Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the entry points for the AFP server APIs queued to the FSP. These are all callable from FSP Only.
Jameel Hyder (microsoft!jameelh)
Revision History: 25 Apr 1992 Initial Version
Notes: Tab stop: 4 --*/
#include <afp.h>
#include <gendisp.h>
#include <client.h>
#include <scavengr.h>
#include <secutil.h>
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispLogin)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispLoginCont)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispLogout)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispChangePassword)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispMapName)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispMapId)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, AfpFspDispGetUserInfo)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, afpGetUserNameAndPwdOrWSName)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, afpGetNameAndDomain)
/*** AfpFspDispLogin
* * This is the worker routine for the AfpLogin API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_Name1 ANSI_STRING AFP Version * sda_Name2 ANSI_STRING UAM String * sda_Name3 BLOCK Depends on the UAM used * NO_USER_AUTHENT Not used * CLEAR_TEXT_AUTHENT User Name & Password string * CUSTOM_UAM User Name & Machine Name * Both the ClearText and the Custom UAM case are treated identically * except for validation. * * LOCKS: sda_Lock (SPIN) */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispLogin( IN PSDA pSda ) { LONG i; ANSI_STRING UserPasswd; PSID GuestSid = NULL; BOOLEAN fGuestLogon = FALSE; BOOLEAN fKillSession = FALSE; AFPSTATUS Status = AFP_ERR_NONE; IPADDRESS IpAddress;
struct _AppleUamRespPacket { BYTE _LogonId[2]; BYTE _ChallengeToClient[1]; }; struct _AppleUamRespPacket *pAppleUamRespPacket;
struct _ResponsePacket { BYTE _ChallengeToClient[MSV1_0_CHALLENGE_LENGTH]; BYTE _TranslationTable[1]; };
UserPasswd.Length = 0; UserPasswd.MaximumLength = 0; UserPasswd.Buffer = NULL;
AfpSetEmptyAnsiString(&UserPasswd, 0, NULL);
do { // First validate whether the call is allowed at this time. If a user
// is either already logged on OR if we are awaiting a response after
// a challenge has already been given, then this goes no further.
if ((pSda->sda_Flags & SDA_LOGIN_MASK) != SDA_USER_NOT_LOGGEDIN) { Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; break; }
// Validate the AFP Version
for (i = 0; i < AFP_NUM_VERSIONS; i++) { if (RtlEqualString(&pSda->sda_Name1, &AfpVersions[i], True)) { pSda->sda_ClientVersion = (BYTE)i; break; }
} if (i == AFP_NUM_VERSIONS) { Status = AFP_ERR_BAD_VERSION; break; }
#if DBG
if (pSda->sda_Flags & SDA_SESSION_OVER_TCP) { PTCPCONN pTcpConn; pTcpConn = (PTCPCONN)(pSda->sda_SessHandle); IpAddress = pTcpConn->con_DestIpAddr;
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_STACKIF, DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("AFP/TCP: Mac client version 2.%d (%d.%d.%d.%d) connected (%lx)\n", pTcpConn->con_pSda->sda_ClientVersion,(IpAddress>>24)&0xFF, (IpAddress>>16)&0xFF,(IpAddress>>8)&0xFF,IpAddress&0xFF,pTcpConn)); } else if (pSda->sda_ClientVersion >= AFP_VER_22) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_STACKIF, DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("AFP/Appletalk: Mac client version 2.%d connected\n", pSda->sda_ClientVersion)); } #endif
// Validate the UAM string
for (i = 0; i < AFP_NUM_UAMS; i++) { if (RtlEqualString(&pSda->sda_Name2, &AfpUamStrings[i], True)) { pSda->sda_ClientType = (BYTE)i; break; }
if (i == AFP_NUM_UAMS) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_STACKIF, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLogin: unknown UAM, ignoring!\n"));
Status = AFP_ERR_BAD_UAM; break; }
// All seems OK so far. Handle the simple GUEST logon case first.
