pbserver.cpp CPhoneBkServer class implementation
Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Authors: byao Baogang Yao
History: 1/23/97 byao -- Created 5/29/97 t-geetat -- Modified -- added performance counters, shared memory 5/02/00 sumitc -- removed db dependency --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <aclapi.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "pbserver.h"
#include "ntevents.h"
#include "cpsmon.h"
#include "shlobj.h"
#include "shfolder.h"
#include "util.h"
// Phone book "database" implementation
char g_szPBDataDir[2 * MAX_PATH] = "";
BOOL StrEqualLocaleSafe(LPSTR psz1, LPSTR psz2); HRESULT GetPhoneBook(char * pszPBName, int dLCID, int dOSType, int dOSArch, int dPBVerCurrent, char * pszDownloadPath, UINT cchDownloadPath);
const DWORD MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; // maximum size of input buffer
const DWORD SEND_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; // block size when sending CAB file
const int dDefPBVer = 0; // default phone book version number
const int MISSING_VALUE = -1; // if parameter-pair is empty, it is set to this value
const int MAX_PB_SIZE = 999999; // max pb size is 1 MB
char g_achDBDirectory[2 * MAX_PATH] = "";
// constant strings
char c_szChangeFileName[] = "newpb.txt"; // newpb.txt
char c_szDBName[] = "pbserver"; // "pbserver" -- data source name
// the following error status code/string is copied from ISAPI.CPP
// which is part of the MFC library source code
typedef struct _httpstatinfo { DWORD dwCode; LPCTSTR pstrString; } HTTPStatusInfo;
// The following two structures are used in the SystemTimeToGMT function
static TCHAR * s_rgchDays[] = { TEXT("Sun"), TEXT("Mon"), TEXT("Tue"), TEXT("Wed"), TEXT("Thu"), TEXT("Fri"), TEXT("Sat") };
static TCHAR * s_rgchMonths[] = { TEXT("Jan"), TEXT("Feb"), TEXT("Mar"), TEXT("Apr"), TEXT("May"), TEXT("Jun"), TEXT("Jul"), TEXT("Aug"), TEXT("Sep"), TEXT("Oct"), TEXT("Nov"), TEXT("Dec") };
static HTTPStatusInfo statusStrings[] = { { HTTP_STATUS_OK, "OK" }, { HTTP_STATUS_CREATED, "Created" }, { HTTP_STATUS_ACCEPTED, "Accepted" }, { HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT, "No download Necessary" }, { HTTP_STATUS_TEMP_REDIRECT, "Moved Temporarily" }, { HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT, "Moved Permanently" }, { HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED, "Not Modified" }, { HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad Request" }, { HTTP_STATUS_AUTH_REQUIRED, "Unauthorized" }, { HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden" }, { HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, "Not Found" }, { HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, "Server error, type unknown" }, { HTTP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Not Implemented" }, { HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY, "Bad Gateway" }, { HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_NA, "Cannot find service on server, bad request" }, { 0, NULL } };
// Server asynchronized I/O context
DWORD WINAPI MonitorDBFileChangeThread(LPVOID lpParam); BOOL InitPBFilesPath();
// definition of global data
// All the following variable(object) can only have one instance
CPhoneBkServer * g_pPBServer; // Phone Book Server object
CNTEvent * g_pEventLog; // event log
HANDLE g_hMonitorThread; // the monitor thread that checks the new file notification
HANDLE g_hProcessHeap; // handle of the global heap for the extension process;
BOOL g_fBeingShutDown = FALSE; // whether the system is being shut down
// Variables used in memory mapping
CCpsCounter *g_pCpsCounter = NULL; // Pointer to global counter object (contains memory mapped counters)
// Name: GetExtensionVersion
// Class: CPhoneBkServer
// Synopsis: implement the first DLL entry point function
// Return: TRUE succeed
// Parameters:
// pszVer[out] version information that needs to be filled out
BOOL CPhoneBkServer::GetExtensionVersion(LPHSE_VERSION_INFO pVer) { // Set version number
// Load description string
lstrcpyn(pVer->lpszExtensionDesc, "Connection Point Server Application", HSE_MAX_EXT_DLL_NAME_LEN);
OutputDebugString("CPhoneBkServer.GetExtensionVersion() : succeeded \n"); return TRUE; }
// Name: GetParameterPairs
// Class: CPhoneBkServer
// Synopsis: Get the parameter-value pairs from an input string(from URL)
// Return: number of parameter pairs actually read
// a value of -1 stands for error --> INVALID_QUERY_STRING
// Parameter:
// pszInputString[in] Input string (null terminated)
// cchInputString[in] size of input string buffer in chars
// lpPairs[out] Pointer to the parameter/value pairs
// int dMaxPairs Maximum number of parameter pairs allowed
int CPhoneBkServer::GetParameterPairs( IN char *pszInputString, IN size_t cchInputString, OUT LPPARAMETER_PAIR lpPairs, IN int dMaxPairs) { int i = 0;
if (NULL == lpPairs) { // actually this is an internal error...
if (NULL == pszInputString || IsBadStringPtr(pszInputString, cchInputString)) { return INVALID_QUERY_STRING; }
for(i = 0; pszInputString[0] != '\0' && i < dMaxPairs; i++) { // m_achVal == 'p=what%3F';
GetWord(lpPairs[i].m_achVal, pszInputString, '&', NAME_VALUE_LEN - 1);
// FUTURE-2002/03/11-SumitC if we can confirm/ensure that cmdl32 won't do escapes, we can remove the Unescape code.
// m_achVal == 'p=what?'
GetWord(lpPairs[i].m_achName,lpPairs[i].m_achVal,'=', NAME_VALUE_LEN - 1); // m_achVal = what?
