// File: cryptfnc.cpp
// Synopsis: This file implements the cryptfnc class that provides
// easy to use interfaces on the CryptoAPI.
// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: AshishS Created 12/03/96
// henryt modified for CM 5/21/97
#include "cryptfnc.h"
#ifdef UNICODE
#define LoadLibraryExU LoadLibraryExW
#define LoadLibraryExU LoadLibraryExA
#include "linkdll.h" // LinkToDll and BindLinkage
CCryptFunctions::~CCryptFunctions() { // Release provider handle.
if (m_hProv != 0) { m_fnCryptReleaseContext(m_hProv, 0); }
if (m_AdvApiLink.hInstAdvApi32) { FreeLibrary(m_AdvApiLink.hInstAdvApi32); ZeroMemory(&m_AdvApiLink, sizeof(m_AdvApiLink)); } }
CCryptFunctions::CCryptFunctions() { m_hProv = 0; ZeroMemory(&m_AdvApiLink, sizeof(m_AdvApiLink)); }
BOOL CCryptFunctions::m_fnCryptAcquireContext(HCRYPTPROV *phProv, LPCSTR pszContainer, LPCSTR pszProvider, DWORD dwProvType, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; MYDBGASSERT(m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptAcquireContext); if (m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptAcquireContext) { bReturn = m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptAcquireContext(phProv, pszContainer, pszProvider, dwProvType, dwFlags); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CCryptFunctions::m_fnCryptCreateHash(HCRYPTPROV hProv, ALG_ID Algid, HCRYPTKEY hKey, DWORD dwFlags, HCRYPTHASH *phHash) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
MYDBGASSERT(m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptCreateHash); if (m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptCreateHash) { bReturn = m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptCreateHash(hProv, Algid, hKey, dwFlags, phHash); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CCryptFunctions::m_fnCryptDecrypt(HCRYPTKEY hKey, HCRYPTHASH hHash, BOOL Final, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE *pbData, DWORD *pdwDataLen) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
MYDBGASSERT(m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDecrypt); if (m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDecrypt) { bReturn = m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDecrypt(hKey, hHash, Final, dwFlags, pbData, pdwDataLen); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CCryptFunctions::m_fnCryptDeriveKey(HCRYPTPROV hProv, ALG_ID Algid, HCRYPTHASH hBaseData, DWORD dwFlags, HCRYPTKEY *phKey) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; MYDBGASSERT(m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDeriveKey);
if (m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDeriveKey) { bReturn = m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDeriveKey(hProv, Algid, hBaseData, dwFlags, phKey); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CCryptFunctions::m_fnCryptDestroyHash(HCRYPTHASH hHash) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; MYDBGASSERT(m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDestroyHash);
if (m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDestroyHash) { bReturn = m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDestroyHash(hHash); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CCryptFunctions::m_fnCryptDestroyKey(HCRYPTKEY hKey) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; MYDBGASSERT(m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDestroyKey);
if (m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDestroyKey) { bReturn = m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptDestroyKey(hKey); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CCryptFunctions::m_fnCryptEncrypt(HCRYPTKEY hKey, HCRYPTHASH hHash, BOOL Final, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE *pbData, DWORD *pdwDataLen, DWORD dwBufLen) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; MYDBGASSERT(m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptEncrypt);
if (m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptEncrypt) { bReturn = m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptEncrypt(hKey, hHash, Final, dwFlags, pbData, pdwDataLen, dwBufLen); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CCryptFunctions::m_fnCryptHashData(HCRYPTHASH hHash, CONST BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; MYDBGASSERT(m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptHashData);
if (m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptHashData) { bReturn = m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptHashData(hHash, pbData, dwDataLen, dwFlags); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CCryptFunctions::m_fnCryptReleaseContext(HCRYPTPROV hProv, ULONG_PTR dwFlags) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; MYDBGASSERT(m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptReleaseContext);
if (m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptReleaseContext) { bReturn = m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptReleaseContext(hProv, dwFlags); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CCryptFunctions::m_pfnCryptGenRandom(HCRYPTPROV hProv, DWORD dwLen, BYTE* pbBuffer) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if (m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptGenRandom) { bReturn = m_AdvApiLink.pfnCryptGenRandom(hProv, dwLen, pbBuffer); }
return bReturn; }
// Calls m_pfnCryptGenRandom to create a random key
BOOL CCryptFunctions::GenerateRandomKey(PBYTE pbData, DWORD cbData) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; if (pbData) { fReturn = m_pfnCryptGenRandom(m_hProv, cbData, pbData); } return fReturn; }
// Func: CCryptFunctions::GenerateSessionKeyFromPassword
// Desc: this function Generates a SessionKey using the pszPassword parameter
// Args: [phKey] - location to store the session key
// [pszPassword] - password to generate the session key from
// [dwEncKeyLen] - how many bits of encryption
// Return: BOOL (FALSE if a fatal error occurred, else TRUE)
// Notes:
BOOL CCryptFunctions::GenerateSessionKeyFromPassword( HCRYPTKEY * phKey, LPTSTR pszPassword, DWORD dwEncKeyLen) { DWORD dwLength; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0;
// Create hash object.