pSda->sda_DomainName.Length = 0; pSda->sda_DomainName.Buffer = NULL; if (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_GUEST) { if (!(AfpServerOptions & AFP_SRVROPT_GUESTLOGONALLOWED)) { Status = AFP_ERR_BAD_UAM; break; }
// Lookup the current Guest account name
TempStatus = SecLookupWellKnownSid ( WinAccountGuestSid, NULL, 0, &GuestSidSize );
if (TempStatus == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { if ((GuestSid = (PSID)AfpAllocPagedMemory (GuestSidSize)) == NULL) { Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_STACKIF, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLogin: AfpAllocPagedMemory failed to allocate memory")); break; } TempStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; TempStatus = SecLookupWellKnownSid ( WinAccountGuestSid, GuestSid, GuestSidSize, &GuestSidSize ); if (TempStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_STACKIF, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLogin: SecLookupWellKnownSid 2 failed with error %ld\n", TempStatus)); Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; break; } } else { if (TempStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_STACKIF, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLogin: SecLookupWellKnownSid 1 failed with error %ld\n", TempStatus)); Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; break; } }
Name.Buffer = NameString; Name.Length = sizeof (NameString); Name.MaximumLength = Name.Length; Domain.Buffer = DomainString; Domain.Length = sizeof (DomainString); Domain.MaximumLength = Domain.Length;
TempStatus = SecLookupAccountSid ( GuestSid, &NameSize, &Name, &DomainSize, &Domain, &NameUse );
if (TempStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_STACKIF, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLogin: SecLookupAccountSid failed with error %ld\n", TempStatus)); Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; break; }
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_STACKIF, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLogin: SecLookupAccountSid returned GuestName = %Z, Guestname Size = %d\n", &Name, Name.Length));
if ((pSda->sda_UserName.Buffer = (PWSTR)AfpAllocNonPagedMemory(Name.Length)) == NULL) { Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; break; }
memcpy ((BYTE *)(pSda->sda_UserName.Buffer), (BYTE *)Name.Buffer, Name.Length); pSda->sda_UserName.Length = Name.Length; pSda->sda_UserName.MaximumLength = Name.Length;
// Consider the guest as a cleartext client from this point on
// with NULL password
fGuestLogon = TRUE; pSda->sda_ClientType = SDA_CLIENT_CLEARTEXT; Status = AfpLogonUser(pSda, &UserPasswd); break; }
// Take apart the sda_Name3 block. The block looks as follows. We have
// already eliminated the possibility of a GUEST login.
// 1. ClearText/Custom UAM PASCALSTR - UserName (+DomainName)
// 2. ClearText PASCALSTR - Password
// Custom UAM PASCALSTR - MachineName
if (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_CLEARTEXT) { if (!(AfpServerOptions & AFP_SRVROPT_CLEARTEXTLOGONALLOWED)) { Status = AFP_ERR_BAD_UAM; break; } }
if (!afpGetUserNameAndPwdOrWSName(&pSda->sda_Name3, pSda->sda_ClientType, &pSda->sda_UserName, &pSda->sda_DomainName, (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_CLEARTEXT) ? (PVOID)&UserPasswd : (PVOID)&pSda->sda_WSName)) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SECURITY, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLogin: afpGetUserNameAndPwdOrWSName failed\n"));
Status = AFP_ERR_USER_NOT_AUTH; break; }
// Attempt to logon user for Cleartext case
if (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_CLEARTEXT) { // The user password as we have it is potentially padded with nulls
// if it is less than 8 chars. Get the length right
UserPasswd.Length = strlen(UserPasswd.Buffer) + 1; Status = AfpLogonUser(pSda, &UserPasswd);
// Free the buffer for the password
AfpFreeMemory(UserPasswd.Buffer); break; } else { // Using the custom UAM, ship the challenge token
pSda->sda_ReplySize = MSV1_0_CHALLENGE_LENGTH;
// is this MS-UAM client? if so, need room for translation table
if ((pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V1) || (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V2) || (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V3)) { pSda->sda_ReplySize += AFP_XLAT_TABLE_SIZE; } else { pSda->sda_ReplySize += sizeof(USHORT); // space for LogonId
if (AfpAllocReplyBuf(pSda) != AFP_ERR_NONE) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SECURITY, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLogin: AfpAllocReplyBuf failed\n")); Status = AFP_ERR_USER_NOT_AUTH; break; }
if ((pSda->sda_Challenge = AfpGetChallenge()) == NULL) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SECURITY, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLogin: AfpGetChallenge failed\n")); Status = AFP_ERR_USER_NOT_AUTH; AfpFreeReplyBuf(pSda, FALSE); break; }
// MS-UAM client? copy challenge and translation table
if ((pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V1) || (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V2) || (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V3)) { RtlCopyMemory(pRspPkt->_ChallengeToClient, pSda->sda_Challenge, MSV1_0_CHALLENGE_LENGTH); RtlCopyMemory(pRspPkt->_TranslationTable, AfpTranslationTable+AFP_XLAT_TABLE_SIZE, AFP_XLAT_TABLE_SIZE); } else { pAppleUamRespPacket = (struct _AppleUamRespPacket *)(pSda->sda_ReplyBuf);
// copy the LogonId (make one up, using the sda pointer itself!)
