/* Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
** ** wait.c ** Waiting for services popup ** Listed alphabetically ** ** 02/17/96 Steve Cobb */
#include <windows.h> // Win32 root
#include <debug.h> // Trace and assert
#include <nouiutil.h> // No-HWND utilities
#include <uiutil.h> // Our public header
#include <wait.rch> // Our resource constants
/* Set when RasLoad has completed successfully in this process context.
*/ BOOL g_fRasLoaded = FALSE;
/* Waiting for services thread argument block.
*/ #define WSARGS struct tagWSARGS
WSARGS { HINSTANCE hInst; HWND hwndOwner; HANDLE hEventUp; HANDLE hEventDie; };
/* Waiting for services thread context.
*/ #define WSINFO struct tagWSINFO
WSINFO { HANDLE hEventDie; DWORD dwThreadId; HICON hIcon; };
** Local prototypes **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
VOID StartWaitingForServices( HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwndOwner, WSINFO* pInfo );
VOID StopWaitingForServices( IN WSINFO* pInfo );
DWORD WsThread( LPVOID pArg );
INT_PTR CALLBACK WsDlgProc( HWND hwnd, UINT unMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
** Routines **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Starts the RASMAN service and loads the RASMAN and RASAPI32 entrypoint
** addresses. The "waiting for services" popup is displayed, if ** indicated. 'HInst' and 'hwnd' are the owning instance and window. ** ** Returns 0 if successful or an error code. */ { DWORD dwErr; WSINFO info;
ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(WSINFO)); if (g_fRasLoaded) dwErr = 0; else { if (IsRasmanServiceRunning()) info.hEventDie = NULL; else StartWaitingForServices( hInst, hwnd, &info );
dwErr = LoadRasapi32Dll(); if (dwErr == 0) { dwErr = LoadRasmanDll(); if (dwErr == 0) { ASSERT(g_pRasInitialize); TRACE("RasInitialize"); dwErr = g_pRasInitialize(); TRACE1("RasInitialize=%d",dwErr); } }
StopWaitingForServices( &info );
if (dwErr == 0) g_fRasLoaded = TRUE; }
TRACE1("LoadRas=%d",dwErr); return dwErr; }
VOID StartWaitingForServices( HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwndOwner, WSINFO* pInfo )
/* Popup the "waiting for services" dialog in another thread. 'HInst' and
** 'hwnd' are the owning instance and window. Fills caller's 'pInfo' with ** context to pass to StopWaitingForServices. */ { #ifndef NT4STUFF
// Set the hourglass cursor
pInfo->hIcon = SetCursor (LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT)); ShowCursor (TRUE);
WSARGS* pArgs; HANDLE hThread; HANDLE hEventUp;
pInfo->hEventDie = NULL;
pArgs = (WSARGS* )Malloc( sizeof(*pArgs) ); if (!pArgs) return;
ZeroMemory( pArgs, sizeof(*pArgs) ); pArgs->hInst = hInst; pArgs->hwndOwner = hwndOwner;
hEventUp = pArgs->hEventUp = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if (!hEventUp) { Free( pArgs ); return; }
pInfo->hEventDie = pArgs->hEventDie = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if (!pInfo->hEventDie) { Free( pArgs ); CloseHandle( hEventUp ); return; }
/* Create a thread so paint messages for the popup get processed. The
** current thread is going to be tied up starting RAS Manager. */ hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, WsThread, pArgs, 0, &pInfo->dwThreadId ); if (hThread) { /* Don't begin churning on RASMAN until the popup has displayed
** itself. */ SetThreadPriority( hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST ); WaitForSingleObject( hEventUp, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( hThread ); } else { /* Thread was DOA.
*/ CloseHandle( pInfo->hEventDie ); pInfo->hEventDie = NULL; Free( pArgs ); }
CloseHandle( hEventUp ); #endif
VOID StopWaitingForServices( IN WSINFO* pInfo )
/* Terminate the "waiting for services" popup. 'PInfo' is the context
** from StartWaitingForServices. */ { TRACE("StopWaitingForServices");
#ifndef NT4STUFF
if (pInfo->hIcon == NULL) pInfo->hIcon = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
SetCursor (pInfo->hIcon); ShowCursor (TRUE); #else
if (pInfo->hEventDie) { /* The post triggers the message loop to action, but you can't rely on
** the posted message arriving in the thread message loop. For ** example, if user holds the mouse down on the window caption, the ** message never appears, presumably because it's flushed by some ** sub-loop during "move window" processing. Set the event to make ** sure the popup knows to quit the next time it processes a message. */ SetEvent( pInfo->hEventDie ); PostThreadMessage( pInfo->dwThreadId, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); } #endif
DWORD WsThread( LPVOID pArg )
/* Waiting for services thread main.
*/ { WSARGS* pArgs; HWND hwnd; MSG msg;
TRACE("WsThread running");
pArgs = (WSARGS* )pArg; hwnd = CreateDialog( pArgs->hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( DID_WS_WaitingForServices ), NULL, WsDlgProc ); if (hwnd) { LONG lStyle;
/* Make ourselves topmost if the owner window is, otherwise we may not
** be visible under the topmost window, such as the winlogin window. ** Note that if you actally create the dialog with an owner you have ** all kinds of thread related problems. In retrospect, should have ** written this such that the "waiting" dialog happened in the main ** thread and the LoadLibraries and RasInitialize happened in the ** created thread which would automatically avoid this kind of ** problem, but this works too. */ lStyle = GetWindowLong( pArgs->hwndOwner, GWL_EXSTYLE ); if (lStyle & WS_EX_TOPMOST) { TRACE("TOPMOST"); SetWindowPos( hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE ); }
CenterWindow( hwnd, pArgs->hwndOwner ); ShowWindow( hwnd, SW_SHOW ); UpdateWindow( hwnd ); SetForegroundWindow( hwnd ); }
/* Tell other thread to go on.
*/ SetEvent( pArgs->hEventUp );
if (hwnd) { TRACE("WsThread msg-loop running");
while (GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) { if (WaitForSingleObject( pArgs->hEventDie, 0 ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { /* Normal termination.
*/ DestroyWindow( hwnd ); break; }
if (!IsDialogMessage( hwnd, &msg )) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } }
if (pArgs->hwndOwner) SetForegroundWindow( pArgs->hwndOwner ); }
CloseHandle( pArgs->hEventDie ); Free( pArgs ); TRACE("WsThread terminating"); return 0; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK WsDlgProc( HWND hwnd, UINT unMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
/* Standard Win32 dialog procedure.
*/ { if (unMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { HMENU hmenu;
/* Remove Close from the system menu since some people think it kills
** the app and not just the popup. */ hmenu = GetSystemMenu( hwnd, FALSE ); if (hmenu && DeleteMenu( hmenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND )) DrawMenuBar( hwnd ); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
VOID UnloadRas( void )
/* Unload the DLLs loaded by LoadRas().
*/ { if (g_fRasLoaded) { g_fRasLoaded = FALSE; UnloadRasmanDll(); UnloadRasapi32Dll(); } }