// m_achName = p
LogDebugMessage("inside GetParameterPairs: dNumPairs : %d", i); if (pszInputString[0] != '\0') LogDebugMessage("there are more parameters\n"); #endif
if (pszInputString[0] != '\0') { // more parameters available
return INVALID_QUERY_STRING; } else { //succeed
return i; } }
// Name: GetQueryParameter
// Class: CPhoneBkServer
// Synopsis: scan through the query string, and get the value for all
// query parameters
// Return: TRUE all query parameters are correct
// FALSE invalid parameter existed
// Parameters:
// pszQuery[in] Query string from the client(URL encripted)
// cchQuery[in] size of pszQuery buffer in characters
// pQueryParameter[out] pointer to the query parameters structure
BOOL CPhoneBkServer::GetQueryParameter( IN char *pszQuery, IN size_t cchQuery, OUT LPQUERY_PARAMETER lpQueryParameter) { const int MAX_PARAMETER_NUM = 7; PARAMETER_PAIR Pairs[MAX_PARAMETER_NUM]; int dNumPairs, i;
// Validate parameters
if (IsBadStringPtr(pszQuery, cchQuery)) { return FALSE; } if (IsBadWritePtr(lpQueryParameter, sizeof(QUERY_PARAMETER))) { return FALSE; }
LogDebugMessage("pszquery=%s", pszQuery); #endif
// Get the name=value pairs
dNumPairs = GetParameterPairs(pszQuery, cchQuery, Pairs, MAX_PARAMETER_NUM);
LogDebugMessage("number of pairs : %d", dNumPairs); #endif
if (INVALID_QUERY_STRING == dNumPairs) // invalid number of parameters in query string
{ return FALSE; }
// initialize the parameter values to invalid values so we can check validity later
lpQueryParameter->m_achPB[0] ='\0'; lpQueryParameter->m_dPBVer = MISSING_VALUE; lpQueryParameter->m_dOSArch = MISSING_VALUE; lpQueryParameter->m_dOSType = MISSING_VALUE; lpQueryParameter->m_dLCID = MISSING_VALUE; lpQueryParameter->m_achCMVer[0] = '\0'; lpQueryParameter->m_achOSVer[0] = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < dNumPairs; i++) { // we know this string is null terminated (due to GetParameterPairs/GetWord), so _strlwr is safe to call
UINT lenValue = lstrlen(Pairs[i].m_achVal);
if (StrEqualLocaleSafe(Pairs[i].m_achName, "osarch")) { if (IsValidNumericParam(Pairs[i].m_achVal, NAME_VALUE_LEN)) { lpQueryParameter->m_dOSArch = atoi(Pairs[i].m_achVal); } } else if (StrEqualLocaleSafe(Pairs[i].m_achName, "ostype")) { if (IsValidNumericParam(Pairs[i].m_achVal, NAME_VALUE_LEN)) { lpQueryParameter->m_dOSType = atoi(Pairs[i].m_achVal); } } else if (StrEqualLocaleSafe(Pairs[i].m_achName,"lcid")) { if (IsValidNumericParam(Pairs[i].m_achVal, NAME_VALUE_LEN)) { lpQueryParameter->m_dLCID = atoi(Pairs[i].m_achVal); } } else if (StrEqualLocaleSafe(Pairs[i].m_achName,"osver")) { if (IsValidStringParam(Pairs[i].m_achVal, NAME_VALUE_LEN)) { if (S_OK != StringCchCopy(lpQueryParameter->m_achOSVer, CELEMS(lpQueryParameter->m_achOSVer), Pairs[i].m_achVal)) { lpQueryParameter->m_achOSVer[0] = TEXT('\0'); } } } else if (StrEqualLocaleSafe(Pairs[i].m_achName,"cmver")) { if (IsValidStringParam(Pairs[i].m_achVal, NAME_VALUE_LEN)) { if (S_OK != StringCchCopy(lpQueryParameter->m_achCMVer, CELEMS(lpQueryParameter->m_achCMVer), Pairs[i].m_achVal)) { lpQueryParameter->m_achCMVer[0] = TEXT('\0'); } } } else if (StrEqualLocaleSafe(Pairs[i].m_achName,"pb")) { if (IsValidStringParam(Pairs[i].m_achVal, NAME_VALUE_LEN)) { if (S_OK != StringCchCopy(lpQueryParameter->m_achPB, CELEMS(lpQueryParameter->m_achPB), Pairs[i].m_achVal)) { lpQueryParameter->m_achPB[0] = TEXT('\0'); } } } else if (StrEqualLocaleSafe(Pairs[i].m_achName,"pbver")) { if (IsValidNumericParam(Pairs[i].m_achVal, NAME_VALUE_LEN)) { lpQueryParameter->m_dPBVer = atoi(Pairs[i].m_achVal); } } // else, we might log/trace that we got a bogus param in the URL
LogDebugMessage("osarch:%d ostype:%d lcid:%d osver:%s cmver:%s PB:%s PBVer:%d", lpQueryParameter->m_dOSArch, lpQueryParameter->m_dOSType, lpQueryParameter->m_dLCID, lpQueryParameter->m_achOSVer, lpQueryParameter->m_achCMVer, lpQueryParameter->m_achPB, lpQueryParameter->m_dPBVer); #endif
return TRUE; }
// Function: GetFileLength()
// Class: CPhoneBkServer
// Synopsis: Reads the pszFileName file and sends back the file size
// Arguments: lpszFileName - Contains the file name (with full path)]
// Returns: TRUE if succeed, otherwise FALSE;
// History: 03/07/97 byao Created
DWORD CPhoneBkServer::GetFileLength(LPSTR lpszFileName) { HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwFileSize;
// Open file
// Get File Size
dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); if (INVALID_FILE_SIZE == dwFileSize) { dwFileSize = 0; }
return dwFileSize; }
// Name: StrEqualLocaleSafe
// Synopsis: Locale-safe case-insensitive string comparison (per PREfast)
// Return: BOOL, TRUE => strings psz1 and psz2 are equal
BOOL StrEqualLocaleSafe(LPSTR psz1, LPSTR psz2) { return (CSTR_EQUAL == CompareString(LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, psz1, -1, psz2, -1)); }
// Function: SystemTimeToGMT
// Synopsis: Converts the given system time to string representation
// containing GMT Formatted String
// Arguments: [st System time that needs to be converted *Reference*]
// [pstr pointer to string which will contain the GMT time
// on successful return]
// [cbBuff size of pszBuff in chars]
// Returns: TRUE on success. FALSE on failure.
