// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: portdlg.cpp
// History:
// 09/22/96 Abolade Gbadegesin Created.
// Implementation of the port-status dialog.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dialog.h"
#include "rtrutilp.h"
extern "C" { #include "ras.h"
#include "portdlg.h"
#include "rtrstr.h"
#include "iface.h"
#include "ports.h"
#include "raserror.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Class: CPortDlg
// Function: CPortDlg::CPortDlg
// Constructor: initialize the base-class and the dialog's data.
CPortDlg::CPortDlg( LPCTSTR pszServer, HANDLE hServer, HANDLE hPort, ITFSNode* pPortsNode, CWnd* pParent ) : CBaseDialog (IDD_DDM_PORT, pParent), m_stServer(pszServer) { m_hServer = hServer; m_hPort = hPort; m_spPortsNode.Set(pPortsNode);
m_bChanged = FALSE; }
// Function: CPortDlg::DoDataExchange
// DDX handler.
VOID CPortDlg::DoDataExchange( CDataExchange* pDX ) {
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DP_COMBO_PORTLIST, m_comboPorts); }
BOOL CPortDlg::OnInitDialog( ) {
return FALSE; }
BOOL CPortDlg::RefreshItem( HANDLE hPort, BOOL bDisconnected ) {
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); DWORD dwErr, dwTotal; DWORD rp0Count, rc0Count; BYTE* rp0Table, *rc0Table; BOOL bChanged = FALSE; DWORD rasmanCount = 0, dwSize; BYTE * pRasmanPorts = NULL; HANDLE hRasHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
rp0Table = rc0Table = 0;
do { //
// Retrieve an array of ports
// to be used to fill the combo-box
dwErr = ::MprAdminPortEnum( m_hServer, // (RAS_SERVER_HANDLE)m_pRootNode->QueryDdmHandle(),
0, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, (BYTE**)&rp0Table, (DWORD)-1, &rp0Count, &dwTotal, NULL ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// if the caller signals explicitely that the port was disconnected
// alter at this point the structure returned my MprAdminPortEnum.
// This is done because ::MprAdminPortDisconnect() is disconnecting synchronously
// the port, but does not update the internal data synchronously!
if (bDisconnected) { INT i; RAS_PORT_0* prp0;
for (i = 0, prp0 = (RAS_PORT_0*)rp0Table; i < (INT)rp0Count; i++, prp0++) { if (prp0->hPort == hPort) { prp0->dwPortCondition = RAS_PORT_DISCONNECTED; prp0->hConnection = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; break; } }
// Retrieve an array of connections
dwErr = ::MprAdminConnectionEnum( // (RAS_SERVER_HANDLE)m_pRootNode->QueryDdmHandle(),
m_hServer, 0, (BYTE**)&rc0Table, (DWORD)-1, &rc0Count, &dwTotal, NULL );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Do the refresh of the display,
// selecting the item specified by the caller.
bChanged = Refresh(rp0Table, rp0Count, rc0Table, rc0Count, hRasHandle, pRasmanPorts, rasmanCount, hPort); dwErr = NO_ERROR;
} while (FALSE);
delete pRasmanPorts;
if (hRasHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) RasRpcDisconnectServer(hRasHandle);
if (rc0Table) { ::MprAdminBufferFree(rc0Table); } if (rp0Table) { ::MprAdminBufferFree(rp0Table); }
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { TCHAR szText[1024];
FormatSystemError(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr), szText, DimensionOf(szText), IDS_ERR_INITDLGERROR, FSEFLAG_ANYMESSAGE); AfxMessageBox(szText);
EndDialog(IDCANCEL); }
return bChanged; }
VOID CPortDlg::OnHangUp( ) {
INT iSel; HANDLE hPort; DWORD dwErr;
iSel = m_comboPorts.GetCurSel();
if (iSel == CB_ERR) { return; }
hPort = (HANDLE)m_comboPorts.GetItemData(iSel);
dwErr = ::MprAdminPortDisconnect( // (RAS_SERVER_HANDLE)m_pRootNode->QueryDdmHandle(),
m_hServer, hPort );
m_bChanged |= RefreshItem(hPort, dwErr == NO_ERROR); }
VOID CPortDlg::OnReset( ) {
INT iSel; HANDLE hPort;
iSel = m_comboPorts.GetCurSel();
if (iSel == CB_ERR) { return; }
hPort = (HANDLE)m_comboPorts.GetItemData(iSel);
::MprAdminPortClearStats( // (RAS_SERVER_HANDLE)m_pRootNode->QueryDdmHandle(),
m_hServer, hPort );
m_bChanged |= RefreshItem(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }
VOID CPortDlg::OnSelendokPortList( ) {
m_bChanged |= RefreshItem(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }
VOID CPortDlg::OnRefresh( ) {
m_bChanged |= RefreshItem(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }
BOOL CPortDlg::PortHasChanged( ITFSNode *pPortsNode, RAS_PORT_0 *pRP0) { SPITFSNodeEnum spEnum; SPITFSNode spChildNode;
for (;spEnum->Next(1, &spChildNode, NULL) == hrOK; spChildNode.Release()) { InterfaceNodeData * pChildData;
pChildData = GET_INTERFACENODEDATA(spChildNode); Assert(pChildData);
if (pChildData->m_rgData[PORTS_SI_PORT].m_ulData == (ULONG_PTR) pRP0->hPort) { BOOL bChanged; bChanged = ((DWORD)pRP0->dwPortCondition != pChildData->m_rgData[PORTS_SI_STATUS].m_dwData); m_bChanged |= bChanged; return bChanged; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CPortDlg::Refresh( BYTE* rp0Table, DWORD rp0Count, BYTE* rc0Table, DWORD rc0Count, HANDLE hRasHandle, BYTE * pRasmanPorts, DWORD rasmanCount, VOID* pParam ) {
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; CString sItem; RAS_PORT_0* prp0; RAS_PORT_1* prp1; RAS_CONNECTION_0* prc0; RAS_CONNECTION_1* prc1; INT i, j, iSel, count; HANDLE hPort, hPortSel = NULL, *pPortTable; TCHAR szName[256]; TCHAR szNumber[32]; BOOL bChanged = FALSE; RasmanPortMap portMap;
hPortSel = (HANDLE)pParam;
// Fill an array of port-handles with the ports which are already
// in the combobox.