if (!m_fnCryptCreateHash(m_hProv, // handle to CSP
CALG_SHA, // use SHA hash algorithm
0, // not keyed hash
0, // flags - always 0
&hHash)) // address where hash object should be created
{ MYDBG(("Error 0x%x during CryptCreateHash", GetLastError())); goto cleanup; }
// Hash password string.
dwLength = lstrlen(pszPassword) * sizeof(TCHAR); if (!m_fnCryptHashData(hHash, // handle to hash object
(BYTE *)pszPassword, // address of data to be hashed
dwLength, // length of data
0)) // flags
{ MYDBG(("Error 0x%x during CryptHashData", GetLastError())); goto cleanup; }
// Create block cipher session key based on hash of the password.
if (!m_fnCryptDeriveKey(m_hProv, //CSP provider
CALG_RC2, // use RC2 block cipher algorithm
hHash, //handle to hash object
(dwEncKeyLen << 16), // just the key length, no flags - we do not need the key to be exportable
phKey)) //address the newly created key should be copied
{ MYDBG(("Error 0x%x during CryptDeriveKey", GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } // Destroy hash object.
m_fnCryptDestroyHash(hHash); return TRUE; cleanup:
// Destroy hash object.
if (hHash != 0) { m_fnCryptDestroyHash(hHash); } return FALSE; }
// This function must be called before any member functions of the
// class are used.
// Returns FALSE if a Fatal error occured, TRUE otherwise
BOOL CCryptFunctions::InitCrypt() { LPCSTR ArrayOfCryptFuncs [] = { #ifdef UNICODE
"CryptAcquireContextW", // this has never been tested
"CryptAcquireContextA", #endif
"CryptCreateHash", "CryptDecrypt", "CryptDeriveKey", "CryptDestroyHash", "CryptDestroyKey", "CryptEncrypt", "CryptHashData", "CryptReleaseContext", "CryptGenRandom", // to create a random session key
BOOL bRet = LinkToDll(&(m_AdvApiLink.hInstAdvApi32), TEXT("Advapi32.dll"), ArrayOfCryptFuncs, m_AdvApiLink.apvPfn);
if (!bRet) { goto cleanup; }
// Get handle to user default provider.
if (! m_fnCryptAcquireContext(&m_hProv, // address to get the handle to CSP
CM_CRYPTO_CONTAINER, // contianer name
MS_DEF_PROV, // provider
PROV_RSA_FULL, // type of provider
0)) // no flags
{ DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); MYDBGTST(dwError, ("Error 0x%x during CryptAcquireContext", dwError));
MYDBG(("Calling CryptAcquireContext again to create keyset"));
if (! m_fnCryptAcquireContext(&m_hProv,// handle to CSP
CM_CRYPTO_CONTAINER,// contianer name
MS_DEF_PROV, // provider
PROV_RSA_FULL, // type of provider
CRYPT_NEWKEYSET) ) // create the keyset
{ MYDBG(("Fatal Error 0x%x during second call to CryptAcquireContext", GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } }
return TRUE; cleanup: // Release provider handle.
if (m_hProv != 0) { m_fnCryptReleaseContext(m_hProv, 0); } return FALSE; }
// Given a key string, and data to encrypt this function generates a
// session key from the key string. This session key is then used to
// encrypt the data.