//*(USHORT *)(&pAppleUamRespPacket->_LogonId[0]) = (USHORT)pSda;
pAppleUamRespPacket->_LogonId[0] = 0; pAppleUamRespPacket->_LogonId[1] = 0;
// copy the challenge
RtlCopyMemory(&pAppleUamRespPacket->_ChallengeToClient[0], pSda->sda_Challenge, MSV1_0_CHALLENGE_LENGTH); } } } while (False);
if (GuestSid != NULL) { AfpFreeMemory(GuestSid); }
// Set the SDA in the right state
if (Status == AFP_ERR_NONE) { // Cancel the scavenger event for checking this user's kickoff time
AfpScavengerKillEvent(AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)));
if (fGuestLogon) { AfpInterlockedSetDword(&pSda->sda_Flags, SDA_GUEST_LOGIN, &pSda->sda_Lock); } AfpInterlockedSetNClearDword(&pSda->sda_Flags, SDA_USER_LOGGEDIN, SDA_LOGIN_FAILED, &pSda->sda_Lock); pSda->sda_WSName.Length = 0; pSda->sda_WSName.MaximumLength = 0; pSda->sda_WSName.Buffer = NULL; if (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff < MAXLONG) AfpScavengerScheduleEvent( AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)), (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff > SESSION_WARN_TIME) ? (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff - SESSION_WARN_TIME) : SESSION_CHECK_TIME, True); } else if (Status == AFP_ERR_AUTH_CONTINUE) { // Login is half-way done. Set to receive a FPLoginCont call
AfpInterlockedSetDword(&pSda->sda_Flags, SDA_USER_LOGIN_PARTIAL, &pSda->sda_Lock); } else if (Status == AFP_ERR_PWD_EXPIRED) { AfpInterlockedSetDword(&pSda->sda_Flags, SDA_LOGIN_FAILED, &pSda->sda_Lock); Status = AFP_ERR_NONE; fKillSession = True; } else { fKillSession = True; }
if (fKillSession) { // Cancel the scavenger event for checking this user's kickoff time
AfpScavengerKillEvent(AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)));
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SECURITY, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLogin: Logon failed: Scheduling session to be killed in (%ld) seconds\n", SESSION_KILL_TIME));
pSda->sda_tTillKickOff = SESSION_KILL_TIME; AfpScavengerScheduleEvent( AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)), (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff > SESSION_WARN_TIME) ? (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff - SESSION_WARN_TIME) : SESSION_CHECK_TIME, True); } return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispLoginCont
* * This is the worker routine for the AfpLoginCont API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_Name1 BLOCK Response to challenge (24 bytes) */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispLoginCont( IN PSDA pSda ) { AFPSTATUS Status = AFP_ERR_NONE; ANSI_STRING Passwd; struct _AppleUamReqPkt { BYTE _LogonId[2]; BYTE _ChallengeResponse[1]; }; struct _AppleUamReqPkt *pAppleUamReqPkt;
struct _RequestPacket { DWORD _ChallengeResponse[1]; };
else { if ((pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V1) || (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V2) || (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V3)) { Passwd.Length = Passwd.MaximumLength = LM_RESPONSE_LENGTH; Passwd.Buffer = (PBYTE)&pReqPkt->_ChallengeResponse[0]; } else { pAppleUamReqPkt = (struct _AppleUamReqPkt *)(pSda->sda_ReqBlock); Passwd.Buffer = (PBYTE)&pAppleUamReqPkt->_ChallengeResponse[0];
if (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_RANDNUM) { Passwd.Length = Passwd.MaximumLength = RANDNUM_RESP_LEN; } else { Passwd.Length = Passwd.MaximumLength = TWOWAY_RESP_LEN; } }
ASSERT (pSda->sda_Challenge != NULL);
Status = AfpLogonUser(pSda, &Passwd); AfpFreeMemory(pSda->sda_Challenge); pSda->sda_Challenge = NULL; }
// Set the SDA in the right state
if (Status == AFP_ERR_NONE) { // Cancel the scavenger event for checking this user's kickoff time
AfpScavengerKillEvent(AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)));
AfpInterlockedSetNClearDword(&pSda->sda_Flags, SDA_USER_LOGGEDIN, SDA_USER_LOGIN_PARTIAL, &pSda->sda_Lock); if (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff < MAXLONG) AfpScavengerScheduleEvent( AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)), (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff > SESSION_WARN_TIME) ? (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff - SESSION_WARN_TIME) : SESSION_CHECK_TIME, True); } else { // Cancel the scavenger event for checking this user's kickoff time
AfpScavengerKillEvent(AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)));
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SECURITY, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispLoginCont: Logon failed: Scheduling session to be killed in (%ld) seconds\n")); pSda->sda_tTillKickOff = SESSION_KILL_TIME; AfpScavengerScheduleEvent( AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)), (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff > SESSION_WARN_TIME) ? (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff - SESSION_WARN_TIME) : SESSION_CHECK_TIME, True); }
return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispLogout
* * This is the worker routine for the AfpLogout API. * * There is no request packet for this API. */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispLogout( IN PSDA pSda ) { AFP_SESSION_INFO SessInfo;
AfpInterlockedClearDword(&pSda->sda_Flags, SDA_LOGIN_MASK, &pSda->sda_Lock);
return AFP_ERR_NONE; }
/*** AfpFspDispChangePassword
* * This is the worker routine for the AfpChangePassword API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_AfpSubFunc BYTE New password length - UAM * sda_Name1 ANSI_STRING UAM String * sda_Name2 ANSI_STRING User Name [and domain] * sda_Name3 BLOCK Old and New passwords * Format depends on the UAM * ClearText Old Password (8 bytes, 0 padded) * New Password (8 bytes, 0 padded) * Encrypted Old Password LM_OWF_PASSWORD (16) * New Password LM_OWF_PASSWORD (16) * * All we do here is package the user name, domain name, old and new password * and give it up to user mode to attempt the password change since we cannot * do it in kernel mode. */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispChangePassword( IN PSDA pSda ) { AFPSTATUS Status; PAFP_PASSWORD_DESC pPwdDesc=NULL; ANSI_STRING NewPwd; UNICODE_STRING UNewPwd; UNICODE_STRING UserName; UNICODE_STRING DomainName; BYTE Method; struct _ResponsePacket { BYTE __ExtendedErrorCode[4]; };
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: Entered\n"));
if ((pPwdDesc = (PAFP_PASSWORD_DESC)AfpAllocPagedMemory(sizeof(AFP_PASSWORD_DESC))) == NULL) { return AFP_ERR_MISC; }
AfpSetEmptyUnicodeString(&DomainName, sizeof(pPwdDesc->DomainName), pPwdDesc->DomainName); AfpSetEmptyUnicodeString(&UserName, sizeof(pPwdDesc->UserName), pPwdDesc->UserName);
do { Status = AFP_ERR_BAD_UAM; // Default
// Validate the UAM string, cannot be 'No User Authent'
for (Method = CLEAR_TEXT_AUTHENT; Method < AFP_NUM_UAMS; Method++) { if (RtlEqualString(&pSda->sda_Name1, &AfpUamStrings[Method], True)) { if (pSda->sda_Flags & SDA_USER_LOGGEDIN) { // if the client is logged in using TWOWAY_EXCHANGE, the
// UAM specified in password change is still RANDNUM_EXCHANGE
// so, hack it, so rest of our logic works!