count = m_comboPorts.GetCount();
if (count) {
pPortTable = new HANDLE[count]; }
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
pPortTable[i] = (HANDLE)m_comboPorts.GetItemData(i); }
// Windows NT Bug : 338611
// To make this faster, we need to create a hash table of
// the RasPortEnum data. Note: this class relies on the
// pbPorts being valid when calling any functions in the class.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
portMap.Init(hRasHandle, (RASMAN_PORT *) pRasmanPorts, rasmanCount);
// Refresh the combobox with port-names;
// We do this in two passes, first adding the names of ports
// which aren't already in the combobox,
// and then removing the names of ports which aren't
// in the table of ports ('rp0Table').
for (i = 0, prp0 = (RAS_PORT_0*)rp0Table; i < (INT)rp0Count; i++, prp0++) {
// See if port 'i' is already in the combobox.
for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
if (pPortTable[j] == prp0->hPort) { break; } }
if (j < count) { continue; }
// Check to see that this port isn't dialout active,
// if so, we can ignore it
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if ( portMap.FIsDialoutActive(prp0->wszPortName) ) { continue; } //
// Port 'i' isn't already in the combobox, so add it.
FormatRasPortName((BYTE *) prp0, szName, DimensionOf(szName)); sItem = szName;
iSel = m_comboPorts.AddString(sItem);
if (iSel >= 0) {
m_comboPorts.SetItemData(iSel, (LONG_PTR)prp0->hPort);
if (prp0->hPort == hPortSel) { m_comboPorts.SetCurSel(iSel); }
bChanged = TRUE; } }
if (count) { delete [] pPortTable; }
// Second stage: remove all ports which aren't in 'rp0Table'.
// This is only necessary if there were any ports in the combobox before.
if (count > 0) {
count = m_comboPorts.GetCount();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
hPort = (HANDLE)m_comboPorts.GetItemData(i);
// See if the port is in 'rp0Table'.
for (j = 0, prp0 = (RAS_PORT_0*)rp0Table; j < (INT)rp0Count; j++, prp0++) {
if (prp0->hPort == hPort) { break; } }
if (j < (INT)rp0Count) {
if (prp0->hPort == hPortSel) { m_comboPorts.SetCurSel(i); }
continue; }
// The port wasn't found in 'rp0Table',
// so remove it from the combobox,
// and adjust the enumeration indices.
m_comboPorts.DeleteString(i); --i; --count;
bChanged = TRUE; } }
// Clear out the address fields
SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_IPADDRESS, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_IPXADDRESS, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_NBFADDRESS, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_ATLKADDRESS, c_szEmpty);
// Clear out the line bps field
SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_LINEBPS, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_DURATION, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_BYTESIN, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_BYTESOUT, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_TIMEOUT, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_ALIGNMENT, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_FRAMING, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_HWOVERRUN, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_BUFOVERRUN, c_szEmpty); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_CRC, c_szEmpty);
// If there is no selection select the first item
if ((iSel = m_comboPorts.GetCurSel()) == CB_ERR) {
iSel = m_comboPorts.SetCurSel(0); }
if (iSel == CB_ERR) { return bChanged; }
// Update the display with information for the selected item
hPort = (HANDLE)m_comboPorts.GetItemData(iSel);
for (i = 0, prp0 = (RAS_PORT_0*)rp0Table; i < (INT)rp0Count; i++, prp0++) {
if (prp0->hPort == hPort) { break; } }
if (i >= (INT)rp0Count) { return bChanged; }
// if the ports are the same, check if the currently selected port did not change!
if (!bChanged) { // check if the data returned here matches with the one handled by the console.
