// Copyright (c) 1998 Active Voice Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Active Agent(r) and Unified Communications(tm) are trademarks of Active Voice Corporation.
// Other brand and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
// The entire program and user interface including the structure, sequence, selection,
// and arrangement of the dialog, the exclusively "yes" and "no" choices represented
// by "1" and "2," and each dialog message are protected by copyrights registered in
// the United States and by international treaties.
// Protected by one or more of the following United States patents: 5,070,526, 5,488,650,
// 5,434,906, 5,581,604, 5,533,102, 5,568,540, 5,625,676, 5,651,054.
// Active Voice Corporation
// Seattle, Washington
// USA
// ini.c - Windows ini profile functions
#include "winlocal.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ini.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "trace.h"
// private definitions
#define INI_MAXLINELEN 128
// ini control struct
typedef struct INI { DWORD dwVersion; HINSTANCE hInst; HTASK hTask; HFIL hFile; LPTSTR lpszFilename; DWORD dwFlags; BOOL fReuseLine; TCHAR szSection[INI_MAXLINELEN]; TCHAR szLine[INI_MAXLINELEN]; } INI, FAR *LPINI;
// helper functions
static LPINI IniGetPtr(HINI hIni); static HINI IniGetHandle(LPINI lpIni);
// public functions
// IniOpen - open ini file
// <dwVersion> (i) must be INI_VERSION
// <hInst> (i) instance handle of calling module
// <lpszFilename> (i) name of ini file
// <dwFlags> (i) reserved, must be 0
// return handle (NULL if error)
HINI DLLEXPORT WINAPI IniOpen(DWORD dwVersion, HINSTANCE hInst, LPCTSTR lpszFilename, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPINI lpIni = NULL;
if (dwVersion != INI_VERSION) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else if (hInst == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (lpszFilename == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpIni = (LPINI) MemAlloc(NULL, sizeof(INI), 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { lpIni->dwVersion = dwVersion; lpIni->hInst = hInst; lpIni->hTask = GetCurrentTask(); lpIni->hFile = NULL; lpIni->lpszFilename = StrDup(lpszFilename); lpIni->dwFlags = dwFlags; lpIni->fReuseLine = FALSE; *lpIni->szLine = '\0';
// open the ini file for reading
if ((lpIni->hFile = FileOpen(lpIni->lpszFilename, OF_READ, TRUE)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
if (!fSuccess) { IniClose(IniGetHandle(lpIni)); lpIni = NULL; }
return fSuccess ? IniGetHandle(lpIni) : NULL; }
// IniClose - close ini file
// <hIni> (i) handle returned from IniOpen
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI IniClose(HINI hIni) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPINI lpIni;
if ((lpIni = IniGetPtr(hIni)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { if (lpIni->hFile != NULL && FileClose(lpIni->hFile) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
if (lpIni->lpszFilename != NULL && StrDupFree(lpIni->lpszFilename) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
if ((lpIni = MemFree(NULL, lpIni)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// IniGetInt - read integer value from specified section and entry
// <hIni> (i) handle returned from IniOpen
// <lpszSection> (i) section heading in the ini file
// <lpszEntry> (i) entry whose value is to be retrieved
// <iDefault> (i) return value if entry not found
// return entry value (iDefault if error or not found)
UINT DLLEXPORT WINAPI IniGetInt(HINI hIni, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, int iDefault) { UINT uRet; TCHAR szReturnBuffer[128];
if (IniGetString(hIni, lpszSection, lpszEntry, TEXT(""), szReturnBuffer, SIZEOFARRAY(szReturnBuffer)) > 0) uRet = (UINT) StrAtoL(szReturnBuffer); else uRet = iDefault;
return uRet; }
// IniGetString - read string value from specified section and entry
// <hIni> (i) handle returned from IniOpen
// <lpszSection> (i) section heading in the ini file
// <lpszEntry> (i) entry whose value is to be retrieved
// <lpszDefault> (i) return value if entry not found
// <lpszReturnBuffer> (o) destination buffer
// <sizReturnBuffer> (i) size of destination buffer
// return count of bytes copied (0 if error or not found)
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI IniGetString(HINI hIni, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszDefault, LPTSTR lpszReturnBuffer, int cbReturnBuffer) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPINI lpIni; int nBytesCopied = 0;