if ((Method == RANDNUM_EXCHANGE) && (pSda->sda_ClientType == TWOWAY_EXCHANGE)) { Method = TWOWAY_EXCHANGE; }
if (pSda->sda_ClientType == Method) { Status = AFP_ERR_NONE; } else { Status = AFP_ERR_PARAM; } } else { pSda->sda_ClientType = Method; Status = AFP_ERR_NONE; } break; }
if ((Status != AFP_ERR_NONE) || ((Method == CLEAR_TEXT_AUTHENT) && !(AfpServerOptions & AFP_SRVROPT_CLEARTEXTLOGONALLOWED))) { break; }
Status = AFP_ERR_PARAM; // Assume failure
RtlZeroMemory(pPwdDesc, sizeof(AFP_PASSWORD_DESC));
// Validate and Convert user name to unicode. If the user is already
// logged in, make sure the user name matches what we already know
if (!afpGetNameAndDomain(&pSda->sda_Name2, &UserName, &DomainName) || !RtlEqualUnicodeString(&UserName, &pSda->sda_UserName, True) || !RtlEqualUnicodeString(&DomainName, &pSda->sda_DomainName, True)) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: afpGetNameAndDomain failed\n"));
break; }
pPwdDesc->AuthentMode = Method;
// Make sure the old and new passwords are atleast the min. size
if (pSda->sda_Name3.Length < (2 * sizeof(AFP_MAXPWDSIZE))) break;
// Translate both passwords to host ansi (upper case)
ATmpPwd.Buffer = pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer; ATmpPwd.Length = AFP_MAXPWDSIZE; ATmpPwd.MaximumLength = AFP_MAXPWDSIZE;
UOldPwd.Buffer = (PWCHAR)pPwdDesc->OldPassword; UOldPwd.Length = sizeof(pPwdDesc->OldPassword); UOldPwd.MaximumLength = sizeof(pPwdDesc->OldPassword); if (!NT_SUCCESS(AfpConvertPasswordStringToUnicode(&ATmpPwd, &UOldPwd))) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: AfpConvertPasswordStringToUnicode 1 failed\n")); break; } pPwdDesc->OldPasswordLen = AFP_MAXPWDSIZE*sizeof(WCHAR); if (wcslen(UOldPwd.Buffer) < AFP_MAXPWDSIZE) { pPwdDesc->OldPasswordLen = wcslen(UOldPwd.Buffer)*sizeof(WCHAR); }
ATmpPwd.Buffer = pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer+AFP_MAXPWDSIZE; ATmpPwd.Length = AFP_MAXPWDSIZE; ATmpPwd.MaximumLength = AFP_MAXPWDSIZE;
UNewPwd.Buffer = (PWCHAR)pPwdDesc->NewPassword; UNewPwd.Length = sizeof(pPwdDesc->NewPassword); UNewPwd.MaximumLength = sizeof(pPwdDesc->NewPassword); if (!NT_SUCCESS(AfpConvertPasswordStringToUnicode(&ATmpPwd, &UNewPwd))) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: AfpConvertPasswordStringToUnicode 2 failed\n")); break; } pPwdDesc->NewPasswordLen = AFP_MAXPWDSIZE*sizeof(WCHAR); if (wcslen(UNewPwd.Buffer) < AFP_MAXPWDSIZE) { pPwdDesc->NewPasswordLen = wcslen(UNewPwd.Buffer)*sizeof(WCHAR); }
#if 0
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: OldPwd=(%Z), NewPwd=(%Z)\n", &UOldPwd, &UNewPwd)); #endif
// if this is a client using Apple's native UAM, parms are different!
