/* Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
** ** rnk.c ** Remote Access shortcut file (.RNK) library ** ** 02/15/96 Steve Cobb */
#include <windows.h> // Win32 core
#include <debug.h> // TRACE/ASSERT macros
#include <nouiutil.h> // Heap macros
#include <rnk.h> // Our public header
VOID FreeRnkInfo( IN RNKINFO* pInfo )
/* Destroys 'pInfo' buffer returned from ReadShortcutFile.
*/ { if (pInfo) { Free0( pInfo->pszEntry ); Free0( pInfo->pszPhonebook ); Free( pInfo ); } }
RNKINFO* ReadShortcutFile( IN TCHAR* pszRnkPath )
/* Reads shortcut file at 'pszRnkPath' returning a RNKINFO buffer. Caller
** should eventually call FreeRnkInfo on the returned buffer. ** ** Returns 0 or an error code. */ { RNKINFO* pInfo; TCHAR szBuf[ 1024 ];
pInfo = (RNKINFO* )Malloc( sizeof(RNKINFO) ); if (!pInfo) return NULL;
ZeroMemory( pInfo, sizeof(*pInfo) );
GetPrivateProfileString( TEXT(RNK_SEC_Main), TEXT(RNK_KEY_Entry), TEXT(""), szBuf, sizeof(szBuf) / sizeof(TCHAR), pszRnkPath ); pInfo->pszEntry = StrDup( szBuf );
GetPrivateProfileString( TEXT(RNK_SEC_Main), TEXT(RNK_KEY_Phonebook), TEXT(""), szBuf, sizeof(szBuf) / sizeof(TCHAR), pszRnkPath ); pInfo->pszPhonebook = StrDup( szBuf );
return pInfo; }
DWORD WriteShortcutFile( IN TCHAR* pszRnkPath, IN TCHAR* pszPbkPath, IN TCHAR* pszEntry )
/* Write the shortcut file 'pszRnkPath' with a command line to dial entry
** 'pszEntry' from phonebook 'pszPath'. ** ** Returns 0 if succesful or an error code. */ { DWORD dwErr; HANDLE hFile; CHAR* pszRnkPathA; CHAR* pszEntryA; CHAR* pszPbkPathA;
/* The file is written in ANSI to
** avoid potential portability/compatibility problems with Windows 95. */ dwErr = 0;
pszRnkPathA = StrDupAFromT( pszRnkPath ); if (!pszRnkPathA) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { hFile = CreateFileA( pszRnkPathA, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwErr = GetLastError(); } else { CloseHandle( hFile );
pszEntryA = StrDupAFromT( pszEntry ); pszPbkPathA = StrDupAFromT( pszPbkPath );
if (!pszEntryA || !pszPbkPathA) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { BOOL f; CHAR szBuf[ (2 * MAX_PATH) + 100 ]; CHAR* pszKey;
ZeroMemory( szBuf, sizeof(szBuf) );
pszKey = szBuf; wsprintfA( pszKey, "%s=%s", RNK_KEY_Entry, pszEntryA );
pszKey += lstrlenA( pszKey ) + 1; wsprintfA( pszKey, "%s=%s", RNK_KEY_Phonebook, pszPbkPathA );
f = WritePrivateProfileSectionA( RNK_SEC_Main, szBuf, pszRnkPathA ); if (!f) dwErr = GetLastError(); }
Free0( pszPbkPathA ); Free0( pszEntryA ); }
Free( pszRnkPathA ); }
return dwErr; }