// History: 04/12/97 VetriV Created (from IIS source)
BOOL SystemTimeToGMT(const SYSTEMTIME & st, LPSTR pszBuff, UINT cchBuff) { assert(cchBuff < 40); // 40 is an estimated maximum given the current formatting
if (!pszBuff || cchBuff < 40 ) { return FALSE; }
// Formats a string like: "Thu, 14 Jul 1994 15:26:05 GMT"
StringCchPrintf(pszBuff, cchBuff, "%s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%0d GMT", s_rgchDays[st.wDayOfWeek], st.wDay, s_rgchMonths[st.wMonth - 1], st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond);
return TRUE;
// Function: FormHttpHeader
// Synopsis: Form's the IIS 3.0 HTTP Header
// Arguments: pszBuffer Buffer that will contain both header and status text
// cchBuffer size of buffer in chars
// pszResponse status text
// pszExtraHeader extra header information
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success. Error code on failure.
// History: 04/12/97 VetriV Created
// 05/22/97 byao Modified, to make it work with CPS server
HRESULT FormHttpHeader(LPSTR pszBuffer, UINT cchBuffer, LPSTR pszResponse, LPSTR pszExtraHeader) { if (!pszBuffer || !pszResponse || !pszExtraHeader) { OutputDebugString("FormHttpHeader: bad params!\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Get the time in string format
SYSTEMTIME SysTime; CHAR szTime[128] = { 0 };
GetSystemTime(&SysTime); if (FALSE == SystemTimeToGMT(SysTime, szTime, CELEMS(szTime))) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Now create header with
// - standard IIS header
// - date and time
// - extra header string
return StringCchPrintf(pszBuffer, cchBuffer, "HTTP/1.0 %s\r\nServer: Microsoft-IIS/3.0\r\nDate: %s\r\n%s", pszResponse, szTime, pszExtraHeader); }
// Function: HseIoCompletion
// Synopsis: Callback routine that handles asynchronous WriteClient
// completion callback
// Arguments: [pECB - Extension Control Block]
// [pContext - Pointer to the AsyncWrite structure]
// [cbIO - Number of bytes written]
// [dwError - Error code if there was an error while writing]
// Returns: None
// History: 04/10/97 VetriV Created
// 05/22/97 byao Modified to make it work for CPS server
if (!lpServerContext) { return; }
lpServerContext->pEcb->ServerSupportFunction( lpServerContext->pEcb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (lpServerContext->hseTF.hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(lpServerContext->hseTF.hFile); }
HeapFree(g_hProcessHeap, 0, lpServerContext); SetLastError(dwError); return; }
// Name: HttpExtensionProc
// Class: CPhoneBkServer
// Synopsis: implement the second DLL entry point function
// Return: HTTP status code
// Parameters:
// pEcb[in/out] - extension control block
// History: Modified byao 5/22/97
// new implementation: using asynchronized I/O
// Modified t-geetat : Added PerfMon counters
DWORD CPhoneBkServer:: HttpExtensionProc(LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK pEcb) { DWORD dwBufferLen = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; char achQuery[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; char achMsg[MAX_PATH + 13 + 1]; // 13 = %u + formatting, see uses of achMsg below
char achPhysicalPath[MAX_PATH]; int dVersionDiff; // version difference between client & server's phone books
BOOL fRet; DWORD dwStatusCode = NOERROR; int dwRet; DWORD dwCabFileSize; BOOL fHasContent = FALSE; CHAR szResponse[64]; char achExtraHeader[128]; char achHttpHeader[1024]; DWORD dwResponseSize;
if (g_pCpsCounter) { g_pCpsCounter->AddHit(TOTAL); } // get the query string
fRet = (*pEcb->GetServerVariable)(pEcb->ConnID, "QUERY_STRING", achQuery, &dwBufferLen);
// If there is an error, log an NT event and leave.
