/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
cluster.cpp handles starting/stopping cluster resources
//define USE_CCLUSPROPLIST // tells Clushead.h to compile for the CClusPropList class
//include "clushead.h" // the Sample Include Header
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cluster.h"
#include "objplus.h"
#include "ipaddres.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
DynamicDLL g_ClusDLL( _T("CLUSAPI.DLL"), g_apchClusFunctionNames ); DynamicDLL g_ResUtilsDLL( _T("RESUTILS.DLL"), g_apchResUtilsFunctionNames );
// ControlClusterService()
// Finds the cluster name using the following procedure:
// 1. Opens a handle to the local cluster (using NULL cluster name).
// 1. Enumerates the resources in the cluster.
// 2. Checks each resource to see if it is the core
// Network Name resource.
// 5. Finds the cluster name by retrieving the private properties
// of the core Network Name resource.
// 6. Online/Offline the service
// Arguments: ServiceName, start/stop flag
// Return value: Error code
DWORD ControlClusterService(LPCTSTR pszComputer, LPCTSTR pszResourceType, LPCTSTR pszServiceDesc, BOOL fStart) { HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL; // cluster handle
HCLUSENUM hClusEnum = NULL; // enumeration handle
HRESOURCE hRes = NULL; // resource handle
DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // captures return values
DWORD dwIndex = 0; // enumeration index; incremented to loop through all resources
DWORD dwResFlags = 0; // describes the flags set for a resource
DWORD dwEnumType = CLUSTER_ENUM_RESOURCE; // bitmask describing the cluster object(s) to enumerate
DWORD cchResNameSize = 0; // actual size (count of characters) of lpszResName
DWORD cchResNameAlloc = MAX_NAME_SIZE; // allocated size of lpszResName; MAX_NAME_SIZE = 256 (defined in clushead.h)
LPWSTR lpszResName = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, MAX_NAME_SIZE); // enumerated resource name
LPWSTR lpszResType = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, MAX_NAME_SIZE); // the resource type of the current resource name
BOOL bDoLoop = TRUE; // loop exit condition
int iResult = 0; // for return values
if ( !g_ClusDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return dwError;
// Open a cluster handle.
// The NULL cluster name opens a handle to the local cluster.
hCluster = ((OPENCLUSTER) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_OPEN_CLUSTER])( pszComputer ); if (hCluster == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); Trace1("OpenCluster failed %d!", dwError ); goto ExitFunc; }
// Open an enumeration handle
hClusEnum = ((CLUSTEROPENENUM) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLUSTER_OPEN_ENUM])( hCluster, dwEnumType ); if (hClusEnum == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); Trace1( "ClusterOpenEnum failed %d", dwError ); goto ExitFunc; }
// Enumeration loop
while( bDoLoop == TRUE ) { //
// Reset the name size for each iteration
cchResNameSize = cchResNameAlloc;
// Enumerate resource #<dwIndex>
dwError = ((CLUSTERENUM) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLUSTER_ENUM])( hClusEnum, dwIndex, &dwEnumType, lpszResName, &cchResNameSize ); //
// If the lpszResName buffer was too small, reallocate
// according to the size returned by cchResNameSize
if ( dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { LocalFree( lpszResName );
cchResNameAlloc = cchResNameSize;
lpszResName = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, cchResNameAlloc );
dwError = ((CLUSTERENUM) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLUSTER_ENUM])( hClusEnum, dwIndex, &dwEnumType, lpszResName, &cchResNameSize ); }
// Exit loop on any non-success.
// Includes ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS (no more objects to enumerate)
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break;
// Open resource handle
hRes = ((OPENCLUSTERRESOURCE) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_OPEN_CLUSTER_RESOURCE])( hCluster, lpszResName ); if (hRes == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); Trace1 ( "OpenClusterResource failed %d", dwError); goto ExitFunc; }
// Get the resource type.