else if ((Method == RANDNUM_EXCHANGE) || (Method == TWOWAY_EXCHANGE)) { // Make sure the old and new passwords are atleast the min. size
if (pSda->sda_Name3.Length < (2 * MAX_MAC_PWD_LEN)) { ASSERT(0); break; }
RtlCopyMemory(pPwdDesc->OldPassword, pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer, MAX_MAC_PWD_LEN); RtlCopyMemory(pPwdDesc->NewPassword, pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer + RANDNUM_RESP_LEN, MAX_MAC_PWD_LEN); }
else if (Method == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V1) { // Make sure the old and new passwords are atleast the min. size
if (pSda->sda_Name3.Length < (2 * LM_OWF_PASSWORD_LENGTH)) { break; }
pPwdDesc->bPasswordLength = pSda->sda_AfpSubFunc; RtlCopyMemory(pPwdDesc->OldPassword, pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer, LM_OWF_PASSWORD_LENGTH); RtlCopyMemory(pPwdDesc->NewPassword, pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer + LM_OWF_PASSWORD_LENGTH, LM_OWF_PASSWORD_LENGTH); } else if (Method == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V2) { // the data expected here is large (532 bytes) here
try {
RtlCopyMemory(pPwdDesc->OldPassword, pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer, LM_OWF_PASSWORD_LENGTH); RtlCopyMemory(pPwdDesc->NewPassword, pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer + LM_OWF_PASSWORD_LENGTH, (SAM_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH * 2) + 4); } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ASSERT(0); break; } } else if (Method == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V3) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V3\n"));
// the data expected here is large
try { RtlCopyMemory(&pPwdDesc->NtEncryptedBuff.Ciphers, pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer, sizeof(SFM_PASSWORD_CHANGE_MESSAGE_HEADER));
if (!strcmp(pPwdDesc->NtEncryptedBuff.Ciphers.h.Signature, SFM_CHANGE_PASSWORD_SIGNATURE) && (pPwdDesc->NtEncryptedBuff.Ciphers.h.Version == 1)) { if (pPwdDesc->NtEncryptedBuff.Ciphers.h.cbMessage == sizeof(SFM_PASSWORD_CHANGE_MESSAGE_1)) { RtlCopyMemory(&pPwdDesc->NtEncryptedBuff.Ciphers, pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer, pPwdDesc->NtEncryptedBuff.Ciphers.h.cbMessage); } else if (pPwdDesc->NtEncryptedBuff.Ciphers.h.cbMessage == sizeof(SFM_PASSWORD_CHANGE_MESSAGE_1_SHORT)) { RtlCopyMemory( ((UCHAR*)&pPwdDesc->NtEncryptedBuff.Ciphers.m1) + sizeof(pPwdDesc->NtEncryptedBuff.Ciphers.m1) - sizeof(SFM_PASSWORD_CHANGE_MESSAGE_1_SHORT) + 2, // trailing byte of 2
pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer, pPwdDesc->NtEncryptedBuff.Ciphers.h.cbMessage); } else { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: unexpected cbMessage\n")); break; } } else { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: unexpected cipher\n")); break; } } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: exception\n"));
ASSERT(0); break; } } else { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: unknown method %d\n",Method)); ASSERT(0); }
Status = AfpChangePassword(pSda, pPwdDesc);
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: AfpChangePassword returned %lx\n", Status)); } while (False);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // Check if we are here because the login returned password expired.
// If this is Afp 2.1 chooser, we also need to logon this fella
if (pSda->sda_Flags & SDA_LOGIN_FAILED) { AfpInterlockedClearDword(&pSda->sda_Flags, SDA_LOGIN_FAILED, &pSda->sda_Lock);
NewPwd.Buffer = pPwdDesc->NewPassword; NewPwd.Length = sizeof(pPwdDesc->NewPassword); NewPwd.MaximumLength = sizeof(pPwdDesc->NewPassword); RtlCopyMemory(pPwdDesc->NewPassword, pSda->sda_Name3.Buffer+AFP_MAXPWDSIZE, AFP_MAXPWDSIZE); if (AfpConvertMacAnsiToHostAnsi(&NewPwd) != AFP_ERR_NONE) { // break;
// The user password as we have it is potentially padded with nulls
// if it is less than 8 chars. Get the length right
NewPwd.Length = strlen(NewPwd.Buffer) + 1; Status = AfpLogonUser(pSda, &NewPwd); if (Status == AFP_ERR_NONE) { AfpInterlockedSetDword(&pSda->sda_Flags, SDA_USER_LOGGEDIN, &pSda->sda_Lock); pSda->sda_WSName.Length = 0; pSda->sda_WSName.MaximumLength = 0; pSda->sda_WSName.Buffer = NULL; if (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff < MAXLONG) AfpScavengerScheduleEvent( AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)), (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff > SESSION_WARN_TIME) ? (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff - SESSION_WARN_TIME) : SESSION_CHECK_TIME, True); } } } else // Failure - convert to right status code
{ { // Cancel the scavenger event for checking this user's kickoff time
AfpScavengerKillEvent(AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)));
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_SECURITY, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("AfpFspDispChangePassword: Chgpwd/Logon failed: Scheduling session to be killed in (%ld) seconds\n"));