if (!fRet) { dwStatusCode = GetLastError();
if (0 != FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwStatusCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), NULL)) { LogDebugMessage(achMsg); } #endif
if (S_OK == StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "%ld", dwStatusCode)) { g_pEventLog -> FLogError(PBSERVER_CANT_GET_PARAMETER, achMsg); }
// if we failed because the request was too big, map the error
goto CleanUp; }
LogDebugMessage("prepare to get query parameters"); #endif
// parse the query string, get the value of each parameter
if (FALSE == GetQueryParameter(achQuery, CELEMS(achQuery), &QueryParameter)) { dwStatusCode = HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; goto CleanUp; }
// check the validity of the parameters
if (MISSING_VALUE == QueryParameter.m_dOSArch || MISSING_VALUE == QueryParameter.m_dOSType || MISSING_VALUE == QueryParameter.m_dLCID || 0 == lstrlen(QueryParameter.m_achCMVer) || 0 == lstrlen(QueryParameter.m_achOSVer) || 0 == lstrlen(QueryParameter.m_achPB)) { dwStatusCode = HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; goto CleanUp; }
// Use defaults for some missing values
if (MISSING_VALUE == QueryParameter.m_dPBVer) { QueryParameter.m_dPBVer = dDefPBVer; }
// DebugBreak();
hr = GetPhoneBook(QueryParameter.m_achPB, QueryParameter.m_dLCID, QueryParameter.m_dOSType, QueryParameter.m_dOSArch, QueryParameter.m_dPBVer, achPhysicalPath, CELEMS(achPhysicalPath));
fHasContent = FALSE; if (S_OK == hr) { //
// check the size of the phone book
DWORD dwSize = GetFileLength(achPhysicalPath);
if ((dwSize == 0) || (dwSize > MAX_PB_SIZE)) { dwStatusCode = HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; goto CleanUp; } fHasContent = TRUE; dwStatusCode = HTTP_STATUS_OK; } else if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { // we couldn't find the required file (phonebook name is probably bad)
dwStatusCode = HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_NA; } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { // you don't need a phone book
dwStatusCode = HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT; } else { // some other error
if (HTTP_STATUS_OK != dwStatusCode && HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT != dwStatusCode) { if (g_pCpsCounter) { g_pCpsCounter->AddHit(ERRORS); } }
// DebugBreak();
LogDebugMessage("download file:"); LogDebugMessage(achPhysicalPath); #endif
// convert virtual path to physical path
if (fHasContent) { // get cab file size
dwCabFileSize = GetFileLength(achPhysicalPath); }
BuildStatusCode(szResponse, CELEMS(szResponse), dwStatusCode); dwResponseSize = lstrlen(szResponse);
// prepare for the header
if (HTTP_STATUS_OK == dwStatusCode && dwCabFileSize) { // not a NULL cab file
StringCchPrintf(achExtraHeader, CELEMS(achExtraHeader), "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\nContent-Length: %ld\r\n\r\n", dwCabFileSize); } else { StringCchCopy(achExtraHeader, CELEMS(achExtraHeader), "\r\n"); // just send back an empty line
// set up asynchronized I/O context
lpServerContext = NULL; lpServerContext = (LPSERVERCONTEXT) HeapAlloc(g_hProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(SERVERCONTEXT)); if (!lpServerContext) { StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "%ld", GetLastError()); g_pEventLog->FLogError(PBSERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL, achMsg); return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; }
lpServerContext->pEcb = pEcb; lpServerContext->hseTF.hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (!pEcb->ServerSupportFunction(pEcb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_IO_COMPLETION, HseIoCompletion, 0, (LPDWORD) lpServerContext)) { StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "%ld", GetLastError()); g_pEventLog->FLogError(PBSERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL, achMsg);
HeapFree(g_hProcessHeap, 0, lpServerContext); return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; }
// if there's no content, send header and status code back using WriteClient();
// otherwise, use TransmitFile to send the file content back
// FUTURE-2002/03/11-SumitC why not use lpservercontext->szBuffer instead of achHttpHeader?
if (FAILED(FormHttpHeader(achHttpHeader, CELEMS(achHttpHeader), szResponse, achExtraHeader))) { HeapFree(g_hProcessHeap, 0, lpServerContext); return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; } if (S_OK != StringCchCopy(lpServerContext->szBuffer, CELEMS(lpServerContext->szBuffer), achHttpHeader)) { HeapFree(g_hProcessHeap, 0, lpServerContext); return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; }
// send status code or the file back
dwRet = HSE_STATUS_PENDING; if (!fHasContent) { // Append status text as the content
StringCchCat(lpServerContext->szBuffer, CELEMS(lpServerContext->szBuffer), szResponse); dwResponseSize = lstrlen(lpServerContext->szBuffer);
if (pEcb->WriteClient(pEcb->ConnID, lpServerContext->szBuffer, &dwResponseSize, HSE_IO_ASYNC) == FALSE) { pEcb->dwHttpStatusCode = HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; dwRet = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; if (S_OK == StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "%ld", GetLastError())) { g_pEventLog->FLogError(PBSERVER_ERROR_CANT_SEND_HEADER, achMsg); }
HeapFree(g_hProcessHeap, 0, lpServerContext); return dwRet; } } else { // send file back using TransmitFile
HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hFile = CreateFile(achPhysicalPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { if (S_OK == StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "%s (%u)", achPhysicalPath, GetLastError())) { g_pEventLog->FLogError(PBSERVER_ERROR_CANT_OPEN_FILE, achMsg); }
HeapFree(g_hProcessHeap, 0, lpServerContext); return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; }
lpServerContext->hseTF.hFile = hFile;
lpServerContext->hseTF.pfnHseIO = NULL; lpServerContext->hseTF.pContext = lpServerContext;
lpServerContext->hseTF.BytesToWrite = 0; // entire file
lpServerContext->hseTF.Offset = 0; // from beginning
lpServerContext->hseTF.pHead = lpServerContext->szBuffer; lpServerContext->hseTF.HeadLength = lstrlen(lpServerContext->szBuffer);
lpServerContext->hseTF.pTail = NULL; lpServerContext->hseTF.TailLength = 0;
lpServerContext->hseTF.dwFlags = HSE_IO_ASYNC | HSE_IO_DISCONNECT_AFTER_SEND; if (!pEcb->ServerSupportFunction(pEcb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_TRANSMIT_FILE, &(lpServerContext->hseTF), 0, NULL)) { if (S_OK == StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "%ld", GetLastError())) { g_pEventLog->FLogError(PBSERVER_ERROR_CANT_SEND_CONTENT,achMsg); } dwRet = HSE_STATUS_ERROR;
CloseHandle(lpServerContext->hseTF.hFile); HeapFree(g_hProcessHeap, 0, lpServerContext); return dwRet; } }
// build status string from code
void CPhoneBkServer::BuildStatusCode( IN OUT LPTSTR pszResponse, IN UINT cchResponse, IN DWORD dwCode) { assert(pszResponse); if (NULL == pszResponse) { return; }
HTTPStatusInfo * pInfo = statusStrings;
while (pInfo->pstrString) { if (dwCode == pInfo->dwCode) { break; } pInfo++; }
if (pInfo->pstrString) { StringCchPrintf(pszResponse, cchResponse, "%d %s", dwCode, pInfo->pstrString); } else { assert(dwCode != HTTP_STATUS_OK); // ISAPITRACE1("Warning: Nonstandard status code %d\n", dwCode);
BuildStatusCode(pszResponse, cchResponse, HTTP_STATUS_OK); } }
// DLL initialization function
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInst, ULONG ulReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { switch (ulReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: //DebugBreak();
OutputDebugString("DllMain: process attach\n"); return InitProcess(); break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: OutputDebugString("process detach"); CleanUpProcess(); break; }
return TRUE; }
// global initialization procedure.
