) );
fPleaseAdd = FALSE;
for (; spEnumIf->Next(1, &spIf, NULL) == hrOK; spIf.Release()) { // Look for this interface in our list of nodes
// If it's there than continue on
fFound = FALSE; spEnumNode->Reset(); spNode.Release();
for (; spEnumNode->Next(1, &spNode, NULL) == hrOK; spNode.Release()) { pData = GET_BASEIPXRESULT_NODEDATA(spNode); Assert(pData); ASSERT_BASEIPXRESULT_NODEDATA(pData);
if (!pData->m_fClient && StriCmpW(pData->m_spIf->GetId(), spIf->GetId()) == 0) { fFound = TRUE; break; } }
// If the interface was not found in the list of nodes,
// then it is a candidate. Now we have to see if the
// interface supports this transport.
if (!fFound && (spIf->FindRtrMgrInterface(pThis->m_spRtrMgrInfo->GetTransportId(), NULL) == hrOK)) { // If this interface has this transport, and is NOT in
// the current list of nodes then add this interface
// to the UI
pThis->AddInterfaceNode(spThisNode, spIf, FALSE); fPleaseAdd = TRUE; } }
// If it's not expanded, then we haven't added
// the dial-in clients node.
if (!pThis->m_bExpanded) { //$CLIENT: Add the client interface (setup default data)
// the only thing that we can do in synchronize is to
// get the Administrative status
pThis->AddInterfaceNode(spThisNode, NULL, TRUE);
fPleaseAdd = TRUE; } // Now that we have all of the nodes, update the data for
// all of the nodes
if (fPleaseAdd) pThis->SynchronizeNodeData(spThisNode); // Windows NT Bug : 288247
// Set this here, so that we can avoid the nodes being
// added in the OnExpand().
pThis->m_bExpanded = TRUE; } else if (dwChangeType == ROUTER_CHILD_DELETE) { // Go through the list of nodes, if we cannot find the
// node in the list of interfaces, delete the node
spThisNode->GetEnum(&spEnumNode); spEnumNode->Reset(); while (spEnumNode->Next(1, &spNode, NULL) == hrOK) { // Get the node data, look for the interface
pData = GET_BASEIPXRESULT_NODEDATA(spNode); ASSERT_BASEIPXRESULT_NODEDATA(pData); //$CLIENT: if this is a client interface, we can't
// delete the node
if (!pData->m_fClient && (LookupRtrMgrInterface(pThis->m_spRouterInfo, pData->m_spIf->GetId(), pThis->m_spRtrMgrInfo->GetTransportId(), NULL) != hrOK)) { // cannot find the interface, release this node!
spThisNode->RemoveChild(spNode); spNode->Destroy(); } spNode.Release(); spIf.Release(); } } } else if (dwChangeType == ROUTER_REFRESH) { pThis->SynchronizeNodeData(spThisNode); } Error: return hrOK; }
IpxNBHandler::OnResultShow - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT IpxNBHandler::OnResultShow(ITFSComponent *pTFSComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL bSelect = (BOOL) arg; HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIRouterRefresh spRefresh; SPITFSNode spNode;
BaseContainerHandler::OnResultShow(pTFSComponent, cookie, arg, lParam);
if (bSelect) { // Call synchronize on this node
m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode); if (spNode) SynchronizeNodeData(spNode); }
// Un/Register for refresh advises
if (m_spRouterInfo) m_spRouterInfo->GetRefreshObject(&spRefresh);
if (spRefresh) { if (bSelect) { if (m_ulRefreshConnId == 0) spRefresh->AdviseRefresh(&m_IRtrAdviseSink, &m_ulRefreshConnId, 0);
// if (m_ulStatsConnId == 0)
// spRefresh->AdviseRefresh(&m_IRtrAdviseSink, &m_ulStatsConnId, 0);
} else { if (m_ulRefreshConnId) spRefresh->UnadviseRefresh(m_ulRefreshConnId); m_ulRefreshConnId = 0;
// We do not clean up the stats refresh on not show, since the
// dialogs may still be up.
} } return hr; }
IpxNBHandler::CompareItems - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(int) IpxNBHandler::CompareItems( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookieA, MMC_COOKIE cookieB, int nCol) { // Get the strings from the nodes and use that as a basis for
// comparison.