pSda->sda_tTillKickOff = SESSION_KILL_TIME; AfpScavengerScheduleEvent( AfpSdaCheckSession, (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)(pSda->sda_SessionId)), (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff > SESSION_WARN_TIME) ? (pSda->sda_tTillKickOff - SESSION_WARN_TIME) : SESSION_CHECK_TIME, True); } if ((pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V1) || (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V2) || (pSda->sda_ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V3)) { if (Status == STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED) Status = AFP_ERR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED; else if (Status == STATUS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED) Status = AFP_ERR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED; else if (Status == STATUS_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS) Status = AFP_ERR_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS; else if (Status == STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION) Status = AFP_ERR_INVALID_WORKSTATION; else if (Status == STATUS_PASSWORD_RESTRICTION) Status = AFP_ERR_PASSWORD_RESTRICTED; else if (Status == STATUS_PWD_TOO_SHORT) Status = AFP_ERR_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT; else if (Status == STATUS_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION) Status = AFP_ERR_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTED; else if (Status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) Status = AFP_ERR_PASSWORD_CANT_CHANGE; else if ((Status != AFP_ERR_BAD_UAM) && (Status != AFP_ERR_PARAM)) Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; } else { if (Status == STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD) Status = AFP_ERR_USER_NOT_AUTH;
else if (Status == STATUS_PWD_TOO_SHORT) { if ((pSda->sda_Flags & SDA_USER_LOGGEDIN) && (pSda->sda_ClientVersion >= AFP_VER_21)) { Status = AFP_ERR_PWD_TOO_SHORT; } else Status = AFP_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED; }
else if ((Status == STATUS_NONE_MAPPED) || (Status == STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER)) Status = AFP_ERR_PARAM; else if ((Status != AFP_ERR_BAD_UAM) && (Status != AFP_ERR_PARAM)) Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; } }
if (pPwdDesc) { AfpFreeMemory(pPwdDesc); }
return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispMapName
* * This is the worker routine for the AfpMapName API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_SubFunc BYTE User/Group Flag * sda_Name1 ANSI_STRING Name of user/group */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispMapName( IN PSDA pSda ) { AFPSTATUS Status = AFP_ERR_NONE; UNICODE_STRING Us; DWORD UserOrGroupId = 0; struct _ResponsePacket { BYTE __UserOrGroupId[4]; };
if ((pSda->sda_AfpSubFunc != MAP_USER_NAME) && (pSda->sda_AfpSubFunc != MAP_GROUP_NAME)) return AFP_ERR_PARAM;
AfpSetEmptyUnicodeString(&Us, 0, NULL); // If this is the first time we are asking for the name to be translated.
if ((pSda->sda_Name1.Length != 0) && (pSda->sda_SecUtilSid == NULL) && (NT_SUCCESS(pSda->sda_SecUtilResult))) { Us.MaximumLength = (pSda->sda_Name1.Length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if ((Us.Buffer = (LPWSTR)AfpAllocPagedMemory(Us.MaximumLength)) == NULL) { return AFP_ERR_MISC; }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = AfpConvertStringToUnicode(&pSda->sda_Name1, &Us))) { AfpFreeMemory(Us.Buffer); return AFP_ERR_MISC; }
Status = AfpNameToSid( pSda, &Us );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status != AFP_ERR_EXTENDED) Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; }
return Status; }
// If we have successfully translated the name
if (pSda->sda_Name1.Length != 0) { if ((pSda->sda_SecUtilSid != NULL) && (NT_SUCCESS( pSda->sda_SecUtilResult))) Status = AfpSidToMacId(pSda->sda_SecUtilSid, &UserOrGroupId); else Status = AFP_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { pSda->sda_ReplySize = SIZE_RESPPKT; if ((Status = AfpAllocReplyBuf(pSda)) == AFP_ERR_NONE) { PUTDWORD2DWORD(pRspPkt->__UserOrGroupId, UserOrGroupId); } }
if (pSda->sda_SecUtilSid != NULL) { AfpFreeMemory(pSda->sda_SecUtilSid); pSda->sda_SecUtilSid = NULL; }
return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispMapId
* * This is the worker routine for the AfpMapId API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_SubFunc BYTE User/Group Flag * sda_ReqBlock DWORD UserId * * We do not use the UserId field since it is invalid anyway !! */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispMapId( IN PSDA pSda ) { AFPSTATUS Status = AFP_ERR_NONE; PAFP_SID_NAME pSidName = NULL; PSID pSid; // Sid of user or group
struct _RequestPacket { DWORD _UserOrGroupId; }; struct _ResponsePacket { BYTE __NameLength[1]; BYTE __Name[1]; };
if ((pSda->sda_AfpSubFunc != MAP_USER_ID) && (pSda->sda_AfpSubFunc != MAP_GROUP_ID)) return AFP_ERR_PARAM;