if ((lpIni = IniGetPtr(hIni)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (lpszSection == NULL || lpszEntry == NULL || lpszDefault == NULL || lpszReturnBuffer == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else StrNCpy(lpszReturnBuffer, lpszDefault, cbReturnBuffer);
while (fSuccess) { TCHAR szLineSave[INI_MAXLINELEN]; LPTSTR lpsz; long nBytesRead;
// read the next line if necessary
if (!lpIni->fReuseLine && (nBytesRead = FileReadLine(lpIni->hFile, lpIni->szLine, SIZEOFARRAY(lpIni->szLine))) <= 0) { if (nBytesRead == 0) fSuccess = FALSE; // no trace needed for eof
else fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
continue; }
StrCpy(szLineSave, lpIni->szLine); lpIni->fReuseLine = FALSE;
// remove trailing newline char
if (StrGetLastChr(lpIni->szLine) == '\n') StrSetLastChr(lpIni->szLine, '\0');
// check for empty line
if (*lpIni->szLine == '\0' || *lpIni->szLine == ';') continue;
// check for entering new section
if (*lpIni->szLine == '[') { // save section name
StrNCpy(lpIni->szSection, lpIni->szLine + 1, SIZEOFARRAY(lpIni->szSection)); if (StrGetLastChr(lpIni->szSection) == ']') StrSetLastChr(lpIni->szSection, '\0'); continue; }
if (StrICmp(lpszSection, lpIni->szSection) != 0) { // section mismatch
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// we want the next call to this function to reuse this line
StrCpy(lpIni->szLine, szLineSave); lpIni->fReuseLine = TRUE;
continue; }
if ((lpsz = StrChr(lpIni->szLine, '=')) == NULL) { // entry has no equal sign
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); continue; }
*lpsz = '\0';
if (StrICmp(lpszEntry, lpIni->szLine) != 0) { // entry mismatch
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// we want the next call to this function to reuse this line
StrCpy(lpIni->szLine, szLineSave); lpIni->fReuseLine = TRUE;
continue; }
else { // success
StrNCpy(lpszReturnBuffer, lpsz + 1, cbReturnBuffer); break; } }
if (fSuccess) nBytesCopied = StrLen(lpszReturnBuffer);
return fSuccess ? nBytesCopied : 0; }
// GetPrivateProfileLong - retrieve long from specified section of specified file
// <lpszSection> (i) section name within ini file
// <lpszEntry> (i) entry name within section
// <lDefault> (i) return value if entry not found
// <lpszFilename> (i) name of ini file
// return TRUE if success
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI GetPrivateProfileLong(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, long lDefault, LPCTSTR lpszFilename) { long lValue = lDefault; TCHAR szValue[33];
GetPrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, TEXT(""), szValue, SIZEOFARRAY(szValue), lpszFilename);
if (*szValue != '\0') lValue = StrAtoL(szValue);
return lValue; }
// GetProfileLong - retrieve long from specified section of win.ini
// <lpszSection> (i) section name within ini file
// <lpszEntry> (i) entry name within section
// <lDefault> (i) return value if entry not found
// return TRUE if success
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI GetProfileLong(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, long lDefault) { long lValue = lDefault; TCHAR szValue[33];
GetProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, TEXT(""), szValue, SIZEOFARRAY(szValue));
if (*szValue != '\0') lValue = StrAtoL(szValue);
return lValue; }
// WritePrivateProfileInt - write int to specified section of specified file
// <lpszSection> (i) section name within ini file
// <lpszEntry> (i) entry name within section
// <iValue> (i) integer value to assign to entry
// <lpszFilename> (i) name of ini file
// return TRUE if success
BOOL DLLEXPORT WINAPI WritePrivateProfileInt(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, int iValue, LPCTSTR lpszFilename) { TCHAR achValue[17];
StrItoA(iValue, achValue, 10);
return WritePrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, achValue, lpszFilename); }
// WriteProfileInt - write int to specified section of win.ini
// <lpszSection> (i) section name within win.ini file
// <lpszEntry> (i) entry name within section
// <iValue> (i) integer value to assign to entry
// return TRUE if success
BOOL DLLEXPORT WINAPI WriteProfileInt(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, int iValue) { TCHAR achValue[17];
StrItoA(iValue, achValue, 10);
return WriteProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, achValue); }
