Copyright (c) 1989-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Generate a Netbios name for IPv6 address srv.sys cannot handle IPv6 address. It always expect a 15 characters Netbios name. This is a temporary solution. The utilmate solution should be in srv.
Jiandong Ruan
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST LookasideList; BOOL LookasideListInitialized; #endif
} SmbIPv6Mapping;
typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY Linkage; BYTE IpAddress[16]; LONG RefCount; DWORD Serial; } SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS, *PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS; #define SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS_TAG 'MBMS'
PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS __inline SMB_NEW_MAPPING(VOID) { return ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS), SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS_TAG); }
VOID __inline SMB_FREE_MAPPING(PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS mapping) { ExFreePool(mapping); } #else
PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS __inline SMB_NEW_MAPPING(VOID) { return ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&SmbIPv6Mapping.LookasideList); }
VOID __inline SMB_FREE_MAPPING(PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS mapping) { ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList(&SmbIPv6Mapping.LookasideList, mapping); } #endif
static PVOID __inline SmbIPv6MapGetIpAddress( PLIST_ENTRY entry ) { PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS mapping = NULL;
mapping = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS, Linkage); return mapping->IpAddress; }
static int SmbCompareIPv6Address( PLIST_ENTRY entry, BYTE ip6[16] ) { return memcmp(SmbIPv6MapGetIpAddress(entry), ip6, 16); }
static DWORD SmbHashIPv6(BYTE ip6[16]) { DWORD sum = 0; int i;
for (sum = 0, i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sum += ip6[i]; }
return sum; }
static VOID SmbOnAddMapping( PLIST_ENTRY entry ) { PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS mapping = NULL;
mapping = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS, Linkage); mapping->Serial = InterlockedIncrement(&SmbIPv6Mapping.SerialNumber); mapping->RefCount = 1; }
static VOID SmbOnDelMapping( PLIST_ENTRY entry ) { PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS mapping = NULL;
mapping = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS, Linkage); ASSERT(mapping->RefCount == 0); SMB_FREE_MAPPING(mapping); }
static LONG SmbReferenceMapping( PLIST_ENTRY entry ) { PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS mapping = NULL; LONG RefCount;
mapping = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS, Linkage); RefCount = InterlockedIncrement(&mapping->RefCount); ASSERT(RefCount > 1); return RefCount; }
static LONG SmbDereferenceMapping( PLIST_ENTRY entry ) { PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS mapping = NULL; LONG RefCount;
mapping = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS, Linkage); RefCount = InterlockedDecrement(&mapping->RefCount); ASSERT(RefCount >= 0); return RefCount; }
NTSTATUS SmbInitIPv6NetbiosMappingTable( VOID ) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
RtlZeroMemory(&SmbIPv6Mapping, sizeof(SmbIPv6Mapping));
SmbIPv6Mapping.HashTable = SmbCreateHashTable( 256, SmbHashIPv6, SmbIPv6MapGetIpAddress, SmbCompareIPv6Address, SmbOnAddMapping, SmbOnDelMapping, SmbReferenceMapping, SmbDereferenceMapping ); if (NULL == SmbIPv6Mapping.HashTable) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto error; }
SmbIPv6Mapping.SerialNumber = 0;
ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList( &SmbIPv6Mapping.LookasideList, NULL, NULL, 0, sizeof(SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS), SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS_TAG, 0 ); SmbIPv6Mapping.LookasideListInitialized = TRUE; #endif
error: return status; }
VOID SmbShutdownIPv6NetbiosMappingTable( VOID ) { SmbDestroyHashTable(SmbIPv6Mapping.HashTable); SmbIPv6Mapping.HashTable = NULL; #ifndef NO_LOOKASIDE_LIST
if (SmbIPv6Mapping.LookasideListInitialized) { ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList(&SmbIPv6Mapping.LookasideList); SmbIPv6Mapping.LookasideListInitialized = FALSE; } #endif
#define xdigit2asc(x) ((CHAR)(((x) < 10)?((x)+'0'):((x)+'0' + 'a' - '9' - 1)))
static void UlongToHex( ULONG x, CHAR *Buffer ) { Buffer[0] = xdigit2asc((x >> 28) & 0xf); Buffer[1] = xdigit2asc((x >> 24) & 0xf); Buffer[2] = xdigit2asc((x >> 20) & 0xf); Buffer[3] = xdigit2asc((x >> 16) & 0xf); Buffer[4] = xdigit2asc((x >> 12) & 0xf); Buffer[5] = xdigit2asc((x >> 8) & 0xf); Buffer[6] = xdigit2asc((x >> 4) & 0xf); Buffer[7] = xdigit2asc(x & 0xf); Buffer[8] = 0; }
BOOL GetNetbiosNameFromIp6Address(BYTE ip6[16], CHAR SmbName[16]) { PSMB_IPV6_NETBIOS NewMapping = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY FoundEntry = NULL, NewEntry = NULL;
NewMapping = SMB_NEW_MAPPING(); if (NULL == NewMapping) { return FALSE; }
NewEntry = &NewMapping->Linkage; RtlCopyMemory(NewMapping->IpAddress, ip6, 16); FoundEntry = SmbAddToHashTable(SmbIPv6Mapping.HashTable, NewEntry); if (FoundEntry != NewEntry) { SMB_FREE_MAPPING(NewMapping); NewMapping = NULL; NewEntry = NULL; }
NewMapping = CONTAINING_RECORD(FoundEntry, SMB_IPV6_NETBIOS, Linkage); RtlCopyMemory(SmbName, "*SMBSERVER ", 7); UlongToHex(NewMapping->Serial, SmbName + 7); return TRUE; }
VOID FreeNetbiosNameForIp6Address(BYTE ip6[16]) { SmbRemoveFromHashTable(SmbIPv6Mapping.HashTable, ip6); }