Status = AFP_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; // Assume failure
if (NT_SUCCESS(pSda->sda_SecUtilResult)) do { ANSI_STRING As;
As.Length = 0; As.MaximumLength = 1; As.Buffer = "";
if (pReqPkt->_UserOrGroupId != 0) { Status = AfpMacIdToSid(pReqPkt->_UserOrGroupId, &pSid); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = AFP_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND; break; }
Status = AfpSidToName(pSda, pSid, &pSidName);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status != AFP_ERR_EXTENDED) Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; break; }
/* MSKK hideyukn, Unicode char length not eqaul to ansi byte length in DBCS, 08/07/95 */ #ifdef DBCS
pSda->sda_ReplySize = pSidName->Name.Length + SIZE_RESPPKT; #else
pSda->sda_ReplySize = pSidName->Name.Length/sizeof(WCHAR) + SIZE_RESPPKT; #endif // DBCS
} else pSda->sda_ReplySize = SIZE_RESPPKT; // For an id of 0
if ((Status = AfpAllocReplyBuf(pSda)) == AFP_ERR_NONE) { if (pSidName != NULL) { As.MaximumLength = pSda->sda_ReplySize - 1; As.Buffer = pRspPkt->__Name; if ((Status = AfpConvertStringToAnsi(&pSidName->Name, &As)) != AFP_ERR_NONE) { AfpFreeReplyBuf(pSda, FALSE); } PUTBYTE2BYTE(pRspPkt->__NameLength, As.Length); } else PUTBYTE2BYTE(pRspPkt->__NameLength, 0); } } while (False);
return Status; }
/*** AfpFspDispGetUserInfo
* * This routine implements the AfpGetUserInfo API. * * The request packet is represented below. * * sda_AfpSubFunc BYTE ThisUser flag * sda_ReqBlock DWORD UserId * sda_ReqBlock DWORD Bitmap * * We do not use the UserId field since it is invalid anyway !! */ AFPSTATUS FASTCALL AfpFspDispGetUserInfo( IN PSDA pSda ) { DWORD Bitmap; PBYTE pTemp; AFPSTATUS Status = AFP_ERR_PARAM; DWORD Uid, Gid; struct _RequestPacket { DWORD _UserId; DWORD _Bitmap; }; struct _ResponsePacket { BYTE __Bitmap[2]; BYTE __Id1[4]; BYTE __Id2[4]; };
do { if (!(pSda->sda_AfpSubFunc & USERINFO_THISUSER)) break;
Bitmap = pReqPkt->_Bitmap; if (Bitmap & ~(USERINFO_BITMAP_USERID | USERINFO_BITMAP_PRIGID)) { Status = AFP_ERR_BITMAP; break; }
if (Bitmap & USERINFO_BITMAP_USERID) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = AfpSidToMacId(pSda->sda_UserSid, &Uid))) { Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; break; } }
if (Bitmap & USERINFO_BITMAP_PRIGID) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = AfpSidToMacId(pSda->sda_GroupSid, &Gid))) { Status = AFP_ERR_MISC; break; } }
pSda->sda_ReplySize = SIZE_RESPPKT; if ((Status = AfpAllocReplyBuf(pSda)) == AFP_ERR_NONE) { PUTSHORT2SHORT(pRspPkt->__Bitmap, Bitmap); pTemp = pRspPkt->__Id1; if (Bitmap & USERINFO_BITMAP_USERID) { PUTDWORD2DWORD(pTemp, Uid); pTemp = pRspPkt->__Id2; } else pSda->sda_ReplySize -= sizeof(DWORD);
if (Bitmap & USERINFO_BITMAP_PRIGID) { PUTDWORD2DWORD(pTemp, Gid); } else pSda->sda_ReplySize -= sizeof(DWORD); } } while (False); return Status; }
/*** afpGetUserNameAndPwdOrWSName
* * Unmarshall the block containing UserName and either password or WS Name * into unicode/ansi strings. Allocate memory for the output strings. * * The layout of the Buffer is as follows: * User Name and an optional pad * Workstation name or user password depending on the UAM. * * The optional pad is not directly determined since this buffer has been * copied and we do not know at this point whether this started at an odd * or an even boundary. We get to it indirectly from the size. */ LOCAL BOOLEAN afpGetUserNameAndPwdOrWSName( IN PANSI_STRING Block, IN BYTE ClientType, OUT PUNICODE_STRING pUserName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING pDomainName, OUT PVOID pParm // Either password or WSName
) { ANSI_STRING UserName; #define pPwd ((PANSI_STRING)pParm)
#define pWS ((PUNICODE_STRING)pParm)
PBYTE pTmp; BOOLEAN RetCode = False;
do { pPwd->Buffer = NULL; pPwd->Length = 0; pUserName->Buffer = NULL;
if (Block->Buffer == NULL) { ASSERT(0); return(False); }
pTmp = Block->Buffer; UserName.Length = (USHORT)*pTmp; UserName.Buffer = ++pTmp;
// Sanity check
if ((USHORT)(UserName.Length + 1) > Block->Length) break;
pTmp += UserName.Length;
// make sure we are within bounds!
if (pTmp <= (Block->Buffer + Block->Length)) { // If there is a NULL pad, go past it.
if (*pTmp == '\0') pTmp++; }
pUserName->Buffer = NULL; // Force allocation
pDomainName->Buffer = NULL; // Force allocation
if (!afpGetNameAndDomain(&UserName, pUserName, pDomainName)) break;
// Make sure we do not have a name of the form "DOMAIN\" i.e. a
// valid domain name and a NULL user name, disallow that explicitly
// so that we don't logon such users with a NULL session
if (pUserName->Length == 0) { if (pUserName->Buffer != NULL) { AfpFreeMemory(pUserName->Buffer); pUserName->Buffer = NULL; } if (pDomainName->Buffer != NULL) { AfpFreeMemory(pDomainName->Buffer); pDomainName->Buffer = NULL; } return False; }
// The balance of the buffer is the block, if it is a password. Else
// it is the machine name string which is a PASCALSTR.