// Returns FALSE if a Fatal error occured, TRUE otherwise
BOOL CCryptFunctions::EncryptDataWithKey( LPTSTR pszKey, // password
PBYTE pbData, // Data to be encrypted
DWORD dwDataLength, // Length of data in bytes
PBYTE *ppbEncryptedData, // Encrypted secret key will be stored here
DWORD *pdwEncryptedBufferLen, // Length of this buffer
PFN_CMSECUREALLOC pfnAlloc, PFN_CMSECUREFREE pfnFree, DWORD dwEncKeySize // how many bits of encryption do we want? (0 implies "don't care")
) { HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwBufferLen; BOOL fOk = FALSE; PBYTE pbBuf = NULL; //
// Init should have been successfully called before
// if no data to be encrypted, don't do anything
if (m_hProv == 0 || !dwDataLength) { return FALSE; } if (!GenerateSessionKeyFromPassword(&hKey, pszKey, dwEncKeySize)) goto cleanup;
// copy the data into another buffer to encrypt it
*pdwEncryptedBufferLen = dwDataLength; dwBufferLen = dwDataLength + DEFAULT_CRYPTO_EXTRA_BUFFER_SIZE;
while (1) { //
// alloc memory for output buffer
if (pfnAlloc) { *ppbEncryptedData = (PBYTE)pfnAlloc(dwBufferLen); } else { *ppbEncryptedData = (PBYTE)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwBufferLen); } if (!*ppbEncryptedData) { MYDBG(("EncryptDataWithKey: out of memory error")); goto cleanup; } // copy the data into another buffer to encrypt it
memcpy (*ppbEncryptedData, pbData, dwDataLength); // now encrypt the secret key using the key generated
if ( ! m_fnCryptEncrypt(hKey, 0, // no hash required
TRUE, // Final packet
0, // Flags - always 0
*ppbEncryptedData, // data buffer
pdwEncryptedBufferLen, // length of data
dwBufferLen ) ) // size of buffer
{ MYDBG(("Error 0x%x during CryptEncrypt", GetLastError()));
if (pfnFree) { pfnFree(*ppbEncryptedData); } else { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, *ppbEncryptedData); } *ppbEncryptedData = NULL; dwErr = GetLastError(); //
// if the output is too small, realloc it.
if (dwErr == ERROR_MORE_DATA || dwErr == NTE_BAD_LEN) { dwBufferLen += DEFAULT_CRYPTO_EXTRA_BUFFER_SIZE; continue; }
goto cleanup; }
// we now have the data encrypted. we need to uuencode it.
if (pfnAlloc) { pbBuf = (PBYTE)pfnAlloc(*pdwEncryptedBufferLen); } else { pbBuf = (PBYTE)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, *pdwEncryptedBufferLen); } if (!pbBuf) { MYDBG(("EncryptDataWithKey: out of memory error")); if (pfnFree) { pfnFree(*ppbEncryptedData); } else { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, *ppbEncryptedData); } *ppbEncryptedData = NULL; goto cleanup; }
memcpy(pbBuf, *ppbEncryptedData, *pdwEncryptedBufferLen); uuencode(pbBuf, *pdwEncryptedBufferLen, (CHAR*)*ppbEncryptedData, dwBufferLen); //
// set the encrypted buffer len
*pdwEncryptedBufferLen = lstrlen((LPTSTR)*ppbEncryptedData);
if (pfnFree) { pfnFree(pbBuf); } else { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbBuf); } pbBuf = NULL;
break; }
fOk = TRUE; cleanup: // destroy session key
if (hKey != 0) m_fnCryptDestroyKey(hKey); return fOk; }
// Given a key string, and encrypted data using EncryptDataWithPassword,
// this function generates a session key from the key string. This
// session key is then used to decrypt the data.