// WritePrivateProfileLong - write long to specified section of specified file
// <lpszSection> (i) section name within ini file
// <lpszEntry> (i) entry name within section
// <iValue> (i) integer value to assign to entry
// <lpszFilename> (i) name of ini file
// return TRUE if success
BOOL DLLEXPORT WINAPI WritePrivateProfileLong(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, long iValue, LPCTSTR lpszFilename) { TCHAR achValue[33];
StrLtoA(iValue, achValue, 10);
return WritePrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, achValue, lpszFilename); }
// WriteProfileLong - write long to specified section of win.ini
// <lpszSection> (i) section name within win.ini file
// <lpszEntry> (i) entry name within section
// <iValue> (i) integer value to assign to entry
// return TRUE if success
BOOL DLLEXPORT WINAPI WriteProfileLong(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, long iValue) { TCHAR achValue[33];
StrLtoA(iValue, achValue, 10);
return WriteProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, achValue); }
// UpdatePrivateProfileSection - update destination section based on source
// <lpszSection> (i) section name within ini file
// <lpszFileNameSrc> (i) name of source ini file
// <lpszFileNameDst> (i) name of destination ini file
// return 0 if success
// NOTE: if the source file has UpdateLocal=1 entry in the specified
// section, each entry in the source file is compared to the corresponding
// entry in the destination file. If no corresponding entry is found,
// it is copied. If a corresponding entry is found, it is overwritten
// ONLY IF the source file entry name is all uppercase.
// Src Dst before Dst after
// [Section] [Section] [Section]
// UpdateLocal=1
// EntryA=red none EntryA=red
// EntryB=blue EntryB=white EntryB=white
// ENTRYC=blue EntryC=white EntryC=blue
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI UpdatePrivateProfileSection(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszFileNameSrc, LPCTSTR lpszFileNameDst) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; BOOL fUpdateLocal = GetPrivateProfileInt(lpszSection, TEXT("UpdateLocal"), FALSE, lpszFileNameSrc); LPTSTR lpszBuf = NULL;
if (fUpdateLocal) { if ((lpszBuf = (LPTSTR) MemAlloc(NULL, 4096 * sizeof(TCHAR), 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
// copy entire source section to buffer
else if (GetPrivateProfileString(lpszSection, NULL, TEXT(""), lpszBuf, 4096, lpszFileNameSrc) <= 0) fSuccess = FALSE;
else { LPTSTR lpszEntry; for (lpszEntry = lpszBuf; lpszEntry != NULL && *lpszEntry != '\0'; lpszEntry = StrNextChr(lpszEntry)) { TCHAR szValueSrc[128]; TCHAR szValueDst[2]; BOOL fForceUpdate = TRUE; LPTSTR lpsz;
if (StrICmp(lpszEntry, TEXT("UpdateLocal")) != 0) { for (lpsz = lpszEntry; *lpsz != '\0'; lpsz = StrNextChr(lpsz)) { if (*lpsz != ChrToUpper(*lpsz)) { fForceUpdate = FALSE; break; } }
GetPrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, TEXT(""), szValueDst, SIZEOFARRAY(szValueDst), lpszFileNameDst);
if (*szValueDst == '\0' || fForceUpdate) { GetPrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, TEXT(""), szValueSrc, SIZEOFARRAY(szValueSrc), lpszFileNameSrc);
WritePrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, StrCmp(szValueSrc, TEXT("NULL")) == 0 ? (LPTSTR) NULL : szValueSrc, lpszFileNameDst); } }
lpszEntry = StrChr(lpszEntry, '\0'); } }
if (lpszBuf != NULL && (lpszBuf = MemFree(NULL, lpszBuf)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// helper functions
// IniGetPtr - verify that ini handle is valid,
// <hIni> (i) handle returned from IniOpen
// return corresponding ini pointer (NULL if error)
static LPINI IniGetPtr(HINI hIni) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPINI lpIni;
if ((lpIni = (LPINI) hIni) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (IsBadWritePtr(lpIni, sizeof(INI))) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// make sure current task owns the ini handle
else if (lpIni->hTask != GetCurrentTask()) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); #endif
return fSuccess ? lpIni : NULL; }
// IniGetHandle - verify that ini pointer is valid,
// <lpIni> (i) pointer to INI struct
// return corresponding ini handle (NULL if error)
static HINI IniGetHandle(LPINI lpIni) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HINI hIni;
if ((hIni = (HINI) lpIni) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? hIni : NULL; }