// Reallocation routine if lpszResType is too small
if ( dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { LocalFree( lpszResType );
cchResNameAlloc = cchResNameSize;
lpszResType = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, cchResNameAlloc );
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break;
if ( lstrcmpi( lpszResType, pszResourceType ) == 0 ) { //
// do the online/offline stuff here
if (fStart) { dwError = StartResource(pszComputer, hRes, pszServiceDesc); } else { dwError = StopResource(pszComputer, hRes, pszServiceDesc); }
bDoLoop = FALSE; }
dwIndex++; // increment the enumeration index
} // end Enumeration Loop
if ( hCluster != NULL ) ((CLOSECLUSTER) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLOSE_CLUSTER])( hCluster );
LocalFree( lpszResName ); LocalFree( lpszResType );
return dwError; }
// FIsComputerInRunningCluster()
// Determines if the given machine is in a running cluster
// Arguments: Computer Name
// Return value: Error code
BOOL FIsComputerInRunningCluster(LPCTSTR pszComputer) { DWORD dwClusterState = 0; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
BOOL fInRunningCluster = FALSE; if ( !g_ClusDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return dwError;
dwError = ((GETNODECLUSTERSTATE) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_GET_NODE_CLUSTER_STATE])( pszComputer, &dwClusterState );
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwClusterState == ClusterStateRunning) fInRunningCluster = TRUE; }
return fInRunningCluster; }
DWORD StartResource(LPCTSTR pszComputer, HRESOURCE hResource, LPCTSTR pszServiceDesc) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ( !g_ClusDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return dwError;
if ( dwError == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { //
// Put up the dialog with the funky spinning thing to
// let the user know that something is happening
CServiceCtrlDlg dlgServiceCtrl(hResource, pszComputer, pszServiceDesc, TRUE);
dlgServiceCtrl.DoModal(); dwError = dlgServiceCtrl.m_dwErr; }
return dwError; }
DWORD StopResource(LPCTSTR pszComputer, HRESOURCE hResource, LPCTSTR pszServiceDesc) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ( !g_ClusDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return dwError;
if ( dwError == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { //
// Put up the dialog with the funky spinning thing to
// let the user know that something is happening
CServiceCtrlDlg dlgServiceCtrl(hResource, pszComputer, pszServiceDesc, FALSE);
dlgServiceCtrl.DoModal(); dwError = dlgServiceCtrl.m_dwErr; }
return dwError; }
// GetClusterResourceIp()
// Finds the cluster name using the following procedure:
// 1. Opens a handle to the local cluster (using NULL cluster name).
// 1. Enumerates the resources in the cluster.
// 2. Checks each resource to see if it is the core
// Network Name resource.
// 5. Finds the cluster name by retrieving the private properties
// of the core Network Name resource.
// Arguments: ServiceName
// Return value: Error code
DWORD GetClusterResourceIp(LPCTSTR pszComputer, LPCTSTR pszResourceType, CString & strAddress) { HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL; // cluster handle
HCLUSENUM hClusEnum = NULL; // enumeration handle
HRESOURCE hRes = NULL; // resource handle
HRESOURCE hResIp = NULL; // resource handle
DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // captures return values
DWORD dwIndex = 0; // enumeration index; incremented to loop through all resources
DWORD dwResFlags = 0; // describes the flags set for a resource
DWORD dwEnumType = CLUSTER_ENUM_RESOURCE; // bitmask describing the cluster object(s) to enumerate
DWORD cchResNameSize = 0; // actual size (count of characters) of lpszResName
DWORD cchResNameAlloc = MAX_NAME_SIZE; // allocated size of lpszResName; MAX_NAME_SIZE = 256 (defined in clushead.h)
LPWSTR lpszResName = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, MAX_NAME_SIZE); // enumerated resource name
LPWSTR lpszResType = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, MAX_NAME_SIZE); // the resource type of the current resource name
BOOL bDoLoop = TRUE; // loop exit condition
HKEY hkeyProvider = NULL; HRESENUM hResEnum = NULL; int ienum; LPWSTR pwszName = NULL; DWORD cchName; DWORD cchmacName; DWORD dwRetType; LPWSTR lpszResIpType = NULL;
if ( !g_ClusDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return dwError;
// Open a cluster handle.