// returns
// CRYPT_FNC_NO_ERROR no error
// CRYPT_FNC_BAD_PASSWORD password bad try again
// CRYPT_FNC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER larger buffer is required
// *pdwEncrytedBufferLen is set to required length
// CRYPT_FNC_INIT_NOT_CALLED InitCrypt not successfully called
DWORD CCryptFunctions::DecryptDataWithKey( LPTSTR pszKey, // password
PBYTE pbEncryptedData, // Encrypted data
DWORD dwEncrytedDataLen, // Length of encrypted data
PBYTE *ppbData, // Decrypted Data will be stored here
DWORD *pdwDataBufferLength,// Length of the above buffer in bytes
PFN_CMSECUREALLOC pfnAlloc, PFN_CMSECUREFREE pfnFree, DWORD dwEncKeySize // how many bits of encryption do we want? (0 implies "don't care")
) { DWORD dwBufferLen; DWORD dwUUDecodeBufLen; HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwMaxBufSize = 1024 * 10; // Just some max buffer size (10K) in order to exit the while loop
// Init should have been successfully called before
// if no data to be decrypted, then don't do anything
if (m_hProv == 0 || !dwEncrytedDataLen) { dwError = CRYPT_FNC_INIT_NOT_CALLED; goto cleanup; } if (!GenerateSessionKeyFromPassword(&hKey, pszKey, dwEncKeySize)) { dwError = CRYPT_FNC_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto cleanup; }
// copy the data into another buffer to encrypt it
dwBufferLen = dwEncrytedDataLen + DEFAULT_CRYPTO_EXTRA_BUFFER_SIZE; // *pdwDataBufferLength = dwEncrytedDataLen;
// Loop until we get to dwMaxBufSize. This is a safeguard to get out
// of the infinite loop problem. DBCS passwords used to loop continuously.
while(dwBufferLen < dwMaxBufSize) { //
// alloc memory for output buffer
if (pfnAlloc) { *ppbData = (PBYTE)pfnAlloc(dwBufferLen); } else { *ppbData = (PBYTE)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwBufferLen); } if (!*ppbData) { dwError = CRYPT_FNC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
// set uudecode output buf size
dwUUDecodeBufLen = dwBufferLen;
uudecode((char*)pbEncryptedData, (CHAR*)*ppbData, &dwUUDecodeBufLen); *pdwDataBufferLength = dwUUDecodeBufLen;
// now decrypt the secret key using the key generated
if ( ! m_fnCryptDecrypt(hKey, 0, // no hash required
TRUE, // Final packet
0, // Flags - always 0
*ppbData, // data buffer
pdwDataBufferLength )) // length of data
{ DWORD dwCryptError = GetLastError(); MYDBGTST(dwCryptError, ("Error 0x%x during CryptDecrypt", dwCryptError)); if (pfnFree) { pfnFree(*ppbData); } else { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, *ppbData); } *ppbData = NULL; //
// if the output is too small, realloc it.
if (dwCryptError == NTE_BAD_LEN) { dwBufferLen *= 2; // to speed up memory alloc double the size
continue; }
// CryptDecrypt fails with error NTE_BAD_DATA if the password
// is incorrect. Hence we should check for this error and prompt the
// user again for the password. If the data is garbled in transit, then the secret key
// will still be decrypted into a wrong value and the user will not
// know about it.
if (dwCryptError == NTE_BAD_DATA) { dwError = CRYPT_FNC_BAD_KEY; } else { dwError = CRYPT_FNC_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
goto cleanup; }
break; } if (dwBufferLen < dwMaxBufSize) { dwError = CRYPT_FNC_NO_ERROR; } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("DecryptDataWithKey: not enough buffer = %d bytes"), dwBufferLen); MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); dwError = NTE_BAD_LEN; } cleanup: // destroy session key
if (hKey != 0) { m_fnCryptDestroyKey(hKey); }
return dwError; }