// if it doesn't, set bChanged to TRUE, saying that something has changed.
// subsequently, the caller will know to initiate a global refresh.
bChanged = PortHasChanged(m_spPortsNode, prp0); }
// First update the RAS_PORT_0-based information
FormatDuration(prp0->dwConnectDuration, sItem, UNIT_SECONDS); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_DURATION, sItem);
// Now if the port is connected, find its RAS_CONNECTION_0
prc0 = NULL;
if (prp0->hConnection != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
for (i = 0, prc0 = (RAS_CONNECTION_0*)rc0Table; i < (INT)rc0Count; i++, prc0++) {
if (prc0->hConnection == prp0->hConnection) { break; } }
if (i >= (INT)rc0Count) { prc0 = NULL; } }
sItem = PortConditionToCString(prp0->dwPortCondition);
if (!prc0) {
// The port is not connected; show only the port condition.
SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_EDIT_CONDITION, sItem); if (GetFocus() == GetDlgItem(IDC_DP_BTN_HANGUP)) { GetDlgItem(IDC_DP_BTN_RESET)->SetFocus(); }
GetDlgItem(IDC_DP_BTN_HANGUP)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } else {
CString sCondition;
// Show condition as "Port condition (Connection)".
sCondition.Format(TEXT("%s (%ls)"), sItem, prc0->wszInterfaceName);
SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_EDIT_CONDITION, sCondition);
GetDlgItem(IDC_DP_BTN_HANGUP)->EnableWindow(TRUE); }
do { //
// Set the information in the dialog text-controls
// Windows NT Bug : 139866
// if we are not authenticated, do not show this information
if (prp0->dwPortCondition == RAS_PORT_AUTHENTICATED) { //
// Now retrieve the RAS_PORT_1 information for this port.
dwErr = ::MprAdminPortGetInfo( m_hServer, 1, prp0->hPort, (BYTE**)&prp1 ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; } FormatNumber(prp1->dwLineSpeed, szNumber, DimensionOf(szNumber), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_LINEBPS, szNumber); FormatNumber(prp1->dwBytesRcved, szNumber, DimensionOf(szNumber), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_BYTESIN, szNumber); FormatNumber(prp1->dwBytesXmited, szNumber, DimensionOf(szNumber), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_BYTESOUT, szNumber); FormatNumber(prp1->dwCrcErr, szNumber, DimensionOf(szNumber), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_CRC, szNumber); FormatNumber(prp1->dwTimeoutErr, szNumber, DimensionOf(szNumber), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_TIMEOUT, szNumber); FormatNumber(prp1->dwAlignmentErr, szNumber, DimensionOf(szNumber), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_ALIGNMENT, szNumber); FormatNumber(prp1->dwFramingErr, szNumber, DimensionOf(szNumber), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_FRAMING, szNumber); FormatNumber(prp1->dwHardwareOverrunErr, szNumber, DimensionOf(szNumber), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_HWOVERRUN, szNumber); FormatNumber(prp1->dwBufferOverrunErr, szNumber, DimensionOf(szNumber), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(IDC_DP_TEXT_BUFOVERRUN, szNumber);
::MprAdminBufferFree(prp1); } //
// Finally, if the port is connected, retreive RAS_CONNECTION_1 info
// and use it to fill the network-registration controls.
if (prp0->dwPortCondition != RAS_PORT_AUTHENTICATED) break; // if (prp0->hConnection == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { break; }
dwErr = ::MprAdminConnectionGetInfo( // (RAS_SERVER_HANDLE)m_pRootNode->QueryDdmHandle(),
m_hServer, 1, prp0->hConnection, (BYTE**)&prc1 );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR || !prc1) { break; }
// Fill in the network registration info for projected networks.
if (prc1->PppInfo.ip.dwError == NO_ERROR) {
SetDlgItemTextW(IDC_DP_TEXT_IPADDRESS, prc1->PppInfo.ip.wszRemoteAddress); }
if (prc1->PppInfo.ipx.dwError == NO_ERROR) {
SetDlgItemTextW(IDC_DP_TEXT_IPXADDRESS, prc1->PppInfo.ipx.wszAddress); }
if (prc1->PppInfo.nbf.dwError == NO_ERROR) {
SetDlgItemTextW(IDC_DP_TEXT_NBFADDRESS, prc1->PppInfo.nbf.wszWksta); }
if (prc1->PppInfo.at.dwError == NO_ERROR) { SetDlgItemTextW(IDC_DP_TEXT_ATLKADDRESS, prc1->PppInfo.at.wszAddress); }
} while (FALSE);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { TCHAR szText[1024]; FormatSystemError(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr), szText, DimensionOf(szText), IDS_ERR_INITDLGERROR, FSEFLAG_ANYMESSAGE);
EndDialog(IDCANCEL); }
return bChanged; }