// The NULL cluster name opens a handle to the local cluster.
hCluster = ((OPENCLUSTER) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_OPEN_CLUSTER])( pszComputer ); if (hCluster == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); Trace1("OpenCluster failed %d!", dwError ); goto ExitFunc; }
// Open an enumeration handle
hClusEnum = ((CLUSTEROPENENUM) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLUSTER_OPEN_ENUM])( hCluster, dwEnumType ); if (hClusEnum == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); Trace1( "ClusterOpenEnum failed %d", dwError ); goto ExitFunc; }
// Enumeration loop
while( bDoLoop == TRUE ) { //
// Reset the name size for each iteration
cchResNameSize = cchResNameAlloc;
// Enumerate resource #<dwIndex>
dwError = ((CLUSTERENUM) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLUSTER_ENUM])( hClusEnum, dwIndex, &dwEnumType, lpszResName, &cchResNameSize ); //
// If the lpszResName buffer was too small, reallocate
// according to the size returned by cchResNameSize
if ( dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { LocalFree( lpszResName );
cchResNameAlloc = cchResNameSize;
lpszResName = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, cchResNameAlloc );
dwError = ((CLUSTERENUM) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLUSTER_ENUM])( hClusEnum, dwIndex, &dwEnumType, lpszResName, &cchResNameSize ); }
// Exit loop on any non-success.
// Includes ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS (no more objects to enumerate)
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break;
// Open resource handle
hRes = ((OPENCLUSTERRESOURCE) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_OPEN_CLUSTER_RESOURCE])( hCluster, lpszResName ); if (hRes == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); Trace1 ( "OpenClusterResource failed %d", dwError); goto ExitFunc; }
dwError = GetResourceType(hRes, &lpszResType, cchResNameAlloc, &cchResNameSize);
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break;
if ( lstrcmpi( lpszResType, pszResourceType ) == 0 ) { // found the right resource, enum dependencies and find the IP
if (hResEnum) { // Allocate a name buffer.
cchmacName = 128; pwszName = new WCHAR[cchmacName];
// Loop through the enumeration and add each dependent resource to the list.
for (ienum = 0 ; ; ienum++) { // Get the next item in the enumeration.
cchName = cchmacName; dwError = ((CLUSTERRESOURCEENUM) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM])( hResEnum, ienum, &dwRetType, pwszName, &cchName); if (dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { delete [] pwszName; cchmacName = ++cchName; pwszName = new WCHAR[cchmacName]; dwError = ((CLUSTERRESOURCEENUM) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM])( hResEnum, ienum, &dwRetType, pwszName, &cchName); } // if: name buffer was too small
if (dwError == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; } else if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Open resource handle
hResIp = ((OPENCLUSTERRESOURCE) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_OPEN_CLUSTER_RESOURCE])( hCluster, pwszName ); if (hResIp == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); Trace1 ( "OpenClusterResource failed %d", dwError); break; }
lpszResIpType = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, MAX_NAME_SIZE);
dwError = GetResourceType(hResIp, &lpszResIpType, MAX_NAME_SIZE, NULL);
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break;
if ( lstrcmpiW( lpszResIpType, _T("IP Address") ) == 0 ) { GetResourceIpAddress(hResIp, strAddress); bDoLoop = FALSE; } // if: IP Address resource found
((CLOSECLUSTERRESOURCE) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLOSE_CLUSTER_RESOURCE])( hResIp ); LocalFree( lpszResIpType ); hResIp = NULL; lpszResIpType = NULL;
if (!strAddress.IsEmpty()) break; // found it
} // for: each dependency
dwIndex++; // increment the enumeration index
} // end Enumeration Loop
if ( hCluster != NULL ) ((CLOSECLUSTER) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLOSE_CLUSTER])( hCluster );
LocalFree( lpszResName ); LocalFree( lpszResType );
return dwError; }
DWORD GetResourceType(HRESOURCE hRes, LPWSTR * ppszName, DWORD dwBufSizeIn, DWORD * pdwBufSizeOut) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cchResNameSize = dwBufSizeIn; DWORD cchResNameSizeNeeded = 0; //
// Figure out how big a buffer we need.
// Reallocation routine if lpszResType is too small
if ( dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { cchResNameSize = cchResNameSizeNeeded;
*ppszName = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, cchResNameSize );
if (pdwBufSizeOut) *pdwBufSizeOut = cchResNameSizeNeeded;
return dwError; }
DWORD GetResourceIpAddress(HRESOURCE hRes, CString & strAddress) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cbProps; PVOID pvProps = NULL; LPWSTR pszIPAddress = NULL; // Loop to avoid goto's.
do { //
// Get the size of the private properties from the resource.
dwError = ((CLUSTERRESOURCECONTROL) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CONTROL])( hRes, NULL, CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_PRIVATE_PROPERTIES, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &cbProps); if ( (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (cbProps == 0) ) { if ( dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } // if: no properties available
break; } // if: error getting size of properties or no properties available
// Allocate the property buffer.