pPwd->MaximumLength = (USHORT)(Block->Length - (pTmp - Block->Buffer) + 1); if (ClientType != SDA_CLIENT_CLEARTEXT) { // in case of Apple UAM (scrambled or 2-way), machine name won't
// be present, so check only for MS-UAM
if (((ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V1) || (ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V2) || (ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V3)) && (pTmp < (Block->Buffer + Block->Length - 1))) { pWS->MaximumLength = (USHORT)((*pTmp + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (pWS->MaximumLength < (USHORT)((Block->Length - (pTmp - Block->Buffer + 1)) *sizeof(WCHAR))) { return False; } } else { pWS->MaximumLength = (sizeof(AFP_DEFAULT_WORKSTATION_A) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } }
if ((pPwd->Buffer = AfpAllocNonPagedMemory(pPwd->MaximumLength)) == NULL) break;
if (ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_CLEARTEXT) { // We are dealing with a clear text password
pPwd->Length = pPwd->MaximumLength - 1; RtlCopyMemory(pPwd->Buffer, pTmp, pPwd->Length); if (AfpConvertMacAnsiToHostAnsi(pPwd) != AFP_ERR_NONE) break; pPwd->Buffer[pPwd->Length] = 0; } else { ANSI_STRING AS;
if (((ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V1) || (ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V2) || (ClientType == SDA_CLIENT_MSUAM_V3)) && (pTmp < (Block->Buffer + Block->Length - 1))) { AS.Buffer = ++pTmp; AS.MaximumLength = pWS->MaximumLength/sizeof(WCHAR); AS.Length = AS.MaximumLength - 1; } //
// for scrambled and 2-way exchange, use default wksta name since
// we don't know what it is
else { AS.Buffer = AFP_DEFAULT_WORKSTATION_A; AS.MaximumLength = pWS->MaximumLength/sizeof(WCHAR); AS.Length = AS.MaximumLength - 1; }
// We have potentially a workstation name here. Since this is a
// pascal string, adjust the length etc.
AfpConvertStringToUnicode(&AS, pWS); pWS->Buffer[pWS->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; }
RetCode = True; } while (False);
if (!RetCode) { if (pUserName->Buffer != NULL) { AfpFreeMemory(pUserName->Buffer); pUserName->Buffer = NULL; } if (pPwd->Buffer != NULL) { AfpFreeMemory(pPwd->Buffer); pPwd->Buffer = NULL; } if (pDomainName->Buffer != NULL) { AfpFreeMemory(pDomainName->Buffer); pDomainName->Buffer = NULL; } }
return RetCode; }
/*** afpGetNameAndDomain
* * Extract the name and domain from a string formed as DOMAIN\NAME. */ BOOLEAN afpGetNameAndDomain( IN PANSI_STRING pDomainNUser, OUT PUNICODE_STRING pUserName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING pDomainName ) { BYTE c; ANSI_STRING User, Domain; BOOLEAN fDomainBuffAlloc=FALSE;
// Check if the user name has a '\' character in it. If it does,
// seperate the domain name from user name. The Username string is
// not ASCIIZ. Before we search for a '\', make it ASCIIZ w/o trashing
// whatever is there.
User.Buffer = AfpStrChr(pDomainNUser->Buffer, pDomainNUser->Length, '\\');
if (User.Buffer != NULL) { (User.Buffer) ++; // Past the '\'
Domain.Buffer = pDomainNUser->Buffer;
Domain.Length = (USHORT)(User.Buffer - Domain.Buffer - 1); User.Length = pDomainNUser->Length - Domain.Length - 1;
if (Domain.Length > DNLEN) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("afpGetNameAndDomain: domain name too long (%d vs. max %d): rejecting\n", Domain.Length, DNLEN)); return(False); }
Domain.MaximumLength = Domain.Length + 1; pDomainName->MaximumLength = Domain.MaximumLength * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (pDomainName->Buffer == NULL) { if ((pDomainName->Buffer = (PWSTR)AfpAllocNonPagedMemory(pDomainName->MaximumLength)) == NULL) { return False; } fDomainBuffAlloc = TRUE; } AfpConvertStringToUnicode(&Domain, pDomainName); } else User = *pDomainNUser;
if (User.Length > LM20_UNLEN) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_AFPAPI_SRV, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("afpGetNameAndDomain: user name too long (%d vs. max %d): rejecting\n", User.Length,LM20_UNLEN)); return(False); }
User.MaximumLength = User.Length + 1; pUserName->MaximumLength = User.MaximumLength * sizeof(WCHAR);
if ((pUserName->Buffer == NULL) && (pUserName->Buffer = (PWSTR)AfpAllocNonPagedMemory(pUserName->MaximumLength)) == NULL) { if (fDomainBuffAlloc) { AfpFreeMemory(pDomainName->Buffer); pDomainName->Buffer = NULL; } return False; }
AfpConvertStringToUnicode(&User, pUserName);
return True; }