BOOL InitProcess() { DWORD dwID; DWORD dwServiceNameLen; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; PACL pAcl = NULL;
g_fBeingShutDown = FALSE;
OutputDebugString("InitProcess: to GetProcessHeap() ... \n"); g_hProcessHeap = GetProcessHeap(); if (NULL == g_hProcessHeap) { goto failure; }
OutputDebugString("InitProcess: to new CNTEvent... \n");
g_pEventLog = new CNTEvent("Phone Book Service"); if (NULL == g_pEventLog) goto failure;
// Begin Geeta
// Create a semaphore for the shared memory
// Initialize a default Security attributes, giving world permissions,
// this is basically prevent Semaphores and other named objects from
// being created because of default acls given by winlogon when perfmon
// is being used remotely.
sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = malloc(sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)); if ( !sa.lpSecurityDescriptor ) { goto failure; }
if ( !InitializeSecurityDescriptor(sa.lpSecurityDescriptor,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION) ) { goto failure; }
// bug 30991: Security issue, don't use NULL DACLs.
if (FALSE == SetAclPerms(&pAcl)) { goto failure; }
if (FALSE == SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(sa.lpSecurityDescriptor, TRUE, pAcl, FALSE)) { goto failure; }
OutputDebugString("InitProcess: To create counters object ...\n"); //
// Create global object for counters
g_pCpsCounter = new CCpsCounter; if (NULL == g_pCpsCounter) { goto failure; }
OutputDebugString("InitProcess: To initialize shared memory ...\n"); //
// initialize Shared memory
if (!g_pCpsCounter->InitializeSharedMem(sa)) { goto failure; }
// free the memory
free ((void *) sa.lpSecurityDescriptor); OutputDebugString("InitProcess: To grant permissions SHARED_OBJECT...\n");
// initialize Counters
OutputDebugString("InitProcess: To initialize perfmon counters\n"); g_pCpsCounter->InitializeCounters();
// End Geeta
// Initialize the global variables. Note: must do this before Creating the
// monitor thread (because of g_szPBDataDir, g_achDBFileName etc)
if (!InitPBFilesPath()) { goto failure; }
// initialize PhoneBookServer object
// PhoneBookServer object should be the last to initialize because
// it requires some other objects to be initialized first, such as
// eventlog, critical section, odbc interface, etc.
OutputDebugString("InitProcess: To new a phone book server\n"); g_pPBServer = new CPhoneBkServer; if (NULL == g_pPBServer) { return FALSE; }
OutputDebugString("InitProcess: To create a thread for DB file change monitoring\n"); // create the thread to monitor file change
g_hMonitorThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)MonitorDBFileChangeThread, NULL, 0, &dwID );
if (NULL == g_hMonitorThread) { g_pEventLog->FLogError(PBSERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL); goto failure; } SetThreadPriority(g_hMonitorThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL);
OutputDebugString("InitProcess: SUCCEEDED.........\n");
return TRUE;
failure: // clean up everything in case of failure
OutputDebugString("InitProcess: failed\n");
// free the memory
if (sa.lpSecurityDescriptor) { free ((void *) sa.lpSecurityDescriptor); } if (g_pEventLog) { delete g_pEventLog; g_pEventLog = NULL; }
if (g_pPBServer) { delete g_pPBServer; g_pPBServer = NULL; }
if (pAcl) { LocalFree(pAcl); }
return FALSE; }
// global cleanup process
BOOL CleanUpProcess() { HANDLE hFile; // handle for the temporary file
DWORD dwResult; char achDumbFile[2 * MAX_PATH + 4]; char achMsg[64];
OutputDebugString("CleanupProcess: entering\n");
// kill the change monitor thread
if (g_hMonitorThread != NULL) { // now try to synchronize between the main thread and the child thread
// step1: create a new file in g_szPBDataDir, therefore unblock the child thread
// which is waiting for such a change in file directory
g_fBeingShutDown = TRUE;
if (S_OK == StringCchPrintf(achDumbFile, CELEMS(achDumbFile), "%stemp", (char *)g_szPBDataDir)) { // create a temp file, then delete it!