pvProps = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cbProps ); if ( pvProps == NULL ) { dwError = GetLastError(); break; } // if: error allocating memory
// Get the private properties from the resource.
dwError = ((CLUSTERRESOURCECONTROL) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CONTROL])( hRes, NULL, CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_PRIVATE_PROPERTIES, NULL, 0, pvProps, cbProps, &cbProps); if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } // if: error getting private properties
// Find the Address property.
dwError = FindSzProp(pvProps, cbProps, L"Address", &pszIPAddress); if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } // if: error finding the Address property
} while ( 0 );
// Cleanup.
strAddress = pszIPAddress;
LocalFree( pvProps );
return dwError; }
DWORD FindSzProp ( LPVOID pvProps, DWORD cbProps, LPCWSTR pszTarget, LPWSTR * ppszOut ) {
BOOL DoLoop = TRUE; // loop exit condition
BOOL Found = FALSE; // tests whether property has been found
DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; // for return values
DWORD cbOffset = 0; // offset to next entry in the value list
DWORD cbPosition = 0; // tracks the advance through the value list buffer
CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER ListEntry; // to parse the list
// Set the pb member to the start of the list
ListEntry.pb = (BYTE *) pvProps;
// Main loop:
// 1. Check syntax of current list entry
// 2. If it is a property name, check that we have the right property.
// 3. If it is a binary value, check that we found the right name.
// 4. Advance the position counter and test vs. size of list.
do { switch( *ListEntry.pdw ) // check the syntax of the entry
// If this is the Security property, flag Found as TRUE.
// The next pass through the loop should yield the Security value.
if ( lstrcmpi( ListEntry.pName->sz, pszTarget ) == 0 ) { Trace0( "Found name.\n" ); Found = TRUE; } else { Found = FALSE; } //
// Calculate offset to next entry. Note the use of ALIGN_CLUSPROP
cbOffset = sizeof( *ListEntry.pName ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( ListEntry.pName->cbLength ); break; case CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_LIST_VALUE_DWORD: cbOffset = sizeof( *ListEntry.pDwordValue ); // ALIGN_CLUSPROP not used; value is already DWORD-aligned
break; case CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_LIST_VALUE_SZ: if ( Found == TRUE) { if (ppszOut) { *ppszOut = ListEntry.pStringValue->sz; }
DoLoop = FALSE; } else { Trace0( "Found something else.\n" ); cbOffset = sizeof( *ListEntry.pStringValue ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( ListEntry.pStringValue->cbLength ); } break; case CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_LIST_VALUE_BINARY: // this is what we're looking for
cbOffset = sizeof( *ListEntry.pBinaryValue ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( ListEntry.pBinaryValue->cbLength ); break; case CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK: default: cbOffset = sizeof( DWORD ); break; } //
// Verify that the offset to the next entry is
// within the value list buffer, then advance
cbPosition += cbOffset; if ( cbPosition > cbProps ) break; ListEntry.pb += cbOffset;
} while ( DoLoop );
if (Found) return 0; else return 1; }
DWORD GetClusterInfo( LPCTSTR pszClusIp, CString &strClusName, DWORD * pdwClusIp) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HCLUSTER hCluster; CIpAddress ipClus(pszClusIp);
strClusName.Empty(); *pdwClusIp = (LONG)ipClus;
hCluster = ((OPENCLUSTER) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_OPEN_CLUSTER])(pszClusIp); if (hCluster == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); } else { DWORD dwClusNameLen;
dwClusNameLen = 0; dwErr = ((GETCLUSTERINFORMATION) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_GET_CLUSTER_INFORMATION])( hCluster, NULL, &dwClusNameLen, NULL); if (dwClusNameLen > 0) { LPTSTR pClusName;
dwClusNameLen++; pClusName = strClusName.GetBuffer((dwClusNameLen)*sizeof(WCHAR)); dwErr = ((GETCLUSTERINFORMATION) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_GET_CLUSTER_INFORMATION])( hCluster, pClusName, &dwClusNameLen, NULL); strClusName.ReleaseBuffer(); } ((CLOSECLUSTER) g_ClusDLL[CLUS_CLOSE_CLUSTER])(hCluster); }
return dwErr; }