SPITFSNode spNode; SPITFSResultHandler spResult;
m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookieA, &spNode); spNode->GetResultHandler(&spResult); return spResult->CompareItems(pComponent, cookieA, cookieB, nCol); }
Class: IpxNBInterfaceHandler ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::IpxNBInterfaceHandler(ITFSComponentData *pCompData) : BaseIPXResultHandler(pCompData, COLUMNS_NBBROADCASTS), m_ulConnId(0) { m_rgButtonState[MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES_INDEX] = ENABLED; m_bState[MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES_INDEX] = TRUE; m_rgButtonState[MMC_VERB_REFRESH_INDEX] = ENABLED; m_bState[MMC_VERB_REFRESH_INDEX] = TRUE; m_verbDefault = MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES; }
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::ConstructNode Initializes the Domain node (sets it up). Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT IpxNBInterfaceHandler::ConstructNode(ITFSNode *pNode, IInterfaceInfo *pIfInfo, IPXConnection *pIPXConn) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; int i; if (pNode == NULL) return hrOK;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { // Find the right image index for this type of node
if (pIfInfo) { for (i=0; i<DimensionOf(s_rgInterfaceImageMap); i+=2) { if ((pIfInfo->GetInterfaceType() == s_rgInterfaceImageMap[i]) || (-1 == s_rgInterfaceImageMap[i])) break; } } else { i = 2; // if no interface, assume this is a client interface
pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_IMAGEINDEX, s_rgInterfaceImageMap[i+1]); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_OPENIMAGEINDEX, s_rgInterfaceImageMap[i+1]); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_SCOPEID, 0);
pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_COOKIE, reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(pNode));
//$ Review: kennt, what are the different type of interfaces
// do we distinguish based on the same list as above? (i.e. the
// one for image indexes).
BaseIPXResultNodeData::Init(pNode, pIfInfo, pIPXConn); } COM_PROTECT_CATCH return hr; }
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::OnCreateDataObject - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBInterfaceHandler::OnCreateDataObject(MMC_COOKIE cookie, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, IDataObject **ppDataObject) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; COM_PROTECT_TRY { CORg( CreateDataObjectFromInterfaceInfo(m_spInterfaceInfo, type, cookie, m_spTFSCompData, ppDataObject) );
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::OnCreateDataObject Implementation of ITFSResultHandler::OnCreateDataObject Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBInterfaceHandler::OnCreateDataObject(ITFSComponent *pComp, MMC_COOKIE cookie, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, IDataObject **ppDataObject) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; COM_PROTECT_TRY { CORg( CreateDataObjectFromInterfaceInfo(m_spInterfaceInfo, type, cookie, m_spTFSCompData, ppDataObject) );
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::RefreshInterface - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void IpxNBInterfaceHandler::RefreshInterface(MMC_COOKIE cookie) { SPITFSNode spNode; m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode); ForwardCommandToParent(spNode, IDS_MENU_SYNC, CCT_RESULT, NULL, 0); }
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::Init - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT IpxNBInterfaceHandler::Init(IRtrMgrInfo *pRm, IInterfaceInfo *pIfInfo, ITFSNode *pParent) { m_spRm.Set(pRm); if (pRm) pRm->GetParentRouterInfo(&m_spRouterInfo); m_spInterfaceInfo.Set(pIfInfo);
BaseIPXResultHandler::Init(pIfInfo, pParent); return hrOK; }
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::DestroyResultHandler - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBInterfaceHandler::DestroyResultHandler(MMC_COOKIE cookie) { m_spInterfaceInfo.Release(); BaseIPXResultHandler::DestroyResultHandler(cookie); return hrOK; }
This is the list of commands that will show up for the result pane nodes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct SIPXInterfaceNodeMenu { ULONG m_sidMenu; // string/command id for this menu item
ULONG (IpxNBInterfaceHandler:: *m_pfnGetMenuFlags)(IpxNBInterfaceHandler::SMenuData *); ULONG m_ulPosition; };
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::AddMenuItems Implementation of ITFSResultHandler::AddMenuItems Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBInterfaceHandler::AddMenuItems( ITFSComponent *pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, long *pInsertionAllowed) { return hrOK; }
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::Command - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBInterfaceHandler::Command(ITFSComponent *pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, int nCommandID, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject) { return hrOK; }
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::HasPropertyPages - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBInterfaceHandler::HasPropertyPages ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType ) { return hrTrue; }
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::CreatePropertyPages - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBInterfaceHandler::CreatePropertyPages ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LONG_PTR handle, DWORD dwType ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = hrOK; IpxNBInterfaceProperties * pProperties = NULL; SPIComponentData spComponentData; CString stTitle;
CORg( m_spNodeMgr->GetComponentData(&spComponentData) );
if (m_spInterfaceInfo) stTitle.Format(IDS_IPXNB_IF_PAGE_TITLE, m_spInterfaceInfo->GetTitle()); else stTitle.LoadString(IDS_IPXNB_CLIENT_IF_PAGE_TITLE); pProperties = new IpxNBInterfaceProperties(pNode, spComponentData, m_spTFSCompData, stTitle);
CORg( pProperties->Init(m_spRm, m_spInterfaceInfo) );
if (lpProvider) hr = pProperties->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle); else hr = pProperties->DoModelessSheet();
Error: return hr; }
IpxNBInterfaceHandler::CreatePropertyPages Implementation of ResultHandler::CreatePropertyPages Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP IpxNBInterfaceHandler::CreatePropertyPages ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LONG_PTR handle ) { // Forward this call onto the NodeHandler::CreatePropertyPages
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spNode;
Assert( m_spNodeMgr );
CORg( m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode) );
// Call the ITFSNodeHandler::CreatePropertyPages
hr = CreatePropertyPages(spNode, lpProvider, pDataObject, handle, 0); Error: return hr; }