// This is to create a change in the directory so the child thread can exit itself
FILE * fpTemp = fopen(achDumbFile, "w"); if (fpTemp) { fclose(fpTemp); DeleteFile(achDumbFile); }
// step2: wait for the child thread to terminate
dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(g_hMonitorThread, 2000L); // wait for two seconds
if (WAIT_FAILED == dwResult) { StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "%ld", GetLastError()); g_pEventLog -> FLogError(PBSERVER_ERROR_WAIT_FOR_THREAD, achMsg); } }
if (g_hMonitorThread != NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hMonitorThread); g_hMonitorThread = NULL; } }
OutputDebugString("CleanupProcess: done deleting monitorchange thread\n");
if (g_pPBServer) { delete g_pPBServer; g_pPBServer = NULL; }
// clean up all allocated resources
if (g_pEventLog) { delete g_pEventLog; g_pEventLog = NULL; }
// Begin Geeta
// Close the shared memory object
if (g_pCpsCounter) { g_pCpsCounter->CleanUpSharedMem(); // End Geeta
delete g_pCpsCounter; g_pCpsCounter = NULL; }
OutputDebugString("CleanupProcess: leaving\n"); return TRUE; }
// Entry Points of this ISAPI Extension DLL
// ISA entry point function. Intialize the server object g_pPBServer
BOOL WINAPI GetExtensionVersion(LPHSE_VERSION_INFO pVer) { return g_pPBServer ? g_pPBServer->GetExtensionVersion(pVer) : FALSE; }
// ISA entry point function. Implemented through object g_pPBServer
if (NULL == g_pPBServer) { return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; }
dwRetCode = g_pPBServer->HttpExtensionProc(pEcb); return dwRetCode; }
// The standard entry point called by IIS as the last function.
BOOL WINAPI TerminateExtension(DWORD dwFlags) { return CleanUpProcess(); }
// Function: MonitorDBFileChangeThread
// Synopsis: Call the MonitorDBFileChange method to monitor any write to
// the database file
// Arguments: [lpParam] -- additional thread parameter
// History: 01/28/97 byao Created
DWORD WINAPI MonitorDBFileChangeThread(LPVOID lpParam) { HANDLE hDir = NULL; char achMsg[256]; DWORD dwRet = 0; DWORD dwNextEntry, dwAction, dwFileNameLength, dwOffSet; char achFileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; char achLastFileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; //
// open a handle to the PBS dir, which we're going to monitor
hDir = CreateFile ( g_achDBDirectory, // pointer to the directory name
FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY, // access (read-write) mode
NULL, // security descriptor
OPEN_EXISTING, // how to create
FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, // file attributes
NULL // file with attributes to copy
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDir) { if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "%ld", GetLastError()))) { g_pEventLog->FLogError(PBSERVER_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_FILE, (char *)g_szPBDataDir, achMsg); } dwRet = 1L; goto Cleanup; } while (1) { const DWORD c_dwMaxChanges = 1024; BYTE arrChanges[c_dwMaxChanges]; DWORD dwNumChanges;
// This is a synchronous call - we sit here waiting for something to
// change in this directory. If something does, we check to see if it
// is something for which we should log an event.
if (!ReadDirectoryChangesW(hDir, arrChanges, c_dwMaxChanges, FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE, &dwNumChanges, NULL, NULL)) { //
// if this fails, log the failure and leave
StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "%ld", GetLastError()); g_pEventLog->FLogError(PBSERVER_ERROR_CANT_DETERMINE_CHANGE, achMsg); OutputDebugString(achMsg); dwRet = 1L; goto Cleanup; }
OutputDebugString("detected a file system change\n"); achLastFileName[0] = TEXT('\0'); dwNextEntry = 0;
// check only the first change
dwOffSet = pFNI->NextEntryOffset; dwNextEntry += dwOffSet; dwAction = pFNI->Action; dwFileNameLength = pFNI->FileNameLength;
OutputDebugString("prepare to convert the changed filename\n"); dwBytes = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pFNI->FileName, dwFileNameLength, achFileName, CELEMS(achFileName), NULL, NULL);
if (0 == dwBytes) { // failed to convert filename
g_pEventLog->FLogError(PBSERVER_ERROR_CANT_CONVERT_FILENAME, achFileName); OutputDebugString("Can't convert filename\n"); continue; }
// Conversion succeeded. Null-terminate the filename.
achFileName[dwBytes/sizeof(WCHAR)] = '\0';
if (0 == _tcsicmp(achLastFileName, achFileName)) { // the same file changed
OutputDebugString("the same file changed again\n"); continue; }
// keep the last filename
StringCchCopy(achLastFileName, CELEMS(achLastFileName), achFileName);
if (g_fBeingShutDown) { //
// Time to go ...
dwRet = 1L; goto Cleanup; }
LogDebugMessage(achLastFileName); LogDebugMessage((char *)c_szChangeFileName);
// now a file has changed. Test whether it's monitored file 'newpb.txt'
BOOL fNewPhoneBook = FALSE; if ((0 == _tcsicmp(achLastFileName, (char *)c_szChangeFileName)) && (FILE_ACTION_ADDED == dwAction || FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED == dwAction)) { fNewPhoneBook = TRUE; g_pEventLog->FLogInfo(PBSERVER_INFO_NEW_PHONEBOOK); }
LogDebugMessage("in child thread, fNewPhoneBook = %s;", fNewPhoneBook ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } while (dwOffSet); }
if (hDir) { CloseHandle(hDir); }
return dwRet; }
// Begin Geeta
// Function: InitializeSharedMem
// Class: CCpsCounter
// Synopsis: Sets up the memory mapped file
// Arguments: SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa: security descriptor for this object
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
// History: 05/29/97 Created by Geeta Tarachandani
BOOL CCpsCounter::InitializeSharedMem(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa) { //
// Create a memory mapped object
OutputDebugString("InitializeSharedMem: to create file mapping\n"); m_hSharedFileMapping = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // Shared object is in memory
&sa, // security descriptor
0, // |_
sizeof(PERF_COUNTERS), // | Size of mapped object
SHARED_OBJECT ); // Shared Object
if (NULL == m_hSharedFileMapping) { #if DBG
char achMsg[256]; DWORD dwGLE = GetLastError();
StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "InitializeSharedMem: CreateFileMapping failed, GLE=%d\n", dwGLE); OutputDebugString(achMsg); #else
OutputDebugString("InitializeSharedMem: CreateFileMapping failed\n"); #endif // DBG
m_hSharedFileMapping = OpenFileMapping( FILE_MAP_WRITE | FILE_MAP_READ, // Desire R/W access
FALSE, // |_
SHARED_OBJECT ); // Shared Object
if (NULL == m_hSharedFileMapping) { #if DBG
dwGLE = GetLastError(); StringCchPrintf(achMsg, CELEMS(achMsg), "InitializeSharedMem: OpenFileMapping failed too, GLE=%d\n", dwGLE); OutputDebugString(achMsg); #else
OutputDebugString("InitializeSharedMem: OpenFileMapping failed too\n"); #endif // DBG
goto CleanUp; } OutputDebugString("InitializeSharedMem: ... but OpenFileMapping succeeded."); }
OutputDebugString("InitializeSharedMem: MapViewofFileEx\n"); m_pPerfCtrs = (PERF_COUNTERS *) MapViewOfFileEx( m_hSharedFileMapping, // Handle to shared file
FILE_MAP_WRITE, // Write access desired
0, // Mapping offset
0, // Mapping offset
sizeof(PERF_COUNTERS), // Mapping object size
NULL ); // Any base address
if (NULL == m_pPerfCtrs) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); goto CleanUp; }
return TRUE;
CleanUp: CleanUpSharedMem(); return FALSE;
// Function: InitializeCounters()
// Class: CCpsCounter
// Synopsis: Initializes all the Performance Monitoring Counters to 0
// Arguments: None
// Returns: void
// History: 05/29/97 Created by Geeta Tarachandani
void CCpsCounter::InitializeCounters( void ) { if (NULL == m_hSharedFileMapping || NULL == m_pPerfCtrs) { return; }
m_pPerfCtrs->dwTotalHits =0; m_pPerfCtrs->dwNoUpgradeHits =0; m_pPerfCtrs->dwDeltaUpgradeHits=0; m_pPerfCtrs->dwFullUpgradeHits =0; m_pPerfCtrs->dwErrors =0; }
inline void CCpsCounter::AddHit(enum CPS_COUNTERS eCounter) { if (NULL == g_pCpsCounter || NULL == g_pCpsCounter->m_pPerfCtrs) { return; }
switch (eCounter) { case TOTAL: g_pCpsCounter->m_pPerfCtrs->dwTotalHits ++; break; case NO_UPGRADE: g_pCpsCounter->m_pPerfCtrs->dwNoUpgradeHits ++; break; case DELTA_UPGRADE: g_pCpsCounter->m_pPerfCtrs->dwDeltaUpgradeHits ++; break; case FULL_UPGRADE: g_pCpsCounter->m_pPerfCtrs->dwFullUpgradeHits ++; break; case ERRORS: g_pCpsCounter->m_pPerfCtrs->dwErrors ++; break; default: OutputDebugString("Unknown counter type"); break; } }
// Function: CleanUpSharedMem()
// Class: CCpsCounter
// Synopsis: Unmaps the shared file & closes all file handles
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Void
// History: 06/01/97 Created by Geeta Tarachandani
void CCpsCounter::CleanUpSharedMem() { OutputDebugString("CleanupSharedMem: entering\n"); //
// Unmap the shared file
if (g_pCpsCounter) { if ( m_pPerfCtrs ) { UnmapViewOfFile( m_pPerfCtrs ); m_pPerfCtrs = NULL; }
if ( m_hSharedFileMapping ) { CloseHandle( m_hSharedFileMapping ); m_hSharedFileMapping = NULL; } }
OutputDebugString("CleanupSharedMem: leaving\n"); }
// End Geeta
// Func: IsValidNumericParam
// Desc: Checks if a given string will evaluate to a valid numeric param
// Args: [pszParam] - IN, phone book name
// [cchParam] - IN, length of buffer in TCHARs (note, this is not the strlen)
// Return: BOOL (true if succeeded, false if failed)
// History: 22-Feb-2000 SumitC Created
BOOL IsValidNumericParam( IN LPCTSTR pszParam, IN UINT cchParam) { //
// check for a valid string
UINT nLenToCheck = min(cchParam, MAX_LEN_FOR_NUMERICAL_VALUE + 1);
if ((NULL == pszParam) || IsBadStringPtr(pszParam, nLenToCheck)) { return FALSE; }
// check the length
if (FAILED(StringCchLength((LPTSTR)pszParam, nLenToCheck, NULL))) // 3rd param not needed since we've already limited the length
{ return FALSE; }
// check that the characters are all numbers
for (int i = 0 ; i < lstrlen(pszParam); ++i) { if (pszParam[i] < TEXT('0') || pszParam[i] > TEXT('9')) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// Func: IsValidStringParam
// Desc: Checks if the input is a valid string param for PBS
// Args: [pszParam] - IN, phone book name
// [cchParam] - IN, length of buffer in TCHARs (note, this is not the strlen)
// Return: BOOL (true if succeeded, false if failed)
// History: 22-Feb-2000 SumitC Created
BOOL IsValidStringParam( IN LPCTSTR pszParam, IN UINT cchParam) { //
// check for a valid string
if ((NULL == pszParam) || IsBadStringPtr(pszParam, cchParam)) { return FALSE; }
// check that the characters are all letters
for (int i = 0 ; i < lstrlen(pszParam); ++i) { if (! ((pszParam[i] >= TEXT('a') && pszParam[i] <= TEXT('z')) || (pszParam[i] >= TEXT('A') && pszParam[i] <= TEXT('Z')) || (pszParam[i] >= TEXT('0') && pszParam[i] <= TEXT('9')) || (pszParam[i] == TEXT('.')))) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// Func: InitPBFilesPath
// Desc: Initializes the global if not already initialized
// Args: none
// Return: BOOL (true if succeeded, false if failed)
// History: 30-Jun-2000 SumitC Created
BOOL InitPBFilesPath() { if (lstrlen(g_szPBDataDir)) { return TRUE; } else { //
// Get location of PB files on this machine (\program files\phone book service\data)
if (S_OK == SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, g_szPBDataDir)) { // g_szPBDataDir has to be empty here
if (S_OK != StringCchCat(g_szPBDataDir, CELEMS(g_szPBDataDir), "\\phone book service\\Data\\")) { return FALSE; }
// g_szPBDataDir should be: \program files\phone book service\data
if (S_OK == StringCchPrintf(g_achDBDirectory, CELEMS(g_achDBDirectory), "%sDatabase", g_szPBDataDir)) { // g_achDBDirectory should be: \program files\phone book service\data\database
return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } }
// Func: GetCurrentPBVer
// Desc: Gets the most recent version number for the given phonebook
// Args: [pszStr] - IN, phone book name
// [pnCurrentPBVer] - OUT, current pb version number
// Return: HRESULT
// History: 30-Jun-2000 SumitC Created
HRESULT GetCurrentPBVer( IN char * pszPBName, OUT int * pnCurrentPBVer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; char szTmp[2 * MAX_PATH]; int nNewestPB = 0;
assert(pszPBName); assert(pnCurrentPBVer);
if (!pszPBName || !pnCurrentPBVer) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Cleanup; }
if (!InitPBFilesPath()) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
// go to subdir named 'pszPBName', and find all FULL cabs.
