/*********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /*********************************************************************/
// Filename: rasapihd.c
// Description: Handler for RASAPI32 disconnect events
// History: May 11,1996 NarenG Created original version.
#include "ddm.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "handlers.h"
// Call: RasApiCleanUpPort
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description: Will cleanup a locally initiated disconnected port.
// If already cleaned up, then simply return
if ( pDeviceObj->hRasConn == NULL ) { return; }
pConnObj = ConnObjGetPointer(pDeviceObj->hConnection);
if( (NULL != pConnObj) && (0 == (pConnObj->fFlags & CONN_OBJ_DISCONNECT_INITIATED))) { DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "RasApiCleanUpPort: hanging up 0x%x", pDeviceObj->hRasConn); RasHangUp( pDeviceObj->hRasConn ); }
ConnObjRemoveLink( pDeviceObj->hConnection, pDeviceObj );
DDM_PRINT(gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "RasApiDisconnectHandler:Cleaning up locally initiated connection hPort=%d", pDeviceObj->hPort );
// Was this the last link in the connection
if ( ( pConnObj != NULL ) && ( pConnObj->cActiveDevices == 0 ) ) { if ( pConnObj->hDIMInterface != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT * pIfObject;
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection));
pIfObject = IfObjectGetPointer( pConnObj->hDIMInterface );
if ( pIfObject != NULL ) { IfObjectDisconnected( pIfObject ); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection)); }
// Remove the Connection Object
ConnObjRemoveAndDeAllocate( pDeviceObj->hConnection ); }
// Increase media for this port if we were previously connected.
if ( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_MARKED_AS_INUSE ) { pDeviceObj->fFlags &= ~DEV_OBJ_MARKED_AS_INUSE;
// Increase media count for this device
if ( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_ALLOW_ROUTERS ) { MediaObjAddToTable( pDeviceObj->wchDeviceType ); }
// Possibly need to notify router managers of reachability
// change
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) ); }
pDeviceObj->fFlags &= ~DEV_OBJ_OPENED_FOR_DIALOUT; pDeviceObj->hConnection = (HCONN)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; pDeviceObj->wchUserName[0] = (WCHAR)NULL; pDeviceObj->wchDomainName[0] = (WCHAR)NULL; pDeviceObj->wchCallbackNumber[0] = (WCHAR)NULL; pDeviceObj->hRasConn = NULL;
// If the service was paused while we were dialed out
if ( gblDDMConfigInfo.pServiceStatus->dwCurrentState == SERVICE_PAUSED ) { DeviceObjCloseListening( pDeviceObj, NULL, 0, 0 ); }
RasSetRouterUsage( pDeviceObj->hPort, FALSE );
// If we have gotten a PnP remove message, then discard this port
if ( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_PNP_DELETE ) { //
// We do this in a worker thread since this thread may be
// walking the device list, hence we cannot modify it here.
RtlQueueWorkItem( DeviceObjRemoveFromTable, pDeviceObj->hPort, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT ); } }
// Call: RasApiDisconnectHandler
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description: Handles a disconnect notification for a port on which a
// dialout was initiated by the router. We made this a separate
// handler with a separate event because otherwise we would have
// problems with race conditions between rasman setting this event
// and rasapi32 setting this event.
VOID RasApiDisconnectHandler( IN DWORD dwEventIndex ) { PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObj; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; RASCONNSTATUS RasConnectionStatus; DWORD dwBucketIndex = dwEventIndex - NUM_DDM_EVENTS - (gblDeviceTable.NumDeviceBuckets*2);
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) );
DDM_PRINT(gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "RasApiDisconnectHandler: Entered");
for ( pDeviceObj = gblDeviceTable.DeviceBucket[dwBucketIndex]; pDeviceObj != (DEVICE_OBJECT *)NULL; pDeviceObj = pDeviceObj->pNext ) { //
// If locally initiated, then this event means that the port is now
// disconnected
if ( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_OPENED_FOR_DIALOUT ) { ZeroMemory( &RasConnectionStatus, sizeof( RasConnectionStatus ) );
RasConnectionStatus.dwSize = sizeof( RasConnectionStatus );
dwRetCode = RasGetConnectStatus( pDeviceObj->hRasConn, &RasConnectionStatus );
if ( ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) || ( ( dwRetCode == NO_ERROR ) && ( RasConnectionStatus.rasconnstate == RASCS_Disconnected ) ) ) { RasApiCleanUpPort( pDeviceObj ); } } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblDeviceTable.CriticalSection) ); }