File netcfgdb.h
Implements a database abstraction on top of the net config items needed by the ras server ui for connections.
Paul Mayfield, 12/15/97 */
#ifndef _rassrvui_netcfg_h
#define _rassrvui_netcfg_h
// Network component types
// Identifiers for net components.
// These will be sorted in numerical order
// of these identifiers.
#define NETCFGDB_ID_IP 0x1
#define NETCFGDB_ID_IPX 0x2
#define NETCFGDB_ID_ARAP 0x8
#define NETCFGDB_ID_OTHER 0xf0000000
// Parameters that can be set for tcpip on the dialin
// server.
#define TCPIP_ADDR_LEN 20
typedef struct _TCPIP_PARAMS { DWORD dwPoolStart; // Start ip addr of the static pool (host order)
DWORD dwPoolEnd; // End ip addr of the static pool (host order)
BOOL bCaller; // Whether caller can specify addr
BOOL bUseDhcp; // TRUE = Use dhcp to assign addr
// FALSE = Use a pool to assign addr
// Parameters that can be set for Ipx on the dialin
// server.
typedef struct _IPX_PARAMS { DWORD dwIpxAddress; // Beginning ipx address to allocate
BOOL bCaller; // Whether to allow the caller to specify addr
BOOL bAutoAssign; // Whether to automatically assign node nums
BOOL bGlobalWan; // Whether to assign same net node to all clients
DWORD netDbOpen ( OUT HANDLE * phNetCompDatabase, IN PWCHAR pszClientName); DWORD netDbClose ( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase);
DWORD netDbFlush ( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase); DWORD netDbLoad ( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase); DWORD netDbReload ( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase);
DWORD netDbReloadComponent ( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwComponentId); DWORD netDbRollback ( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase);
BOOL netDbIsLoaded( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase);
DWORD netDbGetCompCount( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, OUT LPDWORD lpdwCount);
DWORD netDbGetName( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT PWCHAR* pszName);
DWORD netDbGetDesc( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT PWCHAR* pszName);
DWORD netDbGetType( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT LPDWORD lpdwType);
DWORD netDbGetId( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT LPDWORD lpdwId);
DWORD netDbGetEnable( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT PBOOL pbEnabled);
DWORD netDbSetEnable( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN BOOL bEnabled);
DWORD netDbIsRasManipulatable( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT PBOOL pbManip);
//For whistler bug 347355
DWORD netDbHasRemovePermission( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT PBOOL pbHasPermit);
DWORD netDbHasPropertiesUI( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT PBOOL pbHasUi);
DWORD netDbRaisePropertiesDialog( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN HWND hwndParent);
DWORD netDbRaiseInstallDialog( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN HWND hwndParent);
DWORD netDbRaiseRemoveDialog( IN HANDLE hNetCompDatabase, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN HWND hwndParent);