StringCchPrintf(szTmp, CELEMS(szTmp), "%s%s\\*full.cab", g_szPBDataDir, pszPBName);
HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA finddata;
hFind = FindFirstFile(szTmp, &finddata); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); goto Cleanup; }
// Find the highest-numbered full cab we have, and cache that number
do { int nVer; int nRet = sscanf(finddata.cFileName, "%dfull.cab", &nVer); if (1 == nRet) { if (nVer > nNewestPB) { nNewestPB = nVer; } } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &finddata)); FindClose(hFind);
*pnCurrentPBVer = nNewestPB;
#if DBG
// re-iterate, looking for deltas.
StringCchPrintf(szTmp, CELEMS(szTmp), "%s%s\\*delta*.cab", g_szPBDataDir, pszPBName);
hFind = FindFirstFile(szTmp, &finddata); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) { OutputDebugString("found Nfull, but no deltas (this is ok if this is the first phonebook)"); goto Cleanup; }
do { int nVerTo, nVerFrom; int nRet = sscanf(finddata.cFileName, "%ddelta%d.cab", &nVerTo, &nVerFrom); if (2 == nRet) { if (nVerTo > nNewestPB) { assert(0 && "largest DELTA cab has corresponding FULL cab missing"); break; } } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &finddata)); FindClose(hFind); #endif
Cleanup: return hr; }
// Func: CheckIfFileExists
// Desc: Test to see if a file is present in the FS.
// Args: [psz] - filename
// Return: BOOL (true if file exists, else false)
// History: 30-Jun-2000 SumitC Created
BOOL CheckIfFileExists(const char * psz) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(psz, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { return FALSE; } else { CloseHandle(hFile); return TRUE; } }
// Func: GetPhoneBook
// Desc: Test to see if a file is present in the FS.
// Args: [see QUERY_PARAMETER for description]
// [pszDownloadPath] - buffer
// [cchDownloadPath] - size of the buffer in chars
// Return: HRESULT
// History: 30-Jun-2000 SumitC Created
HRESULT GetPhoneBook( IN char * pszPBName, IN int dLCID, IN int dOSType, IN int dOSArch, IN int dPBVerCaller, OUT char * pszDownloadPath, IN UINT cchDownloadPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int dVersionDiff; int nCurrentPBVer; assert(pszPBName); assert(pszDownloadPath); if (!pszPBName || !pszDownloadPath) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Cleanup; }
hr = GetCurrentPBVer(pszPBName, &nCurrentPBVer); if (S_OK != hr) { goto Cleanup; }
dVersionDiff = nCurrentPBVer - dPBVerCaller;
if (dVersionDiff <= 0) { //
// no download
hr = S_FALSE;
if (g_pCpsCounter) { g_pCpsCounter->AddHit(NO_UPGRADE); } } else { pszDownloadPath[0] = TEXT('\0'); if (dVersionDiff < 5 && 0 != dPBVerCaller) { //
// incremental update => try to find the delta cab
// Given %d=10chars max. we should only use (2 * %d + formatting)=30
hr = StringCchPrintf(pszDownloadPath, cchDownloadPath, "%s%s\\%dDELTA%d.cab", g_szPBDataDir, pszPBName, nCurrentPBVer, dPBVerCaller); if (S_OK == hr) { // x:\program files\phone book service\data phone_book_name \ nDELTAm.cab
if (!CheckIfFileExists(pszDownloadPath)) { hr = S_FALSE; } else { if (g_pCpsCounter) { g_pCpsCounter->AddHit(DELTA_UPGRADE); } hr = S_OK; } } }
// note that if we tried to find a delta above and failed, hr is set to
// S_FALSE, so we fall through to the full download below.
if (dVersionDiff >= 5 || 0 == dPBVerCaller || S_FALSE == hr) { //
// bigger than 5, or no pb at all => full download
// Given %d=10chars max. we should only use (%d + formatting)=19
hr = StringCchPrintf(pszDownloadPath, cchDownloadPath, "%s%s\\%dFULL.cab", g_szPBDataDir, pszPBName, nCurrentPBVer); if (S_OK == hr) { // x:\program files\phone book service\data phone_book_name \ nFULL.cab
if (!CheckIfFileExists(pszDownloadPath)) { hr = S_OK; // return "success", the failure to open the file will be trapped
// by caller.
} else { if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = S_OK; } if (g_pCpsCounter) { g_pCpsCounter->AddHit(FULL_UPGRADE); } } } } }
Cleanup: return hr;